The Wingham Times, 1898-12-02, Page 3, V.N,l.• .0.14 -MrM'"1.1vrw.,w Your AMM•pyllA,glMhMq+..whaY•.4�•M✓I#.e/N W vH.IM!w+'.4vMw The, Ibly i `rltedf13111 }r That 8�9 Urks CairX.Y a '.t}'i f►tidk The 'ablest and best men nnrl women of our tem n ry - doctors. c/epee met], law- yers, bankers, nlarehunt•s and literary Wooten- -highly praise nod recommend 'aine's Utile]y Contpountl rte n sure cure for ,'}tetttn,tieni, a>;dsui'ttlea, Reme>ubAr wall that & ieortiered nerv- es, faulty digestion, heti a Blew anti in• complete nutrition of the body iuvitl> rbeumatiLm, jest tut .they do nervous debility ar. neural,tia. Time is no buret start for rheum/0,4m time a ruu- dowe, nerveless tenet i tion. You conceit wire rheumatism by out. warts epplicaLiobs, !'rte ©lactase is due to ieterual troubles nod .nest be uonsti- tutionally atta'ked null got rid of. Pine Celery Compound giyes a heal- thy tone to the sto'Tiaril, increases the appet`Le,•and retrulut.ws the bowvlos, liver and kidneys, et, t bat they easily throw Mt poisonuui matters that the sluggish sys- tem bus allowed to lodge in the blood, Causing rheuteatient and like disorders. Bear in mind hint rheumatism use lea - ed means increased suireriags and tier• talo death. De wise while you bare a fair measure of strength left. Use Ptiine's Celery Compound anti banish an enemy that has no mercy when it obtains the mastery. It solely rs- mains with you to determine whether you wilt banish danger or remain in misery and wretehednese. To Mafia TorAitmairei r,ct'i'tr)3rw?na. To snake hut tA1tlrtleti, Fe:ih1 tt11111trt Of OW .14111;tlr(yr11 44111+0 e•tt'(1111ta:,1. lav hUL 11111tal11;+a.1i, ..111 Lth•1c1.. icatty you efeer hit=its nett t+t••1•erni ittiske tern into narrow stripe like I it>bous. 1l;tre cooked : 11'41-'1401Y tool ©bullar it:tit }i etuckeli ; ;WO to it It Spanish pepper, ehop.0 t flue, and tt 1).itat•tth;u sea-Allling of salt, '1`;il;i• the vorIoteali !n hair 'land, sort id put it down,. pat lilt° the ivrnt husk duflieierlt t) make :l r't:11 six iiiehes lung fluter) the ©:entre. Put In a uuuple t.i' toanpuulll Liss uf' chop- ped ettiei en, 'thou roll the ltnsks and the commie' over, snaking a corn• plete roll with the chicken inside, J'oid the ends of the cornmeal over ; tits them with the narrow strips which yon have prepared. Put the bones taken front ill© ehiektln in the bottom of it kettle ; add tt sliced onion, three or !bur cloves, two bay leaves, a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of tt tt;ttspouttfut of pepper ; cover with cold water and 'bring to a boil. Now put your tamales all over the top ; the bones will net as a sort of .rack:, keeping thorn from being covered by the water ; cook coetiuttouslyfor two ur three hours, and they will be ready to serve, The ro:ls are cut into halves. Dish their} neatly, so that -the ends ,vill be exposed,—De• comber Ladies' Home Journal. ttSUP'1!'ERED UNTOLD 15'SISERY.» South American Rheumatic Cure Thwartea and Cured ilim Out- right. The Heart's Life Work. Robert E. Gibson, merchant, Pem- broke, says that ten tears ago he eon- traoted rh u The human heart is so quickly responsive to every touch of feeling do the mind that the people of ancient times thought that it was the abiding place of the soul, and ail literature, both. ancient and modern, contains many poetic references to this in- i iteresting fact. The =mint of work performed' (during a life time of a. person living i to the limit of ht�tnan life 'prescribed by E� ing Derid—threescore and ten years—by this small but powerful I engine is almost incredible. It is six inches in length land four' in diameter and beats on an average 70 Lime% a minute, 4,200 times an hour, 100,• 800 tittles a day and 36,7112,000 in the course of a year, so that the heart of a man 70 ,, ears old had 'beaten over :.',500,000,000 times, Five Things. The five diseases for which Shiloh's Consumptive Cure is especially recom- nonded aro Coughs, Cottle, Whooping Cough, Croup and Consumption. No medicine ever made by man is equal to it in any respect. Sold under a positive guarantee. Mousy hack if it fails. 23 tits. fit) cis, and $1.00a bottle. • St. Andrew's Church, Stratford, -was started 60 years ru;o, and the -congregation on Monday night-eele- brated the diamond jubilee, e net sin in It very severe type, suffered untold misery—resorted to fly -blisters and other Savoie treatments with • no lasting good or relief. When hope of recovery was well nigh gone he was induced to try aonth American Rheumatic Cure. The first dose gave hits instant relief, half a bottle uured him outright. 1-1is own words were: "It is the best rheomatio remedy on earth." Sold by A. L. 1-luwiltou. Covers for Children's Books. When the children's favorite hook grows shabby it may he renovated by giving it an embroidered cover. Cut a piece of brown holland or one of the pretty art linens two inches .eider and four inches longer than the book. Turn in an inch at the top and bottom; and measure the linen carefully around the book, turn- ing the extra length inside. Sew this to the outside, forming a kind of pocket at. each end into which the cover is slipped. The linen may be decorated with any t•itnple device in embroidery, a wreatliof holly berries and leaves, with the owner's initials in the middle, or a monogram, or the naive of the book.—December Ladies' Houle Journal. . • Scrofula Cured. P. Dubuc, Magog, Que, writes : "I have used three bottles of B. L. 0. for Scrofula, Impure Blood and Dyspepsia, and was completely restored to health." a II s a4 t • A SURE CATAUU CURE. No matter what your experi ence has been with so-callc catarrh " remedies, " your ulti- mate, complete recovery can surely and positively be effected. Don't suffer any longer. Don' trifle with a distressing and dan- gerous disease when a sure cure 1. within your grasp. Thousands o sufferers whose condition was worse thanyours have been cured and are .now in perfect health. Their enthusiastic and unsolicited testimonies show beyond the shadow of a doubt that Be. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the most wonderfully effective remedy ever compounded. It re- lieves Ole meat severe lase in from to to Go minutes ; it effects a full ' cure in a Short time. The mos eminent nose and throat special- ists in the world have given at their unqualified endorsement. In all cases of catarrh, coats, sore throat,root. asthma,hayfever and inic nzt ' t t, like magic, It is easy ) mut pleasant e ant ,to useIt never farts to do prce}rely what is claimed for it. In ler, than an hour it will prove its, worth if yon will but give it a chance, A prominent eaange:ist g:ves testimony c Rev. Warren Itentley,writes:"XtlhilntoNewark,N.y. cnndneting�rreliclousser- vices, i was troubled with catarrh and used I)r. Agnew's Catarrhal t'oa'irr, It; ave ole great relief and I have rrcom :ended it to many among whom i have labnrr,l•' liar. David Mills, hliulater of Justice of Canada, has used this remedy and hi hry recom- mends It over his own signature. At all druggists. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the F}cart cures all eases of organic and sympathetic t r Agnew's Liver l 111 are at • a ''r ii minutes. D, w heart, Relieves ' o disease of the t 3 ly a r•tevaar: d dm.craii once:). mild cathartic and an Inv!' orator, system t i t ui blood purifier. Zoe. for 40 doses, int. Agnew s Ointment relieve,-, in a day and cures eczema, tetter and all skin dile ses, Lures piles in a to 5 (tights. 55e, 6 SOLD Hsi:` A, L. HAMIL'1'(xiG illiXl�txpi6111I, M TUiES, DECEMBER 21 IhU1?. In (.Giving the News of tate Great Cures l:awed by South .Ams i eon Nervine—It Iles Saved an Artily of Su From tho 1'a no of lr1(ligedtittn utl(1 Nerve Tru . blet . L. it. Molnar>Ls, (>f 1'arr(,horu. taaetl tsria,lsty 111 ulzout u yerar fri n wrist nr+rt'otltttiti: a ILUL i'tdif!estlea, ttud for some time W118 COM plet(tl,y prostruted. 1 Lu tem:mitt n beat deetors, but they flail • t i to help him. newspaper urdvenire- meet brought .Louth American Nervine to 1I 'Matic©, no tried it with the re. suit tout lie was greatly benefitted from the lirst bottle, and six bottles complete• ly tiered him, and bo would be pleated to gine all details of his case to auy person ticking hire. Sold by A, L. ' amilton, What is Public Worship, Some go to church just for a walk ; Some to star©, and laugh and talk ! Some go there to meet a friend, Sonne their idle time to spend ; Some for general observation, Some for private speculation ; Some to seek or find a lover, Some a courtship to discover ; Some go there to use their eyes, .And newest fashions criticize ; Soine to show their own smart dress, Some their neighbors to assess,. Some to scan a robe or bonnet, Some to price the trimmings on it, Soine to learn the latest news, That friends at home they may amute, Some to gossip, false and true, Safe hid within the sheltering pew, Some go there to please the squire, Some their daughters to admire; Soine the parson go to fawn ; Some to lounge end some to yawn. Some to blame the parish doles ; Some for bread and some for coals, Some because its thought genteel ; Some to vaunt their pious zeal. Some to show how sweet they sing, Some how loud their voices ring. Some the preacher go to hear, His style and voice to praise or jeer: Some forgiveness to implore ; Some their sins to varnish o'er. Some there sit and doze and nod, But few to kneel and worship God. A CARD. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twentyfive cent bottle of Dr. Wills', Euglisii Pills, if, after using three•fourths of •oontents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation end Head- aohe. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently rare the most obstinate ease of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' English Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham. Ont. Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug gist, Wingbam, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. Children Ory for - STs, 1 The Size of the Sea. Here aro• a few facts about the sea for your scrapbook : The Pacifie covers 68,000,000, the Atlantic 30,000,000 and the Indian Oeean, Artie and Antartie 42,000,000 square miles. To stow away the contents of the Pacific it would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, one mile wide and one mile deep every day for 440 veers. Put in' figures, the Pacific holds in weight 948,000,000,000,000, 0J0,000 tons. It would take about 100,000 years fur all its water to pass over the falls of Niagara. The average depth of th'e Atlantis is not quite three miles. Its waters weigh 25,000,000,000,000,000 tons, and a tank to contain it would have to have each of its six sides 230 inilect loner, The figures of the other oecans are in the same startling pro- portions. It would take ail the sea water in the world about 2,000,000 year:; to flow over Niagara. A tank to bold it all would have to measure nearly 1,000 miles aior'g each of its sides. Coughs Cured Qniultly, permanently and please nity .i use by the f Dr, Wood's Norway 1 t ) o s N r 41 le Y S veep. The in >st sntiefactory corgi remedy made. !'rice 2rie. A C'ttvl:vrn,t(''tTntiSWt:SITED 1.;11:"t1•tviti 1113 th• for ...The Sooty or the Philippines' by Ain .tc It(dst'a I, r»nunhaimterl h) the (1oten,nrnt a+• Iii - dal Historian t5 t.h,t 1V it t>epartment. Tho 1 mai war written in arm. cunpa at San entnr;isrn 0r. tin I nrlt i lr r v t ti tnl ltl an n rrritt in the h4 t n. r i f r ri i .ttltt it Hem; > p Cion inr r the trt,tl tt n•tv t An I •a i tit '1 01 a. in tlo ,t lir a tit cantos with hitt+ rtld , ou 't.''leek nt the 4)1'inpt:a with Dowry, and 1, tip nnr nt 1. tth• nt the hill nt Manila Pomo y• to (rents liri,,Ir t of .tri81t,at pitfin es tike), I," u"s- ornn.en+ Soon •r,pherx on the spat sante hunt; Loin p i.'ea. lest. p'rtOls. Freight pairs. t'i»'l 1 "' 11. 1 •rap all i•ru.-hi nnntl an War ht•0ky. t>utti i11dit., fellow,I. r. rnri>c:, Ste'y„ Hutt Imur.uwi• Co and you cure its s nces. These are some of the x Consequences of Constipation biliousness loss of appetite pimples sour stomach depression coated tongue nightmare palpitation cold feet debility - dizziness weakness backache vomiting jaundice piles pallor stitch irritability nervousness headache vomiting torpid liver heartburn foul breath sleeplessness drowsiness hot skin cramps throbbing head are a Sure Cure for Constipation. Dr. 3. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver, stomach, and bowels. These testimonials arc from the thousands received: --- " I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. .After vainly trying various reme- dies, I began to take Ayer's Pis:;. Two boxes effected a complete cure." D. BURKE, Saco, Maine. "For eight years 1 was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so had that the doctors could do no more for enc. Then T began to take .Ayer's Pais, and soon the bowels recovcred.their natural and regular action." ' WM. II. 1)sI.AUCI:TT, Dorset, Ont. "Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. I used to he annoyed with constipation until I began using thein; now I have no trouble of that kind any more, and I attribute any recovery to the use of your 'valuable Cathartic Pills." H. PLOWMAN, Portland, Oreg, The Pill That Will o 4 The Pill That Will .e. or Over 1±'nto- Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beau used for over 'ifty ytars by millions of mothers for their children '4bite teeth ing, with perfect suocese. It pi tiles the child, snfteus the gums. ullays•'alt pain. curets wind eoltc, and is the best .retned+ for diarrhoea, It is pleasant to tihe taste. Sold by druggists in every parrt`,''of tht world. Twenty-five rents a brittle, 1te value is invaluable. Be sure you ask for etre, Winolttw'H Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. • The HeaIt ofl f f Ontario` Toronto, Nov. 36.•-•ihe report of the provincial hoard of health for October has just been eotnpleted. The total population 'reporting was 2,200,072, t,hile the total population of the province i3 2,263,493. This is, the Iargest'pereentage that has ever reported. The total number of deaths is 272, as against 250 for the previous month, and 210 for Uetohre of 1897,Consumption efmed 153 victims, while last month the total was 147, In typhoid there was an increase over September of 10, tib total number being 51. Deaths from diphtheria numbered 89, as rlg,>litt.f 113 hist month. The ether death.; hv were Scarlatina 14, measles 4. r ca r whooping cough 8. All forms of Scrofula, soros,. Saila, ptalflles and eruptions. are goieLtly nisi uarmanentiy 3n red by liood'e Sarsapttr- dee Facts About Canada's Products. f producs last year reached a value of II $14,542,939. The value of the export of domes- tie asbestos by Canada last year was 8510,916. Canada last year exported $8,330,-. 017 worth of domestic coal. , Canada last year produced 239,591 tons of gypsum valued at $244,531. The limestone for flux produced in Canada last year was valued at $40,- 000. The value of the tnica produced in Canada in 1897 was $75,000. Canada produced last year 3,905 tons of ochres valued at 523,560. Mineral water to the value of 8140,- 000 was produced in Canada in 1897. The moulding sand found in Can- ada last year totalled 5,485 tons, valued at$10,931. The value of the natural gas pro- duced in Canada last year was 8325,- 873. Canada produced last veer 3,709,. 85 i , barrels of petroleum valued at ;1,011,546. Phosphates nmoa sting to 603 ton:. were produced in Canada last year the value being 83,984. 1';• In 1897 Canada produced 38.9-i1 tons of pyrites, valued at $ttf•780'• Last year's salt iintpt'tt its t; tri trim yeas valued at 8190,000. ':,,. Canada produced last year"2t11i :r L , i wells 1 ,.1 t, f cement ' to Cl (.t 1[ ,Ili 1 f V,1nt,1•w '52w l''5Itt.;; stories to the veluti .of W.'re I»•t>rheed in 011Ila(ia last ,yFe ,r. The Acte l'r"dtleed in Canadn. l`tiat year Ili 1ei'ed a value 1)1 42,$o), Ca.i,ttl is mise llaneuus mineral llagyard's Yellow Oil. Applied externally cures Sprains, Bruises. Cuts, Burns, Chilblains,. Luni- bago and pain of all kind. Taken inter- nelly cures .Croup. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, etc. Price 25e. The next annual sleeting of the West Iiuron Teachers' Assoeiatioo will be held at Exeter on the second, Friday and Saturday of March,1899, and if the county council will grant Thursday a three days' meeting will be held. �rie No When , '49'h nyou take/feeder od s Pitls. e� The bi old• . $, #a9ti•• toned, sugar-coated 11111,, which tear you Ml'ttl, pieces, are not In it with hood's, easy totart+ir 0 and easy to operate, Is true of flood's rifts. which are up to lath lit every respect. :tate, e, cr. rfaln and stir©, All druggists, 28o; C. I. nom! & Co„ Levrell, Me*. The only tats tai take 'With fiood'ie 3*r isnarlaila