The Wingham Times, 1898-11-18, Page 2'j. illi 1171NG IAM TIMES, NOVEMBER ER 18, 181)8.
On Every '
Cif i`.iell!)[t'4 (gni tillniptitttl Cure is t eta
gnat/oleo: +••alt win nMit .,r you i:r tt ince
two -1 ;,Gila or tilt) v„),,r, t,::4 t,f tilts bottle
'Iaitht.t'iy. (.hoer( it tea .0 any von are
e Tee lee t•t[t' 1 rot•l'.i , ha to t lw to tour
xir,al : nt and Lt tut• .stood lee price
led I.” Prioe«.i ere . 7,0 ,•t . tied „RIO.
Pitot! B"uw)l, t.. is ula to, wits found
gnifty atitit�ir,r'ig:•.; .•i lig !anrderof
\Y tllrtt"d E. :it t ..
i<3Ct tna:':s y'ttm
.'o tiitively cared lay hEs3
/Little PilI.s.
They . T.o relieve Distress frc:tL T_:; see sea,
indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. At per -
feet remedy for Dizz:ncss, Naucea, Drov-ri-
ness, Bad Taste in the 2i.fouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Reg..:.ate the Bowels. Pt rely Vegetable.
.2irnac9 PEN. *mail rrl77d n o•W m
*mail aFalco.
? Sb1 S i rrt tion
A '
it tea 'fraud 017 the tzry.
:See ` •o11 get a ter s,
AE -17. _('^r Carter's,
. ns::; and (errand
Cart2.—.3 Little Liver Pills.
G -.a Lf 1ER
'Tells Hilhurifs Heart gild Nerve
r :'.MIs C^«t''' °r Disease.
Lilts '.cora• el tee armies of iiritain,
,; "Whit:'( are: r:•a (adept ;o victory in every
; quarter of the gloss, r1i1burn s Heart
4 ea'• ,'L`
1 s}
✓ `).
1; - is ' ^)
r• ,.
and R i t ere a was re. ri+ine
i in:ew .t : :e. ‘. e.i.knessandsuff'tir:r.
I lel- . . 1,�i,i M,', .i,i. of Carleton Pine.
.. vete has served with dis-
tinctioe ard er,ellt
in the British arrnv,
and t:t-=.v anemelo;-e° of the C. P.
i2a:'evr ,i, " Nc. Lie in the army I got
broken e d rev nervous systemi wast : e 1 reef,
teeelt trterbied with liver com-
e pleb t, •etre i,Iy rest be.
came I- n •t•, disturbed by vivid
,i etre-tele '' ,.. !Lei been going on for re
year: ':o': .: I took a groat many
rernte:: :o oecape from the troubles
whi ::
" It t vc . I tree no relief until' I
started to tea ?alburris Heart and
Nerve Pals, whi -h I used together with
La:-Liv'Livt. e -s':i:•. . id now after having
lased a e tc btr,:, . I am better than I
Tleanitsi lying Time..
Tltar,ksgiving time's a-comin'--I kin bear
the gobble -gobble
Of the turkeys in the barnyard an the
farm where I was born.
I kin see the Shanghai rooster welkin sort
of wibble•wobule,
Makin b'lieve he's feelin sick an off ids
feed of yeller cern.
An they're !Vein in the kitchen for a good
ole faei. seed dinner,
Choppin mince meat by the bushel thet
is good ter hungry eyes,
Seeelin raisins ter plum puddin fit to save
the vilest shiner
' 1•.a ever heti a 1,61:1, r 411e
.&1)ankegivat erect,
Ah, the mother, (,he's a sr,)ilin, staedin in
the doorway, lookiu
Down toward the mil, old station when
she heard the eitgiuu tout,
Felt her boy )s a•cousin, an the pies most
butu a•euckiu, ,
While 11: r dear ole heart's a thumpin fer
this woltbless ole gatet.
U:,esn't 'pear to matter nohow thet I'in
Laid an gittin gouty,
1)oEsti't seem to make no difference the(
I : moko .Ln cuss a bit,
'jbt'e the saute Ok tette mother, never
cross an never greuty,
An they'll be rio inure Thsuksgiviti's,
bt,ys, wizen another hot to quit.
—New York Sate
ht ctph)sieiaus, but relief was in vaiu. kept. The report of the treasurer
We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
refund the mousy on a twentytiv ,ant
bottle of i)r. Wills' English Pills f, after
using three fourths of content=, of bottle,
they do not relieve Coustipeti and head-
aohe. We also weer t tl . t tour bottles
will perinaueutly of e t e most ob'itivate
ease of Coustipatio Satisfacti"n or no
p ty when Wills' English Pills are used. 1
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and I)ru;;;;ist,
Witt =ham"
Colin' Cttn,nhell Chemist and Drug•
et, Winitteun, C..t.
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Dritt'{;nst, •
Wingharn, Ont.
Presbytery of Huron.
This Presh'ytery rNet in Willis'
Church, Clinton, on the 8th inst. In
the absence of Rev. Mr. Fletcher,
Rev. Mr. M trtin was appointed mod•
orator pro tem. Messes. Hendereou
and R. Ratcliffe were appointed aud•
• iters to examine the treasurer's
book. Messrs, Anderson and Martin
were appointed to address the Wom-
i en's F. Al. Presbyterial Society at its
Stable Manure.
The Ohio Experinu nt Station has
been testing how Manure taken 1
di.reetly from the stable to the field 1
in spring, and similar manure left in 1
an open yard during winter. T1 e
plan of the experiment is to apply
but kinds of manure to land intend-
ed for corn, plow under at a shallow
depth, and follow the cern with
wheat and clover, without any fur- 1'
ther manuring, At the rate nf. 81
tors per acre were used, The result
. a'1,, tavire. tAe it t t' 1 C;,): ,
gave an increase of thirteen bushels I
per acre fur the yard manure against
sixteen budheis from the stall man-
ure, and the wheat crop folluwing
bus given an increase of ten bushels
per acre for the'yard manure against
eleven bushels from -the stall manure.
Valuing the corn: at thirty-three
and the wheat at.Ieighty cents per
bushel and the strw and stover at
$3 per ton, the increase from the yard
manure in the two ;crops has amount -
! annual meeting. The elerk s con
tt•IOOi'i'EIt, DIE THAN SUFFER.," 'duct in certifying Mr. Iilteben,et
'Brumfield as a student of Knox (7.4a -
le the Pain-RaekedRheumatic's Wail , lege was sustained. Rev.. Mr. Mill-
--South American Rheumatic Cure yard, of t•be Methodist cllut•ch who
Niulbles the Swollen Stitt Joints -1 was present was asked to sit as la
Gives New Lite—New Hope— ,corresponding member. The in
tatll•es Permanently. Iva—action of the General Assemble to
J H. Garrett, of Liverpool, N. S. "1 organize a ntissionar',• committee in
wan a great sufferer for years from acute eaeh congregation was handed down
rheunautasnl. sVrie unable to walk or • congregation
I'uo sly toter coder rue. 1 tried every -Ito sessions. The auditors reported
rbirt• recommended, and was treated by t the• tr'easurer's book as correctly
i he reuuutmended to try South Amori-R),
was received and adopted. Rev.
11e ; what' bolt of tt was taken I held statoreported for the Sat)- tem itheumalln Oure. 1 procured a bot 1It' E[ol
went relief. A. few bottles cured tee. I bath School work he held at the an-
' 1 t•ltl:m to -day it is the only remedy that mist Christian Endeavor con"ention.
well ,lure rheutuatism." Sold by A. L.1
The remit from the Assembles re vnc-
The directors of the Culross Mutual
'rre Insurance Co. met in Teeswater
Ion October 29th. Members all pre-
- site Thos. Allison, Esq., in the
Tiinutet, of last meeting, were read
1 and on nt.otiou o: A. McKague and J.
I I., i4Lott were adopted.
McRague—Reid—That all appli-
cations for insurance taken by the
agents of this company be laid on
the table for examination. Carried,
Ileid—Scott--That the appliea-
tiU1sb taken by the different agents
hating been satisfactory the presid-
en'. and secretary are hereby author -
iv: tt to prepare and issue policies for-
, dae game. Carried,
Moffat—McKa„tib—That George
Colwell be paid twenty dollars as a
settlement in fun of his claim. Car -
1 rite
Reid—McKague--That the fallow-
ing accounts be paid, viz. ; A. G.
Stewart, policy furs and Stationery
;22.75; Geo. Crnieeshanks, services
Inspector $1.00. Carried.
1c3•`.aguc---Stott--That this Boat'd
do now adjourn t,, inert again on the
last day ot November in the Town
Hall, Teeswater, at 2 o'clock p. m,
1 or at the- call ot the pt'esideut. Car -
tied. D. Alcinosx, See'y-Treats,
Grand Trunk Engineer Swears by
ant congregations and ministers
without charges was adopted. Con.
sideration of other remits was defer-
red and the Presbytery adjourned vi
meet in Clinton on the 3rd Tuesday
ot January next.
A Substansial Gain.
I"1 was very weak and hardly able to
walk. fly blood was thin and 1 was as
I pale as death. Being told about Hood's
' Sarsaparilla I began taking it and in a
j few months I had gained twenty ponaris
:in weight. I kept on with it until 1 was
as well ns ever.” AIITi1L'tt Mitres, Ores -
dee. Ontario,
}i The drawback to noble ancestry
ed to $15 per acre, and from the
stall manure to $V, an average of
$2 per ton tor the stall manure, with
farther effect probable on succeeding
Worse Titan War.
Ilunereds are killed in war, but hue.
dreds of thousands are.killed by con-
sumption. 'There tvould be no deaths at
all caused by thisterrible disease if
people could be mudo to understand that
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption (Jure
is a sure remedy if taken in the early
stages. 25 ate , 50 as, and 91100 a bottle.
:Druggists will refund the money if a
cure is not atferted.
High Lights,
Sentimentality is the foolish -elder
sister et sentiment.
1 Wheu the heart loses freshness, it
1 becomes reminiscent•
1 Experience teaches man long after
lie thinks he has taken a diploma.
Early to bed and early to rise
, makes even a genius tire=Lome to his
The wise man knows he. is a frac-
; tion, The fool tries to be the whole
The woman who is down, on g•os•
'sip doesn't say so until she has heard
it all. •a
ex,) ter;(
COD'S PILLS cure nausea, bead -
is that it sets up in business a lot of
Literaryy'+totes. i bragging descendants.
rPy for
sleep well, and - ti t • h• e
Dr. Chase 's Kidney -Liver Pills.
have heen for veers. My nerves arerestore,i to full force. and vigor, I eat and
1r. Geo. Cummins, for over 20 years
J entire. s}s tete ..s ukrinoer on (Trand'�runk running be-
ngtlsnned. •teen Toronto and Allendale, says :—
'"?Sil',r=:-:: T '.nrtandi\erteP[ils, tore .loci constant duty with city work gave
abax, or ;; f :'r.25, at all druggists.
rue exct?�esite pins rn my back, racking
Flow general the use of photo;pa-1
hey ie coming to be adopted by the
Modern magazine as a mean, cf ill -
1 uetration is shown in. the announce- r
j main; of the Ladies' IIome ,Journal.
that it is about to publtsit six new,
i distinct series of articles which wilt 1
'include not lees than 400 photo -1
graphs. The idea of the inagttzino I 1is to present one hundred, of the pre( I
I gest country homes in Aineriea, to
enuurita"e artistie arehiteeture; one
1 hundred of the prettiest gardens, to
I encourage taste in floriculture; seven•
ty churches decorated for festal
oecaeitins of all kinds. sticb as wedd•
ling, Christmas and Easter services,
feet.; some torty of the prettiest girls'
reams in the country; twenE -fl e
floral pouches and vine clad houses;
, and the story of the native wild flow -
1 ers in Alnerica, told in seventy live
photographs. Over 8000 photograph
ers, in every part of the country,
were employed by the magazine to
get these pictures, and several thou?
and dollar's were paid in priap awards
for the best photograri>:3, The choice
was made out of 10,000 photographs
received by the. magazine.
Impure :Blood.
Afro. Will Varner, New Canada, N. S.,
writeu: ''.1 l,n,e u:xd Burdock 13looet
Bitters for lit±a;ia').'"' and ltnpure Blood.
Onebottle made a once. I think there is
no better medicine made." •
cry kidneys. 1 tried several remedies
"tree.eeerr e-i'.a•" says John Doherty, until 1 was recommender' by my fireman,
55!Sor t! t. Sohn, r;.e., " cured me Mr. Dave Conley, to try Dr. Chase's
.ot Come cogen ns, -1 distress after eating. Kidney -Liver Liver Pills. Two boxes have
Their ,ecce ir• natural end effet•tive," y'
completely cured me and I feel to -day a
bettor man than ever. I recommend
them to all my friends.
and COLDS cgi
7n".41c ora
The C• a:fan Remedy for all
Larne Bottles, 25 cents.
1,r in's. Perry Davis' Pale Killer.
New icrii Montreal 8
+; G:ass,..,r...�.�.p.�....•..�^efl®f9�Q�
CONifirtglrrfitrri and
all iit iv8,i Srtil4E,1.ar4,
)j"7e)P1iTTI5 ft of rtX.OU11b,
OF A ti•fi'lfr V I P.
1,1111:"3rii. tit., Tronrflta of ihJB artf.e .e
.ire, nest rmirtlifeat.
re rt id e f The D. & L. Emulsion, t Bove
qct(. 1., 1.tctaigcoulgthwhi Ithxdtroubk14
n ) gar, and Lave 5J1..t•I tore -eke -
a' y mk,e
X • ♦ C: ta.t:tre' 1.
Thoughts For the Day.
Joy is of many grades. Man is
]eke an orchestra, and as the music
of eaeh iiiff'erent instrument is dis-
tinctive so is the joy of each different
Complete joy is the harmonious
jay of all.
Tho roof of the new Wondc,,'ilind
Man is an animal. There is a joy Theatre at Detroit collapsed Bata+
of his animal nature. It may be day carrying 'town the iron galleries
perfectly innocent, harmless, health- of the structure and a "Treat Mass of
fol. It is seen in the mere animal scaffolding and debris. Sirrue 25 men
spirits of a healthy boy. Blessed is were working under the collapsed
the elan who so keeps his animal parts of thestt'tl.:ttuat. Scarcely any
nature pure and strong that he keeps of these teem to have escaped injury,
pare and strong the joy of his child- The bodies of eleven dead men have
There is a joy in the social faeul-
ties, in the interchange of life with
life, in commingling the joy of the
animal life with that of others, in
certain •,,hoses of lntelectual activity.
---Christian ttnion.
'rANt1D 91:x1:ltkt. TItri$TWOILTtIY i'nu.
anus in this state to manage our business in
their own and to arby mantle itis mainly oldie
•.tort: t•omrueted at atah,e, :Wary straight *MO a
, grand ow:mites--deliuitn, Ima.fide no mere, no
salary. Monthly �75, References, Enelose
44 I autdres+ed stamps(( e..velave; Herbert E. fleas,
i'14i t,,
Dot. 51, eleeat,o,
been recovered. Several other's are
fatally injured.
A CTiv1:S:1LIL•tTt)ita l;er! t)Kee ltYwlaet; l.
• far ••Thu Story of the Philippians" hvMnrat
"mistrial), commissioned by ie tem crnrnont as ()at-
rial ni•:9•)aian to the w -.• Da ,.u•ttnent. The honk
Was written in Sony t.1.1111i5 at `3 u, l,'ranal9an, tin t4 e
Pacific with General 3tu:rttt, in the irnapi sill at nos
notuln, in nogg hmer i', "19 AW. -ileac) tren,•hes tit
Manila, in the rnsarttont email with Attainable, on
the dent of the ()hippie tact& Dewey, and in the
tont rf b;ttie at thr, roti of M coda. lionainia for
agents. llri.nfnl of ,,ri;ti 1:0 plantar t.rr en by ;or.
i eminent phntrotrapliers on the repot• Largo book,
1 Lott pre.. 4. T1I prt.:i11, )! nicht paid. Crcd!t
alien. nee) all trashy unofficial' war books. Outfit
tree, Address, P. T. Tillbee Bcey., titat'ln cranes
Mee., Citic:aha,
It is an inconsiderate husband
who needs a new overcoat the same
winter that his wife new cloak.
It would be a better world if
women praised their husbands as
heartily as they do their bakiag
powder.—Chicago Eeeord.
Kidney -Bladder Trouble.
There is no inure serious menace to
good health in the present age than Kid -
nay disorders, and its an appalling fact,
but a true one, that four-fifths of the
country's people have the taint of this
insidious disease with them. Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills cure all Kidney dis.
How People Walk.
Obstinacy is indicated by the slow,
heavy and fie at•foeted style of walk
iug, while miserliness niay be sus•
peeted from short, nervous and ahxi
nus footsteps.
Turned in toes generally ,charac-
terize the absent minded, and a I
stoop the studious and deeply reflect-
ive, whose thoughts are anywhere
but with themselves.
eunning people - walk with a
noiseless, even and stealthy tread,
resem')Iing that of a_ cat. A proud
person gene. JZy t..kea even steps:
holds the figure upright, and Ethel
head a ]tttle back and the toes turn•
ed well out. A gay and volatile
person trips Iightly and easily itt
sympathy with his or her nature,
Character is shown by all sorts of
oddities in gait, but fur grace and
elegance no civilian's walk will bear
,;ptt);)r risen with that of the man
v<ho ritz, received military training
two peup'c •walk exactly alike'
and the stuaent (,f a11al1atter finds as
mucic to intereh"u flim in .tlitl way
people evalk as in any peculiarity
they may have of fbttture.
Quick steps denv.e agitation; sic)
steps, either long or OO`wilrt, suggest :a
gentle or contemplative turn •of
ln[ntl. —Philadelphia I'i sae
When the children grim their teeth,
have it ravenous appetite, yet don't, seetn
tc thrive, give theca Dr. Low's Worm
.Syrup. It will clear out evor;y worm
without harming the eh"rid. •,Prier) 25e.
'The Bruce County. Council has de-
cided to meet again on December
13th. 'This veil be the sixth. session,
held during the year. -
What is
F:'W'4,,:s-...U..M,it�i.\. sv,.a:1n'.....:.L.+.�.G+a .4:�':i.�yW..4..4tih`:0: i,\v.tiVt'.-.� .:.w4:,::.,..0.•-t.:w',.ew \u4,,..5:1,1511fi.
CaStoria in Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. tit contains neither Opium, 1'/.Iorg)is () nor
other Narcotic substance. It is e harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and. Castor 011.
It is Ploasair-t, It.; guarantee is thirty yearn' u:3c by
i9Jliliaons of Mothers. (Castaria, destroys Worms and
allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting; Sour
Curti, cures r"' l ateedacea and Wind Colic. 'Castorlit relieves
Teething troutslcs, cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach.
and :Bowels, giving 1' r!altl3yr and. natural sleep. Caete'ria
is the Cli,lercu'e Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
Castor 4-ta.
"Castorin • i3 101 e::ct:li:nt medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told nee
of its good effect upon their childret ."
Dn. G. C. Oscoov, Lowell, Mass.
"Cilstoria in so well adapted to cnildrem
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to 111e."
D. A.ARCHER, M.D. Brooklyn, ;t: Ir:
,.�•)J„ ,�Z. C7sC..-ryzaice ""'C?T--.•�.�
.H tl i7»i»••T.. ,.t
6w' 0,1 y3
THE. OErrTAlln con,r.NY. 77 t0V„nr1Y s.TrtFQT. NVW TOES O1TY,
7JV +`.5SI'�J''e�ry7:f"h" 1t-� '1.1.L)"M°'L'z. 1' tf a'`77i 'rl„r S,3`:%;reatk>,a .ty„,�;5''r'3�'•.,'t^. ?iViy "Q• ,11 ,
Marion Brown, the cir!e-legged
tramp, was furmerally committed by
Police Magistrate Pai'ke at London
to stand his trial at the January
Assizes on a charge of murdering
Policeman Tow hey.
Muscular Itheu.maasm.
liar. II. Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont.,
writes : "1 exportenoad great relief from
Muscular Rheumtttient b' using two bot-
tles of i\Iilburtt's Rheumatism' fills.
.they are * splendid remedy." " Price
59e., all druggists.
iv[rs. Alex. Munro, of Woodstock,
will be 102 years •old in December.
She is bed ridded, but otherwise re-
tains all her faculties. She never had
a doctor arid never wore glasses.
Her husband has been dead 18 years
and was 84 when he died. .
Women hope for' the best and then
go and bay articles that have been
marked down.
The Leading Specialists of America
20 Years In Detroit,
2250,000 Wel,
WE CURE N C1 CTUR p}� i�.t
Thousands of young and middle-aged
menaro troubled withthis disease—many
unconsciously. They may have tL smart-
ing sensation, smell, twisting stream,
sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis-
charge, difficulty in commencing, weak
organs, emissions, and all tho symptoms
of nervous debility—they have STRIC-
TURE. Don't let doctors exporimenton
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
you. 'Inds will not euro vou, as it will re-
MENT absorbs the stricture tissue;
It can never return. No pain, no suffer.
ing, no detention from business ) r our
w moneot;3 eTh1e4s?le:x,uoadlogls,ndsa:sme1h
WECURF 11 "7„ 4
Thee: ands of young alta rniddio mail
mon aro having their sexual vigor and
•heli(, continually sapped by this die-
ttiLeo. They aro frequently unconscious
a of the cause of these symptoms. (lc_ ':ral
ydeakr-oss, Unnatural Disehr.rges,Prid-
ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Moil-
ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sens
Batton, Sunkon'.C•yes with dark circles.
Weak flack, General Dopros.:icn, lack
of Ambition Vitricocolo. .Shrrsnken
Parts, eto. GLEET and STRICTURE:
maybe tho cause. Don't consult fainly
as they have 310 oxperieneo in
these, as
discares--don't allc-r
7.4 iaaeth to experiment o:s you. Cen-ult
specialists whehav4MadealifeStnd`yyof.
DlsoasesofrelenandS onlosi. Oar NtW
tively Daub you. Ono theurrind dollars
for a case zoo acoet Pott troatnicOt and
CtratnotCure. T.'.31.1a1N lribtlOrate rvr a Din o. p.
Wo felt Mid curet fllrlifiS'fODrs,
VARIOUNIAIv SYkliIfl:: , (11iliET'
ES KIDNEY retateriT A•z)`'1ER Diseases.
PRIM.. If meth's+' Ball, write for
KEWN�rD'� &
Cor. Michigan Ave.atand Stdihy St.
DEir, OleT,
Will staled wear and (tear ter
s ears. • No better proof can.
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago are
still working.
Supplied to Order.
Repairing promptly attendci. tete
uuoP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie
Livery.7� � t qt � � ip�
dOHlvt P�I1t'LiO-LiX,
Winghaln.., Out;
Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent
business conducted for, MODERATE,: ;MMES. 1127
office is in the immediate
t vicinityro
f haps en •r
and myfacilities foraecurrn patents are tin
securing surpra1
Send model, sketch orphotograph of invent s 1y>;�
description and statement as toadvantages. Clef ..,ca.
.7 •190 oha)•go is =ado for ease opA o'„ (To ty
g)atentabil(G?, and my fee for ;cutins the
application wiz/ not Co called fr', until the
parent *allowed. 15vxc:rox C;umit., con-
taining full information sent free Ala h,rmunte
cations Considered As bir),otiy Sonfldcnllal.
wiz li' Cs1,;rAGb �eE.519.S1' ceeroei.➢
Anyone sendi:)g b thMch area d .seription may
quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether an
invention is probably patentable. Conitmultea.
etrIctly confidential, Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing Detente.
Patents capon through hiumr ua Co. receive.
sprctat aottce, without (tame ht the
Scientific .i ieii ca .
A handsomely tlluntrated weekly r41r7e0,etr.
ciliation of any scientific toiirnnl. Torma,$3 a
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