The Wingham Times, 1898-11-11, Page 7. FP.ww.w.+•wu. «wro,.'u-r•r rr..,•w.xrrkvn.w..ern..wwn+n+�...•..�+!c.nmwr.rn.www+P........w 442,44Vs�✓'e a ` /fir Ztei2d it ��j• ��r it .1 n x t. `Si V I:.T � Rk. • �� alCi�' �,.� 1�`i9✓'F+„L! w.':'rh'i�',a+'Ci.`�r'�p'`��Y :/"3, AND TM DETECTIVES i)1( Art,••. i'i ;titalett. the •surroiiuilings 'wase lien pal iiai tFe=. meaner, w}lioh was et once both digiti- fled and self-contained. ' The fact that this lady was not a regn]ar customer of the establishment meet testified by the enquiring lnannor in •iruioh she glanced along the counters at either side, as if seeking the department which might contain a certain class of goods, heetieiug this hesitation, a polite lady assistant came forward to enquire her pleasure, but site merely said:— "Many thanks; I believe I now see What I want." Silo then walked forward to whore a 1 oto of She: r -'wa itis ti ono at a young clerk was'welting the counters, The latter was a • slender and graceful girl of about nineteen sum- aners, of not very imposing f.bature, but having shapely ageilino features, and large, expressi';o, black eyes, She Was • also gifted with those rare charms of her sex, a luxurious growth of dark glossy hail, and a white hand of perfect propor- tions, Surveying her with unobtrusive inter- est, the visitor requested this girl to show her some varieties of hoso, the counter being devoted to fabrics of that class. ; On this being done, sho sport a 'few moments in selecting what she wanted, -which the assistant then proceeded to make up into a parcek With a pleasant "good afternoon," she then left the store. • The following day the salve lady came into,Dunstablo's store, and passed with- ' out any i.udecision along to where stood the young girl who hadproviously waited on her, Tho latter recognized her eus- tomer, and gave her a modest greeting, which was courteously acknowledged. This time the lady wanted to boy a few • Collars, and, as there aro numerous varieties of this needful littlo article some time was expended in discussing styles l and textures, In the course of this im- portant negotiation; she had several tinges looked intently, but not rudely, into the shop girl's face, and at last put the gues- • tion, apparently with deep interest:— • a "May I ask havo youlany relatives in Chicago?" "No, madame; not any that I know P " was the placid reply. • o, "Dear me!" exclaimed the elistonler, "'is it really possible? I. can scarcely be - Bove that you are not related tt Tor of any young friends in that city. I neer in all my life saw so striking a resell. blanc: !" 1 The young girl smile(; and blushed, as Iger face became the object of a fresh scrutiny, and then she ventured the in - TUE WINGUAIVI TIMES NOVEMBER 11 1898. pause, "you s11)1'11tt know that ours IS ;e, only i'ea011e11. at eleven (1'Cloc% aab blso a wholesale house, told call make night, and was compelled to remain ever you as good terms us any in tho trade. ''T11:ink you, I.shall not forget that; shall �la,d nLctul\chile I certainly hbuy of you all that I may need for my oil n ' and WtLs s0o13 (lashing along 011 the New Aso." "York Central towards the legislative. }Hereupon, she tool.- out a Beat little eeptial of the Empire state. He was not card -ease, (fait; ;Minded the eustoutor her destined, however, to ally long detention clod. The hatter :tempted it very grad- at Albany,. for about noon. he heard a ous]y. and quickly gltaneed down to read conductor pass through the czars ingnir- the name which Was engraved on ]t:-- ing; if Mr. J. 13. Thomas was aboard. Miss LIME (IREENLBAF, "That's my name," sold the detective, The conversation was then prolonged looking up from his newspaper, Hews for a few minutes, (luring whioll the upon the evades:tor 183111031 him 0 tele - 113y stated that ha own lmo was Mrs, gram on which was written: ,iemelit' 1?31113am, " Land that she was "Find i ]i '1,'1 m train, and in real:perarily staying at the Diamond b .'1. 131 t1t1l.iv"r,'•!;.' le,bl'xiia^' nr Nates' confession, 1 had urgo(1 oil Mr. ;longs the necessity of "shadowing„ Dudley's sister-in-law, whose correspond- ence with his wife seemed the only chain (hut hound the Oltenia with tho outer world. Wherever their retreat luigllt be, 1 itss Greenleaf would snroly know of it; gramme of fres;; work. - bn(i until we had in some way wormed It had boon ascertained from Pitts - out this secret, sale Must become for us burg, wroto Mr. Lindell, that Dudley had boon 1t1x object of special solicitude. Bet as it: wee assuredly in Boston, and 1 a b was quite ((;;likely that the young lady's there since April Ist—it was ,now the correspondence would be made known to 15th—being on that dote 10 some one of an o1 "unary detective, it was decided to the hotels. Th0lnas was now required bring in contact with her a person of ]ler • to visit overy hotel in the modern own -•ea; ono who might from ordinary Athens, ex0mino all the registers for business acquaintance push On into the Dudley's han:l writing', and, by enquiries till morning. Crossing next clay from; Toronto into the United (hates, Then= Bridge, '.y t Suspensionld t•)ak rile t1, train La (3 , i'opula, Fending. W'i e have received from The Poole Priori, g Company, Liulited, Tort etc, Out , a copy of "Ills Brother's Keep- er," by Charles M. Sheldon, 1110 well known author of "In His Strops." This is not only a delit;ilti'ui story, told in an interesting manner, blit is full of helpfulness. One of the great- est problems of the day is ably dealt with The seenes'in the mining re - ion are based upon events which 1T.t , . Thomas n . -, re- gion during the great strike street hint to go through to Boston to r•tgt (1. :Moues the 11'Ull mittens In the simmer Thls the detective (lid and tirrived•in Of 18U,5, and watch 'were witnessed Boston about two o'clock- in the after- by the author. Everyone should ' noon of tllo following .clay, At the office read it. The Pocks -Printing Own - of tho Adams' Express Ooixlpatny 118 folio(] a letter Yroni Air. Lindell, with pi1ny, Limited, serol to, have already • full tsx pltimation of rho move, -811(1 a px'0- pnblished seven of Sheldon's books, and every oriels having a very large sale. The -titles of the others are : '•Overcoming the World," "TheCru- cifixion orPh ilip Strong," "Robert Hardy's Seven Days," "Richard Bruce," and '"Phe Twentieth Door." IF'or sale by all dealers. Or, ir your dealer cannot supply them, any one book will be scut, postpaid for 25 cents, or any six for $1,00, by send• ing to Tho Poole Printing Company, Limited, 28 and 30 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario. ' quiry:— "What le the young lady's name, ;plc 15a:'" 3 "Silo 18 it :!Liss Nellie Forsyth" replied .; the customer; "rand even las you. ask the , question Ler-mice drills to vibrate in my tars, it is so like." "I n•.:vc'r 0000 had the name. I wish 1 di:C hale a relative with such a pretty • ;name!" naive,, observed rho shop girl. "Cali—it—be—possible:" 'murmured the lady, in a meditative way; "~yell, well; how strangely these personal re- •serni)lances tib run!" ' Tile nim of the collars had now : eon completed, and the lady seemed on '• t he point of (31110thee, when both together observed that it seas raining. It was therefore with una 7ected feminine alarm that Dunstable's t1 ble's young ',Assistant 01(01083(ed to her cuetOlner:— "011! neo how i to rain 1310:1(1)110 ! your Pretty cloak will be spoiled.' But tho lady. thus addressed had no idea whatever of permitting her dainty ,•culbroitlrred 111anti.0 to be 011111011 by the inky shower. Taloulg In the Si tll:ttiOn Linden instructions t0 return at Once to ..at once, she simply demanded if tunhrel- D,;troit, and take up filo chase after the las were among 1110 articles sold by forger along the Grand Trunk Railway 1Siesrrs. I/uf til:' le? • of Canada, visiting on his routo such Several of these tinct nl but inconstant places as Port Huron, • Sarnia, Stratford, .servitors were iinmeifiately placed upon Brampton, Guelph, Toronto, Port Hope, the crntl:ter, 00(1 after deo inspection Cobourg, Kingston, Ottawa, Prescott the lady approved and purchased to cheap i and Montreal. His i l(itxiries (;flex Dud - ;,one observin that she had an excellent umbrella at thorough hind, and to extend themselves 1a +, her hotel, and this one Hilts( suffice for down to conductors, hotel -porters and milled in at Dunstable's to prospect the eau+rgonoy of 1110 moment. Once news agent.;, at all the points named. in some black silks. \Mien she entered 11000 8110 now turner; her attention to The detective Was to push on quickly; the store Miss Greenleaf was quite busy, tiro "ttrticlo of stockings," and re -make a'daily report by telegraph, slid but she soon 311ad0 tin opportunity to autmkccl, while selecting afnrther supply, Innk out for despatches at every point come over to her new 0nstomee; • apol0- thcat Pittsburg(330(1was a hasty place, -where -flamed, besides milling for letters at the giziug, as she - came, for having kept her `•coop required !Here clean changes than pest olfipo hi `Toronto. so long waiting. .anywhere she had over beet. In compliance with his instructions "Couto into the store any time you are "Yes,' indeed, it is," responded the ' 1 assin ," sho said. "X ate sore I shall Mr 'Thom:la took ho first train for Do- b •• g ltld to sec you." intimacy of friendship, and ultimately from porters told. otheu3, "endeavor to into such close confidence as alight enable her to obtain the covotocl address. For this delicate mission I had de- signed Mrs. Pelham, a New York lady of high cn1111re and respectability, who Wel before rendered signal, sorviee to jus tics in operations on whioh I ];ltd employed her, CHAPTER XXVI. While thus groping for light in the as "woman's 1%111." murky atmosphere of Pittsburg, the Ill loss than ten days from her arrival Agency lead by no means been idle ill fu Pittsburg Mrs. Pelham had been in - other „formed, outside her own observation, other di.cctious. The very evening when he had 120031ved Wales' confession, Air. that Miss' Lizzie Greenleaf was really -a Bangs dispatched Officer Thomas to modest and circumspect little lady; that Monroe, Michigan, where Dudley told sho saw scarcely ally society, matte no Wales he was going to settle down.• visits herself, and had no other visitors At Monroe the detective's first step , than those of her uncle; that the friends was to make a quiet search in tho two of the latter -Were among the most refined or three modest hotels which the place , people in Pittsburg; and that there were contained. Not tllo smallest clue to the 110 boarder§§ in his house, and no chance whereabouts of Dudley and wife was for a lady to obtain board thereat. She found at 'either of then;; and me ono had also learned that Lizzie attended a about the depot, lively stables, express Methodist church near her residence; offices, or resorts of travellers, had that she had perso111t117 mailed 110 letters noticed the a:r10a1 of any such party. within those ten days; land that she was Pa a hwn of its limited extent, where 0er7 fond of reading, and favored certain ever • intelligent citizen secured td know books and periodicals—this last being a everybody else, this might have been street car observation, .•fr considered sufficient. But Thomas also •n nirlll spent to col(l)ie of toilsome days x q g along the streets, and almost from house to house., for the married couple recently arrived, 1011050 baggage included a White- wood hat -box, and a brass canary cage. Nor did 11e oven neglect the older quarters of the town, where tho high -peaked gables and iron shutters of the dwellings gave token of their French construction. Nobody had seen the Dudleys though— nobody 'had heard of them—anti nob 00011 a single canary cage, hanging by a window, relieved the barren monotony of the search. At Monroe, the disappointed officer received the order from his snperintend- ant to lose. not a moment's time, but continue the pursuit in Detroit and Kalamazoo, both in the same state. To the former beautiful city Themes at once repaired, and for three whole days made diligent search and enquiry at its S aeleu5 hotels, depots,. ferries and express offices. But theca wen no sigh what- ever- of Dudley. and his wife; tend not a glimpse was vouchsafed to the detective, nor a tradition reached him, of their yel- low metallic cage. No better fortune at- tl11cle1 flim at Kalamazoo, from which point he telegraphed to Mr. Linden, that unless a fres;; trail wtas struck, the eiarc11 must bo parried on under terrible disa(ivantages. Nothing was left hien but implicit obedience schen he received from Me tram, the forger au(1 his wife by their pe- culiar baggage, C1LA1 '3s' o XX\VII, As night readily be supposed, the course of Mr,, 'Pellet 'o intimacy with Liz:d10 Greenleaf Was quite; at the mercy of circumstances, and mainly, indeed, of that Sety' o11fU:lgettble commodity known g, in regard to her choice, 'lay rand wife were to be of the most Children Cry for ) weak 4 lungs* The man who preaches revolution is the worst kind of a crank. Try hot flannel over the seat of neuralgic pain,'a nd renew frequently. Ostrich -taming is a very profitable industry in Africa ; here it i•I cum- puted there are over 15,000 tame birds. • The use of coal f)r house heating is not nearly so general in Europe as in this country. Always eheer up the sten that go But Dolttucy was now iustruoted to go I in for improvements. Your portion a step further. The faithfai little clerk of tate cost wilt be only what is just, was so punctual and attentive to her t;iinnss that he might safely spend else- Be Courteous to strangers that le , r in , her mon c o4 n hours btsvg, where t130 1 ouacme among you, so that • they will arrival tine the time for her. noonday go awaywith tt good impression. meal. Among !many other chitica 11Ir. p' Banlx, p esaribecl for ;film (luring these intervals, Was to examine the delivery books at the express offices. Scarcely had he begun his task, when he discovered that 011 the third of, April, Miss Green- leaf had r. 11004 through the Adams' Express a Boston ;parcel, on w1i0h she had to pay the t11n:,pazt:ton charge. Tllc-1 date and way bill nanlaar of this parcel. were at once t:.legr ;plied to rho Agency, and Mr. Bangs telegraphed to Boston to see if the Express Company 00111d. learn the 118111.2 of the sender. The reply was unsatisfactory; the only thing that rv1s learned being, that the parcel WAS handed in at tho Boston office by some unkr1ow11 aud forgotten person. Meanwhile the diplomacy of Mr;. Pel- ham was tending to m0r0 positive re- sults. After the interview with Miss 'Greenleaf, in whioll she oht:linea her card, she did not consider it politic to call very soon. A 00tipie of (lays were now usefully spent in examining vacant stores, so a:1 to bo furnished with mater- ial for flltne0 conference. The project of starting a place of business - WAS not al- together a fetitious oue; even its contin- �ue lee for some months was within the range Of 011r calculations. It Wart simply, one of several sus11 plans which Mr. Bangs had outlined to 13e chosen •from and acted, 0n, as :events might render necessary. Should our researches in all other directions continuo to prove abor- tive, tho sister-in-law of the forger would at last become our sheet 1111c11or. Tho second afternoon from the inter- view already detailo'i, Airs. • Pelham shop girl; and then she added, wit tl,ellarseing candor: 'I knew you wore a stranger here, madame, you are so very- -white!" ery - white!" The lady smiled in affirmation, and . aaaht referred to the 3Vonderf(3 likeness of the speaker to her' young Chicago friend Nellie Forsyth. "It 800)11s to see as if 1 bad known .you ever so long," sho said, warmly; "1 •Canner even yet rettlizo that you are a stranger." "1)0 you small to stay long in Pitts- burg?" timidly ventured the agcistant. ;'That depends on eirCntllStlt11C0s. I "'afro been told that your smoky old city Isom eeeellent place for business, and if I :rn find a good location for aline, I env stay hero altogether." 04'ta11117 good,"renlaricod t]10 girl; s of . businese i butt he left tit Wino o'clool., and stopping at feel quite right." (Ittrl) h on the lvay, succeeded by (110 g ' •others again don't seen; to thrive par- Miss; t reined( :attglhed, ti Mll•arly muo'3 " f i reaching Brampton a d < b t twenty ;miles troit but fonutt no opportunity of pro- o s t g cooling fulthcr until seven o'elocl: of But two more days wore permitted to the following' morning. Ho bleu tools . elapse bcforo hirs. Pelham again called. the cars for Dort Huron and after a dill_ It wilts now Saturday afternoon, and in gent inquisition in that place crossed the tlloso-very quiet hole's which, from limo rivd�r Si:. Chair to Sarnia where for rho immemorial, the ladies have consecrated first time our operations extended oat - I shopping; that is, not at the mere side the boundaries of the country. I f ollests of so many vulgar necessities, but Nothing whatever calve of the deter- for the agonizing ple,.suro of ;icing tivo's efforts at the two places named, tempted reby costly seemed and it was half -past 'ten o'clock at night Miss Greenleaf seoixretl lunch pleased when he arrived quite weary, at the de - ".I. her visit, and.exclatfllrodquito gaily:— when 13i— "I was just thinking of you Airs. pot of Stratford, a pretty Canadian to}cit, Pelham, and as you didn't ;all these whioll is named after wlxakespeare's two days, I was wondering if you Hadn't birth -place, and like it, 3s situated on got tired of smoky Pittsburg.', a gentle river Avon. , "Ohl no—not quite—,—but it really is I)1 the morning early Thomas was n dirty place; I declare to you I am hent a -foot, but his researches in Stratford, quite busy wa811113 my ]lands and ehaitg- ilaviu;; no bettor result than elsewhe>e, Ing collars and cuffs, and yet 1 seem t0 o early to 1Or11ooI1 u + "I have a sister," site observed, Who cozy little village ab ou we "tee said the stranger, pleasantly, west of Toronto.. complains of it just.lilac you; and I was rite idea was to open in tho fancy goods In his usual call at the telegraphoffice often indignant at it until 1 wont to 'still furnishing line, but, of course, not },ere, Aii'. Thomas received no despatcllrs, New York to 800 everything (;bora her;so;caul;ileedI Mend that I lido . on such as scale as this concern—slather hitt hater' in the clay h0 bad the happy wonder any •1hYorr." 3naa shall, Mee store, or even in petiole. thought to send bnelt to Stratford rho in- "Lion 111avo tr110.+lled a little, then?" ;solid; d0 you consider the best neighbor- stutggested Airs. I'elhan, inquiriug;ly. 130®d for such a business?" morn Whether any had arrived since 'r I should judge that yogi might do morning., Such proved to be the case and "Very little, indeed," was the seine - e ' well," answered the girl, either on he bad rho telegram repeat'Ld on to What eo etful 1nswor; "it was quite an • V y +telegraph an your aeric;(;. telegraph lirainlstml where it WAS delivered t0 11]1e uncommon treat to me to get that'week arket street or 1+'fall avenue.g e 7lerks; 011 ati 1)3110305- last winter which I spent with my sls- ' wctul(1 filed it difficult to get goodd one, at least, you would require, r.t}a w Albany,, New 'o11k, atollc0 and toe at her boarding lionise in New Toric. ' -w1 was well acquainted WithWiththe locals te„R I I;`7I)Iy,7,,► That city is so oh! by the way, did you. ' ity, to regulate year stook and purchases."jsee the oleo little store 'which ie just fin. 1 4'4,nd, by tho way," she added, after a As soon as he could gat another train, isiiin6c on Penn street?" rho detective, started for Torento which a u 3 I Sixty Ninth There are many people who catch cold easily—whose lungs 7 seem to need special care and strengthening. Such should take I /� nW.1T C1 ,1ra STMT. f u�V+a k..++G . +l'u,r. ss,1.. r It so heals and invigorates the 3 Lungs end Bronchial'fubes as to render them capable of resisting colds. " I ryas troubledfor years with 01 weak lungs," says E. J. Furling, % Lower Woodstock, N. B., "and D could not get any relief, but on trying Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, it acted splendidly, heal- . tog and strengthening my lungs. Price 25and oc. at all de lers. 5 g OA IP- I'- u7 WOVIV iii tit c lid. 2. V.fOOLYS X89, COUNTRV GEN rLEMfU The Only Agrin;ilins l• a E u ,aper INDISPENBAPILE TO All COUN'.PP Y IEt•li; sgll FINES writ) \fI91I TO Keep Up With. the Times. Single Subscription, $2 ; Two Sul,scriptions, 53.50; Four Subscriptions, e6. Special. Inducements to Raisers o1 Larger Clhbs. , Write for Particulars on this Point. Free till Jan. 1 to New Subscribers for '09 HARD TO STOOP. Backache and Kidney trouble make a Halifax lady's life miserable, DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURB)) H'BR5, It would be well if every lady in Canada understood that pain in the back and backache were nothing 111031011011 less than; a cry of the disordered kidneys for helr.;. Hundreds of ladies have found Deana • Kidney Pills a bid ;,1 h '' •,sine giving them therelief • from all their suffering and sickness, Among those who prize them highly` IM 11ir,. Stephen : (elle,•, rl Cornwallis :it., Halifax, N.S. She says that she wa• troubled with a weakness and pain across; the small ofher betel., which was so intense at times that she could hardly stoop. Hearing of Doan's Kidney ;'ills she got, a box, and is thankful to say that they' completely removed the pains from her back and gave tone and vigor to her entire system, Airs. Stanley also adde4 that her husband had suffered hems kidney derangement, but one box of Doan,.L Kidney Pilin completely cured him.• No one afflicted w th ilaelcache, Lane Back. Rheumatism, (right's Disease, Diabetes, D.•1p1)', (*ravel, or any Marcy or urinary' trouble aced 'espair. Dean's Kidney Pil1s cure every tr:un : -cure 'when every other remedy falls. Price goo. n box, or ;, for 41 25, at all druedlsts. The DoanKidnt.), Pill Co... Toronto, Ont. ° !i 4F ' '`Ca�('i4 /'1''ai31h ' '"Q''r i't... ''fiiv''i1'%'b'�'4N•W: M ✓ .'" + IS A S v�.uama It will bo seen that the difference .between the cost of the Con 41111, 01/106104 4 and that of other agneititurul weik11t a (Rune of which •'1150)1 attempts to cover• the agricultural l=ea's of the day) uiay readil,) be reduced, by making up a small Club, to toss Than a Cent a Week 1 Does such a di6o'ence as that justify you in con: tending yon self with some ocher raper instead of having the best? SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES which will be nrdled b'ree, and comware theta with any other rural weekly; 13 will not take long to see the Mom= tddreas LUTHER TUCKER & SON, • ALBANY, N. Y. res. ease ■ Nothing like B.B.B. for healing sores and ulcers, -no matter how large or how chronic they may be. B. B. T3. applied externally and takett internally according to direc tions will soots effect a cure. It sends rich, pure blood to the part, so that healthy flesh soon takes the place of the decaying tissue. "I had been troubled with sore fingers and sore toes around the nails. The salve I was using did not help me and I was getting worse. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after using nearly two betties my sores wore all healed up. I Bur'dook consider B.B.B. a wonderful blood .tier:" EN<3CIi Blood pal r G. I.foiisT,131co(i1- Bit aer°�air ingdale, Ont. A IV 0.70 - Ttr. yea 110-0E-3 THE RIO HT THING AT TE DIFT u71 ,g"��s •F5q- > ��jytal � 13 E tl The (ilii ' e to do the rlhi?i. right tlli:l�; is NOW, gln'l ad•I v(::'tisiilg space in :rrn,•Mns1 n ri r I l %51of 'tet • r 5 s 1 �.r •j ) \wild ia'it :..) i�::f.'t? yOlir business; 1T?o\'ir.1, ,1 t it ill:: good crops money will Ctl. ,.'lift: freely this Fall an(anci 11.10 no ad\'ertiser to ..;egin 110\V and w.i.r.:C. the attention oif pros - E) -a', i.:; :, to his store and i v i 1rb +1>r ,/,1.4. ONE GIVES REUE>;1. e d a Dailar for cin until you have tried You can buy they; in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This port is put up cheaply to rrstlty the nldyereel Present demand ter a low peel" If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabuhs At the Druggist's Send rive Cents to Tisz RIPANS COTMICA: COMPANY', e. le :Spruce St., New York, aud they will be seat to you by mail; 1! 12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. Thr chances are ten Ai pee that Ripans Tabules aro the very medi. ire you needs.