The Wingham Times, 1898-12-02, Page 4' :'H E A IN G II.' ..:1 � `tl :moi,DECEMBER, 2 1898
AIARKL:'d' Frt.l.'l11t'l
\' 'v t3H.\91.
VVaut►)t, 1, 1b93.
corrected by P. l�erxun, Produce Dealer.
b'ionr per 1c:I) la"• 1 75 to ;). 00
Fall Wheat •D G9 to 0 70
t; « , t 0 Citi to 0 70
{huts, lam 0 20 to 0 27
O 30 to 0 35
u 50 to 0 00
007 to 008
004 to 005
O 40 t0 0 50
014 to 010
knitter ... .. .. ..
he skipped batt and left, the htirult�. ;
y,i�w.Ff f'1\1W t rMwMw, IRK. rfw.x+ia.aR+. rw.rl+ - _..T--........-.....-<..---... •
ice. _.,.,...:.-:„...,. >._ ._- ...- ....+ ...� ... t ,
.-,..,- ' , eggs Ar }n el \1'IlCl1.l�'l. l '.
oidia,., elieC'.ee, batter, ('ni 1t
t=� G� E l Tiz` trau" ' p 1't)(lll.'I8, IIk! offered
;Other forint p Mee. C. `1 ..ii:tict'.r3 stela part c:f
',(c,�eed prime fur the prntlttee, lted, it L111' Seel IV. n rei,vE 1', ell p
Ili, i8 said, secured some l:atl kfl,l:lEl;i.tu llev. Jlr. :wiadt•rs. n iwil Miss disci-
Thee 6e1`nted the , tit i�t.tiptitl lira
Ontario. agentsel-sill, Ptilt'a, It'll .ltd' t4 it II.t l ;lr•ll
+ -• t stud' i'rt;n? the taran(1 h aarld i1'it.lrt'd it, . \l. t day l : el; and spent t
Bele s t 1i 13, rley
Ito C.alnphell, la,tvid,ull t'u , 1S lIU,I►1
the ball nee of the wt el: \V if h f, lends Yeas
tUtula4o}e::Uitt:iller.lrl ��l:fr'itl 'turkey, drawl%
,,,i tnl'lt, Sold the geed, agents. ex.04,,
i, , , �' 1 of 'ay till it gents. alk , l-) \ i l•iia , t' '1 „It+tarn spent ,
Fteni '30 un.
ri 1stoats bu.(u not 1,l tl .t Uncles ntr paw
jfl i 1'ii'tacn the latter' Y,ec.trEi+' LI utalJit nnitil f 1 in Wtt''eeer during the
, 1 Lia,, por down he hands a his t�.er . Some l,•atre ):•i• ►iri,!•U r , d :0 to J
l.)ot' p,-ir tan „ 0 tit to 0 50
agents will loose hca�•ily, as they i vi lie' a ‘i 6, lI•t14i`: I t 41: ng• I Yatytrn'e per bushel, . .
ante personally responsible to rias' lila, lr, rd airs, the !n l.t I,t f lint n, lyllo\v ptE lb
0 3 to 0 4
0 •� to 0 4
e t o\n " ' u 14 70
�o 14
f 1 1{b of
• O ',one lit Toronto, Wood per t.or (., ,. , .. 1 5o to r 00
ilial t
r� '
it i the
�;l i bee
': f',.tr
9 r1I
ti:'' -a \ie,;, ��t FI ,,i'(rj ;t inti ►cissas arc taking rucel, Mr Thonims Snatal ilaa placed a
(- tions to thea pointment of Nit.. Gar -
p new itirnac•e in in, le,idrnco.
�. Pll row to the Cabinet at this particular Mr. Alex Walker, of the Walker
1�rL? :.�L®r0- rl l perfectly house' has torsed :-torus Nviridowd on
. i�.1 time. The appointment is
,c,...-.•=•••••.•••••_•-•.=-_,......trtns....-r•-.t. loi
Notice of changes must be left at this
t iember of the Dominion House
ofilee not later than Saturday when he was appointed Minister of
noon. The copy for change` 1 Militia, and he sought and obtained i
must be left not later than '-rues• ' 'al beat in Wet lining after his
day evening. Casual advertise appointment, precisely as Mr. Gar-
ments accepted up to noon o •except that Mr. Gar-
F tory is dein„ ,
ThnrsdaY of each week. rOW was virtually a member of the
_.___ house almost up to the moment of
�"""_ �. __- ^_ T. hi appointment, while 1\1r. Patterson
had grit been a member for some
time. If Mr. Pat tersop's appoint-
ment, therefore, was right -and the
Liberals did not object to it -that
Mr. Garrow cannot be wrong.
West Huron show its confidence hi
Mr. Hardy by giving Mr. Garrow a
e • 'writ'.
respectable majority."
niers from whom they bought the ! crn(rtuctt 11 z,:•rvu to in the 1;1,i3 copal I7rEe•1 z pplcs, per IL 14 to 21
duce. , VVoal
chervil on .;ant: ,y : rt lair 1% -at. Dressed hoes 5 eu to 0 00
Mr. John B. \'t •t has et mpleted Chickens 0 25 to 0 35
'1'1ii; Clint(.n New Era sari :--' his
�':c=1' sail lith: lilt suet t.__.---
ul .
StiliPll\le on its merits, but Alii aairs~fuand
r i1 e' comfort of other
f hi:• guests
tldition to this the Ut'verntr,. Lit tau lug tl e winter.
tnply followed a precedent
nop;?Ion encs
Miss Rose hr. il'eny \� as visiting
een by still her :flee iu \1'iudror.
on J. C. Patterson was not R
(1:011170im rtnno
a l' ItIDA.Y DECE (BEP L 189s 1
1 The annual meeting tin
of •t
he East
�[uron Liberal Association-Loettl
And Dominion -will be held in the
r own hall, Brussels, on Eriday Dec-
eiiber llith,commeneing at 1 o'clock
op, m,. The meeting is called for the
ipurpose of electing officers ; adopting
.a new constitution and by-laws, and
ransacting such other business Pis
;any come before the association.
.IJr. Macdonald, M.P., Mr. A. Hislop,
M. P, P. and others are expected to
be present and address the gathering
All Liberals of East Huron are re-
quested to be present.
The Toronto Telegram,
whlch is
Independent, with strong Consert.a
tive leanings, moralizes ft r the edifica
ti,an of its Conservative friends, thusly:
Conservatives might frankly recog-
nize the fact that the record of Lib
eraliiin in Ontario is not vile, as re
cords go, and that the Opposition is
handiseapped by a publie belief that
the Grits on the whole have not done
badly. The adverse influence of the
apathetic feeling towards any- out
Cry agairst the government, is sups
plemented. by the government's sou
trot .of the so-callel eine• t f war.
The whole policy of the Conset vatives
in Ontario politics has been based
open the mistaken assumption that
the province is just achin,r to l.ut the
Grits nut add the Tories in. For
years the party orators have talked
.as if Ontario was naturally Conserva-
tive, and as if the Opposition had a
hettvy•borlt right to rule, which
right it could not exercise owing to
an iniquitous Combination of eircum-
etaneea. Conservatives under various
Ileaders, have tried to brake this
combination. So far they have tried
i iu vain. 13y and by a happy thought
Polit'es is warm in West Huron.
West Huron -will do her duty next
Thur day.
Ga.:'row should ,vin the day with
lar„e majority.
C;ar't your vote for the popular-
' ear .idate-Hon. J. T. Garrow.
Tun returning officers' vote will
not he required on Thursday next
for 11r. Garrow.
See to it that your neighbor casts
fids vote for the people's eandidate--
lion. J. T. (Jarrow.
Excuse politics this week. It will
Tie all over before our next issue and will striaPe Col. `Whitne}, and he
Hurow will be the man for 1i est will realize that Ontario is willing
Huron. that the Grits should stay in until
Not a word against Major Beck as the Opposition gives the people go03
at ratan, but (Jarrow is the mail to re -
reason to put the (frits out." Electors
resent West Huron in the Local vote for Mr. (.Harrow and help keep
Legislature. I the honest Grit government in power.
Hardy's honest Government will
have another supporter after Thugs
slay next, in the person of Hon, J. T.
barrow from West Huron.
Many persons have their good
day and their bad day. Others
are about half sick all the time.
They have headache; backache,
and are restless and nervous.
Food does not taste good, and
the digestion is poor; the skin
is dry and sallow and the
with pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings no rest and work
is a burden.
What is the cause of all this?
Impure blood.
And the remedy?
o a
Bring Your Me and Children.
An JEnarmotats Wo have opened
Variety ie ty o a large stook of
fall goods, and are
prepared w offer
to the public an assortment of Boots
1 and Shoes such as havo never before
1been shown in the town of Wiogluim.
We can suit the most fashionable Ladies
and gentlemen, for we have all kinds of
toes, all the newest, shades and colors,
and we can also suit the ole' Taadies and
i Uentletnen with our wide, common sense
(shoes. A groat variety in Ladies' But-
toned Boots and Lace and Gaiters: We
have It splendid Ptoc of Be�•s' curls'
and Children's 80001 Shoos. Lots of
Farmer' Lung Bouts, both ready-uaado
Iand home -matte. Also a great variety
of all Hinds of Felt Goods. See our
Trunks and •Chaises, they oxo extra
cheap. Call and examine our stock and
prices and be convinced that nor goods
are the beet and cheapest in town. No
trouble to show goods..
Repairing promptly attended to.
Read it carefully, it may add dollars to
to your bank.. aocouUt.
Seeded Talenoir Raisins, No, 1, 10e.1 Salts
• 1Vluseatel Raisins, No, 1, 12c.I Sul
Seeded I
Recleaned Raisins, No. 1, 3 lbs, 25e
Recleaned Currants, No. 1, 31 , , 25
AIl1 ed Peels, new, only 20e
Mixed Peels in 1 Ib. boxes, 2
New Dates and Figs, ehea
Dark Sugar, 30 lbs -for $1,00.
Light Sugar, 25 lbs for ;1.00,
Icing Sugar, whits and pink.
Caraway Candies, plain and pearl.
Best Mince Meat, 10e pkge.
Shelled Almonds and 'Walnuts.
Pure Cream Tartar, Pure Spices,
Good Baking Powder at 10e lb.
Pure Gold Powdered Jolly.
Knox's Gelatitie. 1 Best Cord Blast Lantern 75e.
Plymouth Rock Gelatine. I Large Lamp Glass, Flint, 7e cacao,,.
laensdorp's, Baker's, Cowan's and 1 Medium Lamnp Glass, Flint, 5c.
'ebb's Cocoa.
Cowan's Sweet Chocolate 5e.- ,
Cowan's Diamond Chocolate' 8e.
Cowan's nsI
Sage, Savory and Thyme.
Coffee, Fresh Groued, 20e to 40e.
Coffee Extract only 5e package.
'.r Stook, 10 lbs for 25e.
ur for Stock; 9_lbsf.r 25e..
•ench Mustard in glass cups with,•.
handle, only 5e each.
Cocoanut only 18c lb.
C=lass Table Set for 230,
each' Stone China Cape and Saucers, 60e -
a. dozen.
Factory Cotton 3c yd.
Best Cotton Thread,. 2 spools for 5e..
iiandkfs with border, 1?c each.
Hooks and Eyes, le a card. -
. Pins, any size, le a paper.
Crimped hair Pins,, le pkge.
Best Black Ink 4e -bottle.
I Best Tied Ink Se bottle. -
i Mncilag.e, good, 50 bottle.
The writ for the East North amber -1
land bye•eleetion has been issued, the
t -reckon taking place on Dec. 1ft-b.1
Nit. J. H. Douglas is the Reform can -1 n
Ten no Tales
The bye election in Balton is on
the same day as West Huron. Mr. But living women and hungry children
John R. Barber is the Refortn can do. They tell a sad tale sometimes, that and Col, Kerns is running in , brings the terrible charge of carelessness
the Conservative interests. f and neglect to provide, against the bus-
t band and father whom the hand of Death
VOTE. F011 GAnlIO .--Thursddv . has stricken. what a little thing a 5
Eleni will be polling clay in est' cent piece is, yet 5c. a day will provide
Baron and before another issue of
$z,coo Insurance for a man of average
the TIMtxa reaches its readers the'
age hi the
result will be known Let every i
beral and friend of Mr. Garrow j CANADIAN N ORVER OF
TIoll his vote early and see to it that FORESTERS.
ilia neighbor does likewise. IhU' i Twenty years ago there was some excuse for those
,ttouraging reports come from a 11 . wbo lee their fancily unprotected, to -day there is
parts of the riding, and if Mr. liar absolutely none. The onlyquestion is safety,
ow's friends do their duty he should and in this the Canadine Order of Foresters easily
lean. It has a largos aarptub por hood, and
�G elected by a handsome majority still larger for each $r,000,ofarisk carried,andcould
' diuido up and pity book, if so desired, mor.
A NEVVswindle has been I;erpe- rnonoy per mhmbor than any other Society of
trated on farmers and small produce the kind in Canada. Surplus per member, el.Sa;
per $.,ono.00 of insurance, $zo, 6.
etPalers throlgbontOntario by a man 73rD Death Rath of the Canadian Omer of
oiling amself Win. Davidson, who rore.vters last year was lower than that of any of
iitl run)petators' heing only Sf.44 In rho 1,000.
res tly opened a wholesale e0na• The Intora.t on the insuranceSurphas pats
lost house at Toronto under the .,ger 20 Dhath Clain. of a itl,000 beth
est year.
�e of Campbell, IDavidson &Cr ,,t
,or further particulars enquire of a•iy of the
DavIdton advertised for agents,. Mewl or 11Wmbcrs of rho Order, or address
ging them $lir per viol tit ai d 2 R. ELLIOTT, TIIOS. WtirrE,
per cent. commission on all the pita- !1C.It-,I')gmall, flighSer;r, limn+far::.
Ice they could secure, such AS orERNST OAETtsNor,. ,`atiVe,a.
It clears out the channels
through which poisons are
carried from the body. When
all impurities are removed from
the blood nature tates right hold
and completes the cure.
II there is constipation, tate
Aycr's Pills. They awaken the
drowsy action of the liver; they
cure i
L'1rri7to to oscr Doefot'a
Wo have the exclusive services of
sono of the most eminent physicians in
the united States. "Write freely alt the
particulars in your ease. You will re-
ceive a prompt ss,lgg1t
trDn. J. C AY.I,
Lowell, Blass.
Carefully washed, properly ironed, I
correctly finished and fairly priced -
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations -to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms,
J .
Learn Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
have secured the services
of three first-class coat
makers, and are in a posi-
tion to execute ord•rs in
workmanlike manner on
the shortest notice.
Style and fit goes for a
good deal these days --
both are combined in the
. clothes 'WC make.
Our goads are all new
and the prices are low.
4 ti 1.4 ►r.y
11', .. , i 'tack.
Large Burner only 15e.
Medium Burner only 12e.
Bath Brick, best, 5c.
Men's Underwear at 35e.
Children's. i� leece Boas 2 c, 350, 4,.fe,.
Men's 'I weed Pants $1.25. j
Blankets at from 70e to 95e. '+
Macdonald B ,i ock, W ing Ihaifl.
t9: ''Sr vo +` +' /'fib ✓
Oustorer of ours and leave
your orders at the Popular
Book Store for your
�p,c�,��,�, o AA, J' J�@Af�''ib r�vA /a AAAA'. rye A
1 s
We cart y a very fine
line at low prices. " Call
and see them."
An elegant ,stock and
best value ever shown in'
" '1'h/' best assortmelet
in town."
$5(3.o0 reward for a
watch we can't. fit:.
Call a.nct make , your .selections early and
avoid the rush.
- Our line in Bound Books. cannot be beaten. Cloth
Bound, Good Titles, Popular Authors, such as Dicketls4
ugustus E. Wilson, Bre.te Torte, Rev. Ingraham, &c, .
each. Annuals, Toys' Own, Girls'. O
Chums, Young Canada, Otir• Darlings, Chatterbox,
Toy Books front lc ecch to 4.oe, Dolls Dressed and U rile#
dressed, Elephants, Horses, Sheep, Dishes, Pewter,
China `'and Tin; Rockers, Lolls, Carriages, HandSleighs,f
Cutters, Wheelbarrows,' T3anks- - -everything that Santa,
Claus has ordered for good little boys and girls. .;
Leather, Celluloid, and Plush T)ressing, Cases,$
Handkerchiefs, Neck -Tie ,Boxes, Writing Sets.
We have also a very select stock of Fine China tl ,
Vases, J arcliniers, Cups and Saucers from 5c- to $i.o
; Plates front 5c to 5oc ; 5 o'clock Tea Sets, ai'
our stock of Souvenir China with Bank of Hamilton off
Public School, Vv inghani, is the choicest we have c l
';).1ac1. Stamped Linens for Embroidery and Battenburgi
Tea. Couers, Centre Pieces, Picture Frames, &c: .
'. `t1'109 t,tp be found at -
:� Popular Book Store;