The Wingham Times, 1898-11-04, Page 7♦-..e^ern,: a,:eu,all'-II•M.nma ':'KN1A')a.+,a.u+sere .. .'. TUEiiCKS NOVEMBER 4, 1898.. • r '�" . • ).i.il.:t ^'<c y t',1 It'll t tate ... ,2 i ' 111.111g 11er !lopes. 71%41% o nAgoRaaFORGEti • if..11n •4 a.4i1.'t,a.+.r04N'i"/'"1J ' OIV .. ha•t !,. 'te 1, wined, seleeteprnve i thief ; No 1 ekage of tee tear!, h: ing disoov- find held hialsaf iu re.utine+s to wee— the ci.,., .3,r. I3;(egos latmehe(t on. iee:igngee A .*lave to Chronic Catarrh for xa'at'ei beJteres of Itt•aley, expletive at the head of the suI)1)osert j1:t'tnc(lles Failed ---Specialists L''t1i1' Dr. 4gIiew'e Catarrhal Pow, CH aP'TElt XXIV. te'der (Simplest of all) Cured Him., iter h)tybet good-l)y to Dudley, elver at the cr,:press office, Dudley him- J.D. T. Sample, ple,, President of Si~uiple'e AND TIL: u�� v "'I' `CTT ES Weirs e•tarted out; to return to the Iona. to, f non went there anti boldly inquired .Iflstelrnent Company Washington, ea., tl.:ottumkcr, and then went his way to )Cart to e 1)udl0y. On 1:'uruiug that the coast tvttsc'ntirely tit ono of his snjt:nri 1 .. places, it is it It 1)1': seeds of hlie draft had come on. writes : "For yours Y (sae afiiioted with tile , ,. net':iiess to say Wghieb, he new seems to "Yoe tar," ((answered the c•Ivil express ohronio catarrh. Remedios and trelat- have lust the Infatuated girl whom we :Vont, 'the amount is !lees, but yon inn- recent by specialist$ only gave me tempor- lanu'iey, would undertake to "doctor seas with him later on at forth Arlaul5 t'..r•,t:ud that I etumot deliver it except ary relief Until 1 wan inducted to nee 1.», themup," and get the money on them-- azlcl DOSt')n, Ag her ftetnal icicntlty--tenth ° ` (demi(ieathal. �` Agnew e Catarrhal lower. It has prov- whieh they would then divide equally as es to mime and rc••idenee—••i:s eareinl.y \\'h,,, observed Dudley, I was Mons eel the two good thing 10 my t rtt3o, lo partners in tharihk. ells,<ulsed in this volume. the hope may ttf el herr' ou draft the morning before almost Lhn iaeltiot afier 1 Heti lfuutu the+ i "Wily, I have often burned the darned hese be (.xprene2:1 that C'ctrric Levison slid yeskerday". timet itE.rl,lt(041(011 1 bled rel er, and 0 little itlirl,i in the stave*," observed Wales, not leak" aten`le1 of her hnes•, ex:'opt 1 11eye not forgotten you at nil, 'M1Ir, pars erverunee in its the 10ticoty rid tad tit''0(n i ; ''not stove," i how to loll., tender eo22ditions of the most trying(.1.1,., 1^;:id the at;Nnt, 'and I alit really of tins. ulT(naive (uciledy. .I wUuld be J Y anything out of them."temptation. If plausible manners, lying "Well, you nliglht not know, Mr. premise.., and false preteneee as to his, \Nates," returned Dudley, with an air of mean; and family, Were the snares re - upstart superiority, "but I knew the way (!aired to entrap this victim, the heart - very well. I have cooked and realized on lose libertine I ala describing was fully bogus (units many a time; so that if I capable of ta001 ctl1, Anyhow they pawed -could only handle a few gentlinc ones I (t night Mewl -lure in a• ('fly at some dis- 'cvnuld situeeze the Money out of them Mum feoeu her fatli., a home, nod without any danger whatever. I could thenceforth their illicit correspondence collect on then!, sir. just as you might wast sing*rust 'without apparent rzll'c tsiae, 011 so man bank notes." ,It Was ]hot in the disposition of Dud- fe'0ni6s we now come to Dudley in Phl1- ley .0 be very open-mouthed about leis adelphift, where first we met With him own transgressions, but at this point it as T. II, Cone, teem this point he for- warded cr.wa.c td to his satellite at honest!; the scented necessary to impress Wales with ! •1 his capacity for the work of fraud. The mend letter of advice, the same nt which 1 the envelope left its trace on the tell -talc. blotting -papa. , Dudley's nultlols were again quite suce,essfu]. A lame sum of looney. was ret111Zed, and the swindlers cicoumped as usual; but all . unconscious, of course, , that these latest crimes wadid unleash in their pursuit the hounds of justice). On tho division of the plunder Wales went to Albany, New York, where he Was al- most immediately ;joined by Dudley and hie wife, the forger taking up gnurters its aboar'tling house underth0 mono of W. W (xray and at once hiring an oface in Troy as a neater in railroad iron. On invitation from herprofligatelaver, Carrie Levlslon also nut the party at. Albany; and after itis interval of dis;ipf. tion, in vehieh all had some part, Was taken by !Vales to the dainty little vil- lage of i atekiil, nestling looser the monnitltln5 o1 the same name. Afto:'. (b sojourn of several days the thief left hero 1110310, and again retltrllets to Rcdroek, having agreed to secure more drafts and rejoin Dudley in Albany. He was entirely faithful to the'villnin- nils engageluent. Taking the train, conn after, from Yarmouth, Ito succeeded in abstracting a number of letters; of which those corltuiuing drafts wore delivered by !lint to D 4 Dudley i tete DOhbvLln House in t Ifi ^, ( ria'° 'i •tripor Wales Affinity. I vote lu tl.F1, 5 bu ,. Viet the reads l Wet* ca11011 00 to pay his filet visit to it'uroci:, In company with our detective, Mr, TLonIaS. Next morning Dudley went over to Troy, and, as W. W. Gray, deposited drafts for $1.300 in 1110 office of the Na- tional Express Company. A further draft i heaet, so as arrant to bec:nrus worthy of 1 for twarly $16,00,7 `vas 11180 0 part of talo 0 wife's and mother's caresses. 1 pittlu?cr, but of tits, he dosidetl that rho lilt( hoes was all this t0 be 11o1mn- collection must be atte• taped in New I psi-,tret2 What must ho do to 1)cc rooi:tll;c Yn3k. rJ030 1ae(onlplisilt+d frau.. was very saved? well aware that its- prey nation at any I About seven o'alnelc in the e •senior(, the +211- .z tenni from Ste 'pet eerie tl 1131t.1 Cr - i dins along the depict at Kelvin. Before 1 31011 reeetne ing the s tti•).1, \L -...lea had pro- -+Ctte-t smite ZI'S3 rsi6;:1:•+ itz2ai it 1)t;t7le Of tWe.'e'n in ib 1`Iece like .t1.11)any- ealtiv:y, and With th('se in his valise he I Meanwhile Miss Levison had remained • now (;a- 'd at once into the mail c1br. 1 at Catskill, fbn1t Wales proceeded by the II":)art received hila with the ol,i-timo way of that village to take her along_ •cordiality; and 115 the night wire on, i with ]lila to No„' -reek, where he had +and 11'1(1 parching dust foiled lodgment I arranged to ]:feet Dudley and wife at the in his tincoat, he hesitated not to pea'tek0 1 Metropolitan hotel on Broadway. • !of the 11quee whioii his former comrade To insure thus iniiectson of the large :Planned on hien. • Cataft in New 'i'orl,, the forger was now Net wishing to incur any risks at t.rperding on some mercantile aequiiuit- ;Thite1110, the 1:Wifdil'r'a 111'onee took train a11(0,4 in that city. At the express office, :for .•A.lixuiy in tho sante state. An:sinning however, b0 was informed that the ident•- `-the1F the 1111211(1 of C. H. Rugby, Dudley ificlttinn by tens ptlrs°11 would not bo fongO:I the endorsements o:l three of the sufficient; and so leaving behind thein 'dr(U1ys, and put 111(31 for cnl]e 1tien into their female 00111na1110n8, tho disap- the a Oice of the American L•'xprees Conn- pointed swindlers h'urri.•d back again to ,pati n't Troy. In the latter city, by this tune, Th:, fate of these drafts the render hes the proceeds of the other drafts had been ;learned in a former chapter. They were received at the express office. Procuring !the wane of which the proceeds Were re- an identification from a hotelkeeper, at i whose establishment ho had frequently returned to New York by a ey m—L ons stopped, the rxpr0ss agent and Which I)u:11e•y ntae ly 11 , daring .fewer- received the I failed to milled; through the wise pre0au- ition of the eminent old dry -goods ;merchant, H. B. Claflin. Tho letter of ,introduction wllioh Wasitres(cnt(d on that +Oceasion was a clover forgery, 1lhewriting 'being imitated. from the ,('slips 01)m- iennat::.atiAn of a customer in I01115104 1City, found among the letters rifled by IWales was 110W completely in the toils. "Oh! yes," thought the nicn thief to .11111114011, "so long as I work with Dud. jthero's piles of money in it. He's just. Mlle kind of rooster to put a job through." With this sort of material to work lumen, it 321as (111 easy matter for Dudley 10 persuade his Inuna11 eut'5-paw to call on him in Pittsburg about the' 730111 of . . ilii the same month—undertaking 1 • steal eine draft letters on the journey, n1 only missed at Ali:tny," a-5crted [the forger, "througli the t )nf. unded Inke V o1 that express agent about the 11d ntillea.ion, In Pittsburg I aim well kat (eel, however, and can easily fief idol - tine,: fol' (ore WO at 910,0011." lo clue time. Wales, made hie appear- ance int Pittsburg, having again taken a night ride with Hobart, and purloined more „letters. .It was now and h, re that he first saw Mrs. Dudley and her tinnier - riot( •'sister•—being privileged, as Mr. EairytNorman to escort the la.iies to some incal entertainments. U,1 er his 03v12 proptlr name, as we .li have.{blready seen, Dudley suececx' •d hero in miking his first collections on forged aper twougll tho medium of the .A,esaans' f :. ExprOs Company. The partition of this' pluneet gave each of the confederates a sunt 4 ON; which Was about tee larg- est Mount of money of whioh. Wales had ever tt'itd control at ono time. On'ilis return to the village the thief ras 1 et by rho announcement• twat his latter was not long in yielding to the superior rogue. He consented to "go in" with Dudley Its a partner in the infamous 'work—ho to steal drafts; Dudley to forge and collect them. haying thus arranged things to his • !satisfaction, the forger at once started by • (.y off Pittsburg for Buffalo; and Wales ;'teak train for Kelvin, Chin, where Ito could strike the eastern mail so as to reach the sante city. Tho Mansion House in Buffalo was agreed upon as the place of rendezvous. CHAPTER XXIII. When wales touched the line of the I'ltichigan Southern Railrnad at 1(01x'•., Izo had still three or four hours to wait • for the arrival of the earl:Ward-bound snail train. itis design Was r.1 take pas- ' sage by the sante; travel in the postlt1 car•iu Hobart's company; continue with tho train until its arrival at Buffalo; and trust to tho heedlessness or stupidity of the thirsty mail c'le'rk for the opportull- , itie:a to embezzle some draft letters, Only ' tre) '421e11 had he learned. how to dis- tsa:3311511 no appearance of letters cet- , talking either money or drafts. After partaking of tb meal at a r04lau- curl the little rata( 110 strolled out through 1 Village to stroke fb cigar. The air Was llr,'hcrt and pensive as if pregnant with .: cooling storms. ' Even nolo ho could tear intoe!! from the malign influence of Dut:ley, 11n11 build up a 210'421 111n W110 •e til" tempter ' could not reach ilio!. ; Even yet 111' 13)113111 , dil:s'lfect his nature anti renovate ills twiny to delay your money, tent, ray (11- etrul't'ions from the central Mite refer e\plicitly to tins draft, no doubt because t_e stands( is unniuctlly large," "011, that's all right, my dear fellab,'' BLTEVALF, sew I)0(113y, with lofty gaiety; "if you are noting 0neer instructions I would not, (Intended for last week.) for the world, have you (10vi:lto from Two popular }ot1Ii people of this them. Khali drop In hero in all bona or nt'ighborhood were united in the re With sol .e friend tell0 Wlli snntlsfy you; holy bands of matrimony on Wed - Clore re are several in the neighborboodwho will gla:ily oblige n e,t, ueoday evening of last week. We Tile suppose;! !lir. Gray then quitted refer to the wedding of Miss Mary, the p:entis:el. daughter of Mr. attd Airs. Lachlin It must here be explained that the pins. 1, t0 !Lit'. James Itobet'tson, anise in which the forger -!lad been pre- ,. te0(1111 to do a large )•)(sines in railroad •i he ceremony wee performed by Was situated. on the second !lone of Rev, D. Rogers at the residence of 0 hllilding ()Avoca by till iliailran"o agent maned Walton. This old gentleman, With his son, bad their office ell Tile first !leer, ani if not very active as insurance Lore1.ta, they were certainly responsible elti•7•ens'--rh,( estimate in Troy ottsineSs C1 'otos being that their Word was Its geed an their bond.' 111 his own high-toned, insinuating trey, Dudley ho:l been (plat friendly v,'ith these gentlemen, and several times h11c1 discussers with them his intention to take out a toll-tllonstlncl-doll:(Alfa policy. As the commissions d"riv(.ble from such a transection Would 1111(1? e?P.ite 1t respetht- lane additions to talo agent's income, Mr. Weltoin w1-ee courtesy itself whenever Mr. Cray called in to 11131 (11!!00. 'rho piefor- once given to an agent in procuring through him 0 policy elf snob magnitude, Dailey know well to be a kind of obliga- tion conferred, That he might at some n time require a favor from this person was: son 11ad received the Cun„t,lttitltsions tho motive whi..i11 inspired every step of of the company, they led the way to his lute intercourse with him. The forger's the wvedding supper•, whiell was an cust'un, indeed, 32104 to make friends' in excellent one, end the bride dis- ail directions, though the wlbraltll , of his glad to pereonelly recommend to to any end everybody." Sold by A. L, Unroll• ton. the bride's father, in the presence of over 100 relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The brides- maid was Miss Jane Fraser, sister of the bride, and Miss Luella Shaw, niece of the bride, made a sweet little maid of honor dressed in cream, and carrying a bouquet tied with long white satin ribbons. Mr. \Varwich, of Morris, was the groom's best man. The bride wore a very pretty gown of creast cloth, grace• fully made and trimmed with ribbon, real lace and a pearl girdle. The bridesmaid's dress, a he frilled one of dotted muslin, was also very pretty. After 1'ir. and Mrs. ,1 obert- ro;;:erd for them depended. entirely on Grlbttted the wedding Cance. The whether 11e (could use them. remainder of the evening, was spent time 1( •i neve 00 1110 to snake And the tit t 1 b. c. va• ee • enjoyably ab►v indec d in eon c.ts y ]Y , u:- of the insurance agent 'd d theood !After lowing the express office, as don tett games. an to ro::atati, Dudley rased in on the friendly violin music famished by several 111r. Walton, whorl he greeted this time young nate who were there. Mr, with effusive warmth. "1 find I have 0 5J)ar0 hour this morn- ing, Mr. Whiten,” he said to the agent, '•i40 1 guess y011 can 05 well draw up for 3)10 Kin application for that policy.' • "Ail! certainly; thank you, lire Gray; ....,"r.....a„a,...",".a. aa„",.""""""."a,".» .".".,`.,'•.'...a""... tette a (i'.utir. sir; I'll attend t:) it at once ' • Sixty 'teeth a�y for yon," saying which the gratified 1831 • ty 9 his !land, pleasantly C ' te- ethe: than a large 1305ineee center A^.nulls ,(,(,,(1201', alld 17roti0t lip t tc 'necessary ,1,•r st 1 inquiry which s 0 1 .lv 11. i alta � t • t A iriably . r... , , t the w - n c h such an )1]catious aro i,l blank 1i, n SF1.. I 1 al cot 1" there. 'T:te. transactions involving dr toted. such largo payments are few ani far bo- .1i UW, Dudley w11S What ail ineurauco elan -would call "an -excellent risk," and he tluite dcligut•.cl the agora by the satis- t:te.t(,ry replies which lie gave to tho in- t 1. o' ateri£as in fetch eases matte and provided. "(•alllt'al 1ifeI—first-chess ride!"—inut- tered to biuls:'if the agent, :is he "wrote the last entry on the record. "Well, Mr. Walton, I can as well give you nosy lay cher: for the first year's premitlln," next advanced Dudley, "and if the company declines tho application you will, of 0011r5e, refund." This feature of tho transaction \easels() Four' Subscriptions, 96. eminently'' satisfactory, and Mr. Welton Wats the recipient of Dudley's worthless Spooled Inducements to Bakers of cheek on it `Tray bank. "Oh! by the way," next exclaimed the Lar,,er Clubs. forger, "Walton, I have the proceeds of a Write fur Particulars on this Point. — • draft lying in the express office beyond; New would you mind stepping over that way Free till .Jan. 1. to New Subscribers for '99 friends. MM, Henderson has letur'netl front ZVoodstoek and Louden, Moon elle had been visiting. Mrs. Nettle, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rutherford. Air. Wilson, of halt, and hie two• granddaughters. :Miss A't'tltr, Bootie, Of (salt, trod Miss Beseic \ti ilscin, of ir'ordwieh, % hired at 11r.. f'r'ank Scott's, last week. Aliso Ramsay, who has been vlsi..• in{; at :,Lr. L:tekllill 1''reeer's for 000v eral weeks past, !returned t;1 her !lame in Uoelph, 011 Saturday. Mrs. Frederick Ale! ra(:icen and Miss Atilnnda etee'reeken, of Brus- sels, visited at Mr. John txardiuer's on Tuesday. Owing to the 1er•v wet night the illustrated lecture on Mi::yi„11 Work in India, given by Rev, W. J West, M. A., in the Presbyterian church, on Tuesday evening of last weer;:, was poorly attended and on this tic• - count ;Sir. West will likely repeat the lecture some time boon. .Several from the village were to hear Guy Brothers' Minstrels on Monday evening last. 111r. A. MCE well, principal of otto school, and Rev. W; J. West assisted Mr. Louis B. Duff at his public ex- amination of the pupils of School No. 9, East Wawanosh, on Monday :tft.er- no,n last. Several others also drove Over' to attend the exafnin,,..tion. A car load of cedar timber was shipped fruit this station to Ilderton on Wednesday. : Mr. John Gannet has soltl his farm of seventy acres, near the village, to Mr. James Gray, for $2,(100. Mr. fsannet will move his fatuity into the village to remain until a,Lring, wheia he intends going to Manitoba. !Airs. Laviva Etcher, widow of the late John Etcher, died last week of a paralytic. stroke, 111 her sixty-ninth year, Mrs. Eteller was a member of the Methodist cuurca, title .leaves one daughter and one son : Sirs. 1 1 . ' , 1 a i' . io I tete! 1I 3v a 1: .t,l2t,r, c,I c,n and . it Ira Il a , both of Lluevate. and Mrs. Robertson are now iii their new home accompanied by the warmest wishes of very many �yCO,9 CEI 11 ' , The Only Ag kkuh a1r&! EEWS app& INDISPt'NSAIILII TO Alt COUNTRY w S 'DEN'TS 31111() WIS3I TO Keep Up with the Times. Siugle Subscription, 92 ; Two Sur seriltta)ns, 93.50 ; to identify me?" , — ;. 1t wiil be seen that the t nr1roeco .between the cost. of the 0nn.1110 Oln'17.1tuAa alai tl1•lt of other acrieulterat weeklies (none of which even attempts to cover the agricultural news of the dal') may tomtit be reduced, by making ;Ip a sena Nub, to Less Than Cent a Week l 91,300; find then, without delay,. put in What could €t poor insurance agent do? fir collection the -largo draft How could he refuse a businosa civility In the hall of the paying back Dndlny to tho customer who was after placing wars accordingly on hand at an early in his way the handsomest commission hour. On the pretence that he was waiting' for a friend, he remained there most of the day; and most of the time, even, was occupied in pleas- ant confab with the bank detectco. It was with the grace of a Chesterfield lie parted from that functionary in the af- ternoon; ibssuring him that he would fine his friend a box of Havanes as a penalty for his lack of good faith. - At the Metropolitan 13e found Wales enjoying himself over some wine with two ladies. "Well; how is it, Dud.?" enquired the anxious letter -thief, as soon as they were :b' one. "13la'vst the thing," exolninnod Dud - icy, testily, "1 caWn't toll whether it's leafa or nut. Several times the teller's window was so blonked up I couldn't see Once more I const early my readers what cheeks or drafts were passed in. 1 } c' tt.:in.1y saw no messenger with the ' westward aver tho noble mountains, 2• h m of the National Express Corn- vales and rivers of Pennsylva7sfa, and patty." out beyond the ridge of to northern "Let us give up the job, Dud," sttg- Alleghenies. g estod the tinl()raus Wales, "it's getting In one of the principal thoroughfares to be gosh darned risky." s of Pittsburg alight be found in those "'No, by ,Tupiter!" shouted the inlpet- ! days the establishment of Dunstable Mous forger; or; "it's not every dayat fellali 1-Pos., extensive. dealers in what aro called ('(11n make such a stake as $8,000, and 1 ! "ladles furnishing good*." Tho store s 1111,"'t give it up 'without a good 'WM all lug tho clegant and grcttnd floors of ous twolladjoining e, occtmy- :ig,ht, \V011, what can we do?" deniandod buildings, and comprising departments the disconcerted \Vales. for wholesale es well as retail trade. "I don't know what you mean to do," ' 'Che great iiubjority of their Cn*101110 s answered Dudley; "brit for my part I'll belonged, of course, to the gentler sex. ;;o back to 'Troy and face tho music." Ono afternoon in rho early days of About midnight they arrived at Troy, April, a lady stepped into then *taro of (:n.i.nt once proceeded to a !serol. Alesssrs. Dnustablo, who Was before en- The following !morning, to the great tirely unknown to any of their assistants. pp,, horror of Wales. Dudley insisted that the She had a y0311112111 and pleasing fano, ng4(11ll ring wife had obtained a legal 1171 et 1oust go down to the express nflico, of singularly clear and fair complexion, i e. Beide the fact of his desertion, 11nt oil some pretext of beiiness endeavor end enhanced in its attraotveness Thy ers „ 1n diviee if there was anythill„ unusuet ±1111 earnest, bluish -0%Y eye*. Eloy hero had oat moon yvauting proofs that ) he well. a, disloyal husband. lie was re- in the wind. With sonic trepidation tho dress yeas rich, without being at all 1 celve(r11t his parents' home, however, as tlie'f undertook the 01'111010, fend seeing tenting; its Various constituents being lle otrwhonl good things might bo ex- no one annual but the trustful -looking presannptive ratio!'' (l± n closet and perfectpecten, Did over yet a mother cease to agent, enquirednlnont a pair of boots bps in her iirsttaste, than of a slavish devotion to pre- its 1•boraz? that wore to have been forwmaled front (alis!!:: feseetetes. Collnneettrttt well'r''ih ..1(3ut' it was a veru slender thread on Ntnv York to himself --to wit. Afro rye - of tiv' season? "Certainly certainly, my dear sir, I'll rico it most cheerfully," answered Mr. Walton, Who Witii pleased indeed to have so good a risk to report to Hartford. The obliging agent at once itecompanied the forger to the express office, where Dudley had no further difficulty about obtaining and pocketing tho 910,000. Ile now proceeded at once to where Wales was waiting' for him, and together they walked down to Greonbnsh—a village on the east side of the Hudson, directly op- posite Albany. Thence they took the cars for New York," whish city they reached in perfect so0arity. CHAPTER XXV. Does such a nitre, mum as that justify you in con: tending yon l•0if with some other vapor instead of having the be't? SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES which will he In tiled terse, and cumware them with ny other rural weekly ; it will not take long to see the difference: Address 3 UTI:31ER. TUCKER & SON, AI.13ANY, N. 1. 1 woods NORWAY PIN a SYRUP te Cures Coughs, Colds, Lung and Bronchial Affections that other remedies won't touch, Mr. Tabs. J. SMITH, Caledonia, Ont., writes t "A year ago I had a very severe cold which settled in my lungs and in my throat, so that I could scarcely speak louder than a whisper. I tried several medicines, but got no relief until I used one and a half bottles of Norway Pine Syrup, which com- pletely cured me." 25c. a bottle or five for $i.00. ^ Por Careful lwef3:ection. 7 .. ecce. ecce r .--+-+..a.+m ,..•,. - -..• ,ecce—,.r.n...r+.. wr..+-.w.�^5. IIow to Luau 1J a Town. I'u,,h it. Talk about it. Speak well ul liclp to ltul)tWitt int. Beatltti'y Lite etl•t:t.rs, ,1'atrUl117Lt5 LIS iliviel,I1ttt'a- tlatl4t rtlsc hi It:' tie tv.•(.fipt'ra. tion rie ►,ell u: 4:.'1.1 OJT, t:+ll:ri teflon, kt' yt,e t.tUL t (,inns of a gead filling bode, 41,411t.ift'►'G. .ttia, tth,1l illveet t401114 Oleg to. te...1,a•t, tat.)it.etll.tle ; 1)un't kieic tib at any neeltd pub - lie 1utln'eve,tit:llt bt:t";ttte'i it i i not at year U,t" h ,('eon oe t,ti sitar y011r ttt,.Xes may be t:wi•-),./ t:feeee seats, St. elftry hi .l•.ul',itll. The blues are oftou dispelled by a long, quiet sleep. Cultivate a cheerful disposition it you wish to retain a youthful appear- ance. Plenty Ot. outdoor exercise awl as are e" v � 69 •' t ,n e�t'1duc,t t. Siltll-ie 11C sleep old health nd beauty. Let alt the air possible in:o Ii'e Sleeping roc ms through the summer months. Thinking les; of }'ourself 8n'1 more of other people will euitivate remarkable good nature. It would be wise to overcome the Pr( -judice 1t;ailt'.t olive t)il in ('.nuts, for this artist) possesses much healthful value. Avoid all patent no',tr'uns f r beautifying the skin. ' f're'quent bathing and a wholesotne diet are all your complexion need; 0,..‹....,,..:.(.<.,....;4: w `ryvF7i ii1 ti W W w ttl ee,t f Don't scold w the little ones if ee V CJV- •7. the bad is wet W; ✓ -• ka the morning. W 144, It It isn't the child's fault. Wieak . ni kidneys need strengthening-- W that's all. You can't afford toye W risk delay. Ne:;lect may entail V VA a lifetime of suffering, V V to• D O 9'S KIDNEY PILLS r. ey Strengthen tilt Kidneys and W ✓ [senator, then all trouble eL'' CeaS05. w W Mr. John Cargos, employed at W. love Mt. S. Bina & Co.'s store, Bain VC !6 ilton, Ont.. Kars : W 33 "My little cloy 110000 years of age as ty has been tro(lbk' l with his kidneys W 4t since bleb 1l8,1 could not hold his Vf \'d' l:'«ter. We -•peep htirdreds of dol- eft ed lath ,("5(14,:,13 (.0 tried many dif- � v/ ferent (P313( t"•i. but they were ('f no I3/ avail. a)1:N ea:: of Uo:al's Kidney W eJ 1'i115 oo0ILiet.d: tired him." Cd (i</C(.:<4 J;t"c<:cc<c ice lidr�r1'166.��iwl r � , ev Searaglaitleai 4d tl to 1 t: l. t r� Ti „y7 • s7 i t . hl p�� (.j '•-+• p 121 %1 tel ” In the Sp •ing of rage, I was attacked v:ith Dyspepsia and Heartburn. So severe ct'us the paia that• I could not sleet) or eat, and I was" troubled with headache most ail the time. I remained in that stats for three months, and tried everything. I could think of At last one day 1 read in the: paper about Burdock Blood ul tent, and thought I would try it. Great Wan my surprise on finishing the first Lottie to fled I could eat better, the ht111 Belle left me, and before I had, used the vecond bottle, I was completely cured. 11 cannot advise too strongly all sufferers from stomach troubles to try 31.13.0." MRS. WM. GRATTAN, In- d:anto,v11, '..i;. The universal testimony from all -parts of Canada gives the palm ci' victory over all diseases of the Stone:;l, Liver, Bowels and Blood to BLOOD BITTERS, ONE COVES RELUEF'. lsreSpe , i J -a :d z«d for icine until you have tried ollar You can buy them in the paper 5 -cert cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. Tis .ort is put up cheaply to gratify the universal pre.ent demand for n low pr1Me If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabuks At the Druggst's Send rive Centt to TItt Ru'ANs CItEM1CAL COUVANY5110. Ur Spruce St., New York, mid they will be sent to you by ma31, ee cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. T11:, choices are tett to )Ire that l ipans 'Tabules aro the very .meet!, ins you uteri. • F t�