The Wingham Times, 1898-12-02, Page 6'1'I I E '4,` I 1i 11Am . I)ECI ,l'II Mt 2, 3698 •� t.0.0tiltg4ant 1.111105 !— . .....�-rte.-.,.. �•,_ar-•.==. 'ra-era..-v.. t,(li> 1 Iw o t:r j y$F, ) icla c.ice ste ;pep; #.'ft; a ti ta•c �"1.1: the (sats, 4 i' t a• t•tl. •p a as ! a t:'at -a: •l n.t 1'1ilt':te"," -11 g 5,11: !halttliveiAr.ia r vivtli a•y th.o. estate', a•f Wale O' it i foll'ess et tt,•! teni!iv. 1 el' tee i1u:i1'aall tics sesssis,i4.nrt against, (Seetatlialt caws In I'• tot nary of 1947. The fel- 3(,wii:'g.r, et -set -Mg the biX y t'aru fi unz ! 131'3!1 rte 1'31):3 luclubiye, the period ilnlnriliitif:le: ',receding tl'ose given in lagy prt.stime paragraph, wall still further ('tephitsise the t•fi"et that hostile lege e l.ttton lits upon trade. Nttnit,tr san(i value of cattle ex ported to the United Staters during the yea:tt !fture June :30th, 1883 to 1893. (I:anattliun quarantine fnt• poocd in 1473 and eontinucd until February, 1697). Year. the sear. tet•isto is a gre!asee cot> tee t t' tistie ell _t.,s t.r.t• art :.Q7a iii n three Ct.ars .y;? :96. ;t e,f tilt van lab' :il,"•: i,- :t , gr.i;14 !is ,t;gtl ti;(1 f.'ct n:• d i'. it, !'16343 1 - 1; .t; 1,''.61.Iatrig t"t 110.1 t: t . •,.31'' 0. , w l • t: -6.1-'0' to , 1 Pt. . i I:t•a:"l ii 1t ; er at ti, !Si-, . 1,4,1.(7)-, 1.:i ► • 11 011-1A, ht t Men 333(1, watt t1,t• t.atfi.'t'll-ati 1'eaLlf:f: Ii'tYYRViI?i a , iniata,tgy .X t't' Itoa•t• Nadi fl tL1q fL'f•Itf ;le.tt issie! Itr 111,,16rrt•al. f•, e 4 1 I, f• . f•(• a l f:J„t:l. t,^.i1. f' '1 i taltii iti :., i, e.a/'t•gtti•,Uaal:y heavy net! tit the pit sent Woo all a0;1•t'aar:e V1't\0(aJltO'ttails, t•f twenty -lit e cars each are b(;io„ d(•t4.;ttelad o istward from the !refitted atilt, in Toronto daily!. IJ(t'rtr.i'F THE 81iIf10"08. It IS to bo hoped that the rCma:rks matte by the late (governor General in speaking of the det,irability of a permanent civil s:rvice will have weight in the legislature build of' the Dominion. No administration in auy 1 part of the world, in this or any Aber age, can claim greater ad . 14inistrativo efficiency, purity, and freedom front intrigue, than the, British Government, and nothing has conduced as much towards this lnost desirable condition than the fact that the civil service is admin- iatrat'ed without regard to any politi- cal consideration. Public servants are appointed entirely upon their merits after a thorough examination as to their qualification for the work; and just as so('n as that system is in operation in Canada, so soon will the service lose the Undesirable repute. Bon which it has to day of being a sort of dumping ground for party hacks and politisal placemen. The reform is one which cnnnot • be ac- complished all at once, but it cannot be commenced too soon. T118 MISSIONAICY'S OPINION. The leading Baptist pulpit of this city was occupied last Sunday by Rev. A. J. Vining, Superintendent of Baptist Missions hi Manitoba, North-west Territories and 13ritish Columbia. In the course of an ad- dress upon the home missions work of the Baptist church he stated that the progress of the (ial1eians immi- grants in the various settletnents of his jurisdiction wuuld surprise Can- ada, adeing that these people were rapidly acquiring the spirit of the West. This testimony is fully borne out by the latest advices from the west which indicate that these Inuch maligned settlers have shown the greatest aptisude far adaptation to their new surroundings and an equal anxiety to educate their child- ren, and generally to become good ciitizens. TATS IS WHAT THEY THINK. The Regina Standard asks: "What do people think of an immigration policy by which 2,200 Doukhobortsi are imported to be housed all winter expense?" When such a :samba. Value, 159:1 44,(117 $$6114,17)1 18811 37.13110 4401;21)!3 15)0 7.1410 101,7211 (1) 11121 2,783 28.071, 181) 451 21,827 (2) 15:13 402 11032 (2) (1), United States pasted Me- Klralcy Aet Juno 10th, 1890. (2). Great Britain scheduled Can- adian cattle, November 21st, 1892. (,). Vetted States quarantine ngainttt Canadian cattle February rd, 1893. The returns for the first three months of the present fiscal year show a continuance of the splendid increase of the past year, referred to last ',neck :-23,130 head valued at *309,360 having been exported to the f'nittd States during July, Aug - 71st and September last '.4111'; elite 'ING 'MADE I100MINn. Already the encouragement which la being offered to the Canadian rrbippiug trade by the iu,proveluents 'tow 1n progress in Montreal harbor is bearing fruit. The Elder.Demp- ster (lumpily announces the ad- dition to its Montreal fleet of six ves- sels how in course of construction. These vessels will have a total wa- ttage of 56,000 ; two of them being of 12,000 torts each and four of 8,000 tons each. Of the hornier, the Blount Royal is already off' the stocks and will be incolnlnissiou when next season opens ; the other ii"e aro in Course ut coLstruction. Another new steamship lino, "The Canadian Steamship Company (Lint - heti)," will commence operations inext month running between Milford Haven in Wales and Paspebiac, Baits des Chaleurs. The first boat, .the "Paspeblac," leaves Milford Raven December 7th, and is scheduled to arrive at Paspebiuc December 15th. Other first-class vessels will follow every week and there are excellent indications of plenty of business for the new line, right from the start. THE RAILWAYS SHOW IT TOO. The latest traffic returns of the two great Canadian railways show That the earnings of both roads have substantially increased since the be- ginning of the year. From the first of .Tanuary to November 14th, the C. P. R. earned 822,66.2,633 this gear as against 821,015,341, an in- crease of 51,617,292. During the same period this year the G. T, R. warned 620,276,694 and last year $19,712,9.11, an increase of 8563,753. loth railways are handling a vast *mount of American grain from the west to the seaboard, the business 'laving so increased that the G. T. R. will have sufficient to fill thirty large !steamers during the last month of To Cure mammal:Oa am TA..„ Bristol's SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. xTmaw! Digs ,l>t�i�,x Aek your Druggist or Dealer for it I1JSTOLflARSAPAOILLA, fed, elcthed and at the Country's policy has been adopted and put into force by the Government, it will be time enough to express an opinion thereon. In the meantime people down here, in the effete East, think that the paper that would lead its reader's to believe that such is the policy or the Govern- ment is marvellously reckless of its reputation if it bus any, while in its own constituency in the wild ariti woolly West, people probably think it is an excellent specimen of a whole-souled uncompromising liar. TUE RATTLE'S WIIaI) ALARM. Under a caption, "The City Under Arras," Tho Toronto Star last Sat- urday observes in part as follows :— "Mr. Clifford Sifton has conte to town, If you have read the Mail and Telegram of late, if you believe the Conservative papers, the worst of all outlaws is in Toronto. Beware of pickpockets. Leave your money at home in the oven. Unchain the bull pup. Muffle the door bell. Carry down town a loaded cane for Clifford Sifton, the wild man of the prairie, the awful, the unutterably bad man of the West. Nut Gi)tiity. vat +.'l -owes! Mat'tc•F Ii" get^ 1!14!4! g ,41'3 b wan. at Iate:t WI.t='ll sits; 1'• 14:1,11 s'.): ITi f -t t, t.1i.; IJ i-, kcNoI1 df•--i!rll•s!d by a wat,"„er i•al• FYt Ir4"g (,i' :as ,1:s'a•11 tire- -1.41 lalnt, fli `,-fi1,1i• ' Anal i^ ,n.,%r'l1a' :, t; 1,a•f' the world 1ttl-hes 1"r11' ilii•' the JiiA.1. SYt,Pre it think., Witt•, r,(•3f.:114s, Ali • AVNiot'i' rebels. °Le illy talin Iva° tithing ir1"; idtei 1 iIy 1,` r •'li•' with• ,a t 'c , 14.4 1 .t I � t , at til F b 1, � 4.141 c h.'i v'erts pint6•and her IFttle cite fe-. flu Yrriw . Site laughed a gteati deal. tt 0 Bliss Asenath," at last ex- claimed ono of tt.c g;trlt( innocently. "hew gay you iIlustt have been !" " Have beet,!" repeated the lady indignantly. "nave been'. WYelt, I'd have you know I'm not a cen turion yet ! " A Pocket Cure. --Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple'Tablsts are put up in. rueat emu - pact form, convenient for the pocket. '1'hoy're the newest and best known aid to digestion and a cure for Dyspepsia and all kindred stomach troubles. Carry thorn with you and you II never be at the mercy of atornaoh troubles, inolpient, acute, or shronic. Ono 'Tablet wires quick relief. 35 cents. Sold by A. 14, Hamilton. c. -al ;vim -if -tee eat sly 1 ti• ',1: ;ar•ota Cr ,re r a;i rFlil o 1..:• b f„t .a•`•"•i:4'E• 31)4 14:1 rl)w•'.i,,7tic 1:11.1'.11 177 t%;•(1 r r tl:rf la,r DiA, aL•I ('' IE, int as fe'CW ts:ltj ii. At all Prat^„„Eats, .o.:u', a 1;1i.1. tilti--” a tt. Health an4I =wit - eel', free. . •tlh' 15'5 Asia tit., (hh a of the &•','•1,11'4 4d 1' f- ail way who 11 i•s to be hail, fl't'l) the lied Sea of the tufa , f Mount, Shod t‘ 111 hie an 111(1 t•I' tt whnrt• it k No)'*I'*1'tl Most-, t -to -Ki mho!' l;es trtn•lvr (1 tho tables o1' :lie taw. t\1illt' rot'• !1'1'"tlniari" Villa era 114(4 on lv I'4 1(141 1 • ntt•I icille1n4''•'ly rt,ltl011v fo1' t trh'4" 114(41 nun, S. 411t1e,L f.•t ,nl41tgu, (lout and Not r 1,1111. Price rU,4,, a;1(lf 17 mom 8. The (. iivternmvent'' a' Ileeided 1n rex• land eleteeney 10 the vest.' 1' Henry 1)a0'ids"n, 1010 wale i rnlPUerd to lie hanged (I)i I)N'e. 13 for Iluu der in AnI•Igonish county, N. S. HE USED SLANG. BUT DAD'S LITTL8 A110UMICNT SURELY BROKE TII I8 HABIT. "My son," said the old gentleman, who very properly objects to slang, "I have boon thinking over your re- quest this morning, and I am inclin- ed to think I may have been a little hasty in my decision." "Thank you, governor," "I believe in clearly understanding a case oefol'e reopening it. Now, as I remembered the conversation, you call at the office was prompted by a desire to 'raise the dough.' " "Yes—that is to say"— "Never tnind. I ask for no expla- nations. I do not seek to enquire into all the trival whims of youth. I accept them as I do the wild flowers among the grain, They are useless but they are cheering to contemplate. There are many things I do not un- derstand among them being golf, lawn tennis and football, but I do not assume to interfere with your in- nocent deversion any more than I undertake to take care of the current fad. If you want to give up experi- ments with the chafing dish and go to work with an oven I have no obj- ections to offer, nor' will I let the mere matter of expense stand in your way. I was rather busy when you spoke to me about raising the dough this morning. I know that I spoke sbnrtly, but my heart is in the right place, and I am too generous tind indulgent to deny your slightest request. Here my boy, is 2 cents. Go and buy yourself a cake of yeast." —Washington Star. Write to IDR, 110111:1!72, he Is THE DOCTOR WHO CURES weal:hens of then. Expert s irntifir, treatment. In. stolen%o nook viten Addreae ti, 11.110111 (TZ, M.D. 3..8 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Tho cost of keeping up the drink- ing fountains and cattle troughs in London is $8,500 per annum. A sin- gle trough in a busy thoroughfare Costs $2550. VE,r,ANTED aIa1:kA1, Tel STWOI(TnV PER. Ions In 111fa state to n,;(I.4 7e r ur auntie as in th(r!rk eoown 4414114411'741:1111'admn,tif �. Itis ntandy nafeo w, ,', baton• atralrht * Oi, a l t.ir end iss 'n'.rs deflnitr, bin, !8144 , n0 44,nrr, na 1n a solar, . 0imlthly :v... ltcf.+r. nretl. mitre a self addrre.ed efermeil rhty'ape, Herbert E. 11230. LStst,, I)tytt. M. the ago, THE HEART WAILS Of Thousands Have Been Turned Into the Joy Songs of the Cured by the Almost Magic Medicine; Dr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart— It Relieves in Thirty Minutes. Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, of Gananoque, was for five years a great sufferer from heart disease—spent: some time tinder exports in Kingston hospital without gutting any benefit and was pronounced incurable. She commenced taking Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart, and when she had taken throe bottles all dropsi, a1 tendenciee, palpitation and pain left her, and she has had no return of it, and as cribes her core to Chia greatest of heart remedies. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. • Soon Loft Her. "I was taken with a swelling in my feet and limbo. I was not able to walk for four months. I read about Mood's Sarsaparilla and procured a bottle. _Be- fore I had taken it all the swelling left me. I took three bottles of Hood's and have not been troubled with swelling since." I'tzukot'A Stu:VERB, Chatham, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS cute all liver ille. Easy to take, easy to operate ; reliable, Euro. 25o. The oldest love letter in the world is in the British museuril. It is a proposal of mar.itlge for the hand of an Eajyptian princess, and it Wad made 3,500 years ago. It is in the form of an inscribed brick. Cramps, Colic, Cholera and 1)iarrbo'a aro alwave promptly relieved by Dr. Fowler's IIxtraot of Wild Str'awberr; . While out siva( ting quail Mr.I)avid Blown, of Leamington, had an eye p� accidentally shot out by the proms -I 1or2Nnail'eitioireceip oipriceta dt o8'cent tura o!tplosion of a companion's gun.! starnpa 'lie E'ook (fompna Windsor Cnt, • 1 responsible and 2 lout alto recommended by alt Dr, low's Ple !--ant Worm Syrup is nice 'Druggists 7:t Canadi. to take dud dotal to all worms. Con' 1. Nn. 1 and No, :t fir sato br Collo A. t r,upt111, tains its own purgative Price 210. D:utas-r ,•'•.w,•!,+.YRI•,tW4,W'M..%•„mtt.,.4I,,-314.4, AYr..•,-,---r--- :'1;,,".13;['us',t.'11 1'91.'A it f ol114.3 q,'r. .4 a 11"ta,•1 u' lt• :. i)t, 1'..'+"1•.;•: •• :',• .1^'' rye ; 1 r_ ,,, s., -i , i, If:. ; t:i'-.`alit t 3.161 1.''. l.4'7. 7. a , Wei i y -i "•'.,' 1"-4',, 1.•- •" i»... ,:rt:"t•t. :1•,a4t'. , ;1 1 711 ,.e, 1, .i a", 1.::)1 i:..i. at.' t'i' ' d, v..r 4•.•iJ!.11 %,'.• ,«'.1'i pAlt (. •.,•.I, !•,!41.3'1' IC $"; 11. I4":11. 14. t7, 11it.'.'a'. 1'oiYI••t•a bt. 11 •11 .44 ;toll ( Ai,11 1' L.9.. 'i 11,•.t.!'.16n '.I +H {i'Itrae.a• :11,4 117 t;P; tit i:. (011411101,,r , .'••ret'•<•.a i;t .3 a 70 7,1.11 11 41 Ib. SA.14Va.'1'7(1:r Altal1' F,:,'.,gn {)r ri•144 ti t11 vo ii,. taalr"i. ((41'1,0"is et 11 0, 71).:; ,, nt urld t; 11 l)4, ' 111 10(.11 of MO :Glove utttulsi ch",relies 181 bl,11th !School in held at :?.39 p n'• Must 'YVRTolrr. 010 NORVAL, Ori'.. ICxI'ERI- E1WEtt Iv't•1•;\:tit :il'i"l'flitl\ll 101101( • I,.azastA IX !lith FEET. aw Froui. er Toes to Ilex iiues / Dr: Chase Mak-3 a «'o:ldl'rfill Cure. Mrs. Knight, 17 Hanover place, To- ronto, makes the following state- ment My mother, Mrs. Wright, who lives at Norval, near Doncaster, suffered a summer and winter with Eczema in her feet. She could not wall!:, and very seldom got any sleep. It became so bad that she was perfectly raw from the toes to the knees. After trying every available remedy without receiving any bene- fit, and almost hopeless of relief, she was advised to try Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. She •has altogether used 8 boxes since commencing. but with the :hap- piest results, for she is now complete- ly cured. There is but one scar on one of her feet, a memento of her fearful suffering condition. Any person de- siring further testimony in this case is at liberty to communicate with Mrs. Wright at her address, Norval P. O. Mrs. Knight says after such a grand success, Is it any. wonder we re- commend Dr. Chase's Ointment ? W. H. De Long, Civil IOngeneer, ex - Warden, and County Councillor, New Germany, Lunen'hurg Co., N. S., Oct. 28th, 1837, says :—" I had itching piles for thirty years, and have tried various kinds of pile cures, but none gave me permanent relief until I used Dr. Chase's 'Ointment. I ha.ve recommend- ed it to others with the saline result." VVESTERN AnVE3iISEfl Wore. AJtnr. 'W'ood's Phosphodiuo, Tito Great 72ngifnli rlernedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only roll. able medicine discovered. Six packages guarantad to cure all forum o Sexual Woaknesn, all effects of abuse Orexeees, Mental worry, I:xcenflive use 01'1'0-' baoeo. Opium or Stimulants. Mulled nn -cod pt of price, one paokago $1, six, $5. One w(U,,t e(a c, six cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in `Vingham by Cohn a Campbell, 1899 Only Seventy-five Cents —TO — January lst, 1900. Now is the time to subscribe for the best- Weekly Paper published in Ontario. • Write 101 our iow clunbing offers. 1DOFIESS— WESTERN ADVERTISER, LONDON ONT, Coop's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 1o.0001,adfes. Safe.efreetnal, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cellos Root Coe - sound. Telco no other, as all 'Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Petra. No. 1, $1 or BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, 01,260,000. Rest, $775,000 President-3oon 8ruilvr. Vlee•Presidcnt—A. tf. RAneta. DIV.ECTORS .Iona P1(0010n, Geo, ROnotl, wit GIntle8, AI 1', A. T. Wool), A. B. Lits (Toronto). Cashier—J. TWINBULL. Javfing a Bank—Iiours,10 to 8; Sounder, Us to Deposits of 81 and upwards received and Interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of Ir.:rest. Drafts on Great Dritain and the United Stater bought and sold W. CORBOULI), Aches E. L. 1)1OaINSON, Solicitor. Money no Loan on Notes. t 'j;,t 1'11, 1 11i :>, to rts. 4 " Y.•7'...7111 10,1, :int)"6:•,;,lt .4 a. '1' fel ri l3 i • . "'".Lia a ?SET elf L!. Hb -'a•/ Pi" ,. l'1'.':. s';'4l•fi y 4.1.1.•1..:.4°tallo41 '+4.4 t . ► 1. t .•.. , ., •, • 1 We u,,.• t , s•!,t•r ' -tL'. - ,• .2 rot•.. ', — 00 11.11 " 1 y,, ,,, ..,. 1 ray , r ll ,,.t:.r•• 4 ,v' , 1! ass . 1 ,2 00• . :, .:. • 470 g % •i, r. 1 t00 4,e,n( tool • 71..'t • "e. , n't, t Ia.' Ole 47 Sc. per line f'•t 8, 074,nr 1,€141. •7• ;fr pee 1i..,. fort,erh••t,lfsagnene hu heli 70 tote rem .1 bt/7l.n•.p.,r.,i1 "r,r1.. b:.a4:lino6l.r'i•lln-, 141111.4., WC d'at o•/rttlon,and. 1 •'/:oceeef.t ,07!'48' •, Advettinane,•nr s 4.11,":at,1'ralntd, btr st r,), `fituetfoua aa,) n.p41, . • 1:I,n,r..a 1t talar,-,), bur rrr••rriir,¢ 8 fire e•/ntnreti, ,L 1'r ,ir.,t ,r,00th, and ,m•. for eacb. 4111a%r11f11'flt '10101,ett ;IA Ferre. for*fele, Ont exet:••.IfDC 8 lino.. Et for (1.8 ettr,th, Mat, per •nb-el(nent month Lt'$0t Adre't,•etnel.!+tl "tion4;14 , 'Mese ,trusts 1!131 b, strictly a,)h,-rel to 1 Special rates fir forger adtertirsr rents, or or loft' :r(04710d1. • Atli ertlsenents'•n4 !nerd nntkro v'+)'nutspeellla direotionn, will :,e i/1,t.rf714 tin for'.irf 4..d charged,. aceor•tingIy. Trye:t.•try ativcrttl,ent.•'ats must be paid in aevaner' utr.oii(,'a for contract ads erttsernente must be in the office by Wednesday noon, In prier to appear that week, Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 poi eentwith privileee of paying at the end of nny year. Not,. and accounts collected. ROBS. MoINDOO, Oeever Block Wimrham, Out GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine DEPART ARRIVE 640 a. m. 305 p, in 3 80p to 10 29p m 8 550. in 3 O5pm 6 53 m 11 10a m 33Cpm 800pIn 1110afu (140am 3 30 p m 3 130 p re 102Opm 830am I1. 11. Er.IdwTT, PRONtlrron tee l'esLlsnsl• INGIIAM HOSPITAL.. Por the try:tmrnt of U1StiARti3 PP MAIER and, SURGICAL t;ataE3 of alt kinds. 1e lutticulattt- Whirred Iia. J. P. 1(I(NNE1Y, 14tadiral Ynperlrltendt nt, r, it F ha1n, Ont., T) t'ANST('* t•,, llANatsTElt, lsuLl('1'rou, Et,,,, 1'riva*,u end Company funds to loon -at lowest rate, interest. lie con'ntiaswn charter!. Mortgages, towte, and "Aran preperty hough: a,pd 4 old OFFICE—Heaver Block. K'txatt,tn. J. 4, .OET0N • D'RItISTEIt, 2:e.• 11Ioglrm., (Inc. • L. DICRI\sON, BAIMLISTEi1, ETC, SOLICITOR TO BANE 010 IiA:IILTON., ,tl'Oilelr LOAN. Office—Mere: Bloek. t5'ieeham res )r4 Al. G. CAMERON, HA itRISTER, SOLICITOR, CoNvRv AxCEit, ke. Nice—Corner Lantiltonand St. Andrewstroets opposite Colborne IJotel, OODE11e1i, • Os•{tAluo. A L'THUR J. litw N, DDS, L U 3, , initylVania- D nth! College,.1d1 Lf cull t i' t.( (0,' It of Ow wet College of Dental sure:eons of °uteri% 0,8,1,7 mer Post• twice, 11' ngban, TISTttY.—J.S.'JEli0:41 , L O. S.,WINGHAI. 1.'uanutaetar first class sots off' ~; teeth as cheap ns th r can be trader• t in the Dominion. T.,.•th extraotei• absolutely arithnnt 71.4(1,, by his new process, guaranteed perle• tly safe, OFFICE: In the Beaver 'Blork, opposite the, Brunswick Douse. CIIN K170111b: OENEIAL INSURANCE dOt,NT • SOCIETY MEETINGS. Wiao,ink, 0,TART•• S�e Camp Calealnnia, Nlo. 447, meet . O. .'—tho•nrtst tnd third dlond•ly art �• ert•ry month, In ..he Odd Fellows nth. Vi•itine brethren wolocin' J. Murray. Chief. D Stew' artl(,'n.•See LICENSED AUCTIONEEtt FOR ..1E COUNT' OF HU1tON. DEANS, Ji,., wixo.ttn, 'NN 1i.V GHAM STEAM PUMP \A/ORKS Having purchased the entire business froui Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Rs TH ENEW WAY �i LL EEL /'AL MYiVi Ato 'est' 781 n 'I>�i 1ILL I S Wood and Iron Force an I Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water 'Troughs, Sinks, liatlis,ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Doop.well pumpa a speciality. Repairing promptly attended tn. Parties writing for information or ordering by load should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MORN!" 1.'TGSITAR tir•rt 140 Winghanl, Ont. Sales attended (1a any part of the 00. Charge moderate. J OLIN G1311.it1L, Winettayi, ()AT., LICENSED AUCTION8h.R. Sales of Farm Stock and Fenn haaplonieota specialty. • ail orders l«111 at the Tntnn nttice promptly o11on,I' ed to. Tem. reasonable. 46 FIFTY-TWO WEEKS WITH GOD," A fascinating. study of The Inter- national national Sunday S1hoat Lle:ssons for - 1899, now ready. No Christian. especially Clergyman tn. Teacher,. should the without it. Beautifully bonnd iii cloth of two colors, *Wits: stiff boards. Price only 35 conte. Strongly recommended by leading Clergymen. On sale by all book sellers, or sent postpaid° iii receipt of' the price by, 'r111'l 13Id,aAI)LI.Y•GAlt(fl:'1'-1()N ,Co.,. (l1u( aIt) , I'ublishels, 1C..l'unto, Caw JOB PRINTING, TNULUUINU lboka, Pamphlets, Posters,� 3 Y 1 I1e,eds, (Amebas, Jr", so.. exerufed lll,the best !!tyle 01 the art, at moderate pr(ceh and On •boas notice. Apply or address}' sr, 0. iir.t.i°'rr, T into udh,, '.wingharr r.-+..•,. ' 4 BOOKBINDING. _ r ,1'e tiro pt•aa,tl to annonnro that any Books ibe 1'ta,raatnus left with us for 1030th 1i(, *11) have of e ,ramp! attention. Prieea for Bind i,ein any will be gist!) oil uppliott-lon o the r;41.4 0111014 • RA yIerVat ive lh street, 'its for was a St+1t1(+ ;arse. mean given that Esse grap Wore Lad Th' now the i • brou ger. Esse but t -cups ani,tl tlbo patio throt In the arid Site Aliso• •13om voy cont what w -of 3 pors in t] )rigid and Cate ,• ossa flow by t ;the •este i „ •. you ' for T ant alio the ext ng re' ' bas •wa. 1101 qui i '' • till iwh 11i:t f ', the ' in • tau eF Ifo an ;g i— e0c I y.1112, rat st .1x47 •- • f• fc 1 11. 3r '13