The Wingham Times, 1898-12-02, Page 5I:1:�. "' ', T . \I S, D1E 0101BUB+ 9, 1898. 1 We want to say that our stock of Woollens for fall and winter is el 01 complete We have soup lila. . beet and most stylish goods in S 4tkesed1.0t market in ` t SALT S somebody who Will make an ex ., 0000__ . " �,�„, s ample of thorn, t"'J/t%.'.3."4y.'".•"4�''A,9•"r�,',,F'r,,®,'�!!''O!Z'�'�b"'ls''�I@P' �I reser` --d' ti' e of the (st:L ua rs:s AT Doz rtzsz) /' Mr. John Campbell is visiting in G tat present. TELLS Row 1:11'i WAS CURED OF ir, Wei. 13one,.(aftor the sale) le going to live in Air. Tuft's house in Belgrave.,' Mr. 13one will be missed BIS FINGER8, HANDS AHD WRISTS very much in the immediate neigh- weare e MASS up oli:teKs AND borbood, but we are glad that be is ; lofil:l, 1r1" 1;1'irlS9N Qi` lYilICFi kilt not going vbt'y fat" away'. , w,> UNABLE TO �ti oit[t Ile Wooled the dans*genets. ``l doctors told Renick l:lamilton, of To the Ee re of the rEnterprise:— \. i w pt•fa3: 1VesL Jefferson, O., niter sutlering 18 I have read front week to weep in ruontha prow Etieestttl I'ictulr, be hvuuld your paper, testimonials from those die unless a tsostly operation was per- who have been. cured through using permed ; but he cured hintsa:p with � @ Dr. Williiarns' Piuk Pills, and as I Hoses of BuekIen's Arnica Sale,• have o;iperieheed tnueh benefit from surest .'File euro ou Earth, and. the bast { Salve in the Wt rid. 25 teats a box. the use of that medicine, I believe it Sold by all Druggists. "ly duty to let others know that they can be relieved from a very CULEOSS. , painful malady. I am now 75 years Coaecil met in the Town Hell,' ut' age, and ate at the present time, Teeswater, Nov. 2lst, 1898, as per; and in fact e[ er since I took a course motion of adjournment. Members , of Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills about all present. The Reeve in the chair. two years ago, 'have been etijo; 11ieutes of last meeting were read i ing excellent health. Before that and confirmed. time 1 had been ailing for some Reid—Scott—That the collector's' months, tidally I was attacked with bond be placed in the tt,easurcr's salt rheum, which came oat mostly hands for safe keeping, and that the' on my hands. It was not long after treasurer get the bond from Mr. ' lie fleet appearance before I was un- Stephens for that purpose: --Carried.. 1 able to do any work at all with my Mr, Jno. D. Kuntz appeared be- , hands. I resorted to all the domestic fore the Council with a petition! cures I could hear of, but the disease signed by a number of the Seperate kept on its course, getting worse and Sebool supporters of Union School , worse, until the palms of my h •s Section Nu.1,Ctlrriek and Culross, to 1 and my es an S werea mays of have the section divided evith the in- i open sores and hideous scab tention of erecting a new school 1 got medicine from the d house in the Tovansbip of Culross. 1. used- fur several w Remi—Johnson—That the petition benefit whatever' of John D. Kuntz re the ` division of , becoming` more a the Seperate School Section NO. 1,-1 ti Underwear, Hata, Caps and all hinds of Gents' Farnishinga, Winter Weterproof Coats, Ready-made Pants and Overalls, basin Clothing, �' It is to your interest to inspect our stock before purchasing g , I $ C4:113 0_ (0._,L,61.2ERT:sio • y �y Opp, yQuueen�''s Hotel,wW� inn, g�haa n.. y /p �p /p, �/Q�T 1 q/ 'c if igiV levey',Ii,12!'.i /0/4 0,11 � `0• til ` visWi' V 1. 4 'WY �Y VfAVIVII •^' 1 J J. 3.6 Wes Richmond ,St. o onto to meet Our customers with a full and up-to-date stock of NEW GOODS, and all new styles and patterns and NEW PRICES. .... .„. 1 ,s, The O11ly 'ftp h� ore 4ccialist In million y the public and Aro- n. Long rec•gnized fession of t Domini RHE THE LEA , IIS G, THE OST SKI T -IE b10ST THE MO Authority in the treatme Call - nd Inter LFUL, ROGRESSIVE, . T SUCCESSFUL it of Rupture. few Him JEWEL, WINGHAM. • e'en -see -eel -ens -se- es -- You ay thus know your rue condition, and this at the hands of a Master in 1 is profession. Hyo r case is one that nee ; attention, he will n the most reason - supply j st what you need and able tern s. Exa. "The H he Juvenile." A boy's shoe. Built to protect growing feet against distortion. Most foot -ills are acquired by wearing ill -shaped shoes in youth. Laced. and Oxfords; in shapes "Foot -form" and ''Dandy" ; widths, D ee E. Boys' sizes, 3 to .534 ; Youths', 13 to a�; Little Men's, 8 to r e j ', Goodyear welted;. Stamped on the soles $2.00 and. $2.50 per pair. CATALOGUE "The Slater Shoe," FflZe. M most th ination an Free . Egan is the possessor of iccessful practice of any one list in this department i bents say theyhave Advice he largest and his line—being e o y specialist the Dominion. Has F 1 • not wards o express their graft ode, and never before had • nstr ments to pro- duce : uch marvelous. change in such sl ort time. his fact alone gives him ample e couragement that his anticipations are not mere 1 ncies of the imp ination, but only- the reward whi h is sure to F 1L w true merit t r. Egan b'Cty to diagnose rets of his E' nsnit all onus of Rupture is one -of the s 0U ess. er 30 Years IXpe long established business in Toronto He lives up to every Agr His treatment is quick and pennon nt and ha rotects itis patients by' taking only those cases that n be relieved. PROOF - POSITIVE That he cures when others even fail t parts in place. Does •t•he following lelte vince you : it represents ,one of hundreds n Possession. ;iaJIPErle, TES L"iuO Y Dr,1rSi",--i°a , ;0 not o, my d•atbiu 0011,',,, „re, •• t„ 100, leu .tel .•, ewe, I., lh 11 .. ,ter?ere r,N n 0.,, heart rt 4.n,,.t • •.;) , , '__ ience pfoof that ment • For Sale Only by linfitini BOWLES. ► REMEMBER! Your eyes are priceless. Take cafe of them„ as no one will take care of them for you. Tf you need SPEC .L AGLES OR buy them from us. Also a full line YE GLASSES hold tho not .eon. w in.oae of 1Vatches, Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. car. WITZ.3744 trieTICIAN AND JEWELER. - 1 racks I then tor, which s, with no • hands still more crippled with the disease .ly general health, too, at this time was poor and I got 'discouraged altogether, believing There was no help for the terrible PAN" MED t5 This. pplietl to oats meant - bursting, the starch cells of the cats and client-rinsr st•al'tll into suger. Yoe Cant digest starch--yt>u neeet digest sugar. Pat: - drying does more than this though—it naves lit rich, nutty flavor iti the finished product as you get it. Progietsive grocery I sell " Tillsen:s " t,y tilt- i pound. TIL i) I MN -DR E 1 • I ROLLED lOAT 11 i i 2$0 Sli1'-son 0.. y, Iiil.ed, { Ti[sonbur,Z, on G1 1 Carrick and Culross be laid over for �-- '""'""" " - ar ..„ ;..-;-�, consideration and information.— Carried. LONDESBORO. Scott—Reid—That the Clerk write 1 Church complaint tbat was gradually spread- John i . ing over my bands and upon my 12 and 13 as per Engineer's award, wrists towards tey arms. It. hap- and that the elerk have the number pened one day in conversatiou with of rods to be done by the mmeicipal. an aequaintance that Dr. 1Villiams' ity as per engineer's award au eext Pink Pills were mentioned in con- ; Meeting of coutscil—earried. • neetion with some other case in the 1 Report of reeve re lob on 25 side - neighborhood, and it was suggested • road, eon 6, Last year 1 let a job had not much faith in the trial, nut, euneluded w .get a box and see what they might do. To niy great delight, 1 after using toe box 1 found an Ma - I provement in the eoedition of my ennee- did not use all these, tor before tlaey . , would were gone she disease bad vanished tul has " Y°", and my hands were ste sound as ever. tulle r ..xtird. c.ft.,e -ia,c- 4,,.. , t . tit. twentv ears [ The new skin came on as tenooth e st - oe tyre :-• a rattlitcP, 011t. I and fresh as if nothing bad been the Exeter, Ceram -term tt Vic. i. I, -,,eee„ 5,1 matter. My general liealtn waealso nreatly benefited by tbeir use and I eeodoleeh, Bi leash eixe wage Hotel, • t: attended to my work with anore (nee .. energy and in better spirits than I Scaforrl, Queen's Hotel, Dee. 8. ' Qneen's Dee. WINGRAW, Queen's Hotel, Sat- urday, all day and ev'g, Dec 10. 'Kincardine, Royal Hotel, Dec. 11 arm 12. Gloreloue News •las decided to give his costomers and the people in general,the greetest *chance of their life to save money by .Purchasino• eheir fail .and.winter goods from him. His stock is coMplete in all up-tordate Dress Goods, com- prising Bouckle, Figured, Braped, Stripes. Cheeks and Piain, from elleapest eo finest New York styles in Tailor-made Mantles in Beaver, Fine Broed Cloth, Heavy Cut•led Bouckle and Frieze in all colors rangin,es from $3.00 up Ladies' FUR CAPES and JACKETS. Theie Jackets are ol.the best .peIts (no tendee skins) and. are guaranteed to wear,. Every person who in- tends purchasing a jteeket, should see these gbods and get prices. . See our special lines of Ladies' Vests in LIMO W001, 'Marino, naive! 'Wool and Union from 15e up. Men's, Boys' and Children's Underwear it 'Unions and Ml -Wools I also Heavy Lined American meltes from,22.itie Nun. garment to the finest Scotch Wear. Alen's lergest. sizes alvvays kept 11 A full line of Men's, toys' and Children's Suite and Overcoats to clew Men's Tvveed. Rain -proof Coats, Mandleberg's Sewed Senna. No glee ling way at the seam in these goods. ' Special frone $5.00 up. Comos from Oarglie, of t,ks of Elexric :Bitters has cured Mrp. ok eat.: (AIL her head and face, clot hor e.cce is vote plei ft ELI /for thealtb es is 1114. hebl. blood pc I Mel k nowt -L. It's [he i.nproale orv.iune, eerier, nes boos and re.uning :tires e....itutilAtos kidneys and roit-on-t, digestion, 'ludas up he, nenutli. Only flO•eents. Sold by oil veQ. bottle guar - The Wihghau. ills will have every pi oeilsie vote p ing the new Aiethodiet church wa$ -which the evening was epent i» bet - ening to addresses. and tousle, etc.. The crowd was the Istrgese wa think of this kind of any .presious. bi The pi neerd., of thk eve - con 6. The contract was to cut the ning, dmission fees aid etibrcrietions • in elicited. to about seven hundred had done ter a number of years. bave been in excellent health -ever since -for a man of my v,ears, andsuo sign of salt rbenne has since .appear- ed. . The .box or t•wo of Pink Pills which I left unused were taken by my wite lend (lid her much good. eannut speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and am pleased to give my testimony to weir merit, hoping others may thereby beinduse ed to use them in citees like my own, old road, and to put the material dollars. . . , from cuttine into some holes on the Church Dedica.tion--On Sundt) y south side obf the hill. 'But instead morning the churn %vas dedicated to of doing see he 'pee some of the II devine service by ilev. Mr. Ries:by , material on the old road I have . of Blyth, .wno also preaehedan excel - been a great number of times to see I lent sermon in the afternoon Re•v. and the job and it is still _incomplete, andlDr. Hammond ie the evening to a as be is paid for proportion of work , crowded heuee, basing ilis remarks .pu done, and seemingly does not intend i the words, "13e of great fil Mi." Boni- to cbmplete the job aS it is long past I cieuernoney Was raised on Sunday in the time for completion, I wish it to leollection and subscriptionp. to finish be understood that the convent; istpaving for the church. null and. void. Signed, Hy.. Alan- i,Totes--W. L. 0111111e -tee :hipped a key. . car load of Turkeys fruit) this etation Seott—Reid--As Christina Me-ioh AT end ay. Dougal is in destitude circrtnastancesi Mies, May 1361 of Clinton is \Isle and no prospects of the House • of 1 ing Miss E, Adarns. Refuge being opened for some time, l • Miss R. Smallieomb was the .guest that a grant of $10 be enade to 1 of Mr, , and Mrs. Palmer dtuEig . Arthur Simpson to be used fur her Thanksgiving holidays. . benefit—caryied, Airs. T, Aloon left (et Tuesdey for Johnsenn—Scott—That as Daniel her home in Stockton, Man. Markleand family are in destitutel Mr. 11- -E. Fair and Miss L• She. circamstances that a grant of .65 - be., phard spent Thankegingi., at At vas . given, and on application beingl Miss Lou Oubliette returred to (ince, that the. Reeve ascertain in few days with her parent?, what way they can be provider' for i Mr. Amide Webster rei li rncet from as there is now a House of Refuge 1 the west on Memlay nightr he is which has to be sustained by the ;about the last of the boys eettin-g ratepayers -of the county --Carried. ihorpe. • • Finanee report.--Matilew Willie, / Mr. Amos Watson Yt ho •bas been gravel, 65.70 ; Wiler & Son, nedar, I in Manitobe tor some Lime came $1.13 ; Municipality of Turnberry, , home on Saturdey aed expects to go one day ro'ad machine, $5 ; eYnn1 to Mount Bridges shortly, .where he Roach, repairing approaches to ihas secured &situation in a mill-. bridge, $1.:50 ; John Ireland, eleane Mise Kirk ineent Thanksgiving lug out eueVert on gravel road, .$1 ;• • with her parents. aid. $5 ; •Jaenes Gallagher, building; ti Acute Rheumatism:. HENRY' CHESLEY. The editor of the Enterprise can add that Mr. Chesley is a repreeenta- Live farmer living about three miles from the town of Bridgewater, N. S.," and the utenost reliance es.n be pieced on his statement. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood and in this way drive disease from the system. Afaie trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold only ' in boxes the wrapper whieh bears the full trade mark "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." If your dealer does not next mid" cast ,)04.1" WI I. keep them they will -De sent nos G ennneseer—r-an""e" fur 62.50 by addressing the Dr. What 'paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes Delicate .cniidren I Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ladies"Tweetl Cireillars with 1, 2, 3 Capes, in different colors, Ilene Il/fandleberg's sewn s:arns ; jnst the thing for this season at special prieO. I tett the oely Merelnent in `SI/Ingham who keeps a 111.11 range of Car pets in BrItSsela, Tapestry) All Wool, T;niens and Ilemps. Also Linoleum • wapestry Carpets; frail' 330 to 75c. • rsilOis traits 21;Le to 500. iitvirspf4 trolls 42N0 to 23e. a source of anxiety they are! „EAST WAWANOSIL called to Waterford fast week to wit - hearty and' strong, but they riess the death /ef his uncle, Mr. To all these delic.ate ciiii- Mr. James 'Gibeon of tbe 10th, is 1 Arthur Simpson, for C. Me ou, , a 1$10 • Wm. klabust, repairing bridge my trouble and was on the point of giv- ' 1 Mr ,Jr, Or Combes and pupils of I and 'building abutment eons 12 and ing IM my job when 1 happened to hear of I- .1 -1 • v Hood's Sarsaparilla. I purchased a bottle school seetion No. 8, purpose havtng i 13, $35 ; Thos. O'Malley, uptiLutm, oi thb medicine and a vial o t Hood's Pills phosphites conies with the., an entertainment on the evening of culvert and timber, lot 16, con 2 and began taking them. Before 1 had best of news. 1December 16th. A grand program $55.16 ; Thos O'Malley, 3 new mnd ared tre tho pupils as sills, $2.,.1.6 ; Peter) KANVelse,rh, r„epale- hell finished them I wee relieved and it was not long before 1 was completely " . ' Niarshall engineer re Ceskennett & eured. I never lose at opportunity to praise Heed's Sarsaparilla, for my cure The parents wish them • R Oatelidg tor last issue.) Pains In the Foot and Limb -Pi I Complete Cure Accomplished by 25, con a, $4; John Harkness, part I Hood's Sarsaparilla. contract on steleroad 30,con 4,$..-. 0, "For a number of years I was afflicted Win. Hemingway, cutting tree, con. with acute rheumatism in my lett aide 5, .."1 e Valentine Rettiuger, gravel, 9nd all the way down my limb into my $3,60 ; Wm. Moffat, gravelling 00 foot. I live five blocks from rnywork and boundary, Culross share, 52.50 ; had to stop and rest several times in going i 1 could get no relief from strong. ones, healthy nerves, glee assistanee. A good tune, lb ee.. and sound digeAion. It is peeted and all are invited to cane' . and enjoy themseives; growth and prosperity. to i 1 Heusebrea,kers have again been thein.. - lannoying the people& the 10th very much. It would be well for every No matter how delicate 1 body to have secure protection against this party and it won the child; it is readily taker!. scorr& BOSYNEs Cheedsw, Toronto.. 13teps lest they fall:into the hands or, Btrrrog, trier n -prepaid. ill k Hood's Pills 1"4" Y 1 Well for this party' to consider their the reben—Carried. eon and $1.00, adruggistc Klein ditches, $16, mean a let Jervis—Johnson-That the finande ily and mild alwayil be at my peat." report as jest read be adopted and wItzt-kikt Reolcutri Yatatnan) • Glrand Johnsen—Reid—That the council is the hest-Iin fad the One Trite klood Philter. do DOW adjourn to meet again t n Ded, 15 as per statue or At!, 1110 etil ul Sold by all dtuggists. $1;312 for $5.