The Huron Expositor, 1978-11-30, Page 37'Hu coN xppsiTOR N V MBEII 00 1970 13A •
trilled hair -dtiring Cold
weather. Those chilly winds
can rob it of moisture just like
your skin, leaving it dry, brit-
tle and , flyaway. Use a rich
conditioner each time yoU
shampoo to tame your hair
and keep it looking healthy,
and shiny. ,
Kiss Off chapped lips this .
winter, Use a lip protector or
lip balm each night. Avoid
licking or biting your lips, es-
pecially when you'le
outside—this is the number
one cause of chapping. • '
If you have some little
pieces of dry skin on your
lips, snip them off with a
small. pair of manicure scis-
sors. Always wear gloss in
cold weather to keep lips
soft, smooth and moist. •- -
Save youi' skin from the
cold winter um, If you're a
skier, you'll need 'a sun-
Screen during those hours on
the slOpes—in high altitudes;
burning Ultra-violet rays are
around even in the win-
tertime. You might want to
wear, a /sp,ecial lip and nose
protector too-
Winter can be a real eye-
ful. Chilly winds that irritate
eyes, rain and snow can all
make your eye' makeiip run
and smear. To weather it all,
you need waterproof,
smudgeproof eye makeup.
Shadow with Sealer
and Mascara with Sealer will
see your eyes beautifully
through all the storms of win--
Hands need a helping hand
during the cold weather too.
Treat theth to lotion as often
as you can. Cold winter air
When .Jack. ROI cones
knocking at yoUr door, it's
time to 'take a different ap,
proach to. staying' heantiful.
Every inch Of Your. 1;104 cle-
songs. extraatterition during
the wild winter weather. ,Add
to this special beauty routine
a winter makeup-scheme that
will keep you looking terrific
come winds or_ high drift's-
Caution!' winter -Oh be
hazardous to. your skin. Cold
air outside and., dry, over-
heated air inside both work to
r• rush the natural moisture ou't
of your skin: You must re-
place that moisture or fall
victim to the winter skin
monsters: dryness, itchiness
and .flaking. So moisturize
from head to toe, giving spec-
ial' attention to hands, neck
and face..
Snap, crackle and pop can
be 'the sound of your elec-
lit's never been easierr
Cl-wostrig-a -Christmas.
gift for a gardener
and appliances
044 we have a
large selection of...
*2 3, 4 piece Chesterfield'
*Corner and• Sidewall
*3 pc. coffee fable sets
*Bonk Beds-Lamps '
*Bedroom & Kitchen Suites
IN vANAVIRA..pifripNE 41112.79/1 °I
"the store with your everydaY bargains"
will love theie—
cozy slippers and
soft soled casuals.
So comforting .on
Christmas morn
every morn!
Excellently crafted tables of hard-rock
maple solids and veneers, styled for '
tpday's traditional or contemporary
Functional. and decorative accents to
enhance your home.
In Various
to, Styles to
Any Decor w1/4
elp wetititer basic
Choosing a Christmas gift
for a home' gardener -has
never been easier. says Russ
Gomme, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food
'With the current interest
in tropical plants and outdoor
gardens, many products are
available, that make ideal
gifts • for friends and re-
The best places to pur-
chase gardening gifts, says
Mr. Gomme, are flower
.shops, garden centers, de-
partment stores, super- /... ,
markets, and hardware
An obvious gift for an
indoor gardener is a tropical
plant. Everyene likes' to' re- .
ceive a new plant, and with
proper care, _it, is a long-
lasting gift.
Delivering the plant, is no
problem, he says.
' "Buy the tropical plant;
and deliver it yourself at
Christmas, or have it
delivered by a' florist on a
specified day."
There are dimly other gift
possibilities for the indoor
gardener - Hanging ,baskets,
because they show
imagination on the part of
the donor. That makes them
. personal, he says.
There are many Canadian
titles, some aimed at the
novice while others explore
exotic gardening,
nardening-gifts are-rideal—
and use within two to three
days. Or buy it frozen just in
time to thaw it and cook it for
Christmas. Allow five hours
per pound for thawing in the
refrigerator, one hour per
pound for thawing in cold
water and 11/2 hours per
pound for thawing at room
But no matter when you
decide to buy •the turkey,
remember to store,it properly
whether you buy it fresh or
Store your turkey
at a safe temperature
At Christmastime, every-
thing has to be/the best and
very,'very speciiI, Because
so much effort goes into a
successful'holiday party, a
host or hostess,doesn't over-
look even the smallest detail..
Once, the family, has
finished decorating 'the per-
fect tree, and the appropriate
gifts' are all wrapped
and ready-=turn your atten-
tion to the eggnog! Holiday
eggnog can be different and
better than ever this year,
your friend or relative won't
already own one." A new
hoe, spade, or rake is also a
very practical, gift. ,
"They'll be grateful when
they receive it, and even
more' grateful when they
have to use it next summer."
Books on gardening are
another gift suggestion.
Christmas is approaching
quickly and some of you may
be thinking about buying .a
turkey early. Food specialists
at the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food , sug-
est that you first check your
freezer to be , sure there is
enough room to store the
turkey. . .
It is extremely important
to keep .the turkey frozen
until you plan to cook it. If
you buy it now, don't hold it
in a refrigerator, garage, or
anywhere but •the freezer.
Frozen turkey, must be
kept at a temperature of 18
with a new, "spirited - taste.
To make a spirited, special
holiday-eggnog, combine one
cup of milk and one 'egg„ and
-beat or' shake vigorously.
-Add one ounce of brandy- and
one ounce of Liquore Gal-
liano. Pour into a brandy snif-
ter and chill.. Garnish with
chocolate curls or chopped
nuts before serving. /
For punch. bowls or
groups, simply multiply "all
recipe ingredients and enjoy!
makes nails 'brittle and more
prone to splits and breaks, So
keuPtheM at a,shorter length
and Wear Polish for extra pro-
tection. Always wear gloves
outside to guard hands from
the 'freezing weather„
Feet are winter's stepchil-
dren and they deserve extra
pampenng. Buy well-fitting,
low-heeled, comfortable
boots and dust the insides
with talcum powder to ab-
sorb Perspiration. Give your-
The miStletoe hung in the
rustle hall,
'The holly branch shone on
, the old oak wall.
—Thomas Haynes. Bayly
self regularpedienres, even if
no one Mil see Your feet
again Unlit the sPring thaw, A
rough, skin 'remover before
you bathe and a body lotion
after your bath will keep feet
soft and smooth.
Keep the shape all winter
long. JOst because the:winter
keepsweather you indoors
more don't stop exercisirs .• •
Join the Io, cart health club,
'vest in• an exercise bicycle,
jump rcPe the basement,
it is the longest night in all
the year,
Near on the day when the
Christi born.
-L-William Morris
-do. .yonr sit-4tpS and tde-
chiea. with
calorie snacks and . maybe
you pan escape the extra
pounds.that creep on during
the cold weather, After all,
with wooly clothes and cell-.
tral heating, you don't need
that ,extra,CaLto stay warm,
like our ancestors did!
Was Christ a man like
us'?—Ah! let us try
If we then, too, can be such
men as he!
—Matthew Arnold
,;spray , "misters, .-'plant • -,(0°F) or less it ilieuldAtiever
fertilizers, indoor 'planters be held' once thawed, even in
and herb gar dening kits. the. refrigerator, for more
Terrariums are a good gift than 24 hours before cooking
because they are available in
many sizes, and require little
maintenance. Gardening
under lights is popular, he
says, and kits are available.
Another gift for the indoor
gardener is a miniature set of
.gardening tools.
There are also, many gift
possiblities for the outdoor
gardener. •
"Cordless vveedeaters are
'relatively new ga,,rden aids,
and chances are good that,
Add a dash of 'spirit'
to youur holiday eggnog
least one year of age and then only under
The safest method to initiate an , inex-
perienced male •dog is to mate him with a
quiet mature bitch. The males owner
should be -on hand to help the dog if he •
experiences any difficulties. -With all
matings the female should be brought 'to
30 minutes, The last stage of this act is
called t`tying" and pertains-to the fact that
the animals face opposite directions during
this period. The optimum time to breed is
24 hours after the,female first accepts the
male and-every second day thereafter. The
males sperm is viable for 5-,6 days in the
female tract.
The estrus, cycle can be judged by two
Firstly, the bitch 's piychic behaviour,, pups,
Pet peeves
by Pr. Bob Frierniship
Breeding and breeding problems
the male's premises. „ could be involved in a breeding failure.
The duration of copulation is about 15 to it. One other very common canine problem
associated with breeding is• "mismating":
Preventing conception of bitches • hied
accidentally can ususally be accomplished
by a stilbestrol injection within 24 to 48
hours after the mismating• has taken place.
If there are any questions regarding
breeding dogs please contact your
veterinarian or write to Pet Peeves
c/o The Huron Expositor., The next article
in this series will deal with the problems.
--associated with birth and the newborn
In a circumstance in which mating went
ideally and yet the bitch failed to conceive,
iossibly a veterinarian should be consulted
Sterility, infections and neoplasms are just
a few of the major disease categories that
otherwise there is a -definite
chance spoilage. When it's (AVOregbipte.$101,0* t *16,,,..r o r itiWIlket V641,03MOVVVI.. time to cook the turkey, plan
ahead how long it Will take to
thaw so that it can be Cooked
right away or refrigerated
and cooked within 24 hours
of being completely thawed.
If your freezer is full now,
wait and buy the turkey later
When there is room. if you
anticipate there' won't he any
room in your freezer, buy the
turkey fresh, refrigerate it
The majority of people probably . do not (her acceptance of the male's advances)
appreciate the difficulties dog breeders can provides,informatidn as to the approximate
have in, mating their animals. For most dog stage of estrus,she's in. Secondly, vaginal
Owners,' keeping their pet front' being bred' '- cytology, (mieratZpie examination of the
is a problem. , . Jr.i'.; cells of a vaginal smear) can be used to f
However, anyone wishing to .mate . their • accuratelypredict ttie time of ovulation and
dog should first of all :have basic under- thus the Optimum breeding time. "
Standing of the dogs reprodUCtive.cycle and . Gestation _
habits. There fore listed below are a few , The average gestation length in a dog is
facts concerning breeding that might be ,- 63 days and in this time a variety of
useful to keep in 'mind. • methods can be used to varify • the
Dogs tend to breed only twice a' year, pregnancy. These techniques include:
usually" in. the spring and fall. A female abdominal' palpation at 3 to . 4 weeks, '
reaches,puberty on the average' around 9 radiology at 45 - 48 days, • ultrasonic
months of age but should not be bred unti1t1 methods to detect fetal fluid at 4-5 weeks
her second heat,period. The male on-the ":._anctofcotirse-ilinical-signs-exhibited by the -
Other -hand reaches maturity a little later, \ bitch during the last few weeks,
usu ally around one year of age. The male. \ • Sins of 'abdominal ._and •
should not be used for breeding until at \ mammary enlargement can be iiiisleading.'
Dogs can develop a "false" pregnancy and
can even go as far as making a nest and yet
not be pregnant.