The Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 8R.1 1 ..,.Rita 1111E WIN (UIIAM 'LIMES, 1)ECEM BER 16, t696e ... • • NEw IMPERIAL VOSTAGI'l STAIAP. 'bad to try and dethrone their king aotaig1) i Ill ' 1I�CS (),villi'' ti) the interest which has when he is on the eve of coning into toonsgmartaitamowiemaramenorduis been er('ate'(1 over the new imperial his kingdom, that is, if they believe n •`. penny postnge stamp now in course their own :o oft reiterated declot a- 11i;IDAY, DECE U} I R lt, 18 08. of manufacture, and the ergeney of ration. ,the deemed for its immediate issa- How 1'eanute Grow. 0�9r1 Gz t'iW LEITER. From eel' irt:, (n,R e9;.,N,d Civ. ;alice,the Postmaster General has de- i Odell to place it on .ale just as soon :as the contractors can run OUt the ()rt::wzl, December 10th supply. Originally it was intended There i a timeil>Jrtored, butAnne; to be first used on Christmas day, the; lcs disreputable, ealnpaign trial: when the Imperial pearly postage ot originating false statement and rate will come into operation, but sending it the rounds of the party this latest decision of the department press, and after a few days or weeks, ! will result in its appearance right I away, though of course the two cents as the ease may be, charging the i rare through the Empire will not he labor side whir originatir'g it, and !come operative before Christmas then protesting against the pr•omul-1,4 s soon as issued the new ,.tion of such fabrication. Such Istam can be used at its face value have been the taetics of the Opposi.l fur all purposes. tion press during the past two or ' three weeks with reference to the Lieutenant Governorship of Manito- ba. On the 31.st of last October the ! Ottawa Free Press the following Ottawa Citizen declared that !interesting paragraph:—"Miss Marie Lieutenant Governor Patterson, of Horeton, whose- Prince Charming Manitoba, is desirous of retiring bad turned out to be the hero of from his gubernatorial position."IOmdnr'man. Lold Kitchener, and Other Opposition papers repeated I whom every girl with a penchant for the story, and It week or so later : Groes is going to envy, is the malt rola the addition that "it was re - LORD IfITCHENER'S SWEETIIEART. "The Marchioness" writes in the ported", that the Lieutenant•Gover- nor was resigning his office to enter the Federal Administeratit n. The story was either ignored or laughed at by the Liberal p.tpers, or if given as an item of alleged news, always credited to the Opposition press, where it originated. COOL EFFRONTERY, In spite of all this the Mail and Empire now has the effrontery to declare editorially :— "We believe the rumor with reference to Mr. Patterson originated in the minds of Liberals who feel the necessity of a cleaning up of the stable, etc." It .adds that "Hon. John Haggart, who was a colleague of Mr. Patterson, in an interview with the Montreal Gazette, deals with the yarn. He declares that the idea is preposterous and that Mr. Patterson, far from coming down to support his former 'Opponents, would be not unlikely, in toe event of a general election tak- ing plaice, to abandon his office and throw himself into the fight side by side with his friends," It may be worth pointing out that the Mail and Empire and Hon. John Raga : rt are just a little late in coming to the assistance of the worthy Lieutenant Governor. In maty letter of November 5th last, commenting on the story, I observed a'It may be remarked incidentally, that there is no desire on the part of ..ion. J. C. Patterson to retire before itis tern expires early in the next centary, and theref>re there is no immediate yrospects ot a vacancy in the Lieutenant Governorship of Man ?ttoba :'1 CUSTOM REVENUE OF $25,000,000. A total customs revenue of $25.- I'i00,000 is something that Canada has never yet experienced, but at the present rate of trade epxansion, and in spite of the substantial reduc- tions that have been made in the terriff, there is every indication that the present fiscal year will net this amount. So far the monthly average sines July lst has been $2,113,927, the five months' receipts exceeding those of 1894.95 by $3,340,659, the monthly collections in that year only averaging $1,445,789 ; the total re- ceipts for the five month periods in the last file years are as follows ; them unstinted approval. For 189495 :—$7,228,946 ; 1895-96 ;— instance Mr. John J. Doyle, a native V3.404,808 : 1896 97 :—$8,088,105 ; of Lanark County, who has spent 1897 98 :— $8,480,481 ; 1898 99 :- 10,599,606. So that the re'enue ter the present year exceeds that of 1896 97 by $2,481,500 and the previous year by $2,165,300. daughter of I•Ion. Richard Charles Moreton, her Majesty's Marshal of the Ceremonies, and a grand- daughter of the Earl of Dueie. Miss Moreton spent a couple of happy years when a little girl in Ottawa. She used to tumble in the snow- drifts about the Government House, and probably had just as fine a time as any other little girl ever had in the bright Canadian winter. Her father was private secretary to Lord Lorne, and her mother, who is a Greek, was lady-in-waiting to H. R. H. Princess Lousre," It is a pretty sight to see a peanut plantation when the vines ate out in blossom. The bh. ssouls are a bright vellow and the vines are a vivid green. As the blossom forms a idle branch appears on the gine and shoots down into the ground. The peas, as the ruts are ealled on the' plantation, forte on the shoot he•; heath the ground like potatoes. When. the crop is gathered in Oet ober, the vine is plowed up and the nuts hang to the roots. Vines and all are piled in cocks in the field,and in, 20 days the nuts are ready to he pulled off, placed in bags and taken to the factories. They are cleansed of dirt, assorted,polished in revolving cylinders and put in bags ready for the market. NOT DOWNED YET. The Provincial Opposition does not appear to have yet learned the truth of the aphorism that whom the gods intend to destroy they first make mad, for in the protest which has been filed in South Ontario against the election of Hon. John Dryden the old charge is reiterated, that a corruption fund was in exit- ance under the control of the Pro- vincial Government, and contributed to by Michigan lumberman and others in anticipation of favors to be received. This utterly disreputable fairy story was one of the most disgrace- ful incidents of the campaign last winter, and its entire lack of found- ation was shown when the matter got into the courts at the election trial at Kingston and the Cen3erva- tives was unable to offer one iota of evidence is its support. At that time Chancellor Boyd, who was on the bench, remarked, "It should never have been put on record. 'It is disgraceful to do so, if there is nothing to justify it." There have been many other charges just as baseless, that have been promulgat- ed solely for the transient effect, and with the most shameless disregard for all moral consideration, but anything more insane than to repeat an Allegation so thoroughly dis- credited, it would he exceedingly difficult to imagine. SUITS THE PRACTICAL MAN. The new revelations governing hydraulic mining in the Yukon do not appear to please some of the theoretical miners of Opposition newspaper offices, but practical men who understand the situation accord Baby Eczema and Scald Head. Infants and young children are peon liarly subject to this terrible disorder. and if not promptly arrested it will eventually become chronic. Dr. Obese made a special study of Eczema and disease ot the skin, and we can confident ly recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment to cure all forms of Eczema. The first ap- plication soothes the irritation and puts the little sufferer to rest. Sarsaparilla a:i,i ti OVa E D baa �.t1 IMINIONstelimnalimweisallmimarommt amumpall The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and flood Medicines. A SPECIf+IO POR Rheumatism,. Gout and Chrotllc Connplaintss. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. two years prospecting and mining in the Yukon territory writes as follows to the local press :---•'I real- ize, as most every actual miner, the justice of the new rules. They are framed, in my opinion, solely in the interests -of the present miner and pioneer, and the other interests which should always be considered as;identieal with his, 1. e., the cap italist and the newenmer. I believe the new rules protect the aequired interests from the scheming of the imposters. They open the door for prospector and the man of' capital. Surely both of these latter are en- titled to proteetion from Canada in their concerted effort to develop our resources." ROr;GIl ON Mr.. wIIITN> v. Is the Provincial Opposition casting about for a new leader ? It Wont(' almost appear so, for after giving prominence to a proposal to banquet Mr. Whitney, a 1.ronasal which is at present being aetiveiy canvassed by the ioung MensConservative Association in Toronto, the Mail find Empire declarer, "The practice ,,, t +< of giving' banquets a discredited. I� g` f I1 �1C'I '. a popular one." too d('1'!1 is IX'� ri 1*t is Thoughts On Marriage. Humble wedlock is far better than proud virginity.—Augustine. A husband is a plaster that cures all the ills of girlhood.—Moliere. Men marry to make an end,women to make a beginning.—A. Dupuy. A person's character is but half formed till after wedlock.—C. Sim: mons. Wedlock's like wine, not properly judged of till after the second glass. —Jerrold. Never marry but for love, but see that thou lovest what is lovely.—Penn. A man finds hitnself seven years older the day after his marriage.— Bacon. Take not too short a time to make a worldwide bargain in.—Shake— speare. For any man to match above his rank is but to sell his liberty. -- Messinger. No man can either live piously or live rightously without a wife.— Richter. It is in vain that a man is born fortunate if he be unfortunate in his marriage.—Dacbr. Men should keep their eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards.—Mine. Scuderl. Fathers their children and them: selves abuse, that wealth a husband for their daughters choose.—Shirlev. Marriage with a good woman is a harbor in the tempest of life ; with a bad woman it is a tempest in a harbor,—J. P. Senn. As the husband is, the wife is. if mated with til clown, the grossness of his nature will have weight to drag thee down. --Tennyson. The kindest and happiest pair will occasion to forbear, and something every day they live to pity and per: haps forgive. ---Cowper. 1 A CARD. I will guarantee that my Kidney Cure will cure 00 per cent. Of all fortes of kidney complaint and 1u many instances the most serious forms of Bright's disease. if the disease Is com- pllcated said a four - ounce vial of urine. We w1:1 analyze 1t and advise you free what to do. MUN YON. At all druggists, 25e. a vlal. Guide to Health and medical advice free. 1505 Arch st., lit)\V1011. On Wednesday night November 30th, the grim reaper again visia d Genie and carriers off one of Ilowick's oldest and highest est eerie. d pioneers, in the person of Mr. Philip hiclutosh. The remains wets: laid to rest in the Gorrie cemetery. The funeral was a ery large one. De sensed was hnrn at Lorlt;' Ooren,near Ulaigovr, Scotland, On Angu:.t 20th 1821, and came to Cana.dll with hi Bees ::. ilt the yea: l' $ T l:e\ s.•:tiled ii: tG; Ls: es1n Lanark county, where he took auto himself a wite. He moved to liowick with his family In the fall of 1838 :illd soled on lots 10 and 11 on the 7th concession, which he cleared and cultivated until a few .years ago when he retired and Moved to Go•'rie, Ile lea ves a widow and a grown up family t•, mourn his demise, who have the sympathy of all in their • bereave meat. • Lingering Coughs that seem to stick to you in eptie of all you du, are protnptly cured by Dr. 'Voo.i's Norway Pine Syr- up. Price 23o. The Fanners' Binder 'Twine Cone - pa ny om-pany of Brantford has jut te paid the astonishing dividend of 60 per tent. on its eapital stock for the year end• ing October 15 last. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho money on a twenty.flvo cent bottle of Dr. Rills' English Pills, ff, after using three•fonrths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and Head- aolie. We also warrant that four battles will permanently caro tho most obstinate ease of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Willa' English Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Ihnggist, Wingham. Ont. Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug. gist, Winghatn, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Druggist, Windmill, Ont. The Listnwai Connell has decided to take over the Public Library and make it free. Messrs Campbell, Watson, Woods, Anderson, and limning are a Cotnmittee to have the , town hall ffttad up for library purr' poses as soon as possible. A CTtVDSOLICJTOI1S W 1NIT I)1sVt:RY'V1lni!h 13.. for "The Story of the Philipptnos" h; Milts.; Ihist onl, commissioned by the Gel ernrrent as (01, rias 1[i.tmi:m .to the War Department. The honk o i, a Own in army eatcpa at San 1'ransisco, on the Pa,drite a ith Gcm+r;tl Merritt, hi the hnsi,lrals at 1lt- (1001(0, in Helm !iOng, in the American trenches at Manila, in the Insurgent ramps with A_nihaldo, lib the deck of the Olttnpta with Hear., and i, the now of Soffit..., at trio fall at :innil,t. Rollm,:r.t f .r :r!rnls, nlimfal of oildinil r;otIuel k.,ku, I y tr,.t rrr nt pato re ,h, re r hr hook, time t tl t ort spot. aro n,n Lor priors 1'(tR profits, Fr:i':ht 1,'.ul. Cr. d t pitb'l. 1 ,p a,1 tr h'r nnonk•ial w.tr 1xx,ka, clot ,t r:or ArliFtlii.1. T. ha,bcr, i3 c'y., 0(41 toiers), ifltl,r., Chle Igo. A SUGCESSFUL MEN MANY OF THEM ARE RAM:MAPPED WITH CATARRHAL fiSEA8E8. Drto& W.CH SE COMES TO THEIR A17). St..131;A`! at Well.2V•''ICEel. 11 IIc)I)I:•,1 Itt•e, I)r.l>.,,. _, 1 t R�! lfll1y1i 'CM'S „r 6M•. Ilwb ;ll )1 ,I w 1,1:0 i I+ u• 1'Ittatil;:'1't 111:11" lit+v, f,. 1•' e • 0 :tor serf u t s at 11 a to 011,17 ;, a• EPISCOPAL, ii T. PROPS ", ''• i_xa,i, rootur. c loos a 11 a 111 "1 p P'1'1 3'1' - Hoy. W. Fro, d. ;ort 11 •i- 1.1 11 11 01,11iil 7 p 01 CONL: T ION:\ It —Rev. ? 1. : Mason, pastor. Services at 1i 0 It ,'t.• 7pnt, • (1I31iIs'rI,LN WORKEils On irate 010.1 L.oc:i: i❑ c..mmau,l at $ p rt) and 8 p tug SAL,VstT.t()N ARMY — Ensign Or • d lig 001011,00w l` erviot'N 41. 11 0. ID. p non ti p ul. 1•• tcoil or t11t? above 000'e,l ohurc'ies Sat>bnth Srhnot is held at '2.31f i' ie. .efe''e• After. 'Mod's Thosphodino, The &eat English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sex ackages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sesta, Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium o1• Stimulants. Mailed on : ecelpt of price, ono package $1, six, 65. One will7lease, six will care. Pnmphlots free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in INingha:n I'y Colon a Om:10 coli. tslnagist. Success in life is almost impossible for a man with bad breath. Nobody wants to do business with him. No- body wants to associate with hint. He is handicapped everywhere.. Offen- sive breath comes from catarrh; some- times from catarrh0ef the stomach, sometimes of the lungs, sometimes of the head, nose, and throat. It is from Catarrh somewhere, and catarrh is an- other name for uncleanness. Many men understand this, and make every effort to cure it, but. it is be- yond the reach of ordinary practice. No self-respceting man can ignore catarrh. If lie lits it in any form he makes constant effurt to be rid of it. There is aometiling about the man- lier of life and the climate of Canada that Sr ems' to breed. (ureases cf the mue(]u : m(:mbrane.Medical silence ordinarily doesn't try to eure catarrh; it ” relieves " it; but 17r.Chase has been curing catarrh for over thirty years, and his name is blcesed by thousands who have shaken off the grasp of this insidious disease. ::;old by all deaier,, I,rIce 2a Cents p(er box, blower fret. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound successfully used monthly by oyer 10,000Ladic . Safe, elseeteal, Ladles ash your drri,gl:st for Cosh Cotten Rest Colne mad. Take nn ot.lcr:sei all 31 ixitn ,s, i.1114 and tmitationoas. dangerous. Prlea,S'n, 1, 51 or box , No. 0,10degrceistronr•or,Y7pm' box. No. 1 or 2. n:idled on receipt of pries, WO w., P.•eont stamps 7iin Cook (':0NiPNil4' 'WIridOl. (1n t. s ,Lac •• 1 n Secl t'Y' No(t. 1. and 2 A, ar t r, cut loll d� . by al rettppnglblel)rnggists CanadA, N,., 1 Rud No.1 1,r sale nr t:,niu Om .114 BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, 51,350,000, hest, !.77:5,000 IiV'ERY F1tI1)AY .1().1t1'1l'tt• TiflRrw;i CFF'1C+",,I:�:.-„t•1I'l;. ii rl4E'T t$1lvlilL.111, ()NI. Ali wubscriptlonprice. $tper ¢:erg l:,w(tvan4e ALV ESTI i•1 Nil It ATlsy .iiuuu-.1 .1 yr. I 0l01. 3mo. 1 1m0' enc Cohnuu $60 o3 ;34.1 (10 ..5.211 :,?,0,.030 I $8 00 11.11 d0 (10 0' l3 4'00 (2,u,rter" tin 00 12 00 7 i 2 00 +,r.•, nch a0 I 1 0n 2 a0 1 00 Legal aim , tiller ..0,411t1 , 11' ..iisenic..t, 8e per line for Ms:. fnaertion,uud ;3c per lin,• foreacllsnbsuquent i, urchin. Venal,.: u) in",peesil so do. „nod notices10e, p. r line for dr,. u:+n••tion,and'+ „ 6. m ;isle for each subsequent naert,c, . Advurti:A:ments of i,a1t, Found, rinsrad, Situational I and Business Chao,•,, Naut.ti, not,tcnerltng 8 float yummpoquoaruitn, t $ m1 ontfohr , • first mop 10, and OOe. for oa0h bo 1 (muses and Farms for Sale, not eeoeedh,g 8 lino. 31 for the, moot:,, 501,. pee subsequent month 1.ar¢er advortisruler,ts in ). Oportion. These terms will 1>c. strictly adher, d to i Special rates for larger ;.d, urtibuments, or or , lender periods, I Advertisements and local notices without Opeoino directions, will hu inserted till forbid toil ohatged ' accordingly. Tratsltury l:dvertisuments must be; I paid iu advance Changes for contract adrer';lse.:,eutr must be int., the noire by V,'e,:nes '.^y Seca, c. ..,.:'r to appea_s- that week 13. 1. RT,LI, 'f T. Paol•adar:ci At.^ Pt'BLIsuEx President —Jens 5•cniar. Vice-President—A. O. RAMSAY-. DIRECTOlth JooN Paorroa. Gan. Roaon, WM GiesoN, h[ 0, A. T. Wools, A, B. LEE (Toronto). • Cashier—J. TURN13ULL. Savings Stank --Flours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposit:, 01 S1 and upwards received and iutoruet allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of ic..rear,. Drafts on Greiat Britain and the United' State*, bought and sold W. COBBOULD, tid+'IO>`T E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. , Yonoy to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Stoney advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet uentwl, h privilege of paying ut the cud of any year. Not . and accounts collected. IL OBT. MoII0 D00. Beaver Block w'ine)tate, Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART AIOO:IVR Toronto and East 6 411 a. in. 3 05 p. m 3 30 p tn. 10 29 p m Palmerston mixed 8 55 ,c m 3 05 p m Londonand South '6, 53 a m 11 10 a m 3 3C 3, m 8 00 p m Kincardine 11 10 a m 0 49 a m 3.30 p nr 3 30 p m 1029pm 830am SOCIETY ME)TINGS. . QA Camp Cgledonia, No. 4H, meet . �� rho first ,ted third MonT.y Mn uv,,ry month, in .he (,dd Fellows iMalL Vloitirt brethren welcctn• J. Murray. Chief. D Stet• art Iter.. -810 WINGHAM STEAM PUP (ORKS Havtng purchased tho entire business from Mr. .i)liniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to supply the public with t MY:wii Acorioiit-rao'7;(1i' M'MILLIS ¶%'ood and Iron Force , and Lift t»iiaull+. Rra:4n and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tinning. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sink€1. Bstths,ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water sllpp,ies. Galvanized Stool Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps 0 sneeiality. 'Repairing promptly attended tn. • Parties writing for iufnrmetien or ordering by moil should always state depth of well. A11 wort; gaeranteed 01 no sale. i O�^y �aVI• r \ ��••�+y� S .fl.tial Ail Bee 140 V4 ins:heni, Ont. WINGIIAM HOSPITAL. • For rho trentme, t of DIsedses 1l'WOMEN and SURGICAL CASES of ell limb. For particulars address 1(1L. J. 1'. KENNEDY, :Medical Superintendent, 11 it ghoul, Ont; r> VAN83'Cl:., BARRISTER, 8t1LICer(>S,, Fess Private and Company funds to loom at lowesti'atto. iuturent. No commiasien c)utrat0. Mort, ages, town, and :arm property bomtht and nulls OFFICE—Beaver Block WISOOAM. J. A. 3101sT ,N IR/OUSTER., Winghan,. Ont, E. L. DICKINSON, BAPtRIS'i•1111, • SOLICITOR TO DANE OE ll.NI:.TON. ,d0NEr TQ •. LOAN. Office—Meyer Slunk. wingian, m. G. CAMERON, BA !MISTER, SOLICITOR CONVEYANCER, doe,. Otlice—Corner Ilnmliton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne llote1. GOTirRiorr,ONTAEIO. A ItTIIUP. J. I1111/IN, I1 L S, L o S, Doetor of Dental Dental College mid Li ••uitti't0 14 ,tire Ito) alsylvaniCollege.; of Dentni Surgeons of Ontario. ullice ntor Peet"'- 011ice, 1Pq�hum DENTISTitY.—,I.8.JERO3IE, 1.. 0. S.,Wntontrs, lu nufactur • 4 teeth Lie cheap as tl,r•yt can •claSsbe sradere in the lil absolutely withoul t pain, by hisser. Tenth ',•• process. guaranteed perle.tly safe. OFFICE; In the Beaver Block, opposite ths-- Brtuoowick House. J'CIIN RITCHIE GENERAL IN61;I[ASC:5 AOt;NT WINO1IAM, ()If5Anr9+ I)t:ANS, it., wisci:AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER rel. , r1E COUNT OF HERON, Salus attended in any part of the Oo. Charge Moderate: OHN CURRlE, WisonAas,,>•: LICENSED AUCTIONE•:ER. Sales of Farm Stock and Pana lmplemoeta sperealty. All orders h'(t at the Times office lnntnutly atteal ed tu. Terri, reasonable. 64 FIFTY-TWO WEEKS WITH GOD," • A.. fascinating study of The Inter- •' national Sunday School Lessons for 1899, now reedy. No Christian,. r especially Clergyman or Teacher. should hp without it, Beautifully bonncf in cloth of two ('elors,• witik stiff-lton.rds. Price only 85 cents.' Strongly recommended by leading Clergymen. ' On sale by all book sellers. or sent postpaid (n receipt of the price by, THHE B1f:1DLE1.0 AI, l;1','l'SON Co., . (L;1uirab) Publishers, Toronto, Can. JOB PRINT1NC, ,.,, IN(:r.OUINO nooks, Pamphlets, Postero, It 0 . 1 Heads, Ciroutars, ;ce., ae., executed in the i>em style of tho art, at lnedcratc prices, and 08 1bo0 lr notice. Apply or add resell. il. TSLLIOTT, T it .s OIN(:e, 1Vinghaw BOOKBINDING. -- We aro'plrased to ltnnoalnc0 that tlisy C6oki o'?' 9. M .gashes left with us Tor ein'tImo will have Sur M,.111Itt'tgiventton 4001'i'carlon 0 thanr in Mr* SW* •