The Wingham Times, 1898-12-09, Page 10SUPPLEMENT 1 4
The Wingham imes
MORRIS. be Total 400 •
The council met according to
adjournment on November 28th.
Members all present, The Reeve in
the chair. The minutes of last
meeting were read and passed. On
motion of Kirkby, seconded by
Cardiff, by law No. 9 was duly read
and passed.
On motion of Isbister and Code,
by-laws Nus. 10 to 18, inclusive,
were read and passed and the Clerk
instructed to have 200 copies of Nos.
11) to 17, inclusive, printed in
pamphlet form.
On motion of Cardin' and Isbister,
Carefully washed, properly ironed, the Clerk was instructed to make out
• correctly finished and fairly priced-- an account of expenditure on west
that's the history of your linen when boundary and forward the same to
brought here. Not a thing in our the Reeve without delay.
washing• preparations to injure the Accounts were ordered to be paid
fibre of the goods and not a thing as follows: C. Campbell. gravel,
unhealthy about our work rooms. 83 01; J. Thyne, gravel, 83.20;- J.
Sellars, gravel and repairing culvert,
J.. . $2; J. Culclough. gravelling, 84;
Mrs. Dick, gravel, 85c; R. Oekridge,
Leave Orders to. Carr's Feed Store, gravel and drainage, : 1.65; J. D.
MeEwen, use of scraper, 75c; C.
.T,ive btocis hl:tri;ets.' Wheeler, gravel, .,''x1.50; Wrn. (Tar
Toronto, Dec. 6.--�Thirtvsix loads r+ess, repairing culvert, :fit 25; 1).
in to day, including •1,137 hogs and Lewis, putting in tile drain, •7.:,U;
150 sheep and lambs. . Export cattle 'Phos. 1 Luker, dre,wing tile, 75c�; ,
$3.75 to $4.25; butchers'83.25 to +4• Elliott Bros, tile, 85e; Duff&l•itewart,
stockers; 62.75 to :3.40; !eeders, 83.E lumber, gravelling and building;
50 to $3.80; export bulls, 83 50 to 84; sidewalk, $'lt;; S t;aldbiek, hux
stock bulls, 82 to$2 50; export, sheep, drain, 84; W. Forret:, cleaning
83.50; lambs, $3 75 to $4; bucks, 82. drain and culvert, 85; A. Camelot),
50 to $2.75. Hogs ---Singers; 4 -•s* -e; cleaning award drain, 81.50; 1i.
thick fat, 41c; light, 4e. off cars Bone, lumber for drain, 81.70; R.
Market.brisk. Bewley, cleaning out drain, 51; John
East Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 6th.—
th.-- Coultis, brushing out road way,
Cattle—About 40 loads on sale ; there $l 0; M. Kelly, culvert on sideline,
was a fairly active demand for rood 86; John Young, •underbrushing an
butcher cattle, at easier to a shade 6th line, 88; John Phalen, digging
lower figures. Calves were in .fair ditch, 81; D. Watson, gravel, $1.80;
demand, but easier; choice to extra, Wm. Denbow, gravelling on 5th
87 to 87 25 ; good to choice, 86.65 to line, 82 22; Jas. Williamson, inspect -
87. Sheep and Iambs -36 loads on ing gravel, 50c; .R. Deniiow, inspect -
sale, including 26 loads left over and ing gravel on east boundary, $1 25;
2'; loads Canadas; there was a fair Jits. (Jasmine, spikes and repaving GOLD RINGS
demand for lambs on the basis of culvert on west boundary, 85 50; �..11 44..JJ RINGS
$5 25 to 85.40, but sheep was easier; W. Sheddan, repairing culvert, Ali elegant stock and
lambs, choice to extra, $5 25 to $5 40; 82 50; Jas. Russell, cedar culvert,
good to choice, $5 to 85.25 ; common 83; Geo. Taylor, drain on west best value ever shown in
to fair, 84.50 to $5 ; sheep, choice to boundary, 83 50; Geo. Taylor, drain Wingham.
extra, 84.10 to 84.25 ; good to choice, on 5th line, 82.60.
83.75 to 84.10 ; common to fair, 82.50 On motion of Code, seconded b�' SILVERWARE
to $3.50, Hogs—One hundred loads Kirkby, the council then adjourned
on sale ; the market ruled slow and to meet again on the 15th December " The best assortment
lower, but was fairly maintained nCxt. in town."
considering• the volume of offerings;
W. CLARK, Clerk.
heavy bogs, 83.40 to 83.421 ; rnedi The following report gives the
urns, $3.35 to 83.40 ; Yorkers, 83.25 standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8,
to $3 30; pigs, 83.25 to ° 3.30; roughs, for November and determines pupils
$3 to $3,05 ; stags, $2.50. positions in their daises for Decem-
r. . �
Sr. IV,—Lortne Knorr ,316, Gordon
Embury 308, Rob. Farren& 185.
Jr. IV.—Ethel Agar 35'1Alice
Paul 320, Rubs Forbes 318, I ekrl
Embury 316, Vena Knox 312, Mare.,,,
tha Ingram 311, Charlie Agar 300.
Sr. III.—Johnny Garniss 313,
Xarifa Fraser 208, Eva Souch 98.
Sr. II.—Emma Jermyn 399, Annie
Garniss 363, Lola Agar 352,
Jr. II—.1Jazel Embury 333, Chas.
Agar 209.
Pt. II.—'l'otal 300. Harvie Knox
275, Willie Forbes 269, W. H. Jack -
lin 265, Tommy Jermyn 200.
Sr. 1.—Vonnie Rutledge 250, Liz-
zie Knox 241, Huldah Ruldah 237,
Fred Agar 150, Stanley Rutledge
147, Sara Agar.
Low I —Roy Turvev.
D. L. STRACTAN. Teacher.
We carry a very fine
line at low prices. "Call
and see them."
$50.00 reward for a
watch we can't fix.