The Wingham Times, 1898-11-18, Page 3Poisonous
oc . `A e des
Used tallith) Disease.
R ,
Women Who Use Them Run Ter rib10 'Risks.
l'aigo%i • %NI ;14.mvN the
'It Won Now
Tr to Eft,
It Gives New Health and, Gocd Looks.
Nate Field, a prominent and honored
.&mericuu Indy rind is writer or notr,, de-
clares that atter a most complete inves-
tigation sha node that $0'2000,000 worth
vt polsnnous ooemetics are sold annually
in the United States, It is ditieult to
give with any degree or acrauraoy the
amount or money spent yearly in Canada
for cosmetics, but the tigures must be
it is well understonil that the people
•who purchase cosmetics use them with
a view or deceiving those with whom
they come in. contact.
Cosmetics cover a multitude of sins
and evils. They are employed to cover
nip facial blotched, eruptions and skin '
troubles, that always result from impure
blood. They are also usad as a covering
for wrinkled and orow's feet brqueht on
by fast living, late hours and intperfeet
digestion. Thousands or women frotn
day to day cover up and disguise traces
ter disease end early decay, instead of
'wisely and boldly attacking the cause.
An old and well knowu drii gis&asserts
that the introduction and popular use of
Paine's Celery Coat;mu net bag of tato
years greatly less:ned the sale or all cos-
metics. Wise and prudent women well
know tint Paine's Celery Oompound,
when u•ed, goes direotly to the root or
disease, quickly removing all poisons
and impurities from the blood, giving
the nervous system full tone and vigor,
and giving that regular lid perfect di•
gestion that maintains health and physi-
cal strength,
Ey the use of nature's remedy ail facial
blotches, pimples and wrinkles are soon
banished, the flesh is clean, the skill soft
and olear and • the eyes sparkle with
brightness. This is the true wo. •t or
Paine's Calory Compound, as thousands
have declared who have tested the
groat medicine. '
To users of cosmetics we say, cast a-
side at once the health destroying agents
that you aro now using and try what
the wonderful Paine's Celery Compound
can do for you. Cosmetics mean con-
tinued. decetttion and increased misery •
the use or Paine's Celery Compouud
guarantees a speedy bauishment or your
troubles, a return of new and fresh
health and good looks.
Iiia Last Joke.
The fanny wan whose business it
'i't'aS to construct the weekly page of
jokes for the Srinday Yell lay on a
hospital cot swathed in bandages.
' He was not long for this earth.
Early that morning ho had tried con-
clusions with the front end of an el
ectric car, with the usual results
The funny man's lips moved, and he
unuttered incoberently. A hospital
interne stepped softly to the side. of
the sufferer's cot, and bent his head
forward to listen:
"I care not to live," murmured
the jokist. "The one light in my
'dreary existence went out last week
'when my precious one passed away
from this earth."
"Yes?" said the young surgeon ne
,terroga tively. •
"She is dead," continued the dying
man. ' "During hot' lifetime we livt•d
'together at the same boarding hone
She did society work for The Yel'
:acid wrote poetry fee the Sunday
ssque, which effusions she signed
Irlanthe. I culler) her Io for brev-
"Indeed?" said the surgeon softly.
"Last Week," went on the profes•
sional jokist, "she attended a wed-
ding in a cold, damp church, wrote
an account•ot the ceremony for the
Yell, carne home and was taken ill,
Two days later she. died and left me
in despair. Ah, swept lo!"
The surgeon, visibly affected by
the sufferer'; tale, could but restrain
his Uwn emotion.
"Very sail," he murmured in the
dying man's eitr. What did Io die
A light of triuu,ph came for `or e
-brief moment in the joker's fast dim-
ming eyes. as he answered, "Iuclide
,If potassium," and passed away be-
fore the startled and enraged surf: -
don e^uld jump with both feet on his
face.—(Jn,cirratti Enquirer.
In those days there was not verb
many warren who persist in waking
girls out of their youthful sons, but
Mrs. Sulitii wasope',vho clung to the
bad old custom—maybe beat;uso she
wanted her child to be a girl, and
having been disappointed, tried tis
cheat nature as well as she could, to
the huge disgust of her husband, and
the child himself, who was the most
rampant and ob;rulaively bd yi'h boy
ever cursed with loug curls and a
skirt, Even his sadly plebeia n name
of "Torn" was supressed by mamma
who was very much inclined to b 1
the. head of the household in every
way, and he was generally known
as "Pearlie."
But at last father and son rose 'up
in the wrath of their abused man-
hood, and one clay, when mamma
was out calling, the two vanished.
What was that good lady's horror
to be confronted on her return by •tt
knickerbockered specimen of unmis-
takable boyhood, his once' flowing
curls cropped as close as shears could
crop them, and a look of wonderful
joy upon his face, while in the back-
ground, just as joyful and quite re-
pentant, stood his erring rather, evi-
dently prepared to defend his action
to the utmost.
"Oh, George, wailed Mrs. Smith,
as she dropped on her knees before
her son, "what have you done?
What has become of my little
The hard.. hearted husband grin-
ned. "Pearlie's dead," he annottne-
triumphantly. "This is Tom," and
as mamma gave a groan of despot.
Tom vanished round the house wall
a warivhoop of pure glee and the
revolution was won,—Clevela:id
Will Break Under the Strain of In•
digestion—Here's tho r1 est'mony
ot the Prt aener and His Wife—
Backslider's From Good Health
Reclaimed by the POwI r of the
Great South American Nervine.
Rev. W. S. Baker, of Peterboro', says :
"I tats r_reatly afflicted with Indigestion
and nervous prostration, and tuy wife
wa- all run aown and suffering much
frost general '.debility, and we oeartily
oio bawls in giving testimony to the
great, relief and curative powers of South
cl merioau Nervine. Splendid re§ults fol-
lowed the taking of the tirst bottle, end
a few bottles hate cured us troth and we
cheerfully recommend it to our fellow-
eutferers." Sold by A. L. klrtmiltuu.
Dr. Fowler's Bete -eat or Wild Straw- FEOaI RFPORT OF COMMISFION'ER
bArry cures, Cramps. Ooliu,
Cholera aud is the safest and rnost re-
liable remedy for children or adults.
The udder, the flanks and the belly
of the cow should be brushed clean
al>d then rubbed with a dampened
or wet cloth before milking. That
prevents. the, filling of dust panicles
tend other things from the skin .and
hair of the cow into the milking ,sail
Mr. Archibald Robinson, sr., an old
and respected resident of Kincardine
Township, died very suddenly on
)friday morning.
Skin diseases front the :merest pltnples to the most obstinate eczema,c'.
;salt rheum, running sores, are quickly, pleasantly and permanently
cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment -35 cents.
1 ho does not envy a baby its'soft velvety panion until past , middle life, and Dr.
skin? How many suffer from distressing Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily and
skin diseases—Do you suffer? Have`you permanently. It is a boon to mothers
?tetter—salt rheum --scald head—ring worm because' it is a boon to babyland—scald
.--eczema.--ulcers—blotches on the skin— head and its irritations, which are accent -
chronic erysipelas—liver spots and what panimentstothe teething period, are quickly
motelseof these distasteful and aggravating driven off and restlessness passes away—
disorders which disfigure knd w. and where torture reigned with
discourage? Dr. Agnew'§„,�. baby this balm brought rest
Ointment allays the dis- , .b"hylu"`: °< f{a �' and a cure—it affords in-
�r� a, 5 .,'. stant relief from the
tressing itching, burn- �,'� �., t�,.� � �,,��
:ng, stinging sense- .� 4a t b a- 'tai �: �' itching distress... ,
arepart !” ''�'l' list ' }" , : F : C , Do you suffer from
tions which ?� �.
tL ,% +; .t piles—itching, blind,
and parcel of such � 1
o "i yck," n ' ewth §. , � bleeding or ulcer-
troubles, and in a t ,. ..� x t. .�, +,• ci
r a
v 1i
. a
,. .,
. —No
r, 1.
t a 2
e remedy
ulcer -
thousand canes ,y �t to "3�:•.'"f' ,r c.
�°` " w .:.i has brought so quick
where internal treat- *\� q ' , . ` .' , relief, spared painful •
mems have failed to � ...>°` ., r
,7 0l�F : t,r3y}n �' 4 surgical operations as
I.,eal and eradicate a • , q is ,�ir,,lt+ Jr >
them it has worked`. ia, , ' x Dr. Agrew's Ointment
wonderful and german- ''' ter " t'y' —it has proved itself an
.tut cures—and no skin dis- x ,asci �. . absolute cure for piles
ease, no matter of how long
0 in all forms and at all stages— '
standing, has baffled its curative qualities. one application will• relieve the itching.
In cases of chronic eczema it has proved irritating sensations in an instant—and •
its groat worth, and cases are on record long standing cases, disappear after from.
where this dread affection has been the throe to live nighty treatment—the pain and
:birthright of its patient and constant come soreness quit you anyd the tumors vanish.
,A lady living in a northern County town writes that The baby of
i lady
v ion sPt clfice tv . inn
:for She took doctors' shetreatments
troubled ewith resalt .l tin; Toronto,
ion r°'sllo tried washes prescribed by her phy;t.
:.lintookdypers'tnentrrt•ntf;lndused oftv1
avtthoutany p4rnianent relirf. Reading of the curia cian,:md soaps advertised for suchput'rsnses,but the
wade by l)r, Agnew's Ointment, she decided to try goodicedisease incl£ alb .A Agnew's
ne �slOi tri tent was
s herr
it. Vin first application all,;yed the Irritation at
rthe Continued using it --the disease rapidly been
hcherself rine l baby's hich had been the bane
i , ;appeared and now for two years theta has bee 1 u
f "essi,'t of a return of it.
IDR. AONi3W'S Ct1R13 FOR Tet? I E tR T --Cures palpitation, flattering, shortness of breath and
ails )testi disorders—relief in go ntitrotel.
T.R. ACGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER - Has cured casraofcomma drat yeary:;tandtng—relieves
told in the head In re minute." baloasness and liver trmthlns
IDR. ACNEW'S LIVER PILLS- Stop sick hcadacl,' outs constipation,tr
fpleasant little doses—go in a box --so C01110.t 4 BOLD ,BY A, ,. 1.At'PAILTO l', WVI GHAM.
is not to be confounded with any of thy: cheap "elixirs" and "cough
syrups." Such remedies (so called) simply soothe the sufferer. They
are mere palliatives. They never touch the root of the disease or cure a
chronic cough. Dr. Ayer's Cherry i cctoral is a real remedy; it is the pre-
scription of a practical physician, and not the preparation of an irrespon-
sible medicine maker. It
There is need for as much cleaulieess
ass can be praetised and attaiaaed.
There is no benefit from the aeration
of milk in the stable during the went- .
er. By the te'ation of milk, eitther
Ast: iiS,r
,Ja Grip
5.. t+ y�R:%dti.Vul
incl all colds, coughs, and lung disew:Jes. It's a standard and a stlpic
remedy, and should be kept on hand i:i every household.
. /gbout a year age, I had atnattack of bronchitis, accompanied by a dry, hacking cough.
This soon developed anto quick consumption. I had heard of the curative properties of
Ayer"•s Cherry Pectoral, and commenced using that medicine at once. Before 1 had taken
one ithird of a bottled fest bOter, and in a short time 1 was entirely cured."
W. A. COKER, Allis, Ark.
saT.caught a bad cold whirl resulted in asthma so severe that I was threatener) with
suffocation whenever I ntten;pted to lie down in bed. A fiend, recommending Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, I began to sal:o it and soon obtained relief, and, finally, was cantWe'.'•y
cured. Since then 1I Lase limed tl:is medicine in my family with great success for, cern,
combs, and croup?' S. I1 UTTER:, Editor "itoiii:k," Steven's Point, Wis.
"d contracted aaevere•colfl which settled on my ium„s and e d not y'elcl to the vnrinus
remedies I tried. 1 had'noticed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral extensively advertised *here I hart
traveled and'decided to give:it a trial. I purchased two bottles and before 1 had finished
tbetfirst one, I was ,almost 'cured and I am now in perfect health. My work subjects rue
• to very severe weather, but Ieind that a timely cloee of Aver', Cherry Pectoral acts r:;
peweentive against colds•and,coughs." CIIAs. HULL, Whortley Itoad, Londcu, Ont"
-"Some time since hada+severe cold and could nee sleep on account of coughing. A
friend at Van Buren, Ark-,necommendec! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I procured a bottle,
audniever had any/ me such quick relief vr.a more permanent cure."
J. E. WRIGHT, Chester, Arl:.
Fre Medi al Advices all discascs0
Address, J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
6`x'` i .. toy �,z .
or both of two results are affected.
A little of the oder, in the milk f,vini i
voilatile oils is taken out, and germ,
of all kinds from the air are taten
in. There is nothing in the air of
an ordinary cow .stable which by j
getting into the Milk can improve it.
Therefore the less •contact tte milks
has with that the better. There is
no natural volatile odor from ',nalk
which makes it Unsuitable fur butter
making, unless the eow has been fed ,
on some food 'unsuitable iu that die-
spect, such asturnips;
•• and aeration '
will remove only a very unimport-
ant part of that..' The so•called cow
smell of pure, clean milk: becomes al
delicious fragrance, whereas the
cowey smell which comes (rout
stable filthiness, manure and other
things is abominable,
Children Cry for
Patrick Murphy, a former resident'
of Huron County, was burned. to'
d 'alit in Detroit.
Dr, Von Stan'tt Pineapple Tablets
for the Stomach.• -New, Cunvvt,ient,
positive, pleasant, harm less Cure for Soot'
$toruaon, Distress after Eating, Wight
S Wind acl'
in the . totnarh, iori the Atom ,.
Loss of Dizziness,
Sick Ileadache, and
all other stomach troubles directly trace-
able to indigestion• 3a cetite. Sold by A.
L llanniton,
Life was ;a Living Death, but Dr.
Agnewts Cure for the Heart lie
lieved us Thirty Minutes.
"I was eo troubled with heart disease
that I could not stand on a :)hair without
growing diary. Going up stairs, nr be-
ing suddenly sts riled, brought on violent
palpitation and suffocation. FIad pains
about the heart. Triad mate remedies
and physicians without relief. I; took
two wane; ,of Dr. Agnew's Caret for the
Heart and, although two years ago, I
have not felt the slightest retreat of the
trouble. I think it the greatest of re-
medies." Mrs. W. R. Colles, 32 I'aeiHo
avenue, Toronto. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
'Mr. Frank it'ord of the legal firm
of Denton, Dodds & Ford, Toronto,
has been eon tinted private secretary
ti Premier hardy,
Miss Annie Gillespie, Grillia, Ont.,
writes: "I had a bad cold Awl severe
cough for some time and could not get
rid of it quail I used Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup, which quickly cured
rhe." Price 2oc.
for 'The otury ut the Philippines" by \1ur»t
11 lstetul, eou,lna,i0'1'd by the Government as
r Rini ll Hist, nen to the war bet artment. The
)sunt: w1„ written 30 ern,' e.a•npv at 8,111 1,6101.400,
cu theP,.eltlo 01(11ttie0e101 :1lerritt, in the hospitsI"
at 0oilolulu, in Hong inthn American tri;nch
»v. at Malta, In the Nisar it It cutups with Aguh,al -
uo, un the r.ecli of the Olynnd.t with »slice, and hl
111,1 tett of battle i1t''he fall of Manila, Bnnai,Zt
Ent alto ts. ilrImfcl of original pietures taken by
041e0•11n0e 1,1 01,0t40001er3 411 the spot. Laren
0,1111 It Ay psi as. rsit prnfltl. Freight paid.
Credit.riven, limp ell trashy imotHeisl war books.
outfit tree. At is**. u", 'r, Barber, Seo'y., Star
IttsutanCb Bldg,, ilicSto,
What Reputation Wail Do.
The owner of an intelligent dog
had been in the habit of allowing
shim to take a coin and go to the
market and buy his own meat. The
dog would feteh the meat home, de-
posit it air the shed and then, when
hungry, go and get it.
The household cat found the meat
there anti on several occasions stole
it. The dog discovered what was
going on, land would lie in wait for
her near the meat, and when she -
preached would Chase her away.
At length he tired of watching his
dinner, and fell into the habit of
caviling his purchases to the cellar
and hurrying them in the sand.
One day the dog's owner removed
the meat from the cellar to see what
he wotild do when he found it gone.
After a time the dog went to the
cellar and began to dig in the sand
where he' had left his meat. It was
not there. He lay down for a min -
ate, as if to think the matter over,
and then suddenly rushed up the
stairs, and, spying the cat, "went fur
her," as the boy of the family said,
and chased all over tate Ward. ---Christ
Ian Leader.
,VV le bus llt,te W lumaat.te,,,)r I111V1 n ai „1
tittle v,.1.t oh,
counties. i
t 14 mainly
lrork , 5l13nl:rcil at brere. salary straight C) ) a
.ye .0 0.14 05 >Cr4s a --definite, console, no more, oo
10 4 salary. ltl. nthly tri;,. net(-renres, 1;11crasu
self..uid'e+ e, tennieve envelope, 13erb.1t 11, 01+4
P.tst., Dept.Si. Chicago.
----.. _,..x:.•acs=015.•7ra xa•M.mlccses eta
For Over c'sfte Years.
An Gid cud Well -Tried Remedy —M.3
Winslow's .Soot.t,iies Syrup has been
used for over -3fty yt"ar, by millions or
mothers for their (mittireo while teeth-
ing, with pervert seeress. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colli. end is Oa best retnedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every pert of tho
world. Twenty five rents a bottle. Itie
value Is incalaab)e. Be sure you ask for
Mrs. %Vinslow'e Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind,
Mr. John F. Berry, druggist, has
removed from Lueknow to iiensall.
Mrs. Ireland, wit'=s of Dr. Irelacd
of Trenton, who myslc' ionly disap-
peared from Montreal a couple of
weeks ago, has tends': a el rim on the
London & T,nl, .lShi a In,nrance Co.
for 0,000 insttr onc•r. on ter husband's
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, oonste
pation, soar stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They de their work
Best atter IS
easily and thoroughly, •'
dtnndinner ills.
intents. All druggists.
Prepared by 0. I. Boort & Co., Lowell, Rms.
The only Pill to take withiload's Sareatpartila,