The Wingham Times, 1898-09-30, Page 44
1842., as fortune bad fairly smiled
on hum his wife died, leaving him'
Ito fight Tile's battles alone, Through
his long life he had always been
blessed with good health possessing
remarkable activity for one of
y ears, until a few days previous to
his heath when he was seized with
reaivsis of the limbs. During his
guarantced to cue head-
For sale only by
w.,, ItI;PU3tT8.
Wingham, Sept. 30,1898.
^orrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs 1 75 to 200
Fall Wheat 0 61 to 0 65 j
Spring Wheal- 0 61 to 0 05 I
Oats, old ...... 0 25 to 0 96
Oats, new 0`3'3 to 0'«'3
Barley 0 30 to 0 35
Peas Y 0 50 to 0 50
Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 ,
short illness he suffered no pain but ; Ones, 0 04 to 0 05
rested calm and peaceful, sometimes Ducks, per pair .. , 0 40 to 0 601 N
slightly wandering tg 1n his mind Butter,. ........ 0 14 to 0 14
as per dozen 0 13 to 0 13
speaking of,
old friends many of wood per cord . • • • • • • . • • 1 00
to 1 251
whom havepreceded him to their4 50 to 5 00i
i long rest. Me death was, as his
• life, tranquil and composed, at peace
s 9 ��j� 4 u with God and man. He leaves be-
hind him to mourn his loss as a kind,
indulgent father, a family of two
DRUGGIST, ', sons and four daughters, Robert and
Notice ofeha.nges must be left at this
office not laterthan Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
! t 19iin t am times
Andrew, of East Wawanosh, Isabel!,
(Mrs. Wm. Caesar) of Belgrave, Jane,
(Mrs. Geo. Fitzpatrick) of White-
church, Mary of Wingham and Sarah
of Godericb ; Axelena, Alexandriea
and Maggie being deceased, His
life is well described by one whom
he has known since a boy on ,Sevt-
land's bills. "Aye," said he, "I'
known him as a friend for fifty year
and in all that time never heard ill
of him."—A life's merit mark.
Lite ! we've been long together,
Through pleasant and through cloudy
'Tis bard to part when friends are dear,—
ay per ton,
Potatoes, per bushel,
Tallow per lb
0 n0to060
0 033 to 0 04
0 4 to 0 4 1
Dried Apples, per lb 0 '3 to 0 3
Wool 19 to 21
Dressed hoes 5 00 to 6 00
Hon. M. C. Cameron, lieutenant;
governor of the Northwest Territor-
ies. died at 8 o'clock Monday morn-
ing r.t the residence of his so -in-law,
Mayor Wilson, of LOndo■7
His honor had been suffering from
heart and lung trouble for the past
six weeks, his illness obliging him to
weather ,
89return from Regina, the capital of
81 Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear ; I the N orthwest Territories. He same
_. I'Then steal away, give little warning, to London two weeks ago in the
Choose thine own time, hope of regaining his health, but
Say not good night, but insomebright- grew steadily weaker, and was un-
conscious for 48 hours before the
end. The sad news will be learned
with general regret through the
Dominion, for Mr, Cameron had long
been in the public eye. itis bereav-
The council met it the council Bid me good morning.
men, Sept 19, 1898, persuant to ad-
journment. Members all present lilt;EVALE.
except Mr. Bone, who was unavoid- lir, William Paterson, brother
ably absent through sickness. Min
sates of August meeting read and of Messrs. Archibald and Walter ed family at Goderich, Ont., will have
Massed. Paterson, oftis_-place, and sou of widespread sympathy.
The reeve reported having inter- the late Mr. John Paterson, who
vMalcolm Colin Cameron was theiewed George L. Walker about the died but a few weeks ago, died in oflate Hon. Malcolm Came:-
culvert on sideline 33 and 34 con Detroit hospital on Sunday and on, son of they a member of the Cana•'
12, left open by him some time ago was buried in Bluevale cemeterylon sten Goverment, and swell-i.nown
after night, whereby, Joseph McBur• Tuesday, the funeral takinglace temperance advocate. He was born
pegs lot 34 eon 10, met with an ac- from the residence of hisbrother, Mr. tato Perth, Ont., April 12, 1831, and
was educated at Knox College, Tor-
onto. Like the majority of Canada's
best known legislators, he was a
barrister, having been called to the
bar in 1860, and for many years
successfully practiced his profession
at Goderich. His first position as a
representative of the people was that
of councillor at Goderich, and after-
w..rds as mayor.
His political career began over 30
years ago, and throughout he was a
sturdy Liberal. "One of the fathers
of Canadian polities, and one who
has upheld the banners of Liberalism
in the darkest days of the party,"
said the Toronto Globe. He was a
vigorous speaker and formidable in
debate. He t epresented South Huron
in the House of Commons from 1867
to 1882, and West Huron from 1882
to 1887. When contesting the latter
constituency in February, 1892, he
was defeated by Hon. J. 0. Patter-
son by a stnall majority, but was
returned at another bye -election in
January, 1800, and re-elected at the
Dominion general election in the
same year.
On May 30, of the present year,
he was appointed lieutenant. -gover-
nor of the Northwest Territories
'L'he honorable gentleman devote.
himself with his usual zeal to the
duties of his high position, and it
was with regret that be felt compell-
ed to return east.
Mr. Cameron was a Presbyterian
in religion. He was married in
May, 1855, to Jessie II., daughter of
the late Dr. John McLean, of the
royal nes y, who survives, together
with two sons and five daughters.
The sons are: M. G., barrister, of
Goderich, and Allan, a fruit grower
in Florida. The daughters are :
Mrs. John Galt, of Goderich ; Mrs.
(Dr.) John G. Wilson and Mrs. Rich-
ard Bayly, jun., of London, and
Misses Margaret and Grace living at
We are getting nicely
settled in our new guar -
still leads its contemporaries in plac-
ing pupils.
134 of our pupils were placed in
choice positions in the ten months
ending July the 1st, an average of
nearly 4 per week. What do you
thinly of it ?
It Pays to Attend the Best.
College reopens on Tuesday, Sept.
6th for the fall term.
Write for catalogue of eiter de.
partment to
House For Sale or to Rent.
The undersigned offers for sale or to
ters in the Macdonald rent a good two storey frame house, con-
taining seven rooms, pantry and fruit
Block, and new goods closet; summer kitchen and woodshed;
good stable, hard and soft water, together
with half an acre, or twenty aces of land
if required. For particulars apply to
GOOD I ALOE l+'r. `1.
Just received a splendid line of
Gents' and Ladies'
are arriving nearly
every day.
eident, lir. Walker agreed to pay
0$3 for his share of damages sustain-
ed, and the council after due deliber-
ation resolvt d to give $3 more, in all
fi which offer Mr. McBurney, who
was present, refused to accept in the
The treasurer reported cash bal-
etee on hand August llth last,
5821 02, paid out since that time,
381.64, leaving a balance on hand
at date of $436.38.
Account of Municipal World, St.
Thomas, for two order books on
treasurer and postages, 81.41, also
grant of $10 in aid of East Wawa-
ziosh AO Society for she present
year, allowed Nth of May last, or-
dered to be paid.
A number of other accounts for
llumber, gravel and gravelling on
Frank Patterson, of Wingham. Mr.
Paterson had been operated upon for
an abcess, but ever recovered after
the operation. His brothers, Messrs.
Frank and Walter Paterson, were
with him when he died. lie had
been employed in Windsor' for sev-
eral years, and was thirty-one
years of age. The Paterson family
teas been sadly afflicted by death
of late. They have lost their
father and mother, a sister and three
brothers in less than six years.
Children's day services were held
in toe Presbyteriau church on Sab-
bath last, The pastor, Rev. W. J.
West, preached both morning and
evening, The church was nicely
decorated with flowers and growing
plants. A choir of children trained
by Miss Aggie Herbert, the organist,
tbe public roads, repairing culverts led the singing, which was more than
rind bridges to the amount of of dinar'ily goud. The hymn, "Hold
6209.24 were received and passed, Thoa toy hand," was especially very
sweetly sung.
Mr. John Hogg, of McKillop spent
Sunday at Mr. 1''eank Scott's.
Mrs. Henderson is visiting in
Mrs. and Mrs. R. N. Duff visited
in Seaforth and Clinton lase week.
Mr. John Gardiner is better again
after his bevel e illness.
Mrs. John McIntosh is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coultes.
Duff and Stewart's team ran away
with a load of flax from Mr. John
Hall's field. on ' Monday, but were
caught in the village before any
damage was done.
Mrs, Sproat, of Seaforth, visited
her nephew, Mr. 1t. N. Duff, this
:and orders on treasurer were granted
for payment of the same.
On motion of Mr. Scott sec'd by
Er. Carr, the council adjourned till
Thurday, Nov. 10th next.
P. PkRTERFIELD, Tp. Clerk.
Apples are a very good crop
through this section of the country.
The packers are on their rounds
packing up the fall ones.
Mr. George L. Walker is preparing
to rent his faro, and undertake a
business. We wish him success in
his new labour.
Mr. Adam Walker, of Toronto, is
at hie father's, where he intends re.
Bruiting his health for about four
Mrs. Jno. Reid has returned after week, before leaving fur Manitoba.
an extented visit with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Christopher Brinker
*t Smith Falls. have moved into their nice new
Miss Georgia Duncan left last
week for Detroit, where she was
wedded to Mr. Gannet, they will re -
side in Ohio.
Aboat twenty of the Christian
Workers drove out to Mr. Jac. R.
keid's last Thursday evening and
held a short prayer meeting, although
the night was very dark and the
.train was falling fast without, there
was a reviving time within.
Obituary. -It is our mournful
ditty to announce the death of Alex.
ander McDougall, which sad event
Look place at the residence of his
The anniversary services of White-
church Presbyterian church will be
herd on Oct. 2 and 3. On Sabbath,
son, Andrew McDougall on Tuesday, Oct. 2, Rev. John Neil, 1B, A. of Tor -
September 20th Deeeased was born
at Covo`ton hills in the parish of.
bel - tcix. b it ,August
ll lore i•-- nt'g
onto will preach at 10.30 a. m. and
6.30 p m,, and hev. S. M. Whaley,
B , A. of St. Helens at 3. p. m. Coll-
This week we open up
a beautiful stock of plain
and fancy
Mrs` D. McCormick is away on a
visit with her daughter at Guelph.
Mr, Peter Arkell acted as judge at
the Goderich fair this week.
Miss Mary McCormick is spending
a few weeks with friends in Mt.
firth •n - 13.0 beina the time a his ectian in aid of the building fund l Forest.
eitooth' the following Monday evening, there
will be a tea meeting, ,,ea served from
5.30 to 7.30; after tea addresses by
ministers and a lecture by Rev. John
Neil on "a trill to Italy." A sue -
78 veers age. While in will be taken at both services. On
Scotland hq. followed the occupation
of a plowmrn in the vicinity of his
birth place. In 18.17 he married
lane Douglas Wheelans, of3edbnrgh,
they emigrating to Canada in 1852
.end settling on the old McDougall! eessful anniversary is expected.
lhomesteadin the following year.' -
Miele, by incessant industry they William P Clay, a Guelph grocer
hewed out a home for themselves in eonlluitted suicide Monday by shoot
the forest and converted the unbrok. t ing himself with u 32-ealibre re
,en woods into one of the best farms volver. No cause Is assigned for the
shi Then i rash act.
fir std In the town p ,
(and prices are
away down )
Come in and see
A few of those Fancy
Jardineres left. They
are going fast at 12c STORES FOR SALE
all styles, widths and sizes, and all
made of the best material. Good.,
fitters, good wearers and well glade;
an exceptionally fine line.
Also a fine line of Fancy Slippers,..
All classes of
and Staple lines of all kinds.
A splendid line of 1i01IE MADE'.
LONG BOOTS, good in quality ancl
low in price.
. J. G. .19.11G1 ES.
Having moved to town to tbe resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I am prepared to pay the
highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair. Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same.
Any amount of money to loan on good
farm property at 5per cent per annum.
Straight Loans—Payments made to
suit borrower. Satisfaction gum anteed
Charges low.
Atollice Friday afternoon and 'alt day
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
House and Lot For Sale.
The undersigned offers his house and
lot on Alice street for - sale. The house
is a nine room frame one, with kitchen
and there is a number of good fruit trees
on the .ot. For full particulars apply to
JAS. WILSON, Wingham,
Large Glass Fruit
Bowls, 12c each.
Glass Table Sets, 23c
A fearful cyelone swept across the
Niagara peninsula on Monday after-
noon when scores of roofs of buildings
were carried away in Mert'iton and
St, Catharines. Three persons were
killed and about aseoreinjured.
Glass Jugs i Z gal., 20c
'{x7A"NTi:ti. savnatAL Tltosew0tt'rnv PIM.
'5 Y t oto4 i,t thtw state to inanatto our hu4ines4 in
their uu a sort f l'8tby cor*Ott''4. Itis .nan,ty otlice
wmk rot,rhleted ars 10000, Salary straight 4:w0 a
1 c,or u.d .is n.ev drtinite, 1, s aMdo ito runts, hO
113113 s.tlary• Monrhiv I'TS, ilefcr nee1, gncloee
.1 �dd•c•a,11 ,t.tu,i,ed u..,.'101x, IIu':�ert 5, lies.%
P. a,t , Is e).t..•[, t,ht.,ay,u•
Handkerchiefs le.
Hooka and Eyes, lc a
Lamp Chimney, Flint
Glass, medium. size, 5c
each. Large size 7c.
Good Envelopes, 4c a
Cocoanut, 18c lb.
Baking Powder, 10c a
Mixed Candy, 8c lb.
Peppermint Lozen-
gers, 15c. lb.
Conversation Lozen-
gers, 15c lb.
Gum Drops, 15c. lb.
We will sell at very
low prices,but you must
pay us spot cash.
The administratrix of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for
sale the -
Two Stores in Wingham
now occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar -
soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same
'should be addressed to
J A MORTON, :Wingham,
Solicitor for the Estate.
J no. Kerr
On and after August 30th, we will be
prepared to buy any quantity of apples
delivered at our Evaporating Factory on
Alfred Street; Wingham. Parties having
apples to sell will do well to see us be-
fore seiling as we contract for the whole
ornhard—shaken ole'—suitable for drying
Order your
4010i iw
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly priced— r
that's the history of your linen when:
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations to Injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms.
Is a question answered by each
man for himself. We show this fall
a range of material to suit all fancies.
Shakes of Olives and brown and
Blueish Effects will be worn by
young men, while more conservative
dressers prefer the dark mixtures.
Whip Cords and Cheviots in rough
finish with Clay Diagonals are cor-
rect Cloths this season. We are cer
tain to please you as to the materials
and price, and we will certainly
make a strong endeavor to giye you
a perfect fitting snit of clothes if you
will favor us with your orders.
Webster 8z Co.,
Queen's Bleck.
Opp. Union Factory.
111e1LEAN & sox, r7ops.
All kinds of rough and dressed
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
Also a large quantity of dry hart_
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone orders promptly at-
tended to.
from now till Januar-
est, 1899.
for the TIMES and
from now till incl al`
'the year.