The Wingham Times, 1898-10-21, Page 3A PPIIL11,11. 711,11:11,1 ST1133 AMIT The Great Life Saver Cures Even at the Eleventh Hour. Belyea's Letter S;ioald be Read I HI 'WING HAM TIMES, OCTOBER 21, 1S9S, 3 GO LIVE OTT A l'AI t 1 Bone and Eggs, %IMM a FRLLpom, ri4Aufti AND ITAPrl' In selling eggs at market price NESS AWAITS TOUR O01ING, • the question of profit. hinges on the cost of the. produetion of the eggs. person who does not live in The keepers of pure-bred poultry— The the country hitsi lost the best part of that is, the fancier, who rules only his nature by being hast out of the fancy stock and who gets fpl to $5 a • garden of Eden at an early peak(' of setting• for his eggs, and the same his life, to be atrtifieailly reared on the figure for his fowls—had no need to sights,sounds anti smells of the streets, count the cost so closely in the pro smells and sewers of some city. He duction of his stock, as the prices oh- knows nothing of real home life— twined are sufficient to cover even cities have very little -as a rule,, extravagant outlay, and to leave a ; only number so and so, shelf a street good margin of profit, marketer, lk however, it. ntas iSense taadaffectons.hepue.ir joysd quite differenHe must binghis water of the country, its holy quiet- bill of expenses 1)w in order to real- ize gentle any profit in eggs, In this .eon-' senses, its solitudes where tumult rection we would suggest the free and mob never intrude; its delight. use of one of the modern inventions for the. poultry yard—the bene cut- ter, not the dry bone cutter, but the green bone cutter, ana- the liberal use of gr.;en cut bone in feeding, the laying stock. With the writer, green bones, fresh from the butcher, . are obtainable at 20e, per 100 lbs., ;tad their val to as food in the pro. daetion of eggs, is worth from 3 to 5 cents a pound. In fact, in flesh cut' bone we time the best and cheapest egg food that we can bay. There is certainly a geed margin of profit in seling eggs at market prices when the hens are fed plenty of fresh cut, clean bone. Of course it must not be fed exclusively. But it may, we believe, constitute one-third cf the feed given hens without bad effects. Too much bone will cause dysentery or bowel trouble. But with the cooler or cold weather the bens can eat a great deal of it to advantage. The cut bone is cheap, and it stim- ulates laying wonderfally. We be- lieve that every person who is pro during eggs for market should ata. lize, as hen food, the cheap and wholesome bones, tl.at can be had at any butcher shop. ley all Sufferers. ful woods, its sports and pleasures, ----- its loves and ftiendt'ships, undefiled Gentlemen :--In tl:s winter of )881 I hy the dust and grime of crowded vas taken with r,, severe attack of neo- tenements and thronged through fares aigia in the head and shoulders. Since its sacred exemptions from theg pons then it becauio seated, and !gave up the idea of ever being cured. leave taken contracts and associations of the inedicine p. _c•:itied by different physi- bustling, hustling and shouldering (lans, but all to no avail. streets --all .these and Deere akin to Some three months ago I was induced to try a bottle of I'aine's Celery Cam- them make the rural existence a per- soued. Before I had taken half of it I petual delight, undefiled by the con- • began to feel better. Sleep, which in my early clays appeared so refreshing, has in these years of affliction been maicle up of frightful dreams ; but not so now, as the anedicina, bsgnu to have a telling effect on thy nerves. I have talteu three bottles of this glori- ous medicine, and today I can say that incidents, interesting, its rests changes it is the first time in eleven years that I Stave felt none of those piercing pains t.o and relaxations; with exchanges to • -which I had once been a victim: Let visit, always full of recreation;its ane say to any person who may rend this crops engage continual care and att- xeheimouial, in this province or else- with daily viclasitudes of ..avhere, that it you discredit this state-ention, anent, just write me and I will only be weather that never destroy hope and too glad to inform you of what bas cured even cheer with promise of fruition, ane of neuralgia and a shattered nervous and at the last, with garnered crops, systarn. Yours renpeetively, LEVBRETT A. BF..LYEA, + Hampstead, N. B. ditions that attended the constant pressure of mixed and crowded pop- ulation. The farm is not a bonanza,, but it feeds t he world. To one accustomed its labors are easy and healthy. Its . . District Lodge. -• A regains. meeting of District Lodge No. 24, I.O.G.T., was held in ' %he Temperance Hall, Porter's Ilial, it affords you plenty, with a roaring fire under your own roof—happy in being monarch of all you survey, de- spite the;struggles for bread ir, the cities and the never ending exertions and woes inseparable from style and its silly rivalries. Go back to the country, young +Qn the nth inst. The day being man - , 'wet and unfavorable, there was a Go home to the farm; seize the plow siittall attendance of delegates. In and become an iudepe> dent and :the absence of J.D. Murdock, St. happy man, though you may miss - %elms D C 'r' Air, r L Farnham wealth, fashion and luxury.—Norfolk Constance occupied the chair. The (Va.) Pilon. report of delegates from lodges was anossly favorable. Bond Lawrason, the respeered Secy -Treasurer for a •dumber of years, -tendered his rogis• tration, being unable to attend to the clones any longer; be was tender -1 ,ed a hearty vote of' thanks and thel sum of $5 for his faithful work in the past, The next place of meeting will be Londsboro, to be left with the executive to ehange,it necessary. N, Dunbar. Teeswater, was elected I),C.T. and E. L Farnham, Constance, D S. and P. The delegates all de- termined to do whet they could to further their respective lodges. A .hearty vote of thanks was tendered . the members of Porter's Hill lodge . for the kindness shown to the dele- gates. In the evening a musical and literary entertainment was given. For Over Pift,y Years. BROKEN DOWN MAN. Stomach Rebellious—Digestion Gone Wrong—Nerves Shattered — ]fat South American Nervine Made a New Man out of a Broken Down One. When the system is all run down na- !ture needo help to bring it back to a good healthy nl.rmat condition. Wheth- er in springtime, snnnerti-ne, autumn or winter, South Anierieau Nervine is a power in restoring wasted nerve force ; in'tooing up'the digestive organs ; dis- pelling the -impurities from the blood which are aneouutabls far eo much chi. - ease and suffering. 13. H..Darroek, of , Mount Forest, Ont., sues be was all run dow,ti, weak, languid, had no appetite, nerves shattered ; he took South Ameri- cast Nervine, and to use his own words : "I am O. E., ngnin ; my appetite is big nnr3 hearty. I think it the best medi- cine in the world to make a new man out of a broken-down one." Sold by A. L. Hatniltou. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Low Indeed. NITinsluw'e Soothing Syrup has been zased for over `iffy years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth• ing, will) perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain. genres wind colic, and is the best remedy gordiarnccea. )t is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in et'ery, part of the voila. Twenty-five rents a bottle. Its value is inealuable. Besure you ask for ltilre. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup, and h take no other kind, Playing Euchre With A Woman. "Whose play is it?" "Who. took that trick ?" "What'd trumps ?" "Went was led?" "Whose Rae is that ?•" "Did 1 take that ?" "What's trumps ?a "Is it my play ?" "That's the lett bower, isn't it?" "Id that mine?" "Ain't you got a club ?" "What's trumps?I' "Did they active us?" "How many did we make?" "Whose deal is it?" • "You don't seem to thoroughly re- alize how low you have got," said the Court. The prisoner, a faded, batt- ered speciman of manhood, on whose haggered face, deeply lined with the 1 marks of dissipation, there still ling ered faint reminders of better days long past, started as if' struck. "You do` me injustice, your honor," he said. bittcrlko "I can bear the disgrace of attest, for drunkeness, the mortification rf being thrust into a noisome dungeon, and the publicity and humiliation of it trial in a crowd- ed and dingy court room, bat to be t senteneed l,v a police magistrate who splits his infinitives --that is indeed a crashing blow." And as they led hien awav ho placed a trembling hand to his fore- head and shivered like one in an Sores Healed. Sores and ulcers of the worst kind are rapidly healed by Burdock Blood Bitters. Take it internally uud apply it externally according to directions and see bow quickly a cure will he wade. Ist C FFWilt P111 11 `t �s �9 4 Pills are necessary but not nice. Cathartics are not confections. Tire fewer pills that you take the better, It's aggravating to take pills that don't and pills that won't. It's soothing to know that when you take a pill it's the pill that will do the work for which it's taken. Named His Desires. Little Archibald was saying his prayers the other evening, while his mother was -stroking his. curly head nd thinking of something else. Suddenly it struck her that the child had wandered from the text of the supplication that he had been taught to repeat. "What is it, darling?" she inter- rupted "Go over that part again." "Give us this day our daily pie and cake, and forgive—S' "Why, my love, that isn't right," the surprised mother broke in ; "that isn't what mamma taught you to say." "I know," little Archibald replied, "but I don't want any more daily bread. Ind rather have pie and ' cake, and when we'reg prayin for things you might as well ask for what you want the most." - Pleasant as a Caramel.—Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not a nause- ous compound—but pleasant pellets that d;ssolve on the tongue like a luuip of sugar, just as simple, just as harmless, but a potent alder to digestion -and the prevention of all the atlmante in the estowaeh's category of troubles. Aut directly on the digestive organs. Relieve in one day. 35 cants. Sold by A. L. Tlnmilton, Missed The Trance. Mary had been to have her rortu,ne told and when she carne back her i'After Taking.' " ' ' mistress noticed that she was rather. You `_rave either got the labels re- eross and slammed the dishes around I served from the usual order," said in a niost destructive manner. the young wornan," or it must have "Why, 'what is the matter, Mary ?" 1 been awful medicine." have gained a reputation for their sure results. The pill that will is Ayer's. For all liver troubles, diseases of the stomach and bowels, sick headaches biliousness and heartburn, Dr. Ayer's Pills have proven a specific, and they as they have cured thousands of others whose testimony is a inatter of record. Ayer's Cure Book is sent free by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. Send for it if you want to know more of the power of these pills than is proven in the following testimonials. " I suffered nearly all my life with bowel compieints, enduring much pain, and I tried almost all the cathartic remedies advertised in the newspapers, without obtaining permanent relief until I used Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The result obtained from the use of these pills was wonderful. They not only gave immediate relief but effected a permanent cure." R. C. STODDARI), Delhi, Ont. "I was ill for -some time with liver trouble. My back ached and my skin turned as yellow as saffron; I became unable to do any work, and at last was confined to my bed too weak to move without assistance. I commenced the use of Ayer's Pills and less than half a box cured me. I owe my present good health to their use, and I am never without them." WM. OAKLEV, Lohelville, Tenn. "I have used Ayer's Pills wlt'h excellent results for constipation. I find that they do not gripe nor purge, but do give relief." CHIARLES R. WHITE, Pittsgrove, N. J. "I have used Ayer's Pills .since x845, and consider them superior to all other pills on the market. I always keep them in the house in case of emergency, and at one time they cured my wife of dyspepsia. I have found them good for all diseases caused by the Southern climate." A. L. JONES, Elizabeth City, N. C. No lYlistake. "These," said the returned soldier, exhibiting a picture of a fine young niatii•''a.nd one of a ragged scarecrow, "these are pictures of yours truly. You will notice that one is lahell • ed 'Before Taking' and the other site inqueried presently. "Didn't 1 she tell you a good fortune?" • Ohd otigh if "There is no medicine to this ex ltibit, i hey stand for me berm e a 'Cuts. r, an Martyr to Heart Trouble. No Long Delay. Mrs. Selina E. Core, Amberet, N. Y.. - — Says: "At times I suffered intensely They were at the front gate in the from palpitation and fluttering of my moonlight, and he asked her to be heart. I was weak and my nervesehatt his wife. \Vit] outstretched arms erect, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pelle have regulated my heart,, toned my ner and a throbbing heart he awaited Nies and built up my health." her reply. "George," she said in a nervo'ts Twelve Easiness Maxims. whisper, "you must give tine time— you must give me titre." "How long ?" be asked. "A day, The president of the London Cham her of Commerce gives 12 maxims a week a month, a year?" which he has tested th, nugh years "No, no, George !" And she scann- of business experience and which he ed the sky quickly. "Only until the recommends as tending to insure moon goes behind it cloud."—Comic 1 , yes, it WAS good en „ After taking Santiago."---Cineiunittta l saceeS. that's all," snapped 'Mary, "but 1 Enquirer. I 1. Have a definite aim. don't believe in them card telling 1 2. Go straight for it. 1ague. � women like ber. She give stat that c,ATARTBbL HEADACHE 3, utaster all details. 1 1 4. Always know more than you she didn t use no cardw tat ti DR. C.HASE'S u,1TARIZS CURE, went into a transome, an then when May be Your Experience as it was aro. expected to know. dirty i• it difficulties ladies aged iill end 70 years respeetivt'ly walked from Snuthhatn- ton to Ripley, at distal n re of 41 imles to take sacrament. ir i4 needless to BLOWER INCLUDED, ?a ., gots ma- w 11'• Spooner's - Dr. . Agnew'a Ca- ! ;1. Remember tui err, tsay they were both Highland Seateh 1 I got them she haul out two reduces i.,1ltienn 'ition an•1 elves cotnfoct. have,She can tell all tete gaud for- Coro You. gienily and cures quickly, One app ]• tet b a ,. tarrhal Powder will Positively cation allays pains, eleare the passage decks, an never a transotne does she ` u FevereCetarrb al f)t, atneesyx and 1 drtd tune she wstnts t'—I wouldn't belied' "r have used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Fever, ,j . 1 I„�,�,1evc_' Powder for severe catarrhal the headache throat.nflliutions which if not taken a word out of her Monti . . frequently, and with every npplietitaon a• in time will lend to Chronic Catarrh and ' 'J :v:,u,. f . :*fid land Plain Dealer, 1 the relief bas been itlliioettustantaliteuus. `i #s +"WPhen•yea,takeiieoats•Pills. The big, old-faab- j latter eon tutnpLion it is sure, pupa and load, sugar-coated, pills, which, tear you alt to harmless, easily npplk'cl, J + iii teres, aro not in It with flood's. Easy totako 1 !,(is'l Flora Shaw, es leu visited Daw sonCiti” for the London Times, says the price of lignnr there ranges from half a dollar for at glass of beer to forty dollars for a bottle of cham- pagne, but everybody drinks, and mon are painted out who are knower to havo spent $rr,t)00 am(' $10;000 at .a **dug Yia• tratokt tai'fail' 1.irtendut, •-• :Nod easy to opul•ate, is trite sf }Inod's Pills, whinh are rap to Into laevety rese.eet, 111 isaS'o, amine' and yarn, Ail struggdsts. 'ata at. gnarl &r 0n.,1',rttreTt, heti. g pltt Pale it a+l e_ Magi et lleSse w wieUTale �t Giratifyin:,, Improvement. "My NO was covered with pimples and blackhsuds when I begun tatima Hour''s Sarsaparilla, but alter ibo ube of thin ti,ediotue a short titre I was entirttly cured. I cannot recommend it too high• lv since it bus done so mutat for tae." MAY RVAN No••th Street O tugah On- I believe it. to be the very beet remedy . s r fo r catarrh h that aeon t e ulna t , atld take pleasure in saying there' wordy • in commending It to sal catarrh sutler. ' ars," 0. Spooner, Editor Kin's County !News, Hamptou, N. 13, S,,ia hy A. L. Houlihan. only made to overcome. G. Treat failures as stepping -stones Itri further' effort. t7. Never put ,your hand out fur - ther than you can draw it back, 8. At times be bold ; always pru• dealt. il, The minority often beats the naijority in the end. 10, Make good use of other men's :, , 1 . , , 'John W. Shipman, a trucker at taw. 1 the 0, P. R. freight sheds at Owen HOOD'S lcALLs are the only ._r . _ pills to'Sound, has fallen heir to i7,000 lef taJ watle;ieou a 4fir•, I 4 11. Listen well ; answer catttii us• ly ; decide promptly. 12. Preserver by ,all means in your Mower, "at sound mind in a sowed b I " P es tas ttetiail:ne. Children Ory Tor CASTOR John P. l)otiglas, a Winnipeg' ft- Iso'•vent 1 as been sente'need to jriTi.,a1 s It for i ii � t r del• three tett r. tl far tl t \ li rtt .I r frauding his credttora, ANTFD--strortAL 'rat::tt;t'iiSTSt pit*. VV sons lir this trtate t,o woo .5" one SStisteali,, ihtr !ilei c .0 tlt rt nearby vottati,•4 It it A,to ty ,smcee wore, vend eted r t hnmr. atnim•� , jydt• , ,riar iiw't'ttt e• ponmitIn rtai4n3ro, !s+q eatttr,. Ai�arottty i1111S, �3h 1 see ai.i11A'