The Wingham Times, 1898-12-30, Page 3y�. Nl• Ikthe TIMES, DECEMBER 30, tbvti. sem....gy..rw.wwf+.•.IR.w+w•we+u!}..•,.•,n ... .. wwnr.,ru:l+•w iwK. -, .__!.n,.N._.rM'. '..`.•M'M1'MfilrrW.�..+,•c:,-: • Literary Notes, hast 4"..b '' in d •C.I. T._.__.. Erysipelas and impure Blood Wero going Their iJeru.liy Work. Paine';; Colery Com- pound Gives Mrs. G Alar ; .e ° t:a New Leas 7) of Life. • Exposure tot old, indigestion and dye pepsin, debility, impure alut.d, rundown isystea, living :u badly ventilated rooms and poor surrot.ndiu;; hygienic condi- ti.,ns, ate all' (louses at erysipetat. It . will afford comtum t ).o tuuueatuua to know �hsit, with ortliuury care ttuu the use of Paine'e Celery Luaipounti, the ucuuy tsfiangers of erysit elite can be entirely avoided When any of the symptoms above aro noted, promptnt+es in the use of Paine's Celery t,ouipuuud w 111 quickly banish all dam.sere. ,If,- unfortunately, you ere subject to the disease aril Lave not used •Dr. Ylielp's greatpres. riptlon, we say, with as oeetre for your ttrlfure, give .Paint's Celery Compound au instant trityl, bo %bat you may be able to fully judge of its worth. Hire. John Gallagher, tt arbleton, P.Q., tone of the Many saved from Beeth uy "'nine's Celery Couapound, writes as fulliws : • "In the winter of 1897 I had a severe attach of erysipelas. At the same bine may blood WWI bat Of order, 1 Was now-: jpletely rubdown stud et) weak that, 1 could nob stand alone. 1 commenced at once to use ) uur 1'aiue's Celery Uom- jpoiund, and after tarring live bottles I VALE, greatly :leuetiteil, unit seemed to take nary ease ut lite. 3. know frotn experi tonne ti.at 1'aiue'e ,Clelery CowpOund is Iposseused of ail the merits claimed tor it, and 1 will recututueud it to ail suffer- ing 1 runt erysipelas, headinelte or stumu(lh true bits. l ul;o unLsider Paine'sOelery Loaf potted ties eromeetof all blond purl - if late. I seep Bowe of the Compound at a411 tiu:eb in a.y house, :mil use+ it as a iliauttly ti.ediulue," Don't. Don't employ evil means and ex- pect restlltti, Don't ride fy thin horse bareback M you ertj•ry oumfort. Deii't keep a good movement on land. Pat ;ton foot immediately. Don't shirk duty fur pleasure. Do your duty and pleasure will follow. Don't think because a diamond las been in soak that itis of .the first ;)nater. Don't get the idea into your head ftbat matrimony and poker are ag;ra- vated evilu- en Ory f- ie e Don't wait until the last minute :ai)d try to enter heaven on the strength of your epitath. Don't refuse to marry a girl be- f reaause sl'e is unable to cook. She allay have ulouey enough to pay tout• boa rd.—Chic:lgo News. The J:11)11tt1'y men ber of The Delineator its called the Huticy8y Nurnt:er• .!rid heralitl:s the >11tigaZlne'ti twenty-.eventll \'e:Jr of existence ata the most accurate and 0(1111p101,1 index of the requirements of f.tsliton and medium of lieuselited and social information. The high literary t:h:t „meter of the piiblicati' n ie. typified in this issue by as number of features of marked excellence, The Inst of a series of six p:atlers on The Develop- ment of a Boy, by Nies, Alice ,Me✓ nell, treats in a delightful wiry of early evateulee ui coast tuuaneib Au I'lxtreerdinary Lega6, by Anna Robeson Brown, arid A, 13aohelor of Arca, by Jeanie Drake, two clever short stories; have a charming holt day flavor. College News, a new department conducted by Carolyn Halstead (Vassar) contains a compre- hensive description of Winter Pas times at the Women's Colleges. A new series of Kindergarten papers, by Sara Miller Kirby is begun in this number, the introductory article consisting of suggestions net Homo Work and Play in January. The chapter on The Cultivation of the Voice, by Eleanor Georgen, deals with flexibility of tone. In the series of Photography for Amateurs, „herlott M. hall presents•formulas; a knowledge of which is essential to the best work. A Watch -Night En• tertaintnent, by Greet) Gallatin Thompson, will provide materiel for a unique house party. Club Women and Club Life, by Helen, M Win- slow, dealing principally with State matters, and the chatty Girls' Inter ests and Oeeuaants, by Lafayette 1"leLaws, will be turned to with the usual attention. The Household '.topica—Linen : Its Care ane Pre. servation, Some Scotch Dishes, and Delicious Small Cakes with the matters discussed in the correspond ence of the department, form a group of subjects of particular home inter est. .The article nn Church Bannet•s by Emma Haywood, and tilose on the Holiday Dispha,s and IIoliday Books, art: as valuable as timely ; and the regular department—Sncial Observan005, The Dressmaker, Mill i3lery, Lace -Making, Crocheting, Tatting, Knitting, etc., are of the usual high order of merit. Order from the local egent for the 13utteriek Patterns, or address The Delineator Pablishing Co., of Toren - to, Llruited, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto, nut. 1'tiaao a New Man. "1 mast say Lava•Liver. Pills mule a new man cf me. I was troubled with Indigestion, Fluttering of the 1leart and pain in the small of the Back, and after taking the Laxa-Liver Poly for about three weeks they cured bite." Melville Miller, Benstort P. 0., Ont. Dr. Spence, of .Fordwich, has returned home from New York, where he had been spending about seven weeks in atteadanee at the Post Grtc1ua*e Hospital. �I•iE F IN 10 11/1 MUTES leery sufferer front catarrh who read.; these lines y 11 find in them a m •ssa;c of hope, No nuttier how severely be Sony he afilicttvl, no :natter hots many so. called acme:lien he may have tried, tie matter how tna:ty pflc:,icia:is have experi- mented inion hint in vain, no mutter how eonrpl:•tely la may hat r. tic sp tired of ever ridding hinrw•a' of his dis3usting and theirs.. ing malady -1w cin be t m cal I 11310111 eds upon hundreds of rase; uv httl a , hi , have 1:3(31 fully and 1;oral; c:a:Gy IsItIIa:L ro I.rR s Dorn w T1r. �Glt yr � cuter! b Y This wonderful remedy bees•„ fail; if taken h(Gtre ;:+ttut•h Imo; ort,) other necessarily ssarily fatal 1134.4 144 s. Don't put it we-- go et nese to you t:ruegi-t alai :pit Rt battle. It aid relict« t, ;t ism to urn,ne.•.t still lilac yott an till! 1%4.t to fuel recovery immediately. Ittmaes ec:.I.•1the 11.0d, sire, threat, tor: 'flitk, tetthtn,t, h,ty levee k, ': c.f swill and tivafn, • . 11.•tt: i'; ,::m it,tcte:,t;rr;1. tl. r fts:l;t the k. s•. Jame., Nlarrio44 , c•f 1l.uri.a,ni ;, 1:1. "Whoa 1 know ao:3dripi; f.• ,..;.iter of err nits n.l.),i.c., I rnr•�fdr1 it t•ty Bn• _ to t t yy , 1.: v•e,.c r 1 .RL tt cult r A• to tt'• i. ,) 1 1 1 3 . $a i t ,v L.pt )t Ilii , 4t f r, a1,3 un t.,•,v , notl,lt t(]}• *rim t 14 rot,er Bio ar 1;, r. •.louden••. It t crttniuh mi::,c'it:.l in 13,1 c )1: t, tit lit! i '1 l' ' 1una1 , ." t tv1,h:a cw3lninrtt ., I t3nutt 11.,3 1+.• tt.ith, of .t is 1111.11..t.t $.,;,• e, if it u •i a tuts, t:. a ail ar✓: , ii , •c cele 1 LL:3„y •::etc, &Inuctin,tattia." At Mt .111 0::,43. Ise, 4,!nt t Cu' for thrlit v.., lv t tui: r.tt 1. lh'. n.'3.li W'4 1.i@t r 1 di• • d.'.3, , 1 •t• 1 r, S , <.. t).ttttnort t•. 11 v, its an.•, r,.. tcal.i,. t• .nlrll:..itt.h,. i ti)•. • .1..:1, 5; 10 t' 9e :Tre a .L.41 1'r tl PAID TC- DEP., TI[oienI II«': WON I1'. 1[T atlf:il'r . i Wi•:Lt1 "It is the li;ti', t3%1k trt:lt I ever 1 paid :t hot 1 won,'c 341i'1 witnitII, "alai it will b;; the foie tient% "uly wife anti I agree on eves y thing but p,lii;+c3. I lust a sr•ttuoch 'supporter of nay part‘', and nip wits: ill al`)vaye ready to Uphold here. '6We always have several waren arriuments'bel'ore an election, and I dread to see one drawing nigh, as it is sure to cause bitd feelings and end ii1 ray beteg veiled a heartless brute because 1 stand up tor my owu party. ' tillortly before the last election we were in the midst of ore of our arguments when my wife dared inc to make a wager on the OlutCOrile. I was not .anxious to bet, bat she badgered me so much that finally I told her what 1 would do. I knew that her party didn't stand the ghost of a show, eel told her that if her party was suecossful I would buy her one of the finest gowns to be had in the city. That seemed to satisfy her, and we agreed to drop politics and talk of something else. "Well, the election went just as I expected it would, and I got a certain amount of satisfaction from watching the look of indignation on my wife's, face as she read the re- turns. "I waited three days before I thought it safe to laugh over my promise, and when I did my wife calmly reached in her workbasket and handed we a bill. "It was a bill for the gown that 1 had promised her in case her party was successful. Sha had felt so sure that her party was going to win that she had ordered the gown be- forehand; so she would' have it to wear at swell affair soon to come off. For Over Pifte. Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing, Syrup has been used for over'itty years by millions of mothers for their ohildren while teeth• ing, lvith perfect success. It soothes the child, auftitna the gums, allays all pain, enrols wind colic. and is fhb best remedy for diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by drulgisls in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is invaluable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup, and taste no other kind. Washington's Rules. One of George Washington's early copy books contains a list of a hand red and ten "Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in company and Conversation." Isere •are a few of them : "Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. "When you meet with one of great• er quality than yourself, stop and' re tire, especially if it be 'at a door or any strait place., to give way for him to pass. "They that are in dignity or in of- fice have in•all places precedency; but whilst they are young, they ought to respect those that are their equals in bu•3h or other qualities, though they have no public charge, "Strive not with your superiors in i argument, but always submit your judgement to others modesty. "Be not hasty to believe flying re- ports to the dispargement of any. "Take all admonitions thankfully in what time or place convenient to let him know it that gave then. and eurious watches exhibited, where "Think before you speak, pro- the progress of the art of watehnlatit- nounee not imperfectly, nor' bring ing could be studied from its first be out your words too hastily, but or- ginings in the fifteenth century to the derly and distinctly. present day. Comparison between "Speak not evil of the absent, for the earliest and the latest produets of it is unjust. the art brings out the enormous pro "Make no show of taking great gress made in this, as in every other delight in your victuals ; feed not industry. There were shown, along. with greediness ; cut your bread with side of each other, the first known a knife; lean not on the table; neith- specimen of a watch. constructed by er find fault with what you eat. the young Nubremberg locksmith, "Be not angry at table whatever Peter' Iienlein, called for short I-lele, happens, and if you have reason to and the amplest ever made, recently do so, show it not ; put on a cheer- completed in a Swiss factory. Ileie fol countenance, especially if there was the first to employ a spring in a be strangers, for good humor makes, watch, all the parts of which h.' one dish of meat a feast. made of steel or of iron. Tile face "Let not recreations be manful,: of the watch is about a quarter of an not sinfal. i inch in diameter, and it would take "Labour to keep alive in your about lUO+of these m wtehes to weigh n breast that littlespark of celestial a pound. yet the price is in no pro - tire called eon IXCTtVI:So%u Po? •'T f I-aiste ri: Ct�``r•.i.•�t�,2.a:r�+r�' .*:i ,., k• ... L. R•�I tNe is the beginning of Protracted hunger means starvation, and starvation means death. When the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots. What's the ,:latter with your hair? It gets dry,,harsh, brittle, dull of color, the ends split. You wash it and brush it, but it still comes out.It's hungry! If washing and brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a 'horse's keep would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath. That is why rove ts es o it supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and the hair grows. It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secret ons of the fol- licles that the coloring. matter is renewed and fading hair regains its natural color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy. Men and Wain C11 whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of friends, admit that they owe it to Ayer's Hair Vigor. °t Last winter I discovered a bald spot on my head as large as a silver dollar. A few ap- plications of Ayer's flair Vigor started a healthy growth of hair, and in a short time the disappearance of the bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to myself." A. M. ALLEN, No. 3i t6 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. "I have used your hair Vigor for a great many years and ltnow of nothin r egtiai to it ns a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction among my customers who speak Uglily in its praise." A. E. FIELDS, Barber, No. 45 Princess St., Kingston, 0. u I art sixty-nine years old and have used Arer's Mir Vigor for fifteen years to prevent my hair from turning gray. It is an excellent preparation for that purpose and I shall always use it." JOILN HECI-ITMAN, Osseo, Minn. "1 find Ayer's ITair Vigor to be indispensable. My hair fell out for five years, but a feta applications of the Vigor stopped it. It gave the hair a beautiful glossy appearance, and l also found that it did not affect curling or crimping." M. E. SNYDER, Brantford, Ont. .Sl rassT.cl•••..•,'^^••:L:.ruolcwe�`aei4s,u+�Pn9's4L-.^/l,vrnrvxc�•�xar�ly�:gnser(t�.rrt :IMST, 54 j3$, AMORI 'iz.Tw. Wonderful Watches. • A letter has been received at the board of trade reams, Toronto, from During the recent WVatcbmaker's a firth at Capt Town, Smith Africa, e.)nvention at Berlin, Germany, there asking for satnpie shipments of Cali - was an interesting collection of rat a arlian inatiufacturer,•. !portion with the amount of material e•ne •result:"employed in its construetion, l'or it u1ec'• 1),?...Mara; Costs ;lW)(Jf) ). This price merely 1•C . eta segment tr. t ti r, a , +,+ > .Resents t test of making this ne ent. .1.3 a,,u1: • p fJ r :+ I 0 .9nsi.rn, l n the ; %%'aach for in its production entirely ort.ltah',.1 Il. • , t p trruri 3:: of new mach dn.mtd.t, t.'t 11Th' and i d. h, tf•:• "1' i t::'eiesi fo t.d t•TIVI'SOLILA 13)15WANT1DIVEcvtvtiEltr f for "Tho •Itnry 0. 0 Philippines" by Murat tt•ti.tend, commissioned by the Government as bdhtisl ,list „tits to the War Department, The nook wit. written hr nr.n • camps at San I•'rangiceo, u for t „rifle, with Gen .1.41 Merritt, in the hospitals .,t Hew 0 ' t:flou, 1i mg in the American trench +at MI ,,a the insamttit eamp, with Afiuinal- 1,•, o„ .1 t.t1'e Glyn Ma with Dewey, and In the rn.r' of battle at the 1:11 of Dtaniin Bonanza int a:, t' Brimful of erl„i11nI pictures taken by •,k+nrni.o tui•re. Iilia profitehelr inlet Lpaid. -,t•.•t,en. !)rep au trashy uuol(cial war books, outfit free. Address, F. T. Larger, Sce'y,, Star Insurance lildg„ 0111cnco, Naughty Garbs, lour girl students at Kitnbalt Fe- male Seminary, of Mcridee, M. Ii., have been expelled for emeking el- .ri'ettes. This town 14 a Shaker settlement of dill) inhahit:anta, and Shaker discipline ;s very strict. The offences was lot -emitted Thurso. day night in the uitt, The smoke of the cl e. tttnenttratei through tbe cracks al the door, and before the revelers wtere aware of it, Prof. W. II. Cunauritilee principal of the school, had open d the door and ', l3 lime. NII, Moore, r the detected them. , nerve' and tools had to be preeeptress of the se eel, arrived on vtaatad ire part, which are the scene and order ,d the girls to • c other p rpooe• take their clothes 1' ge. Meriden is Linvei•it, l Cooi,'t,s thm seem to sti,:i: to you e.1 oldie o0 1111 you flu, aro protnptl '1bred t,v 1)r Cot d'S pert e.y l'intrrby n p. 3�- 1ic•r, :;inlet len a I•Iutnan Target. While attending n. shooting matet2 at Will Downie's, of Alborough, last week, A. Flag was fatally shot. lIe was asko'l he (meet the igen present to go and :ir'r.alge the target. and, unknown to him, a loaded rifle was placed noon the rest, pointing to- wards the target, when, to some aecounteble way, the contents the trifle were discharged. The ullet struek Ong itt the back bele ' the yhunl+ier, pit're0•d the outer edge of the lung, rind cadre out below the heart. Medical. aid was at once summoned, but at last report the in- jured tit1111 Was in :t Critical t ondition, lio i Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, 0onat1. pattmt, am* atoni:teh, Indigeltlou aro promptly bared by Iiiod'a 11116. They do thetr merit