The Wingham Times, 1898-11-25, Page 7--TSE
]ix ALL a 1,fNI(Lnr0N..
"Whet (ley incl illy friend, :\.ir. Wood,
.leave?" inquired Thomas, quite art-
essly, of the young hotel -clerk -pointing
bim to the entry on the book.
• "I can't say, sir,"' was thereply; "1'tr,
Fairbanks only became proprietor hero
. een the fourth of tho month, and the gen-
tleman was not here then."
• "Is the old porter around still?"
"No, sir, that's Patsy Clark -he is.
•slow employed in the Eagle Livery Sta-
bles,. which does the carriage service of
the house,"
*With an impatient "Thank you" Mr.
?Thomas hastened out to tho Eagle Liv-
• !pry Stables, not far i'roin the hotel.
Patsoy Clark was not in; but the sta-
ble foreman was. enabled to tell from his
book that on tho i th of March a couple
t-yero taken from tho Warwick House to
the Eastern Railroad depot. The Mad:.
• driver was next found and remembered
the lady and gentleman, but couldn't
toll whether they had any baggage.
' Tho persistent Thomas again went
back to the Warwiok House, and desired
the clerk to tell him what gentleman
had settled a bill for himself and lady
• ion March 7th.
This time the clerk referred to his cash
book. "I beg pardon, it's hero, sir," he
`said, "Chas. B. Wood and wife; .but I
really don't remember 'them -they must
have settled with the proprietor."
"Will you please ask Mr. Fairbanks to
. step this way?"
• a.'he proprietor soon came forth from a
1lttle parlor in the rear of the hotel office.
"Do you remember this Mr. Wood and
wife?" now inquired Thoinas, after a
...courteous greeting of Mr. Fairbanks.
• "Yes -pretty well," returned mine
. `host of the Warwick. '
" "Well, I am ahnost certain he is a
-,particular friond of amino, but I have for
gotten Charley's full initials, and I
never. yet chanced to see his signature.
• Will you please describe Mr. and Mrs.
Wood to me?" .
..The obliging landlord put his finger
- thoughtfully to his brow, and proceeded
to sketch from aleatory the appearance
-vf his two recent guests. To the great
interior gratification of Thomas, his de-
scriptions were an exact reproduction of
those graven on his own mind for Dad -
ley and wife.
"Oh! thank you; that's my friend
Wood, sure enough," exclaimed Thomas.
•'"Did the party have a bird cage with
them? -Charley'„ wife is very fond of
sianr.;ilos, and always takes her favorite
. along.".
"It must be tho same couple, sir," said
Mr. Fairbanks; "I remember a bird-cago
. and a little square box going opt with
their trunks."
At tins voluntary mention of w]utt Ile
believed least be the hot-bnx, the detec-
tive' tvns'in ze^ret transports. •
'Did Woods sty where ho was going,
• 14Ir:. Fairbanks;"'
"No, not to ale, sir -although • 1 have
Baan idea there was some retention of Port -
,land, Maine: They went East, anyhow;-
. stay a moment -now I remember that
tittle, Wood called in hero a couple of
• weeks atter; we merely saluted, however,
.'.for be only went to the bar and hurried
• out again."
'6tsreatly obliged, Mr. Fairbanks; goed
�da ', sir."
' 'dlhomas now hastened cityward to the
tel Or,ph office., In forty-eight hours
irce as the rreeipt of the despatch the de-
- tee Live has t isitecl Portland, Maine,. and
`. scotlre;l it frothend to end without the
'.]sant encouraging result. Ile next re -
1 tufined along the line -on a Saturday
morning it. tuns -and made a brlef stop
.:at Beverley, Thence ho crossed over to
Salem, where traces were soon found
whieh justified the belief that wo had at
'last run. Dudley to earth.
, • What these traces were we shall next
l The first prdceeding of the detective at
?;Salem was to interrogate the baggage -
„master, who proved to bo a dull-witted
;and unaccoanmodating official. Ho know
amthing, recalled nothing, and appar-
i witty understood nothing.
f. Turning impatiently from him, Mr.
• Thomas next went to the Essen House,
then the principal hotel in tho ancient
city. • On the register there, be found un-
• i der date of March 7th -that on which
'r Wood Left Boston -an entry of "H. Car -
.ter anis wife, Room No. 6."
To tho other 'hotels in Salem the de-
rteetive then betook himself, but at none
Of them foiled a trace of the object of his
search Some hours were consumed in
tr:vcrsiric; the long, elm -lined streets of
f the old peninsula; and as ono of the ho•
telt;-sty loll the Juniper House -was at a
diatlnco of two miles from tho depot, tho
r might had fallen heavily over Salem, ere
! lie duty was completed. -
But in all this ettin o lir. Thomas was
thinking more or less of his exporionee
l,sti the Essex }louse, and the thought
;:.grew gradually into conviction, that the
i °.latadlord of tho hotel had something to
WIN :; HAM )NOVEMBER 25 1898.
bled out a reluctant "yes;" and then xo I street postal -box, Delaney eoukt aacqutre 1I gI ig its.
added by way of gnatiflcuttoltt- no knowledge whatever of this corms-
„i3ut I don't remember what they pondence. Ono stolen glance et an, en- To hear disappointments bravely
looked 11.n sir;t. I only
rememberbtlctlr - velopo wooll base hi
tl t
s r) (1nCUnCt1
t the fame,
heuaa bad gained a Welt. Then+ re- scoot; but no Muth ahanoo seemed likelying tho eago to .No. t,"
happen. was n cage, then.
Thomas now stepped quickly out of
doors, and in front of the a4(0011)111gsta-
ble,; found the driver of the hotel emelt,
"Do you remember," he said to- hint,
"the lady and gentleman with the bird-
cage whore you t•Iook to the ssex a few
weeks twist"
"I kinder recollects the eage," an-
stverect the driver, "an' that's about all
1 kin cin.. . But scow theer's Hosce, the
kerridgo driver -he aright tell yfltt jest
what you want; be does well-nigh all
tho kerridge work,"
As lie spoke ho pointed to a hackman
whose vehicle stood at tho neighboring
corner, and who himself appeared a
monopolist of his trade in Salem,
t ]
o appt t
Teat with all this our female detective
was still lnol ed upon as a sound reliance.
The demeanor of Lizzie Greenleaf had
not visibly changed towards her;. and to
all appearance the girt was unsuspicious.
of a snare. If their intimacy could only
advance as it had grown up, the acqul-
sition of the secret Was but a question
of - time, That it shonid not become
Mingle folly with your wisdom, or
nobody wilt associate with you.
We are well balanced when our
wins can control our prejudices,
Faith is higher than reason, as
loyalty is liner than Investigation,
The geniality of some people
chilled, or be disrupted, was the caro QY altnot111tEt t<1 a positive 1>lemi,h ski
the General Superintendent, ells t tietc r,
In this view Mr. Bangs had now sup- T, . •+- t•,:.1' .• Kvutl i:;:si..; Gtilt.'Wlaci
dplied Mrs, Pelham with letters of intro- ,
uction to some prominent citizens of 'yea WOU C recognize yourtlelf after
Pittsburg, ostensibly to facilitate her ►]`ard
start in business. If the delay or non- Originality consists mainly in not
execution of tills project should occasion
any sur; else to Lizzie, the display of suck.
Thomas approached tho man at once, letters would at least prevent mistrust.
but altered his question to' meet the al- And surd enough the cautious young
tend circumstances. damsel inquired of the lady if she bad
"Whore Hid you strive that party with furnished herself with such letters. It
the bird -ergo to?" was so reasnnablo that a person shouttl
"What party?" returned John, with do so who contemplated a business von.
characteristic gruffness. tura in a strange city, that tho.question
"Whv. that gentleman and lady that same up very naturally in ono of their
your took from the Esser House .about
four weeks ago."
"You mean the pair that heel two big
trunks, band -box, two or three satchels,
confereuees About the now store. It was
answered with •a ready affirmative, and
in a matter-of-fact way; and the perusal
soon after of some of the letters them.
bird -cage, and a tarnation pile o' sich selves, seemed to remove from Lizzie a
stuff?" aloud of gathering doubt.
" Yes, that's the party -where did you
tithe them?"
"Wall, les see, I guess I took 'am to
11irs Doyle's bnardin'-house. Tall man, and pondered together the news -topics of
tall woman, wa'n't they':" tho day; but all without attaining to the
"yes." entl we had in view Lizzie spoke no
"They went down to Boston a few more of Etta and her husband; Mrs.
days ago, but didn't take no trunks Pelham feared to broaoh the stihjeet, or
along" -new volunteered tho y hackman. found no suitable occasion.
"Whore is Mrs. Doyle e inquired To make a finish of this '`masterly
Thomas. inactivity" I now suggested to Bangs
"Thirty-three Summer street," re- that our lady detective should in some
joined the man promptly, "air the folks way persuade Miss Greenleaf to make a
friends o' yearn?" flying visit to Boston with her,shopaying
"'They are," said Thomas, "very 'old the, double expense as an inducement to
friends; thank you," • the girl, The Superintendent wrought
Putting a dollar bill into the hack- out this idea fully in a letter of instruc-
man's willing fingers, the offieer turned tions to Mrs. Pelham; and to get over
back in tho direction of the hotel:. •
Bright and early on Monday he was at
No. 133 Summer street, inquiring of Mrs.
Doyle with engaging simplicity for "that
gentleman and wife, Mr. -Mr•. -hem, -
the couple that came to board with her
about four weeks ago.; Mr -how was it
that the name escaped him so?"
"Oh, you mean Mr. Goodhuo, sir?"
"Yes,; I believe that's the
name -what kind of looking man was
he?" •
"Ho was a tall man, sir -a little
taller than you, dark complexion -very site Inquired of Miss Greenleaf, while the
nice people both." latter was stretching the gloves for her.
,f h ,{
Did they bring their baggage hero, yes, replied Lizzie, "1 nm going to
Mrs. Doyle?" any sister's in Allegheny City; Grandma
"They did, sir, but they only stayed a is there this morning, and I have prom -
short while—they were out most of the ?sed I would meet her."
time looking' for a house and furnishing "Oh! that's really too bad." exolalined
it." Mrs. Pelham; "I was in hopes you would ',self', he said. 'I can't carry you
"Yes, it must be tho same," said the ? be disengaged, as I lead some business hour life. It would be an Unkind -
detective, approvingly; "if they be the matters to talk to you about—I must ' •
persons I expect, lairs. Doyle, they are wait, I suppose, until yogi are more 'at j flees in Ire to keep supplying you
dear old friends of mine, and will bo liberiay," l with money to earry On enterprises
hreatly pleased as well as surprised to "Business!" repeated: the girl, .with i that invariably end in failure. Ill.
Herself and Lizzie now enjoyed the
stone nlaghzines end books; consulted
each other's tastes in affairs of dress;
her acquaintance •with the city -for, in a�g
Booth, she had never been there -•he ar- THE DOCTOR 'VSO COPES
ranged to have a detectivemeetthem and
officiate as her "cousin" and escort. weaknrnfl of mon. Expert scientific treatment. In-
structive was to follow closely if the, structive book Vers A.idress G. 11.1)oBKIITZ.
Y252 Nbcdward Ave.„ Detroit, Mieh.
ladies left Pittsburg; and to shndovr Lizzie •
in Boston until she carte in contact with •He Managed It.
the Dm -flays.
The morning after she had received
those instructions Mrs. Pelham called at A certain wealthy man had set his
the store, with the momentous purpose nephew up in business three tines,
of buying a pair of gloves. but the young man lacks something
"Are you going out at nodn to -day?" essentially to .success in the mercan-
tile direction and failed with each
effort. When he came back with
the fourth request for •finiancial
backing, the unele demurred.
'You must learn to lean on Sour- ik'
saying the things whieh somebody
else says,
Ory for
Stupid people rob us of both time
a,1d temprar, btu clever people go
away loaded with our ideas.
When a girl's clever tongue keeps
her from warry ing it is because she
has not yet met her equal among
We ride away on many gay enter-
prises only to walk back,
Agents from the Congo Free State
are securing Siam -and the far east
for 50,000 coolies to be shipped to
the Congo. •
The eye of the vulture is so eon.
strutted that it a high-power tele-
scope, enabling the bird to see ob-
jcets at an almost itlereditable dis-
tance. •
Write to Dit. BOBIitTZ, he is
inoor FROM
Port Hope, Ont.
M. W. A. Russel, the Popular Dis-^
trlet Agent for the Singer Sewing.
Machine Company, Proves that
Doan's Kidney Pills Cure Kidney
This is his .statement ; " I suffered for
five or six years with pains across my
back, headaches, dizziness, and kindred
kidney troubles, I got very bad, And
when driving would often have to stop
the horse, as the pains were so severe
that I could not stand them. I tried a
great many medicines, but they did me
no good. 1 then got Doan's Kidney
Pills at Watson's drug store, took them
for one month, and ara completely cured..
I regard the cure as a. remarkable testi-
mony to the virtues of Doan's Pills, and
am only too glad to recommend them to
all sufferers from kidney trouble in any
Doan's Sidney Pills are a never -failing
remedy for Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Drop-
sy, Backache and Weak Back, (trevei, Sedi-
ment in the Urine, and all "Urinary troubles
of children or adults. Price 5oc. a box, 3 for
$1.a5,a1 . druggists. The Doan Kidney Pill
Co., T 'onto, Ont,
Remember the name-Doan's-and refuse
all others.
Yen can't be healthy if your
blood ys impure or watery, ---if
poison is circulating through your
arteries instead of rich, pure, life–
giving blood.
If you feel drowsy, languid,—.
are constipated, have pimples or
blotches • brewing out on your body
the remedy for you is Burdock
Blood Bitters..
"L have been using 13.5.13,, also my
Brother and sister-in-law, and we find it
a most reliable and efficacious bloodi
purifier, and most cordially recommend.
it.. -We purchased it from J. R. Ault &
Sons of this town." MISS C. M, WAT-
SON, Aultsville,Ont.
B.B.B. is a higbly concentratert
blood purifying. vegetable remedy,
—only rv. teaspoonful at a dose,—
you add the water yourself
iti :n°rill..
see Tue. hero did they take up house,
"Well, I believe they are living at No.
396 Essex street;" answered the obliging
"Thank you -they'll be so glad to see
mo !-good morning, Mrs. Doyle," said
Thomas, and then hastened towards Es=
sox street, feeling as he went along as if
the arrest warrant for Dudley was safe
in his pocket, and his man as good as al-
ready captured.
In Essex street, at the number indi-
cated, a tidy -looking housemaid had just
begun opening the parlor lattice blinds.
Without ascending the stoop, the detec-
tive addressed her:-
lce:"Is Mr. Goodhno within, please?"
"No, sir," replied the girl, "he is out
of town, and wo 'lou't expect him home
before Wednesday."
"So long as that!" exclaimed the crest-
fallen Thomas, as if he were impatient
to greet the absent Goodhno,-which in
',ao3feeal from him; and that his hasty
'wleiitmer to the clerk ems a caution to the
sate 'effect There could be no doubt; he
eat "tlilded, that even the porters would
.hags been admonished by this time; but
lte•'aleternllned, notwithstanding, to re-
turn to the Essex, and there sojourn un-
tillthe mystery was cleared up,
tes' i1r. Thomas re-entered the hotel,
3le'epei'eeived in the rear of the hall the
•potter seated on his bench. With a new
inSlitation the detective immediately 2e-
scvecl on a bolder strategy. Without
pat sing at the olilce, lie advanced
eptieliiy toward where the plan sat, and
promptly ingti.recl of him;-
!'I)o yon remember that lady and gen-
tl tan with the .bird -cage who came hero
?about four weeks ago?"
,- ostle,o,nortor stalnnlcred. and then mule -
manifest interest, "you enn saywhaat you tell you What I'll do You owe a
please right here -no ono will interrupt ;good deal as the result of that `spec.'
"Well, 1 simply want to lcnoev can Pitch in on your own hrok and go it
you get a leave of ' absence from the alone till you pay thosd debts off.
store?""J-Iow?-.-for an hour or twn, is it?" I. Nhen yoa've done that, I'll give,
"Oh! more than that -I mean fora you a cheek for all the. amount to.
week or two."; Such an experience would do you
"Quite impossible," returned Lizzie, ' more good than all the money I could
in a decided manner; "why. lite are only give Huts'.'
just getting into the busy sedson Th yoyo months later the nephew
absence is out of the question until the
regular vacation time, last of July,. or walked in with every claim receipted ¢ , �a .pit
beainnine of August—we all gctaaweek's in full and the uTrc'te was delighted Afi 6 R I E 1 ii
"Dear moi am sorry said the lady, as he gave the promised (���"`���444���
in a tone of disappointment; "I wanted 'That's somethtng like it now, and
BJL'C .8- !T
rest about then." cr. 1 i ed Cheek.
you so much to go East with me to se- I warl'ant you feel all the better for
lett a stook of goods." thehard training flow 'lid you y
(/What!" exclaimed Miss Greenleaf, '' Tom?' - .
h f ]1 aglow with satisfaction. manage,
"would you trust mo to bug a stock of 'Borrowed the money, uncle.'
goods for you? Now the old gentleman is telling
gond truth ho was. "I certainly should," was the answer; everyone that there is the making of
"I think so," explained the housemaid. "I have observed you quite closely, and I iin his nephew.—
civilly, "for Mrs. Goodhue is sick abed, feel sure that with tvliat I know myself, a great financierl
but I wrote hint this morning that she rand your experience in the requirements, Tit -Bits.
was much Netter, and that he need not of a western trade, we could select a very ;
hurry home." ' • saleable invoice." 1
"Is it a friend?" she 'inquired of Lizzie laughed pleasantly.
Thomas, as she proceeded to unfasten the "I am altogether too little," she said,
blind of the other window. "for such a big responsibility."
"Yes, thank you; but I'll call another "Nevertheless, I would trust you en- ! For �Tnfantr and Children. • tirely," repeated Mrs. Pelham.
Tho compliment seemed very no seeable ,-
• CHAPTER XXXL to the young clerk, who vTh
ow inquired if e,11ot
It seemed to Detective Thomas almost Mrs. Pelham had At last decided. to go stgeete
a heresy to doubt that Messrs. Wood, of into business in Pittsburg. �� re -
the Warwick House; Carter, of the Essex; I Oh! yes, that's about settled,
and Goodhue, who made his home at plied the lady; "but the goods I want
the Saaletn, wore but a single individual, 1 "now are not for any. own business, but
and that individual the fugitive Dudley. for a store in Iowa belonging to a cousin
When the encouraging llntvsfrom Salem ! of mine."
reached Philadelphia, Loomis had just , I ans greatly flattered and obliged,
arrived in that city, bearing with him a indeed," observed Lizzie, regretfully,
warrant for the arrest of Dudley and "and I would certainly go if it were at
wife, obtained in Pittsburg by the agent all possible. But why not buy here,
of Adams' express. When ho reported at Mrs. Pelham? -Wo have h largo stock of
the Agency, Mr. Linden apprised him of goods and will sell you very 1otv."
the new aspeot of affairs, and requested "That nlay be," said the lady, "but
him to go right through to Salem to still you must have your commission on
identify the forger in the person of Good- them; anhe largoa t olesalo houses ofo Boston-
o tonbetter -
hue.Having arranged to he absent from his particularly as thaw some friends there."
business for a vacatten, the insurance "I air so sorry," renewed Lizzie; "but
agent consented to adopt any eequistto you are far from strong yourself, Mrs.
course. Mr. Thomas was now advised by Pelham -I don't think you should under -
telegraph, of the ally that was coming to luk I such
bee tiguing gljourney."" answeredhis assistance, and instructed to provide
Lnotltis with an opportunity to 'identify that, lady, resignedly, "that I enn scarce -
Goodhue as soon as possible after the re- ly sco how to got out of it. It depends
tutat of the latter. While arranging Inc on how I feel, though -I may still tele -
this encounter, the Pittsburgcr Was. to graph my cousin that I cannot possibly
remain carefully in the backgeemid, er go for him."
else reasonably disguised, so that Dudley Tho'cohVereationnow touched on other
should not recognize him, and take flight matters, anti inoitlontarily on Mrs.
before the officer was on hand to capture Marsh's health, of which Lizzie stated
hint there was a great improvement, but that
In the forenoon of the day that was the lady was not yet ottt of Stanger,
to bring back to Salem the owner of the
canary -bird, Leetnis arrived there, and
joined Mr. Thomas at his hotel, as he
]lad formerly done in Yarmouth. As pre-
arranged by the careful superintendent,
they cite net recognize each other WW1
they were out of doors, and free from ob--
"It's just my luck," added the girl,
pettishly; "1 don't expect anything else
but that when a11y vacation comes round,
she will be so sick that 1 cannot go to
"You have writte:s your ether sister
then, that you are going to visit her
during vacationY"
i5 ata
tart gob
' other's
What distress and anguish comet" the
mother when her little, one wakes up at
night with a nasty croupy cough. Wise
mothers always keep on hand a bottle of
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It's so pleasant to the taste the youngsters
take it without any fuss, and at the sante
time its promptness and effectiveness
are such that the cough is checked
before anything serious develops.
Froin one end of the Dominion to the
other people are praising Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup as the best remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough,.
Bronchitis and all tang Affections,
Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine
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The right time to do the
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will hell) to keep your business
Illt)V11o, .
\`.�izi\ the good crops money
swill' r�ii-(i:al(.: freely thin Fall
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should hill t:) .;(:i;itl now and
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\►1i,it it COfltaiine.
spen: DIlar
e ici e
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
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If you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabniles
At the Druggst'S
Send Five Cents to Tun RIPANS CH811t.IC?.t Covt>3A t•, 1164. as
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to cartons will be mailed for 43 tents. 'fh el:ant:ea 1tre C 'li►
me that Ripens 'tabules . aro the veep me:li Inc you )seed„