The Wingham Times, 1898-09-30, Page 3YY ING•H.A..M TIME 9y SEPTEMBEI 30, 108. lVit,lt 'WILL tiJ 1)57. YON LIFE IS PRECODUS, SAVE IT ! 'ape's ,Celery Camllaiul1 Can Restore You, 'Iris Folly and Madness fully," It was during the war bet -- to Defer the Use of ween Frame rind England. Another Hobson. A YOUI:lo ENGLISH LADS FIti:Y,'t' SiTTII'd IC 'KITE LADDER OF i''.sM; . "I.ieu:tenant IJohaon's deed of brav- ery on Mlle ,t\lerritiole." writes an Englishatrtny officer in the. New York Ledger, "recalls an English boy of the sante name, Hol eon, born at 13onchurelh, Isle of •Night, whose drunken father llpprentic'ed him to the villagetailur, who used him care• the 1�'' I"f;�i f;Medi- lish fleet wtat: in the offing. Young A REMARKABLE SUNDAY-, Cilie• Robson run clown a hack bine to the SCF.i00L. THE LAST GASP !HOW TIE WILL, HAVE TO STOP.1 Of the Heart Sufferer is Not Ton ' o,I1RZEN MARRIED TWO r,�ANADIAN Late for Dr, Agnew's Cure for file ,' Heart to Cure—Never Fails to i Glees oar TUI: SAME DAY ----ALSO 1 Give Belief in 30 Minutes. SVEDDED TWO. MICHIGAN AND ONE WINNIPEG WOMAN. One dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure for 1,Po ffeart relieves the most aente forof heart trouble, rrrhen the Grine Reaper has all but counted the sufferer us his. This is not idle boasting. What Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has done ten thauss+nd times, will do again ten thousand times, It absolutely knows no failure. It is not a eure•a11, but a heart cure. Sold at A. L. Hamilton's One day trews came that the Eng - t "lam tired and weary of this continu- ed life of misery and suffering 1" Thu) is the heart wail of tboueanus of poor, 7tw ons and sleepless men and women crazed with headache, rheumatism, neu- ralgia, dyspepsia and Wood troubles. Such people are ustiully filled . with gloom and despu,ndeucy, memory falls, arid they ,are ofteu found on the straight path that often leads to the dark grave„ I1ave couraue, aufi'ming brother and teister; Paine's Celery Compound has cured thousands of .oases in the past far more desperate and terrible than yours. 3t has proved an agent of life to others, and it will certainly do as much for you 3n thie your time of adversity and dis- tress. What will your decision he sufferer? Will you allow the many symptoms of `disease and death to more fully de%elop, or will you; by the aid of nature's medi- cine Paine's Celery Compound Ntril;e rjurst now tit 111e. root of your trouble and be made °mode healthy ttgd happy.? The. 'oblast physicians,. admit that I'aine's Celery Corrtpound is the only .*rue nerve food and uiedi'eipe that has ever been given to •sufferii g, humanity. It strengthens and 'Winds ppthe nerves, ;tissues and musueis, it purifies the life :stream, lasts out disease of ,,every tom, giving a fresh existence and 'a long and happy .life. A triol of. one ..bottle will cxinvinoe you that Paine's CeleryCom- pound lea life-saver and it disease ban- ashor. Increase In Typhoid. Of the total- papulation of the Pro- vince 93 municipalities, representing -87 per cent. of the population, have reported to the Provincial Health De- •lrartrnent. The reports received show a consider'al increase in deaths from thypoid fever.. This cause was given as responsible for 84 deaths during the month, the deaths from typhoid during the previous month being 20, and for the month of Au -- gust last year 22. These monthly reports indicate that the disease of consumption is being gradually 'beaten, and the death rate is being almost imperceptibly bat surely fore - ed dow,t. There were 230 deaths aeported in the Pro irate for Auguet, against 22I in July. The eounti of Haliburton and Nortolk reported atm deaths feeni contagious diseases ICA' the month. shore shoved (,fT in the first rowboat he found handy, pulled for the fore- most vessel, and thPn and there en. listed in what proved to be the ad. nliral's owri ship. Out at sea they sighted sin enemy The two fleet - engaged in the channel, and the ad - _niral's ship was fleeced yard arm and yard- artn with the leaping ship of the 1+'reneh fleet, ative system which reaches several thousand families," .writes William Perrino* in the October Ladies' Home.Journal, "It includes reading clubs, music clubs, clubs for the purpose of opal; an incorporated , savings bank with deposits of two I hundred and ninety thousand dollars invested under State laws and State supervision ; a dispensary, the Ilouse of Deaconesses, who look after young people in distress or in need of em- ployment ; a college, in which, at night, languages, music, shorthand, book-keeping, dressmaking and mil- ; linery are taught to several hundred students for a nominal fee; a House of Best at the seashore for girls, and a uniformed militrary brigade of stalwart • boys. Twelve thousand persons have attended all the various services at the church, the Sunday - school and the Bible Union on a single Sancjay, The enrollment of the eehool is past fifty-two hundred. "In all the forty years of its exist- ence there has been no superintend- ent other than the founder John JOHN WVANAMAKER RAS BEEN ITS SUFEEINTENDENT OVER FORTY YEARS. "Out of and around Bethany Sun- day -school [Philadelphia] bas grown, nut simply the church and the Union, but a s,.cia1 and industrial; cooper - When 'the fight raged thefacl Hob- . son asked an able `seaman, "What ;are we trying to do ?" I "Do you see the flag up -there," said the sailor, a'iinttirg to the Frenchman -s Masthead. 1 "Yes," said the boy. "Well we want to get that down," said the man. ! Presently the English crew raised ! a mighty shout of exultation and the French saw that their flag was gone. Instantly the order to beard was obeyed and after a short resistance the French ship surrendered. - "Who saw the French flag shot away ?" Nobody could answer til] a little figure was seen sliding down the shrouds with something wrapped around his arm. It was young Ilob- • son. Unobserved he had crossed , the yards from his own to the enemy's tuastbead and in the heat of the action had cut the Frenchman's flag from its halyards and taken possession of is. The boy was promoted to the quarter-deck, and by continued gal- lantry he rose step by step until he ,became Adn.dral Hobson. Home Enemies. , They Mislead and Deceive Inex- perienced Women, Home enemies in the: form of package dyes and dyes composed of a large pro croon of coo,mon soap and very ltttle P I coloring matter, and.oreating groat loss Pain in the Back. Being truubled off and ct, with pains Sn my back, caused by constipation. I tried several kind of pills advents - ed, and to put .ho truth in a nut shall, ' Dr. Chase's kidney -Liver Pills are the only pills that have proved effectual iu Day case. 1 Dau heartily recommend there,.? J•no. I)Fivt -, Unionville, Orate:) Pointed Pharagraphs. The closed mouth catches no in - Beets. Many a so called saint is only a sinner's understudy. Actions don't speak louder than some golf stockings look, The race' is not al ways to the swift, and it is never to the loafer. The wise man knows how little be knows: of what may be known. Adam had his foibles but he never related ineei;,otes . of his boy hood days. - - Love may not he classed as a dis- ease but it is frequently of a rash mature, When a man meets hie wife down ili?tt'tl hQ al ways wonders what itt will; tit hint. It's hard ca eieeitie whether the ice dealer or the grocer is entitled to the light weight championship. • asy to Take asy to Operate Are featupect1Ilar to Iiood'A 1'llls. $mall iq size, tag Eiless, ealcient, thorough. AS nue man hat " "rote never know you . have taken* Trill till it Is all e ;,r eso..V.I. Ilona Co., ewer." � *roprfet(,rs. Lowell, masa. Ile only plus to take with, IIned'S irsaDsrilltr and consternation in many ^ homes. These deeeptive dyes that only benefit the manufacturer and retailer with fat profits. mislead and deceive inexperienc- ed women. The womon who regularly use the Diamond Dyes are never deceiv- ed. Diamond • Dye users . lind in the Diamond Dyes all that the manufactur- ers promise—purity. fastness, fullness of color and great brilliancy. 1'o thbse who have been deceived by cheap, trashy dyes. we say with eoutidance, "Give the Diamond Dyes a tri(.1, and yotl will bless the day that s'.ich CO Lora we're given to women" Diamo.,d Dies uolor anything any color. Wanamaker, and few are the Sun- days that be has failed to be at his post. During one half of the year he spends the entire Sunday in Beth- any, bringing his luneheen with him, and making himself accessible to any. one. When he was the Post- master -General of the United States he journeyed from Washington to Philadelphia every Saturday night, often preparing his Bible study for the next day on ti.e tain." Martyr to Heart Trouble, Mrs. Selina E. Coro, Amherst, N, Y., Says: "At times 1 suffered' intensely hearrt. -palpitation an ptTd d mytne rvges chatty n ored, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I have regulated my heart, toned my nor- ' yea and built up nay health." Why Lightninn -Strik'es Barns. A great many barns have been. burnt by lightning this year, and it' has beeuine a matter of general sus.- pielon es to the 'eatise. Insurance eompanys are at their wit's end to know what to do About it, and if this thing keeps on insurance rates Will. have to be inereaeed. .A writer in the Kingston News gives what he re- garda as the cause, and there may . be something in it.' ' If his theory is correct it would be ate easy thing to avoid the Ii .ltning's stroke by pro- viding the suggested means of ven-- t;ilatioe.I3e eaye: " i"ow, I have never heard. or known that any baro with an open .lattice veatilati oi. Nee been Struck or hurtled:., All farmers know that no metier how dry grain or hay is when, pnt, • loco:the barn it will sweat more or less; , thie sweat fQl'..W a gas,, which invat'iably risen to the W., We knew' tits, r'ot' if wel salt the bottom of a. mow, the top also becotme3'salty. I believe that light nitlg has an affinity for title gas, and .that the gas, if eontinetl to the top of the barn draws the ligthn'ing." • The motion submitted 1.,y Rev. Mr,` Williams, of Stratford, for a Contin --1 ittee to inquire into the subject of the low birthrate in Ontario, was adopted by the I'rovinei:i net ,on Saturday` afternoon. A. problem in Bible Arithmetic. A teacher being asked how many scholars were in his Sabbath school, replied : If you multiply the numb- er of -JIeob's sons by the number of times which the Israelites compassed Jericho on the seventh day, and add to the product the number of mea- sures of barley which • Boas gave Ruth ; divide this by the number of Haman's sons; subtract the number of eaeh kind, of unclean beasts that went into- the -ark ; multiply by the number of men ,that went to seek Elijah after he was taken to heaven subtract :from this .Josenh's age at the time he stood before Pharaoh 1 divide by the number of stones Daviel selected to kill Goliath ; sub- tract the number of furlongs that I3ethany was distant front ilerusalem; Multiply , by the number of anchors cast out at 'the bine of'Paul's ship- wreck, and subtr ret the number of people saved in the ark, the remain- 4:1er;viill be, .the number of scholars in the sehooi." How many were there? ICueaxmbers, Melons, Beware 1 1 Yo., ,r'av hrive-nu A1Itwit of Cranip't i:incl f)iairht.'rl niter Cnt'nrr them. Just. Ykeel on brand n bottle f Dr. Fowler's Extreet at Wild' Straw)etry and you're eefe. It cures Creinps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and all bowel complaints. IN•HUMANITY'S CAUSE. Heart Full of Song Because South American Rheumatic Cure Has Healed Her. 'Tor the benefit of Buffering humanity I consider it my duty to inform you of the great and lasting benefit I have re- caived•from the use of. South American Rheumatic Cure. I was a great sufferer front rlleureatisn for n bomber of years Toronto, Sept, 23,—Marrying two women on the same day ie the same city, keeping two beperate households for .several years also in the sarne city, is a feat few men are credited with. At yesterday's police court, Henry 'O'Brien, a former C. P. R. foreman, was proven to hat e accomplished this some years ago. Further, it was shown that one woman, Sara. Ryan, was married to him by a Catholic priest a few hours before his marriage to Nettie Ora - ham, at which a Protestant clergy- man presided. I3y a strange coinci- dence each woman bore a child on the sarne day, and exactly eleven. months after marriage with O'Brien, The latter deserted both wives after living with them two years and 'leaving Canada, married at Detroit and . Lansing. He also de- serted his wives at those places, and returning to Canada married a woman at Winnipeg. whom be de- serted last spring at North Augusta, Me. Then he again returned to Canada, was arrested at Portage la Praire for' theft, indentified as being wanted here, and brought to Toronto, where Sara Ryan charged him with bigmay. Prisoner• pleaded guilty to all the charges and wast sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. DOCTORS IN LINE. Prejudices all Vanish, and They Prescribe Dr. Agnew's Ointment Because Its Virtues Demand Re- cognition. Dr. M. Berkman, of Binghampton, N. Y., writes : "Send me 12 dozen more of Dr. Agnew's Ointment, 1 prescribe large quantities of it in my practice. It is a grand remedy for tetter, salt rheum, eczema and all skin dseasee, and a nevor•failtng curd fur piles." The strong- est evidence of its virtue is that doctors can so highly recommend it, Ono appli- cation relieves. Sold at A.L.Hamilton's. Eat Onions. We have been handed the follow- ing for publication by a gentleman who says be knows from experience that it contains nothing but the truth : "Dr. Allswcll says :—Eat onions in May, and all the year after physicians may play. But we ahuuld not stop with May. Onions should. be eaten at least once a week every month in the year. There is no ve- getable containing so much that is healthful as an onion, and whether it is eaten raw. or cooked, ; in belle dozen ways it is bencfleial. It is a blood cleanser, a nervine and a sleep promoter. It is cdorifei,'ous, it is true, but one's health is of more im- portance than a temporary inconveni- ence caused by a strong breath." Grand Remedy for Coughs. "I have used Elagyara's Pectoral Bal - sunt and found it a grand remedy for coughs and colds, and highly recommend it." O. M. DOHERTY, Camilla, Out. WEST W, .WANOSII. Council' met at St Helens on Sept. 19th, according to adjournment.l Members all' present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Treasur- ers statuient showed balance on hand I �f $200,33 received and filed. The request of Samuel Clark to have taxes cancelled was granted. The following checks were issued ; Rielhaxd Malloug'h, drain and culvert on con G, $18.25 ; Wm, Smith, grav- eling on eon' 5, ' SG Ed. McGuire, rep. bridge con' 5, $1 ; John Mur- dock, gravel, $1.20 ; James Edwards, gravel, $3 G i ; Peter Watselt, gravel, $13.44; J. Miller, gravellln; and covering bridge, $19.82, Council adiatirned to meet on Tuesday, Nov, lst at 10 o'clock. W. S. MCCrosTIE, Tp Clerk. I 71' 310 o e, lfiRLD v J 3 SUMMER COMPLAINT. T. Price 35c. at all druggists. RErUse sola uTITUTCG, THCY Age PANGrRoua,. v,+r Ia the most reliable and effective reme4y wfnr the relief ane Cure of DTAknoRnRii(EA, DYSRNTERY. COLIC. CRAMPS, Caor.RRA and SUM - MPR COMPLArer. It settles the stomach, stimulates the heart. soothes and heals the irritated bo. NEVER FAILS. FoelrDseversl seasons e havo re- ]1edow"n r. Fowler'aExtractowEWild Strawberry for all summer com- plaints. A few doses always give relief and it never fails to cure. we think it a very valnablo medicine -- as precious as gold." MRS. F, C. WINGER, Font Hill, Ont. PRICE 30 CENTS. rtsrwar SUBSTITUTES, THEY'RE D533E3035. • You. Are''gip of those who, when business is dull, don't advertise ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are bound to get a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try anti capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success.' There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a manner than by advertising in Tii'.. TI111Es. • Why ? Because TINE TIMES reaches all classes of people in the Town of Wingham, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity, THE Txm s goes into the home in every section. Many advertisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? Children Cry for +. CASTOR li .r Dr. John Harcourt, of Bismarck, i)akotti, tt brother t,f the Tion. R. —all remedies I tried failed to cure until Harcourt, .proviueial treasurer, died I commenced to use this wonderful pre - paragon. It worked a great cure. .I trust other sufferers may follow my e- anhple with as satisfactory results," Mrs. Bates ix 0louceeter Street Toronto 1301d at A L. Hamilton's oe Saturday in the hospital at St. Paul, Minn,, from theeffoetsofa sur• aical operation. 1NT so--85'ViatM, 9ltnxWl antY PEn- Bons in this state to manage, our 511810584 in • their own and nearby counties. It 1e mainly Ake ' work eonduoted at horns. salary straight ;Was to bonaiide 11010( 0 80 vett and expenses-de8ni c, Mr. Prank 4e uillan of Guelph 'a tvis Ireed,Mani}iwfa air. tteferr5g ca. End re Township wets killed by a bull. • Prest.. Dept, et.t;hiva o. ONiE GIVES RELIEF. pen for Med kine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules ter Five Cents. 'Fats sort is out 09 eaoaply to gratify t>ap arttvoml pre0 0$ domand for 11 Woe DNI j If you don't find this sort of 1pans T At the Druggist's stud Pi/to Cants, to 'tits itt>s'ANS Giiluttt\M. COMPANY,.i'ibi.tS' 5prucs %t.. 'New Vette And they will be sent to yon 'by mail$ 'Itis r w co.�ore will be ilct>tila(l: for 48 cents. The chancc3 aro, tett ii ,aiJtllat Ripens Tabules rte the very medi, ine you risen.