The Wingham Times, 1898-12-23, Page 501044414004014114414144
triA I -1,441 SO nr14.4(4111...1g111.111, 'AS 4 181718.
• 7.-.,-.47:7--7,11-,17,Ve..41.44,,,,,„.1 •
\Ve boast of our bargains because they are the big,gest
and best in the town, Sixtm
een ounces of performance to every 5 TI'R
pound of promise. Leave your grocery orders in earty On ,....441
r* .... s, , • " ''" " e '' f3Y.' -
......... ... ,.._
Saturday when we sell ;
Royal Yeast Cakes 3;4c a box. Ift:RW=C--(;;;:..q. k'' JOSEPH A.AINSVIELEIL
..4-,..,,,r, , i !, v4F( ---..-- - - •
pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce, 5,... a can. _„........7)57.172,i... .,?-.....„,..,.... 111.
.....; ...„ ._ -
2 1b$, Best 13al-ing Powder for 25c. . ..,,,,,, ..,. ,.: c•> COPYRIGHT, iStla BY THE AUTHOR
Fittest Selected Raisins and Choicest Currants 8" lb„ and .:.t...ts,..,,!........_,....•.--..--____.,_____
One battle troft to ann tro in tho darE- k.e.•,riling muny otm toe toot item it now
everything else in Groceries at Bargain Day prices,'
nm1131" 1"Ive t*ht3 41" fr°111 th°
noss anti tho wh51"/"
ipiiim slu4w; uily 14no , tr:ilillsinne throwth tho wInglow with a. stem( Y
to per cent. off Dry Goods, Boots and Shovs and Cloth-
wimps, nearly smothered by the ight and
ilio moitirg fittkee, shot up from the intif listened intently and hoard
ing on SaturdaN y, burned homes, Mei:crest awillie and then noteine teem without 'rho battle, save
HERE'S A°FIFE& G -00D 11-011 wont out, to ho sueocctled b others as nut tn sot 11 out 111 it. neewed to hero end.
.: $.A.TURDAY 0-1NTLY. rCL'hie: ri10 sbote rattled to irregune lar von sti 'it re have gotar away The snow,
lees, umt tint smoke trent the gun Itanzzlee' • tttiteneOnatite the windosv ranee. gleatned
With everY $2.00 worth of Dry Goods Ave v;ill present tirwreastqi tho oheetiritt• which was eearee- oss et oho 1 t•att of( •e JoInPV,,1 Wirt 1..0 •
, . ._,
; 37 brelient -este e itse les 'rum o weapons 4 teliernl1tsielth'•4 le texCit;otte.: loge : flOithtteit
*ding dna- '4Litill' %V attetitehtt ei• tattreeten°axideettoin..
you with a 25C Doll or a 25c Roaming Toy. Remembilt. NfOVIT.bainircis.ita Ma" t4 th onei.
get one oftiltre,v3. absolutely free %Alma $2.00 pprchase.
se. ,0•1',1:`,0* -4 •to, . •
, "•.•
It is all 11,re now, opened out for Your
iovection, and is beautiful g lods.
i3A131,..I3 B1 TE AA) UT.1 BY PIE 0113i1Ei.
Groceries all fresh and fully assorted.
N. A. Farquharson
" The China House," Wingbam.
(..; • 4";':,
• Wii14,,tttinta'thilltlf-hi!ghltten3/4111TPit. o
-ltetTlto wIni with cal edetettitt ice whirkel,t1toW
„h1/5.4:1141.114:t.:**;41V034 Qin44std tv,rawkitlietit4itogoi gioghtt;$t
ti o monolog% teed totpts? guetr: r•tqd" Vote& /e Ingela 416r Seat otti...tittiottantectororn
not secure tun' tango 'anon Wine, im
whispered with Esatts aud the two tried
to &cede what would bo host to do in th
de:tient! situation the curious silence
which had itt it so tench that as solemn
auti impressive fell again over the place.
Tioticienfiers had broken the hi;les in
the doer and were motionlese and silten.
awaiting the ntivance of their assailanto
who still stood in their corner hesitating
Only faint gleatne ttf light canto through
tho panes, bitt the oyes of theSoldiers hc •
canto acoustometi to the dusk. TIM gosh
haired little mart had ceased his efforts to
°pet) the window nail stood with his ba
44. in a nr:it strong
box,. Every
t; -.
t4 it, his face expressing his triglit curl *.sien
horror et what had happened and what
was about. to happen
Fleming heard the ticking of a clock
somewhere over his head, but ho did nc t mas vip
look up to see In his indecision his eye $ Vet,
wandered to the civilian, and ho ws
amused at the old luau's fright, Bu Ott
then, he Owl no business there and mutt 1 i'IMPLATES
take his chanees The fight could tea
pause for 10t,% Yet the wrinkled face at d
the pinuhed features attracted and Itc 'tee' •
Fleming's eyes, awl he wondered in a • ,
tentmettivityosetiat ttite inati avotild do— th'
oteltethiteklitelfititistsrellelletgliinein theteor•
ner or unthe smother ettorWebtittodapeel•y
'41otineitititetti*ItiafaVeyiesettint11111 on
4 now intbet4 4-tteet...embetents,41NOrrih eYhatVlittilasItttlitSitiMitiffinIthilteAh sottetettootetooteedeopotteelegetto- 4, tee e.
'tate..,"tNN'..g..., Peoii•o: '1•OV'sh:Sy4recelh1iIii1 Othilritrirratlfee-It lirevAmetr •
ecntld euat atinount 'ler the re -let tc•tohtt
foul o'.rag'mph, arigi:t.r,T,1 41.1 toter
tinetsee of this stror,erer, anci tire stidato Itolhettet, • *iiies
1, - A 4
ritrOT:1;th t gain teat Dlt,t Ins on n and' 16-
•t..11.:1 I ..! 14;.1 erle-oktaue V,Vnita whisnerett to Lon e •. .
1.11113 " 11 11113a etn 1."1-1-' ''tit rt,' It r1, neete, and Flom- held Istin trent his purpose, for rho
•,,, !moon:est inn a
tni.; ;he not! i,' 0c f7,,a;,11f,!, I: if; bend, .gese a, getek vent- liguro of the old man was not efeinuland•
woo ilet, and 14 .111,•! ,;1 d .1 ileld I geostntl mend te the wee. who leepod over the log, and his fright was obvious. Ho was
t3`'11 113tI11!1"16:: whcr° they hoer: MKlen:nen that they no longor de• alsout to order hint down the stairs, bot
tought 8'01K:try mire 1,1 ral :mut and ;duel end reshot' apon their enemies, tho at tint moment the civilian raised himself
sures •ifeettetents, tss always. at their head. up, and his eyes grew bolder.
Flenting with tho quickness of intuition
Saw that this old man whom he bad de-
spised felt one of those stidden inspirations
of courage which sometimes come even to
cosvards. He saw the expansion of toe
tiger°, the brightening of titeeye, the loeit
that was propbctic, and again he pausal
as be wee about to give n command.
"Stop I" said the old man in a firm
vele"), raising bis betati and pointing an
accusing torefinger at Fleming.
The lieutenant hesitated and looked at
bini 111 tv.onder
"What do you moan?" ho asked.
"Stop, 1 say I" repeated the old mane
Flemieg laughed and with contempt. •
He had thrown off the momentary Who
once or the accusiug look, and his mind
returned with full force to his °legion'
purpose, the destrnetion of the rebels who
had intronched themselves in the room
"Out of the way I" he excluimed an-
grily "We'te going to etorin that mon
in there, and we will not be respouseisie
for stray bullets."
The old tuna did not shrink back nt the
officer's emphatic command. His eye!
• Fleming, the Orel lieutenaut, Was shrint-
. ing to his num and gestiqrlating with his
sword, broken at the point by a rifle ball,
Ix tenting knew that it was a bola plan
allied to rashocss, but he trusted that sue -
though ho had never uotieeti . Ike be
, cets would COM) froin its enddenness and
itt that ho would be upon his antagoniote be-
Oftees struck in itis oyes and blinded MM. they could recover from their surprise
at times. bat ha fonght on, croentraging .7.3rt)
. (10(1 shoot down his men. A. few swift
1115 soldiers, struggling through tho mire oops rook hint across the room. Ho was
and watching the con:lett 88 hest Ite.could *Oiled with a fierce exultation, for be bo -
tiered that he wits about to triumph, but
even in the wild rtwh of the moment and
with a mind concentrated upon the int-
-Fowling Struggle, ho observed the robin
agnim the rows of woollen benehes, the
aisles, the pstlpic at the far cad. tho stair-
wny that led to the wield 'Iloor, and the
light through the window flaring redly
over everything Then the wild rush car-
ried his little band upon the enemy, and,
as he had hoped, tins surprise of the sud-
den 1110Velili!nt matte its success
A • few seetterieg shots that wont wild
were le' li at them. and then they were over
the tient Les 11011 131 the mitiet of the trium-
phant teneleit Fleming was burning with
the Itettle tever, and again he began to
shout to his men and utter oaths owhich
be W113 oneonecions, striking with his
sword and calling at times upon his an-
tagonists to t•ield
Ile found that lie Was opposed by sole.
tilers es valiant as his own. Beaten by
fly:inhere, those who wore not wounded or
taken by force refused to surrender, and
wheeling about as if by a sign front their
THEN TUE w1T.0 UCTSCI CAIIRIED II1S LITTLE leader rushed ttp the stairtvay, which be -
IIA XL UPoN TUE ENEMY. gan almort at their feet, and sought refuge
ey the feeble light of the burned build- ant" 8500(231 darcns° 011 (110 1101(5 floor,
tugs The difficulties of the battlefield, Disappointment row mingled with
the mow, the darkness, the fierce resist- Flemings tmger, but neither emotion
mote of the enemy, his inability to drive caused him to forget for tho moment his.
them back, filled him witil the unreason- military prudence. Hastily dispatching a
ing wow of youth A waif who dospisecl few of his men to keep watch ut the win-,
oaths ho began to use them with rapidity lows ontslde and prevent escape there, he
and unction and was unconscious ot do- sprang up tho stairway with the others in
ing so. lint his soldiers needed no spur TIM: pursuit of the fugitives Rage and
from their cominantler Evans, the see- excitement blinded him to the clanger of
ond -fientenant, a year yotingor than him- shots from above. and Evans, as eager as
OFself—Fleming had melted the honorable Iffinsolf, premed on by his side, while tho
age of tie—was by hie side, firing with his men crowded close after, the wooden stair -
pistols at tho flitting black forms that oln way giving a dull mho under their foot -
posed. them, and nrOund the two liouten- EsttiP3
ants fought n little band of splaehed ttna The light from the flanges of the burn -
begrimed men with a courage and etiorgy hag village did not reach tho second floor,
equal to those of their leaders. nnd Fleming stood for a moment or two
A wail of n house fell on a bed or live trying to accustom his eyes to the dusk.
coals end the timbers blazed np with slut- As the pupils distended bo saw the last of
den vivitine&e, cutting through the dark- the fugitives disappearing in a, small room,
nose and casting atlistorting light over and then ho heard the slamming of the
tho snow. tho ruined village and the light- doer and noises which indicated preparn-
ing men. tions for defense A little gray haired
Fleming paused for a woinent to grasp man in civilian's attire and with a face of
his field of battle by the now• light that fright Spring from a Clark corner where he
had come Tito flames magnified eosno,ole had been crow:him; and darted to n win -
teas. diminished. ahem and made the dow, nt whieb he pulled vainly with train -
whole unreal awl fantastio. The forms of !sling lingers us if he would open it and
his enemies wavelet). as the flames flick- shying 01115 . .. . . •
ered and grew to gigantic size, the bloody Otesettreesete.retret..,"tergerre et„
spots eu the, snosv sprints) anti united, and •:3-'..ts-sio1?ot•'.:-O
"•e•to*h= •- •"s•• "h- et"s,:."e•..-!ht.'*h".'**., - 't7a*-'-'t".• .'Sli'V;'*ei
the scorched rerun -sof an abandonedhome •'.,"t
mahanuglyteamtracery in the In to1
,. lele-Wst•I'
them 1111 Floniing hoard tin) spflbWr11)g of 74,/•'•*...'.•,";,,i,41-,.,,,,I.5,,f1
Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, Garnet, Pearl
and Combination Settings,
• We carry the largest and most varied stock of solid G,)141,
Rings ever offered in \Aringham.
, Also a full line of
Silver Novelties, Fancy Clocks, Silverware and jewelry.
in Gobi, (30Id Filled, Alumino and Steel.
Ot.n, lines are. too large to
OUR., '1."1C.,,`,7.3
.454401.4141444440444.114 4•4444,14.00 4 -MO
wish you all a Morr
.. •
the momentary stillness that bad seized
the snowflakes as they fell in the flames.
vieze. 41 to r,
which stood somewhat
58 12314 right W21:1 .•,
key, roan men shouting to his to follow, bo .
; ese ,
rushed forslard that ho nught seize it at
once and cut off 3)131 01101333'.
The soldiers fired a volley and (Melted
toward the church, but tho leader of the
hostile band was as quick of eye and as
rdy aeoauof action as Fleming, and when tho
tenant and his mon enured one door
of the church their antagonists dashed in
at tho other.
Fleming's Wrath llnmed to its highest
pitch. It seemed a personal intusgeo to
.himself that hit; foo should ho so stuhhorn
1 and Fo prompt, and hiS resolve to ovcr•
.Coine him grow with his anger. Ho stop-
-ped just inside the door, and Ms men
igathered around hint. Tho room was (11131,
, but Fleming saw the outlines of tho
1 enriches nod at the far end tho pulpit. The
Ouilding, until then outside the lino of
! battle, seemed to have been nntouehed.
The light from tho blaring home. liarsel in
at the window awl screw the faces (,
his enonsit•s, who woro entering ist the
tarther door Neither seles gavo 11 thought
to 'the teetracter of tint place, but Oath
knew that a fierce elruggle W1I13 :MN 10
Wilma for the tosteseitin 01 No &t 11 I11 31
tort as a Meets. tool they empanel
oneo for the Nene Three or tens of the
licavy wo“den 1,e11c1wA, 31-r\ 011 18:4
110.71.1 hattily tinown 13r:other, n.tali,s 0, Need
breastwerk totti etetims Lehithi it Flee
ing %Intl hie men waited to Ise what t
13)1 y would do
e hottOtis leader Wal
tame 0,
• lieutenant knew that the chervil
Being able now to sets his Hot lefielti, the 'Oe"liesse,::::1?._ '11'1 .;:v41:11.1;
et oat %Note
. 4 -reso /es
c'3 -.4" . e ell, tee
. kt,11111Ig 03033031 quoutly ttoont teat no
11:iftl't F01'10 tile Mint.; Of this MSC
1,atthqqatl. 1111111 no attention to the
citilian, supposing hint to tra the sexton
or setae ono •'L40in charge of the builtlizig
who had !titbit:41 titer() 111 fright w hits! the
fight watt otti'11111'1e to, below. Om his 13300n
tettleal with him to nevait ills orders he
telt fee 13 Sudden moluclit tho Solemn still.
4 Of (lig! 11111Ve 1111(1 its elutraeter, hot the sound now, and rose a
silence: -wee quickly titterropted by a brat. joy. Listening to its
veg tin (.ht• them of the tocsin tit o•hiell tho got for a 111011303)5111011303)5the w
fossilises hod taken refuge, foul ho knote tor night and the lust o
t hat they were bunt:tog loopholee for their bottled so fiercely in me
1:11 A011r1t1 i 1113 a;c; doh theosi"llastneills)11,186100
,11shte11,1, toil
wifor tra
•11101t0::ar &MAW which poseesecd hi
, oven 'It botetee Ponecl elms elm or
for the the battle of economy '
is the Economy Cobbler, .•
were shining with a feverish excitement
and his courage seemed to grow as the
fever rose.
"Stop, I toll you again 1" be shouted.
"This is murder that you and those in
that room, too, are bent upon I"
"It is war)"
"It is not sVarl The battle is over, and
you tight bore without purpose! What is
the possession of this church to either of
your And to fight, too, at such a time 1"
Fleming looked scornfully at the old
IWO) w110 yet bold his attention and im- 1
messed him
'At such a time?"ho repeated. It s
truo that it's night, and the snow is fall-
ing, but we're not parlor soldiers to seek
our tents because of a winter night."
"It's more than a winter night," said
the old man sternly, raising his accusing
finger again and poluting it at Flouting.
Tho unseen clock overhead began to
strike, and Fleming and his men, awed do- ,
counted tho strokes under their breath.
themselves by the old, man's manner,
heouted nd on upOne,two, three,tycna
to 113, standing in silence and making no ,
movement, as if some new power possessed
them. Nor did any sound come from tho Shoe Thread, Wa.
room in which their 0110312505 lay, and sts
listening to the old man's words. Then '
Fleming believed that they, too, had been SilOC Tacks, Riv+, &.•
fic grew angry at himself and sought to
shako off the spell.
IlfiN LASTS A 8114.F.DS
Reversiblt, giving two
443414.1.14.1..4144.2.4,11411,11441:42:4011441.44. -
Men's and Boys' Half Soles
and Htrel
4 YI
401(4e. "
"Did yon hear then" asked the old
"Yos, 1 hesstd it," said Fleming, "end ! o
ot 'iS
. rwto (-vvne,
z heard nothing but a clock striking odd- itVC
; % ee
night." •
:44 414•414464111,1,1144....44,4141*294444:614.44,11
O&M' Skilteee, Si an
-But what a midnight!" exclaimed the
other. "And do you not know whatmorn- Axes, Lehi rril Vane C
ing has hegunf,'
Without waiting foran anseter, he eoized Cetal
a rope Which hung by the walt aud as he
pulled With strong and practiced 133311(1 (1 1'01'
far above them began to ring Its
mellow note, steady and strong, ethwel
through the night, which heard no ether
el fell in a sung of
sie, Flerolog, for-
ketest% of the win.
nttle whieh had
tu!" exclaimed
%figured by the
1. "Itt not 1-1)115ok of Allot sod