The Wingham Times, 1898-12-09, Page 4e4o 44. TILE W IN IA.+.'' !I MES, DECEMBER 9, 1898. Fefli+l ie to. —AT --- Drug Store. tp it to-a9-`.i-.: s, -.,_-.-assts .:atfrs a.-�,.-Y TO ADVERVISERS. Notice ofchanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. • c (!t1U3 �i1r( ► Un e5 F12IDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Provincial bye elections in &vitt Hastings and Nippising will be held on Dee. 27th and 20th, respect ively. • Protests have beer. entered against he election of Hon. J. M. Gibson in East Wellington and the Hon. John Dryden in South Ontario. The West Elgin election case has aceen disposed of. The result of oleetion was brought down to a tie And. Mr. McDonald Conservative, has . esigned the seat, Between 1887 and 1896, 407 school • 'sildr'en in Germany have committed .suicide, and yet Germany is reputed a have the best of modern school The pe,itiens against Mr. Alex Lumsden, Liberal, B. Powell, Con- servative, members of the Legislature for Ottawa have been dismissed. TUE Hamilton Times says that an ill -formed contemporary alludes to Mr. Holmes as an unknown youth, and further says :—"That is where it snakes a mistake. True, Mr.. Holmes is young, but not too young ; he is in the early forties. But as his being unknown, why there is net a man more generally or more favor- ably known in West IIuron, where he has lived from his boyhood. His townsmen have five times honored him with the highest office in their gift, and have had no reason to re- gret doing so. He is closely in touch with the people of his riding, he knows its politics and the political history of the Dominion. It is not only as a successful editor, a muni- cipal worker, and a politician that he is known ; there is scarcely a Metho- dist Church in the riding and adjac- ent territory in whicn he has not ex- pounded the gospel --and his six-day practices are not opposed to his sev- enth day precepts. He is not as un ccmpromisingly partisan as some men, but that will not hurt his cause; we need more of that sort ot thing in our polities. He's a man to be trust- ed. Of course many will vote against him, but not one because he is unknown or not on the square. "Unknown," bless you 1 Bob's name is a household word in Huron." 1 apaneo Robbery. MABE.E'C REPORTS.— j 11•INGIIAu, Windham, Dec, 1, 1898, The Napanee bank robbery trial ..orreoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. erne to a conelusil'n on Saturday 'Flour per 100 lbs 1 75 to 2 00 morning last, The j'lt•y ft'und Rubt. If 11 Wheat 0 (is to 0 70 Mackie guilty and he was sentenced Spring Wheat 0 68 to 0 70 to ten years in Kingston nitentiary. Bats, npw 0 20 to 0 27 pt' Barley 0 30 to 0 ijS The jury disagreed as to the guilt Of Peas 0 50 to 0 00 W. H. i'ont.,n, ten being for aeynital 'turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 U8 and two for eont'ietinn. The jury Gen " 04 to 05 Dacha per pair 0 49 to 0 50 was disehat'ged and Potlton was re- Butter..... ........ 0 14 to 0 15 leased on ;c 10,o0o hail to sta nt) a noth- Eggs per dozen 0 14 to 0 14 • er trial. Parc and Holden's trio I goes Wood ha, pot cord1 50 to 1 7:, a , Over till :after tht ltttxtttial of Pont )n ee,perbushel, , 4 50 to 5 00 Po atoor ton 0 40 to 0 50 T 'e next trial will Lut lil'ely be, Tallow,per lb 0 13 to 0 4 � lotid in Napanee. Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 4 Wool 19 to 21 Dressed hoes 5 00 to 6 00 Chickens 0 25 to 0 25 By means of the telephoto -kit is now possible for one person to talk to an- , other who is 1,000 stiles distant. I After one has been conversing over such a line it is only fair to say that !6 "he talked at great let gth." The Listowel telphone exchange I will in a very short time be made an all-night service. The present machinery will be exchanged for the latest improved matelhc switches to be operated by steam lower, and the service will be continuously open. John Scott claims 5800 damages from the Listowel council for loss sustained by cattle poisonei by wat- er from the river polluted by town sewage. The council and their solicitors. Messrs. Morphy & Carthew, think the town is not liable, and the suit will be defended. Boats.. Gn urcu.—In Wingham, on December 5th, the wife of Mr. A. Ginrich; a Laughter.. Oooic--ln Winrtham, on Dec. 7th. the wife of Chas. Cook ; a daughter.`?' Robbed the Grave. ELcn—In Wiut•harn. on Deo. 3rd, the A startling incident, which Mr. John wife of John Welsh : a daughter. ,. Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, Mor,sronrERY —in Wiochnnl, on Dec. 2nd,the wife of Thos. Mentgowery ; a is narrated by him as follows; '1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue daughter. MARRIED. • coated. pain continually in back and ' Seorroie--Gr:Ear —At the residence of sides. no appetite—gradually growing the bride's parents. Listowel. on Nov. weaker day by day. Three physicians 24th, by the Rev. W. Cooper, B. A. Mr. bad given me up. Fortunately. a friend George Sputton, Principal of the Wrox- advir;ed trying 'Electric Bitters ;' and to eter Public School, to Miss roars J. Glenn, my great joy aoa surprise, the first bot-' , daughter of Mr. John (Ilene, Wallace tie made a decided improvement. 1 con- street. .' tinued their use for three weeks, and DIED am now a well man. )_ know they saved McKncca—in Culross, nn December my life, and robbed the grave of another (oh, Johnut• R.. sonof Mr. and Mrs. victim." No one should fail to try them. Andrew McKague, aged 1 year, 7 months Only 50 ets. a bottle, every bottle guar and 5 days. anteed, at any Drug Stora Aitvc—In Turnherrv. nn December 0th, Pearl, infant dat.ghter of Mr. and HOW ICK. ;tire. W m. King, a,;ed months and 27 1 days. On Sunday last a confirmation :f WaL tFa—lrt East \Vawanosh, on Dec •,vas held at the English church at ember 1st, George lI walker, aged 8 ..ystenls. It is that the grind of the Goi �ie by the Bishop of Huron. years, 11 tncutt's and 14 days:,. school -rooms is making the life of the There were 84 Candidates including 9LLAN.—In Brussels, On December let, modern youth "not worth living?" those of Gorne and the neighboring Eno Reece, youngest years of Rev. g g S- J. Allis, aged ears and three THE election petitions in the case churches ot Fordwich and Wroxeter. mouths. .f Loudon and Brockville, in which After the rite was performed the ate respective respondents were Col. Bishop gave an impressive and ,eys and Geo. P. G •sham, Liberals truly evangelical address to those were dismissed at Oagcode Hall on who were confirmed. The church `3lonriay. The petition in North was densly packed and the great -.ray against G Boyd, n in vative number ot the candidates, which the Bishop remarked exceeded any class oval also be dropped. he previously had, would appear to During the course of a discussion indicate the great interest taken in n the Custom Department, Ottawa, this great event and the growth and + ue interesting fact was brought our. extension of the English church in slat the average perieapita consuls--.ghborhood. sstion of tea in Canada annually is BELGRAVE. .''om live to six pounds, whereas in Looks like winter, -he I'nited States the ave; age is only Mr. W. K. Whaley spent Sunday • '1 pounds per head. in Ethel, The story of the centra] corruption Mr. Arthur Brooks had a success• fal wood bee one day last week. , 4j d obtained from lumberinen and Messrs Watson & Geddes have dis- apitalists "for divers benefits" is like olved partnership. Mr. Wm.. Geddes ::ie story that Mr. Whitney tells becoming sole possessor. <verywhere, nat. the constituencies Quite a number of young people' xhere bye•eicathhans are Liking place from this vicinity drove over to Mr. ee "infestsd with tkliciads." The ° Jno. Butcher's last Friday night, tames of these of heat, have been ; where they spent a most pleasant liked for, bat t -.ey, are no mit forth -it evening in tripping the light fantasic 'outing. hill the wee small hours of' the morn. _- i Miss Maggie Wilson, of Windsor FRIENDS PR'EVAII_1=D• j Ont is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. David Geddes. Nervous Tortrto Woman Walked the door D:erang the N:aht for Hors at a Time—She Makes a State..^.eet. '1'OEONTO, ONT.--' 1 was troubled with nervoutiness. It was i=poss5.t:e for one to keep still and if the spells rime ,.fuer me during the night I had to get up and walk the floor far hours at s time.. fly blood was very poor and I wass•zisect to Fiillona attacks. Jfy feet would swell rend I was nut able to do my own booze - erotic. I treated with two of the bait tplaya'eiane' here but only received relief ,tsar a time. I became discouraged, One :lay a friend called and advised ale to try 'alood's SSarraparilla. I laughed at the ad- vice but I was prevailed upon and pro- cared one bottle. Before I used it all I began to feel better. I took several bot - *flea and also *event' boxes of Hoods Pills. 'float I can eat and drink heartily and steep soundly. Hood's Sariaperilla has rat'rely cured me aria also strengthenrrl etre so that r now do all my own work. olaserfuliy recbnunend Hood's :?areal;a- trelle to all aafferers from Ilervauanaae, weakaterwt or general Mae. H. tit . i'. oaf. l egr oat Street. eet. ,e �� atI Pills r•rr*fLrrlrare+ta�trtaae, 1100E1 11i Pills ea.r to „yrrat.. A Thousand Tongues 1 Could not expresa the rapture of A nnie E. Springer, of 1125 Heward et,. Phila- delphia. Pa., when she found that Dr. K:ng's New Discovery for Consumption hail c,:mptetely cured her of a hacking crtaagh that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doatora could give her no help, but ehe eaas r:€ this Royal Cute --"%30 remov- es the pan is my cheat and I can now eieep sraandly, something I can warmly remember doing before. 1 feel like soundir,g its praises throughout the Uniceroa" So will every one who tries I)r. Kiog'a New Discovery for any trou- ble of the Throat. Chest or Lungs. Prise 50 cents and $100 at any Drug Store every bottle guaranteed. Hugh Brown of Trenton, who wag arrested on the charge of stealing money' from the hod; of 'William Lunges?, at the Murray Hill disaster, I1 been aeell � •n tnmttt d for trial. • ( 1\rt;rn' vLttAl, Tkt'ST%tMain I1;).. lira • ; tr :a state t , .bat a:? r sr 1 t) sr an tit•ir o a a,..1 , dote, t (,;,rah. It is gr a t.l , Oil # 1 O kar„h., t••a at it, r, :;art• ttta+tt" 'ter a ,.r t tit, a',41 a - if r,e.4t•., Prr•,,3;!tr 10 ee4e, b u•+ ,tor , dt, ei R.,nrprtr.- Lori ee 1' ,.c t ".r,o4 .I,�"�,•i. 11e.•,,.;;.!•_ 1; ter. • e rp. 1%1 3 atch Coid EosIIg ? Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something V Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of yeNs Cherry Pectoral If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. )P.Atter'8ekteri Peetocat Pluter minds at legs iter* cells. Help at Hand. If you have any complaint vv etr ond t t. r the best nte,hi al :'i- taaeiatt you ran pos- •cilrly obtain writa the doctor fr±dlj. Volt will aeceive a prompt rapt!. Address, DR, 3. C. AVER, Lowell, MASS. During the 13 years from 1885. to 1808, 108 persons have been con- demned to death in Canada for murder, of these 60 were executed and 48 sentences were commuted, Fat is absolutely neces- sary as an article of diet. If it is not of the right kind it may not be digested. Then the body will not get enough of it. In this event there is fat -starvation. Scott's Emulsion supplies this needed fat, of the right kind, in the right quantity, and in the form already partly digested. As a result all the organs and tissues take on activity. soc. and $I.00, ail druggists. ` SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY We are now READY FOR BUSINESS .+.,+ r�,.,,.........w .. _ _ . ._ _...mss+.^..•„'rr�o't AFTER•" -�-. Election Excitomollt IS OVER. kVe would like your attention for a short time. We want to interest you in' our weekly store talk. You know our reputation for selling goods at low prices. Well we are going to keep that up. We lead, others follow. Just a few prices this week. CANDIES AND FRUIT Mixed Candy 4 lbs for 25c. Gum Drops, 3 lbs for 25e. Cough Lozenges, 2 lbs for 25c, Pepermint Lozenges, 2 lbs for 25e. New Dates, 3 lbs for 25c. New Figs, 5c. per pound. Mixed Nuts, 20c. per pound. Oranges 20 to 40c. per doz. Lemons 12 to 30c. per doz. FISH ,. Smoked lIaddie, Siscoes, Bloaters and Red Herring arriving fresh every few days. Fresh Herring, Trout and White Fish oxpectect early next week. in our studio io the McKenzie's Block, Wingham , If you want anything in the Pbnto Li re, Crayon Work, (op ying and Eu- 1ar4iug, give us a call in the down floor studio. P:atinos a specialty. M. E. ZUUBRIIG( , Next door Rosa' l sale Store. IT PAYS TO The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. STILL LEADS The halt century mark has been reach- ed by the number of our pupils who have secured good positions since Sept. 1st, among those who have secured places recently are:—Sarah Duncan, Steno. Lyon & Hensel!, Barristers, Owosso, Mich. ; Alex. Blott, Molsons Bans, Tron ton,Oet. ; Arthar Oldershaw, Merchants Bank, Chatham, Ont. ; Vita Clark, Bkpr, Brown's Woollen Mills, Kingsville. Ont; Mary T. Cain, Steno. Pardee & Shnunew.y, Barristers, Sarnia, Oot. ; Florence Sibley, Ston. Blaney Desk Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. Eva Payne. Steno. D. & L. E. Ily. Oliice, Chatham, Ont. These with forty-four others have been place since Sept, 1st. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Write for catalogue of either Short- hand or Business department to D. BIeLACHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. OUR STOOK - 15 LA.BGE WELL . ASSORTED PRICES REASONABLE Variety unsurpassed. Large stock to choose from. It pays to buy here. C.onie with the crowk to J. G. arges BOOT and SHOE DEALER Repairing promptly attended te. HOLIDAY GOODS Silk, Linen and. Muslin Handker- chiefs, Neck Scarfs, Ties, Gloves and • Toilet Goods in great variety. Also, Pillow Shams stamped. and Pins Cushions, DRY GOODS Another consignment of Ready Made Clothing just put into stock.. Ulsters, Overcoats and Suits its _ Boys', Youths' and Mens' Sizes, and-• the prices are right. We are offering; splendid value in Underwear. See: our heavy all wool goods at 50e. r a, Good 'Tweed Pants at $1.25. Heavy all wool Tweed Pants $1,45.. Fine all wool Tweed Pants $2.00. 3-0-1-111\T Macdonald Block, Wingham. If you wa t Christmas things to send to friends and to give to your friends at home, call and see our stock of CHINA German, Japanese, Indian and Porcelain. 1E3 C)410.31E-K The Altemus Series in Fancy Binding and Colors. I lof the best Auth ors and' 00 oumes o Titles, such as Window in Thrums. Rab and -His Friends. Black Beauty. • Tangle Wood Tales. Poe's Poems. Emmerson's Essays. Addresses by Drutnmond. Peeps of ]`)ay. Morning 'Thoughts. Twice Told ".['ales. I ET Z3Sc• Our stock of Stamped Linens, Embroidery, Silk, &c., is complete. • Leather Dressing Cases for Ladies and Gentlemen. Handkerchief Cases, Purses, I1and Satchels, Writing Sets, &c., are the handsomest we have ever handled. - ()ur Celluloid Cuff and Collar Boxes, Dressing. Cases, Shaving Cases, Neck -Tie and Work Boxes from. 25c to $14.00 are up-to-date. ;incl to please the Children our line is ,just the latest. Elephants. I-lorse.�, Dolls, Carria es, Sleighs, Borns, I)rurlls, \'�'histles, Knives, llit'elhari•ows, (xames, Rattles, etc. Besides School Supplies, Paint Boxes, Crinkled Papers, Mouth Organs. ALEX. ROSS, Popular Book Store. 1