The Wingham Times, 1898-12-30, Page 7<4, 4 1 \S c4 r 144b DECEMBER 30 '1898 r . 1/ Y0 0 4 . • • • • 0 004X01},..*.5.0 • r salol. speoking viOntst. wit :1 tii ;sty; itit- 'i.r. ‘sprr. ; 441 thrt.W 411111 to the n11+119(1, n you to in('. yeti sa.'41 soot/thine. to xne. mei 7 11 n't toometiber ivliat c!.,e. 11%1' l !MVP fa ie /fin her 11 Cal oith a. rrea:;. Je moved with SIOW $t('1(( to the g'.•..!d "Enslave," he slid in tones of croute motile, "my frienii-forsrive not. Geil Ot;se Ito vi merey! I Waft nuol-nind with %viol's. yonic,mi me sn 1,:tt erly- but I Nvtitild give all taint I hold dear to to thy., from soil1 hIp agnin, for NP., then sou would live; row" --he rose os., slowly. still gazing at the dead m.tit, "No, you will never speak :Wallis -Yon are diniasoand I have killed your -Ale sr"`.1 *** • a ,.•• eN• \ is, es its. ss • /04 <40. 100 k" • ..".14 ..*::',1•*:,!'" 1. w , • • 01114,3..n * * * * * * * BY MRS. MARY E. HOLMES- Author or "A W.:rnan's Lave," "The Wife's $ecret," "A Heartless Vernal,,' '"Her Fatal Sin," "A. Wife's Peril," "A Desperate Woman." 0 an ‹ y• ++:,..%,/ +14 jr•tie „qr. . ••:‘, e:14: fr:•8 001 90/ ..S• &Of. 4/Vi ilrC• '07`94)..ifti CH A T"FIelt I. Alice! Alieo! Alice! The shrill tontro reontuded through the ('hill evening air. Tiley reached van QUIN of n girl reading, vitriol up in a ,C(/1•11cr of it doss tried old barn. At the anory toneo, she closed her bouk with a sigh, and rising slowly. anode her wny to the step -ladder that led room the itorn to the yard. O A wonrin -'1$1/11111.:1, With "Where hove • you been, idle vagrant that you aro!" she cried loudly, as the girl erept down the ladder. "In the barn," Aliee answered. "In the barn, indeed! I'll have that •door 10,,kea--that I will, or else P11 know the 'estem why. 1)o you think l've . got noticing to do but keep you in fend sold drink -to let you idle your days •throitot as you I•ike? It you do, you'or -anlotoken finely, I can tell you." Alice stood silent as the angry wo- 'omen scohltol on; her small hands WPC(' . cloned tightly traveller, a mute end: '22 1124 on her pale face. "What (if) you went .eskeil ,at hist. The woman censed. Never before lo 'her resnembranee had Alice taken her -scolding .so stnie•ily. "(let nu your hat. anti carry MC this 'basket up to :Sirs. (how at the Cast1-...;iit -ought to have been there this hour vast." "To the Castle," faltered Aline shrinking back, "to -night? Oh, 'mint. liorthol" "What, are soil frightened?" said 3Iro. Martha lirowti with an nasty laugh. "Whitt are you fit for, .Aliee? Your head's just. stuffed with all the 31(a5411SC you can get out of books. or with you! 1Ittre's the basket." "It is so dark," uniroeired the girl, lett:log hint great toes wander from the o•aril to the deserted conistry lane, "nod then there's '511olviait's Drift' to peso." "Well, wbat 40 1 ?" asked the other, f astcning down the basket -lid vigorous- ly. "A plocc where a madman put :221 -end to his life. Deucl men do no harm, You poor fool!" Al:co shimilereil, but there was no sign or 1.,s1tes- in her aunt's faee. .."Givo ore the booket." she snia. Bird- !.'ilenly. "Any raosssge?" unless; you ask Mrs. Grey when she wnnto the 1t0e:1 lot of eggs. ),l) -2V 'don't stay long; there's the boy's supper •*.to get, 111111 I'm worked to death." Alive turned away without a word, Zito pulled her thin (-Otto)) jaeket .elose Tenni' her sintple young figure, for the „taut mon n'obt otrnek thiilIy, and stepped into the lane. . Igor n -tolls wore n tongleft moos as *the bi1":.1.ed plow:: anger and we:trim-so iosirit, hor •••' turiell to her tient, tutOr wit so erto 111.(1 lived ever -sine,. she 011s1 mi•Inistr; disappoOtt- snent at. leavioo Ole beautiful story in her book, :old frioht of the (look, heels- xmtl) whieh grew greater at every step ohe feels. "Clio if Stim were only here!" she said 'to IlPrso:r harried on, not darhes to glanee 10 Ile, rOsht or the left for fens! of eyeing r1123 • tool forms her vivid lin- sgiuntion supplied. Sent wits one of the farnohelps. ruder any other circumstanees Alice shiumod him, bet 11012' 14h0 W011id. have "weletnued him with sole 1 noms." She left the lane, fl2iJ approached fill -open waste of Ined. It was the branded Mnaman's Drift. A sudden brook in the road at one side, show.ed. 11 steep incline and ellosni, shorn which the unfortunate man who glIVp 1115 moue to the spot had sought his death. o rept- towards the dreaded place, d•011iveo'sag with four. • Although gown out of her ehilahnoil, St -:11 lived in a world of fairies, evil spirits. nod phnotratis. Ast she Stith. throes% the desk, with her p face roping bentooh tow 'moss. of !stilled ionls, 18'l' satol• 11.1.1 1 clitteitilos 1Se. issoket no its for 2431 she helot:a 11! 14'"'t 32 112 .y hot •i '• -a steam:it frail 'dower to helloes to ssi 811(1 eontrion a wetoan as the fatstoo'o wit'e ol:e 4 :in(Sil All Voe village girls reg.:tided this I tile, sh r ('4 s''.'!4 toe wit 12 (slot)lope oso. syso w117. le and is s r.I (Adm.. ?tool le •111:Oe busion charms -tit On- 1101111,:t! 111(toi:e. • Alice 'lei de,' not their (o)lIit-moo Kes Strould have born happy with het 's le• ea hteks. hat she had 11 hard life--; srlists ;, sess'OliorA from Martha. Tirowo, horn the hos old maills alrei• lion, for her strange quiet 011.1 Ile:Ivy word: fix her yinong bonds, e hi, h the tistoo often in her (1011 1'1 stye; mid a sob from her lovely ..t. Wilvo 2111124 01'01' a 181 004 411C11(• 111 •+1. 11110 Otruell 4m8 bookA, and suer i11,11,1 •41-114121,41 0, 11.11 weird stories of hoi jaml eitivaly that pleasod and She ('rept past the Madman's Drift *With shaded eyes, and gave & ids of me for?" she • .• glailuess when she Yens once safe away from it. Ilex arias aehea, her limbs 11" '38121"(1 with her exeiternent and exertion, 411ta1 her stops grew slower as slit entered the wood whish 1o1 to the totek, or. the east to. smidenly, as her heart was erov. %to more settled, it gaVe 1/111. 1(.11)/ 1111 Illtattit:1ue CilliViled 11(.1" basket, stag- geritil le a tree, and then waited mei list most, '1'1&' loiltiti thltntp, thunip, of lo 4. Iwirt W115 the only sound in her ears et first; then (sum. nowt. terrible °m.o.-multi-a groans and confused noises, then just before her sho saw two men. on.. 1111»)» 1101 faint enitts, while the other's tirmo seemwound round him, grasping 111121 till I. sank to the ground and lay mot ionless. Alloy. leaning against it tree, 51I22' ail this, yet it seemed to her like a 11124 dream; site wos celd and siek almoot to death, Tier basket. slipped from Iter arm. -she had no power to stop it -and 1411 with a ('rash, causing the man who Ira st. ()Aping over tate body to start, utter a leuil C`I1150, then striae 'towards her. She 11181 only time to Nitta' n fleeting glimpse of 12 dark face, watt cruel eyes, hat witn linger. 13 torn collar. nnd marks of Metal on his (heel:, to hoar his low 1-s11,rie1.I .wordo, 'Agirl, by all that's ex- tstrable!" and she lost all remembrance, her eyes Molted, her head dropped, and F11,‘ fell into his Arms in a swoon. "Goof'," muttered the num as plat- , ca her gently on the ground; "she will ioloW nothing, as for you, poor foal," 11() 21132 1810k to the prostrate form of the man, "yen have stowed my purpose --ovvolige for whieh 1 have waited so boo: has (sane nt last. Ali, you 111030." • Ile bent over the 1111111 nna listened to the moneyed words from between Oho rale lirs. "Irhisoiec-seivcoome-your hand; T-- : 410 not 1,:112 'e 1-.11 will net thke--1117 1Vhat--she •,s false -you sow- • sou blaelolicsirtea senenarel -,--riotc that! (4ctiol Goal -110 is cletid! hhtstave-speak to me -speak --110 is (lend -I -have murdered him." • The listener rose; there was 32 carious ligrot ito his face. . " \Viotti" he whispered to 1118180111 "he tio'nks it waS his hand, Could anything 141 tor? Tie does not even reinvanber me. Stay, let me think -this is delirium; ri may pass when he wakes to his seasirs, I must impress this belief on itis•broin by stronger evidence. The ell el«:s not move. Good -in one moment' mere." fie glanced strum( tool stole through ibt. hedge. In a few seemols. a curious sound might have reached the ears of . the two slent forms, bat they were ilizn. 11111.11 emerged agath. he was drag - giro something with ilifficulty; it was 11 11,.<%C, the misty light of the meon same (01 11 dead faee-on a limp inanimate 1' 1r121. "Now," muttm•ed the worker, "now all is complete. Eustftse Itivers is dead --(lead by the howl of his friend Itoy Davrell; there is evideneo enonsh t.o olomn an angel, 1%11(h he will att. for it. Now I must be gone; he mores 0.11)1 the girl will itionken. 11, Brase 1,1ordynr, your revenge is eianplste." lie stole gently away, and gradually 1110 futon of the man he had called Roy I/as-roll moved from the groutul, with tonublitog hands he raised lest weak broly to a. kneeling pogtion, then let his eyes, dazed synth faintness and horror, we -der sonnd. They rested on the figure of Alice with wonder and scarce cotonrelien.slon; then they moved slowly on ti'! they rest- ed on ;he dead man, and with a shod - O14' of 11.2.rror he eovered his tette with 1-18 hands 112111 gosoined tilitud. • "It is no dream; it is the horrible 4111'o! ('11. HIIRCIICE.< my ftoend my ..21• broSher, dotal, and by toy herd!" hoolse whisper fell (01 Alice's <1'•S 311-!11. was reeovering. Slot Tollitta herself to rite by the. aid ef rho tree. Amu learned pains!it, rola !esti wook, to try nod • loetket loy ott her feet. het, •/. yet to he Ysito• in a hideous 1:' ••• ...I.. till lotti,itot. roottel, 11,1' ('SOS fl • 011 the I:reeling man ood the dead lt. ;ay. ('r'ed n faint shriek, orol in 4121- .'1 • eo.ntent Ray I ell 1112; SI Sad" ;1.7 11r,r,..o her, glaring !tote her faeo. tire you?" he issOeil, hoarsely. "N-lt se do you come from? Answer at oleo"' "T :on Alter. Porrititti," 12;) 071151 rallosr 31' '140 the girl. "Oh, do not hurt • •1. 1 Watl (.11 1113 1- V.: 11) 112 1'41,;'10 1- +1 --32 01111t, W111+11, Iter voice fti'O. • • 7 • -.14114,11 Attr lint •• ." .:?" he ettelood •,.1 1111111137. 'to ithl know the toith. " nooneut 33iiit•'- ;1o. •••et .e. thr Ids mind. 11".•!.. 1r•r1 mi•. -ht have Nr: 7 til(. fatal Mom- hand too't the life o1' his 11.1ctnee. 1411e mrght have sera that phantom third form that banntod 114 memory. saw you struggling nith that man." thew back and lenned tagaingt 'a tree, then started eoddenly-"a they will n he -- A • Cthildren Ory for CASTOR i& far Frting Carraige Horses for. Market. It is not a rare thing for, tne lealer t'y get mire money out /or horse than the nian olio bred* mid raised him to niarketable oat' has received. Snell instances arc quite oiler, held up by the farriter,„; !many ind willing advisers to shotiq, the farmer who bred the Imriij failed to get—an because lie (tL(iX1'tf go on and tic. Win for the city buy r. We have little patience with th people o ean always see wi re the me1, has ruksed it in inst. nces of kind. They rarely I4noW any )g about the business f fitting rses for the city market. ave no idea of the time, t pa'ielleY c, money and skill required. They do not bee the five or ma o h Nes that are bought and tried .nd found wanting fur every one t e dealers succeeds in making into i real good one. They do not know that all this is simply impossible for the farmer, even though he were cap able of doing it, in which case he would have no business. farming. him murmur from time to time: "Murder! Thirrell hanged for 111111,- 11011 Oh. that I eould have died before 1 brought this shame on your head, mother! For me life henceforth will be death, too there is blood on my hands, hut for yen, mother, it is different, aud there is no eseape." glaneed round hi the agony of tils mita And a sudden thought smiled oto tome to him; be moved to her so rap011y that Alice shrank baek, "Do not shrink from me," he muttered eesslonately; "hut speak to me. Let (11<" 11131)22' the worst at once. Si`ere you :done when -when -death tome to him, or---wete there others with you?" "I was atone." "You S21,'4'1111 it ?" "I mu -ear it," Alice said, meeting his eS'es brovely; "few peoplo would come this way by night." she adaea softly, II:oche:I by the 1131801T in his face. "llacy fear the path too much." "But yen?" "1 was sent messtage to the brus.kt•,.ener at the Castle." " WI: 111 they know oim are coming?" Alice shook her head. "I think not." Roy Dal -toll stsed inoutosib'e. his foee bleselea with the Mordent of hs sorrow. Cold persplratien Welded (boon 1''8 ha 32221,1 cososors. Wao-thieg him thno, the memory of that (Other feet. thot 11(+C•ro Ettore herr just as she fainted came to Alice. she .snia almost irt.r.lo71(i1 i-t11t, 1 rn '1111'11(g]. "What do you mean'?" he gasped hur- riedly. A' ray of 111001111011+ touched him glinting Ws worm brown hair and gold- en nionstathe. "You looked so anti: before," the glad tosOl slowly; "and -yes. 1 tun sore of it, thorn oom blood en your cheek; Yon have no:1.e 11011^." 11,y grasped her lumd. -- "Goa bleso you!" he murmured faint- ly; "whoever you are, you have el(}M MC the greatest blesoe.ng 8. humnn crea- ture ran do for atiother-)'32l2 have taken a lend froin my heart a weight of dead- ly pain from my head. I was right, there wag another. hut how did he come? Wbore is he non'? Te11 me agnin,"he eliea. turning to her swiftly, "it ons not my faee you Saltr." Alice Tooke.] at him steadftiotly; she seat; growing faint and ill with the hor- ror of the scene, but she forced herself to speak. "It was not you," she allStVered with a shudder of remembrance; was a finrk, erne' fare, with eyes that looked like a beast's, and blood on his cheek. I can see hint piniely ntrw." Roy released her hand, and cove:ea his fare With oWn. "W -hilt enn I do? Ile is ;Mae. and attest bear the penalty of this crime.. They know we left the ('ns -tie together; they will find his bodo; they will bring 1:1( meraer home to me, arta she will 1IW,-111. Me to death!" Alice started, and pressed her small celd fin:tell; on her het rt. me?" she "What they do to wh'operea. . "9"o you, child? Nol:t1:11g; but your ol will go ngainst me. There is moll:lig to oave me. I •41a11 die a dis- dieftomored mau!" "Div!" cried the girl, "Oh. no. no. Yon must not. They will not an this, 22'`11 12111 611+Pak." "They Will Maki, yt;11. Yonr 1' 111924114 know of your calk through the wood. You must spunk." "But," murmured Alice, white with horror -poor ebild! her strength seemed cos- going --"hat that other; I will +ell (11 11(111.'' "It will he usekss. 'Where Is he? No; he," pointing 420 the still, (lend foon, nod sInking his yoke to 11 whisopr-lie ood 1 were friends. We had quarrel'ell. eryone knew there was a v141110:18 'between us. Yen Fa W 32 stylus:le. TIO 1.3.S 11111.1411.1.0(1. 1 small be convieted." Antos sank back agni 0: a tree. She had no thought, n rememisranoe 11 nuoht but the horn, ntraenO. The faint sound of clook striking roused her. "It is getting late," inf; at Wm, standing "It I do not go, they trla. Ob. what he Said, Matti.32' 4 molten heed. 11 sed to look do? 1)o not other's mine. What distress and anguish come to the mother when her little one wakes up at night with a nasty croupy cough. Wise mothers always keep on hand a bottle of Pr.. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It's so pleasant to the taste the youngsters take it without any fuss, and at the same tine its promptness and effectiveness are such that the cough is checked before anything serious develops. From one end of the Dominion to the other people are praising Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as the best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and all t.ung Affections. WoodYs Norway P1E33 Syrup). 25c. at allodruggis . —Loos— WING:HAM A"i7""i, w LL i cik• MON, Prop*. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Lath, Shingles, . Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs Also a largo quantity of dry hard wood for sale. delivered . Telephone orders promptly at- tended to. AfIcLEAN & SON 11''?' kis deitE,, 4 L. haw1 secured the st:Trices of din -0. fildt-elass coat makers, -an are in a posi- :Cote orders in ke manner. on ,,,st notice. . tntl lit goes for a combilied in i.hei Nil these days--- nev rnces lion to workn the s cr. el( bste-r PROOF FROM Port Hope, Ont. mr.W. A. Russel, the Popular Ws. Wet Agent for the SingcrSewing Machine Company, Proves that Doan's Kidney Pills Cure Kidney His. This is his statement : " I suffered for five or six years with pains across sny back, headaches, dizziness, and kindred kidney troubles. I got very bad, and when driving would • often have to stop the horse, as tlapains were so severe that I could not stand thorn. I tried a great' many medicines'but they did me no good. I then got Doan's Kidney Pills at Watson's drug store, took thorn for ono month, and inn completely cured. I regard the pare as a remarkable testi- mony to the virtues of Doan's Pills, and am only too glad to recommend them' to all sufferers from kidney trouble in any form." Doan's Kidney Pills are a never -foiling remedy for tiright's Disease„ Diabetes, Drop- sy, Backache and Weak Pack, Gravel, Sedi- ment in the Urine. and all Urinary troubles of children or adults. Price 3Ge. a box, 3 for S2•25. a!j druggists. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Remember the name-Doan's- and refuse all others. lop AD BLOO You can't 'be healthy if blockl is impure or wat poison is circulating.throug arteries instead of rich,,p giving blood. If you feel drowsy, 1 m4'— are constipated, lava pi pies blotches breaking oat mr the remedy for you is Boyd Blood Bitters. "I have been using B.B.B., also my brother and sister-in-law, and we find At a most reliable and efficacious blood purifier, and most cordially recommend it. We purchased it froU 3. R. Ault & Sons of this town." MISS C, M. WAT- SON, Aultsville, Ont. B.B.B. is a highly 4oncentrated blood purifying veget le remedy, —only i teaspoonful t a dose,— you add the water you soh'. _sr 4.) HE ISA WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING AT THE CiaT ITME [' Ri1S E •""illi.140(1ZJ.Y0S.1.41114.4.CCI01.7i1 The right time to do th right thing is 'NOW, and vertising space in 7...,,mtniatto useiressii ors te.t..71 7,47072 sott • will help to keep your bu- moving. With the good c will circulate fr' nd Wint' mess Ops IllOpey et5t thiS 41, , and, noiadv;.ii•tis,_ should fail to ..7.egin now and attract the attention of-fgos- pective b%ers to his store and. what it contains. , IN THE • ONE GIVES P.13ZAER end for ••• 000/.0 Medicine until you have tried tos I f• ti?yzkii,,, Er< s •••••" ‘4, Nitk:itt.0 144 44"6: • , "shoo •>' 31(7)4 icto ;!.....)011.13.‘tck You can buy them in the paper 5 -cant cartons Ten Tabules for IzTve 51,1 tort is p32151) cheaply to gsarler the ttatores1 present denst.nd tots pries. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Ta t therue- ;a) Send Five Cents to Tun RIPANS CI1111111t2e Siprute St., New York, and they will be t..; ! 1. 11 C.111.111111 14 be mailed for 48 cents. 'L'; that Itipus Tabules are the very Int*:. 1