The Wingham Times, 1898-09-30, Page 5Sr1 �..va. ES, SEI TEMBE , 30, iS9I• l —A pictured history of the Shoe from the 3rd century to date. Tull of foot facts tvt�. about leather, shoe ruin and longevity, tricks of the last, foot forming influences, styles and colors of latest shoes, etc. Copy free from agents or makers of For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWLES. REMEMBER! Your eyes are priceless. Take care of care of them for you. Tf you need SPECTACLES OR A buy them from us. NORTH-WESTERN FMB. FINE WEATLER AND A. VERY .LARGE ATF NJ)ea. CE. THE FAI:i 1CA3 A GRAND SUCCESS, Lull, r• ver one year and under two, II McCracken, 1 and 2; field core, l CUT FL'IWF.RS I;; Cprlcy• aged bull W Maxwell. John Currie, C Ilenderson & S,r': I Po'iq,let, table, D McKinley; bola - JERSEY extra entries, Geo Robertson, 0 lien- quer, hand, 1) McKinley, Mre I am - Breeding cow, T 13e11; two year- derson & Son. 1yn. D. McKfnla'y terk the fellow - old heifer, Mrs Temlyn; erne year, nom °Rolf. ing: floral design or ornament; beg- old heifer, Mrs Tarnlyn; heifer calf- Swede turnips, Peter Fowler.John kets of annuals not less than four Mrs Tamlyn. The officers bud directors; of the oneents Turnberry At;rieultura1Sotitty were Breeding cow, P Fowler, 1 and 2; fevered with capital weather fur two year --old heifer, J Webster, S their annual fair on Tuesday and I3urchill; one year-old heifer, D An- derson, R Scott & Son; heifer or steer ' Wedneeday of this week, lee fair calf ]) Seott &son, 1 and 2; one this y ear was away ahead of any ' previous year, The hall was open year-old steer, J Webster, D Ander- , son; two year-old steer, 3 Webster, ou `,l'uceday evening and a large S Burchill; three ;ear -old steer, M number were in attendance viewing 1I Harrison, 1 and 2; f'Icow, ox, the indoor exitbits. On Wednesday steer or heifer, S Burchill, 1 and 2; there west; over �,UUO p euple onSHEEP ground. There was tt very large LEICESTER; AND THEIR GRADES exhibit in every department, and Aged tam, D Anderson; shearling the special attractions were gone ramIV Cumming; rant lamb, John \ingOmagh with as advertised. TheCoultas, N Cumming; aged ewe, Jas lViug;ua►rr band was iu attendance Sanderson Son,& 1 and 2; shelling ion '1•uuoday eveuiug and 1Vednesday a. u fieri, uu and livened things with ewe,J as Sanderson & Son 1 and 2; -es- - - ' their cuuice seleetions. Toe Alert ewe lamb, Jas Sanderson '& Son, Jno 11''ire `1'uaut, gave a bite exhibition run Coultes. Utt the truck on Wednesday after- DOWNS AND THEIR GRADES Aged rani, W 11 Weber, LTaskea; The he officers auu diet :tors are shearling ram, W H Weber, 1 and them, as no one will take to be Cuugratulated on tut: success 2; ram lamb, L Tasker, 1 and 2; which attended their efforts inbring aged ewe, I) Tasker, 1 and 2; Shear- . ing this fair to the front. The he tot- ( )uwti,g is the result of the tests of ling ewe, L Tasker, W H Weber; ewe lamb, L Tasker, 1 and 2. EYE GLASSES SS] S speeu and the. Hot of prize winners ; FAT SHEEP Rr� .TESTh 01? SPEED.. Ewe or wether, W J Currie, J 2.35 Trot or Pace. Coultes, Bay Frank, J, Uentlee, Kineaidine, PIGS Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of 1 1 1, BERKSHIRES, it:SSEX OR SUFFOLK Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. Lionel, G. B. Roe, Winghanl, 2 2.2. Boar of 1898, 0 Henderson & Son, Sady ll„ H. Day, W Ingham, 3 4 3. 1 and; boar prior to 1898, 0 !lender - 1 Little Jule], J E. Settles., Vt ingham, ' 434. Time -2.29, 2.31, 2 32. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. 1'a.rnierb' 'Prot or Pace, Currie; any other turnip, W II Mc- Cracken, Ilenderson Bros; mangold wurtzel long, 0 Henderson & Son, W II McCracken; mangold wurtzel, short, 1V II McCracken, IIenderson Bros; carrots, field, 0 Henderson & Son, W I3 McCracken; carrots,tahle, D McKinley, 0 Henderson & Son; beets, long blood, W II McCracken, C IIenderson & Son; beets, turnip blood, 0 Henderson & San, Jos Gray; parsnips, D McKinley, 11 Edwards; early potatoes, John Gray, D McKinley; late potatoes, D Mc- Kinley 1 and 2 ; collection potatoes, John Gray; onions from seed in 1898, W H McCracken, C Hender- son & Son; onions, any other, 0 Hen- derson & Son. W H McCracken; tomatoes, Pim or cherry, W lI AT. 1E3 rzgrzi).31-4.1f--k-sist A..�b►'.Ore�lAAAA, AAAAAAAAh'."4A/%AAAAAAA Grand millinery A 1►ute-2.491, 2.5U, 2 d,ta. A. You'll want a Bat this fall. Call at Team iitcuuut l.a.�a. W. A. Currie, Win;htoo. MISS MCPHERSON'S v- penmg Walter G., W. Jackliu, W ingham, 1 1 1. Dexter, J. Mulvey, Behnore, 2 2 2. l e-2 5J.1, 2.5'9 ;. 2.40 'lint or Pace. ' Louise, G. B. Roe, Wiughaur, 1 1 1. Sady ll , 11. Doty, 11 moan', 2 2 2. A Lucy Viee, P. Senor 1)ruesels, 3 3 3. i+At,, • You will find nothing commonplace about our stock. Every ve thing is right up•to date. We welcome you to come and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. Remember the date MONDAY TO THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 27, 28, 29. 11UR:M.S. HEAVY DR.AUGn'r, different kinds; dahlias; verbena head; pansies; petunias; phlox clrune- mondi; zinnias; extra entries. LADIES' WORK. Coverlet, Semi Kernagban, I) Mc - Kin ; quilt, pieced, Tars Mel noes, Mrs Tanlly m ; quilt, knit, etre Tam - len, airs Vele; quilt, cabin, John Gray, airs Tamlyn; quilt, crochet, Yrs McInnes, lora Wm 13lashillt quilt, patched, Airs W MtIienzie, Miss Spar - ling; silk quilt, airs Vele, Mrs'TVnn l3lashill; tatting, airs Bele, arias Spar ling; bead work, sirs Tornlyn, W McCracken; specimen of lace, amiss Carder, airs Vele; faney knitting', sirs Wm McKenzie, en's Ilele; ein- broidery on woolen, airs Tamlyn, Mrs Carder; embroidery on cotton, airs Tamlyn, Miss Carder; braiding, McCracken, Henderson Bros; tome- Ailsa Sparling, airs McInnes; • outline toes, any other, John Ansley, AV II work, mss Carder, errs Tanrlyn; McCracken; celery, red, W H Mc- man's line shirt, hand made, arra Oracken, 0 Henderson & Son; celery, Win Mekenzie, airs Bele: man's coarse white, R Armstrong, D 111eKinley; shirt, hand made, au•s Wm McKenzie; cabbage, Jersey Wakefield, D Mc- night dress or shirt, hand made, Zvlrs Kinley, R Armstrong; cabbage, fiat Tamlyn, Mrs Wm McKenzie; pair Dutch, W II McCracken, 0 Hender- wool socks or stockingseers McKenzie, son & Son; cabbage, any other, D W I3 McCracken; pair wool mitts or McKinley, W II McCracken; citrons, gloves, airs Wm M=Kenzi'•, Mrs Hele; W H McCracken, 13 Edwards; caul'. pair cotton stockings, Mrs Wrn MC - flowers, W H tdeCracken, D McKin- Kenzie; rag mat, W II McCracken, ley; musk melons, 0 Henderson & Mrs J Long; mexican or drawn work, eon, Henderson Bros, pumpkin, C Amiss Sparling, airs Bele;, embroidery Henderson & Sen, Jos Gray; squash, on silk, W H McCracken, Mrs What. Blashill; tidy, Miss Sparling, W li McCracken; crochet work, Alrs Hele, W H MeCracken; sofa pillow, Wim Holmes Miss Sparling; netting, Mrs Hele, Mrs Wm l3lashill; pair pillow shams, Miss Sparling. Mrs llcItinese crewel work, Mrs dole, Mrs Tarnlyn; darning wool 'socks or stockings, Mrs Wm MeKenzie, Mrs Hele; darn- ing cotton soeks or stockings, Mrs. Win McKenzie, Mrs Temlyi,; darned= net, Mrs Tarnlyn, Miss Sperling; bracket lambrequin, Miss Sparling, Mrs Wm Blashill; fancy needlework, Miss Sperling, Miss Carole:; berlin wool work, Miss Sperling, Andrew Fax; three patches on pair of pants, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs lIele; collection. of work, miss Sparling, Mrs Hele; Athos Tipling; Blenheim orange, J 1 extra. entries. Mrs Win l3lashill. Casemore, 1' Fowler; Wagner, John 1 JUDGES. —Test of speed, Dr. War - Gray, Amos Tipling; cultivated wick, Brussels; Dr Wilson and C crabs, 0 Henderson & Son, D Ander Knetchel. Ilorsee —Roadsters, Dr son; six varieties named, 11 Bosman, J J Elliott, Clifford; heavy draught, 0 JIenderson & Son; wallhrodge, A J Johnston, Beimore; general pur- Tipling; Canada rei, John Gray; pose, T Aikens, 13elruore. Cattle —. Mann, P fowler, 111 11 Harrison; H liomcburg, Formosa; Jas Gaunt, Snow, snow special, Amos Tipling. Kinross. Sheep—Andrew Lit:klater, OTHER FRUIT. Clifford; Janes Currie, y4 inaham. Grapes, Mrs Wm McKenzie; pears, Pigs --R Currie. D E McDnnald, Wing - fail, S Kernighan, W Webster; ham. Poultry — iieh:u'd Wright, pears, winter, Mrs Tatnlyn. F G London. implements -- 11 Davis, Sparling; plums, blue, Mrs'r'amiyn, Winghetn; R Sterlie , Belgra"e. W H McCracken; plums, yellow, W Woolen goods—W W inglis, Wing - EI McCracken; quinces, Andrew Fox, ham. Leather and ether manufec- John Fell. tures— fes. Bryan, Lucknow, Grain. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS . and seeds ---W in.. Clegg and Thos. Gregory, Wtughnw. hoed crops— W I -I Jarvis, Teeswa:er, and .K auffer,han•mosa. Fruit-- Jas Bryan, Wm McDonald, Lucknow. Dairy and Provisions --I) ; tewarr, Brussels, Dr. Towler, Wtngh°rn, W H •Jarvis, Tees weter. Fine Aits—D Stewart, Prusse'l,, 1)r Tot%ler, SVinghann. Plants and fi.nvrrs—D Stewsttt, Brus- sels. Ladies' work-- firs Jos Peek,. Goderieh, Mrs Win Beecroft, East Wa wa nosh. soli & Son; sow of 1898, 0 Henderson I C Henderson & Son, W H McCracken; & Son 1 and 2; breeding sow, A Tip- collecti,.n garden produce, D Me - Ung, Ii Edwards. Kinley, W H McCracken. YORKSHIRE, CHESTER WHITE OR ANY FRUIT. OTHER LARGE BREED. Baldwin, 0 Henderson & Son, Boar of 1898, I3 Edwards, D And- Peter 1 owler; king, P Fowler, Al II erson; boar prior to 1898, W Max- Harrison; Peewaka, John Elston,Win well, 11 Edwards; sow of 1898, C 1 Alaxwell; maiden's blush. W m Max - Henderson & Son, R Scott; breeding well, Amos Tipling; Lowell, Wm sow., E Scott, W J Currie; extra ent- Maxwell, II Edward-; northern spy, riee, 1I Edwards, W J Currie.W m Maxwell, C Taylor; wealthy, POULTRY . I John Elston, F G Sperling; Rhode I Island greening, John Gray, 0 Hen - FOWL derson & Son; ltibston Pippen, Ilen- Brahmas, light, J Currie; games, derson Bros, Amos Tipling; russet, any variety, Jos Gray, 1 and 2; ham- golden, Geo Robertson, P Fossier; burgs, black, Henderson Bros; lang- russet, roxboro, 0 Taylor, Henderson Straus, P Fisher, Jos Gray; legborns. Bros; seek no further, W Maxwell, white, Jos Gray, 1 and 2; plymouth IIenderson Bros; snow, John Gray, rocks, Henderson Bros. 1 and 2; mine occas black, 0 Henderson & Son, Jos Gray; bantams, any variety, C Hen- erson & Son, W A Currie; turkeys, any variety, J Currie, -Henderson Bros; geese, any variety, C Hender- son & son, Henderson Bros; dunks pekin, Jos Gray, Henderson Bros; GEN Eli AL i'Uir►.'uSE• s ducks. any other variety, 0 Hender- Br•uud mare, teal at side, W Bar -1 son & son, 1 and 2; collection of pi- ber, Jelin Caaeiuure; ;.pr ing fual,Juhn peons, P Fisher, 1 and 2; cage of Cat -mere 1 and 2; ear Chl filly, canaries, four birds, D Showers, 1 Jail Casework; i ear u►d gelding, r •li•d 2. W 13arber, Julio Caeelnur c; two year 1 ` CHICKENS uld filly, 0 'Taylor, Geo Crurekbbank; . Brahmas,,light, le Fisher, 1 and 2, two year cold getdii,g, W Barber, G games, any variety; Jos Gray, 1 and Robu•tstl; train lu haruebs,- John 2; wyandotes, any variety, C Hend- t I Erottd snare, foal at ,sue, Jas For. mersten, \'1 11 liar', lawn, spr tug foal, W :e lsar ber, P Fowler; ear eel filly, W Bar ber; y ear eel a dein, John Leg- v. 4,•� ! eked, k, LI 13uau,ary tot', ear old geld. vviu ing', P li'uwicr, I' llendt•rson; team t,aruese, le .> illbtt nut:, J ster; etalliuu, t; 'Payors. gatstwo year old if.l�, \V CrtltcK• BUGGIES/ SURRIES! Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETO. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Corry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R. J. MacMA"I' H. T. ""�"-I'Oi Casemere, C Tay !or. • erson & son, Jos Gray; hamburg;, i,oAD,IERS. I black, 0 Henderson & son; langshans, Cheese, dairy, Mrs Wm McKenzie; Brood marc, foal at arde,P Fowler, Jos Gray, P Fisher; leghorns, white, Butter, 10 lbs in roll, S Isernighan, Beattie Bros; spring feat, W Deans, • P growler, Jos Grev; leghorns, brown, I Geo Robertson; honey, extracted, 5 P fowler; year old tills or gelding, Jos uray, J Currie; plymouth rocks, lbs, Henderson Bros, C Henderson & R :Melnduo, D Andelau,t; two year Henderson Bros, 1 and 2; spanish, Son; bread home-made, Henderson billy ur golden;;, Jaa ltu►,eitsun, J li ! black, 0 Hendersontri son; minorcas' Pros, R McMurray & Son; oat cake, black, .Jos Gray; bantams, any vari• ety, 0 Henderson & sen, Jim Mur- ray; any other variety, 2 Fisher, 0 Henderson & son. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Lumber wagons. W (Gannett, T 11 Ross; buggy, Ewing & McInnis, W Dore; sod plow, Gillies & Martin, W Gannett.; gang plow, Gillies & Martin, W Gannett; iron harrows, W Gan- nett, T .LI Ross; mower, W Gannett; wooden pump, D Showers, 0 Morn- ingstar. 1'ergubon; saddle uurse,Lutt & Sturdy; single he,rpt iu harness, ness, It Meludoo,'1' Bell; team in 1,arness, J E Swarms, P 13 Watson; y tar old ci.rriage filly or gelding, R Scutt, Jas Augu:; two year old carriage !lay or gelding, E ' Taylur, Jas Angus,: egri,ultural teals, John Fell, J '\'ehbter. CAT'T'LE. DUEHA \t. Breeding; cuw, N Maxwell, R Curled; iv. a _seer old uetfer. ,i \Veb stet, E 'I'aykui; yeate e d heifer, R Curley 1 arid 2; burlt.r, 'salved since last show, M 11 Ilarifbuu; bull,caiv.ed since 'net shut% ,R Coat* , J Webster; „111, ,e,, ,,41,0•11,..isie„ a.11641,'a1i.tiv1016,o•+ia If your children are well but not robust, they need Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil. We are constantly in re- Dre ,s Goo '.1 and 11 urng ties WOOLEN' GOODS. , Flannel, home made, 0 Henderson & Son; blankets, home spun wool, Henderson. Bros, D McKinley; pick- les, vegetable, John Gray, Hender- Bros; pickles, fruit, Jos Gray, John Gray; pickles. mixed vegetables, Mrs Hele, Henderson Bros; tomato cat- sup, John Gray, W H McCracken; maple syrup, C Henderson & Son, It Scott; maple sugar. W iI McCracken, John Moffatt; dairy butter, M 11 Harrison: 10 lbs batter, special, Hen- derson Bros, M 13 Harrison. CANED FRUIT. Collection, Jos Gray. Henderson Bros. FINE ARTS. Uig painting, still life, Miss Sparl- C Henderson & Son, Geo Robertson; ling, miss Carder; oil painting, any blankets, factory spun wool, John other subject, Airs Vele 1, 2; land - Ansley, Henderson Bros, blankets, scape, airs Vele, miss Sparling; water union, Henderson Bros, 0 Henderson 'coloring painting, M •s Heke, miss & Son; yarn, home spun, Samuel Sparling; painting on plaques, Mrs Kernigan, W H McCracken. ' etclnnes, etiss Carder; painting on LEATHER AND OTHER MANUFACTURERS bolting cloth, MISS Carder, Mrs Blas Men's sewed boots, Jas Haugh, 1 hill; crayon work, dark, Miss Carder, airs Melnnes; crayon work, colored, John Gray, airs. Bole; penell draw• Ing, eilss Carder, Airs Hole; pets and ceipt of reports from par- And 2; men's coarse boots, Jas Haugh , p give their children 1 and 2; driving mitts..tohn Moffatt, ones who D McRin1 y=. the emulsion every fall for a month or two. It keeps them well and strong all winter. It prevents their taking cold. Your doctor will confirm Launcelot Middleton was l� eines- day found guilty ttf bigamy at Woodstock and sentenced to seven yea I's lin prisonrnent. Acute Rheumatism • Pains In the Foot and Limb—A Complete Cure Accomplished b Mood's Sarsaparilla. "For a number of years I was afflicted with acute rheumatism in my left side and all the way down my limb into my' toot. I live live blocks from myvvork an had to stop and rest several times in going" and coming. I could get no relief trona niy trouble and was on the point of giv- ing up my lob when I happened to hear o'` Hood's Sarsaparilla. 'purchased a bottle of this medicine and a vial of Hood's ?lis GRAIN AND SEEDS. 1, Agnes, ,ton Carder. Y haat finished them/ I was• romp had ink sketch, miss Carder Airs Hele; t and began taken them. Before t hand paintingon las d 1� All wheat, red, 0 I3 sndet son & . Elegies Ann Bl os, p is P J was longetr n,,Thos Henderson; niI'ldwl heat, rtis Carder, ens amclnnes, painting' Doled. 1 never lose atm opportunity sprit white, wheat, Alex 111cI e, 0 lien- on silk or satin, arra mantles, rtrs, praise Hood's Sarsaparilla, for my rani derson & Son; small white • eaaleht 1161e; By dlecti to of painting, amiss meant a great deal tome, as i haven It 1311shUI. extra enures By and must always be at my pia Scott, Andrew Fox; large et lite pert, �p:ttdtrtr;, mea a , Mrs Blashill, 1, 'W. t' ILIAA.0 yardman, � a w • ,, e tl;ls. C ilcmderson t& Son, Robs Se o t, SS t �J =. „may;, 0 The oil cotilhined with ottts,1 Meylurraty & Sory IT Edwitrds; p�► a • . black cats, C Henderson & Sit , -�"" the Iry v hos rlltes is a splen- R t,• • Arta .... �— .. _ p p � harlel"" six rt>tve;d, ltiubt Suitt, \1c did rood tonic. Minya V l�'6't1r1; tlniOthy,D tinder -0n, See the near line of Envelopes at The TIMES Office. sot. and 4t,ao,Alidt•ttggraf3. l.•,ltt t'ntt; lteatl1 . will"e,John f:ra v. S.:OT't'&uoa a, Cheathts,Totentb. Jobtl. Ansley; beans, any other, • Trunk Behead depot, Brantford, On rf,4r5.\ND FWAVI:RS. W. \VLhiter took prizes on the t`.ill+,win;: fo'iage protea, collection; green hone plaint', 12; geraniums, 2; fuehsies 2; largest and best coll:'e- tion of flowers ani pl'ints. i Hood's Sarsaparil Is the best-ln tet the Gat arae 13100d • Soltt byall druggists. $1; site Mr $3, 7.. tt' 1 Hood's Pitts t,114)111711,,..,