The Wingham Times, 1898-10-07, Page 81 Ilk; WIN GRZAM TIM , OCTOBER, 7, 18W3.
1 Miss A Boyd and Aims Jennie Bell were
t Y chest tin
Mitchell attending the wedding of the
former's cousin.
Mrs H B Elliott returned home on Tues-
day from a three weeks' visit with friends
and relatiyes in Ingersoli and vicinity.
Mr •lames, Angus was a judge on horses
and Mr Wm Dore judged the carriages
and implements at Blyth fair on Wednes-
Airs• John McDonald and Master Will
and Mils Maud McDonald, of Listowel,
were virliting with Wiughatn friends this
Messrs Peter Fowler end Amos Tipling,
of the Bluevale road, and ILiss SteWttrt, of
town ware judges at Atwood fair on Wed•
Mies Maggie McLaughlin has returned
home again frc'tn New York. We are
sorry to state that her father, Mr James
McLaughlin continues very low.
Messrs W Holmes and W T J Homuth,
Croton oil and fly blisters o m
MON 0 a and had a bad cough. My friends
I, too realy thought soy en
near. fearsng InJSGIy that the pains.
for Bargains. flS. illness 1
Saturday l� about my heat might take me o
Special for any day. During all my
had never thought of any medicine
other than what my doctor prescribed.
It happened, however, that in g
nig over the Enterprise one day Illy
eye tell upon the statement of a cure
made, by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
The case resembled Irvine in some re•
spects. I read and reread the are-
ticle. It haunted me for several
clays notwithstaading I tried to dis-
miss it from my Iniad. At last I
asked the doctor whether he thought
these pills would help me. Ile look-
ed at me a moment and had betterremark-
mar -
ed "well, perhaps y
them. I believe they do work
wonders in Soule eases and if they do
not cute you they. will certainly do
no harm." That remark opened to
rue the door of lite, for had he said
"no" I should not have used the pills.
When I had used two boxes I began
to feel better, my appetite improved
and there was less of those pains
about the heart and chest. The
cough too was less severe, ' I kept
on till six boxes more
ew were
taken and
to make a long story
myself again, appetite good, spirits
buoyant, pains gone and I could do
my own work with comfort. I have
been well ever since and have no
doubt that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
saved my life and restored me to my
family. 1 am ever ready to speak
their praises and in my heart am
ever invoking God's blessing upon
their discoverer. ar
Rheumatism, sciatica, neralgia, par-
tial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, new
ous headache, nervous prostration
and diseases depending upon humors
in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic
erysepelas, ect., all disappear before
a fair treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. They give a healthy glow
to pale and sallow complexions and
renew the entire system. Sold by
all dealers or sent post paid at 50c a
box or six boxes for $2.50 by address-
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. Do not be persuad-
ed to take some substitute.
gave up, thinking I had consumption.
end vette
50 pairs Ladles' Fine Shoes worth
$1,25 and $1.40 for 08e.
10 doz. Ladies' and Gents' Cash-
mere hose, re; 35e and 40c for 25e•
doz, Ladies' Cashmere Gloves,
reg 25e fir 15e.
10 d:,z. Ladit'y and Gents' Linen
Collars, reg. 1i e and 20for 13
10 doz. Linen Towels, extra large,
ren, 15e. for ile.
doz. Ladies' es' and (lents' U114'31'.
Wt!.;l12, reg. 503 ant t,i)c for 35e.
15 pieces fancy and Plain Dress
Goods, new goods, 35e and 50e, for
10 L 1(li:'z4' .\.N.ti Behan Fur Mantles,
reg $26, Saturday $23.
11) Ladies' Black Capes, extra
:=10 1'tn' fib.
15 ;Shuttles over from last year,
reg. 'J.00 tor •x3.U0.
5 pieces all -wool Tweed, reg. 00e,
busy Clay •ttic.
10 dor. Corsets, Crompton make,
reg. 75e for 50e.
t; pieces heavy Curl Mantic Goo is
in all the new shades, suitable f r
long or short Boats, reg. price $1.50
and $1,75, choice S:ttntday for $1.20.
3 doz. (Seats' Soft and Stuff Hats,
reg. $2.00 for $1.25
The above prices are good for
Saturday only. Shop early.
The largest and most co.mprehen•
sive array of Dress (foods anis Bilks
to be seen. An OxtCBSIVO range of
high class novelties, including Silk
Weaves on Silk and Wool grounds.
'RIO Art Crepons and Brocades in
Black and Colors, and a large range
of materials for tailor-made costumes.
Beautiful range of Plaids and Cheeks.
.Seo the display of new and beauti-
ful nnvclties in Laces, Chiffons, Ties
and lid Gloves.
Special this month in Carpets, Lace
Curtains and Ready-to-wear Suits
and Overcome.
Suits to order a specialty at
7,4 f
5e �'i'0
Irvin iv
Would you !Wish
As a Nan
To Leave your rife
and Babies Helpless?
of town ;Tilos Cassels, of Last WMWauoslh
Mud '.rhos Brandon. of Morris served as
jurymen at the Huron assizes in Goderich
this week.
Mies Nellie t3eckett of Wingham, who
is attending the Collegiate, went home to
spend Sunday and returned on ;Monday
eocompauied by her parents, Mr and Mrs �'
Jas Beckett. -Clinton News-ktecord.
Mr Geo P Bisbee returned on Tuesday
evening from a visit to friends in London.
Ele was in a very weak state when he
arrived, but we are pleased to say he was
proving nicely at last reports.
rylr Ralph Hodgson, who has been in
?Messrs Homutn & Bowles' store for some
years left on Wednesday morning for Tor-
onto, where he has accepted a situation in
Simpson's departmental store.
Emphatically, NO your says• But don't
nprotectcci widow
please every taste and every purse.
you know that the u
and orphans are the sport of Fate ---the
driftwood of humanikyb--What. can they MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING in. Ordered audl Ready-made is a.,
do when you are noethereto help there? growing trade at this - store: You can get Mears Suits titre from..
2.75 rtpl and Boos' from $1.00 up,
Our Mantle are greatly admired by all who see the* low
their •
Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Ern sh, but above
all the marvellctlls low prices, at which we sell theta. The sea
ret of it all is we understand the markets of the Old and New
World, and buy only the best for our trade that moo. If money ckn
secure, They rang: in price from $3•oo to $x.»•Y
to think of FIRS NOW, Burs are just in, . atild they should
R «'� QN
Tho question demands an: answe The
answer iss starvation or• degradation.
The remedy is Insurance. Add to In-
surance brotherly, consideration, care
and attention, aiditi,ncl helps, and you have
The Canadian Order
of Foresters.
They offer Insurance at just enough above
cost to insureabsolute safety.
Between the On On z,0oo.
Ages of +SqO• $1,00o.$1. I - --.00. $.Scso
The regular monthly meeting of the
town council was held on Monday evening.
Members present : Mayor Morton, Reeve
Hanna, and Councillors Newton, Long,
Lemmex, Reading, Irwin and Hanson.
The minutes of last regular and special
meetings were read and approved.
A communication wad read asking for
aid for the sufferers in connection with the
recent cyclone at St. Catharines and Mer-
riton.-•Referred to Finauce Committee.
The Treasurer's statement for Septem-
ber was read as follows ;
30 .,35• • .• 450. . ry0C.....$s.05 ,.•• 1,40
35 " 40...- 500. .,...550....• r.oS 1.70
40 ` +'45• •.,. 530. ••-$r.00__ •••0
1.50 .•.• 2.0
Full information sent on application to R. ELLIOTT,
H. C. R., Ingersoll, Ont. ; Tuos. Wilma, H. 5..
Brantford, Ont. a or ERNST GARTUNU, Supt. of
Organization, Brantford, Ont.
system, t ailed the Saxon Fire Pox System
as recommended by the Fire Underwriters'
Association, be constructed in the town of
The new system rroposed would give a
general Blame in the case of of fire, where•
as the prosect system only gives an alarm
at the power lioure.
Mayor Morton said the whole matter
had been threshed out previously. '.rhe
expense of iutrodncinl; the new system
would. be in the neighborhood of 5000.00
and he did not think ,council was in 15 pnsi
tion to make such an expenditure this
Upon the above notion being put
declared lost. only two Voting yea.
•Newton -Irwin -'.Chat the Fire, Waterand Light Cozirnitteo proceed at once with
the \yolk ordered at last n eeting.-
The council then adjourned.
k, the
DRESthe very lat.-
S t GOin ODS-The
newhshades, patterns andlmatelials,,tand prices always,
in your favor,
SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for Ladies and Gentlemen,—
quality right, priees.Dight.
GROGb.E,RIES-"-TEAS-IIeadquarters for everything in fresh, new
Groceries, 30e Tear for 25e ; 40c Tea for 30011 50e Tea for 42e ; 5'
1be,good Raisins fore25e. •
If you want good fitters and good wea ring;Ebots come here fo r
We shall be tz1ad to have contributions to this
column from any of our readers. If you haw. visi•
tors or purpose coiIF ;Jetty yourself, drop le and
tell us, or send us a aote to that effect.
Mr W Andrews is visiting with friends
Hall rents
Cemetery deeds
Sale of step ladder
Sale of old planks
Loan from bank
14 00
23 e8
2 00
2 c0The tobacco crop cf Essex county
1 00 has been about harvested, A num-
2500 00 ber of fa.rinel's will lose part of the
t=rop on account of not having proper
88 facilities to shield it from the weather.
00 The price is lower, too, than they ex-
on pected.
D G F. % R D O Direct !water
'1Dc'Q/3•' ''' ' 4b'.'® vhf '' '@Y'4 lir . c!d` •
1 ....•} y1 y4 '� r r eningT16 CID 01:COCD 94 :..1c., CP00
Coque and Take Ifs With You.
Our Names Aa.e,
Balance on hand Si 590
'rhe report was ordered to be spread
the minutes.
A communication was read from Mr.
i London l 1'th ei
From the Enterprise, Bridgewater, N.S.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Diehl, who
live about one and a half miles from
B3ridgeWater, are highly esteemed by
.- large circle of friends. Mrs. Diehl
n ic
141r Fred Tiplady is spending a week. or
Graham, contractor or grano i
so in Chicago. walks, stating that if council would pay
Miss Millman is visiting with friends in him ten pem r
per cent. kept back, he would
St John, Mtch. aLemmex-Long-That the coUImunica-
Mr Walter Belden has returned home tion of Kr'. A. Graham lay outhe table.-
from Manitoba. Carried.
Barrister Brydone, of Clinton, was in The following accounts were cons:dercd
town on Monday• by the Finance Committee :
Miss Jennie Bell is visiting with friends A E Simmons, local imp advt.... 6
in Clinton this week. T Hall, printing
Miss L :Moore was visiting with friends John Galbraith, Supplies •
in Clinton last week. T H Manuel, salary, Sept
Mrs Geo Hughes is on a visit to friends T H Manuel, repairing on w w
in Grand Rapids, Mich. Jos Coad, 3 months' salary
Mr J W Scott; of Listowel was in town
a couple of days this week.
leas passed through a trying illness the
particulars of which she recently Rev D Perrie and daughter spent a few
gave a reporter of the Enterprise, as days in Toronto this week.
sollotVs:-'•In the spring of 1.836 my I Miss Florence Sills spent a few days last
i.eaah gave way. In addition to i week with Listowel friends.
any ordinary household duties I had I Mr. F. Beck, of Jiarriston, wss in town
the constant care day and night of a i a couple. of days this week.
tiiek child. In the hope of saving my I Mr John Watt and wife are visiting
little une, it did not occur to lee that t with friends in Detroit, Mich.
overwork, loss of sleep and anxiety Miss Pattison, of Kincardine was visit•
were exhausting my strength. Fin- ing at her home here this week.
ally lay child passed away, and then 11Ir R G Gordon spent Sunday last with
y d t Listowel
1 realized. thefine arts
•tl after I was attackedwithDr Towler
V Vannorman, salary, Sept
,T B 'Ferguson, salary and postage 102 50
Wingham Eiec Lt Co, lights, Sept 35 20
T H Manuel, handholds for nozel 1 25
John Davidson, work, streets.... 2 507
Frank Davidson, do
Tnos Irwin, salary, Sept
John Ritchie, Ins Pram, fire hall
J S Bordeu, 2 paviors hammers...
R Kinsman, work on streets....
Hugh Hamilton, do
JasBrock, do
John Clubb, do
Geo Fretwell, work on streets... •
W 0 Stuart, insp local imp
1 'd In r physicial condition. I relatives and friends
a Geo Lemmex, work on streets.....
Shot y f T 1 acted as judge in ne G T Pe freight on hydrant
neuralgic lsainS in the shoulder I department at Blyth on'1nesday. 1!iT , salaries
which sculled to my right side after i Mrs Edward Baines was visiting for a I Button ' Fsalane, pumping water
three wee'ts and settled there. The few days with friends at Whitechurch. to
pain in n y side grew worse and after i Mrs F Hamlyn, of London is visiting
a fete days I became unable to leave with her parents, Mr and Mrs 0 Dallas.
ray bed. In addition to my bodily \ Mr John E Howson, of Grenfell, N W T,
trouble I became melancholy and . is spending a few days in town this week.
was very much reduced in flesh. 1 Messrs R Vanstone and E L Dickinson
Idy tiiends regarded my condition I were in Goderich this week, attending the
as dangerous. I remained in bed 1 aasizes,
' several weeks; to me it seemed ages , Mr Dave Loughead has returned from
itis impossible to describe the agonies , London and taken a situation with Mr C
1 Buffered during that time. A skis-! Gillespie.
tai physician -eras in constant attend -1 Master Will Campbell, of Ingersoll is
once upon me. He said mine was • visiting with his grandfather, Mr David
the worse ease of anaemia and general Campbell.
neuralgia be had ever Seen. After Mrs (Dr) Macdonald'wascalled to/Bruce-
some weeks he succeeded in getting field on Tuesday owing to the illness of
me out of bed and after a few more !her father.
weeks I was able to do some light 1 Miss Maggie Gray has returned home
household work. Bat I Was only a +from a month's visit with friends in El.
shadow of my former self; my appc- • tirtra, N Y.
.bite was very peer and that madden- ! Mr Thos Groves has returned from Mani•
qng pails still clung to my side and i toba, where he has been residing for sev•
Alan spread to the region of the heart l eras months. + the credit of the School Board -
and ii)n,v. darting through and Mr Prank Caesar left 00 Wednesday foe l tarried;
abt'll` l;.c . l:tooae t'tlttine, the; Philadelphia, where he will attend the Hanna --Long That the new fire alarm
Meeh. l:very few dig's I had to apply I dental college.
4 72
2 00
1 00
8 84
11 70
15 00
34 00
10 00
7 50
2 80
2 87
12 38
9 37
3 13
4 38
0 00
8 75
65 C0
12 00
We also beg to submit the letter of A.
Graham, regarding paymentthe ten
per cent. bald back on contract, to the
council for consideration,
Hanson -Newton -That the report of
the Finance Committee be adopted and
cheques issued for the respective amounts,
The Fire, Water and Light Committee'
reported that fire alarm boxes ordered at
at last meeting of council would cost in tin
neighborhood of $70.00, and as change
would be Mede in waterworks system next
year, your committee considered it not
necessary to make extra expense this year
and we refer the matter back to the coun-
Newton—Irwin--That the revert of the
Fire, Water and Light Committee be
adopted. -Carried.
13y -law No. 806, to borrow 11500 to meet
current expenditure was read three times
and passed.
Newton--Lemmex-That $800 be placed
We are sure you do not.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
Itcomes to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
:membranes of the lungs
coo are
inflamed. Stop your
when it first appears and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
Tack Tar.
Great St. Bernard.
British Canadians.
Great 500 Page.
We are
The Miner.
Moss Rose.
in all colors and prices.
Readers, Arithmeties,
s your school supplies.
Grammars, ete. Call and see us for
- S, Popular Book Store.
We have just put into stock a crate of the
directly imported from one of the best makers in ngland,
which, means the beat
We in've a full assortment of this line, suchs Pitchers,
,Bowls Veges
table Dishes, Plates, Caps and Saucers; ps onwilly);o it. Toilet Sets, goods are
which we intend to sell quickly if low prices
strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them.
Oar pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling se
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
it pH
slops coughs of all kinds. It
dies so because it is a sooth-
in and healingremedyof great
po er. This makes itthe great -
es preventive to consumption.
Phut one .of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Piasters over your lungs
A whole Medical
£(bran Free.
For four cents in stamps topap post.
age),wo will send you sixteen medical
IIee'7aa/ Advice Free.
We have the exclusive servicol of
oma of the most eminent physicians
tin tbo United States. Unusual oppor•
tunitied and long experience emi-
nently St them for giving 100np diicaol
advice. Write ,roety all
tho Mars in your case. You will receive a
prompt reply, without cost.
Address, DR. J. LowOU, liasd.
Far. u . arson
t, The China House," Wingham.
u stiOn of Time
We are selling a good, accurate,
8 Day Clo�k,
strikes hours and half hours, xat
u 's
$2.50 r
War declared on high prices*.