The Wingham Times, 1898-11-11, Page 66 HE 1'Y I.,t.r UH,C71 `I TIMES, NOVEMBER Y EMBER 11y 1 8.
♦,Yk wy 1 P'�"
air( °i��, nn
I?'ittl).' Y, : MI:MEER 11, mite.
F13.414 0;47 eters Terre;poudeut,
Ottawa. Nov. lith.—ilii excellent
example of uns'et'npu10us sensation-
alism is to he feud in the Toronto
Mail -Empire aid the Ottawa lUitizeu
()t the 31st nit., in an article reluteh
leg the Old chestnut that "Sift.n
=Wit go." In a half column or tit) of
veriest twaddle, it is once more an-
nounced to the long suffering; pttltlle
,that tits; tithe., members of the
Dominion Cabinet realize that, to
save tht'11 eevt's, they Inuit get rid of
the Miniatt!r of the Interior, that he
has been offered. the Lieutenant Uov-
er•norahip of dlilanitr,h<t and that it re-
mains to he seen whether he will an-
ccpt or not.
- oteavaII MEND.\('IT` .
The paragraph is cleverly written
5u that is appears to state a great
deal and it practically says nothing.
And no better evidence of this is
needed tllau the little paragraph in
an obscure corner of the next day's
Citizen :utnaurtcing that 1tfr. Siftou
- will not go and that the Citizen's
i'oreelast of his intentions had been
confirmed by the Premier The
only "forecast" in the previous day's
article was that the Minister would
probably stay. The Mail-Empi"e
and Citizen might now proceed to
forecast the coming of Christmas
-and some waren weather next July
and Angast with occasional frost in
the interim; they can secure quite a
reputation fcr prophecy if it is only
worked up carefully upon safe lines
as herein suggested.
It iti not like'y that a haul dozen
readers of either paper set any stock
in the= yarn, but for the benefit of
even that half dozen it may be re-
marked .incidentally that there is no
desire on the part of the Icon. J. C.
Patterson to retire before his term
expires, e.r1y in the next century,
and therefore there is i:o immediate
prospect in the Lieutenant eico ernor-
ship of Manitoba, and therefore, the
lliinister of the Interior has not re-
fused it for the excellent reason it
Inas not been offered to Mtn, and
therefore the Mail -Empire and Uit.iz
en made the story out of the whole
cloth, and they know it,
Newspaper men are generally
credited with being observant and
well posted, their profession and
daily experience enabling them to
.fern opinions and arrive at c"ne1n
Melia, that are seldt.rr, very far
:astray. Such being tl.e caSC, it i-
interesting to note the opinion el Mr.
Lester M. Howarth of the "Yukon
Midnight Sun," who is at present
down East. Ile declares that `min
big men and the representatives of
the transportation companies say
the Yukon will be a better country
twe..ty years from now than it is to
day and that many of the best post.
ed men and those representing vast
amounts of invested capital agree
that the country has •a long life."
The great thing at present required
is easier and cheaper transportation
whieh will make ingress and egress
simpler and place the mining
camps beyond all danger of starva-
tion or privaolen "With railways,"
adds Mr. Alas c+u th, "good roads for
hauling ris<aeh;>veey, aed labor at e8
a day, tte Ynf n a*rya:d show mar
It is I.5er C'3 te.Esteit+S= that
al<".iltti a. t!".e t!.1"- �o" iari 13av %ccn
�r Y
• ,
a�.8.444+err-8... --aa •,_- ,•-tet
i i, `� j
„ iii.. N
'`\ MATH. y
!credited with some of the worst will long be r'etnernbered as among
stories t of 't(latlillio r alive wrono• doirg the ilritrflteat stud
f Mr. Howarth iudigntrntly r, denies erasion.
i tint„ there is any truth in the "vel -
low" yarns that have been so indite-
, CUSa1tOSS.
triously eireultatcni by the patriotic,; On Thursday Oct. 27tb Mr, John.
I purist Opposition press, but on the H. Snyder, an old man who resides
;contrary declares that his special rn'I with Mr. Robert Wraith, ot Culross,
most thorough investigation as adied of heart disease. IIe had been
:journalist, into each and every story, in poor health for some time but it
i that has Bowe to his notice has prov-, was not expected that his end was
ed then) all to1)e without foundation. so near. During the night ho was
mem TI1E DANKEles STANDPOINT. heard to groan, but when sonieone
The annual meeting of tile t'a'n-' went to his bedside ho was found
atlitln Bankers' As,nelation, recently ;dead -
best since 0oufe,i-
held eld in 'Toronto, has )leen, as it The shooting match bald by Mr.
I al whys is, au oceabiaa of great inter- Ii. McLvers, f,Ialross, on Monday of
e+t and importance to the Dominion,
for no buainesa or profession la so
closely in sywpathy, with the pre-
' of trade and com-
merce, and nowhere can so sensitive
a barometer be found to indicate the
state of the 1 ountr'y, The proceed-
ings throughout, from the address of
the President, and the discussions
at the baisinees ]meetings, to the
speeches at the banquet, were of the
highest value, though it is' true Op-
pL,sitien papers would seek to qualify
their sigt:itieance by a quernlous cri-
• ticism that there was a little too
much of a p'llitieal flavor thereon.
, Of course, it to point out, as did Pre- On Wednesday Oct. 2Gth an inter
'sidetlt Wilkie, that his year of office esting event took place at the resicl-
has been )narked by an increase of encs of Mr. John McKenzie, con. 4,
trade and ulanutaetures, by an im- Cuirass, when in the presence of a
proem/lent in the price of farmers' large 'assenlblage of friends ax3d
produce, by a develupnient of the neighbors his daughter )Miss Bessie,
gold urea in the Yukon, and the became the wife of Mr.Wiu.Fry fogle,
lnittinr districts in British Columbia of Tarnberry. The ceremony was per
and Ontario, end by the. addition of formed by the Rev. Jas. Malcolm;
xnany millions to the national of Teeswater, and after its cunclus-
wealth, if to mentiou this is showing ion and congratulations had been
Iundue political bias, then not only extended to the happy couple; .the
he but mama, others who took part, company sat down: to a suuiptuous
will have to admit the impeachment. wedding feast. The remainder of
the evening was spent in congenial
amusements. The bride received a
large number of handsome and ap-
propriate presents, and Mr. and Mr.,.
Eryfogle enter . their )harried life
with the best wishes of their many
last week was well attended by
marksmen and consequently, the
match was very successful. One
thing that helped to Blake it so was
the prevailing feeling that under •the
management of Mr. ,h1 livers the
affair would be conducted squarely,
and this impression proved correct,
The 14fessrs, Elliott, - of Wingham
brickyard, were present and won
many of the fowl shot for with the
shot gun. With the rifle, Mr. W.
Smith of Culross calve out ahead.
Messrs. John Farquharson, F. Silliek
and Jos. McRaguo also did very
Unlike the aforesaid Oppositionists
these are bard -headed business leen,
who care nuthing for the political as-
pect, 10 whom iG never occurs that
there is a political aspect; for in
these matters their business is car-
ried on along recognized economical
and commercial lines, and they go
at once to first principles for tile in-
terpretation of existing conditions,
and for the guidal.ce et' their opera-
tions. - It is therefore the more satis-
factory and valuable to find the en-
tire proecedinn's carried throngh
without a minor note, everything is' Dyes Are Used.
prosperous, everywere is confidence, ` Thousands of city and country womenthe future is as bright as the past has anll girls will dye during the month of
been dark; and tb..t blue ruin and November.. Old drosses, castumes,,capes.
natinnal disaster h ))it'll were se sten- jackets, wrapes, shawls, and clothing for
fidently predicted betoce .be general ruin and boys will bo brought from
elections, if that should happen attithe dy athrid hoses, and prepared.
• fora bath.whicl'1 has slice occurred, is evident- i It is sate to assert that every wife.
ly farther off to -day than it has been ' mother and daughter who hos heard of
in a generation. ; the wonder-working Diamond Dyes will
use them in preference to any other make
Success, Profit and Plea-
sure When Diamond
ML TkiODI $T---Itev. Dr. Pascoe, pas
or- Services at 11 n ni and i p to.
PRIaSBY`.1'I RIAN---Rev. U. Jamie
paling. Services at 11. rt n) and 7 p
EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's-. Rev. Will.
Lowe, rector. Servines at 11 u In and 7
BAPTIST -Rev. Jan. Hamilton, pas- i
tor. Serviees at. 11 a m nn(1 i p w
Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a 111 tint)
t 1t711.13,ii 'PIAN WORK I:ltA --- Mi ,Eee
t,i+ Rt( '�1� k iyl' 61 ie'':,d 477.44
la 4 * v�``c' r. , {(,
Pet t ,A" l i i�
T-1) i't'',✓sLlRllF;it ,,
EVE11,1 k'ltll).A7' eIto NING1.
---Air Tali --
T Ibi s OFFICE, iG c?Hii4rw $11143"
Subst riptioaa?trice, 4z )lar yenr,fsa advance
Ontrum and 1 s kin et.. Mend, Services AL\'1i4i7fati t:
at 3 p ni and 8 p tn. •';Atc 1 l V. 1 tan. S no, 11 mo
Rq`, r l,, g .' 1„{ 9 tt 1 SALVr>`.CIONAR1M, '•- Adjutattti�iilc�s nor t'uluunl un , i+r un, ono os
by i. 10,1 l i44uE, Duivs1�iLLE, Oti1,., 111, I) tl1 „ad if j) 111,
Ras an iuterestIn Chat About Pr.
thas,.'s 441n1rnrut.
He says ;-I was troubled with itch-
ing piles for five years, and was badly
ulcerated. They were very painful, so
much so tulat I could not sleep. I tried
alninst every remedy heard of, and was
recolmnended to use Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment. I purchased a box, and f?oni the
first application got such relict that I
was satisfied a cure would be made. I
used in all two boxes, and am now
completely cured. •
Every remedy given by Dr, Chase
east years of study and research, and
with an eye* tringle to its adaptation for
the ailments for which it was intender).
Dr. Cease detested curt;. -alis, and it
has been proven ton thousand times
that not one of his formulas leave a
bad after-effect, Dr. Chase's Ointment
is based on lanoline, and the 'jest phy-
sicians prescribe it..
and wife in eouenaud. Sert'It!e&' la, 11 a. holt air u'• a •n 1.2 00
toti'ter ” I 80 en i L.` r0 7 On
1 r
Lave 5 tin e N 00 • :; oa j 1 Ogr
L!•. l :N.r1 the)• 1 a•ilf4 nut c r ll•,•snr•,t r)r >u
u.tuu'( :it per Ir:,• ts, 1 r link
for tit t„ usurt a 1 ;•:u1 sii'/acquont
in erti u. tin sired by mr,p4r:.41sr.tle.
n'Yt•el notit:es 3I -, tux lu,e for dr.t Insortio0 ante.
per lire torctrh snhse•u/,nt dr..t rte , ,
A•i (4,11.811ee78of1nye,f'ernli,dlrt td ;'tuetione
and rh :etre:+
Molar el t1'0(111,1, Hot r Mrend;n5 t3 )las
none tree, ;EL !"r lint month, and 60e. for each
'ub,dpient month,
)lenge, and harms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line.
ti ler that mouth, Ino. per swrtequont month
tai ert•a• ,tan'- ' i. 11,1.111j
Thole. tt to:bw41be, serttiy eli•tredto
:11)::...131 rat.. ter late ., :(14:4•114n:onte, or or
longer periods.
Adrurthenn tial and it"r,I r ehees without spooIOo
dirratlm's, will I e iienirtc.1 ul❑ fori:id and charged:
acoerdinvly. Transitory tulve.rfiromeats must be
paid 411 a•liane4
• clirmgea for contract advrertiemt:ont4 must be in
the cMee by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
Mat waek
Mr. M -'t'.' 'igle osi ill.;':1 1r,, Essex Co.
t ured of Itching 1'11ot of 23 Years'
Physicians Ihill to llolte 1t Cure When I)r.
t base's thin .mon 1. Gave I mined: -
we lieller-
M. T. Wigle, better known to every
one in the vicinity as " Uncle Mike,"
was troubled for over 28 years with
itching. piles. At times he was so bad
he would have to quit work, The irri-
tation became so intense with constant
rubbine that they became ulcerated and
would bleed. He had been treated by
manly physicians, but found nothing
that gave him relief. Beading in the
paper the cure of a friend who had suf-
fered in a like mariner, and being cured
by Dr. Chase's Ointment, lie procured
a box. After the third application he
got such relief that he had the first
comfortable night's sleep he enjoyel in
years. The one box made a •conlplMc
cure, and he says he wou1tt not be .With-
out it for $50 a box if it could not be re-
placed. Mr. 'FWi ;•le is a wealthy farmer,
well known in tl' e community in which
he resides. It is over two years since
he was a•rltctcd, and 11e has never beers
troubled Since.
Secretary Spence, of the 1) >minion
Alliance. has received the picbicsite
returns from the Saaletehe;van elect-
oral district. They were 611 for prohi
bition, :327 against; tntlj,u'ity for, 281.
Mr, Spence say; that th:. hakes the
national reajtit jty
A Frigiatfn1 Blunder
Will often cause a horri hie Burn. Scald, or Bruise, Booklrsa's Atneri a Salve,
the best iu tee world, will kill the pniu
and promptly heat it. Curr, Ola Saran,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bulls, E clone, Cor se,
all Skin Eruptions. first Pile cure on
RE\rOIR, iof dyes. 1 earth. Only :33'cts. ra box. Pure guar -
Thr. social event, or rather series i I1 is necessary to dilate upon the many anteed. ' Sold by all rlrugeists.
f .vents, of this \leek etas been the grand it that users of Diamond
t • ' . , ran rbsu 6
farewells to the Governor General Does o The. A few
wdlords wi._ Dyes willemalte
aria the Countess of Aberdeen. the old things look as fresh and as good
While under any circumstances, the as new, and will give enlore that sun or
defence due to their high office, and washing cannot fade. Tho unfortunate
the requirements of social custom women who are induced by some dealers
' to buy i,nitation and adulter..ted dyes
would demised recognition of the will certainly suffer loss of money, time
fact that the Vice Regal represent- and materials.
atives were about to leave the coun- ! There is profit in home dyeing
try, the functions of the past week when the Diamond Dyes ares used.
that you get the Diamond from
throughout, partaken of a per- dealer ; refuse all imitations:
conal character to a most noteworthy' -
degree. Every organization that I farmer Got $450 Damages.
has bad direet contact with their
Excellencies and have felt the indiv- St, Catltferines, Nov. 1.—In the
'dual advantage from that assoeia- case of Bogardus vs, Stone and Well -
tion, and what organization in this ington, nurserymen, in the high
city and indeed throughout the Do- icourt of justice, judgment was given
minion has not, appeared to feel an .I0 favor ot the plaintiff for $450
individual desire for a personal fare- 1 Bogardus bought fruit trees from the
well, and as a result the past week IIdefendants, which turned out cull
has been taken up, literally hour by ' fruit, and of different varitles than
hour. with valedictory receptions I contracted for.
and leaves -taking.
Where every functien has been sol
hearty, and the expression of feeling
thereat so spontaneous, it is perh tps
invidious to particularize; still refer-
ence may be allowed to the incident
at St. ,Andre ' hu 1 " S
Sciatic Rheumatism A Double Gem -
pound in the Realm of Pain Tor-
ture, but South American Eben-
matie Cure Drives it Out and
Never Misses.
A few weeks ago while On 1 business
The body washed ashore at Port
MaitlaLd last )\-eek has been ideutifi-
ed as that ot Capt. Alex. Gillies of
steamer Idaho, which was haat about
a year ago, with uinteen of her erew.
Do You Know
Consumption 's preventable ? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect is
BUtt l()'tl.
The worst Cold or cough can
be curet) with Seiloh's Cough and Con-'
sutnptiurl Cure, Sold on positive guat-
antee for over fifty years.
—r -
.....a �3 9rl ... .
Only Seventy-five Cents
1 January 1st, 1000.
w s c. re 1 on tin- roan M61k"ft��%r``
In enc1) of tho alnico named ('hurcbes
Sabbath School is held at O.30 p m.
e lie. After' Wood's T�1osphoaine,
The Great .; ngZiih Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada, Only roll-
able medicine discovered Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms ot Sexual Weakness. • all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, 'Excessive use of'a,o-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of prico. ono paokago $1, six. 58. One will _Reese,
Os wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell.
Capital, ,1,25a,000. hest, $775,000
L'reeident—,lotHN STUART.
Vico-President-1A. (3. RAaatt.
Dixtme Oats
JOHN PaoOrOR, GAO. lioeolt, \Sit Oreec; 11 P, A. T.
WOOD, A. i3, Las (Toronto)..
Oasistor-J. TURNBULL:
Savings .Bax k-Ifnurr,10 to 3; `Saturdays, 10 t.,
Deposita of til and upwards received and interest
5iaooin,i l:eposits also received at current
rates of it .rent.
lJrarre on Great Britain laid the United Stater
bought and bold
E. L. UIOEEINSON, Solicitor.
Money no Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on 'Mortgages at b pm coat wit lt
prirlle,re of ptyin, at the end of any year. Not.
and accounts collected. -
Beaver Block Winv-ltam, UM:
Toronto and East
Paimerston mixed
London and South
• Xincardine
DEPART A11utvg
3 110 p nl 10 29 p ul
855am 805pn1
11 53a m 11 10 a in
8BCpm 8OOpm
11 10 a m G 44114 m
3 30p nt 3 80pm
1029pm 83Oam
We pay streieht weekly salaries of from 410 to 825
acenrdnt•� to abllitv1 for canvnss_rs on "'Life and
\vark of lir. 0itu1stunr," Thu demand for this
wonderful volume is I.eepins 4411 1.1441, wni9:im+
011lIy and late hhe only nnadian and nr'tish
work published. 1'±nant'6cd by the neva) 1'',antly
• and leading pubito men. A big, cheap b,nk
Having purchase( the entire business
from Iter. Daniel Showers, I am new
prepared to supply the public with
Tri ENC.W ia11WAY
trip to ;`Torch. Bay I was seized with a se- .
daymorning, when the members of vereAttack ofsciatic rhoumatigm. Bear-
Now is the I,ilue to subscribe for
the Government house party, who. ink of the wonderful cures affected by the beat Weekly Paper published in
Ontario. •
'Write rot our low clubbing otiers.
have worshipped there during the
past five years, said good -by to their
fellow worshippers, atnid evidences
on both sides that the parting was
the occasion of deep *regret. The
Kassel House banquet, tendered by
the citizens of the e;apital on Tuesday
South American Rheumatic Cure 1 pro-
cured a bottle, and inside of three days
all the pain had left me, and when I had
taken one bottle 1 was completely cured.
t think it the greatest of ren•ediee, and
shall be pleased to communicate with
any person wishing more particulars of
my case." EDW. P1•IILPOPT, Canto
ington, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton,
night, and the general public fare- -
well reception in the Senate Cham- The London Street Railway system
ber on Wednesday night offered oe was completely tied up for several
cations when similar proof was In, days during this week. There ie a
evidence that there was Nothing difference between the employees and
superficial or perfunctory in the pro, the railway company.
wAstno-+snvettsr, TRUSTWORTHY PEP, -
their own and nesrb) countlen. It lr ntahtly Attlee
work dendnoted at hen a. Salary straight $900 a
veer anti exsahsen-defle138,'monad°, no more, on
la -w e.lo,-w. At 11 a7S lttlfrtenece, li/1CI
eedings. Lord Aberdeen -and 'his
eatirntb1e consort twill 'Ieaate 'the'
shores of Canada with tho warnieat
good wishes of every class in the
nelf-addroaaod ,tramped ortvelOpo, 110rbo1115.,
i5Cnlnitlnity, and their term "of t1l%3'�'e •1'tost bopK• 3tr. Chicago,
sone itt thin state to tnnnapa our buslttes„ to
Cook's Octton 11 cot Compound.
Is nuec(!ssful ly used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe. effectual. Ladies ask
S+plur druggist for Cook's Cotton • Root Con),
pound. ate no of ter its all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations are dangerous. I"'1ee, Ilo, 1, 8i per
box, I'(o. 0,10 degrees stronger, fib per box. Pio.
1.0r 2, mailed on receipt of ).rice and two 8 -cont
Stamps The Cook Comp/my Windsor, Ont,
l dos, 1 and I sold ana recouun0nded by all
responsible Druggists 1.1t U1xuads.
No,1 and No. 2 lar Wu by Colin A. Crenpbellr
M I.•• HAi'A Co, D10 T1Vlr'
Wood and Iron ',Force and
Lift'tamps, fl;rass and
Iron Cylinders, G(1t1VInIiz-
ed )Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Slinks..
J$rttlts,Pilre ;Fitting, ��'dflll
libigging and 'everything in con- i
neutron with welter su•ppti(e.
Galvanized Steel Wincltnidls for power
and pu,rllping water.
Deep wen pumps n apt ciality.
'Reuniting promptly attended' to..
V,1a'tre8 'writing for information or
ordering by marl should always state
depth of well.
All work gnartieteed or no wile.
v W.ingb,aatn. Oat.
H. 11. E1,l,ioTT, '
PROPIt1114, t AN» PiBWR11/1e+
DK, F. 11. RAt.l1FLEJSuu, PHIYSICIAN, sun -
.E, AND \rr:uGfaihtll(.
Sncceneor to lir, W. (hult-in 1141055 ELS ONT.
1st Chise Horror Oratlttarn of rhes Universtties of
Trinity (Tern to) (ween n iltill.ttta.11). and of Trin-
ity Jledital t;ollrue; Follow el Trinity Medical
College 11141 111 a bur et th1 Cope:;, 13 Physicians.
and Stuart/int of 0(,turi,,, Post G:nduate course in
Uerrr,it and Uhicnrn 1400 5noe[d attention paid
to uisea,e:, of Gye li,r �o,c and Throat and•
Ui1 eb$e( of 11 r.mrn C•:04ul1, toe n, EIlgIIsll and
Gorman tarUtti,rih treated sumo -binds in alt.
its forms.
VANSTt h1,
ISA1(KISrGl;, bit/LJ('t-(0)t, Aro..
Private and Company tonne -tri la.n at lowest rate.
interest. -ln,'•,lnnliasto11 eller:tee, Iler•gatraa, town.
and farm prnpo,0 bon¢ht. 1+ad 'auk!
OP'1RC1�-Beaver Bh,ok at 14 1,44.0.
J. A, MMm-(TON
B4Ltlal3l'Ill, rr.,, tint.
I3 a111tIS'l1 11.,
SO1.1017e10TO /1.4240 OP h ert,Toll. 110134? =••••
OISk -Jotter Elur•k 10-bad::1n
CA1tIt1'iTElt. 'a11.101TOit, CON\'EYANOEtt,
Office- l'one`r llunrlltou and eat Andrew streets
opposite Uolburue !hotel.
008811100, ONTARIO.
)ENTISTNY.-,1.8 3t.aolltr,, L. n. S.,WINOIIA,..
r'"„ _cci' ) 1 ,nannhtertir tlrst•e1aes seta 00"
set,,gi• wjr4 teeth es ohmic) as they can he wade. •
u tit i in tIe Urnetnien. Tooth extraote4s•
t+'- gbsntutcly without. pain, by Mallow
process, guaranteed Berle ply safe.
r1FF(Cls: 1t, the hoaxer Mork, oppovite thee•
Brun/wink 1100410
1011N 14IT041113
UI:AhS, JR., wtoo.Mm,
rl .
utonasttl) autrri?s3Lrl{k Fele. .r1L COUNT
UP' Mesio d.
Solos attended in any part of the Co. Obarge
9 OHN {;U all 1 L, \yrNotiatt, UST.,
Sales of Farm Stools and Fane Impleineots
spoet et v.
Ali orders 1.'ft at the Timis office promptly'attsfI
eel to. Torr„ reasonable.,
Uc'l Camp Caledonia, «0. 411, meet
. U. --rho asst tort tided • yionday im,
08)11. ry ,tout h, ,i .ht. l,Hd )'ohne$ Ila),. Visitinpt
1neihren welct•1'. J. Iinrruy. Cheat. 1) Stew-
art )ten. -8..e
,len of folre ,,f ehnrnr•, who ren furnish rik ,
for thrtu mouths, Sts nig) t ahoy to right partioq,-
T. 11. I.L:.bC(,1T, Toronto.
f 3
were -'EO Faroors',any or other iuduatriouiw.,
1108003 t.f tato!ttive, to whom 54000 a
41lnn1l1 w'•uld he 111 lndurelnea. 1 could ali�,
t tin.ue u loot ladlo1 ut th it own homes.
- . T. 11 LINSCoTC, Toronto, 41
Thooe handlinv -war wits, N1'nill" aro making•
),encs. A none rhtt.n rf 1414, pit.4lt to ;longs if Soli.
t •ku hold. Holm liuidrid paces two luindr,ed
!Hesitations a• -,l 8410e rhes'. WN giro big 00la-.41
Mission ; pay frerplrt, sell an time, and supply otltIt. •.
1IO AULIW.GAr0I4t:3SON C'JI1PANY, L,surau,
11 yCLU DING !looks, Pamphlets, Posters, 13 1
/ !testis, Clroui'.rs..vt',, &o., oxeented in the boo
style of the art, ut Moderato prices, and on eh` l t
nuttoo Apply Or address
II, II. 1.Lt.toT1, '
T nes Otflce, winghote , ,
W1 ere pl1tlacd re Anno,u/Co that anv BOONS Ori
Mstr. rhosl,fa Willi 04 for ))lolling, 011f have. o»a'
prompt atrLilt lOn. Prions tow 15i 'hff ht rant' 1)(131or
will bogivenon atrpllorttO) athtlTI•i,w,,otatrs