The Wingham Times, 1898-12-02, Page 2114 01...A.,.7.-...,r...,..,,....,.� r... ,........ «..0.«.. Cl 1.11E WINGIIAM TIMES .I J•.I A'�J / -4i� •A� ' 1 t 2, 1 ti,..�,F •140.,,.....,..,.0,...,1M.»-..,..,-,.04.......,•. w.,..IV,..,, ,.,.,.,...o.. 1414+14,14....,,,.«.• « '1'l:t' late id. C l' t e:Tee- eri'"ll, Lieutenant, t,,,ct s u.,i' , 4 ale lliorthwt:st '1'erritol les, in hi will do nand =.'1,009 fora (±delft• selleia: chip t (''i'. It will 1,0 called i!to ill CG, t`•tnleron scholarship. hip. A l F,!ll b aei :tl•'r s,iv s the average 'wait t L women ie until 'ht'•v are aske.1 te :titer: 4 TTLS txz"' Ft ;=5 aV -17 9,tqw1R,:r4 l'G: x'."i1.ve^y cure:e. F; "•.`ai:�3C} - Little They e1:o relieve Mayes G:'a '*pt'' •. Cndkeatioa: and Too Hearty Eating. A per - red rtct w•erae y for Dizz nes , l' at ea, ))ri wri- tness, Bad Taste is the Mouth, Coat :d T onaaa Pair. n the Side, TORPID LIT'I I:, The? 'Reg,.,ate the Bowels. Purely Vezetabin. Zini7.1 1; p vra l kit a,1a Syne. P'i:oo. Si? a:;titution- 1".eo 'fraud of the ,"fay. SCC <, tau get Carters, Ask fee Carter's, insist and demand. Carter's Little Liver Pills. A Danville Jeweller's wife CUaEC) nF PALM:MON ON OF INE. HEART SAND SNOTHEFtl€v3 SPELLS SS' ilAI.P3UMPS HEART PLAID Eaf:lfti PILLS. hies. t. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn - Ort., whose husband peeps a jeweliary store, and is one of the best S "lr'v 1• i3,Yr9'I1. There was great juy and iratppi- ness at 111r. Jul'n Kelly 's rebidenee, Bing street, on Tuesday last. The occasion was the marriage of his daughter, 1111ss Annie, to Mr. M. J. Farr, of Uoder'en. Precisely at 10 o'clock the cent rayang parties knelt before the altar in St. Miebael's (hutch, whit'', ,,.as prettily deeorated fur the ocem ion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Moli.eon. '1'he bride entered the church, arc et nipanied by her father, her brides inane and lief' mum 01 femur, 1ileCwtlg the groom and 14e, supporter, Mr. P. Farr, of Goderieh, befbrc the altar where she was even away by her father She tea. • dressed in a teeny hand: este dui k b Ile broadcloth cos Mine with ostrich bather hole. The t.ridmenaid, Airs Aggie O'Leary, of \Vin„ until, looked l:harnliug in her ttandsotuc green Duchess (.f Marl borough Miss Esther, sister of the b1 ide, in her slay blue garments, made a pretty little maid of honor. Immediately after eti.4 matrimonial tereint,fiv high mitis war : ung by i(eV..hather IlieCabe, of Scaforth. The church was crok,'ded with many eager witnesses, esjieeially Ladies, of the I tip: -.rent. The wedding March wati prettily played by Miss Jewel Lynn. The ride was the re eipient of n.any ha dsome wedding presents, among the 1 being a heauti• ful silver tea set tions her brother, John in Detroit. tkfter a pleasant dejeuner at the home of the hide's parents, the newly married couple lett by the 4 p. m. train for their future home in Goderielt. Among the guests present were noticed : Mr. and, Mrs. J. B. Kelly, Goderieh , Mr, James and Miss-<iggie O'Leary, Wingham ; Mr. James and Miss Kate Reynolds, Mullett.. ',, •4 H0 i rIt�K. Council met on v*ov. 16, 1908, in the Albion hotel,.Eordwich, pursue ant to adjournment. Members all present, the reeve itI the chair. Min- utes of last inretinr lead and adopted, IMoved by itiessr4Deig and Gregg diot Mrs. Rosana S nvtti be refund- ed her taxes, as Lille is in destitute ..ireuu.stances. Calmed. Richard EarrigN, $2, repairing ACCOUNTS', ASS D. • i r ,' bridge les 10, eon 8 ; J. R. Williams 'A'-` n !i. � -,iNt yy -. � .a11, for building culvert lot G, con 8 ; Iaaae Sanderson 50c, for repair- , it g Gerrie b. id;o ; 'L 1 omae :rash «F,, to o pply on sa lary ;la$3.40, for gravel ; 1t'illititn;Irvin $5.85, for 'gravel ; William lVest'ake. x;1.85,1 • fur cleaning out ditch, Wim. P. t3ai- ` th �,tt Vii" ra . J � ?1B1k � ' Y BY 'E DYEING. Easy Way to Make New A-utumn Dresses Out Of Oki Faded Cos- tumes and Suits. Diamond Dyes for Long Years Have i3een the Standara Horne Dyes, sruu t weara tauetl gowu. Don't luau shabby atm pty because yon cannot atfor.l to buy a new dress It is uut necessary to wear clothing that is faded and shabby because you nave no money to buy inure. With one or two p:tukages of Diamond Dyes. that duet nuly ten cents, the old dress can be dyed d N .h1U b o and ta.utlftt color turd nulla to look likay.n.iw. Tiloctands of women will have autumn dresses 500 year that ottuuot bo told front new, but which have oust them only a trate, the result of coloring over their old water- 1 Ulla with Diamond Dyes. Diamond Dyes give the newest and most beautiful colors that will not fade, crock or wash out, and are the only package clyes that have stood the test of years of usH. Never risk your goods with any of the common adulterated dyes. It;foT ORTA LEAGUEU.S, DI$'rRI("T MEETING IN Kisca U)I\I•:, The annual convention of the lip. worth Leagues of the Wingbam district was held in Kincardine on Wedueeday and Thursday of last I week, Delegates were present from nearly all the Leagues and most en• eouraging reports were presented concerning the work in the different sections, The presence of 1)r. F. L. Stephenson, of Toronto, add.td great - 1y to the interest of the convention. Hie address on Wednesday eveu- iug was one that stimulated the young people to take a greater Bold in Missionary work. The result of his being present was that on Thurs- day the convention decided to sup port a missionary with money raised in this district. bi ia. Raley, Jr , of Kit- imat, 13. C., was the missionary whose support they have undertaken. The sf:eretary•treasurer's report skewed that there were 1500 Epworth Lea= „,rues in this district, and that over $900 was raised last year by the Lea- gues Instructive papers were read at the different sessions. "This Sacred- ness of the Pledge;" by Miss Staples, Teeswater, and "Social to Save," by Miss Mutch, Gurria, were exceeding, well received. I "The work of the literary depart- ment " was ably ,handled by Mr. Currie, of Enniskillen. "The League' as as factor is, character building" waS the subject of aisplendid address by Mr. J. L. Stewart, of Bervie. Open discussions were beld on the work of the junior league and "How to develope the lat4ot talent of the League."• On Thurlsday evening Rev. S. J. • Allan, of Brussels, and Rev. R. J. Garbutt,. of Gorrie, deliv- ered two excellent addresses. • The cowmitte on resolution broug- ht in a report thanking the people of Kincardine for their t'ery kind hospitality, the choir for their excell- ent 1D Laic and the trhsiees for the use of the eburcb, - • On behalf of the ei;;ecutive the Poll- i owing resolution was put and carri- ed unanimously: --"Be it resolved I that we as Epworth feeagnes in con I vention assembled, extended to Rev. A. Cunningham, chairman of Wing - ham district, and honorary -president t.f this convention, ;oar prayerful ; sympathy in his present affliction. We assure him that lits absence from the sessions of this convention has been painful to us., We shall con- tinue to c:ffer our rayera for • his speedy recovery and that his present affliction may continue all the con- solation of our religion may be bis." The .following were the officers I Shelel on's Newspaper The Rev. Chas, M, Sheldon's books, now universally read, make it plain that that writer's hopes of the regen- erations of the world lie in getting individuals more and more to du their daily tasks on Christian princi- pals no matter what the sacralice involved. In the best known of his books, "Irl His Steps," he clearly looks to the newspaper, carried on upon Christian principals, are large- ly the hope of the "coming kingdom.', In looking about him for a newspap- er upon his model, he seems to have bit on the Montreal Witness"to which he has addressed a letter, part of which we quote:— I have read the Witness with much interest. I cannot say that I know of any other daily paper in the United State, that is conducted on sueii high Christian principles. I wish I did, for if ever we needed such a paper in our country we need it new. Let me express to you my app - recitation of the Christian heroism and consideration which make a pap- er like the Witness a possibility. I have always believed it poess'ible for a Christian daily to succeed. You have proved that it can. So much of the i,iesl nowspaper in 'In His Steps' is therefore real. I pray that you may continue to be blessed in your work. Ido riot kn')w a more glorious opportunity for. building up the kingdom on earth than by means cf Christian journalism. I take the greatest pleasure in sending the espies of the Witness to newspaper friends of mine for their inspection. Very cordially yc,urs, ,'0m'OUARLES M. SHELDON', Topeka, Kansas, I:ihar „1.25, far e1eciring ditch ; John 1 kno've. and cst pramressive citizens of Wallace SG.90, for. tile for ditch lot i Dunncillo, :elle, glee., the following de- script lon of her recent a:.perirnce in the , C(n 7; 5, StCUme ' 14.5 ), foe' use of Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills: material for eulvert5 ; Samuel Willis Pills for weak nerves, diAziness, p alpita-Samuel: I ,> rt J :ton 8 iyiill, ;-;,.•45 50 for re. _' I took llilburn's Heart and Nerve G37, for grading and gravelling lot 1o.1 C. t e 1 C. t, otht 'n , spear at ' , - : ' , > pairing culvert lot 5. con 8C. lt,o might .., ripiessue:s,, i3ef.:•l. I used � ; g' t themIr.tu:u not net rest,al sleep, and elss;;4, for material LJ_ culverts; Jno. any nerve : wera often so unstrung that I ! Pot to -field ^1.''3, for r - gravel ; 0, Rog - would .art in alarm at the least noise, $20 .1r , and ^ ts2r worried.CCS J, for grave}Iiun oft Wallace this vuivanle medicine d 't proved the 1 foe gravel , i Orr ibe f p ' Last February I commenced taking told llowiek boundary; M. Daum an i I • i t lir )'e all lug right r•:anedy for my weak and shattered Foi'dwich bridge ; William Neil 50e, nervous system. )iilburn's `Heart and for repairing culvert Hawick and Nerve Pills restored my nerves to a P g , strong and healthy condition, gave regv- Minto boundary ; J. Hubbard $t'2, for lar and normal action of the heart. repairing Culvert lot 25, eon 12 ; William Kreugar $2.20, for ditching lot '26, con 14 ; William Henry $2, for repairs to road •. at Ford wich ; Thomas Gibson $2.50 for cleaning culvert lot 22, con 6 ; 1,Lidward Har- ris $4, for repairing culvert lot 28, con •l ; John -Spence $3, for ditching lot 31, con 2 ; Jahn Gowdy $2, for cleaning ditch lot {i, con 17 ; John McKee $2, for repotting culvert lot 40, con C ; Alex. Thompson 84e, for gravel ; Paul Doig $2'7.90, for gravel; William White 75c, for r re airin g bridge lot 25, con 6. Moved by Messrs. Finley and Gregg that this council do now ad- journ to meet againh i o>� the 15th day of Deeember in the Township Hall, Gorrie.—Carried. L. WALKER, Clerk. I sleep well now, and am better in every way, and I recommend them lieartih to all who suffer as I did." Milbur n's Heart and Nerve Pills, goc. a box, or 3 for Sr.zti, at all druggists. T. MILSCR i & Co., Toronto. Ont. taxa -Laver cure Constipation, sick aleadaatt., :titicusness, Dyspepsia. Every 1pitl guaranteed perfect, and to work with- out a grip.: or pain. Price 25c.. all ciru,Tgista. - �, R '� 1,,,_ it'u4 A' •. l Y " t-,nF IHiSt-61 p TH BESTANTI-ralliUIf,AT1C I'iGfAPLp5TCR MAl)i:t, I`a�CH PLASTEfj iN Et ;tiELED ecw 11N I30K PO ICE 2,1 /go 11YARD y�,_ a sP Qf 1S( IMICL.COLTII VIEFACTUEERS mideliVIWZAZW.1502"44.1%, ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS NO KIND Cl ,PAIN OR ADHE, INTERNAL 01:ifiKTEi1NAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER Wil,lr NOS RC - LOOK OUT FOR tMrrAl'KINS AND SUB- ITUD88. THE encu e, BOTTLE F28 THE NAME) , pi: n° ," I"1V:tt Iii ^Oil. aY'C.' . t ' .. 1414! r' Wit w: �t..�ie' , i•^� Globe Loan Re Savings Co., oor, of Victoria and Lombard Sts., Toronto. 33. W. £)ay, Manager Globe Loan & Sav- ings Co , says : "I consider Dr. Chase's Ointment invaluable," we have thousands of testimonials from prominent business men all over the Dominion." Piles Cured without the Knife, by Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment. Mr, Geo. Browne, painter, of Woodville, Ont., Victoria Co., says:k-•'•>i'or thirteen years t was a sufferer froth bleeding piles and the intenso agony which I passed through during those years and relief I obtained by Dr. Chase's Ointment prompts me to give this testimonial. My phystei. an wished me to have oar operation but I felt I could be cured without the knife. Three boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment stop- ped the bleeding and effected a permanent cure." Beauty may be only skin deep, but it invariably manages to get a seat in a crowded car. Children Ory for 1 k>nsiy TO A Question Of Fees, lA Iycv BMW +R7f'rs^ '%`•lm• "'"Rr: Fl , t •','�••. 'C�'i`'; it�4• Y'�` a'� i 'P"•lh...' :`."ww.rerr•+..15e0�'Yr,i2 ,...ti' .:612'Z What is- dJssstoria it; Dr. r3amnc3 Pitcher's pr<esci.'ipticn. for Infiants and Clinkli c=1, It contains neither Opium, 11:i'oxp3aiiao aaoA Other Iiaree7:':le Et.:il)stcaicc, Et Is a 'lr.t:3ua1ees f3•r httitu o ii:r !?ateng els, Dr osee, Soothing Syrups aaii i Castor 011. It i; 1-,""leaso.Tixu. Ito guarantee is thirty yaws' use by Millions o± Mo Incl.',, ()n-sWrite ril..etit:'o`;,'S WoraLes and ad:',Dr ra Venoi..tahatesiE, Ci tl{t,or1'rx prevtrnti.a vofe.liLissee Sour Cara, 1, t:t: <'er Dierieho.. es and. Wind Ce: tic. Custoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation sand. 1.+1stulezicy, Gastonia assimilates team Food, regn1ates the Stomach. and :ieeivello, giving 1 ealthy and natural sleep. Casttaeiaa, 10 the ChilfIr csa o Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Ir`a„euto i c`t. • "Castoi'in i.l 1n exeaacat medicine for children. Mothers ,rave repeatedly told the of its goon eG.•et 1:13011 their c:ti:dreg." D,t. 0. C. Osuoon, Lowell, Dfcss. Ca aria. "Castnria is so well adapted to entldren that I recommend it es superior to any pre- scription known to ate." II, A Ancinat, 11. D. 23rooklyu, N Y: THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF -tel Ovo .APPEARS ON EVERY WRAP 711 51,47A,}11COMPANY, 77 MUNRgY 7TREET, NEW 7055 CI Y. t �.v:^-.T� a •� S r xY `4.'G ''mow$' .,1li iC�i J.+IAar�'1/5S PAN .��;ar`�ci.;..iaYC1..w's�:1°tfti..�' - .....'tiw"t.'r� , r c�, _ - Illntapto Advertisers. Back of busines•i snccess are earn- esiness, energy, persistence, eonsen- tra.tion. •Don't look toe.} closely at the am - omit of space tl.iat the ad is going to occupy. , It is easy enough to make an adver- tirulent interesting if one only thinks a little. for ;Ls VG li ^, d lir r,!q ago r chosen for Cue ensuing year:— . President—Rev, F. J. Oaten, Tief- grave; First Vice—IG. P. Paulin, Wingham;Second Vitt—Rev:Swann, Ripley; Third Vice—Miss A. L. Sel- lerey, Kincardine; Fourth Vice— Miss M. Staples, Tees water; Fifth Vice—Mrs. (Rev.)Brown, Tiverton; Sec-meas.—Dr, M. H. Gillles, Tees wa ref, Representatives were also chosen from the district to-aCt with the ex- ecutive, Misses Berry of Lueknow, Howard of Gorrie, Lane of Lane's P. 0.,. Mrs. Pcutland, of Ripley,. J. R. Currie of Grennock P. 0. . All the delegate bad no other words than those of praise for the great kindness shown them every - A meeting of the association of where and in every way by the pee - municipal clerks of the county was held at Clinton on Wednesdry of last, week. Wm. Lane r ounty clerk was elected president amid Wm. Coates, town Clerk of Clinton, secretary -trea- surer The annual tee, to defray ex- penses, was fixed ati25e. Committ- ees were appointed hand a programe for the next meeting; which will be held in Clinton nex# June, was arr- anged. The foremobt subject of dis- cussion was in regard to the custody of the voter's lists fair parlimantry elections. The elerl of the peace of the county now Lias o supplying of these lists,and the pett'quisites in con- nection therewith as aunt to a eon siderabie sow at eae11 contest. The clerks claim that, as '.they have the work of preparing the lists and the aecompaning responsibility, and should receive the fees, each clerk in his own manicipalitys and the Dom- inion and .Provincial Governments will be petitioned tto amend the Eleetious Act so that the clerk of each maniciality shall be reorganized as the legal eustodian of the voter's list for his rnunitipaltty. C rATITi:n-•siivttit �.r. 'ra nsTwOrrlilt PER. VV sons In this state to manage our business in heir Ottn and nearby eountlesi Itis mainly office Work conducted at home. HaI ry straight "S00 a )ear and e:tpenses--deflnito, hnnafide no mere, no Mess balary. Monthly 7b, References. Enclose self --addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, Praia., Dept. If. Chiciam.' « ple of Kineareine Teeswater was the place decided on for holding the ,.next convention. —Kincardine Reporter. N ' 1 rel, 1 * . �Ldrertise.:p. are becoming more careful and more sarupious truthful every day. Advertising hi merely telling peo- way what you can pie in a telling do for them. Aro You Married? the Are you married td old-timee- be- lief lief teat coosumption. is incurable ? if so you are wedded to a mistaken notion. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure has overcome many a serious case, and it never fails when taken in the early stages. One bottle will prove more to you than el whole column of argument. Try it. Every bottle guaranteed. 25 etc , 50 etc. and 31.00 To praise the conk one day brings on bad biscuits the next. During October the balance at the credit of depositors in the Postoffiec Savtngs Banks was reduced from $34,334,780 to $3.4,235,180. De- posits amonnted to $691,001 and withdrawals to $798,747. ACT.IVLISOLTCIT )110 WANTED r1VU:LYwni:an . for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, c,pmm taaoncd by the Government as Official Historian to tho War Department, The Ihook wag written in artnvv ca•nps at San Pamlico, on the Pacific with (general Aterrttt, in tho hospitals iat tlonohdu, in HIM; Koine, in the American trench ea at :Manila, in the insurgent camps with A„nimQ- do, on the deck of the olv led% with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at +ire tall of Manila, Bonanza for aaests. Britntnt of Original pictures taken by trovernment photographers on the spot. Larne book, Low prince. ni, profits. Freight paid, Credit given. Drop all trashy unofitciat war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Sather, see'y,, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear For e ears. No better proof eau be given of their durabilitvs than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in weIls 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Carder. Repairing promptly attended tq SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie% Livery. -y. OUR, RECORD East 1878 25tl,tlQo DISEASED ;;,IEN CUfirD aft r'AJ 1: • fast ; • as: A Enols for Young and Old. 2,5°,000 CU RED 1do11111f EiA11 Have'•you sinned U9!tu YVi6�'r agaitfat uaturo when ignorant of the terribjn crimp you were committing. Did you oulyyconsider the fascinating aIluroments'of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eycri opened to your peril? Did you later 6n in man- too1aontrnotanyP 5IVATEorBLOOD disoago? Woreyououred? Doyonnow and then sae somo alarmist. symptoms? Dare you marry in your_present con- dition? Yon know, "LII E FATHER, LII{IE SON." If married are yon con- stantlyEying in dread? Is marriage a failure withyouon account of anywpak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Ilave you been drugged with mercury? This booklet will pointoutto you the results of those crimes and point out how our NEWMETHOD TREAT- MENT will positively euro you. It showahoWthonsa.ndshaveboon savodby our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CUBE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. Wo treat. end ouro--EMISSIONS, �p y AIITCOCELE, SYPHILIS,GLEET,S'IRIOTIIRi: IM P O T E NC Y, tar, ORI:T DRAINS UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDEIL diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "Tire Wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call write for QUESTION BLANK: for IIOMlt TREATMENT. ]Sart,►. KENNEDY a KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT. MiCH. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, anti Caveats and Trnde.5farks obtained, and all parent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Paten tOffice. and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. 42PNo charrre is made for an opinion as to patentability /, and my fee for prosecuting the application tong not 3o called for untie- the patent 't allowed. "IrivzsToas Goma," COLI. taining full information seat free. All Comma. cations Considered as Strict); C,onitde,ttal. FRANK'UN H. HOUGH Oxir )i Ss Boats IvAS1I1Y GTO'N.1D. C. ". 50 YEAPRS' 1 EXPERIENCE •'RADESIGNCE lilASrnKS C©PYRiGHHTS &C. Anyone sending a elteteh and description may ❑ickly ascertain our opinion free whether 'all ltiveution is probably patentable. Communlca. tions strictly ronfldentinl. Handbook on Patente. sant free. Oldest agency for seeming Patents. Patents taken through Munn tt Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the $ci.6nyxpfk .J 11 69 Itlar�fi�� A handsomely illnntratetl weekly. 7,argeat err. nutation of any scientific Journal..Terms, Ss a year: four months, ea -Sold Mr all ewsdealers- MUNN & Co s61Broadway, New Turk Branch Office. 625 P St.Washington.D. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Ili THE TIMES :..