The Wingham Times, 1898-12-09, Page 2,
�Y/Mq.M<..MV +.'.FM1.4Mw)+k.+k+we+n..4.MMr.,N•MnMDri.
l'i{ 't s w•t• i,�
,.. I' .trx t'►i:-a ..res <t( .a
Flat; 't, lea ter." it .,a ' ice t a e fi•t4 e
Kr r St. ,A ..i'lne ..: tit•Itt I.`.il on
Fri tea :i,e.'au. `r • -, '±, eentestett of
Tot ,,: ':t;e:ie; ,1 the other
�,i'!i,•t . a .`w,.re re. ,.I: ,. ;, l:ei' tt►St►•
♦::ttla-•'t , til Zia••• :1'• ?t'tti''d`l; next
pt. e-• ii01' ees, : t wv.,rth of
tope ','i _ he :e:c't . . seat'.
,.1•,. sr;...r...,•...A=.w..•r_ 0000.,•..
t+;:alt '
41'aq FT
fes{�+tf?o cl
!.. Y
�'... •' 'i„ .F�"t�t�..�t�t."•''�}a
'lit E) Pia
They al-., reiievc Disx,.ra from Dyrpepsl,.
In ,i ?.s:i•....:+d
Too :i::,.rty hails:, A. p:r_
teat rein ' ' fcr Dir: ire -s, Nausea, Drews-
'less, Ila;1 l'asteinthe Mouth, Coated Toagu3
rah in lit:4 T ORITID I.1V I . 'r:;e,
-e Dowels. Purely 'eg t..i j
Y � YxC] r. n, t
Cat f yy � �
�e:,3'e �.. t.' •:tla Small �:t. w:t'Cfy«w. N•,e.,-/, i, t
Small G tt'acw;a
�., 0000.' . . '.. ,.: J•
:.:c• ;.::tad2 of the day.
Scc ''t get Carter'S,
Ask Carter's;
demand • .tw� �....�,.
Cartc, .: Little, Liver Pills.
PUT'iretrzt FRIG
:ri. t- :{Clu
. L
.''s9 ar't •
c' rn
Of It Is tn:cact or trrogular don't Hesi-
tate to Ctart the use of WIIIburn's
Heart Marro Pills at once.
With a rang, steads*, regular pulse
we may expect vi gorou.i health.
" With a t•..'c, i:re•, intermittent
pu1;,e we c:rt toll at ti, the vitality is
low• --tit o. Ii',r: and 1,7:. it Sipe::a, t'aaoth-
erin: er.,I. ,,, > ..:an:; a alitsimi1ar
condii eco m : bound to ensue.
13v ti,•:ir .!.iti, n in strett';thcning the
heart, to;t.:l r Tihe rterCi. and enrie`Iling
the 1.1.1,".1, ',1e%il;;.rr'• 1I;•art and Nerve
Pills r:• ...' t'z r4 it:; tr `::.r:intrt'&sin;;
COT'.4it: •, t c..n..'.i,t•: i.!' `4
Mrs. I: 't r. -ll. rt-4..ihi,r On Waterloo
, Street, f :i•^n' :•:.v.,!..i:,
" I - - .'-.. • • ,...:t:e 1::._. I have suffered
from pal............,,..., tt+dnervous prws-
traticn, t - ' ,••: ..i':on and irregular
bealMe• tit 'iia fr'art so severe ss to
aause ire ;•. tett alarm. I was treated
by physician:;, but got no permanent
"I am ;';:tl to say that from kilhurn's
Heart ami N'ore Pills I derived the
first.rcal b ..,:tit that I ever got from
any mr,1i.•i: My appetite is improved,
any entire r.,—Mein too N.I up, and l can do
no less than cheerfully recommend these
pills to tall r,nuiring a reliable heart and
nerve tewt,i:."'
Miss Atr.% P. ett z cs, South Bay, Olt • says
Laza-#..*'. e: >.tit her et Sic:t Headache,
trent w h:ch nate b !d nutter: t for a yo Ir.
Ht T1181.
We guarantee that these
Plasters will relieve
pain quiccer than any
other. Put u ft only in
25c. tilt boxes and $1600
yard rolls. The latter
tltlw-s you to cut the
Plaster any size.
Everytach ly
should have one
ready for an mere
DAVIS & tAfitrelint efts
Mtwara of Imitations
hl}i3 3 »rw.Q
The C'sa:'sella Remedy for,a>•I
Largs: Patois, 25 cots,
DAVIS it tA.WRENCS Co., Liraltr d,
Pr :p'c. t'<; rr 1'avls' Palo Killer.
/ftr y•. }• .,,,e• t r)
rw v.✓•e.''„i'+.,4•'_4 rq✓4,t.A_•- fy'.y J.„t�..,
The r.'hristiati Endeavor soeit.ty of
the t'resl)etcrias: riinlch J, gave talo "At
li„ Ino" In the 1'urebtern' hall, t'h
I'a•ititiv es -colt,,; last, which was en-
ees td by as large a crowd as the hall
would eomfort:il,ly hold. Tile hall
was *nada as fl me like as possible
with picturee, cheers loud sofas. Two
t • tel, "f tab,. . ,:>•i ti placed the length
t.f the halt, i.I,un each of whiclt was
,. s;ntl:c, ..alta afwr half an hour of
;axn ea, the program was rendered
rlich eoneletetl Of gleets by a choir
t,♦ ,y.Jil2iy':� lrt'•'I iii, ;i;i'ii.a•✓..i>, we,t.uc
s+.'tt)S aud violin filtl"ie. At the end
of the progrant sadwiclhes, eake and
t a awe, ! veil, Thu l:ildeavor
tri.:tubers suct,eec ing in malting
*'vers b':dy acelnainted, anct altogeth-
er a noc%bie- and pleasant time was
'he Ilitu vale Liter:try and Debat-
in h.,t a •t;-Oi'I,r:ini%'.el fot• the•r, otos still meet iu the I'ur-
esaea•:'i' hilt Cte:t' Monthly *'venin».
[hie first I1:eeting' will take platen
h"St Mtnnday evettit:'', when the
f,':.•twos,`„» subject will be debated :
••itt'solvt•d that a zue,ararelhy is a
teeter form of got oriented than a
14" ptibaiu." ;klessri:. W. .1. Duff, A.
1it;l'dweit and Jt,ilen Alet;t•ael;:ell will
take the of ermatit'e, at rid Alerisrs. R.
(i. c'atezu'.,re, Robt, Shaw anti Wm.
1, reser the negntivc,
`lite :tunnel sheeting of the Blue-
.: it i.raarch of the •'t' Iand
Fee eign Bible Society was held in the
basement of the lletdhodist uhurel► ea
Tnestlay evening last. Air. Ed
island'», :agent of the society, acldress-
t'tl ritt. op'''ting, Itev. I). liugors and
W. J. 1'r eat also sand a few words.
i'Ihe attendance was lau•orer than
'1 I11Yi iV 1N611A.M TIMES, DECEMBER, 9, i898„
There was a• meeting of the West
Il'uron Farmers' Institate held in the
Lueknow Town Hail on Tuesday
le• -t, but owing to the lack of proper
taivertisiug the tittendanee of farmers
and others was- very small. The
President of the Society, Air, William
Bally, of the Nile, occupied the chair.
'1'bo President, in opening the Elheet-
ir-e, explained why the meeting )rani
been called at Lueknow, and bow
through some misunderstanding the
bills announcing the meeting lied
beton delayed. He also expressed
his regret that Mr. Thomas MMeMillsn,
I who was to take up a subject fur
idiecussioa, was unable to be present,
The first speaker introduced was
Mr. Campbell, Provincial Road Ii .
structor. eir. Campbell is a pleesin fur
, speaker and thoroughly understands
:the principal of road -malting, and his
address of nearly two hours in length,
was full of valuable information, and
we are sorry none of the cogncii re-
presentatives of the surrounding
townships were present to hear it.
Ile said the question of road reform
has drawn attention to the statute
labor system, the means by which a
large percentage of the road mileage
of this province has been. built and
maintained. It is undoubtedly the
ease that statute labor has done a
great deal towards improving roads
!in Ontario }.ince the first settlement.
IR is equally true that the system is
!entirely unsuited to the conditions
found in eopulous and wealthy coin.
Inuntiles It is actuallyatly the ease that
.soot*. in some municipalities the roads are
The usual Thanksgiving service to day in a worse condition than they
was held in the Presbyterian ebureh I were ten years ago. While the pio-
ialst Thursday morning. lieu, 1). ' nears knew the necessity of good
Rogers, !roads and performed their work
g pastor of the Methodist jzealouely, there is a sentiment be-
cbureh preached the sermon. t r r t
The special anniversary services ginning to prevail 'in certain sections
of the Methodist church will be held i an' -1 among the rising generations
''n Uccentber lith!adverse to performing wort: on the
The ehildten of limb Presbyterian
hi;hways. Not only so, but
sues Methodist Sabbath schools are; those who perforin work and those
practising fot their annual Christmas' who have the direction of work, are
entertainment:; too frequently inclined to negle.,t and
Miss Alice I)r:ff, who is attending ; evade the true spirit of the system as
Clinton Collegiate Institute, and Mr. tlelb Whereth s neglect the earlynd evasion
Wm. Rogers who is •tending {rode- t
reel model schou1, spent Thtink giv- exists* not only do the reads interfere
her at their respeetis,t; homes ! with the progress of the itnmediate
Miss 5iable Coultes was visiting locality, and therefore the country
her brother, Mr. Edgar Cuultes, of; as a whale, but injustice arses in
Iiiplev, I-
I various ways between citizen and
Mr. H'alt'er Ila} ;tn is home from :`citizen, and between road division e'ronicle the death of one ofetes4Peold
and road divisio , The citizen who and most highly esteemed citizens -:in
ta:ol,obft• + 1 performs his work is taxed nnequ- the person of Mrs, T. B. Sanders,
Mrs. Bickie rotvT$ to London ; ally with the ratepayer who is sbift• who departed thislifeon Thureday,
i:► week after a. e>ilit with her , less in its performance, while at the Nov. 24th. She was taken suddenly
mother, Mrs. Rutherfot?ki.
:lts. Robs.:klusgrawee pent Thanks-
_; °amt bane be is compelled to eadaro ill on Wedt.esday evetniog and ex -
'the inconvenience of a bad road. pired the next day. ieeeased has
giving with friends in Brussels. '
into it, soften and cause rapid wear
and decav ; but aerown higher than
is hleeessary to roper drain the
surface is aro objectionable.
The amount of crawl fur newly •
built ;rt►vr:1 roads should be one inch
: of ride to the foot, of width t'rorn the
edge ut' the ditch to the centre of the
road, and thus should he increased
in .he eonetruetian of roads on hills
according to the steepness of the
gratde. Therefore a roadbed 2•i i
Wet in width would be 1•) fnebes
higher in the centre than the edge of
the ditch. The shape of the crow '
is a matter on which expert road
makers differ, but with the c:ass of
material availubie for roads in On-
tario, and the methods and plans of
eotistrueticln, a form as nearly �.ireul-
ar as possible will be found most
serviceable,c t
and os sl•,
m ea l c btai ed
He strongly advised the use of road
graders, but was opposed to putting
the earth taken from sides cf the'
road into the centre, on top of the !
gravel, as has been done in many
The commutation of Statue Labor.
is a system of taxation for road pur-
poses which has been adopted in
several municipalities, and is said
to operate with a considerable
measure of success. The assessment
was based upon the statue labor list,
the rate being fixed by a local by.
law. In Barton township the rate is
fixed annually aceording to the total
expenditure for the year, and ranges
from 85 cents to 60 cents per day. It
is to be pointed oat, nevertheless,
that with commutation, pathma.sters
are still appointed, an atrlount pro-
portionate to the labor ou a beat
beinggivento each ' thmasc t•.
pa e
Pepper supervision of the work is as
necessary under a system of money
expenditure as with statute labor
alone;'and is is, therefore, quite a$
important in one case as in •the other
to follow the suggestions for a proper
orginizantion of the statute labor
system as to reducing the numbers
of pathmasters and appointing a
general township supervisor.
An excellent paper on "The feed-
ing of bogs" was also read by
Lockhart, secretary of the West
Huron Association. He is a practi-
cal farmer and goes extensively into
the hog raising, which he proved to
be a profitable business.—Lueknow
it is our sad duty this w ek to
AIr and sirs Vin llbtster t,f tb� . The section or road division which been a resident of the village for
•• •. ,
'nci line of Morris, invited a Large does good work on the highways is many years, and beingof a kind
i:umber of vou•i'> laeopl to their fine' unjustly treated by the neighboring and affectionate nature was beloved
new hva mate work, at.d the further probabil-
week, to warm it up wish a ,good old .
deuce, which, needless to say, they ;sty is that the division. which has
failed toperformw
at ed its work will find it
ilio in grand style. ,
fii'itilc Mrs. john Gannett was get.
; necessary to obtain municipal money
neigh -
ting down off a load of wood the, grants, thereby placing on the nther day, her dress' got caught in ! boring division a doable tax. The
the wheel and she was thrown, -to the
!Councils should pass a 3av making a
ground and broke her wrist i uniform system of grading and the
Mr and Mrs. Wm;
Weir, of : roads would • then be of a uniform
Bewick, visited in the 'II e•
on' width, while as it, i3 naw all path
Saturday, ;masters adopt their owns ideas as to Rutherford• of Gorrie, were present.
the proper wilt
r r hof the road bed.Heryounger daughter, P
ou a au ter Mrs. h S.
Mrs. J. Johnston,of East Wawan- I
3 ,
t},1Road divisions should be at least Gibson of Dartsrnouth, Nova Scotia.
tele spent Sunday at R. a Duff's. !five miles in length, and one. path• was unable to reach home in time,
Mrs. John Robertson bas returned master or overseer should have The bereaved family have- the Byrn -
from Manitoba where she has beep(
t ieiting with her children. 'charge of it. Heshould, in addition, pathy of the entire neighborhood in
Hiss Anderson of the Blnevp• • give special attention to all ewer- this their sad hour of aftlietibn,
idly et chino of I tst ; division which does not do its legiti-
by both old and young. She leaves
a loving husband, three sons and
two daughters to mourn the loss of a
a •.
loving wife and mother:�f:the fundal
which took place on Saturday- after-
noon was attended by a large con
course of peopl , who had gathered
to pay the last respects to a departed
friend. Her three sons, Finlay, of
Detroit, Adam, Tiverton, and Williatn
of Lynden and one daughter, Mrs. J.
road, has returned from Manitoba • p envy work, Buell as washouts, brok-
wlere she lies been visiting her en culverts and bridges.
brother since spring. m Experience has shown durable im-
kyr,and Mrs. Win, Sellars, of f;tin- i provements to be the most economi-
ton atterdrd the weddin of the% 'cal. One of the most common teak-
The following is from last week's
Listowel Standard :--An interesting
event took place on Thursday, Nov.
21, at the residence of John Glenn,
Listowel, when their only daughter
t:ephewv, Air. 4Vin. Sellars, of Morris,! ages of municipal funds arises from Sara was united in marriage to
'u Miss Bane, apse of Morris, on Wed. *the maintenance of wooden culverts. George Spotton, principal of Wrox
needay evening of last week. The life of a wooden structure is, at eter public school. The bride, who
P. S.—The above correspondence! the outside not more than seven was given away by her father, watt
should have appeared last week, but' years. Tim price of the titnber is very prettily milted in a e sstume of,
in some way it had been forwarded
constantly rising, and in many local• white organdie, trimmed with lace
to Toronto and did not reach Win ities first class material is diffiieult to and ribbon. Rev. Wm. Cooper tied
.. ,g- obtain at any reasona,ble price. He, the nutiat knot at 5 o'clock p. nl.
hate until Friday afternoon, --Ed, i '
Ti�trs, I advised the Inc t,f vetrilied tile for i Miss•IIlldred Little played the wed.
Ian culverts of ..'J inches and under ; !ding mart* as the bridal party er.-
i and from 20 incites to 3 feet,conerete t tered she parlor. After the acre•
(Mild ren Cry for e made in the proportton of one peri many was over and during the en -
cent. to five of Portland cement, sand i suing congratulations, a waltz was
``r-., TR
and gravel. This gement could also i played, after which the briaal party
i be used to ares over culverts up to j and guests to the number of seventy.
As a rule men laugh and women twelve feet in length.
Six were ushered into the dining
weep at a wwed Sing. The facts that I One of the great defects of 'most ' ;room, and sat down to tables well
they are not
in the ;country roads is the flat or even con- I laden with the delicacies and fruits
affair probably has something to do cave surface ; others present the i of the season, The table was decor -
with, it. , opposite extreme, and are rounded I a ted with ornamental vases, filledj
Dr, low's Pleasant Worry Syrup is nice t'up as to be dangerously high in the with white crysanthemunts and
to take and death to all worms. Con- centre, making it dangerous for smilax, the gutssts being waited upon
tains its own purgative. Price 230, irehieles to turn out in passing. Roads 'by four young lady friends of the
The Conservatives of North Silo- i roust be crowned sufficiently to'shed ; bride, Besides the large number of
toe have decided to put no candidate: the water from the centre to the i beautiful and valuable presents that
its the fiAld for thebye'eteetion to the open drain at the side, othe2 wise! were received, the bride was the
(;denims. water still stand in the roadway,soak recipient of a beautiful gold pin, set
i'�a'�:h at"i':�.3r�,' �•Tc T .�,# 'Ay {...! F:.7a"F 't.q' ! 1.•,.:•nre.;tl..ts�.+�r;••;..•-+1. ,'� :,.•a.t
, 4L-.ar4 a'k•:J }1�I '.L� d.r•�,.�'tw]+ F� Y
van. IF! I,y,uPrlq'nIP+Girt ❑ 1 , •�'
.A. e1;etablePseparat'onforAs-
sinlilating thereat atldRegula-
ting the StomachssandBowels of
0000.00000000r 0.0 000.0•0-0-0.0
Promotes DiiestionJCheerful-
ro S n n
es .0
s andl�
Oplsrn,Morpliine nor Niteroi.
QTlixac OTIC.
fiee:fie ar04122r.V.7474 FlIillsr!!
TionAin Seed-
Zola Scra +'
m Cork nodistoHinairced
a('nnriaf J'ragar •
latavyrorp nom
Aper€ect Remedy. for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrloea,
Worms,Gonvuisions,; everlsh-
Tac Simile Signature of
e tits••„ . . -.. re �
f11 F
Castoria is pat ap in ono -sire bottles only, It
13 not sold is baht. Don't allow aryeto ec soli
yon anything else en the olca or promise that it
is "jest as good" and "will answer every par.
pose." • V' Seo that you get O•A-S-T-0-lr-I-2.
Too foo- .re e
`.7 �0' 070,
fl f8
with diamonds and pearls, the gift
of the groom, and a Morris piano
from her father, thus -demonstrating
the high popularity of the bride, who 1
is one ot•Listowel's fairest daughters. I
Mr. and Mrs. Spott;ln left for Corrie,
where they took the train for To.
Tonto and other points --the bride
wearing a travelling. dress of hussar
blue, trirntned black satin and rose:
silk—amid the good 'wishes of their
many friends for thsir future hap- 1
I p i ,,�
f t•.g t� w� ti's : (1"'-'1'%\ �'•t' a for
A fish can from compressed paper
is now being manufactured in Canada
It is lighter than tin, costs 25 per
cent, less, and will never cause pois•
, r
'na fa. -
` -- -- -
Ike Leading Specialiste af Anier1ca
20 Years ill Dotrcif.
ki 250,000 Cured,
.k' WE',' CURE ST CTL E ti
Will stand wear and tear for-
orbears, No better proof can
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some c,f these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago area
still working.
Suppliedto Order.
Repairing promptly attended
Shoo --Diagonal St. opposite Belittles
Wingham, cote
Thousands of young and middle -ogees A
menarotroubled with this disease -many
unconsciously. They may have a smart-
ing sensation, small, twisting stream,
sharp cutting pains at times, slight die-
charge, difficulty
in commencing,
organs, omtc 'oa and all the symptoms
of nervous debility -they
have S1RIl;-
TUIII.1. Don't let doctors exporimon t on
you, by butting, stretehing,`or tearing
Yon. 'AU will not onto you. as it will re-
MENT absorbs the stricture .tissue;
henceremovoethe stricture permanently.
It can never return. No pain, no su'Aen•
ing no detention from business by our
method. Thesexuatorgansarestrongth-
cnecr. The nerves aro invigorated, end
ViECw ie LE"r
t Thousands of young and middlo•aged
*non ate having their soleal vigor and
vitalit continually sapped by this die -
arse.' They are frequently unconscious
of the cause of those symptoms. General
Weakness, 'Unnatur'al Discharges, I+oii-
ing Manhood, Nervousness, l'oorMem-
0ry, Irritability at times Smarting i?hn-
sation, Sunken 'D 'yes with dark circles,
Weak Beek. tlenoral Dcprcz,.H:ion, IJ^ek
of Ambition Varicocele Hh,•unkert
Parts, ate. (MUM ET and STRICTURE
nsaybo the crouse. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have no experience iu
these. special disowns -don't allow
Quacks to experhnent on you. Consult
Specialists, w .ehrvemadoalifestudyyof
Diseases of Men and Woman. OnrNEW'
tively euro you. One thousand dollars
for a ease wo accept for treatment and
cannot cure. Tunis moderato fors euro,
We trent and cum: EMISSIONS,
'>rtAltTe CIaL1•;, RYPTiI1,i , fLP.IA
, ItT(YCTfIti, I1kII OTI,Swe X 1, ILN,kl
DRtATNS.11NNATtritAL ntneIIAltti-
ES KIDNEY ondBLAi)h)1ILDieearar.
FREE. wrnUETION' LANK fur lIob1I
Cor, Michigan Ave, and Shelby St,
Caveats and Trade^Mark's• obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE PERS. Myr
odlce is in the immediate vicinity ofthcPatentOtrice
and my facilities far securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with,
description and statement as to advantages claimed;
.03 -.No elm rge is made for an. opinion as to
yaatontabiliipland ray fee for prosecutingthe
application aws twe he caned for until the
patent 'a allowed. "Invea•reaa Gurus„" CO*.
tabling futi information sent free. All Comment*
cations Considered as tlrttctyConfidential.
R2,s L' S,',eDt, T' i'8Atmrlrrde1 rax. Yl. 4t.
i30 YEARS''
•a Tones Rilatasu3 ,
COPY» itarre. c.
Anyone sending a slcetrh it'd descr',ntlon real,
gntekly ascertain our opinion .ftoo whether as
invention is prnhnbly y'ntr'^tablo. CmmMt`rira•
Stotts strictly tont/death:1. Mind book on. intones .
omit free. oldest apenry io' enuring patents.
t'ntents taken tarnnah ittut'n F: Co. receive
speet-t'udice, without charge, lit tilt
A hand4omeiy inunirnted weekly. Lnrrnst eir.
eulatton of any neaenttfln *carom. 's'i'rens. $3 to
year' four months, $1. Sold Lysis newsdealer*.
MUNN 8 CO,a"utt):cadwtty, le8 VI York
Ilraue:t oabce. C°u it Ct. Wastungaoa.D.17.
0.090•00 r... .• ,
Paint's Celery
Great Med
"Makes kes Si
Another short month and the
71818 will conte to a close As th
dear one
+sn f
g,H•syy,,:eveting ties and
will bring untold *sorrow, anon
bwodrning. The victims will con)
axil classes' and conditions of our p
• jinn.
While it is true we must all len
transitory life, it ought to be well
chouadtbe threescore: ndotenfor on
When young and middloaged m
'women fail to reach a good old a
fault is theirs in ninety mums out o
one hundred. It is
e to asse
]*have violated helawsot uatu
Glave allowed diatease to enchain t
Years ego the attention of th
orated medical expert, Dr. Pheli
+specially directed to the class r
so who die rn middles ase, He r
the fact that soinethiug far boyo
ordinary remedies and preserip
the day was required to meet th
conditions of suffering burnanit
uvonderfullife giving prescription
*Celery Compound was the born
ed on the bolts who suffer fr
common disease -penalties of na
transgressions of its wise iaws.
Dr, Phelps found that nervous
A Parkhill Actor's Lae
An actor shamed Ernest I
Ism of William Hastings, of
slephew of W. W. flicks, i
u.nd brother of Cr W. Ilasti
le now in his last year at
'University, has been made t
lieiary of a wealthy Lancashi
�tvill. Solve years ago, it i
3m gave ar blue -priest photo
laimsuif to a friend who was
for England. A lady nal
Ings, who was • well-to-do
lost a son, took a faney to t
graph, and left the original.
She bad lost a sea name
Hastings is a graduate of
University and a barris
joined Rhea's troupe an
. Playing in a San Franca
Your Danger 1`1 o
Is from the ovorworhed Gond
3i/or and hidneys which are
eeitpei impurities front the b
,c.eusesrheumatiam. Hood's
lee been wonderfully minces
in{f this disease. It neetrali
an the blond and permanents
aittbes and pains which othe
tail to relieve. Iiood's Sa
the best win tee medicine bee
See, enrichers and vitalizes t
gives help just were help is
tones the stotunob. stimula
and r0Uee9 and sustains
it wards oft pneumonia, f
,uhitts, colds, coughs and th
31OW PGrau waren TAr7OI
Peter Cooper was one
enecessful, careful and
chess men of bis time, Ii
ly opposed to the meth
znerehants who launche
•travagcnt enterprises o
money, for which they
orbitant rate of intere
lowing anecdote [theatre.
very forcible t
Once, while talking'
•jeet with an argltainta
said he would have
looney for sit months,
est at the rate of 3
,e•yyby do you borro
a time ?" Mr. Cooper
"13eeeuse the broke
•gotiante bilis no longer
,Cannes fully half die slckne
ttilulin5 the digested food to
*ad produces biliousness,
Iatiea, bad state, coau:
ague, sick headache, in
tttnta, etc. hood's Pili:
eotistipatioxt and all It
nits. easily ttnd tltorougl
.pared by 0. 1. Hood
p,g,}}lY•11lts t0 take wit