The Wingham Times, 1898-10-21, Page 8` Ii Cat \'V J Q..1f .TAM 'T .ME , OCTOBE
r-}47r,,--00Npumor4r4 look
Exeitieg• Ill Wieq'l::>tn,•—couldn't do
less with seed) vei1Fe:, lur.11 cines
goods, at IT:er satin Prime. We don't
ask you t.l t:t koar s t. l t(ment on
faith, het come end ewe the hest
goods you ever fitly tell the money,
whether von wish to purelmee ee not.
the Chinch will he aelmi to subscribe more
Fih ,rally.
`Pito Provincial Christian Endeavor
ea..lvtantiun at iia reiitou last week was
an enthusiastic. and successful gather -
o;;• There were about one thousand
deleglees present. The convention re-
solved unanimously that ru future the
billetting system waive not be continu-
ed ; the delegates wilt have to pay their
own way. Amain; the officers elected
are I ev..f. S. Hem—einem, Ileusall, a vice-
president, and A. T. Couper, Clinton,
secretary. The prize harmer for the
1 t b f societies to a county
25 pieces i <tncy Dress ui �titls slid
Trimmings, reg. lo :tad 15 foe t,,
20 pit's: 1 a� °4 l�:bl�'iti4, all
shades, reg. 10, 4i tt rdiy 3e.
30 pairs Biaek and Colored Kid
Glove% reg* t)')2. and ::1.00 for ;,'.)c.
10 doz. I.Adie3' a•l•1 (a en*.•a' B°asi,
Cashmere 1-1�) 3e, re:;' 3), f:n• 2)z.
10 doz. Ladles' :'tel Gent~' Linen
Collars, roe;, 1Ci and 2i) for 1''?;e.
25 Sti:f and Sefl' flat:,, 13laek W.
Colored, reg. $1,50. Saturday 95c.
20 odd endo of Fancy Dm:is Goods
reg. 40, 5.) and 75, &mice for 35e.
10 phuci�s kIeavv Dress Goods,
Fancy, worth 2'5 choice for 15c,
5 pieces Dark lit. ivy Tweed suit.
able for Buys' Siete, red 50 and (30e
for 35e.
50 pair Women's Fine and Heavy
Shoes,very special, reg. 1.50 ; 98e.
10 L'tdies' a1.•atreehan Fur Mantles
' reg. p19, Saturday special $14,
80 Ladies' Mantles, just opened,
bought at ? less than reg. price, in
Black, Blue and Green, very stylish,
reg. $1.2, for i'3.
20 1len's Ulster Overcoats, very
special at €7.00, Saturday $4.90,
10 pairs all wool Bla,tekets, extra
large and fine, reg. $3.25, for ''.75.
We purchased for cash an ex -
lion and a half. Our War Cry has a week.
'rremely large stock of high class were dismissed by consent•
goods at a special price bringing the ley circulation of 3•i.000. Duringieit the year
retail price down on Saturday to
''l7, 18.,472 beds t-,.tre Supplied in its shelf- Liberal Petitions—West Hamilton,
ers for poor sen and 261 ,67'3 meals were East Hamilton,
Tittle more than half Rlat 13 ncLll1V supplied. During
the year 1897 (:lir DllrilaIn, E.tst Micldle;iex, Dundee,
South Norfolk. Cross Petitions—Lin-
coln, lfrootenac, &nail waterloo,
21, 1898.
.eaaax' IO .l. 'NOTES.
T N G H A 11�I I 10 I' I T A L.
c IRS (Il wink N and
t L 51•'S t inds, For particulars
• The protea against the election of I For the treatment of in
P. ) , ht. :le h CASES o
Dr. .John Barr, Conservative 111,1 . •I . adareee
for I)utferin, has been withdrawn, At; 1)R. 3. P. KENNEDY,
also the cross -petition. Medical, Superintendent, tt'iughaut, Ont.
The East Wellington bye election 3 000
will be held. on October 27th. The
new date for the South Ontario bye -
election is Tuesday NOV, 1.
The South Perth ease was adjourn-
ed until Nov. 11, the respondent re-
fusing to submit to a hearing until
after 15 days Subsequ3nt to the pro -
ere ct. mr.�•ation of the Hausa.
ions presented to Huron Cluunty Union.
The couventiuu of 189:1 will be held et
ltev. Dr. Cochrane, pastor of the Pres
b terian Churt.1>. Braautiord, and well-
kttowa tluoughont Cena,i:a in connection
with the Presbyterian Church, died sud•
dealy at 10 o'clock 1lontla;,7 night at Brant-
ford, of agabi peetelis. Ile was taken i:1
on Seturelay and :yaw unable to fill his pul-
pit Sunday, bat no serious results were an-
ticipated. lie was born in Paislty, Scot- tion cases came up for trial at Strat'
ford, on Friday last before Chancellor
Boyd and Mr. Ju611ee Meredith.
The North Perth ease was, on the
application of the . petitioner, at tire'
aojoul•ileti until Wednesday next,
but the petitioner refused to pay the
costs of the day, as desired, and their
Lordships dismissed the case with
Deciesion in the North Waterloo
Eleetion Ca$t.• was given this morning
by Judges Huse and McMahon. rhe
judges found that there had been
corrupt practices by one Ssu1ly, al,
agent of ltie sueeeseful Conservative
candidate' t)r. H. G. Lackner, eral
the eeat was therefore voided.
The North and South Perth eke -
Feb. lith, 1831, awl wag edu,>.ated in
Glasgow University and 11.1010,107. Coi10:,e,
Ilidi:ti, where be graduated with the highest
honors. He wag ordained in Jersey City
in1859. In 1812 Ito accepted a call to
Zion Charnh, Brantford, where ho had
labored ever since. For 25 years he had
been clerk cf the Synod of Hamilton and
London. and for abut tho same period
enuvenor of the bomo mission committee
of the church. Dr. Cochrane preached at
the opening services in connection with the
4'dinkluuu Presbtterian church and has
lectured here on our- or two occasions. Ile
was well•knowu by many of our res,dets.
The Salvation Army's sixteenth anniver-
sary to be celebrated rt Toronto, 13ig an-
niversary celebrations are being nominated
at Toronto under the leadership of ;tries
Booth, commander in ohtef of the Army's
forces in Canada. It is sixteen years since
this evangelistic agency coin mooned opera-
tions in the fair Dominion, and that there
has been "something accomplished, some-
thing done," will be seen from the fact
that we have a Suuday indoor attendance
for the last vearof c,eariythree millions, and
a week -night indoor attendance of two mil -
At OJgoode hall, S•lturday morn-
ing Mr. Justice MacLennan and Mr.
Justice C)+ler disposed of 22 election
petitions in as nia.ny tninktee. Unl)
two members of the High Legislat-
ure were present,
Ald. Carscalkru, of East HIamilton,
and J. J. 1+'oy, of South Toronto,
Messrs. Grant, Aylesworth and Den.
ton, represented the Liberals in alt
the eases before the court; and W.
D. McPherson and E. Bristol, the
Conservative cases.
Mr. Hodgins, of East Middlesex,
was the only res>ondent who insisted
on costs, and an order was granted
in his ease. The following petitions
asked, and the quality it excellent,
the quantity 1.1^74, the regular val-
ises arc ex•L-'tly as htate:l above,
leas fte2n
: _._,
givi, the Ii t of t c, t • o: the
r'at.>eet'a .i .t,uv S )ci,:ty last wcck,
Iktra E P 1'.:uiiti's unmi r:hot:ld have
appeared as tr..acur. r iu piscs of 1\Irs
Lew,: delivered his lecture, "A.
trip thrr,ngh Ireland," at the annual I1arv-
est Monte sapper in connection witu Tri-
nity church at Fordwioh cn Weduesday
Aeonrding to the official returns present-
ed at Hamilton last week, there are 00
Christian Endeavor societies in Huron
county, with 3,031 active and 1,830 asso-
ciate members.
Mr A. E. M. Thomson, of Elinville dis-
trict, son of Mr. Geo. Thomson, formerly
of Zetland was last week writing on his ex-
amination under the direction of Mr. Arm-
strong of Turners's. appointment.
women land 238 children passed through
the 11 Rescue I.1r•mes scattered throughout
the Dotniaion, out of which 1300 satisfact-
ory. 38 children were cared for iu the
children's shelters, a number of which
Conservative Petitions — South
were adopted. The celebrations extend Brant, Monek, East IIastinge, 1Yest
from Get. 19th to Oct. .28th. The railway Brant, Welland, West Hastings,
companies are granting the Army special Centre Bruce, South Wentworth,
facilities so that any cue desiring to go to South Norfolk, North Lanark East
7"oronto may get tl: .ro for single fare and Algoma,
15c. Passengers el:onld purchase a single
ticket from the ti•,ltec agent, and procure Ald. McPhillips, of London, moved
at the same time a standard certificate, atUsgoode all Saturday tosubstituie
which must be handed in at the Salvation the name of Joseph Burt Simpson in
Army Temple for endorsation.—Com, place of Wen. Wheeler, locally ien.own
as "Gooney" in the London petition
against Col. Leys Ile also wants
to enlarge the particulars. Tee ori-
ginal petitioners and his lawyers dis-
agreed and the latter ejected hits
forcibly from the office, hence the
rec nest.
3,000 cords of wood wanted at the
Wingham Salt Block, Highest cash
price paid for same on delivery.
The Church of the Sacred Heart will be
opened on. Sunday, Oct. 30th. It has been
remodelled and repainted and presents a
-very fine appearance. High Mass will be
•celebrated at 10.30 a. m., and Vespers in
the evening at 7 o'clock. Itt. Bev. D. D.
O'Connor, Bishop of Loudon, will preach
at both services.
Mr F. J. Ender, evangelist, will D. V.
Vine addresses on the following important
subjects, in the Gospel Hall, formerly the
Temperance Hall, commencing Lord's
Dav evening, 23rd inst., at 7 p. m.
"Man's relationship to God," "The ever-
lasting punishment of the wicked," "Justi-
cation," "y3ew Birth," "Eternal life—what
ie it?" "The I•Ioly Spirit." All are earn-
.estly invited. Bring your bibles."
The annual thank offering meeting of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church will be held this
(Friday) evening it the Presbyterian
church, commencing at 7.30 o'clock. Mrs.
Jeffrey, of Toronto, secretary of the Indian
Mission will be present and deliver an
address and ft programme of music, sing-
ing, etc., will be tendered. 'The public is
cordially invited to attend.
The expenditure for the past six months
by t. { Presbyterian Horne Mission ex-
. needs 5r-3'1,000, an amount far in excess of
last i' ire owing principally to the large
ontloy for the Hiondike Mission. The es-
timate ;or this year is $82,000. Tho re.
cepts .,le m., a falling off. To carry on the
work in the mining district of British Col•
un)bt:t will necessitate an additional 465000.
The wow,: tnci immigration to the west of
Lake .i.hay.t•ior will also necessitate the
opening of Arany new mission fields, and
Friday. October 21st.—Unreserved auc-
tion sale of the farm stork and implements
of Mr. henry Hawking, lot 8, concession 5,
Turnberrry. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. J.
Currie, auctioneer.
Tuesday, October 25th.— Unreserved
auction sale of the farm stock and imple-
ments of Mr. A. C. Simson, at north half
lot 33. concession 11, East Wawanosh.
Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. J. Currie, auc-
—Get your sale bills printed at the
TIDIES office. We give a free notice in the
TItMES up to the time of sale with every lot
of bills supplied.
DEEn Lxcsrasi:s— Saturday's Toronto
Globe contained a list banded out by Game
Warden Tinsley of those who are authoriz-
ed to issue licenses to shoot deer in the
Province of Ontario. Messrs 11 Watt, of
Brussels and W Climie, of Listowel are
the two nearest to Wingham who are
authorized to grant these licenses.
North of G. T. R. Tho undersigned
offers for sale I2 acres of choice land in
he c 11 Town Plot of Ring -hare, beauti-
Tulty situated, overlooking 1 he town. On
the property there is a good frame house
,with six rooms and stone cellar and
woodshed ; hard and soft water, frame
barn with stabling ; straw shed and drive
shed ; gond orchard of choice fru it. Also
eleven acres more or less, of good land
without buildings ; well watered ; title
ioo+l. For apply tet
Wpd, H. CA1' CPRELL, proprietor,
Wrn•gham P. 0, Ont.
New remedies come and new remedies
go ; but Scott's Emulsion is the great
rock foundation on which hope of recov•
ery from weak throats and lungs must
rest. It is the Standard of the World.
Graduate' New York >tlactelphia, and Toronto
Op I Colleges.
Call early
valuable se vice
opportunit o hav
ly tested, ee of ch
work bu • .a scientific
cult ca -s accurate
E >ic YOr earl alt psis.
Will be at
lin A. Cam Ilip's
Wedn.,'+d,.y, Oct, ,.,e
The. Lie ere( d Vic>a ateie- A ceia
tion 'in triol 'real oral n t ,., r ,
majority :ta:•ainst pro ifedel Will rt-
eeed 590,000, more tha.• et >'"•.Bing the
vote in alt the otber Peevince>.
The secretary o. 1u+ tic: t'1:' ., T'x•
hibition, TYalkert.►,:, : e>;, .1.1 -
r.. •to the. eocier.ter••'.`t •t
wail yourself of his ,
as this is a rare
our eyes proper-
rge. No guess
ertainty. Diffi-
fitted. ALL
to house..
News Notes.
Dr. Robinson, of Brampton dropp-
ed dead.
Stratford's population has fallen off
162 during the year.
Severe winter storms are reported
in Missouri and Kansas.
Mr. C. W. Stovel, ex -Mayor of'
Walkerton, was killed by a trolley in
Toronto Tuesday.
R. B. Smith bought the W. W.
Hoffman stock, Seaforth. G1 -L C. And-
rews is to manage the business.
Jackson Bros., of Clinton have re•
ceived the contract of supplying the
winter uniforms for the G. T. R. train
hands over a certain territory.
The G. T. R. are now constructing
new double deck sheep and hog cars,
35 feet fang, fitted with seperate
doors, for each deck, which will
mean a great saving to shippers.
Every man knows how a wife
should be Managed, but few are able
to do it.
A girl loves to be loved by a man
whom she knows some other girl
It's harder for a young man to
question her pop than it is to pop
the question.
When a young man squeezes an
heiress she is apt to find herself
pressed for money.
Cutting prices in the patent medi-
eine line is exacted to begin, 'became
of the withdrawal of Evans & Son,
Montreal, from the wholesale drag.
gists' combine.
1t1anitoha has been visited this fall
in spitetof its healthy climate, with
an unusually large amount of typhoid
fever. Tainted water is said to be
the cause of the outbreak.
Two of the oldest and best known
farmers in the Unlit section died Mon-
day, in the per sons of John MoDirmld,
of Crieff, who farmed there for over
63 years, and was in his 95th year,
and James TAke, sr., east River road.
The latter was in bis 73rd year, and
was born on the farts, on which he
st.u:: in this Mats to nitnaire our business in
their nu n and uI
abhm,ni.istayt ietmraaighly 4so0 e
rearor . ,t ucr� .-definite, benattde no mere , r
less s, ii r.hly 976, ttefeeenees, knelt sr
t, need onrelope, Herbert 3, nese,
Treat. I>•t,P >1 iaeaAe.
If it was only health, we
might let it cling.
But it is a cough. One cold
no sooner passes off before
another comes. But it's the
same old cough all the time.
And it'sthe samel old story,
too. There is first the cold,
then the cough, then pneu-
monia or consumption with the
long sickness, and life tremb-
ling in the balance.
Our Mantles are greatly admired by all who see them for
their Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Finish, but above
all the marvellous low prices at w•hich,we sell them. The sec-
ret of it all is we understand the'il arkets' of the Old and New
World, and buy only the best for: otir, trade that money can
secure. They range in price froin $,.00 to $12,00. If you like
to think of FURS NOW, ours' are Just in, and they should
please every taste and every purse:, ,
MEN'S Sr. BOYS' CLOTHING ,in, Ordered and Ready_tuade is a
growing trade at this store. You can get Men's Suits here from..
$2.75 up, and Boys' froin $1.00 up.
DRESS GOODS—The largest stook;.the greatest variety, the very lat—
est in all the new shades, pattet`ns'and materials, and prices always
in your favor,
SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for Ladies and Gentlemen, --
quality right, prices right, '
GROCERIES —TEAS —Headquarters for everything in fresh, new-
ew. (eroceries, 30c Tea for 25e ; 40e Tea for 30e ; 50o Tea for 42e ; 5
lbs good Raisins for 25c.
If you want good fitters and good wearing Boots come here for
.ffiwO . WI e G
ON, Direct importer
op ala,r1 a
kst r.iel
$ us th e chance of making one big CLELUtANCE of this season's
The holiday time is coming and we want the space.
goes the e T
of W
whole stock goes—
Wall Paper, Window Shades, ete., at greatly reduced prices.
P Agent Dominion Express Co., and office of C. P. R. Tel. Co.
;•� ALEX,
'..a z...; t Book Store.�.
t Popular
We have just pat into stock a crate of the
directory imported frotn one of the best makers in England,
which means the beat
We have a full assortment of this line, such as Pitehers, Bowls, Vega..
table Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saueers ; Cups (only); Toilet -Sets, &c.,
which we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it. These goods are
strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them.
Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling sr-
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs IS removed; all in-
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
has no diseased tissues on
which to hang.
Dr. flyer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Advice h"reuo
Remember wo have a Medical Depart -
Intent. 'If You have any com plaint what-
ever and desire the beat medical advice
you can nowih1y obtain, write the
doctor freely. You will receive a
prompt rod without cost.
Address, vii. J. 0. AYRR
iowell, Mase.
" The China House," Wingham.
uestion Time
We are selling a good, accuratk
8 aClock'
strikes hours and half hours, at
War declared on high prices., :