The Wingham Times, 1898-12-09, Page 3#.4" •T �N.•...M,+•,a+A�Ww,�M,•Y.M.w.•.'w•IMM•�MMM.n',MuiT•/M .. . M ° .0 %V 1Nuu.. A.M TIMES, DECEMBER 91, 1.896. .f•w1�•Mr�rwwCnrYM•+wM.�,v�,!.wl-i..MvIrM,N�'�,,, .. ...'. _ ..... .. . .. ..�M.�MM4�1r1!T�.�nMF ,.. .. ...... M,r�.N++M�. j Startm to Young Kane Tiagiat, Olt( England's k'lagevs, Dr. A. ata tie for Vito Stables, I, el o ft". cnn ;'of:t :rat er Peer:ns ase, i i b dof lino Closing( " If more fathers would take a w Glz xxl(zz2u Dr A W . 41'4'1 'fx r l le t4 'Ch t f n 0h d Alen elm Yrtt die h�r�e sill t l 111 . course with their sons similar to. the a vrr ser; o r. area remedies, , . ons lily father took with 1)qe," ob. are iteown the world over and like old study the, Lt Wnee as wee as tli pttyricJii eonditlons of the nn :lt- served otic of the leading business nets. . i hien of Boston, "the boys might Pills," Catarrh (ti a Steel9tf arainsHetl I' I blink it hard at the Valle, but they'd. and Turp.entfwe and Ltyer Zara enjoy Ithank him in after life.' the contioence of everybody. They have "What suet of a, course ?" we ask- won their way into the patella favor on ed, merit. Their sterling qualities anti high "Well,' was a young fellokv a; f ' atdnding and purity have made theist the ttw'elit •ttivojust nut of eolle"e acid householrt word all around the world, kiss are contrary to his nature, In y , All tleatears sell and recolnnientl 'thein. dunlesticaation the horse nest depend En[ ‘1ii-le Lives f4 Many i Thei sal' Li��tuDisease! Fame's Celery Compound, Earth's Great Medical Prescription, "Maks Sick People ell." Another short month and the year 1SO8 will come to a close As the year ends, many loved mitt dear ones pass away, ec,vet'iug tie and associations thrtt will bring untold sorrow, agony and nxtoarning. The vintuns wi:l mime from rill ciaeees' and eonditlous of our popula- Mon. Wile it is true we moat all leave this transitory life, it ought to be well under- atood that our years of life on earth ebould be threescore and ten or fourscore wears. When young and Middle aged men and women Pail to reads a good old age, the tanit le theirs in ninety cases out, of every one hundred. It is safe to assert they have violated the laws of nature and Lave allowed disease to enchain them. Years ago the attention of that Bele. brated medical expert, Dr. Phelps, WAR especially directed to the class referred to who die in middle age, He realized the fact that sofnethiug far beyond the ,ordinary remedies and prescriptions of the day was required to tweet the varied conditions of suffering humanity. His wonderfullife giving presoription,Paine'a Celery Compound was the bo.in bestow- ed on the hosts who suffer from the afommon disease --penalties of nature for transgressions of its wisp laws. Dr.Phelps fonnd that nervous diseases. A. Parkhill Actor's Look. An actor named Ernest Iastings, von of William Hastings, of Parkhill. esephew of W. W. 'licks, itlitehell, and brother of G W. Hastings, who is now in his last year at Trinity -University, has been made the bene di:ciary of at wealthy Lancasbire lady's twill, Some years ago, it is Stated, 31e gave a blue -print photograph of himself to a friend who was leaving for England. A lady maned Hast - Sags, who was well-to-do and had lost a son, took a fancy to the photo- graph, and left the original. £2.2,500, She had lost a sea named Ernest. Hastings is a graduate of Toronto University and a barrister. He joined Rhea's troupe and is now playing in a San Francisco Stock Company. Your Danger Now is from the overworked condition of the Myer and kidneys which are unable to ,expel impurities frost, the bind. This causes rheumatism. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ira's been wonderfully successful in cur- ing this disease. It neutralizes the aotd• in the blond and permanently eures the aches and pains which other medinines fail to relieve. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best winter medicine because it nitri- tes. enriches aid vitalizes the blood. It gives help just were help is needed, It lobes the stomach. stimulates the liver and rouses and sustains the kidneys. ]t wards' ori pneumonia, fevers, bron- chitis, colds, co,Dglis and the grip. Ei BUSINASS .LOSSON. MOW teem CtYOrcft 'I'AUGti1' ONE M. TIIit VALE OF MI01`LtY, Peter Cooper was one of the most auceessfui, careful and prudent buss nese men of his time. He was strong- ly' opposetl to the methods of many exierehante who launched out into ex. teavagent enterprises on borrowed money, for which they paid an ex- orbitant rate of interest. The fel- :aiming aneedateillustrates this point very foreibl,t• : Once, while talking about a pro - ,jest with an :Lcgnaintatneo. the hitter `acid be would have to borrow the money for six tnonths, paying inter- est at the rate of 3 par cent per ilegland'e flag the sun on them never blood troubles, liver and kidney cone plaints, rheematistn, neuraigit; and dys- pepsia were dragging thousands to the grave every year, notwithstanding all the well directed efforts of conscientious medical men. This marvellous prescription of Dr, .i'belp's was a revelation to the world, in that it cured desperate and Itch stand- ing oases of disease that have babied the best medical skill. - Since its advent, Patne's Celery Com- pound has saved hundreds of thousands, and it is atilt conquering disease every day. No other medicine known to pian has ever received such flattering notices and testimonials from prominent men and women and from the entire press of the land. It is the one and only life saver in every case of disease and suffer- ing ; it defeats detith when the physician is unable to save. It is to this marvellous banisher of disease—Puiae's Celery Compound—that we would direct the attention of all who are run down, tired, sleepless, nervous, debilitated and weak—symptoms of the diseases we have referred to above, It will quickly give to every ailing man and woman that vigor, strength and permanent health that insure and guar- antee a happy old age. • "Well, if you wish," said Mr. Cooper, "I will discount your note at that rate for three years," "Are you in earnest ?" asked the would be borrower. "Certainly I a.m. T will discount your note for $10,000 for three years at that rate. Will you do it?" "Of course I will," said the mer- chant. • "Very well," said Mr. Cooper "Just sign this note for $10,000, pay- able in three year and give your cheek for 8800, and the transaction will be complete." "But where is the money for me?" asked the astonished merchant, "You don't get any money," was the reply. "Your interest for 36 months at 3 per cent .per month amounts to 108 per cent, or 810,800. Tberefore yonr check for $800 just makes us even." The force of this practical illustra- tion of the folly of paying such an exorbitant pricefor the use of money was such that the merchant deter- mined never to borrow at sta,cb ruin- ous rates, and he frequently used to say that nothing could have so fully convinced him as this rather humor- ous proposal by Mr; Cooper,—Ex- ehange. Coughs Cured Quickly, permanently and pleasantly by the use of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The .most satisfactory cough remedy made. Price 25e, animals, sats the Alese:A ha:or • Jongliman. The study is tint a mere fall or whim idea, for the horse is so con- stantly in cotltat't with hn,r,ttr:rI that he is subjected to many tbilare 1 felt myself of considerable stn' penance. I knew my father was well off, and my head was full of foolish notions of having a good time and spending lots of money. Later on I expected my father to start me in business, after I'd 'swelled' a while at clubs and with line horse flesh, "Like a wise man, father saw through my folly, and resolved to prevent my self-destruction, if it were possible. "If the boy's got the right kind of stuff its him, let him prove it,' I heard father say to mother one day. 'I worked hard for sty money", and I dcn't intend to let Ned squander it and ruin himself besides.' "That very day father came along and 'tangled me fifty dollars, remarking, 'Ned, take that money, spend it as you eboose, bat under- stand this inuell ; its the last dollar of my money you can have till ynu prove yourself capable of: earning money and taking care of it on your own account.' all tock the money in a sort of dazed manner, and statnmered out, —'I--why—I—I want to go into business.' " 1 Business !' exclaimed father, contemptuously, ' What do you know about managing the mercantile business ? Get a clerkship and learn the alphabet before you talk to me of business,' And father left me then to ponder on his words. And that 'fifty dollars was the last honey Icy father ever gave me, till at his death I received my part of the property by inheritance. "I felt bard and bitter then, felt my father was a stingy old fogy,and mentally resolved to prove to hiuz, that I could live without his money. He had roused my pride—just what he intended I suppose, "For three days I .looked about for a place to make lots of money. But I found no such chances, and at length I accepted a clerkship in a large retail store at $400 a year. "Another bit of his 'stingine&' at this time was demanding two dollars a week for my board through the first year. "At the end of my first year I had laid aside $200, and tbe next year, my salary being raised $100, I had $500 laid by. "One bundred cents meant more to me in those days than $100 had previously. "At the end of four years' clerk- ing I went to my father with $1,500 of my own, and asked him if he was willing to help me enter busi- ness, Even then he would only let me hire the 'money, $2,000 at six per cent. "To -day I am called a successful business man, And I have my father to thank fur it. Those lessons of self denial, selt.respeet and inde- The Bid Came Another Way. pendence which he gave me-- A distinguished actor of the pre- though hard at the time -put 'the sent day was one time engaged at manhood into me.• one of our leading provincial theaters in a drama in which he attempts an escape from a convict prison, first by getting rid of his fetters • by moans of a file and lastly by getting over the prison wall. In the act of doing this he is shot at by a warder and killed. Oee particular night the drama I for everything upon those who own Worthy of Bmulation. hire or, at least, who care for him in C the stable and drive him. Ever . Lord Mount Stephen it is said, has attendant should keepcertai:i set apart .$2,800,000 in the hands of things in mind always. ere ate a trustees to be advanced under cer- tain conditions to his young relatives. Lord Mound Stephen so it is reported, hos expressed a desire that his rela- tives should enjoy the eatautages and pleasures that wealth can bring fuse a horse and advertises a bloeta while they are young and he is alive, head few of these things : You can get no more power from a horse than you give hitn in his food, Yelling and jerking' the bit eon He believes that there is something in the scriptural teaching 'that it is more blessed to give than to receive.' He desires to enjoy some of this bless- ing while in life. What enjoyment can he tbere, evert in anticipation, to know that after death the chances are largely in favor of a squabble among rela- tives over property bequeatbe l to them. How muc`i better is it to fol- low as every rightly constructed person should enjoy, tbe helping of other persons at a bine its life when such help is needed and appreciated, Lurd Mount Stephen has also in the past, given largely to hospitals and kindred institutions in Montreal and elsewhere. This is an example that might well appeal to the considera- tion of people of wealth. "Years afterward, father told me it cost him the hardest struggle of his lodge, and many in other lodge, were anxious to have the claim paid, but: the Supreme officers were power'• less ander the law of bis State. and could not pay the claim, The inter esti of members are mutual and all should work for the suceees of the order in whieb they hold eertilieates, and Ihst, but not least, do not fail to pay in time. Scrofula Luted. 1'. Dubuc, Magog, (,1ue, writes : „l have used three bottles of B. U. B. for Scrofula, Impure Blooci and Dyepelets. and was completely restored to health.' A CARD. 'We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three-fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Consi:ipation and Head. acihe. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently onre the most obstinate case of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' English Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingbam. Ont. Colin A, Campbell, Chemist and Drug gist, Wingham, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. To The Point. Millions of dollars annually are paid to widows and orphaus, thereby pro. tecting them from want poverty and country poor -houses. Wage earners, why are yea so careless or lake -waren when you can gain so much by eo little sacrifice? If necessary forego the plesare of one cigar or beer a day and let yonr loved ones reap the re- ward, This small atuount'will pro- vide for your family one or two t,ousend dollars of insurance, which may become a God send. Some members are very unbusi- nesslike in paying their monthly payments, thus keeping thetuselves protected only part of the time. Re- cently we read of a member of a fraternal order, who had been par- ing; for nineteen years•, but he was ill the babit of allowing his certificate to lapse. He was taken suddenly siekand died witbin a few hours It•was found that be had allowed his certificate of $2,000 to lapse eight days before. All the members of Dr O. M Muslin, trittr•g m t;Jekes- eriean rinurn it rti 3h ea th. ?AA' IOU?, says :--":',n r r the Is/ i it t ri acti- ('inea derort•u ' : k• (.4 ,."';"3 11 #• Ijr, Ointment, es b r•• rt + (,4 I'M" Pa, 1 os,tit-• akin skin or nt ior,a t,t alt dt ,,:F, for which it hubs Is eu eves wilt, merited s•u;r'es and l,+:ti rf eeted rattrart-t,ide cures in Ayer v , lu tirate ttr.c:trt: wrtit b. seemrr to beffle the c'Ittiftsi rr t>dts c l ootid- , Tne horse is tnan's invaluable helper and should be treated us a friend. .Any fool can ruin a team, but a wise driver maintains its value. The best drivers talk much of their animals. Your horse needs water Menet than you. Balking is sometimes caused be abuse. over loading of tight harness, Never strike or hurt a balker. Stun' eloth in his ears, or hold tip his toot and tinker with it fully three tnirs- utes. Divert his attention, and do it kindly. No horse should wear a shoe more than four weeks. The whip costs more than it saves. Put it up. Blinders are useless and injurious Cut them off, ' Wide tires save much hcr� power. But few farm horses really nets shoes, Your horse intends to please you but d.,es not always know your wishes. Dark or damp stables cause low spirits and various diseases Axle grease pays 1,000 per eent. profit. Good blankets are profitable hut' sae food, if wisely used. Cruelty qualifies for •crime; they are close neighbors. It is cruel and silly to whip a horse for fright. Soothe him with kind words, his life to be se bard with his boy. But he felt it was the only course to make' n man of me. Many a time we laughed heartily over that little two -dollar board -bill." For Over Fifty Years, An Old arid Well -Tried .Ciemedy—Mrs had tun its usual course up to the �4itisltiW't1 Soothing Syrup has been point where the actor attempts the used tor over '3fty years by millions or, escape over the prison wall. The mothers for their children white teeth warder, as usual, ins with perfect succesa. It sootbes Lbe presented his rifle, child, tioffens the glints, allays all pain, but instead of a, loud report nothing but a faint elickingsourtd was heard. The rifle was lowered and after a brief delay again pointed, but with the same disappointing remit, The audience now began to hiss and jeer, The disgusted actor then got off the prison wall, and, staggering to• ward the footlights, exclaimed s "It's all up 1 I've swallowed the file 1" and cell prone on the stage amidst the laughter and applause of the audienee,—Pearson's Weekly, xnonth, sores wind colic, and is the best • remedy for diarrheern It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalutible, •13e sero yen ask tot, :Ylrs. W'ieslow'e Soothing Syrup, and Derhig the season of nawi,;tltion a take no ether (Lind, hornet;have been recovered from the lictlt tobacco growers lieltlat>ileet� Detroit sliver in the vicinity of ,tilt het•sthere ing at Ridgetuwn last week. It is i 1ilburn's lthe{tntatic Pills are th t nn staid the deiegtltes did considerable lv rehnt 14 and satisfactory remedy f..r Chewing about the low price of Ieaa. iihertnraairen, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gent "Why 40 you borrow for so short a time ?" Mr. Cooper asked. "Bec.tuse the brokers will not tie. •gotiate bilis no longer." it visti ton Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It atatakis the digested food too long in the bowels end produces biliousness, torpid itvcr, indl• sten, bad tussle, coated ifs lls liH In- mate, sick headache, snnte, etc. hood"S Pills tre Conttipatlon ited all its faults, easily anti thoroughly. ".5o. All druggists. iwepared by C. I. flood & Co„ Lowell, Rises. gtolilyrritls to saki with IYood'.s Jatsaperitta ). CTIvi's0Lh;t-r.ttilw,n'rrwaat'i:'(vri't:VAIN ,n,no Nournigut, Pri.ce50c.,ail druitaisl , es. for "The Story et the t'irilippines' ty Shoat " Magistrate I3artlet, I Lhlstt,ati, emuln sin's i ay ttrr Government a+ , Slues iSii:t aT, r btileialnlllat, tit t 1nathe Wni! Deparuan et. itsiTh ,\ '.1111dn ", has issti1',d over . ,500 mama :t t tee :taws i rt1 V ,r , to tikes nestle tt ith Gremral Merritt, in the hespirll4 I ogee lir:tenses. et tlonetutn, i,rlloasr #font, in the Arne` Ivan trench .. - 4.' - -rd,'s "St allow Oil.. II tots statism, i't thr: l'skli ;ens natlp3 suit', A,Sttinat r�iy 1 �' of rOtitrxAl �` `iTiVfrrTlit" rit•t" t, 11 tit . to iL {, n.utr Y� t. t t n r of It u tt h t for At, 1 It l� it SpI i : Ln,n„nt. tits ar ,,l Lt+ t, •; d ft 1! 't nil f u.nea a. ,n , rt r ,rll.N . f t It iS t r fC tt n r a t t ill its h 11,4 tar out i ,.. ^,t NI, t 'trot war t Credit, t II t • .r �•. r r' I I, J. to , 1t of thn ui m tt #t t t t, t do en t1 ct i , r 1 w, e . ' 1 + n , ,, our tttt 1 Il r r\ n r r • t r n s n this stat) t0 tq t!t t P ,e to tt rn vnotesi t s i lv "1:11'e I; ,, *' pp tl a t , 1 r tt, t nr'•^ nn ieturrY d.rn l,v hilt eun and unnrb • coltntle's Itis iia n , i c •rt •• , � e t c rrI t crit. . slurs• s ra .. t r;t.ttrt,. (�UtN furnrtr C:%ttfkltlttlnA ,asst errttunrrr„ it to rt ,l+cr•t tits tlau ttnl Itat�r t,or.rrtr , t isasto laird pale of nit 1(111tl. Tease inter- i wok Low list (e ►i•i:t. pto11t9. 1,rt1,r11t paid. i tr'Italtdc•inenres-drtin1te,. bonafdr silo tn,1r/,i,, once free...Lcidre4s, I,. 'C4 i;nr.trr, :let..•, Star .,`I. "rfd•t •tits aAtm tai's niselepe, erten 5. it, •t, seen (lrtmr*. Whooptny! Cough, 13rnbchitls, Sera Th,'oat, etc, ' l'tice 25e. "Insurance la1dg„ Oblong). 1'resd.lka,'•Mitii afro. laltai t The directors s,f t be f luireee Mutual Fire Insurance cast, met in Tepeweier, Nov, 26th 1Sftx:, /Is pi -r motion of belt meeting. All men:hers present: the presideut in the chair. Minutes of last meeting- were read end on motion of John 1 . Scott and Wm, Reid were sustained. Scott-- ale Kague--That all applica- tions for Mem:linee token by the Aim event agents he laid on the table for inspection. Carried, Reid— McKague — That having carefully examined the anpiicatione laid on the table by • the different agents they are Nand satisfeett.ry to this board, the president and secre- tary are .hereby authorized to pros pare and issue policies fur the same. Carried. Reid—Scott—That the levy on all live premium• nate, fur increasing the reserve fund and other' purposes for the year 18118 be at the rate of 3?r o and that a Iiy•Iaw be passed to that effect Carried. Reid--Melangue—That By-law 25 being a By-law to levy and collect; for current • expensce and reserve fund fur the •year 18118 he pow tread a first, second and third time, passed signed, and sealed. Carried. aleKtigue—Seott—That the claim f Wm. Verson fur danntges to bairn .•v lightning amounting to $4. be 'aid. Carried. Moffatt—Scott—That this board to now adjourn to n►eet again on the 'ast Thursday of December at 2: J'cloek p. m. Carried. D1VID MMMC.i\TOSUI, Sets'y.-Treas.. What a, Pleat! —$or,r Stomach, Die - tress after luting, Weight in t.ht+:�t•u,u- auh, Wind on the Stomach, Loss of Ap- petite, 'Dizziness, Nausea, Stott Hoed- ache—formidable foes to good hearlth-- but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tabiets are the invincible battleshii s that can put to rout >aud 3estroy the fast ves Lige or thew, and make peace and happi pees reign where all Was teirery and sal Tering. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hatuil ton. Thirty seven people on board the British steamer Clan Drummond, from Clyde for the Cape of Good Hope, wrecked in the Bay of Biscay were drowned. Nip is at the Bud. The time to put nut a tire in wb ^rr ft E tarts. Conan rr,ptinn is like tire. In the 5eginoing i.. is t+asy to cure. The longer it goes on the more it destroys. At the diet si,an—when the cough begins and when flesh is lest—cure it with Shilah's Cough and eionsnmptinn Cure. 25 ets, 50 ens. and $L•u0 a onttle. Your mune) refunded if it fails to cure. • A. board of five nsan will have control o; the Mount Forest water•- wroki system. When the Vt] istle Blows it ;s a signal that tho train is colntng, end if you doe't get off the trach will run over and kill) vu. When you oouaih. itis a signal that eoaetimptien is coming, and you had better look out. The way to stop consumption is to stop the cough. I'he way to stop the cough is to take ,ihiloh's Cough sail Consumption Cure. d5 eta • 50 cis and $1.0#) ii bottle, Money refunded if Its fails to euro. • atas r s a 4* ST IT Before itis too late, stop that succession of colds t tat means noising ntorc nor less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable catarrhal dis- charges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to"our friends. li:tn't let it rtm on until your condition causes you to be ostracized 114 if you ,. re a leper. Don't neglect yourself until Consnrnptton-snakes its fa: 1 appearunee. You ern be curets. • not merely relieved, but absolutely and perf.:tiy cat ed. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder vitt restore stat to rotnplet,•, relfcet health. It grass seat at er ,•^, It (awes in an incredibly short time. Ilsids.u: of cases (1 coon;years' tU., Ih ; have been cured --•sass.:, that phs:4irinns had pronounnyl ineur.:1; . 1::+•-,it.trrhal powder nets like tnagir not naly i,t cat tabs tat in 00.11,o 'ore. thru,:;, tonailit#s, bay fever, loss of smell d.',i te-- 'aud tit 4iatjf tr }1is,at¢s. Itir. C. G. Archer, of t1t-cwy+a, lusts, writespafnilas s: "i itis, hidet:•,:rh rte several y..u,. Water wont' riot h•.,tn my r•^. ti anti nosy for d.t 4 at a tis:•• .t:, en titer tnonths nits I w: induced to try Dr. Agn.•ti'rr,GAtat'Ital 1' ntd, r ani ,.:,` , rt, the O onderl'al (,tansy I have not had an .utactt. Ilvpajt,,npt lir s.l:•:tnt.t :.t iI .,•t tits. i)r. Agnt:w's C'nrn to the Mar( cures ail rtct waf.,i •an:r,1. ac p:u+ tied ..s,' of ;,n ,las tltn lie:,rt -stilt ves to utknit. n. 11r. A ,ts I Wier PIM are at t we t .21 * skit tate, iuvigarat)r and systt to venava+or, ten. tor 4n tyji' . o kir a�t;r wee t t 1,.:.:,. tr •1r••s ea in day and Corea tczt;nra, :LIt rites tit and all dt,:r •sacs t,t Ole:.o. titp ` .s to nights. 55e, .• 1' s• :n r , o , r r + v •h r• A wtilrtD .Y A. L, TIA.i',?LILTO1', WIl'ft*HAiel. 6. yph �*a l • tL