The Wingham Times, 1898-10-21, Page 2Jessie James, e'en of the noted bandit, arrested on the eba •ge of having guilty knowledge of the' Mis- rouri Paedfiis train robbery, has been Steleased on 'ct!,idOl1 shill. f:it:y No" wilt a denier offers yet 13 le, tit t4 for liined's arsapariflt. t.l.'tletet a il',thirg ";'.t+t as goad," hitt !sly It... -cg's. —e . ret, c�€fj.qtill.' `tit bert ac' t F :ii �t<1 �• �''l�t "fix � gel ��` i:3nt 2a-tit:Ivey cured by Cleat Little Pitist They also relieve Di tress f:•o_n s', cpsia, L'1i:i.,-,estioit and Too :Hearty Eating, A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drotvstr- i:ess, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coasted %og:ee Tian In the Side, TORPID LIVER. The- 'neg.-tate the Bowels. Purely Vege.taable. t,I maq P. earfuls i Oa it.# SI'9 alit Pr:COta Substitution ,,, the fraud of the day. See you get Carters, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Ca per's Little Liver Pills. TOBACCO NHL 'AVE you f �',,rr;;� been amok- - al ing e, -good deal Y1 lately and feel ..n occasional twinge of pain roundyour11eart Are you short of breath, nerves unhinged, sense- s ✓a of pies and needles ,,'t, through your Bet .rand fingers? .i r take a box or two of !71%ii e.'yID-art e dNerve P.1114 and get oared before t'reitl beeline too serious. 1131-W3t••hal; Mr. .Tnbn Jaau4p, of Caledonia, Ont., ",,.,, has to say about • them : "I have had carious heart triulde for four years, caned by exressivo v_se of tcbaoco. .A.t I times my heart would heat very rat idly and then seemed to stop beating Daly to commence again z; it s unnatural rapidity. "This unl.et.leh-,t antioa of my heart caused shortness of•'breath, weakness and • debility. I tried ?nanny medicines and spent r, g.eat deal"c• money but could ;mot get any help. LuCii November., 'ilowevo:, I read of a roan, ai icted like ayself, being cured by i s`rlilhurn's Heart end Nerve Pills. I went to Irop:r's drug store and bought a box. i When I had finished taking it I was so gnuach better I bought another box and ::this completed the cure. My heart has 1=scot bothered the since,and .r strongly zeeomrncnd all eliffororfrom heart and xterve trouble, caused by excessive use of itobaeco, to give Milburn's Heart and Jacerve Pills a faitt and faithfnl trial." i Pries 50e. a cot or g boxes for $1.25, all druggists. T. Milburn& Co., Toronto, Ont. .LAXA•LIVEG PiLLs cure Constipation, lailrousness and. Dyspepsia, Price 25c. 1 tit; W1 GRATA . T.l. rZ itS, OCTOBER 21, t V# . I .1 1 I j Ike Knew. is inr l l e j' liQC�iBf 11 1 "Y want some kind of at door - happy condition of being 1>raeticaliy p free of debt. Twenty years aeon the order," said a customer. , township granted a bonus of 115,000 bell Prn\InrR,i "A dolor spring?" anewored the to the Lapse Erie and Georgian lla,y • hardware than. railway. Some e time acre ti's town- "Yes, and one that won't require ship having tho looney cit hand ,:Ilii the" of an elephant to open," FT PR off e8,000 of this liability, saving""� n a ' t r� s r' tr<e�r t^w am," honey thereby. The, remaining i7,- 0 and some interest coupons he - cat; e due this week and the treasur- ed, ;Tr. James Eekfurd, went to i Walkerton last week and placed the money to his credit to wipeout this in• debtness. A year after the township debentures were )sued a section of the township on the east gave an add- itional bonus of$5,0011 to the railroad. The last payment under this bonus will be paid next year but already the township has the atnount put away t& meet .it. This is not all, The township 1 has a substantial bridge account sr w3000 to meet any sudden gals upon it, while the current aeeount is in a very healthy state. All this goes to prpte that the town- ship finances have been carefully ad ministered And Ihuebauded, as the tax rate for owlishly. purposes has been uniformly a low. One other point Inight be noted and that is of all the money loaned by the town- sl''it p the miuniaiplity suffered no loss. y Young't*1leat ie Best. Almost everybdy likes best the meat of young menials, but the rea- son why does nott appear to be so generally understod. it will be said, of course, that the young chick- en is more 'tender and delicate and has w sweeter flavor than the old fowl; and the same also of the young pig or lamb as Compared with the old one of the same species. The truth seems to be that the young ani- mals' meat is best because it has never been pinched and starved :,r been surfeited by i overfeeding. As proof.gf this we halve seen runt pigs killed viwbieh have i,een stunted still more by .'trverfeedirg with corn, as every farmer knows is liable to hap- pen, The pigs- , were sickly, or at least had so poor appetites that they would eat verb. little and were at last killed, as it seemed impossible to make them groan. There was fat enongh in such /pigs, but it never seemed to tit wht lesome fat, and We a prefer a csure they are not *arm enough for would much weighed eighed lrito to 2 Othe cows to do their best in, or for thrifty pig that ofrom0 � calves and young stock to grow ra paundt. It i, a lesson that all fee"1 i pidly without c era allowance of der his fire insuitanee pokey, and the ers have to learn, that unly by keep - I heating food. Covering apt crackscompany paid, the damage. ing the digestive ergans in good con- t and seeing that Windows ad doors The blue tint in glass has its cause dititm and nmkir. • the animal fatten I, shut snugly will 1lleip some, but we in cllemica.t dept sits formed in the :'at,idly can gain be grofitably made or the meat thus produced be whale• remember when I a boy and when coal gas furrtice, and which, under ;etre and of the. best quality. ---Bos cows were kept in a barn with un- the action of the ir, produces a blue shingled sides aid ends haying to coat on the glass To remove this OtsaQQ�^^^^aCC30l100 A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS PyPctraI t The Cenaur'an Remedy for all THROAT Mo LUNG AFFECTIONS Large Bottles, 25 cents. aLtl aS Sr LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Prop's. Perry Davis' Pala Killer. New York Montreal EMULSION CONilirldrifidluif and All 1 ilNG 13.114EASIM, hi; P1 NU or 11.0010, woo' <'Oi1Gn, LOSS Or Rr<►PETE ser ' DJE$t L3.111 i2rr 3erniA&i of ibis article ate tae. S ulrtifeitt. 13y tt• : + l l .S L Emulsion,) Have i god<n • , t ,: e.c . ,hwhich had troubled me fera,vrr a yint, and save gained considet- ablyftrtvt:aglAt. T. It. WD Gl1Al.f', C.R., ,tontresl. fie a ;d C t pct ',Rattle Iy.!r. F• I :s' .'r,. c»., t ;::tied, • IIPOPPasedoeiPrb Are Tree Home Favorites, ttes, "I find great pleasure in dying with the wonderful Diamond Dyes. Tbey make ole otothes, dresses, silks, feathers and wool goods look as good as new.,, Mr$. M. It. Beret, Vle4,oria Harbor, Ont "Have used the Diamond Dyes for many years and they, have proved true and sure to color evety time, They are without doubt the 50E of Illi dyes." MRS. 3. p. WAr,I{RR, Quoboe, P. Q. we and have used ars, and am "I am a farmer'sd D:amond Dyes for y well satisfied with them. I highly recut& mend Diamond Dyes;ithey are the �inost effective," valuable and surest of tll dyestu1Is, Miss, A. 1, onoas, "That's the talk 1 •Something that N •holsville, N. S. can be put on c r taken off easily ; "I have used a greet many of the Dia -;something that Swill do its walk mond Dyes and find esti the best for !quietly, yet thot highly, and won't alt kinds of dyeing : vii11 have no other , , ,. r be eternally �,etttlt�, out of order." "And it must be strong enough to bring the door al! the way to, and not leave it swinging open a couple , of inches," "I seo," "And when the dots closes I don't • wont it to shut like a catapult, with a jar that shakes the house front its foundations." ••Yes, You ivant one that will bring the door til the way to, and yet do tt gently.,' "That's the idea. But I don't want itny compl"eated arrangement, I that requires a skilled mechanic: to attend to," i "No, of co tr. a not, Yeti want something situp:', yet strong and , kind for n.yework." Itgs. ,IAS. KARR'S, Robs"haunvilie, N. B. "I have used the DiOmond Dyes with great success. 11recot>�'irnend them to all ladies who wash to do ,their own dyeing. For coloring dress golds they are just perfect' MRs. MONE Stan ley "The Diamond/Dyet gees. T have used Lb and they always turn I am delighted with tt Ma.. Jof We ridge, P, Tz'. L are a great sno- w several times but lovely colors. tn." N Low', Selkirk, Man. "We use the Diatrotd Dyes and find them fast and beautift>;l colors ; they are the best" MRS, GaAs $OUNSTON, Montg,mery, N. W. T. "The Diamond Dyeq are the bust sold in the country ; they lwaysgive me sat- i waste and dress with extra care isfaetion, and 1 will aliea•ays praise them, a" Mara' A. tT);ADMAN, I before a battle, as they believe "I see, 1 knot exactly what you want, sir, just ex' etl '-Well, show to one." "We don't kee door-spriugs," Gleaungs. England is ro consuming large quantities of Antettiean slate. • Nickel is practteally supplied by two countries only- Ctrnada and New Caledonia. 't More than 50,060 Frenchmen be- long to the Ile„ion or Honor. Thirty-two thous4d' of ,those are connected with thea army. The rest aro civilians. • • The Russian sclldiers invariably lanoouver, B. C. physical cleanliness to play an inl- 1 Gold B)ttrns. Those whose cattle barns are not portant part in hetptng them to enter heaven. • There are now,:about 40,000 min- ers at work in the gold mines of Si- r warm enough to work in comfortably Iberia. The grains of Siberian gold without an overeoa>i and mittens int are said to be on an average larger i winter or even witt,out any coat in than those of any' part of the world.; ordinary winter vvleather may be A Yarmouth Ili'an was smoking a pipe, when a spate dropped into the tuck of his trot', els and burned a hole. Be made -la claim for loss un - ton Cultvator. help g walls 1 k v blue tint causes c nsldetabie tt et,'v ! e p line the ,ac of s oek ouble. with old boards and slabs nailed. on A tree of hi toric. interest was seed ar, t~tt,nilt Bulbs ?n tv ater hat I C.tsteria is E i . Saretucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants alt ClitI en . It contains neither Opium, Morphine noir other Narcotic eubatanea. It is a harmless) substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil. It is late la;.t . it guarantee is thirty years' use by ItItilloi»i of Et:o hers. Castoria alestroyn Worms and allays Fovo::isirneas. Custoria prevents vo I*itinn Sous Curd, c rna Diaarrhonaa and Wind. Colic. Caste -eta relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and 'Flatulency. Casttvria assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach. t'm1 Bowels, giving healthy and. natural sleep. Caste'rie, is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's B'xiend. Oastoria. "Co9tori:a is an exceUcat medicine for children. 1 others have ropeatcdly told zne of its good effect upon their child -res,.” Da. G. C. Oscoon, Lowell, Mass. Castori.a. "Castnria is so well adapted to children that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to nue." it A. Atacmuan, M.D. Brooklyn, .M i THE FAG -SIMILE ILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS EARS ON EMERY WRAPPER. SNE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY sTnCCS, NEM YORK CITY. _ ' F~~..i ss3J3`�"'x%t.+t ti ro •i+1ITTF ltAT Yi i k'�'2' PAVIN'' t t£V EMEN No case so slight .neglect. No cos Dr. Agnew's C not relieve inset ly and cure perma- nently. It has made marvelous cures, and enjoys the esteem and high en- dorsation of the ,lltedical profession. Through exposure 1 Ceontracted that dread dis- ease—Catarrh, 1Uy o -i a became chrnrirrin ro minutes sant first app c•etion I bad relict; and iu a short while I was co:mplately cured. W. you can afford to i o deep-seated that rrhal Powder will Lsvcx.r c. G.T.R. nrakt:man.Annnndale.Ont, ;r !the inside of the 'posts and stuffing cut down in Angina, Me. It was a GIVE A sultan. Non or WATER, AAn• the space between this liningit and '.maple i le on the lave of the Blaine t•esi- • A LOW T1 r1PERATU1tE. the outer boards, with bog hay, so dente in State street beneath which • -- that no wind could come through. I M['. Blaine stood $vheu formally not - A writer in ;'Vicks' Magazine" fd board slide win. lifted by a commi4ee of his noninat- saes the occasional failures are almost invariably from too little water being given during the time that the bulbe %are making rapid growth. When the bulbs are grow- ing out of doors, the earth is water - soaked from the recently y melted MOW and rains stns v 9 htchf ail fr e c1ncr.tl y. When we raise these bulbs in the window garden, we water them once in a day or two. These roots which in their natural tato are in cool, tivator. hoist earth, often become dry, yet 4e look fot: the clustets of flowers and t rank foliage that we see on the lase n. The writer says he prefers to raise hyacinths irt earth, but if he couy give ' weld not 1 e t1)et n sufficient cent water he would raise them all in water. Twice a day is none too often to give tiat.ln w -^.ter, and If the air of the room i3 het and dry, three times will be better than two. Bulbs cannot stand as great an amount of heat' when grown in water; for this reason people can grow them, who do not keep sufficient fire during the night to keep other plants in good condition, Any colored glass will dao for rads• ing• hyacinths, but a elear glass will seldom be a success, as the roots re- quire to be in a dark place, When planting daffodils, narcissus, .Tongnil, crocus, Chinese and Golden Sacred lily, use deep' glass dishes, placing an inch of sand i the bottom, and propping up the lbs with small pebbles. .. Plant all the bubs at the same tune water being aced ill only it Ifew, the rest being` set away iii a dark close 11014 r growing. Taking out the o dow where the ni out into the yard larger half win d nure was thrown lion for the presidency in 1884. and putting in at °t-- w from an old ,t -, building so that w' had light enough 1 t° E"1 i 1'�' 1 ilk g _ nv fel&, to take care of t e cows withouts� to leaving; s� door or dndow open was I \'' C 'kl. another =prat -ern nt, and ell vs'as'• dcne at small expense fi<tid but little I Some men's onto+ bad habit is 1 labor, which were important cones -I boasting of their *tied habits. 1 + derations in those elks to poor farm- ti aun• Grand 1`te:redyl for Coughs. ers, trying to do tiip best they could Bal - with what the 4d. --Boston Cnl- "I have uSed Liagytxrui5 pectoral Bal- Yjsero and found it aiurand remedy for coughs and colds, anclthighly recommend it." 0. M. DOHER'FY, Camilla, Ont. o�. 3. A ady to- start; The Matter of 4n Allowance. "My dears, whi pored the young man, "as we are Kt soon to be ma.r• ried we should tak a practical view of life n and profit fi b the of others. For instars e, there is a sub- ject of a regular llowance every week for spendi g money, you know." "Oh, I've thou replied sweetly. "Have you ?" "Yes, indeed, Htincl Peds and bun -1 deeds of times, and lately I haven't • thought of moll else." The man who admits he is in the wroi;,' is usually in' the right. A man of n'rzsgal,ii hiliilts will fled o63 of Mtlburn's Stoehrl IIeaddtihd Powders , taken ,n themorn " o .c tear his is head steady his nerves andg.ttt LftYiin shape for hisday's work. t Prise IOe, and 25c . t of that," she, a"Eh 1" "Yes. Your incci re is x$2,000, isn't it?" 1 "Yes, and I want t to go as far as I • pbssible toward you happiness." "Of course. Well I've talked it over with mamma, a d she thinks an allowance of $1 a, week will be plenty." "Indeed ?" an walk to the and carry your d so you can use igars acid neeka ew 'York Week - "Oh, yes. You the office, you know lunch, yott know ar the whole dollar for tzea and things."— lS ly, Drug More. `s . ?J, rA}'1.KW!�. ". laLwii rc,h'*f�t� •ado<. a i I CATARRH-SEEDS.Is the breath foul? The voice btislty? Constant drop. ' ping in the threat i' Pain across the eyes and front of the hiiad? Losing sense of t taste and smell? -•--proof that this all too eatm- 1 mon malady has you as its victim—Dr. I A.gnew's Catarrhal Powder hos yet to find a case too stubborn to yield to it. Relieves instantly,and a ptlrfect cure. This wonderful rpmedy effected a speedy and permanent cttto. 1 am willing to spend the rest of ' my days In s read)r� tho good news to my fellow sufferers. JNo. l;ltow;t, Gj%,11. Veteran, d}46 Mamball St., Pltllatdlelphla. 36 Sold at HauYtiltoa's .Drug Store. RHO UF ABook for Voting and Old. 0UlR. RECO rik Es /4187i. ti= DISEASED MEH ©pyt) -See v E CARE ER1filliS i l31:06p rOVATA (Sj AAS 5 of 0 0 CURED VQI i7 i9! S1 $avo yott ginned p against nature w'scn ignorant of the terrible orimo ,t -on tvorecommitting , Didyononlvconstdc- �q fascinating allurements of this evil 1. n When l h . o r avoid e e •- hi+,b.tP ca; , 1 9.9 the „ter- rible rible results, tvu p your eyoa px,a4ect to your peril? Di vett lator on in men - hood contra otanii'1tIV.d' Ilor)lL041) diseaso? Woroyouour6q? Doyot[now and then see some, alarnlitng Ny?a' toms? Dare you marry In y_onr,y +fit .'cat•• dation? Youkno'v, a'LIItL!k'�:ri3Jli, I;IICII] SON," io IErnarried are fk -n• stantly living in dread? is marc go a failure withyottogi atcountof any weak - floss caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you boon drugged with mercury? This bpoklotwillpoint<outto You the results of these crimes and point out how our NEW METHOD TREAT - MEET will positively cure you. It shows hose thousands have boon saved by our NEW TREATMENT. Itroves how we can GUARANTEE TO CUIRE ANY DURABLE CASE OR NO PAY, Wo treat and ., cure—IMISSIONS.SLITIEIPAO11CTI._MOTTNY8- HESandLCABG, KIDNEY )ADDER diseases. CURES GUAIRAFIT ED "The Wages of Iain" sent free by enclosing 20 stomp. CONSULTATION FREE. stele! :tall write l TREATMENT. KENNEDY& KRGAN Cor, Michigan Adel and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. ELTON'S UMPS " Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof eau. be given of their durability than is shown by the feet that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON axict FORCE PUMPS ' Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. Sxor—Diagonal St. opposite Beatties Livery. JOHN PELTON, Win>aham, Ont; Caveat, and Tt•ade•Marks obtained, and nil patent business conducted far MODERATE NEEti, My office lain the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office. and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention! wit's description and statement as to advantages claimed - chamois made for an opinion. es to )atcniebatcy, and ntv fee tor prosecuting the: application trsilt no0 Se'atria for itntit 2ica patant, 't rainrsad. "1evrsrons' Cvtnrt.," core - tensing fait information sent free. All tgalnlnuu1.• 40004 CAnsldered as litrlctly Confidential. RA baR IN W. O UG{4 e d Fnt.rpec, wyn +1AT41JTo1VT.».ttt/f tee `Its Alis'' EXPERIENCE TRADE lJ9nt3itg;r ' Eve,IG113 Ps'iyinldllTS 8846. Angor:9 lutes.'; aFliesband cleacra�i iron nice entokly aartt-lltttt par null ,rru fres Wlinther tins invention t. tlrol,!t t b -pa enta,,te. (,'ottlfnitntetlr Onus strictly: onli4elet .t, Sl. udbooK - n l'atecitel Sent fron. °Idiot no+a-fu i.'rsi.'eringpatent.s. Patents tatter. t'tuctitsott eninn, Co. ret epectal notice. trtthoct enrin'e, in t11,, A handsomely 111untratnd week's'. largest Or. enlation of any setenttfto , oureai ernta, 53 veSNNr��; four months, 51. Sold byall��gngd$ ndcalerrrss. 41 tt1 & Co SG1 roadway, Net> tirk Sranels Osteo. t2i s' St.. Washington. C. IT PAYS Reg e.0e. TO ADVERT'S IN THE TIMES ..: se