The Wingham Times, 1898-12-09, Page 6r11I1a .%W I Nti 11A.11. TIMMLLS, 1 ''` O ', ! jp4j corner, the, man who waS eonvieted . t • Lk!) ; �l,t of ath'mpting to balite an oti:elialeted ..t..,.�..:6,..c;, �_, ee)l;t:elllnt'ti to pay :a dee of o:iitlll nllil oroom8`itll}A1, 1)1*.cl:Nziuut !l. OUR eTT ' t i : lER tt)e wets of the et•ut t, h:ts probably realized this ver` thoroughly. Tee eve Lt.l'eere)\v, _as ' 'rho ,eland of the battle is in the Fr41li' l'a'rl.l .*:'ISl`S t. flit • and the flee lit a elections :\' hie h 1e: cls.. \wilt be held tat the 14th inst. Will $ d 1\i e't`trlt7e'r <iI'tl. ' ' t i'4 s , b? ea: wiser, „,ef om. give an one •rtufit\', suilieient1y IIP- , hitt. 3nissioner thee%ee"e invest teation at t1J11Ie ttl:t1 extended to form a reason- a Ditivson Aid.i u':' Can ra;.l!:ti tt'r time ably accurate estimate of the feeling 1 -little time, ittuatatee:stl is tkiinil`1r,r out ' 11! the: cutiiltregenerally towards the I that gives is eiharesee o1; what is Lew ; Ouvernme'lte Of the gnintette of f tiiul,(s Teatr tee i ltiesttl;atiun is as; eoutet•ts, two wilt be in Ontario, viz t $horough mei La harry 1, as an, in_ ; North `imeoe, rendered vacant by equations of tie Department and the !the lamentable death of Mr. Dalton c ldeslte of the C6.,Lauet:inner can make ! McCarthy, and West Lllalhton, ;it, is evident, from he statements of vac cited by James Lister. E q , on recent arrivals, but the curious feature still remains, a feature which as probably unique in the history of ,judicial inveetfgations, that it is al Moat iu}pussible to find complainants, •or ,grieved citizens who will forum. late charges against anyone. This bas been the obstacle iu the way of the lauvernn:ent from the beginning, but the explanation offered by Oppo- sition papers, that the aggrieved parties were afraid to speak because they feared the vengeance of those they eelnplained of, is ton absurd to Kava ever carried any weight ; inas- much as a single charge substantiat- ed against any o 1tciai would at once i;iave caused his removal. thus ren• tiering it impossible fur hire to have done injury to any man. THE BASELESS FABRIC OF A VISION. When one looks back over the weeks and months that passed with not a day's interval between the .3mart-rending stories of official oat - rage •age and administrative obliquity, Bind remembers that more than maple time has now elapsed for the alleged victims to have made their iomplaiuts in detail at head quarters here, and then further remembers that out of the. appalling and be- wildering mass of allegations, not one solitary attempt has been made to do this, it is possible to realize, at ;least in soma degree,the recklessness, and utter disregard for square and ,judicial treatment, of those speakers atnd wi iters, whose sole object appar• entiy has been to discredit and em- barrass the Government. It is doubtful if they themselves ever honestly believed the yarns they so irdusttiously circulated, and while ehe familiar old maxium "never prophet:y unless you know", is a cafe one to follow the prediction may be veutured that by the time Parlia- ment meets, and an opportunity is given to those members, who during the fall have been base repeating these hear -say charges, to place them in proper form before the country and demand a categorical Nt'u W111?n];)011 hitt MOtia.1,'. lieu, 1Jan1t's enr, whip` pl'favhiu le! na1' t n 11 Church, Detroit, it r Rev.Mehied ;et, in the t't•ur: a tmf•it:s tent tt t::.. :till : "Yes, we Canadians aro a 11aE'i la taid inoffensive I t'tili.e, gala :atir u•' ni^ Ind see what we are eapah,.' a t There is no sett we will Ietat t`r•`.aq. 1'tm aver we will not feed. nor a' nuuntaie we will to t elittlli tta 1'l t1 he British flag. S tid \S t' have uund out that lull : inerieans tats , ight some too, bast we arenet 8111' prised at your pluck a you are one - hildren." "We whipped you once, too" cried Iteve Mr. pledget who of a upied a scat in the body LA the ehureb, "Yes" retorted Mr. Livin; ton, "1 have known a son whip his tweet, but it was no credit to the offspring —was it ?" The effect of the ready retort was tremenduons, the congregation teir getting the place and occasion, and rising to their fejt in audible approval.—Windsor Record. his appointment to a judgeship ; two are iu Quebec, in Begot which lost its late member, Mr. 1?. Dupont, by death, and in Montmagnoy, where the representative, Mr. P. A. Cho- quette, has left the political arena for the beneh ; and one in Prince Edward Island, East Prince, the representative of which Mr. John Yeo has gone to the upper Chamber. It is over twelve months since an opportunity was last given to a con- stituency to pronounce upon federal issues, and much has occurred in the meantime, that much however, is fearlessly claimed by the Govern- ment, as an addition to a record of which they have no reason to be ashamed. If general indications are good for anything, the results, when announced on next Thursday night, will be in the same class with those attending the twenty odd bye -elec- tions which have already been held since the present Government assum- ed office. The Provincial bye•election in. East Northumberland,. rendered necessary by the unseating of Mr. Douglas, the late Liberal member, takes place on the same day, ".TIME WILL TELL." "Time, the great arbiter"to whom, when first in Opposition, Sir Charles Tupper, Mr. Foster and their col- Ieagues, were rather fund of appeal- ing, but whose decisions have not been eminently satisfactory to them, is rapidly establishing the legitimate status of the much maligned Galicians. Mr. Peter McArthur, a prominent citizen of Westbourne. Manitoba, semis an unsolicit d testimonial in their behalf co the Immigration Department, declaring that 'the new comers, "are in every way a desirable people and will make first•class settlers. They are industrious, thrifty and temperate in their habits, and are building up new homes for themselves in the country which they have adopted. Tney had disadvantages to contend against at first, owing to a lack of knowledge of the ways and language explanation from the Government, of the country, but they are fast - emotesame members will be the first learning and will make excellent to desire to drop the whole business citizens." and persuade the country to forget THESE ARE ALL RIGHT TO. that they had ever given utterance All the independent information to even an insinuation. that can be gathered respecting the That every individual official has Doukhobortsf, who are expected in proved absolutely satisfactory in bis ouch large numbers in the early .pebe expected ormance in theuty wYult oas n mthlan in ore to part of the New Year, is unanimous Ottawas nor among civil servants in giving these people an equally satisfactory character. than among employees in any other It is now inasiitution, and the fact that already estimated that from 7,500 to 10,000 ore or two officials have been re.- will be located in the west, and iiaoved for cause is abundant eve Deputy Minister Smart who has just lienee of the truth of what has been returned from Winnipeg has com- tclaimed from the beginning, that the Government was only waiting for the ordinary judicial steps to be tak- en before making whatever changes were found necessary. The fact .hould not be lest sight nf, too, that the investigation is evidently working !loth ways, and that the briber, as well as be who accepts the bribe, is Diable to find himself in a warm U RAY 4.NMAN'S FLORIDA WAITER THE • S'NEETE3T MO,Ir FRAGRANT MOST R"'? aESHIUG AND ENDURING OP ALL \ IrERFUt.1a.s FOR THE HANDXSROHIEF, TOILET OR •_, BATH. ,- AU ORU E18y3yt3. PERFUMERS AM i• ariNa.• iWrwt ... 4Mywyi, . How it Hurts! Rheumatism, with its sharp twinge:', aches and pains. Do you know the j cause ? Acid in the blood has accumu- I lateu in your joints. The aura is found in Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralista; this acid. Thousands write that they have been completely cured of rheum tibm by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick headache, billousnes, indigestion. Price 25 cents. • The New Stamps. The Governor General and Hon. William Mulock, Postmaster General presided at the printing of the first copies of , the new Imperial penny postage stamp. The central subject is a map of the world in black, with British possessions blocked out in red. The Crown triumphant is the top piece of the design resting on a support of oak and maple leaves, thus symbolizing the unity of the •Gliited Kingdom and Canada. As will be seen from the rept'oductiun at the head of these lines, these words "Canada Postage" are clearly lettered, and underneath the reap "Xmas, 1898," is recorded, so that the date of inaugurating the Imperi al penny postage scheme may be a matter of record. The figure '•2" appears at each of the lower cornea's, thus expressing the denomination of the stamp, and the lower edge is ablaze with the meaning of the words :—"W.e hold a vaster Empire •than has been." pleted arrangements for a colony north of Yorkton and another west of the Swan River, which settlements will be divided into seven or eight villages each as these people, like the Mennonites, are accustomed to the comtnunity system of life. Not only have strenuous efforts been made by the authorities at Port Arthur and other places, to in- duce a settlement of these people in their vicinity, but great efforts have been made to secure some of them in the Western States. It is declared that they areindustrious, and frugal and have been prosperous when left unmolested. They are total abstain- ers from alcohol and tobacco, they maintain a high ccde of morality and family life, and are careful to train their children in the rellgieles and moral beliefs, as well as in the handic'•afts of their parents. These are tae sort of settlers we need in Canada and in the past two decades hove had far too few of them. A. CT(Y,'•: with :mutts WANTt I) EvintY %fnrRE t.. for -The story of toe Philippines" by Mniat HMO -mil. eMnmi4ei01117.4I by the 4inm erunrent as Oht - ,:ial 11:'.Curi.,a t., the liar t)4F•nrtmt",t. The bunk wig w, Men in tun.,. maim% at Sart Pratrdwo, 4,41 the Pnoil e wti1, General Merritt, its the hospitals at Ile. martin, in ll.r,, Kell.^, in the American trehritr4 at Manila. in the toYnr:ent ernnw ,lith Acnina:do, on the d.et, al 11.c 0111.10,* MO, ]maty, :.,.d itithe roar 1,! ; f 1,.ttko at th.11 of Manila, limuuma for rltr'•nt'. 1tt•iu,ful of ori•'inal pleturcg taken by ton. Dtllniett piwtrmtr,,*1— r4 cin the spat, large hook, i ea• Inar•r+. 1: r inuf'ts, Frr;ttht pzid. Cr,.iit ..'1' u. 1'i',.p All tr.,•Irt nut 1ra•1s1 war 1)4? .11. Out iii , ... A A,.,, a F. 'i. th,l t:.10.e'y., Star Itsiti itee nkdg., (ihi(!ag0. write to DR. BOBERTZ, he is THE DOCTOR WHO CURER weakness of men. Expert scientific treatment. In- structive hook pima Address G. H. BOBERTZ, M.U. 262 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1,'],11: 7 "..,1,+4117+0 !^. 1 „, u,• '41, •1.1,.11 11','Rtl'lt! .n%.• 11 1U' ,o 11 ,t v=.. 11!•11 F t'st ii .'[1711F 1 1-1' l?`- ;ia+\e4l Ia 011111 at,ill 14`3 I)l a11m'ii(1V '111.'11 �i1y my 1ti`1'1`1'141.1. 1'1 l:i'i.MIANI1N1. At 53 tlrltr:k;ist(t, • 16l' 1't91, x 1', t lett'` ' f 1;''l l'1 i':, , 1' •. 171.1 ,. t.; 11ne'If.1.11 ;:t•' . ,,'; \ a 1' a t \ '+ I1 •• t Y • i'I t e :, . Et k•!' '. l h 1,1 31l 1 * • n, 711+11 ' t'e tt^ el ., a s 1'.'r. t:• • •,% .,'1 4 :•1 1 11 't( 1:.411° 6'1••1' 1\"%• A`. 1'i1•11. 11i't•1111'. •',•E6 .r,ut 11 nPO Sh011 / 11 19 t'tilt 1:i•}n \I 1;.11:,11 lirvt, )1. iv * l.i• ah', 1':4..ta•1 ;11 a t 4t•t' • dt 11 at in nail ,1.tu, o.�,,,• a \ 111, .s;amp . „ , , '. • 1.+' x ,i 111+a;;tt tt ,1 1at;.li. • VI i'1.\ \Ct\1i,t 14h. E eel Pel eat iee ih e. 1At6''S tletrale, a»t.1 1. t'. Il'111Fllltl, :',1%11'044 ; 111 :i 1, .1 t MIA to ala. 1;.;111 .1 1t`N >11.M1 1 1' ia'n tn. i:t 1.1 ail t'ulliallatl•1, vo1•vivt':1 lit. 11 11. ; ie. n,m tt. ileal 1. ' 11, 1t:1r .a of he, tth.wwtm taap,P.1 eltairrh('64 ,,.w..:r=.•_. o-_ es:xa:,x.a:.r:..nn. r.: r. _-e m.r,ar vKw,tnya:'a,•M "t:ltl.taa h i•t'11l`t1t 1[i 116'6 at :a ill l) ie. 2•':11:+.,4 111av'aiilt; ` •tr::1.5-ether 11'114,4.:11:4''1 141.1;y0'\ ;Lt • 'l.' 166 )'l•il \'t'I+ ,,16a el. ; ••t' l 1t+1t`.• (t' 11.1+ ;a:(.,•i 111 1 )!�'. :.(,,•i)•. ' t• Bred � `W'ooa"s Ph0lgtodium, tv1:4' 71„+ 1,70.4t f711:11'07.11.1 \. 1111 111:417V i a' The (h.elt rttllf4AA Nraneitt. . t,Nl_ ,,t7 tll'uggt$tn in Canada. `!nly relb 1f): tbl' d—. '1-..., RA •t'rt:lin tai c.. t' d:ayttl able illed,e'ine flit olecell, 1 1 1 2X1, 710r:V fittar,t4? aNi to cure all i.f •''•, ti t 6tt.:•u .lc'••, tonne u ;Sexual Weakness, all efforts otathea() or excess, Mental worry, a xeessive ono at To- r ., , `. ” , , . , , ..• • baeeo, opium et- titianulante. Mailed oil !.\ eeltet l tai' " la,'t1lt+aat ut l f.) rte. all:l� 11.111 t \ h i oS whets one eeet`aarte <l, six, $s. Oa tali _!tease, f"t111a t`t1!!:1tl:t t.1 ;he, 47171 t'tmlit6 y will t sistrlttetta'`• Pamphlets free to env elddatH9. Tho 'Wood Contpaany, A in ser, Ont' 10' 111;t1c}a:llty lat•avy tha• ye ra over 80 ell'to;•dis 741''t:,.keys end t1.a;Ckeuea Sold in \l'inghatll by Conal a Campbell, have btt'n e'•tltrtlr•ted for alt tlttiirrent 1)rungist• rims in t.)nhlrto. : re% i 1 a'f."t. Lay Two Hundred Eggs. Can we produce hens that will lay 200 eggs per annum? Without a doubt. flow ? By scientific breed- ing, as for a good butter cow or a cow milker, as for a good trotting or high jumping horse. Experiments have been made to increase the num• ber of rows of corn on the cob with success. The same method is ap- plicable to poultry breeding. We will start with a hen that lays 120 eggs. Some of her chicks will lay I50 per year. From these we will pick out layers, and so on until 200 or batter is the result. At the same time it is just as essential to breed males from prolific layers as it is the females. In fact, it is more se, If we look after the breeding of the females only, we will introduce on the male side blood which is lacking in proficiency and thus cheek every attempt in progress. It is just as essential that the male sb(•uld be from a hen which laid 175 eggs and from a male that was bred from a ben that laid 150 eggs as it is that the hen is from one that laid 175 L:111r• .'1' :'i:, 111:X0.1tt+r'i ln1•l tl hold and reeomm'ndod by all lee_ t Dn. CRAZE VisarEW THE Slew. Raised from a gad of BANK of HARMON WINGIIAIVI. {/. t„1Yn'',t'111.•$ ISO tll/a.,t•WR. !H' ,6e- 5 , r , 1.4,; �l it .1 Y1rv� a. e' 14,•,:L' pe, i:i;' I'Ii'11•.' t e:cit,el;+,f, '11fi:ltw:ti (41 .11.'1, 1...y ;'11lt'1" ;"1F1;4'r' V, t'';(;lf,' r:•-. 1:.'1'.1l.te). ttbent; 'atr'aprint. e'11.•.z $1.01".") i' tvat4oe' I 661' !,I",.1 1"'t. ,'44)14 ;II •.', 4 1 mr. i ,, •i.. I. 'i ,i. 1 Ino• One eolton t , :1.1. u, • t,':' .y••• 'i.; t k9 00 limit 4'' v'1 : ' • . •79 4 oo' gnat (Tr " :'nal,. )l 4344 1 , t 200 1 I... 11,11 :1 .'11 i 1'. I . 1i i 100 ' dl 1,1•nanal 1,1 tin 111.111.i 1. .6 11(6,I,l '6 1'r. per line Q,,,,i6,a., 11, •.•IJ,IpLM..I ::r 1 11 Ian' 1.1i I .14, n•I1 4.quent . ' i11''(ti n. 1Iw mei II 111 n.a,pa.rilg,•('.•. I 1,0111 1404401 PIA', 17.4t 111.0 for :no 'A...urtim), anti.• e,,, !Mr 1633,3 tar mt'.11 r'11xu'yaw•t r.ar•r1P , . , Ad%stual'neur' of 60044, Ponn.l.wt,ated.*htuatkle I and i111o11p:es 4.11rti,'e 111111, a;, 7.07 ou•„•'Ib,' d line i minparell, '66 for fit 6 lnoutn..u.d :00.1or each, 1 Iubsegn.'ut n, mth, ;intim, arod lrarn,a for Bale, not exec ting S line. 711 ani' ift•.t month, 60:. per eubat,,:lutlt month. , l.irlmnr tovertrmno'I't,, III p' 01.61) ti:,n. I•('m4 t It I1114 Will h.' 4463 ICJ ;7 114',.:,•cn to +11,110141 rate„ for larger ad.erthon.u,ots, or or ignitor pnrind'b AdyetLi:hnnute and lural notice,. w'thnutepoolbe 1 dlroetl” ,Ie, Mil 1'e inserted till /orbit! 'lag 0harl•rdi neeordhgtly, 'rrr,;.nitvty adrerrign,I.:.i, must, be Auld G1 ndvunar. Changes for contract ndvrrtiteone.t. must be in the otlice !,y wednuadny noon, m • order to appear - that weak IL, II. 111.1,1 il'r, 1'aoretarrn; arm PDliaasnms Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $775,000 President -Jens tiitrADT. Vico-President—A, U. RAttsAr. Dala,tCTOIts Jona Pacarea, 0140, 11oacn, Wm Grimm, 24 P, A. T. \Won, A.13. Las (Toronto). Cashier—J..T CRN BU LL. Savings Rank—Hour's, tete 0; Saturdays, 10 to ';heDawecity of 51 and upwards receivedand Interest d. Special Leposits also received at ourrenl rates of ic.,reat. Drafts oa great Britain and the United Stater bouuht and nold W. CORBOULD, "less/ E. L. DICIUINSON, Solicitor. it S a Money' Dr. Chase's Catarrh Core and Sid- neY-Liner Pilin Combined for Perfect Health—An Interesting Cure After Long Suffering. S'imcoe, Jan. 18th, 1837.' Messrs. Edmanson, Hates, and Co., To- ronto, Ont. :— Gen'tlemen,—For over five months I was eonflncd to my b,d, not being able to :neve. The beat medical s'kili was called in, all treating me for catarrh of the stomach, bat to no avail. I • could not eat the mta:'t simple food without being in dreadful misery, and found no relief until same was vomited . up. After spending a large sum in medical advice, I was advised to try a box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I said it was no use, for I considered mine a hopeless case from which I could not recover. At length I pur- • chased a. box from J. Aurtln and Coni- pany, Simeoe, and to my surprise found i great relief. Not being able to ea.t I tried tt box of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills; the pains left me the third day. My apprrolte has been fully restored. I consider myself perfactly cured, and feel as well as when a young woman, although I am 65 years old at present. I was almost a shadow, now I am as fleshy as before my sickness. Have used only three boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pill:;. and only two boxes of Dr. -Chase's Catarrh Cure. I can do my house work as usual. I am positive that my tna.rvellous cure (which I think it is) is due purely to Dr. Chase's remedies, which I have used. I can honestly recotnlnen,: the same 'to any persons suffering from symptoms similar to mine. Wishing you every success. Yours, truly. MRS. ANN CHURCHILL. Sr. ....11`113 E ... . NESTERM OVPI i ISEfl 1 899 Only Seventy-five Cents --TO -- January 1st, 1900. eggs and whose another laid 150 Now is the time to subscribe for eggs.—Panitry Herald, the beet 1Veultly Paper published in Ontari'I, Child/ en Cry for, ( l7Jrite fol oar low cluttbing offers. r" C i4. ST St. George's Bay, Newfoundlanfi, I contains an inimonsc coalfield felly :)0 miles in length and 10in brefidth. It has been estimated that if the output were to reach `350,000 toms per annum, the coal bed would not be exhausted ill a century. rANTEL-SMV11L'AI, TI16'STWO1:Tr11' 11:1,.moue in MIA mac to manage our their own and 114.61tu counties, !tie mainly 001.4: wort: conde.'ted at i,na 0. salary Atrai,tkit' ie 01 ear and es )en+e•+ doRnitr, benelide, 110 mare, n') 6 • a '.4 5r6. ilonthIS' 141 11et.*renors. Eitel, y.r rlf sddrei•ed et e4fl.''t cave opt', Iretbett Yl 1B •A., Plod., Dept. 1k. C11taR �y� A J• Q i t.DDRESS— WrEGTEil ADVZ1Rh1MSER, • LONDON ONT. ret Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REA.SONABLE RATES Moiiey,aivaueed on Mortgages at 5 per centw9,h privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collu.:ted. DORT. 111cIIdDOO. Seaver Block Wineham, Out GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine . DEPA1tT A1RRtIVE 6 49 a. ni. 3 05 p. m 3 80p m ll1 2:1p m 855wm 305pm 6 53a m 11 10a m 83CCpin 800pm 11 10 a rn .0 99 et m 3 80 p 411 8 30 p m 10 29 p in 8 30 a m SOCIETY MEETINGS. Si� ®6 fl Camp Caledonia, No. 49, 61006 e / /_ the Rist Land third blandly h, every month, in .,ho Odd Fellows Hal.. Vigitii'-s brethren worce,n' J. Murray, Chaei: D tltev • art lt,•n.-Sec G4£NGY!9M STEAM PUMP IORKS Having p rchased thri entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the.. public with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, }glass and Iron Cylinders, Galvstniz- cd Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks. ]ftatlls,Pipcs Fitting, Well Hllgging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power t and puma» ug water. Cook's CottonRoasir Col>syollnd �, ,911 pumps a 1 ot )a Y over a Repairing promptly attended to• Is successfullyused , thl b ep a p p speciality. moo Ladies. Save ('fl'eott:al. Lata es ask your druggist for Cook's Cotten Root Com- Parties writing for information or tltired, T,aLenou anr,assit iiirtnros,plllsantt ordering bV rn'iul ei]Onlel RIWUyia state box,tio. 0 aro dangerous. 1Prli'o, No. 1, $1 ler tof well. 1aex,No.9,1aldegrees reoi stronrie t..",per1)os, No., '1.i) 1. or 2, mailed on sec. ipt of 1,161',' and two tt•ecnt. , Alsettees `'lin C(tuk Company wintlaor, Ont.I it Stnrl( guaranteed OF no sale. and 2 stud aim recommended by 1.11. responsible Druviste C:dtada. C. IVIORNIIIGSTAR No.1 Ind Nn.' 6'r 8111,, hr r!nikn .1. erapbell, I) ntral.t 13"C 140 Wingham, Ont. \INGI'IAM IIOSPITAL.. • For the treatment of DIS1;A' l; i r,lr 't'0111EN and^ Stilt(lt:AL, CASES of all lar.do, 1o, larticulara- address 1114. J. 1'. ail{ N 1,1•:1 i Y, jMedical Superintewtrnr, .• 6, },herrn, Opt.. 1�VAN . STONE, BARRISTER, htLu't'I'1R, l.to„ Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No eoritllilo,1ori ahareea. Mortgagee, tomb, and farm property bnurtlt 44410 s0111 OFFICE—P.eavcr Block 11'tl.ou.tn. J. A. 3IOlt'i'ON BARRA:TER, fie.. W Ingham. Ont. E. L, DICIIINSON,13ARRISTL.R, 1;7Y.•. soLlcrron TO BANK OF HAMILTON. . )IONS+ TG - 140.446, i Office—Aloyer blank. Wiueitane .,i ;1 Alf G. CAMERON,• lY4a 1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, (!CIT VETANCER,'iCe. Ottiee—Carney Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. GCDreiCA, ONTARIO. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D U 8, I.U Doctor of Dental Snrgury of the Pennsylvania— Dental College and Li,.e,n i to (f Cu:Royal College • of Dental Surgeons of Ontalle. Oldie o.or Post office,. W to ham D ENTlSTLLT.—J. 8. .1 SSW,L. L h. S., Wesonaar. °..4,'14P'"" -`;xi 11' .nanufactur fi" t•olass sets o6 • �i •t•„ • teeth as cheap u+ th.'y can bo made. in the Dominion. Tenth extrecta absolutely aithrnt pain, by his new process, guaranteed perte,tly safe. OFFICE : L, the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. J JOHN RITCHIEt GENERAL iNSURANCE At;1eNT WINGIAst, OxTeBa© DEANS, J)t.,1visethaH, -3- LICENSED h LICENSED AUCTIONEER F(,h .,1E COUNT OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate, • Oi1NCU1i1 11 , tYl'ea.at, t ►NT., LICENSED AUCTIOhr.1 R. Pales of Farm Stock and farm lmpieenerts specialty. All orders left at the 'Naas 006,:e promptly atten.tl) ed to. Terrag reasonable. cc FIFTY-TWO WEEKS WITH GOD," A fascinating study of The Inter— national Sanday School Lessons fol," 1899, now ready, ' No Christiane.. especially Clergyman air Teaches, should he without it. , Beautifully bonnd in cloth of tau colors, with stiff boards. Price Only 35 cents. Strongly recommended by leading' Clergymen. On sale by all boob; sellers; or sent postpaid on receipt of ' the price by, T1In BRADLEY -GA RIt1',l.' ON Co.,. (lam t•ra1)) Publishers, T,,ronto, Can. . JOB PRINTINC,• TN()r.UDING rooks, Pamphlets, Posters,, n e Heeds, Circulars, to,, ko., executed in the best style of the art, et moderato prleoa, and on ;bone . ounce. Apply or address 1• II, ia, Et.MiY T, T 461414 O:U u, WinRhaaa y, 1 BOOKBWNDINC. 41. We a pre i aced to announce that e t env Roelof p All srhr8lett with uv for 1Jin '1,-.. mill ban ss' prompt attention. Prices for bindles In any style. wi11 br given on application n tiro nee•. tasks .r