The Wingham Times, 1898-11-18, Page 5a TUE W IN l.'i !.I,A 's'* TM ES1 NOVEMBER 3.8, tS9B. ossefaseeeteta wet tsa t7 (essrrsnte: r sxsrera). TEESWATElt. 1 I31'iT,111OJtE, . t YO The Missionary Anniversary seri The treat of the .seasun will be We want toBaythat our stock � ; ''�' 31v �.. ..4. , of Woollens for tall and winter is il the vices iu canncetit e un with ttte 111etho• dist church weheld on Sunday • ronlplete tiVe have a some of Hast. Rev.Ii'. J. Oaten, of 13elgt ave, best and most stylish g t lsp oods in m � �loth market in $, et . � SUITINGS, OVERCOATINS, $I gra Winter' Underwear, Hats, Caps and all kinds of Gents' Furnishings, Waterproof Coats, Ready-made Pants and Overalls. et It ie :u your interest to inspect our stock before purehasing Clothing, 'w ;$ ft7se."' ase-re.P 0 # Opp. Queen's Hotel, Winghana. AltriN v� APAI " IA ,'�v"Qv11/ v 41/4+ ,1611/�'�/t4*i K ' 411eVle�VvO+'M1�'® Ci 1t E mail free, to all who write for it, a handsomely illustrated Catalogue of our vast army of Goodyear.Welted Shoes for men and boys. It describes an amaz- ing variety of different styles and sizes, all of "Slater" quality, ranging in price from $3, $4, $5, for men, to $2, $2.50 for boys' and youths' foot gear. We have striven' to makeih s catalogue well worth your sending for. GEORGE T. SLATER & SONS. For Sale O`niy by HOMUTH & BOWLES. REMEMBER 9 RE» CH SEVENTY ' preached in the morning and ad. • given in the town hall here on ]'ri• day evening, Nov, 25th. Miss Evtt l.ionsell, late of Buffalo, the only F character .singer in. Canada; Mr. Lou dresses were delivered by Miss Cart- Chapman, of Galt, with his funny I mill, returned nriesionary from Japan songs and sayings; Miss Il.illinl;, of land Rev. Mr. Oaten in the evening. 1 Teeawetet, M r. S. G-raey, of Winirhani. The alloted span of life,. If you do, and The following despatch from ;and 11r Gardiner, of Clifford will de careful and provident all dont life, none of your children or dependents are ; New York, is taken from last take part in the programme. Genie likely to suffer want, from any fault of : Friday's Toronto Mail -Empire :- and have a good laugh and hear up - to date music and songs. yours. But are you sure? How many ; Policeman henry Krechel was in - men awe always careful and provident? i'e1'entially charged ilii afternoon These are questions that must occur to anyrightminded, thinking man whose un- i before 111agistrate Poc.l with having g timely death might bring untold privy- 1 enGieetl a Ulan into a Raines law tions to his wife and family or dependents. hotel for the purpose of robbing him, To solve the question simply join the Your eyes are priceless. Take care 'of them, as no one will take care of chem for you. If you•need SPEC ACLES OR EYE GLASSES buy them from us. Also a full line of 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended-1E31.1.21..to. to drat /Re. nalUr i� .Irl= J - s OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. with the help of knock out drops. CANADIAN ORDER OF 't The crime is said to have been com- • .ORESTERS' 1 nutted while the policeman was on ,duty in nnif'urtil. The money and enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound i propeity tai ett front the victim is Insurance they provide. The price of a d e i e5ent an aggregate ot lie is a comfort in 'time ofn i., $420. , EAST WAWANOSH. Miss Lizzie May McGee is serious- I ly ill with infiarnation of the lungs. Mr. Alex King, who went to Man- itoba for the harvest returned last tveek. Mr. Charles Campbell was visiting friends in Chatham and St. Thomas hilt.week, cheap cigar a day will do it. Their said tet .p t po y ' f t ' t' t'`for Richard Cattc,y, a barteudei•, tune during life, and"l1t. t.Villiam Bone, , owirtn to ill a Messing to your I was accused of being an tuleonlplice health, has sold his farm, the loved ones after your death -a perpetual for1 of Iireckel's I purchaser being 11'I��, Jamey Cituninr foreethouthou of your kindness, love still ght. .Ids. Alexander, of Arbroath, Scot- barn, of the 9111.,:'/Ile also intends THIS SOCTF,TY IS I land, is the complainant in the ettse, having a sale of farm stock and int - The Leading Benevolent and Fraternal and this is the story which he told plements on Nov. 29th, Insurance Society of Canada, today :-Alexander arrived here on Miss Maggie Currie, who has been Giving $500, $1,000, $x,500 or $2,000 In- Wednesday morning on the steam- 111 fur the last year, does net seem to to its members. ship Majestic. His father died dui'- beimproving as quickly as her friends surance, and Sick and Funeral Benefits ing the early part of the summer at would like to see. Teeswater, Ont., leaving behind hila Mr, John and Miss Jennie Simp- ' r with a valuable estate. Alex, was only son, of Jamestown, are visitlni, to stay over night here, as he was in friends en the 10th, haste to get to Teeswater, where he Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan visited at was going to settle the estate. He had heard something about "wide-open New York," and decided to take a str oll for the purpose of ob- serving its effects. Leaving his hotel about nine o'clock in the evening, he information, rmatfon and received the reply that Hodson street was as good as any. Later he encountered another Policeman, who proved to be Henry Kreckel. He asked him for more advice, :and the policeman was so accommodating that Alexander fin- ally asi;{ed huu to come in somewhere and have a drink. • IC.redkel accepted the iu•vitation, d conducted his host'to Flannery's and al's kinds of BUGGIES! SLTRIRIES Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. f anyof the For further particulars enquire o Officers or :Members of the Order, or address R. ELLIOTT, 'THOS. WI-IITE, H.C.R., Ingersoll High Secy, Brantford. or ERNST GARTUNG, Brantford. BELGRAVE. The Rev-. Mr. Paul, of Brussels, occupied the tu'lpit of the Methodist church last Sunday evening. • Mr. Jno. Denholm shipped 3 cars of apples last week to the Old Country. Mr. E. Saekeeder, station agent, returned home last week from the happy hunting ,grounds of Muskoka, where he has been hunting deer. He secured two while up there. A load of young people drove over to Mr. 1?, Navlor's, East W.awenosh, last Friday night and spent a most enjoyable time in tripping the light fantastic till clue wee sma' hours of • morn. Mr. Jack Stewart is visiting friends in Goderich this week. Our read•rrs shonld remember the entertaietnent to he given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Knox: church in the Foresters' hall on Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 24th. A splendid programme has been ar- ranged. 'Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 0k1 and Soap. , CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and at treasonable prices. a R. J. 1�ACINiATH. a IL G ORRIE. Mr, Patter sons over Sunday. The recent snow storm will make those who have not . got their tur- nips up, feel as though winter is at hand. A number from the vicinity attend- ed the Liberal Convention at Dan - OUR PLAN Ens bean to make Till• son's Pan Dried Rolled Oats an ideal Breakfast food ---hence their delicate. rich nutty flavor. absolute cleanliness, freedom from hulls, easy digestibility. Progressive grocers say their inereesed sales of ITillson's Pan -Dried Roil- ed Cots prove beyond a question, our success with such plan. Have you asked your grocer yet for •T LLS �S PAN -DRIED ROLLED OATS ? Tho Tillaon Co: y, Li -ratted, Tticoaburn, Oat A .v asked the first policeman he met f )r to o gannou lust week. i list 1898, ,,er order o£ e0uuty judge, Mr. Adam Walker, of Toronto, is µ2.e0, d, do, selecting jurors Oct. visiting under the parental root at 10, 1898, µ2 ; Thcs. Viand, digging present. ditch, sideline 3G and 37, con 3, ; The council met pursuant to ad Jas, Logan, Blyth, tile fur culvert on • journmenton Nov.lUth 1838 Mein- sideline 36 and 37, con 3 and on con li begs all present. Minutes of last 3 opposite lot 37; $6,31 , Area. Ding - me ting read and passed ' wall grant for repairing Bois and Account of Dr. Jamieson, White- Dingwalls' road, eon 3, ,,15 ; Mrs. church for attendance on Arthur Coulter, Whitechurch, five weeks, Haines, an invalid, $55, also of Dr, board of Arthur ;Haines at $6 per • 3 • ` v dam - an u • saloon, where they had a couple of l Chisholm, 1V'ingham, on sane case, week, i30 ; J osepn Mc Mlle- , drinks in company with another µl7 00 till Dr AIcA h Lelgrave, ages through b hon toad e'd man. Later they went to another place, where the Scetchman lost con- seious'aess, and did, not regain it un- til about three o'clock in the morn- ing, when he found himself on the sidewalk in front of the saloon. It did not take him long to find oat that ali his money and valuable, were gone. 'The complainant is,an intelli- gent:tsnd apparently well.to-do man. Be •told. a straight and dicer story, which made a deep impression on Messrs. McAleer Bros. have again : blag•istrate Fool, taken charge of the Gorrie Photo - Gallery. El emark'w iron Nerve A illustrated lecture and musical Was the result of his splendid health. entertainment,was held iu the town 1 1I Indomitable will and treme.ndons energy hall on Saturday evening. are not found where Stomach, Liver, Iles decided 'o give his customers and the people in general greatest thence of their life to save money by purehasing their fall and winter goods from him. His stock is complete in ail up-to-date Dress Goods., com- prising Bnuckle, Figured, Braided, Stripes. Checks and Plain, front cheapest to finest New York styles in Tailor-made Mantles in Beaver, Fine Broad Cloth, Heavy Curled 13ouckie and Frieze in all colors ranging from $3,00 up to µl0.00. Ladies' 1,'UR CAPES and JACKETS. These Jackets are of the best pelts (Qct tender skins) and are guaranteed to wear. Every person who in- tends purchasing a jacket, should see these goods and get prices. See our special lines of Ladies' Vests in Lamb Wool, Marino, Natural -Wool and Union from 15e up. Men's, Boys' and Children's Underwear in - nions and All Wools •, also Heavy, Lined American. makes from _2 ;e each garment to the :finest Scotch wear. Men's hugest sizes always kept in stock. A full line of Men's;Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats to clear out at special low prioes. Men's 'Tweed Rain -proof Coats, Mandl'eberg's Sewed Seams. No giv- the Mr. J. Halliday, of Wingham, shipped two car loads of apples from here on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Geo. Gough has purchased Mr. Buttery's • residence near the Methodist eltaardh. Miss Maggie Simpson, of Brandon, Man., is visiting heti sister, Mrs. R. Ruth of the 6th dine. J. E. Hunt, stripped a ear load of horses to Manm,oba on Thursday of last week. Mr. J. D. Edgar, of St, George, spent a few days at his home here. Miss Marshall, ,of North Glanford, was visiting with friends in town. Miss Victoria Graham, of Mount Pleasant, was visiting at the resi- dence of Mr. W. Csr.;Strong. Messrs. John and ,James McIntosh, of Essex County, ,are . attending the bedside of their father, Mr. Philip McIntosh, who is very low at the present time. ing way at the seam in these goods. Special from µ5 00 up. Ladies' 'Tweed Circulars with 1, 2, 3 Capes in different colors, alb° ,,lanclieberg's sewn seams ; just the thing for this season at special price. c I am the only* merchant in Wingham who keeps a full range of Car • pets in Brussels, Tapestry, All wool, Unions am1 Iletnps. Also Linoleum a)ilcloths. wi Tapestry Carpets from :35c to 75c. /Unions from 2 'e to 50e. be mps from 21:C to 25c. retic • , .- . same case, : 15, in all, ;!87.50, receiv line. 33 and 34, con 13,„S ; George ed, when after carefully looking tato Walker, building culvert and gray - this matter in its various aspects as ening on sideline 33.ancl 34, con 12, presented to the council, it was my -$10 ; George Daily, 17 yds gravel ed. by Mr. Sutherland, see'd by Mr. and damages, µ1,G0 ; Dr. Jamieson, his account, $50 eted Dr. CScott, that Dr. Jamieson be paid on 4Vhitechurc!t, attendance on Arthur .hlsholna Haines, medicine, etc., 50 ; Dr. and Dr„ McAsh, µ7a0 each. Carried. Chisholm, Wingham, attendance on Account of Mrs. Coulter, White-A••thur Haines and c.,$7..50 ; Dr. church,, $30 being for five weeks McAsh, Belgrave, sttendance on Ar - board eland lodging furnished Arthur thur Haines and c., $7.50. paid.s received and ordered to be, On motion of Mr. Sautherland, paid. ' sec'd by Mr. Carr, the council ad - The treasurer reported ,cash on journed till Thur: day, l5th Dec. ~.ext, hand roto 19th .Sept. last, "436. i8- • P. PORTNRBIELD, Clerk. Refund received from Jae .Nethery 1 - on contract, $7..75.; total •µ4141a.''' Railway AcOldoiste. Paid out since that time, •µ223.05, During the last few Bars accident. and death have been stalking along she railway tracks east of Toronto. Kidneys and Bowels are °tot of order. If you want these qualities and the suc- cess they bring, use Dr. Kte?s New Life Pills. 6ibey develop every power of brain and .body:. Only 25 cents et.any Drug Store. WROXETER. The Wroxeter deer hunting party returned home from Maskoke on ,Wed ilesfrcly. Miss Arena Smith and Miss Rae leaving a balance on hand .at date of µ•120.a1.8. By=law No, 3O, 1898, appointing plane el nomination, place of election Near Uaveloek station on Monday and deputy retterning officers for en- morning a C. P. R. train going at suing tnuniciptl elections, read and the rate of forty miles an hour, was passed. ditched. and five persons were injnr- • 1- . O. for division No. 1; deter W. Montreal, on the Grand Trunk, era - R. B. McGowan was appointed D. ed. On Monday the express from SeostifordiVision No. 2 ; John Elliott, shed into a freight train tht`ough an • •r,, ifor division No. 3 and Wm. Bee- open switch. On Tuesday morning are the guests of the Misses Elliott eroft tfor division No. 4. ttie t.rrand Trunk express from at Clifford this week. Debentures i•ere ordened to be :.lontreal, ran into a freight near • Mr. D. W, Campbell has moved signed ;for ;pay Bent of the• fallowing Trenton. killing ten people and seri- amounts :-Mrs.. Bradnock ,eon 1, 62 misty injuring twenty five. George his family ,to Mildmay. Mrs. Lowry, of Bellmore, a,ecompa- yards gravel ;for road division No. 3. Pauline, cattle buyer, ot Caesley., was pled by bee sister, airs. Robinson, t$3.10; Charles Campbell Den 8, 18the injured have moved intp the' house necently'vards gravel for road division Nu. purchased by the formerfrom Mr. l77 .;1(k;•; Thos. Nicholson, Auburn, was among _ Mrs. Margai et Devies died at .Jor-• dan Station in her 111th year. W. C. Hughes. Mr. ltobt. Black, of the fissuring mills is having all the improvements made for a'ir•,asy season. • Mrs. Robt Miller was visiting with Goderich.friends. ~ Mrs. Wm. Wilson is visiting with 110, tile for dram cons 10 and 11, After coughs and colds her neice, Mrs. 3. W. Sanderson at,20c; John Wilson, V. $, Winghnin, the germs of consumption Toronto. 1200 yds gravel and damages, $12 ; often gain a foothold. Mrs. Robt. Vox was visiting with Thos. Cassels, tile and digging dl',rin her son in Brussels. •serest gravel road lot 42 corn 14,. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- Mr. John Vogt has had his shop 811 ; Owen Donnelly, con 12, waved H O hos- removed nearer his residence. Thislinh on ddiv. line, con 13, $18; Wm. liver Oil W re e move will make it more convient for • lx. Paton, gravelling on sideline :iii pllites will not cure every biro. I and 37, eon 11, $18 ; Joseph Law -on, I Case; but, if taken in time, i Mrs. Brawn, from Exeter, intends1Auburn, gravelling on ,veete!ru it will cure many. spending her remaining days with 1 boundary', con 3., $30 ; Jas. Ricking her son Dr. W. II. Brawn, itVe are bottom, inspeetkng gravelling 011 we, - Even when the disease is glad to see the old lady so well and tern bcundary, tori 5, a 1 ; Jrts. advanced, some re- 1 hearty and we trust she may live to Moore, WhiteehUrell, tile drain tin farthernorthern boundary, I spend many summers in our con 14, S1, tin markable cures are effected. 1 village y 'northern contract graveling on ttuc•th!,r', In the °most advanced stages 'boundary. (East Wttwatiosh snarl" i and makes volcanic Fr.s>t1►tion �c17 Jas Sutherland, putting.pl ilk' it prolongs life,on c,ltuert at lot 31, con Are grand, len'e n Eruptions rob Tee 13, - 1 tlle days far .more comfort- lof joy. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve, enres!llenr'z Gooier, damages, dra aloe able. Everyone suffering them YJIcerOld, 1s,nletolaae,l Co sr gravel froth pit 00 lot 31. t',,ii 1, `this i its Cute Brtrisee, kurus,. Scalds, µ 1.50 P. Porterfield, services t Ivi`^l from consumption needs 1 O a , s Chapped Hands, C$ilblainti. Beet Pile ing voters list, 1898, tier order food. tonic I one on earth, Or'ta`ee out Pains and county judge µi'2 ; Wm, Itt)hitr• ti= See. and St.6o, ail druggists. AehrP. Only Y 1 Os. box, pure guar. assessor, sere $ revising vote �' SCOTT & BOWN1t, Chemists, Termite. matted. 32 yard gravel at 7c per yard for road division 'No. 8, $2,24 ; John Shoebott�rm, eon 11, burying a sheep smnmer of 1898, 50c, also for repair ing culvert at lets 40 and 42, C0tt3 10 and 11, $1 ; Geo. Robertson, eon See the new line of Envelopes Ott • t The TI1VIES Office. WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Traveled Extensively Throughout the Provinces -Interesting Statements Concerning His Experience. STELLAIRTON, N. S.-Janies R. Murray, a well known violinist, of this place, who has traveled extensively throughout the Provinces, makes this statement: "I was running down hi health and my weight fell off from 175 to 150 pounds. Prescriptions did me but little good. IV1y trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and atter taking five bottles I was greatly benefited. I feel as Well now as over in my life, and have increased in flesh so that I now weigh 177 pounds. I am Well known in this part of the country, having followed my profession, that of a violin musician for the last 26 years. 1 gladly tell Any friends what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. Before I began taking the medi- cine I did not have any ambition, but now all is changed and my dyspeptic trouble perfectly cured." JAMES 11. MtIRBAT. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's !Ur- sa/Arnie, do not be induced to buy any auhstltttte. Bo sure to get Hood's. "_ are the only ills to Hood's P1115 with Heed's 'WOW