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The Wingham Times, 1898-12-23, Page 2
Pnc:ett117C:l. • OW' ;, Oil thrill fret; deserve is :en: other. t,oi 1 rand, point lift* way to pros: pet i';' Pale hr. nt.. 1-te:r•'tl by the etches'. `i lel{1 W1NG.I.JAM TIMES, DECEMBER 23, I8Kt8. EPIIIAMS. j lir 1' 11' ANOSH. 9 T Connell met according to adjourn: rent at St. Helens on Dee. 15th, � SOME. 13RIGRT SAYII:US TII.!T DAVE A QQUOD DT :1IA life i+i1:,tNING. Trouble gets into heathy a. Bane by means of a night latchkey, Any man pusstsstng a stout heart and a good liver cttn be a hero, The man. W)%() tries to make the beet of it et .,.eat gets the worst of it, srt't,s to "beat the band, ' and the leader• c f the band beats time. WWhen a man is getting on well, asualty mean he is gettin;;; well t. sii" A man's religion represent, his ' a, � intellet•tual rattier than his moral ,+ , tNtirr, �j ,estandard. h auwtistd It makes a difference whether you 4 1- txalt , I°, •:.; :°,r• iy cu Etfa by'' �isciso Yeitae T h7y _ ellsve 'i7l t`esee : t L)y spc-,si:i. , al Too kieerty I atilt;. A er. Coca iz:.._ti for D.r..:.icss, Nausea, Drowse.%less, hart" 'e:;tc fn the Me• th, Co axed Ton=tai rain is t 'tic, TORPIZD L IVEER. ', i'ey Tceg,..rete the ; owel:. Pae ' egetable, ?zrzs.all l riC,.a ,,SCC 'Ol.. f�Ce, Car ten, demand Little Liver Pills. A D JW ISI/ SOLDIER •Fells hevtr i:Milburn's Heart and Nerve :'?lis Conquer Disease. Like tete conueringarmies of Britain, - " whick: are r :arching to victory 'in every • .quarter of ti:e globe, IMMilburn s Heart , and Pierv. P:nsare everywhere triamph- engorerr.;ie:k:,e se,weaknessandstiffe•ring. Mr. i:avi4 E' :lsk:, of Carleton P1nce, <)e1t , n. m.^,n v -1,t, has sirv'd frith dis- tinction am.1 cri:c'.it in the British array, and i:i :,::.i; an employee of the C. P. Railway, sirs, "While in the army I got broken dean, and me nervous system was cona:"iletely shattered. "I _... touch troubled with liver corn- plair.t. _se cf at,:-•.:tite, ett:. 111y rest be- etan-a: b.c:.en Lind wasdisturbed by vivid +dre:sras. 'i'hi, had been going on for Li. year::, a?' lit 1;..: t took a great many renueliee c:eape from the troubics wh'is'tir�b.v •, er, Igot no relief until I ctarta.1 to tai.•: Milburn's Heart and Nerve. fill., which1 used together with lama -Lis t- fits. and now sifter having -used a fe-w lare;es, I am better than I mare been for year .. ISIy nerves are restored to full force and vigor, I eat and deep well, and my entire system has been to n. d and strengthened." " 111i, , era'.;1..td and Nerve Pills, Goc. a bo.,, or 3 fo lsr.ad, at ail druggists. "rax s..' P U ," Bays John Doherty, 35 Nor 4`r,r S Johan, N.13., "curedme of C., s .wr:...�n ,t..S distress after eating. Their i.ctka Is r:a.arai end effective." T e . L. EMULSION Tire D. ee L. i?-iViULSION s thr br,:t rut most ratatable preparation of Cs 1I..e;,it,agrceir,g.wlththeznost.talicate Sc. rch. 'Tree D. & L. EMULSION Is prr cribed by the leading physicians of Ca el -1. Te D. & L. EMULSION .sa rear:ellcns i:ech t,rodueer and will give you an apLtctite. set. dt $1 per Bottle. Be sorayn�iretI DAVIS & LAWRENCE the ;;since (.0., Limited, Montreal Pylly-Pectoral A, QUICt CURE p'OR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable R2nredy is all affections o1 the THROAT or LUNGS ta.r e I3ottitl;, 25c. cull a than a"brick" or a 'gold brick.' One euon forgets the eharm cfdimple in a cheek alongside a sharp tongue. The donkey is sure that all voices except his own are more ur less out of tune. There is but one truth and 10,000 falsehoods, bence'truth is easier to tell. There is no doubt as to tlee De Ber- gerac nose being the moat striking figure of the piny. 13e careful not only fhf the company you kt'ep, but also cf the company your• campery keeps. Poverty is sent to us as. a. lamp wherewith to find our true friends when the world grows dark. More men are assassinated with mortgages and grocers' bills than with' knives and pistols. --L. A. W. Bulletin. BED -TIME. THE NECESSITY OI SLEEP IN ALL CONDITIONS OP LIFE. A physician of courtly old school inanne'•s used to give prescriptions marked respectively fur early bed- time and for late bedtilne. A dis- cussion arose the .other day wrong several friends as to what constituted early and what late bedtime. Some of the ladies maintained that 10 o'clock was the limit between the two, others thought that early bed time lasted till 11, and a few, who believed in beaurty sleep, pleaded that early bed time began at 8 o'clock and'lasted till 9,80.So many people' are engaged aill day and the dinner hour is - neces ssrilly, in city fife, deferred till so late an hour that families do not . break up from their quiet evening, aniil. after 10 o'clock, Society push -s es its hours later, and the votariesc.'n e near having no bedtime at a11,1 snatching their rest when they can between one gay rout and another•.The invalid and the aged perand the child must 'perforce retire•early. For these steady going! persons who regulate their life by rule, and who habitually rise at an early hour and breakfast punctually at i o'clock, 10 is certainly a good bedtime hour. Brain workers would find their account in seeking repose of the couch and the darkened and silent chamber, with preferably apaque curtains to exclude tine light of the moon and street lamp alike at 10 o'clock. A long sleep rests the mind as well as the body, and prepares one for work the next day, whatever it may be. I�ar better than an opiate or a narcotic is the habit of seeking the pillow at an early hour and quietly lying still, with closed eyes and relaxed limbs until sleep, gently weed. comes with its+ healing touch and softly weaves it&.spelis of balm. - The got;d doctor probably meant by early bedtime any; time between 8 and 9.30 and regarced the later period as between 3.30 and mill?night. Growing children ;cannot too carefully be enjoined to get plenty of sleep. The boy or; girl who ltas lessons to learn must oaken early after.a gt.od night's res and this is insured only in puncttiplity in re- tiring. .Eight o'c1oc11` is a good bedtime for all young l eopic• under 15, and should be insisted upcn by parents. 98. Mewhors all present the sleeve in the chair. :tlintt'tes of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's stetetuent fok month of November hhttowea balanceort hand of 901).88 received and Ill4d. Air's, llutinsot). was gr;tiitcd S1() it 1.5 said, the riding has grown tired charity. • 13ut it' the province had beeenne a Cemrrc,n--Webster—Byelaw was hostile to the government as' th passed appuinaing polling booths and opposition's speeches and articles de deputy returning officers tor the Glare, lv is hard .to see not only how 4.01.11141,0 9111. ILUIDY SECUR1'l, The lIardy Government's hour of apprehension has passed. To be sure, the size of till•, Douglas' major ity in East Northumberland is du to his own popularity anti to the au pol.lul:irity of his opponent, of whom 0 s e coaling t'iectluus. A number of checks were issued Mr. Douglas could win with so large which will appear in a few data s in a majority, but bow he could win a the financial statement, all. The fact seems to be that th W. Mop1osCIu, Tp. Clerk. Hardy Governntent'is regaining th popularity which it seemed temper You Siiould Know arily to hays lost through the inter I What Hood's Saieuparilla has power to nal difieren4es of th; party. Tee Ido fui' those wlj have impure and he. vigorous luniber policy and the gen: poverlsht:d blood. IL wades the blood erally wise tend. eeunomie adtninistra: I rich and pure, and cures scrofula, salt hewn, dyspepsia, eaten b, rheumatism., bolt has gitlen Mr. Hardy and this r nervousness. If ,you aro troubled with colleagues a strong hold on the auy ailment caused or promoted by iii people's preferences, and, the excite: pure blood, take t1ood's Sarsaparilla at inept of the 4eneral elections leaving tl e once. worn off, theory "tame for a change' HOOD'S PILLS are pro'rnpt and efIi- has lust its proteney. Upon cooler cieut, easy to take, easy to operate. - reflection, the province seems Co have decided that it is wise to keep a good Christmas Don'ts. government, especially when. the other side has offeredz not only noth: Don't pay more_ tbr the Christmas ing better, but a mere demand for a tree than you pay for the fruit. ehance to show what, it can do. Mr. Don't send your gentlemen adorer Hardy's Government is solid for an: a gold toothpick. He may have false other four years, and ff the Liberals teeth. settle their differences in several Don't send your pastor embroider: ridings which they lost on March 1, ed slippers. To travel the straight Ml' 1Vhitney will have to fight his next campaign and narrow pato requires hobnailed on a bigger policy if he 'hopes to win. shoes. • Don't buy your =daughter a piano and your wife a washtub. It, you reverse the order, you will do justice to both. • • Of course the Conservative organ doesn't view it that way. It ascribes Mr. Douglas vict:,ry to the dollar sign, and the Liberal victories in the Don't place your expectations of a federal bye -elections to the race cry, Christmas gift too high. You may In that ease, the, Liberals must have have to put your foot in your stock: been awful feels, to throw away me: ing to find anything in it. nee in securing ae uetnecessary large Doe'e't make your friend a present majority in Eat Northumberland, while as for the race and religion cry —well, the least the Mail says on that ,line the better. The Mali shoald'be the last in the world to at: tack anybody on the race and -creed cry.—Toronto Star. and be disappointed because he doesn't give something. Perhaps you've surprised him. Don't give presents to people not quite so prosperous as yourself and tell thein not to reciprocate because they can't afford to make presents. Be just before you are generous. Pay your debts before von buy pre: sents. Your ereditors may consider that they have received an unexpeet: ed gift. Don't give your bey a drum and forbid him beating it, nor your daughter a horse and order her not to take it out of the stable without permission. Above all things, don't have the bad taste to be forever harping on what you would like for a Christmas gift. Your friends may be attacked with nausea and you will get nothing. Made a New Man. t I must say Laya Liver Pills made a new man of me. I:iwas troubled with Indigestion, Fluttering of the Heart and pain in the small ofithe Back, and after taking the Laza-!.{fiver Pillra for about three weeks they cured me." 1VIelvillo Miller, 13onsfort P. 0:, Ont. The fiveyear•:old son of Mr. Robt. Defoe of Brougham: was drowned in a cistern. The great steel lies tank of the Consolidated Gas Co:, at Avenue A and 20th street, NewiYork; collapsed letting 8,000,000 gallons_ of water Don't make your wife a gift of do•evn in the streets. something she has needed for an en: tire year ; for then it looks :is if you O h l r.dd re n .Cry for made a necessity and cheated your wife out of a real Christmas present, There is generally fine fie 1d ft, ST .Y' Fd the.exercise of charity Within a bloek George Wheeler, a fourteen:year: old boy, was kilted on the railway of your own home. Save your flan- nels for your needy neighbors. The near Lansdowne. heathen in South Africa would find No disease can resist the - powerful them too warm. j medical properties of Burdock Blood ! Bitters, as is proved by the fact that Try Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup ; thousands of the mbst obstinate cases if children are troubled with worms. It ' have been cured aura}permanently cured always works well. Price 25c. by the use of this best -of all remedies. THE POWER OF THEPRESS Napoleon said : Give hie a corrupt legislature; give me a venal clergy, give me a licentious throw.: - ---then give hie the newspapers and 1 will overthrow them all. > The same power'of the press will build up your business, if you use it to reach the public. The best newspaper in a town is the greatest advertising medium in the world. N•o merchant can ever hope to he rich and prosperous ,iii these days who does not ask permission of the newspapers. The power and influence of a paper are behindeverad it carries. ! y . The contract has beef] awarded to Mr. M. Connolly for the $t John har- bor improvement. The price is $820,000. „ WANTED—SEVERAL Titt*T4' Sons in this state to manses t hole 055 And nearby coentics It week eonductt d at hews. Hillary •..•,•''it:anular--dettnitel^ben : w„nr,. !'nntt& .sir,. rt0 ,,,a.,,, ,.1 tampr•i r:areioilfdp l a. , : 4 ,,te dt. t;iatr{,t . THE TIMES a sure and profitable advertising medium. It is-bovight to It is read by precisely the people the advertiser wants Jt covers the field thoroughly. qA til ,mg.t � t,O .v .......r t.30»$b:,o:w+.i1,,vL,".riNh..a».•.: A-A'.+.::.w*w:S«naU`..:f:.4.2,w 2r:ia��K . R.i+�,i:f�aA'r p tfif hat. • Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a, Ilartnless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. • It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor • other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- : ncss, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria+•. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation an FIatulentcy. Castoria assimilates the Foocl, regulntc the Stomach. and Bowels of Infants and Children, givir>}.,; healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Clrildrrils Panacea—Tile Mother's Friend. i i. Castor .a. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for "Castoria is so well ninhted to dickens. children, mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to ey pro.: of its good effect upon their children.” seription known to nee." Det. G. C. OSGoon, Lowell, Mass. Husn . A. Aatc, M.IA. //wok? r, •V le: Castoria. THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPE q &rte 71 -Vi atom URCOMr`Ael TT Mu �qY RTREFT TIM YORK CITY. tffaigafai 4,, ,, ' -`9q'tip`;:` .'.t ei t. IMK ""S'g R,xR;, °;t 7Pal 1 .Mr. F. (r. MeDiarmid was again nominated for tiles Legislative Assetn- bly by the '(gest Elgin Conservefives. Earacn,Me Cured. "I was troubled with Earache for a long time rind could get no ease until t tried Hua:yard's yel'pw Oil, which made a complete cure." Miss AuuaOhaptnau, South River, Ont. Willing Just Once More. Ile found his hair was leaving him , at the top •of his head and he took his baibei' to task about it. • :',Yostsold me rwo bottles of stub to make the hair grow." •'It is very strange it won't grow again," interrupted the barber. "I can't understand 16." ' "Well. look here," said the man. "I don't mind drinking another bottle; but this must be the last," -- t London Weekly Telee,ram ' `•^' r. �'. �t,.]Ti .�it^.":! "i ,..'Jam � .6'+-7::I� A�Book for cU E coRD E314 1873 ( DISEASED atiEN CURED kgich youne end Diel. ': 1 k LTO N 'S,, MPS "w. Will stand wear and tear for • earn( No better proof care be give, of their durability than is \shown by the fag that some ltf these pumps pat in wells 25• years ago are still working. IRON anct FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to SHOP—DiagopalSt. opposite Beattieaa Livery. . JOHp�7�1 [�3 O �, N .I .E t L1.L . l , 4Vinlnham. Ortt, �t3C GClf:l N5RV0LIS 3LOO© SKti\T • ortIVAT. pl5EASES X0,000 cutu21) k t3' Nisi tlsvo you sfnt 't e'1 Y against• nature ,.. when ignorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Did you onlconsider the fascinating allurements ot�tl,io evil habit? 'When too late to avoid tl'e ter- rible remit?, were boar oyes opened to Your pull? Did "vett Inter on in xien- 1 noItientrnetanyl,RIVATIJcr.1SLOOD diseeso? Woreyoneured? Doyounow end then see some alarming symptoms? I)aio yeti]harry in your tiresont con- dition t Yott know, 'LIKE FATHER, LIIi1'1 SON." If married are you eon stantlylivingin dread? IS marricao e. failure with you on account of any weak- ness enused by early abuse or gator e. tosses? Ilavo sou been druggod with reereu;y? This booklet wilipoint,outto you the results of these crimes olid violet out haw our NEW METHOD T.ttEAT- M.ih' r' will positively mire you. It shots bow thousands have been saved by our NEW 'TREATMENT. Tt Droves how we can GIUARANTEH TO CURE ANY C(TIIADLE CASE OR NO PAY. Wo Treat and euro—EMISSIONS, VART(.•t?ieliLiv', SYPIIIL1S GLEET, SIlitO't'iTItb . IM1'OTEN'0Y. SE- ORET I)RAI'NS UNNATURAL bis. CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "Th° Wages of Sin" rent fit,* by ninlosing ere stamp. CONSULTATION ]±R]EE. If unable t. nail Writo for ITIISTION ELA. yNE: for HOMETREATMENT. ENNEDYKERGAN Cu. HMI an helhyStt Caveats and Trade-Markis obtained, rind al) patcht business conducted for MODERATE: FRE11, &Ia• office is in the immediate vicini ty of the PatcntOf lice and my facilities for securing patents arc unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention }viiia description andstatement as to advantages claimed - AV -No Margo is made for an opinion no to p aientabilir{ and my fee for prosecuting the application lesnotnot be called for matt cher y,atent r allowed. "INvnt.TORS' Corns," COW. tabling furl information seat free. Alt coran:nn1„ ' cations Considered ws Strtotly Confident:al. FRANK. @N 14., HOUGH 02", LT t:31 •ernotn W.Ql,1ffilI sGT mr . 9A., iL teXiaEtellEiYO: r_+' T RACC ftbanit5 • t-j•iJ'V'.r C::,PY'� ,i :"�r,'w..V. Anyone stinging a si stet, and ,',Y r:n:_.on map quickly ascertain Ann opinion free irlic r. 'tan! Invention it i robnbly p ttt 'tabka. NYANIV wise. tilos st rtetly rouedont.ni. Irnnd book nu i e :rata• sant frog. Olde 1 agency it r neeuring iatf Y-ts. Patents token through itirnu f- Co. 240.4.Ve rprctai iloticr, without clinr,te, et tee A handsomely flhuntrated %moldy. rami t sir. enlatton of ens seismal() innru•at. 'frit ,s, yii ata. }yry�op•,,n3.r1l1!��: four months, $1. Sold by tell newadesie@rns.+ ItilIINN CA CO.uili8m dway, NOW TOOK french Office. 521 ir lit.. Washington. I1, (3. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE' IN TI1! rj .1M .r