The Wingham Times, 1898-09-30, Page 6T1.IE WINti1iA11 `I`ILS, SE1'TEMM.�1ER, 30, 189`'
- ,� . - Y.4 rw,�,.,�.�.rlsw,.wT,!I.A,r,R'MeA,,,•, 1r-wF.,YM•Mw!,Vnr.'^.
`� ' _ - .. ►._ SL.131.3A,111 r'EU TICES 1 1
LLoc,�•.i•. * y� p satiefaetory to j astify an extension
L ..ti lt• 4x 1(• ni,Lb . of the experiment, turd with regard
. <J C.1 ! to the eecond the history of the past
had beim invariably that the lesser
_-* YRIDa.'1 SEPTEM131it N. 11308 ' company would be swallowed up by ,
,:.:. :... .__ . .. - the bigger competitor before niaTly
nluone had passed, and the public
. ' would sut4e6 in proportion, so that
Ottawa, Sept. ills—For the past public opinion finally gave a unani-
two or three weeks a wordy war- mous support to the decision of the
fare of a more than usually vitriolic Government and the n'eeessary legis
wharacter has been waging between: lation was put through both Houses
the Globe and the Mail and Empire or Parliament without a dissenting ,
'which is not particularly creditable. voice, in fact there were 'prominent
tither to the competitors or to Canad-' members of the Opposition wino were
lion juurnalistn Calling one another - fully as eager to complete the trans -
liars, skunks and horse thieves, does action as any supporter of the Gov -
rot prove anything very conclusive-! eminent.
dv beyond perhaps, the feet that l NOwv GENTLEMEN, QUIT !
trot of themselves, but at the same :Globe and 'hail and I�,mpu a as to
time it roust be admitted that the' whether • the Globe or 'those closely
Globe has had ;ecnsider'abie reason associated with it benefitted to the
for letting out at its esteemed (?) extent of $1,500,000 or • 1,500,000
contemporary. For very Many of cents is not, under the circumstances,
the statetneuts which. the Mail and of. interest, for while, on the one
Empire has so persistently reiterated hand, the Liberal •organ -has ere -
the quarrelling couple have lost con-' The private quarrel between the
riot only with regard to the Glebe phatically, categorically and repeat -
3)u" in reference to anyone or any- tally denied the entire accusation,
thing that opposes its policy for the and has specifically' stated what it
time being, are undoubtedly with claims to be the facts, the Mail and
out substantial foundation. Empire has newer produced one iota
TWO POLICIES COMPARED. of proof or even • attempted .to' im-
Take for example the matter upon peach the ti uth of the Globe's state -
'which the Mail and Empire' has mont, and it would therefore be the
wasted more space recently than any wisest course and in 'better taste if
other in Federal polities, except, per- the matter was allowed to drop
)laps, its adulation of Sir Charles right here.
Tupper. and that is, the Crow's lest MISPLACED CONFIDENCE.
Pass i1ailway contract and the The�'enerettion and confidence
Untie convictions deterred him from
glibb;� binding himself by au untler-
takin t what he had no intention 'if
car ry ing out.
The Stoni y:I: W s --Are pleas-
antly and positively honied by Dr. Von
Stub's Pineapple Tablets. They act up-
on and diavel, the food, preventfer•tnen-
tntmn and all dit,tresses of tht3 st'awatb.
Etnineut physiurnns have noted their
r:terling trent width° wonderful ernes
wrought right in their own practice
and' proscribe to relive find cure. 35
canto. Sold at -A. L. H amilton's' .
Ontario's Birth, Rate.
In reference. t) "the reeent dices
sion in tee Provincial Synod (Auglie-
an) respecting' the low birth rate in
Ontario, Dr. Bryce, Deputy Registratr-
General, in all interview recently
' admitted that the rate is, according
to the recorde, apparently 'pretty le w.
He pointed out tent Ontarid, being at
Globe's alleged connection therewith. wit i. wwhl
'ch a section of 0anada's
The scheme as at first elaborated press regard their conteutporaries in
and as accepted by Sir Charles Tun the neighboring republic is surely a
per and approved by the Mail and good sign of the progress of. th
Empire was to bonus the Canadian Anglo -Soden alliance. o Not a bit of
Pacific Railway Company to , build sensational "news" from Dawson,
the road at 45,000 a mile with an not a charge. against a Government
official, not a suggestion that Amer-
ican lumbermen are going to gain
an advantage at Quebec, not an ex- - • '
pression of hope that Canada will he, The:bass medicine -you. can take is
worsted before thecommission, not that, which butldo -a solid foundation for?
an article of any kind in ,fact that. saparilla Ith in pure, rich blood .Heed's Sar -
could prove embarrassing to the l
Government and harmful to the
country, •but it is immediately
quoted with good bold headings on
the - front page of one half of the
ultra Conservative papers of Canada.1.bftst information on !tow; tel tlaeet the
Itis hard to understand how• self
respecting ji]urnals of any political i requirements of fashion,. a ,diversity
stripe can thus belittle themselves in I of 'ehoice literary features and •timely
the estimation of their readers hilt
household-. discussions.: The first' of
how the papers that stieh a
short two. papers 'On . Wolnen in English
p iMTS.nwick,.• Milier,
Society, b Fe
IS V, y
time a}o.claitned an absolute mon 1 -interestingly discusses the basis and
ripely of loyalty, patriotism and the distinctions of the English social
•acture and the broad bunlanitari-
rural Province, cotdld not be compar-
ed in respect to the birth rate with
r'ngland or Prance, where the pop-
:ulat10i1 is more largely 'urban in,
proportion. In oorroboration' of this
assertion he puitated to the Scotch re•
turns, which displose to very marked
• difference between the ' counties' and
cities in the birth rate: In compar-;
I paring this Province With .older
countries' allowance must be also,
he pointed out, be ' made ' for the
greater perfection in the system of
!registration which has !leen attained
in those countries, In 18'9U the sys•
tete of registration in Ontario was
I.'materially unproved; 'rind - the rate
1 went up with a bound during the
next year as a, result. The system,
however, is not yet as complete ant'
e perfect as in the - countries• re--
terred to, and is still' capable of stn -
prevenient, and • especially' -'in . its
operation in • the country districts;
wnere it is difficult to' obtain full
additional loan of $20,000 a anile.
which monetary considerations were
'estimated to be worth about $7,000,-
000 or over. In addition to this the
company had w monopoly of the run -
a Ting rights through the Pass and the
control over freight rates and the
.cost of coal and its transportation.
The Mail and Empire had no policy
'whatever on, the question before Sir
Charles Tupper had endorsed the
project as outlined above, when the
Mail and Empire went into it blindly
and enthusiastically.
t finally
The contract
T ec
made a grant of $11,000 a toile out
and out, instead of the $5,000 grant
and $20,000 loan, which it the past
experience with Governnieut grants
to railways may betaken as a -guide.
would in the end have been a
straight grant of $25,000 a Mile. In
return for that $11,000 the freight
rates are being eat down with the hension.
result that tens of thousands Of d'ol- I THI; SUCCESS OF THE FALL FAIRS.
tars that previously went to the rail-
ways are now being left with the ' The general -prosperity through -
farmers; the maximum price of coal out the Dominion ' has been very
bas been fixed by law and the'pos 'fully reflected in the fall fairs that
sibility of a coal monopoly forever
destroyed, while an invaluable guar-
antee has been secured to :the conn
try in the free passage for all 'future
competitors over this famous pass
through the mountains. Such is the
differeqce between the one scheme
accepted by Sir Charles Tupper and have increased, and what is more.
tale other developed and put into important the gaatity both in the
live stock 'and agricultural product:a
is . measurably. improving
Year, an indication that the Canadian
agriculturist has ,the brains, and the
'quick' R it'to benefit by, the splendid
opportunities that are . offered him
both bio the Dominion anti Prow*in--I
•cussed, one of which was.the build 'Mai Government, to •qualify, himself
leg of•the rail way by' the 'Govern- for .rhe scientific pursuit of his tall -
went, and the other the granting of ing,.. It is also an aatilnation that
a charter to another company lode- Canada will be• able to more than
!pendent, of the C. P 1t '•As ttrtlil3 hold ,her own in t;be,.;ruarkets. of the
!� '. qq t I� y . t la44.
DI,.. ' 1' I) Pq is i ] 1ms ! ilk . t Q:. ! iu ) i'i 11- .:.'i
o, fansvlaws at Z . It ua anti f 1r tu.,
• PUNS f:iT,l tv,IAN---Rev.• 1). Le.!Tie ,I
minor. Ser-riot:s at 11 o nl mid 7'p in. . , •
F,P1SCOPAL, fit, Peel's -Rev, Wtn•.
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a to and 7
11A,pTIST--itev-.7as. Ham fitrtii,''pss-1
tor, Services at 11 0 m and 7 p ill .i' 1,1MIEa a�rrtcI"',a,l;c ±.1'His.E '0. ..T. el"
• CON(GRE(1ATIONAL--.Rev H. • P'a, - WIN'GHt [, ON'L'AIt >. 't
Mason, pastor, Services at IA it tn'and R .
'iIIOJ)JST rev, e. ,t ,t t, t - ,a
.1s !1:L1Slil n. ,.
)11-‘111.2.k:ti� DM MOitNX.St
•-.-,A'r TTtr.--
li re. Subecrfpticnprine,.,.,Irs+ryear rTitztl4fanee
G'It111S'FIANT WO'RTC14111S...- Mi3St7aJ
Citlaltl alrtt Lock in Ua,tlln]elrl(, ,. ,,-w
'ltt3 p r4, and 8 p tn. I - a�acn ^l 1,vr J. 4'ntn l 3'ina .{t TAO
and wife 1'] uotutriand. 'Services nt 11 a, heli 10 00 Il • rn
, r
1 L k 1 Ser vleeth
S4r rh'1'II) ARM--A'd).otftntt 1 ea one Campo $50 o01 530 or 840 t'o i ass o
40 •t
aai ore
'• Ineaelt o' thn nbovo nntnnrt 'arab es
ie.3 p ui and.8 p;na,• ttunrtcr"
Legal and ether cask,. ,.d14 rt tec.44n, 1'. gill..
Sabbath ,School is held at :,2.30'u r°- fnrYirst hr9crtloh,auni 30 'per line for epctr; abirquenh
in -canon, 11e.suted'bynoop.u•ailse e, -
',ark! notices inc. par'trio for first lrtsekti)n, and
r , (y tntiona
and IJusinuss Chanros w1'anteli:ion ot u{i oeda: '• 3ne,nonpareil, 51 for first rnonth, ant 60d. f ur eaoh,
'41 11,uent month,l,.'lenses and 1,'nt leafilaSaip t' exee@till+* S line.,
l.1. for tiler' ui0ntii, 60F.:-pt'r•.'ar�h,6•114 nt month'
arser advartieuntunts J!, p-0pgt'ttan,
•'t'hesa•tegnro. will tau stt•ict1,t Afilierelltt
Special rates for larger advcrtisuments, or or
longer Periods.
tel vertiepiaents'antl'lne !notices without specific
dire tides. will bo nenerteliti13 forbid and charred:
aocorrltngly. Trac artery advortiaoment9 must be
paid lu Rtivanca -
Chany es for oontraot advertisements nowt be 1n:.
theopleu lrl Tocliadley ,noaif, Ur order ,to p,ppere
1 that week' „ A r:. ,, i ;•• ... '
•1, k' +Iu,,i'B.. i rtioTT, " 1'
Lha per line for each subsequent insert! r
Ad1 at tleemauts of Lust, t o lad, Stray
(•d ti
73gfore. afte''• Vood's 'PlaOSP1 odina,
Da, .d., W. CrI sn AT ww ortx ov !t#is LAsz • The .!Great Tntigttsh $ dV.• . ..
I2EAT R13, Yr •
Sold andreeommeo ed by all
druggists in oanada. Only roti-
IOCTORl;S . FAIL Wilt; IN , V (0 , GREAT ,o able medicine discovered ;Rix
PIIYSl.C6ltil CURES: { Packages guaranteed to'cure ,'AR,'
,: forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, '!lento! •Worry„,Txcessive use of so-
�' Niece, Opium or.Stiiti4u titA. lvlafled•,iit r�roe p i
1 1 1 + of price, one package
Literary Notes.
The October number of the Delin-
eator is called the. autumn. number
and comprises • an abundance of the
$1,81x, $5: duo suidt;iZehse,'
�{ ,L3, j , .e x.tuitb cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
y �J'f[}t{ '�' �?' Wood Company, wiltdsor Ont.
Fho w�
From Kitbsey' Disses9-¢1thcalgil a Sold in Wingham by Colin'ta Car.],ipbeilr
Man 9f T,hrce-`;core and Ten, 1)r•
- PaoiaurrOa tin/ PeHiisuBR'.
Chase's. Kidney, -.Liv r . ilia
Snecousor to DI, %v. (lrnhaur BRU35 ELS ONT.
1st Olose Honor Graduate of thu Universities of
.Trinity (Toro to), (�tueyn n (Iiflp!jatotl}. gate rsf,Trin-
.ttY Medical image; 1•'pila,t nt Triniitt altrdloa$
College and :it ii Ler of the Colleen ..1 Phv'Teianre.
nod Surgeoaa of Ontario. Pest Graduate course in
U.,tr'oit and Chicago It3J7tl Sneeitl attention pail'
to aiaenseh of'Eye 'L4,i- Neae'and Throat' and
Diseases of Women, C,.i,ault.e inn it. Anvlish and.
Gannitit ,ariJatarrh.,tiet.,d sauce"etully in all
itu thaws. '
(Iage:Iirl} Ilaoiz Perfect •
. •I�Leatlth. •
Capital, $1,1150,000. - Rost, $77$i,000
This is `td 'eet+tti'y that 'I was- siely
in bed the- most''of the' time for three
years, with .1;id'3e t disease. I took
several ,boxes, .of pills -different kinds
'-and a 'great 'many• other kihds of
patent medicines; besides' chat I Was
under treatment by', fqur different doc-
tors during t}]e time and riot' able to
work. . I 'beg•an' to' •take. Dr.. Chase's
Kidney' -Liver. Pills, snd,since that' time
have been working every day although
a roan nearly, 70 years of age. Dr.
Chase's Kidney-%iver!Pilis. •baVe ,Cur-
ed me. -
' Alta) S SIMPSO13,, '
NOwcomb” 1K2111s,' Ont:
everything in that line can now be
doing everything that may reason-
ably be expected to hurt` the country
and her accredited governors •is
simply beyond ordinary eoinpre•
have been in tall blast for. the past
two (•r thl'ee weeke.; From the great l:e'en Frolics at _ Wellesley, .by ICatbar-
Toi•ontu• exhibition dawn to .the ine Reed,. will appeal; strongly to
smallest eros. roads ;fair, there has their' sense of fun and. jollity. In.
been the.inost distinct and gratifying the series on amateur ;!'.heliography,
advance s<11 along the line. The ex- by Shar3ot M.-iiall,,the .finishing' of
tent and varieties. of .the exhibits the !legative is explained .in.; :a clear
and he)pfnl•nlanner;• The'paper in
in the. series on. The. Common Ills of
Life, •by .Greece Peckham Murray,
M. D., discusses :the causes' and the'
most effective tr+eatwenir of the skin.
Another authurli:tative•.,contribution
on'the care of the voice,:,by Eleanor'
Georgen appear i:11; .this rtutirber:
'Club Woolen, xnd:.Club. Life, by
Helen M. Winalow,••is a epmprehens-
ive review of the incide its and infiu•
enees of the . Denver Biennial,. and
Girls'' Interests end, 0ecupations, b)
Lafayette McLawa, is as bright• a'nd-
pleasing as, u:?uel. An attractive'
group of domestie.sahjeei,s,is present
ed, in ,The."Care .tit ztte !+'leers: eft;:,
I+ iv4 Fine New 'Cakes,' The. Cooking
of,, Oysters, ,and Gdin 'to, 73edlend
Getting UP; and ,Che' i'e 'ulatr de
,pa4'tnientt, Social Observar-ces e'ort
ducted li}r Ors. 'Oadtvaladet• ,7olne:`,I
The Tett-jI'a,ble by 'Edna S.'Wither
spoon, The i't oak-TalEblty, The Dress-
maket','h:t;elesiastica•r'Illnrbroidely by
Emma Haywood,, Mfilinery, Lace- I
inaaittilrg; Crbelietingi:. Tatting, Thr
Latest Books; etc,r Maintain their.'
characteristic merit.. : Order from
the local agent., for the Butterieli
Patterns, ar address the Delineator.
Publishing Co., of'Termite, .Limited,
83 , tie� mored st , West, . Torentn, -
f iheylJ
Ont. bs rl .iCn:price
n. u c
( S
r lra
l%neatt.or,E I,01) per year, single eopiee
15 cults. • " a
an impulses of many of its members.
Ja is -awn and His Folks, by Mari• their comprehension and eonsegae1ni y 3 i301) toes 00 p m
H. Catherwood a topical sketch Worse then. useless' 'The'' snbiect Kinoartit,uew it lOtw m ri litl'a ni
It; the Kidneys are not in a. perfectly
Clean'.andhealthy conditiun,+.the 'bleed'
becomes impregnated ' with irppurities
and a«. decay of the . Kidneys, soon
takes place: 131 tghet's' Disease, D15.- •
Pro'4ldetlt—JonD STUART.
Vice•President-A. O, RAnsAt.
• 1,:'; . .. , .PIl't.m9,'I;0.9 •
JGnal Pa00TUR, Gen. ROACH, w,t Gls'on, 1.11', A. T.
W oCD, A. B. LBM (Toronto).. a ,
saving's tiisrtlk'-•fieurs, into 0; Saturdays, foto,
7. Deposits of .4.1. and upwards received and interest
Spooial Deposits -also r1+celee:d at eurrdut
rotas of k..:vest.
'ITt'aftsl o„ Great Britain and the .United States
bought and ecoid
• •. tV,• :£IORL'C7ILi), Aesoz
E. L. DICiLINSON, Sohoitor.
hetes; Gravel, . Stone in the. 'Bladder,
Inflaiinnatlpw of.. the Bladder, and .zi.,
long list of Kidney, 'diseases' become
seated, and sooner • or later in so ,many.
instances' end 'fatally,' Dr.. Chase's
Kidney -Liver icttre all ' Kidrtey
troubles. • -Sold by ia1t 'dealers, price.,
25 cents 'pen •boa , • , , .. ,
3'upila Overworked.
At a lneettng of the •teatcherst of
Brantford the other day it way pretty
,r thstthe
, 'established thoroughly ectal. fts
tic sehool cu"reienllim pveeta'ihed �rfi
•the Department- of Ed ueation
prises- too much • cranitning.••of ,the
yol nlrstert in the .sehooli ,with a
quantity of '•leatriling' • that: is'.beyon'd
iltizwia.ey ,tl : Lcian' 013• Not,(35.
Notes Discounted
' i . ;,.,•.: :BARRISTER, ETC.
1ltnuey 'Uttaneep 'ori llortrit feu at '0' 'for c0ntrilb l r•f o g
privilege of,paylnn. at tf>'o.'end, nf• any year, Nor,!
told amounts co1ledted.' - ° . 'Office -Miner B1oek 1llnaitam
5) VANSTOA1•;,
13twttit1STElti cur:W:.OR; Etc.,
Privatotnit Company tonna to.then' at lowest rate
!moron. No nourmlBa1en ehun;ea, Mortgaged, town
• ` ' • ,staid faint property bmurht and gold
OFFICE -Beaver Bled( tytr.eunn.
' r A•.'114011;ON
gttit;Ar'Block wint(1i1td,ibfrt••I •e+.. l• :
G.r:t'1i is 1Zi`(It1 li iii l:a\vAi.` •
., lnti'S1fT, ,:An ryB. •
�.'0r*nto'aird'Eatat 1'"0 50'1'4 ma 3'05 p. :In'
ri't%1t wriltgn ''}'regi ora W-F1Yt ' 3. °05. p'in -
London and South ' Rtl a in 11 10'a m'
the scene of which is laid in the 011ie that' created' the miost" interests .,vas• , •;1 ,. ,, -- 30 p m 3 3o P m
• lOrLailp In :•3 30 tt m
Valley, , is delac'htfu.!1,y, quaint m. Its the dl�cu5 tun led bti 'x'1;155 Davidson,. er
pathetic charm. The College Stories on • Geogralphy• erzaminat•i(lus rli
by Edith Child, in this issue are of 'junior Messes." • • Mists' -Davidson eon-
Brin Mawr, and; will. awaken a syn- tended, trod fn this she was backed
pethetie recollection in the affections 'np b;•' MK* 'Carlyle, •-thalt•''the geo-
of all ,eollege'tttudents .,virile Hlallciw- 'gra.phto tang, ht in 'thy downer forlue
was far too edvnnced for •t.he�pupils.
It wee 'suggested ttiit•t instead of
clatnutiu;; rhea•vounkettirs':!!gads full
ge(4J;rrapit:' •itt tin• acaveneed stage
that; ,elelntint4 of the' sul;je'ct com-
prisin 1111 'idea taf:ahe: o;ountry"
which ae lig°e an;1•at hrief.ontlitiS Of
the outside .• world • wn,rf•l'd - bei much
'itti'ire to' rh(, • point •alld .mare of a
benefit to the'ehil•dreri.'• .
- .___._ �_ �-•�:°-ice'--'''.'•'.:-`;;
• e -� s' ' r
operation by the present Govern-
ment. -
At the time this matter was first
under discussion and oecapying such,
a large amount of public attention
there were alternative schemes tbs.-
allyl t Canada's'' experleria(*';ip railway world.
building has not been sufficiently A further matter for congratnla-,
tiori is the annually increasing
*rising interest ''taken' by the gen-
en-cl:'aT' public - in these :' 'events. Not
only have the otie dr two big fairs
largely increased their attendance,
htit the more lbcal shows attract
#!,rtfwing local liitereat while the
cohnpctition in every ' class grows
keener, all of which goes'te show the
splendid progress oily 'country ir3
maid iig. •'
A Wlgi ril;( I�tTOti.
' ' The action of the Methodist Gener-
al Conference in advising the abstin•
ence in future froth ttie " pledging of
Politieal candidates to a support o,£
rohibition or other special policy,
will be generally accepted by all
careful students of pn'itics as a wise
and desirable step. As was clearly,
shown in the debate which preceded
this decision such pledges are always
AND Opera to gitestion, and often prove
---rte utterly valueless, and many a good
Matt has been beaten by n- worthless in -n. sal.trt. Monthly 1470, aeferene.m, 11nelos0
oppcnent because his strong eor seien- .d,d,t ihrena1laehelntcy' IWeh't•t t, Has
. l ,
8 1_..NOUR1Nr1. OP ALL
Patnru1ira 6Ot;i The ,!
Hattdht! run's °', '.;
�' ilG�tli PtRf•U R3
1 � .
rilS,iwA,rr ,Y.•ra, ..u.Y.l. -
Y ANT50 SJ VllitA[, TI(I'$T11'hnTfiY • t'1:1:•
VV onsin th isa.a:te to manage aur bnshr nv.l{r 1
their own ant 0.o 4110 0 111141r , Lt IA work
, u
work , ondnotea at )'o•4.e. Saktry straight §foOJ At;
year and e. i••o:,,s.-rle6nitr, bmtatid0, 110 mate,' tin"
OI.1irtf Se.VOTa'1tyLiv Gents
,3 Wa`x1'a�Ch' I y i' s t, 19
Now is the little to a31bseribe'-fpr
kno hestWeekly Paper
piratic). I . y
14 rite for °lir loW elubl.Ting offers,
au;DReSS '.••' -
, o , •. , l 'LONDON, ONT.
Cook's .Cott'on Toot Conipouacl
I # niideoisi'ullp %Add:nio*rtliiq by over
.IO 07') Ladies. Safe, ,'fi eetnal, Ladled ask
• yottr alru flat for Csok'r Cotton !het Coin-
pound. Take no oI.hcir,as all 7ltxtures,'pihis ptld
itnitattions aro dnni;erous. PrIttr,iNo. 1:, $i�p01;
box, NO, :3,10 degrees strnnger,$3 per boik,'�Ter.
1 or.a.:rl.ile<l,ott re0tiiirt of pries. and two *Ant
Stems • Th., rook' etionipa,iy wlndsor,'Ont.
N,ns, l ani! 2 raid nett reeomnlonded bq a1T
responstWroDrUtt ibte .t(Cau*dir
NO t end N0,'d.fir lata, b .Ii0 1 ..'"Cidjpbeli,
DrUaltiat 1
'. G, pAM•Ettpl41 r
f1ARt1I i77•.`h; 'SOLICITOR, •UONVNY 111'CEit, &C1..
Office -;Corner ,klnapilto)rand 'St Andrew streets..
opposite Colborne Hotel,
, doD7(a+len, , , ONTARIW.
TL'NTISTitY J 8. JNIIO1d I1, LD 8:W1 ones,.
LI _-
i r 1I5I1UEartgr'• drat olasa sets of
teeth as ehuup as they can bo mads
in, the,unprinlou,, -Teach, extracted
absolutely without 1711111, by his new
process, guaranteed perte, tly sate.
OFFICE:, In the., Bever ;Block ,oppo,ite the,
Brunswick Hoene
'r CF1N Lt1TClilt:
4, gAi'a $ g
Book businesv is hotter than for guars pap! ;also IIGBNERAL' 0.161c11ANCi, .101.N3'
hove batrur n, tl faster sellhhooks. Agents clear• i tyt+0nasy iixranto•
tame $IA to $4U ?t ernkl4,,ra A, few leaders (: • I
• yucca Victoria" hzfe of lit (:nr(stehet i<,t iiN,Al\S ai '1w:t1\ur4tAi ', y.:.4
110111vl Y Bible St�rirea" Pitit:eai3ile 'F1pealterr"
•,Alundike Goll' Field " "Women "'Glimpses of 1 ''
the Unseen," "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper, Books
bilitini�, • • , •,"• 1 i ' 11:.' '. , . •
r1RAl)Li:Y•GAR�1LTSO:i COMPANY, Colton; '
, ,•r. - .1 •,.,.. , 'irpnt0.;
LIOENSED.a#UOTiONil,,tt.1011 dL 1OUiT1`
1 'Ulf"liUit(aa.: , r
ease at,totata'' In, .tiny:part of the Co. Charge
Li^I :{ ai D .:UCTFt ';Tsar
r -Soles ut Form .Stock and ram implcmorts•:
epee '.
!; r.' 1",, t: i P All otdere:la(t at the TIne6 otlice promptly atten.I1
ed to. Teems reasonable.
ilavatcis puroti'ased•trb,A eo•t3r'4e'busincss'
Viiwe .
prepared to supply the public with
Crone. Mr.. Daniel .S , 1.0m ,nowt' ,
i4Y{O U7 AO ' `oji 1FOrce an t'
)l. n tgirass and
Iron Cylinders, (aivalaiez-
Water Troughs. 5ii>tiYzst,
Ifintlis, lf'ipe Fitting, 1�re9Y
Digging and everything in con-
nection, wrgl1v110ter,suptilles ..
G alvaini a Stout N
ifoe power
and 'puml7g r�lt(3fI • • '
Deep woll pumps a tiner:41)1 y.
1Zepniring promptly attender! to.
Parties writing for information or
orderin0Vol should .ialwny3l auto
de(ith of'well: 1
t 1
Or gtittranteed or nri dale.
itSryfi f..le •'i'irigluIrtl,tOnt; .'
Camp Caledonia, No, 49, meets'
S. —t.h
e filet uuJ
maul b1 +,
rl onlay i•
ever 41100.1, 1,, in .he e,dd F, -ll Ws ifal,,'; Visiting
brethren .ntalccm. J. :urrat. Clot." 1) Stew-
art lt, o, S3( •
ebu to , good talkers, aurbatuusad
industrious,. 14urlgynunm upiuoofrwoldoruobtneaa
can 310(1 employ meet i44 111111011 caus(3, ,With 540 pay
mento and utrumds according to abi,i,
1tI C, 'C. 5, Li SCOTTty, Toaoazo
Seven order writers. Saila y or commission to sulk •
able persons.
'. , A etERTihEill}Ipgl'Taroot0.
&ion and women win can unrl ;«trat3 lkin ant.
wrir.iuir.six houradel x,;or stx day(•S a t lj and wily
.boicoetO It I,131t ten fto]:tis ttlit'1(13 ' a
~slldry 1l r 1.•°i t h
) N1i14 tDi:':1S C041TonoR%
WANTEDTt eolatelu 0arnpdanonte elul,5y gthot soIinert for
'0 nada: An• 1 qo4 ,loyuuiht of the Country, in Five
keys]C'ool'ie Veliohus. 1(o iloifv0flf14Y i'rnmmissioa
paid weekly, Ltatcuri Punta:mo m Co,
_NOLUfl37 G ilodlts�:Pmpn, YeYs,
1 Iinllrts, l+ilronhnrArnart't Sac•,hiorectsutedootin the beer
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on Bherh
notice. Apply or address
T sato Office, Winghana ,
wg are pl•etsed to annoInice that any Rooke ort-
31arrathess twit with us for Binding wr,01 kits oltt-
rrotnpt attention, prices fob. t)indirnr[ In uay et311F-
10itl jao giver1'on aimkto5tibn leo the Tutsi 4)1600
, r