The Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 22
A horse driven by liise D. Warren
neer 'rL a lesvt .ee t -"i away and
dashed into a tilc)t'i•t:r ti; hi. The
y ettlig lady w i.l,:.i;t t oat and
I"oder the n( iv tin e c:� ,l '•f r•he C.
P. it, the ti re b ten 11'inn'i g
.1tnd Toronto hie'.:,'et:tt re.luw:.i to 48.
Fy�r :mow.
}g •
��Scr`'tlt *3 2htai:
?'fie ;Lvely cared 1::•y t'-.M.eS3
int ;'io Pn2so
They else relieve Dishcas from Dyspepsia,
Ind;eesticrt ., a:i 7.1.`ao Marty Eating, .'i per.
fact re act:y for D:zziness,'Nausea, Drowsz-
nen, ,.lad "i' a,'te in the liouth, Coated Tongue
Taira in the Sitio, TORPID maim. They
..^. Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
PvC o.
l lye fraud. of •Lho •:toy.
'See r :i1: get Carter'.,
Ask far Carter's,
' nsi ;tad demand
Cart'::; Little Liver Pills.
"The load and Feryes ars Often Affected
and Carse Prostration of the
Entire i:f st'.u1.
J. Ringston Lady 'fes:ifies to Her Ex -
perk= ::i the Use ef reliburn's
Heart and ?Terve Pills.
' People who suffer from any disease or
disorder of they heart nervous system,
such as P,aipit:.t;on, Skip Beats, Smother-
• ing or Sinairit: t c.nsation4, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Fain in the -Head, etc., can-
not affo•d to waste time trying various
remedies, which have nothing more to
back up their claims than the bold asser-
tions of their proprietors.
These diseases are too serious to per-
; mit of year c•.:n:'rimeuting with untried
• remedies. When you buy Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, you know you
have behind t't. nr the testimony of thous-
, ands of Canadians who have been cured
bv their use. One of these is Mrs. A.
Ytir. Irish, qa Queen Street, Kingston,
•Ont., who writes as fll!owvs :
" I have suiter'd for some years with
a smothering* ,sensation caused by heart
disease. The severity of the pains in
any heart eauiv d me much suffering. I
was also very nervous, and my whole
system was run down and debilitated.
"He: ring of Milburn's Heart and
• Nerve Pill being a specific for these
troubles, I thought I would try therm, and
therefore, got a box at McLeod's Drug
• Store.
"They aC•;,• tdc,',. me great relief, having
toned up• my system and removed the
distressing symptoms from which I suf-
fered. 1 can heartily recommend these
wonderful pills to all sufferers from
heart trour;le."
Lain -Liver Pitts cure Biliousness, Dys-
impale end Constipat;on. l; very ',Hi perfect.
COS and1ftER'.
f4 PIPIT er Cr.Of)11,
max' Arereers.
Ifi'l 1fl Z2.C'lY, Etre bent fits of Ws article
• are Front ,Grltttifest.
B tst• a:d ef Tim 1), & L. Emnlsion,1 have
erstt, tl t id ora Lacking tough which Ltd troubled
nt,• toe •svcr a year, and have gained eont'.der-
ab-y in weight.
r. Ii• WINGHAtli, C.H., Montreal..
30e. and Si per Bottle
Mew rant.
ti #ileli8i NeAsitiiwlll'
Pain -Killer.
A Medicine Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Qslok Cure- far
25 and MS cont lAotttle e.
HUY C`::.v THI ftgtWINE.
1 k I Air i N (1IIAM T12414.;S, 1)ECEMBER 16, f8118.
•..«....n! -.w m-ar«+a.,x,.a..,...,..n..•-8••w+• w.,.ver..w...»nr.,w,x ...rfla n.*wxv.w.+uw.n.,..•.u.a+w.. .. •••••«r.., +w..hvwaw.ww...e�..r..w..,..w
BIZ eSeosiee.
Mr, W. IL friar :tsei-.t.etl •bt''=. i'.
Swann at theMie-ionart :lnt.itt'i -at
of the Ripley llethtdiet ,•3utt'11 tlu
A Bt'nsscls Quartette will elitg et
the Pr'esbytetian tea meeting .*t
\Velt�n on the evening to l+'t itlhty,
•rt i'+st, -
• The Fre(' l,ib*ary'guard is issuing
a nt w cat.•ttt•gue of he fine Ii..t ui ,•
btl„lts. upon 11,e Library t.Iielvt
well as the new etdt11tion teing abide "
A treat deal t f woi k has been /tutee 3$0111rtor0 13
i'i'I,lt(fS,. Inti. WOOF OF WEDDED BLISS.
'l'h(' following ate the amounts due ; oonneN weamuse OF MR. AND MRS.
(.aril seethe). from the speeial and l VI'THR('W.
Li !Wet s t t (inisition:s fur 1898 ii --- section to 1 eeee 88 Golden weddings are events in the
... ..0.i ,,, , hibtai a of man that are. extremely
" " 3 1102 00'rare. Very few couples are blessed
3;?(3 79' with haif a Century of connubial
310 (15
330 0.2 j bliss, but such has been the cline
301 '!1 I right in our good city of Woodstock.
250 u(i1To- day Mr. Joseph AVithrow, the
3:31 33 I fret.ial official in charge of the court
450 u 3:1
.1.)0 43 , house buildings, and his good wife,
1•27 o1:'are celebrating the fiftieth miniver-
fleet Minting tee 141a:try aitd ,rte;1lt.g
it in shape for re -opening*.
Rev. and Mrs. Abbey are inerfnf;
into the new Rectory this ,week.
f(;ttntraCiOr Newton Itas ,.made a 0114
clam, ,j•,b of ;lie building and it will
'stand to itis credit in tL.e Y eats to
'come. The bnikling is convenient,
CtnitnOdiOUS and ctoLUfortallie,baviiig
E all the niocictn arrangements.
1 Brussels L. 0. I, No. 774, clew(,
1 the finlow'ing officers ler the current
yea t•
W. II. Moore; V S. -Worthy M aster
Wal. Smith -Deputy .1t,uter •
B. Lyerry-Chaplein
M. M. C'trdttf-Rec. Si erotery
J. Kerutighan. jr.---1+iu. Secretary.
it. Smrih-Dir. of Ceremonies
8 T. floto-tee tuTer
Nelson Cardin' -1st Con mittee Man
H. McOutcheon-2nd 't
(=Norge Colvin -3rd `' "
John Wynn -4th "
David Smith -5th
{ , LiOIti111O.
Rev. J. Ferguson,. of Weston, will
I preach anniversary sermons in the
1Methodist church on Sunday, Decetn•
ber 25th, the 'Sunday School of the
'above church will hold their annual
i Ctlristmas tree entertainment on
Monday evening, December 26th.
St. Stephen's church S. S. purpose
holding a grand entertainment it.
the town hall, •Corrie, on the evening
of December 20th.
At the hist regular meeting of the
L. 0. L. No. 767. the following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing
year :-W. M.-Bro. Thos. -Nash ; D,
M,-Bro. E. L, Mc rren ; Chap.-I3ro.
Jas. Leech ; R. S -l3ro. Jas. Elliott;
F. S. -Bre Jas. Perkins ; Treas.-
' Bro. R. Ross ; D. of C.-Bro. .7.
A. Strong •; Lect.-Biro. H. Harding ;
Committee -Bros. G. Walker, A. 13
Feeney, P. Zimmerman, R. Stinson
and W. J. Greer.
i For Over Fifty Years.
1 ren Old and Well -Tried Itemedy-Mrs
1 Wlithltw't. Soothing, Syrup has bests
I used lOr over •ifty years by tuillions' of
mothers for their ohildred while teeth.
' ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cure; wind colic. and is the best remedy
for diarrhrea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Solcl by druggists iri overy pait ut ti e
• world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Its
' value is incaluable. Bo sure you ask for
' Mrs. 1Viusiow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
,:•::, ...• .. w•... ,. .^lint V of ,Lieu lY l•(1/Alof,'„ \•.11:11 tail,
Fortubsu " • .. 633 L 69 place .fifty' years • ago in Queen's
r g rj
. . r,. \o. 1, U. u J. • • 1 i0 Ul County New Brunswick,
Mr Withrow was not quite twenty
11735 22 years old when he took to himself
,U.ttaarll and Hay G' ovei. Amelia Jane Glanzer, daughter of'
the late Henry Manzer. Mrs. With:
row was then only 18. This makes
Mr. Withrow now only 69 and his
wife 68.
For a time after .their marriage,
Mr. Withrow was engaged in the
lumbering and farming business with
his father, the lato Williate Withrow,
in New Brunswick.
In the year 1850 the young couple
moved to Ontario, and after dwelling
for several years in Pickering came
to Oxford County, They have lived
here, honoured and respected by
their hosts of friends, the whole time
since with the exception ef about
fie a years.
Mr. and Mrs. Withrow are both
enjoying the best of health end look
twenty years younger than they
really are. They are probably good
for twenty or thirty years longer.
Seven children blessed the u..ion,
and there is not one broken link as
yet. These are the names : Mrs.
Arthur Clarkson, of West Oxford ;
Mrs. F. J. Carr, Wingham ; Mrs. A,
E. Swanton, Woodstock ; Amos, St.
Louis ; Samuel M., of Woodstock,
and Oswald, who is attending Trin-
ity Medical College, Toronto. -
Mr. and Mrs, Withrow have re:
ceived a large number of beautiful
presents. The members of the Coun:
ty Council .have presented them with
three beautiful pieces of sterling sil:
ver we re, with gilt bowls and suitably'
engraved, while the giftof the county
officials is a beautiful gilt clock in
There were over a hundred pre:
sent at the Golden Wedding of Mr.
and Hrs. Withrow, at their residence
'in the Court House Wednesday night
`and a very enjoyable evening was
spent. The- County Council and
County Officials attended in a body.
. The many gifts received by the
aged bride and bridegroom were
very beautiful and costly, among
which was a memorial presented by
the County officials, signed by them
all. A gold, -headed cane was given
Mr. Withrow by a number of his old
friends and Mrs, Withrow received
a gold -headed umbrella from her
Mr. Gordon II. Cook, of Ingersoll,
occupied the chair. .
A very beautiful address was made
to the bride and groon, by their son:
in law, Mr, A E. Swanton, to which
Mr, Withrow replied in suitable
teems, whieh was followed by a duet,
by Miss Foley and Mrs. Swanton.
Solo, Mrs. Morgan, Beachville; ad:
dresses by. Rev, Mr Roberts, Wood:
stock ; Rev. Air. Morgan, of Beach:
viae; duet by Mr. Morgan and wife.
Speech and presentation by the
Warden of the County. Solo by Mr.
D igit,.Del,uty Registrar, aceompan:
fed by Miss Biggins. •
1 Speeches by Sheriff Brady and G,
Ii. Pattullo.
1 Address by hiss Chave, teacher hi
I Central School.
This brought the very pleasant
1 and riieinorable event to a close.
i We all wish Mr, and Mrs. With:
row long life and happiness, ---Wood:
stock Times, Dee. Sth.
If it's Hay Fryer that is the bug -bear
or y0U'• lire, 3011 wo-.,'t Know the idealist re
fre,,thim from it till you've tried Dr.
Citnse's (J"terrih Cure.
Air. J. G. Anderson, of the evapor•
ating works, has Sold one 'thousand
.lifts• pound boxes of evaporated
app:es, for direct shipment to
The Lxcknow ITockey Club has
elected the folio wing officers for the
season :-tion. Pres., J. D, Nichol ;
Hon, Vice Pres., J. Murchison ; Pres.,
Will Irvin ; Vice Pres.,W. Davison ;
,See. and 'frees., W, Mitchell ; Capt
i Wallace Corrigan ; Managing Com.,
A. Breathweight, Wm. Corrigan ;
Subscription Com., W. Corrigan, F.
, Kerr and W. Mitchell.
The annivereary services of the
1 Methodist church were held on
Sunday last, Rev. A. McKay, of the
Presbyterian church,. preaching
in the morning, and the pastor, Rev.
J. Learoyd, in the evening. Collee.
• tions were taken up in aid of the
building fund. On ,lionday evening
Rev. Mr, Learoyd gave a lecture on
"Christopher Columbus and his
times," and the church choir rendered
a special musical programme.
The Publie Library is again open
for the distribution of books. The
Library will be open Tuesday and
Thursday evening; from 7 to 9 p.m.,
: and on Fridays from 8 to 5 p. m,,
and 7 to 9.30 p. m, Five and ten
• cetit cards will be furnished by the
Librarian on receipt of price. Those
living outside of the village can
secure membership tickets at 50
abuts each. •
d 1tllaan Nanied Smith
hada tert•'iblo cough. People said he
was going into consumption. As a mat.
ter of fact be was already in the early
ietages of that terrible destroyer. f3ut
, be had sense enough to take Shiloh's
Cough and Coneumptior, Cure, and to-
day there ien't, a healthier men in Can-
r•tl't. '.i et., 50 etc. and 51,03 a bottle,
.t f. 114 1•, cure, the drugriat will re -
1 a:.,1 3 our u.J11ey.
hiss ?dor in, of Bayfield, was visit-
ing with Miss Mary Davidson.
Mr. W'm. Wilson has returned
from Toronto, ti here he had spent a
Messsr. Alex, Campbell and John
McLeod will look after the skating
riuk this season.
`t.: Mr. 1V. Pofuerv, of Lakelet, has
purchased Mr. Geo. Barnard's but-
chering business• and will take pus.
seseit,n at New Fears. •
Messrs. Rubt. Dodds and John Ire-
land have returned home from Mani-
Miss 'Nettie Smith is visiting with'
friends in Grey township. '
An entertainment will be given in
tee Methodist church on Monday
evening' next. A splendid program
has been prepared for the occasion.
Oiildren Cry. forrj
• � ��
A Chinaman from Sarnia has
opened a this place.
At ,the hist regular meeting of
Camp Avondale, S. 0. S., '1'eeswater,
the following officers were elected :
Chief -Bra. (co.sFowler,
Chieftain-Bro. V. R. Waldo.
Chaplain-Bro. John McKenzie, i
Secretary-Bro. A. G. Stewart.
F. See'y-Bro. J. Farquharson.
Treasurer-Bro. J, Keith.
Marshall -131'o. T. McIntyre.
Standard Bearer-Bro. J. Rome.
Sr. Guard-Bro. D, McIntyre.
Jr. Guard-Bro. •tV. Marshall.
-Physician-Bro. John Gillies.
Auditors -Bros. Vt R. Waldo and
J. NieKenzie.
On Sunday of last week the whole
community was saddened by the
death of Mr. George Moore.. A
little over a year ago Mr. Moore
contracted a cold which settled on
his lungs and depite the efforts of
medical skill developed into a fatal
disease which at tarot laid him low,
in the prime of his life and in the
midst of his usefulness. Though a
resident of the village for • many
years the deceased took little part in
public affairs, preferring a quiet
home life to the worry and excite
ment that must be the lot - of those
who identify themsalve§ with the
interests of the public. Ile was,
however, for a term of years a
member of the Public School Board,
the duties rf whieh pt,sition he dis-
charged honorably to himself and
with advantage to the municipality.
Ile was a memberof the Presbyterian
church and fur a number of years
taught a class in the Sunday School.
Quiet and asstflriing is marner,
straigliforward in business transae•
tions, careful in speech, generous by
nature, he was a man that any
community could ill afford to loose,
hence the regret occasioned by his
death is universal, Much sympathy
is felt and expressed for his wife and
children who mourn the loss of a
kind husband ftnd father. The
funeral took place on Tuesday of last
week and was largely attended.
Services were held in ,Knox church
by Rev. James Malcolm assisted by
Rev. S. W. Muxwot'thy. The
funeral was conducted by the mem-
bers of Court Victoria, No. 52, 0. 0.
I+'., of which he was a member and
at the grave the burial service of the
Order was read.
Try Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup
if ehiloren are troubled with worms. It
always work well. Price 23e.
`exeinT'.D--severer. 'ritiUSTwonrtrY pint.
TT,, seal in this state to non um our business to
heir ea n and nearby counties. It it mainly nMee
lyork conducted at -hems, Salary straight *000
yfamMudixpenes • deinite, bonallde n0 Mtn*, 50
1ee&lMoihly*3,ltefemacei• Pnnlote
e Wary. Monthly
'Herbert 8. Hotly,
Pre0.. Dept. X, Chleege,
Gratifying improvement.
"My face wag covered with pimples
and black when I began taxing
Ilooa's Sarsaparilla, but after the use of
this medicine a short ti ae I was entirely
cured. I cannot recommend it too high-
ly sines it has done so much for me,"
MAY RYAN, North Street, Oungah, Oat,
HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to
1 take with 13ood's Sarsaparilla.
Woodstoek isto
x have a hospital
for consumptives. i
1 A OTIv1 SOt1OITt)ttsWAF,'LL1)1•AlsitYv,'IDltS 1
,L . for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat
lialstcad, commissioned by the hilrerement as
1 bf ficial Iflst• rIan to the war napartment, The
nook was written in army ramp+ at Smrranslaen,
On the PacificPacificvi. with h Ue ,.tat Merritt, in the hospitals
1 at liouoluln, in item; tioug, in the American trench,
es at Manila, In the Insurgent amps with Asninal •
do, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and In
flto roar of battle et+he fall of Manila Botlanza
for a5ente, tirimlul of orbiinni pictures taken by
,rovermnent pllotogr.phere ou the spot. Laras
book• row ppir1 u:lr, kig profts. Freight paid.
i (,relit given. I)Z 1p all traehv unohActal war beaks. l
Outfit tree. AddreM►, 1t'..'L, Barber, tteo'y., Star
Insurance Sk,K„ Ci lotto,
f •r, tive.» «i9c2S v�,, C$!c7pp��7tt, 5r .y., ge.. eF:'x.23"; 7g, " .1." 73
ai.....,w. ..... �. ,.s.,.iSt•.xt'tl:t�'r•wl. �., aa:a1.'�...:.:+.C.,..,�w5..h..•.........._.. ..dq..i+�
What ar G as
Castorin, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
tudi Children. It contains neither Opium, It ori,ihiete nor
other Narcotic yx bstance. It is a, harmless s:ihutit te'
for Pare or c, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 011.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yeaias' use /ey
Millions s of Merneers. Castoria, dcutroya "Worms. tt«fel.
allays Feverishness. Castoria 'prevents vomiting Sour
Curd, eatren Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria, relieve:
Teething, troubles, cures Constipation and a latatlency..
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cauteria,
is the Chilall:en's Panacea -the Mother's Friend.
"Oastor211 is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
Dn. G. e. Osnoop, Lowell, 41fess.
"castoffs, is so well adapted to ctllidrett
that I recommend it as superior to any pre.
neription known to me."
IL A. ARennrt, li. D. Brooklyn, . F.
It is said Mr. W. 0. lilaedonald, the -
millionaire tobacco manufacturer of
M',ntreal, is to bo knighted on the
occasion of the opening of McGill
University mining building, Dec. 20.
Mr. Macdonald .has given aver $2,-
000,000 to Mevi 1.
CilHdren Cry for -
rf (7'...13, 0, r i
Robt.. Thompson, the well known
lumber merchant, and one of IIamit•
ton's sve lthieet and most prominent
citizens, died.suddenly at his reside-
nce on Wednesday of heart disease.
The jury in A the Prevost murder
trial at, I'crt Arthur, returned a ver -
diet of guilty, and Chief Justice
Armour condemned the prisoner,
Oliver Prerost, to be hanged on the
the 17th day of March next,.
Will stand hear and tear for
e ears. No better proof cant
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago are
still working.
Suppliedto Order. •
Repairing promptly attended to.
SHOP-Diagdnal St..opposite Beattiesr
I Livery.
Winpham, Ont;
< The Loading•Sp ecia91sto of Amerie,a
in 250,000 CURED,
Nothing oan ho more demoralizing to
young or middle-aged men than the pres-
ence of those "nightly losses" They
produce weakness nervousness, a feeling
oftlisgustand a whole train of symptom'.
They unfit it man for business, married
life and social happinoss., No matter
whether caused by evil hubrts in youth,
natural weakness or sexual excesses, our
.New Method Treatment will positively
header, you need help. Early abuse or
Inter excesses may have weakened vou.
Exposure may have diseased yon. You
are not safe till cured. Our Now Method
will ettro you. You run no risk. (r,
2509000 CURED
'Young Man --You aro pale, fooble
and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex-
scitable. Yon become forgetful, morose,
and dospondentl blotches and pimples.
sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping
form and downcast countenance rove,^,.
the blight of your existence.
Caveats and Tra,le•Maria obtained, and all pasta
business conducted for MODERATE I EES. Mp
off Cc Wit rhe imredinte vicinity of the PateatOfftce
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, witb
'description and stntemcntas toadvantn es clattnzd.
X5 -.31O charge is rnacde for an opinion ail to
patcrttabilf,;1r and any fee for prosecuting the
application will not be carred for unfit the
patent 's allowed. "InVENTons' CVSDB," con-
taining fall information sent free. All Cemninnt•
cations Considered as Strictly confidenilal.
Uta ' 03, ,'acts Weese rosic2Toes. ee, 4 '
No matter how serious your case may
be. !kr'how long you nay have had it, our
oure it. rveins" return
their normal condition and keno this,
sexual organs reedivo t:ropoo nourish-
ment. The organs become vitalised, alt
unnatural drains or losses Cease and
manly powers return. �rn temporary
benefit, hut a petntanent era.•1 sanured.
No Celia;, NO. PAY. NO °PUHA-
We trent and ouro Si'1't11L1 ,
Mo1)ERAr'I:. If unable to Bell, write
ortno 'F, tool.
no YEARS*'
et4t.,+V i. (lT3 &C.
Anyone rending n stitch and iii scrtptton mai
e obity asserta:n our optn%Ohl tft' a w.lother an
luvbatlftfh IR probably' pate,,uthts, Conc'ninion•
tions tm
striiata` odoutial. IIandbnoi: on Patents
sent free. Ull1iezt agency for r ecuring__p�atems.
Patenti taken through MunnF: C0.1:00:1111'
sp^,int notice, withoutchic-e, intim
Scientific American.
A handsomely ilinntrated Woe*. Largest etrs
eulatton of any setentISO 9)tcrtiai Terms, $3 A
yye�yar; four Amonths, $i. Soldby'ailttowsdealere..
llltAlY (< �,3OIBtoadwar, �eW YOrk
Branch office. GIS li St.. Washington. D.u.
i a