The Wingham Times, 1898-10-21, Page 7RAIIVOAD FGR
e t v ►1
•w t a
y ifll eta eat U
• ,ill
of his n , One 1
• 1 in q 'll
.Kit t
•e F
.111 t"
rrpnrts-tn eater t
, tho 1L C
times of the frail Carle."
On tlio day bet rhronieled, thrcfore,
that energetic officer derided to make a
.sort of ndvanc•c, on the enouy's works. In
reconnoitring through the Revere house
lie had asecet:e!ned that room No, lei,
..adjoining tlhe apartment of "hurry Nor-
man and wife, had been soino time un-
examination also
isil. A
o t
,6hO\vcd falai that a parson in either of
those apartment:, could hear al.uost every
word that was oletarly spoken in the
other. On a pec tendo that he and his
Now York friend, 14 Ir. Delaney, were
desirous of a :aeon of just that size, he
incl Y'l tiro, het '1 clerk to transfer them
to No. o lel
When Delaney c1o
•, na and
ci : ,t.1 <w
1 ki
rOl l the ill .
Carrie, his aes.•c•�int' informed him of th
i change of quarters, and urged that on
tretiring they should. make nq little noise
us noscible, so their neighbors might not
perceive that the room had found
' The room occ epi:+.l by the guilty pair,
,and the one in which the dete••tive had
enseone himself, had evidently been
4—umlaut suite, at sono former time, and
:were still separated by folding doors, the
2temper part of whiolt were fitted with
ground glass panes for admitting light,
{butin excluding sight. Within the upper
trete of these panes there had been a light
tbraleen whiolt was replaced by an nn -
t ground light; so that by quietly moving
i l
thets,ble, and thou mounting this h1 struc-
i ture, i)e lauoy could not only look upon
•-the apparently, happy couple, but also
.hear every word of their conversation,
rwhiolt was of far more importance, for it
; was an hour of revelations and confidences
1botweoll the fascineting couple at their
idainty little breakfast; and he lost no
timo in availing himself of this new and
At one time Wales exclaimed: -
AM TOMS OCT' l3ER 2L 1898,
1 .,3tet, ani. we .& tal.:e you aft the
t'ltr drtective6 were not sorry when r.•,r . teer0,"
"What for?,-tsher&'6 your warrant?"
demanded Wciles with tolerable coznpoe-
ere, Although. his eyes still .gleamed as in
title singular convereatiot was ended;
which it now was, by Wales jumping up
and proposing a carriage ride. The girl
a^•t••'ed quite readily; and a few moments
litter the officers heard thein puss tltrou[;lt a :�ntliiet of 8U1) :.o 0201. vocation.
the corridor on their way down -stairs. I "You tiro going straight to Phtladol-
phla under a warrant sworn out in that
city—just listen to it a moment, and
tlu'tl hurry up."
In a rapid but quht wanner, Air.
Thomas here read to him the warrant of
,Wrest, omitting only the aliases under
-which his prisoner was named, lteeog-
nixing, apparently, that all was in clue
fnlrn, and that the least hesitation would
Only bring about a mere hateful expos-
ure, Wales promptly' steed up, and pro-
((00(1ed to don 11116 attire.
All the papers the. thief had about him
seemed to bo in a stout pocketbook,'
whim] was taken from the breast of his
coat. The removal of this article, and its
Thomas, ap-
to rho pooi;ot of 1.7 > 1
peared to cast a cloud over the face of
his prisoner. His watch, and money—of
Delaney at once started out to follow
them in EL hack;. while Thomas hastened
the telegraph office to transmit to the
tot c
A.geney the a t0n00 0f the morning's con-
rnoen and while
Early rho sinuo tLft( ,
the shadowed pair Were still out of doors,
Thomas was informed by the hotel super-
intendent --to whom he had confided just
an inkling of his business—that tho Ohio
gentleman unit his wife, who roomed
no.t door to ilial, were leaving Tor the
West by the night express.
"For the West, did you say, sir?" in-
quired the detective eagerly.
1 +''he•
1 ( t
"Yes, to toh n
Norman 1 3
were abntlt returning home," answered
the obliging potentate of the Revere.
'Phis important news was instantly
t titled to the Philadelphia Agency; Which there was about three 1mn(2
lir. Linden having been specially en- I dollars—with other articles of no specs
tr,lstcd with the 1nl1nagelncnt of wales'
arrest. If Vales were arrested eutsido of
Pennsylvania, the erccess required to
autllo-l•: e his removal might involve House, and taken into a private roomy
some delay, and would certainly he at
j to await tho deport ee of the Philadel-
phia, Express, which would start from
delay nor publicity would at this point I Evict about a quarter past eight.
bo tolerated. During the detention at the Ellsworth
The arrest of Miss Levison had been the swindler recovered souleWhet h1
determined on at toy own suggestion— t elf-assuranoe, a!tholl alt he spoke but lit-
tle,tho Waive, and that only in reply to the observe-
1va;'etally a pt:•tic�'ps eel -minis. Even if !! tions of his captors. When Thomas made
not finally arraigned, she conlcl be held a reference to the serious difficulty in
as en aceeetory in bis crimes; Sand she
might prove 0 valuable instrument in
breaking7linn down, tend perlums ie. dis-
significance, were left undisturbed 10 11
Wales was brought to the Ellsworth
ra.odxottl Sleeting.
The «nnual quarterly meeting; of
helot in the town hell, Clinton,. 011
Weil. eeday, 12111 inst. 'hose Present
were, Dr. Stanllut•y, i3aytie1d; Dr,.
1)ntlstnoi•e, Stratford; Des. Gunn,
Shaw and AicGalluln, Clinton;t ,
Taylor and Blunter, Goderiell; 1)r.
'l.'rdit, 'Myth; Drs. Bethune and Bur-
rows, �`t nb t'
�l u
i 5a
r ,
sldeut, took Giio Chair, and the first
business brought before the meeting
Wali a resolution tor wattled by the
Toronto Medical S•)Clt:ty with 1'egard
to the abuse 0. hospital charities.
tt "Tom ill stored me to my old-time forth. It
to recolixtion read lu to recommend
pl for me
„ � 1�apleasure
the opinion of life tu:onto ;l:edictal them to others."
.ve free
should rect,l t most
• 1 1 .e
t n tltlt, s are the m
' •,t: let ills
y 1 Doan s Kidney P
ttt.ttlitenC a� an indoor patient in efective remedy in the world for
our public hospitals, ex rept those re -
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy,
cei•:ing their hospital inaintenaneel Backache, Gravel, Sediment in the
t'ra)n1 the, municipality to which they Urine, and all kinds of Kidney and
bt•lont;. '
An interesting discussion, I
ill which most of the members
Dined, and although it WEAL; geueral-
ly acknowledged that it was 0 Mill -
milt matter to deal with, yet the
members of the association una•ni
measly agreed with the substance of
the resolution. rine nomination of
a representative to represent this
division, No. 2, in the Ontario Med-
Leal Cuaneil, fur the next three
years, takes place on November 8th.
of Stratford,
Robertson, Dr. U. A. ,
was the unanimous choice of the as
sociation as their nominee for that
office, and itis likely that Dr. Robert-
son will be eleeted by acclamation.
Dr. Shaw then read an interesting
paper on "Fistula in ano," which
caused an instructive discussion. in
which several of the members joined,
the nitron Medical As ostOtien was
wh1r:h his crime had entangled hint, he
smiled in affected. derision, and said:—
"Pshaw! that's all snuff; I have done
t to
except x
the laky P
hcriminals.�I 1C9 against ,
'rn1 g
r lar eo
n ns the 1.l
covering t
So far, at least, Its W. P. Wake was 1•lnake a bit of money by gambling, and
concerned, tho course of our operations I ytaur mighty Mr. Pinkerton wilt know
now secnhed clear, —T f thtit, before lung." '
" W ell, " observed tbo detective, "Mr.
CHAPT.',li, XIX. I Pinkerton is -just the: lean to give you'a
chance, 1f he finds there axe worse in the
But the i'Winillee aid not carry out his rowel thh}7 you arc."
intention of leaving Boston that night, Taking advantage of an earnest tall
but in the morning, quite natty, the de- in which Delaney engaged hfm, Thomas
teal:re:a could dl tiuguish front his room now made a hasty inspeet101i of the book
the notes of preparation. At eight o'clock 1 'ell and h ha taken front his breast
Wt:1es had eettlod up his bill, and shortly
afterwards left the Revere in 0 hack; the
ba, gngo of himself and Carrie, which tie-
CO1nptLlliCd them,. giving assurance of
their final exodus.
unexpected i(\ tot-ef;0. ABoston and Albany depot Wales
1 ght two tickets for the last -Ached
"If I was pulled 2100 1 auk gang say, eel-
, and Detective Thomas did tho
Further on Ile was heard to ted 1 No incident worthy of record befell
adeptly after the (thrraaon of some boasted I thein during this trip, until the . party
�gl.l: it:—
P "Tt took long time to worm: the job cached Albany at three o'clock;: in the
to e 0
m 1 1f
, lt)le and w
1C t Norman ,
�+cle tl of :-ttiair•; I thought arc y j +I IvorD 1
; <chrwee s 1, r 1't 1 ei n a ri:d.
1 And a .:.'�1 hi, nen ,r'i:ed:—
"1 wouldn't like to have been caught,
`though, for I don't like to disgrace the
• /elks at home; 001 I don't fancy hard
,work either, or leaning. a now trade."
Tho clink of he bottle and glasses,
:and the pleasant clatter of the dishes
aver here again licar3, and at the Sams
eminent Thonuls re-entt red the room in
' which Delaney was percencel eavesdropping,
i lmbnr •
on: (L
;right, nt least fon; 'mauls, and. In good. ,afteCnOOn. The slLlno as in Boston, Mr.
f Yarmouth,
*Weak Kidneys.
1' 1c sly little boy, aged years ural
s Cured by Doan's �'
the taco, which all the doctStrs said was€,.
Kidney pills.
Mr, L Patterson, Croft St., Am-
herst, wing
fo to
, 1e l
heist, N.S., snakes the a
statement t.r Having been trou-
bled for some time with distress-
k l ,
d weak
backaches 7
I' decided to' try Doan's Kidney
Pills. They acted promptly and
effectively in removing the trouble
with which I was afflicted, and re
It wins (sem?erat that their mei g 2
luta not heard the rllt3'anee of Thomas, tee train was about starting, gave her
for Wales.; now 'annulled out in a 111(,20 a waren shake hands and a farewell
reliant tante all b.'gan to favor Carrie. I kiss. .
1'11 detectives had been lurking near,
rof11rie 'tccs of his past life. He ready to jump on the train if Wales
�pol;0 of tee time when 110 was a mail quite
''agent on tate eastern route; and of his: lead remained in t11C cars. They now fol:
;slaving frequently opened money 1oti;ers, lowed 11111 back to the Delava'n, and no -
tame appropriated their contents. tided, as they did, that 11e wits already a ,,,,1 Ing
Se "1 can tea" said 110. b0astfnily, and, changed num. The •illusory .learn of tintiousl2' on the wing.
ttherefore quite 1i1'1inc'tly. "by the feeling, pleasure had given pinco on his Ooullte- York, after a tedious night's ride, he ryas;
lsof them wheih , t) ro is ain1. mene2' in mince to the dark shadows of approhen- I gram Thomaseeted the -sante sent ellen' the tale-.
itho n. If there weal 0 hundred. letters 121 ' ;ion, His brief interval of revelryat an i
o teem contained end, he scented. again remitted to the ! n the arrest o1 4Wales. real
an -
lea package, and ten f
' •k ' 1t the Wlloia ten c;nmpauiourhip of dims guilt,
0., Wet° speedily eedily registered at the e-
ven Howe; and not knowing what stay
they intended, their faithful shadows fol-
lowed thele example.
At two o'clock tho next afternoon the
pair descel)ded to tho ladies pallor, and
at the ticket agency in the hotel, Wales
purchased a single ticket for North
p incase, and 1v ri Carrie's trunk ee-
c41ecked for that tlestinntion. Ho then ao-
cOnlp€attietl her to the ears, where he
seated her quite tenderly: and just as
SV 11 .
pocket. Appnrelltly it twee a ntemoran- and all agreed that Dr. Sllaw deserv-
dnnt book, or bttslness sinry—if memo ed the thanks of the association fat•
may be expressed ag a by€[siness—and was paper. There were sf r
Wales but ells- his valuablep p
all iu the handlvriting�of \.
guised in n cipher wh h the officer failed eral other papers on the prowatxl
to interpret. In the lckets of the cover out as time would not permit the
wore a number of p o vg7xLphs of Carrie
Levison, taken at nehmen, Ohio. I meeting adjourned to meet again at
Of all the carte.' in the book itself, a 1 the cal of' the president.
lira of addresses, shish !$fled throe or ._.
Urinary Troubles. Price 50c. a box
or g boxes for •1$i.zr. The Doan
x5 months, was .n 17i(tinl o Scrofula
incurable. To t411 the truth ho was PO
bad that 1 could not bear to look at site.
At last i tried a b 1t!iO of Banesto B1oo4
E;e Pk
d 1a
Biltcr5, Anel be€urs:
was gaining, and by the time Ile hack
three bottles used he was completely
0t frau tore 11)12011 ill r. corn-
t 'cd.
cannot cal
of B.F3.R.tnall\\hw rte'
he did.' JOeleP11 1'. LABELf-, Nam -
wake P.O., Que.
'There can be no question about
it. Burdock Bladed Bitters has no
equal for the' cure of Sores and
Ulcers of the most chronic and
, ra
malignant nature,
owerful blood l,urifying proper-
ties, it gets at the source of dis-
ease and completely
'y'i' r •► eradicates it from
to the system. .
Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. l .1 E ,- ,x+rs.ra-s-0
"Doan's," h1
the name,Do , �
m i
e1 f r
and refuse all others.
four pages, along e e •..--ed in ordinary
writing. o a a , rr
t' esting for it included
sixty Ninth
i 013
O . pa ,_, i.
`1 t1^er, lulv'eve^ it was
such 'funk liar.�n1iunos as "l;. D. l:andall, C� i j , �h 1� �f
Newark, N. 7d;" "Randall &: Co.;.,CTrand Ff 9 N r
1 c'd0
Rapids, Mkt" `" "Wales and Reed, ,ly c. !
Ct'tio•" "R VY• Iha is" and "Miss Lizzie
elreenletaf, at Dunstable Bros., o.'a
Wood str;Oet, Pittehurg " wh!ch last le
reader riey retail as the name of Du
lep'q ter-in-ln1r.
•Ia .0
The Only i`grri�rkil ads i 6'dEWtS alter
Shortly before noon the party arrived in )VDtSPIsASAELI TO
Philadelphia, and Wales was removed
quickly to the .b i,enoy. •�1,1i11 `,�S UNTIsi 1 E JD1 N TS
GfiAI'TER XX. Creep Tap Witie. 21133 Times.
In a very few -minute titer the arrival:
ns, S3.rill ;
was also crosse.l 112' my general °'u" -"e two lett .n
tendert, 'Mr. Bangs, who had' cone from, r FOn3+`suilsoril/tiuns, �(3.
New Stork by tho morning. express. For .---
several bights previous, in connection Special Inducements 20 :teasers O,.
with other operations, dei had been No Larger Clubs.
Write ter 2'artieulaie on this Point.
Free till Jen. 1 to New Subscribers for '09
o'2 Wales at the Agency; its threshold. Sins; le Su116c`1p khoer)r tin
justice, her vindication:
11011 neill6 'Inc iIt
forgers were still at large, and if those- cost et the be sen •7817 ent; the
mtl difference
et anew{ to
went nnwhtnt ofj , a!Trcoverrt a ek ,..•,,,, N1 201(23tri von .eh tit the inky) ulay
would be
pumice-, I could enc c,t
Svithoat a single 1nitt:2,10." In the Marble corridors of the, Dolavan
"Row eeei 1 you tell, ¶;errel1u tree jhe now walked up and down during a
'holo tlir. inquiry o1' life interested. bliss
' 'Morison.
e "011! practino^ makes perfect,
•itnow, was the .:itlsfactory
-1 teemsn were and
t oil t 1110 and (Ho11ttrt raattd I
another (...-1) 101 awhile ; but
used to
e couldn't catch 1110 'nipping. ,
'tumble to them' regular whenever they.
see ane Into mar c:tr, and if there was any
noise about a lost money letter I could
%shove the susp.elon on some of the. 1
pothers. Ono time. however, there eves 14'
mop named Wriglat that figured me down
•pra,tty ewe; but I gave hurt the
.�a,to 1 was after tut) ing,
4 hele platter with hila."
@ Wales next spoke of a lean who had,
••+come into the mail car one day, passing•
'-' right b5i obartto where hooves standing'
- and said, "I am the 'United States Brat; ,
..shaL" Tho rcimaincler of this incident;
-,did not penetrl.te to the enre el the a -.
- • .9tiveq, but 1124 0011d1181011 Was heard in
l the el -molding boast of the thief--" Audi
'Iliad o ter a dozen letters in my P
at the very time; I could take all I Ing a;
'awaited, indeed, if the cops were in the, sleep would havevanislled from f Wales and Cai.1e,
roery cur with Inc." rneniories the
their eyelids, at the thought of the ap- I vere House. He.als0'311a(ie a rigorous in-
� t . From those unedifying )rcachillg consummation of their import- I spectiOn of the inonlnrandum-book taken
p10 1d1o1` onto more 1 teturned
informed to
tho M1s5, I a.nt duty. Ie the dim light of the sec- j .from Wales at the turn0 of his arrest.
,resent; and he blithely • tion they sat whispering in a low ley, 'll)1xuP lto•tcaused
Pr sn at
• - [tCa tie, that "settling tl°r• 1. pule s a No next t
(210(1. o Ia ..,,
time office, like ono i h Z torn 1•imsslf
'd his billand
anytllitt£, but satisfactory. 1 re 003231' the .a..rtd
110 b1ott1n;•Pllper had :revealed. I readil» be reduced, by leeetee +P a st'feNo t0
could only be SENA FOR SPEiIP11Lti COPIES
fromjiudenisiou ince settled purpose. Horn
another kind, 11a11 1I i Whleh will be tu'nls( Free, and coma are then, with
bo ngi s, d directed a patter t nd istanchme a P I Len
other l be t weekly ; it wul not take leer; to nee
have he articles
his trunk 1 tov'Toledo� 12 disclose the whereabouts d to make 0 confession,
of .Dudley, even
a !t -he ditl'orencc: Addred6
have the ar hev g beenc 1, might be accomplished. i LIMITER 'I`UCi£�;R & ON,
Besides that,h ^teepee to g
aned therefore
weary half hour. ( But as
At last, the thief turned into the bar- k wales, so might Wales discover to us the)l Less '311x73 n•I=� a v:
I Ytoea sduh a dit:er1ncse 3s that jartity 3.00 in coria
X00111, rind having #gulped down a largo ferMers. I pure w rod In the crimes.. tendin)r von Nell wind nowo usher rulJnr h,stattd of
a ” f b ` nR walked quickly backundoubtedly wilt o22 hnviroc the bn,t?
-ole 10 ac e 1V'1, •• •, lactim'' m•
If he
once. This having been done, and the rest of nor work Int ?= ALBANY, N. Y.
t the 1 of ho hast without speoial difficulty. In all the•
baggage sent ever o o c ep ,
(1110(1 01112 himself to rho westward -bound 1,rompiicat!ons and obscurities of rho case,
train, and promptly took his seat .p a 1 the identity of Dudiey had loomed out
drawing -room, ear. leo, likewise, did the most conspicuously. at all events,,,
pertinacious officers; and in little more, We must have Dudley, ,
than an boor from his parting with I was 1100 the superintendents Watch -
Carrie, they ,sere again his fellow -tray- I word, "and wales himself must help us
ellers—watchful of hint, yet unheeded;Ito catch Mini
strangers to him, yet festrulnerlts of his `our captiThe ve to this point, cate task als! butts that t lvhicl ,1'po ixn-
fa e, plmlle
It was half -past three O'clock when the ,lair. Bangs had now.entered Linen.
train started, but no change occurred un- 1 The first stop of 1) r. Bangs, then', was: eaaceto
ltil its eg. whenvnWaleslgots Rochester
teven- 1 to hold he
111 a I rod Delaney, so ief Iascto besin'formed: of the a.
berth in a sleeping -coach. The detectives I demeanor of their captive down to the.
paid for a section in tho same car, but latest moment. He caused theme to re -
ea ter
not, h54 t o t. vele had they been thuse it as a us 1 peat
ltinutenes , s the itcolnv converand sation h between
•1' o -erheaed in the Re -
C ST()
For Infants anis Children.
1110 had now finally re se l o
, ?recalled to tho hapless girl the done nfor 0 herr
gout things he had lately
rH0 cattle led, with atrocious fidelity,
stall the presents ho had made her, both
lie dress and trinkets, and also tho sums,
',of money ho had given her—and even
(Vent so far a6 to figure up
the exact
-total for her, at $503. But even this]
';inoredible baseness went quite unrebuked,
thy his callous 111221e victim—there occur,:
i rlhg to
t no better than this mercenary
`'sugg Harry, that you,
1, ."Well, I think Dow,
1'flnafght as well give me the other seven
trdikllars, and maim it the oven six
t 1zit21dred t"
She turned her pouting lips up towards
1%hn,• and reached out Ira pretty white
land' as she said this,
s e�s in tutee.
incarnation of deviltry a
Her paramour looked tit her admiringly
for a moment, and then flung her a bill
,of large denomination, which, . 'with a
nterl'y little burst of laughter, She put
in her bosom for a telnporar$' receptacles,
In di 0 'bteakfastyandl the lconversatio was rowhen �
as 2110 train peeping
along intim ar e announced ed up -Stairs to Clement where -
Palesonly pecpiug out during its stop- once Stepp
pit ;0s to ((63)220 themselves. that there in he was secluded—now recomposed,
was no movement of the occupant of No. and refreshed by an amply 13)0(11.
ief had
o into
4—the sectionThe latter, however, appeared to • which your evil serious
evil aesoc ateshave led you,"
'sleep 4gllildly throughout the. night. ObtrCreetl 1110. superintendent gravely.
It wanted
w when 7l the tout
crossed the quicktquite respans°O it of theLtprisoner; "1
the, Now York State lino trod entered fail to perceicc. that 1 am i11 any such
towardst A associateseed serious Otlbat,1 am aware of." I have no very ad
decay Iowa "p " inquired Bir. Bangs,
delay the two delect!lon. got Wales, and I 0012 officers read to you the war -
was iia only occupant, was still in a deep rant tinder which you are arrested?"
sleep, but Thomas shook situ sturdily by "Mr. Thenuts sir," 'replied. wales, quite d a ltranquilly; buarrant te t
the shoulder. till he awoke. , what to of it.
t`Wl11 is it—what doyou as he lookedupIt Charid I ges' 11 with something inowhich
the . Windier, Ser, expression.
xpressi snappishly, hod doing anythingaa hit1
with a dated R.
W lee, of aree our upris t Joni t knoweof my nor gntagainstai
t`William wales, y
nnex," l:n4wetac. Thomas, in n, low, dib- the duly except gilaribling.
gnat voice: but without taking his hand p Snell answers
ys Ally's 05 these
were not mum -
who, however,
from the rerliuing man• put some further questions, designed to
Ito added.:... get through .1hn\y his intimacy with rho details of
"Now, if you want to tion _ and
or without
folks-•land I rather th11111 you cion implicated felonies,
n thou. how
the lA t r with
runt) will just sp111111 ftp and dress your- +1111 any hesitttn5v enooltntered them; till
;.elf nt once•, we shall be at ZrJc.i11 0 few
E I A �v
Za��C�� wrl PP9A
The right ;ht tine to do tl'le
right thin is NOW, and ad-
vertising space in
sr,Aly:a N t.) R t7IIY.]?
1 9191 t ♦}j1 F ',�FVt'
cr1:AX IW,.1122,' ...vas,-
vo•rxia 0'3 •••51t, .'em ae.
Fru rE 011 dd,
gt. A
will help to keep your busines
noviri J;.
With the good crops money
will circulate freely this Fan
and Winter, and no advertiser
should tail to c€ -gin now and
attract tilt. attention of pros-
pective buyers co his store and
what It contains.,
Medici e
until you have tried
Vi LE 442S
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Gents.
mi. port t. put up cheaply to gratify the nnkeureel preeeat demand for a low prle .
Pries 350. at at)
is V t, STITV Tkf.
If you don't find this sort of
ipans T.
At the Drug .st's.
Send Dive Cents to Tun titrANs will O sentato Iou'1try.11nao. te
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12 cartons•will be mailed for 45 cents. Tho chancels itti ten to
nye that Ripens Tabules are the very Medi. ino you 'tteettl.