The Huron Expositor, 1978-12-14, Page 7XPC1SITC;R, opcepviitR 14, 197 . I L. t INSTALLATION — The eiss Rebekah Lodge of Seaforth, No. 117; wa in charge of the installation of officers for District No. 23. Back ,row, leftto right are, EstherCampbell, deputy chaplain; Hazel .McGonigle, deputy warden;. Annie Malcolm, deputy recording secretary; Marion Rose, deputy “musician; May Habkirk. deputy inside guardian; ROth Papple, deputy financial secretary; Margaret Sharp, deputy treasurer; and Helen P Scott, deputy outside guardian. Front row are Irene Smith, deputy marshall; Ruth Campbell, soloist; and" Kathleen Cuthill, district depktW president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. (Photo by Jim Fitzgerald) • . ' ...s„ .••• DECORATING NOVI/ B"k For January Decorating •Kem Paints • Walicoverings 'Arm strong Carpets 40 Windovi Shades & SILK FLOWERS & ARRANGEMENTS ALSO CHRISTMAS TRIMS & ARRANGEMENTS HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth- A 54 ry ANNUAL 60• and over min - I f 8 10 $5,000 10,1/2 % ANNUAL [60.and under $500 and • uP) • .• RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Income Tax Preparation: early refund. - M.onIcton Office Open Monday thru Saturday Phone 347-2241 %Nimmommortk Have them done now for Brussels Office Opens Tuesdays & Fridays Phone 887-6663 ..tstoff....kkaititssros 'kk men,s SPORT COAT Cordoroy $10' CAR COATS Kiazy Ed's has ORDERED SOLD Ladies Winter COATS 20°/0Sal°e FPYrices Lathes EVENING - WEAR °/®OFF IReg. 0 Prices Ladies DRESSES PANT SUITS . 20% qFPSale Prices Men's TOP, C6ATS 20% • OFF Sale Prices Men's SUMS $10. to $35. SPORT COATS . $15.. to $20.. . KRAZY S Bargain House Store Hours Mon, Toes, Wed, Thews, Sat. 0:00 to 5:30 Fri 9-9 5 Main St. Seaforth SAVING TO. OWN... A HOME WHY .TAX YOURSELF? Dear R.H.O.S.P. Customer: As an R.H.O.S.P. participant with your. Credit Union or Trust company you should be aware of an important change the federal government has made affecting regulations governing the plans. In past years you had until February month end to make your , deposits. The federal government has changed this rule. Effective this year deposits to your R.H.O.S.P. must be made by January 2, 1979 in order to be included as a tax deductible amount for the 1978 tax year. If your plans this year include additional tax deduc- tible deposits'to your R.H.O.S.P, may we Urge you to • ensure those deposits are made before December 31st: Why tux yourself to own a home-use your R.H.O.S.P . It's The Simple Solution. REGISTERED HOME- OWNERSHIP SAYINGS PLAN- ClintonCommunity CREDIT -UNION '70 ONTARIO sr. OLD TOWN HALL BUILDING CLINTON EXETER 402.3467 215,0640 FOR RECORD LOVERS • PERFORMANCk . BEtTER SOUND 0.• SAVE RECORDS AND ENJOY 'THEM MORE. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF, HIGH QUALITY THROUGH- OUT AND A BREEZE TO USE. OPIONER PL 514 969. A XLM $ohoh MK 1111.34:95" 7U• ,FAMOUS WATTS PARASTAT KIT INCLUDES PARASTAT, HUMID MOP, ANTISTATIC FLUID & SPARE PARTS. • LARGE SELECTION OF HOT NEW RECORDS AND CLASSIC OLDER ALBUMS. RECORD SLEEVES INCLUDED. L 40 ONTARIO STREET OPEN DAILY 10.6 SATURDAY•14- 5 A NEW PHONO SOUND SYSTE RTRIDGE CAN IMPROVE EVERY RECORDS OUND BETTER AND LAST LONGER. WE'RECOM M END: T A delicioUS pot luck supper preceded the \—Peceniber meeting of the Catholic Women's League in St. James Auditorium with 30 members present. ,Following supper there was 7—air.% exchange of gifts and silver collection for missions. The President, 'Mrs. Ken Vincent presided for --btisiness. Spiritual convener, Mrs, Ray Hutchinson chose "A Christmas Prayer for the home'? jor the reading. Reports were given by con- veners. Mrs. Joseph , Ryan and Mrs.. James Palin sick . and visiting committee for Council briefs xposit • Several councillors felt cars- can be plowed in just as badly on streets as in driveways. Council reversed ,a decision m .ade -two years ago and joined the Good Roads Assoc. and made plans to, send two Councillors to its convention in February. "It wasn't felt 'enough had been gotten out of it," explained councillor. Gerald Groothuis, when council decided two years ago not to belong. An accounts payable amount 'of $1,728 to F,J.L. Pearce Ltd. was for a survey of the town's boundaries in As a result of contributions from Lionss International Foundation' it has been possible to assist under- privileged and relieve suffering following disasters in countries throughout the world, Paul Shuliz of Goderich told Lions. Club members Monday night. Created in 1967 the fund depends on donated amounts as a• source of revenue and Seaforth Lions gave assurance of their partici- pation. Mr. Shultz is area fund chairman and is seeking $7200 as, the district's share. irhe duk approved changes in agreements with Tucketsmith reinecting the Lions Park property to make possible a grant under community centre legislation to the, renovation program at the park. Long time members were recognized when chevrons were presented to A.Y.McLean 45 years, J.R.Spittal 40 years, John 4. Cardno 20..•.years . and Marten Vincent 10 years. E.C.Boswell, 45 years and Harold Turnbull, 10. years Father Laragh of St: james Church asked the blessing for the "Happy Citizens" Chtistnitis party dinner on Dec. 7th at the legion ,hall when 117 sat down to a turkey dinner prepared by the women and served by the men. The tables were very pretty with Christmas center- pieces and favours made by Mrs. Staffen and Mrs. Hattie JohnStOn.• After the dinner Lorne Dennis, Chairman, thanked' the ladies 'for the meal. Mrs. Vincent Lane pres- ided at the pioano and led in a 'sing song: Jim McQuaid introduced Father Laragh who spoke on our experiences and our memoirs.. Mrs. Rose Ryan gave a readink "Lavinsky at the wedding," dressed in suit- able costume. Mrs. Marie Flynn and her music Makers, Warren Whit- more and Wilson McCartney on their violins played some old time music especially' an old time waltz with several couples enjoying a dance., , The McQuaid' 'sister's accompanied by their mother played their violins and step ,, danced which everyone en- joyed. Mrs. Jim IvIcNaughtnn conducted a contest "Stump the panel." 'The panel were Anne Agar, Ruth,. Papple, Dorothy Townsend;Joe White Wilmer Cuthill' add Jim Doig. ' • Helmar Snell entertained with violin music accompanied Al its meeting Monda'y night ,Seaforth council considered, the following matters: Clerk Jim Crocker r ported that he'll —prepare an agreement as soon as a temporary easement is received front/the Bank of Commerce, allowing draining of the alley behind Seaforth IGA. • The Mayoi and clerk were authorized to borrow up to $70,000 to pay'1978 bills until all the town's revenue is in and up to $448,000 in, 1979. Information on services offered will be available from' both Seaforth banks at the, January council meeting. A letter from' Anne Underwood, requesting that her doctor husband 'be permitted to park on West or Centre Sts. occasionally. in the winter when he has emergency, duty was turned o ver to the police committee which will look at other emergency winter parking. by Mrs. SNell. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause arrived and presented 10 Decerhber birthday celebrants with a small gift. Sandy Pepper very ably expressed thanks to every- one on the program and all those who helped. Several gamestof 'euchre were played wfth`ptize win- ners. Ladies high-Mks. Second McBrien; Ladies LOne, Mrs. L. Malaniuk; Ladies Low, Mrs. Jean Pethick. Mens high-Wilmer Cuthill Mens Lone-Russell Carter; Mens. Low-Leo Murray. Lucky chair was won by Mrs. Tillie Dunn. ' Lucky favor was Mrs. Ed. Byers. Marked tally was-Mrs. Grace Broadfodt and Vincent Lane., Winners were: High, Mrs. Jades Devereaux; Lone hands,' Mrs, Harry flak; Low, Mrs. W. Maloney; Closest December . birthday, Mrs. Joseph Ryan. November reported 23 visits, Mrs. Vincent thanked all and ,especially Mr. and Mrs. Hak for their help and co-opera, tion at the recent bazaar, A gift of a cup and saucer was presented to Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and, a vase to Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Miller in recognition of their 40th anniversary. Gifts for ' Christmas will be' taken to residents of, the Nursing Homes and shut-ins, to F3ther Laragh, Sisters of St. Joseph, pupils o:of St.s .1a m es the ' area of the new subdivision, clerk Jim CroCker explained. Deciding Seaforth was not obligated to purchase the property, but only had first option„ council reversed its decision on Louis McNichol's sale agreement for a lot in the industrial park. Mr. McNichol said he was sure the land could • be sold privately in the unlikely event that he doesn't go ahead with his building plans. Council agreed to let its option to bu y back at land cost 'plus improvements THE CHRISTMAS PARTY — AndreW and Anona Crozier are two of the Seaforth Happy Citizens treated • to dinner at the group's Christmas 'party held a the Seaforth Legion Hall on Thursda (Expositor Photo) Lions honoured Happy Citizens telebratei. Schootl• :And. to the OM success, In closing he wished adopted grandfather at all blessing of the Christ Veteran's Hospital, ulidon.- Child and His loving Mother Also flowers will be provided .1 at Christmas, for the altars for the festive Euchre' followed .season„ 'meat, of the Laragh in his comments said that being a member of the league is •an excellent way to Wye, the' parish and community and each council is united With thers' across Canada on the iocesan and Provincial level. He - expressed appreciation . fOr • the combined efforts of members in making activities adjourn- 1" meeting