The Wingham Times, 1898-09-30, Page 1VOL. XXVVIL.--NO, 1380.
We beg to announce to the
Ladies that our Milinery Parlors
will bo open on
when we shall place en exhibi•
ti')il the choicest selections of
Hats eves: shown in Wingham,
and amongst which will be found
the latest designee from Paris,
London and New York.
And don't go away from the
store without seeing our Dress
Goods, fur we can show you the
largest stock and greatest variety
to be found in the county in all
the newest and most stylish de
signs We particularly mention
these Dress Goods, because a new
hat never to^.kc so well as when
stylish and ted fan
it crowns
dre 3s.
And why not inspect our stock 11
of Furs while you ate with us.
They will soon be seasonable,
and we hayp just opened up a
large assortment of the latest
things in Coats, Capes, CYiperines,
Calls, Boas, Gauntlets, &c.
Nothing like having fiat
-eltoice. Don't forget the date,
Monday,. Sept. 2Gth.
await the graduates of the
Celebrated Cough Syrup
A sure cure for Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, 4�
Asthma, etc. 25o a Bottle.
For sale only et
Successor to Chisholm.
.,.. ........o......._. .., _ ..
his building, oppo
low ed, and will
ecletrUr It A Gra
of earth removed
Iiil'oUTax1 MEE'
ing of Court Mo.
Order of Forester
day) evening. T
meeting and ever
quested to be prey
r Jas alcGnire has bad
to the Macdonald block
ave it generally repair -
am has had a quantity
rom his cellar.
ixo—The regular meet -
land, No 25, Canadian
will be hold this (Fri -
is will be an impor taut
member is urgently re -
NEw WAneoe mien -Messrs Win Ran-
ce Co, of th Wingham Foundry, have
quite an odder, at their foundry, in the
shape ovaggo wheels composed entirely
of iron The ' tea appears o us to be a
good one and s ould work e11. It will re-
pay you to hos a look at them.
Ganes WANr1 n — oxew gloves at the
Wiuglxaln (Glove r rks, Oonstaut em•
i ployrnent assured. tf
New Thum Sroz Mr J I. Davie; Phu]
33, of Goderich, son`;t Mr H Davis; of this
town, bas decided to moye Ms stock of
drugs from Goperir" to this town and will
open out in the sto = next to Mr John Kerr
in the Maed nald lock about the first of
sas a
Mr Davis
bt We • s
Navem e ,
resident of o progressive town
and trust his mo ,e will prove successful
A few of our recent students:—,T. W.
er with Zoellner ae Co. Mt. Forest
'Toner, v< ,
Groh. The Bach mer 0o., Limited,
Berlin; R. S. Mc;:iiubno, Canadian
General Electric Co., Toronto ; A. Will-
iamson, The R. Simpson 0o., Toronto ;
P. .Bernhard, N. A. ICI! Buildiug Co ,
City ; C. Iles, T. H..& B. Railway, Head
()Moe, Hamilton ; 0. Winker, Jiro. B.
Smith . Sons, Toronto ; 0. K. Stephen-
son, with It, Watt Sr, Mons. Wholesale
Man ufaaturens ofLumber, Wiarton.
Several of oar young ladies have se-
cured good situations. Students ad-
mitted at any tame. Write for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Marrlago 3:,toollses
Issued by FitaN t PA'rilltsoN, No 23, Vie-
toi is street, Wingham, Ont. ]Yo witnesses
;Wedding Statioriery.
We can print weeding Invitations in the
latest style° Ivo have the type, work.
' men and keep a complete assortment of
P wedding 8tantruoey. No ordering trout
' sauupies. You eau have your work on
r short notice.
Office Stationery,
•. Including Envelopes, hill IIeads, State.
melts, Note Heads, tetter Reads, et•.
We always have a full stork In this lino
and' the printing is always mat.
General Job Printing
We can do anything In this line, Melo&
r,. Snipping
fosters. Sale bills, Maud nips,
Snipping Tags, Circulars Pamphlet
r 4 walk, Tickets, or anything in the print-
ing 11no No Job tno large, and none
nosulnll for its. hive us a call v,lien
von are In need' of anything Ia the
printing lino. One prices are as low as
wmtrlrAar, their double ltiPllation.
far hint.
CONCEPT AT Lx :Now -1., .•know is being
treated to a eonce of th ighest order on
their Fair nigh, ` t 5. Williams Mama
New York's f or e . amorist and buffo -
basso, and G , . , Canada's greatest
violinist, will r jointly in a program
of the best effort of these two eminent
soloists. The Lu know people are deserv-
ing of much aredi!. in arranging a concert
of such rare quail i for their Fair night.
respected resident
away to the gre
evening of this w
Joh, Mel1wain, i
Keg Deceased h
time with an at
the lungs, She,
name to this vicin
Goderich townshi
ducted to the Wi
nesday afternoon
and family have
munity in their s
a DEATYAn old and
of this vicinity passed
t beyond on Monday
k in the person of Mts
the 00th year of her
d been ailing ,for some
ack of inflammation of
long with her husband,
ty many years ago from
The funeral was con -
ham cemetery on Wed -
'.he bereaved husband
e'sympathy of the com-
re affliction.
Pots (ernes Rex
Inspector Henderso
week, we uodersta
Philter has been in
post °Mee from its p
north single store in
Wo believe the move
the next two weeks.
YAC ` AS a result of
$ visit to town this
d that Postmaster
ructcd to move the
mat quarters to the
he lylacdonald bicap'
will he made within
Sitheav's Tio xiwu.
temperance meeting b
on Sunday evening
one. The hall was
many having to go a
gain admittance. Mr
the chair and address
Dr MacDonald and t
son of Mr Walter 8
town was married in
evening Iast to Miss
onto, by the Rev
groom's many
will join with the
newly wedded conpl
have been quite acti'.
week. The followi.
meets : McDonald
to Collingwood ;
lambs to East Buff.
hater, car of apples
pie, car of apples
holder, car of wheat
to Montreal for exp
shipments of furni•
'Messrs McLean & S•
of staves from Sualt
coal has been recei
Flour Mills.
WAoren--200 tubs choice DairyButter---
aleo Eggs ; highest prices cash or trade.
tf. . IS. hist,
Deem or Wet. I
in St Mary's bospit
last, a former well -
town, in the perso
son, youngest son
son. Deceased ha
sar for the past
been ailing for a
Sept 10th, he end
the efts to of w
abovekIe attot
father here sort
appeared to be
Deceased was he
the people of W
sided for the pa
tributes from W
which action -me,
Monday evonin
The funeral we
epee of his bro
to the T3luev
afternoon, and
old friends at
cr•, ll2tsn'rele—The
Id in tate town hall
s a very sunceseful
lied to the doors,
y, not being able to
Moindoo occupied
were delivered by
e resident ntiliisters,
Mr George Scott,
•tt, formerly of this
Toronto, on Tuesday
attie Scott. of Tor-
r McTavish'The
riends in town
'DIES in wishing the
much joy and happi-
ovemeats in freight
at the G T ii,° this
is part of the ship -
Burchill, car of bogs
McGregor, car of
o ; Armour .4z Mc4l-
Glasgow ; C Gilles-
Glesgow ; A. Burk -
o Galt and car of oats
rt and several large
re by our factories.
t have received a oar
w Lake and a oar of
d for the Wingttam
rang about 1.80 o'oloc
last and awoke many
their slumbers, wbe
the livery stable of ai
fire. The firemen w
the building being a
fire had made such be
could be clone to save
building next to the
by ,aleeere Geo Thorns
and occupied by Me
Thos Hession and M
pretty badly damage,
this buildiug were tee,
fire and water. Mr ,T
all of his belongings.
of the livery building
but this will not co
losses had a small •
Hessian and airs Mc
the tire is uuknowa
have wen caused by •
eeensoi. There died
, Detroit, on Sunday
nown resident of this
of William Patterson,
the late John Patter.
boon residing in Wind-
t) years and had only
ort time and on Friday,
-went an operation from
eh he died as stated
ed the funeral of his
four weeks ago and
Ins usual good health.
in very high esteem by
laser, whore he had re•
five years. The floral
idser and Detroit friends
ied the remains here on
were something grand.
Conducted from the reeid-
ler, Mr Frank Pattereon,
cemetery on Tuesday
as largely attended by his
aequaintanees. The be.
and friends have the ern -
The fire bell
on Monday morning
i£ 'i tens frooa out C. ti
it was found that
W J Jaeklin was on
e soon on hand, but
roma structure, the
dway that not much
1, The largo frame
every stable, owned
n and John Ainsley
ars 11 .I Mac9T.ttb, •
s I) McKenzie 'was Guelph, third son of Ii Hata, of they tuwnl
i i
The contents of The bride, who wastbeeomiugly attired in
•m c I was
white organdie, wi ° hat to at 1 ,
ly all damaged by given away by he ,e €other. Miss Matta
cklin saved neatly Hale, sister of the °room, acted as ht ides•
ownerr .
Mr Patterson
had li'300 insurance°, maid, and was asst ted by alis, Edith j d
Clytuont, sister of e bride. 'Cho groom
r his loss. All the r
was supported , Robb :llcCiytnunt,
surance exeel1 Mr brother of the brit:•, and Julia T Newell
openings were beide,
following days by o'}
stores. Every store
day evening with
looking over the d
The new crowns are
in shape or rath
many of the shape
front the face and di
there is the small
shape, which I' h is a
most becoming with
dour and is made is
of color with feather
and ornaments of et=
thing has the aide
or three-quarter pita
shaded from the cent
different tones ; the
amazon feathers mat
moroury wings a
feathers made up
ospreys and bird
everything posaibl-
feathoc is used.
lace applique al
ostrich plume in a
ing on the tip wit
true lovers' knots
signs in different;
used are plain, th
plisse, spots emb
stamped. The o•
blank and white,
there are a grey,
tones of old colors
is black relieved
handsome plumes
ornaments are a
They come in at;
brilliants or paste
stink pins wit? he
filigree of metal
The chenille crew
a big feature of '
purelmaers of an,
should call at t
stores and examin
ing their orders.
C:alto I.)owx---
the the town wero
day to allow the
fall fair. The seb
Bunn Siraix is
tives of the Slat
spent the past w
Bowles ; their so
large exhibit of 1
have been mac
Largo numbers
and examined t
made by this
Bowles expect
Shoos this fall
in the town h
under the ane
Brigade was
ra suoceas in e
Webb, elecnti
the audience
first-class. M
or, sang sriver
Ur McKenzie,
siderable amus
and recitations.
o different factories of T1xA'r Fnn;.•s.i:,'s
osed down on Wednes-
tlxloyees to attend the
1 was also closed.
Intl•—The representa-
c Shoe Co., who bare
el: at Messrs Bernath, &
Wingham agora, with o.
e fatuous "Mater Shoes"
ng with great success.
our citizens have called
e different kind of shoes
Sachem of this week
Chronicle, Wingha
nicle, and °thee pa.p
gersoli has-, team
hose race at Drantf
that the 0.ala:lonie,
made happy by ret
11100. received by 0
money for the wiur
Who "didn't get it,"
have got away with
firm. Meyers Hotnuth & gereell and Winght
a large trade in the Slater use imported spri
eitber, Seo 1" De
scene—The concert given went to a great de;
11 an Wednesday evening, trilling matter. Ti:
icos of the Wingham Fire the
Ingersoll team
ry well attended and was money and we say
ery particular. Miss Ethel was to Iugersoii at
List, was well received by soli Chief of the Pi
nd all her numbers were cheque. Brantford
W Graham lodecton, ten- double dose of Ariz
ANNzwsn•;Axar S
some thirteen met
C 0 F drove ove
divine service with
of, that place. The
in the M.ethudist c
Robbie, High Cho
it was one of the
we have listened t
Foresters' male gel
at:essrs Jas Jones,
and N B Gerry, sate
done credit to them
160 Foresters' in at
ham monxbers speak
treatment they reed
Wennnwtx II num
Goderich Signal of t
marriage of a daugh
known resident of
slay morning of las
tools place at the re
William. Mn0! ymoil
sion being the we
deughter, Melinda
very choice selections. :sac: r inthTeeswater, createdcon. Wigham firemeneat inhiscomicsongs business befog•
heard of by thein a
better teams than 0
vies—On Sabbath last, never has to import
bars of Court Maitland, either, and had the
to Brussels to attend 1 Brantford they wnu
tie Canadian Foresters top. I'ut that in
tAcr:—The i:,tlerlonia
imes. Ingersoll Chro-
n ersoltCtu•o-
s that ctatol the In•
cry the international
f, are hereby notified
toys were last week
pt of their share of
r.t Hind as first prize
re of said hole race.
•Vingbaru? Oar boys
aster teams than In-
, and didn't hove to
ens for the purpose,
brother, you °ave
of trouble over this
Trues did say that
of a cheque for first
so still. The writer
the time the Iuger-
e Team received the
must be paying a
money or else there
fence" some plane.
ere in the hose reef
Caledonia was ever
have outran many
edoni:e. They have
"sprinters" to do it
received justice at
have come out on
ur pipe and smoke
sermon was proached it, brother Sachem.
ureh, by Rev Mr MTs -
n, of Shelburne, and SMALL OCALS.
st eloquent sermons
fora gang, time. A (latnpbell's Headache Wafers guarau-
tette, consisting of teed to cure headache.
H Kerr, Alex Ross
two selections which —The partridge e
There were nearly —The East Wowl
ndanoe. the Wing- swing at ,Belgrave t
in high praise of rho
•od by their, Brussels
he following from the
is week, refers to the
er of a former well -
is town :—"Wednes-
week a happy event
deuce of Mr and Mrs
East street, the occa-
ling of their e,dest
to Frank T Bale, of
enzio. The cavae of 8,1. i, n3 utogeee,
bet 18 ettpp0'4erl, tc
tat cht:rch,
defective at.ivo-lipel "jas witneu ed by n
—The fall iniliincry
Monday evening and
r different millinery
vas crowded. on 11on•
dies and gentlemen
`ferent fine displays.
uch lower and oval
round top, anil
Aare or roll back
at the back. Then
ompadour or toque
seat favorite, ft is
e hair worn pompa,-
everal combinations
mounts at the side
I, eto. Nearly every-
immings ; the demi
es in one color, also
et out to the sines in
ufnea, pheasant and
up in long mounts ;
1 different kinds of
gather, also aigrette,
of paradise ospreys,
fn the way of a made
great novelty has a
g the centro of an
contrasting color, end -
a lover's knot ; those
e seen in all of the de -
°aerials. The velvets
ee•toned, mirror plush,
oidered, brocaded and
ors leading are black,
ue and green; of course
many charming new
bat the leading favorite
with other color and
nd ornamentsand the
est noticeable feature.
I, steel and torquoise,
nd pearls The large
y end of jet and fancy
re used in all shapes.
s and bandeaux will be
he season. intending
-hibg in the above line
Winghant inullinery
erecting parties.
were costly and n .emus, anlotl; Mere
being a beautiful pa': or centre -table, made
of Hungarian ash, f the bride's brother
in errand Rapids, t ich, and a beautiful
centre•table and r.; king chair from the
officers and teachersf Victoria•sI. Sunday
school, in which the ride had given long
and faithful service as a teacher. Amid
showers of rico and god wishes, the happy
couple left on the 2.; 0 train for Guelph,
where they will resit' , 'Mr Hale having a
situation in the Bell . gate works."
A PxzaciaxecTilts; t n Monday night the
frieads of Mr J C ' el rd, of the Bank of
Hamilton, met at '.hns' restaurant to
give that gentleman ` farewell banquet
before leaving to take he management of
the branch in Chest. .Although but a
short time in town Mrelford made ghost
of friends, being a lou: of all manly sports
(in fact he was an all-..und sport himself).
Ile was soon iilentifie with all the clube
in town, During hi stay hero ho has
played with the footle 1, baseball, lacrosse
and lawn tennis teem ; from all of these
ho will be greatly miss d. Although glad
to see Mr Telford t a promotion, all
were sorry to see hit , leave town, After
partaking of one of •t best banquets mor
given in town, the ev ing was taken up
with song and story. ;.peeches were given
by Do Irwin, T L owles, A A Morrow,
Wm Homntb, C Will .n, and a variety of
songs by Colin Cain; bell, Harry 0 Ball,
.3oe 1logdson and oth s. 117r Telford was
presented with a b utifut pipe and an
address to which he ery feelingly replied,
After singing "Tin i a jolly good fellow"
Raid "God cavo th Queen," the party
broke up, feeling the had done holier to a
jolly good fellow, a d also to the oysters
which• were partio ariy good. Ilir C Ii
Willson in taking 11, '• Telford's place here
and Mr Holmes, o Taucknow is relieving
Mr Willson for a 1 days.
f Vittorio. at, M.ethod-
d the ceremony, which
ny friend, of the con -
The wedding prte ea -
son is now open.
nadir fall fair is in full
A good second-hand coal stove for sale
cheap. Apply at 'plaits office. tf.
—The Huron f 1 assizes commence at
Goderich uu Mon y next
—The town cot sill will bold z}
s regular
meeting on Mond
—Division Cor
ham on Wednesd
ABla3i ItlS;S YCIIfl3 11.0221.
heir stock before plat- i New' remedies Carne and new remedies
will he held in Wing -
next, October 5th.
Arthur ,T Ircvitt. 1). D. S., of Wingham,
s ei
Blyth every Wednesday.
`t Miss C Orr, of ;nlross, leas purchased
the no h end b:i ry from Mr T Sander-
Messrs H math
—The front @ n &
B xwles' store ha eceived a fresh coat of
—Dr Macdr,n 'd, M F. addresser) a
tataperance meeti,g in Clinton on Monday
--Mr Wm Arn
sldence in the h
A. G Leeded°.
--We Are 1.4cl:n�
a(:riptiou list ever;
till the end of the
—Blyth fail faits
and Wednesday an
day and Friday of
If your lounge
them to Ireland & But
—Messrs Arnie
moved their but
across the street t
—A few from `t
once at the Coder
reeved relatives -ariy all of the business; tuskative rlY at nuleinnnm which
is the groat hopo of rerov.
%%thy of the whole community in this places were more or less decorated on ery from weak threats and lungs must
3londay evening.
rest. It to tate Standard of the World,
The riruggist is apt to be a consult-
tug physietau ..esu enol we keep un bona
constantly a th,Iuennd remedies to re-
lieve a like number of ills and accidents.
What we know we gladly tell without,
charge, and our drug3 are the purest
and the price the 131081 reasonable any-
where to he found. '
A. A. MORROW, Druggist _
tan.. ameittottemtmoisif e
—Read the ad rtiaemeuts in every
issue of the 'rx3srs.
—Tile local chat J rates on the railways
have not been tett ett yet.
—George, the etser 1118 •eel meting
his annual visit to own 11 ' week.
We can furnish yeti + ,nmpetent man ter'':
cut, tit and lav err k' el of carpets. Prices:
reasonable. -1; el a, Batton.
—Mr P Bro n, formerly of this town'
has purchased 10 saw oriels at Lakelet.
—Ourr teleph to is No. 4. . W
en in need
of anything in to printing line call us up,;
---We under LIIII that Wingham is to
Nw photo gallery .i,lery hx the
Ihave another
near future.
—Farmers v< 0 bays strayed animals
on their precuts s should advertise to avoid.
t trouble and rap use.
--A. pbonogr h in Mr N A Farquhar -
sun's grocery ore a f.•rds considerable
amusement to stomers and visitors.
. rip and Chea
Met ')ale tail
—For fit C, a tailoring
zeats' furrtir,htiles try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
—The report
in this issue flak
some int -are tins
ter has taken up his re- oat.
se lately vacated by 1r —There are of
d:eys this year
new Bari $$ 19 Our 61117+ Dty, the date o
0 ,i-ittr``Wq ay
week. Try the Thins
ear. y ll, will
eler.etic youn1'
til be held on Tuesday non of Mr John.
Brussels fair on T urs shortly for Tor
ext week. a responsible t
wan r= ery and mantle,
' t Mr S F MicI{int
vertng take
heir prices ate
'r & McAllister have re.
xer and egg business
the Kent block.
ng%lain were in attend -
.h fair this week. Mr
lumber of exhibits.
the Northth mestere Fair
space an
rotvde:i ns for d
news items are crowded
:y two more regular boli. -
these are Ttia.nka;iving
v lig h 11 not yet set, and
soon 1030 one of its most
business n1 L, in the per-,
S McKinnon, who leaves
nto, where he has accepted
1hien in the large miltia•
zetablishment of his mulles
The fine fora and homestead of the late
in tallow Pearen, being the uorth i of lot 4G
in the loth ctwoesaion Bast iVawanosh,
will be tasted for ti110 at ptthlio auction ot!
Thursday, 13th Outot:er, 1808, at 2 p. na. a
the Brunswick house, Wingham. For con -
dittoes and particulate apply to 3. A. Mur-
W Taylor made a ton, barri•ttee, Wiugliam. This p>;oper'tyit
Dr. Macdonald is now permanently erre of the finest farms 111 Wawa0Qs11 ; 4. .
at home and can be consulted by
his patrons.
-- R J Mavltiat asks all who are owing
him to Ball and a tie their accounts. Ilo
will be found W Vanstone's marb)e
—Messrs But n & Peasant's chair fac-
tory was closed own for a few days this
weep to allow s 1e necessary repairs to be
made in the fe cry.
Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish mnnkos
bnggy tops like now. Sold at M .csM.srn's
Harness Shop.
= Mr ktobt Fest , of Tiverton has artiy
ed in town and i1 manage the butcher
business recently ir:eased by his tether
from Mr L J Wit ams.
—Mr W Cousi , Mail Clerk, whet has•
been running ant e L. II & B, into Wing -
ham for some yea past, has been transfer-
redtothe main 11 eofthe GTR.
—The Alert re Teeter has received a
eheque for $01,5, - from the G T R, being
amount of their bete in tonne on with
their recent exe .sion to God r ich.
If you have any to refill or
makeover or if you n -'a mattress' made
any special size ye -' an get it done at
Ireland tit Button's, opposite Aiaotlonald
block, Wtngltam. tf
—The '1'ltsrs s to acknowledge the
courtesy of the sidleld and Wewanosh
Draneb Af rtcult al Society directorate in
fnrnisbing the o ce with it ticket to their
fair to be held Dungannon on 0etaber
1Lth and 12th.
clLUR ,d 3 OT3ti.
Mr 1? Sh ire, of t. wn, conducted the ser-
vices in Trinity oh'.tch, Blyth on Sunday
Rev 0 Ti Kills, :the new incumbent of
Trinity church, ;r Iy°tit, enters upon his
duties next Sued
An Adjourned u' • sting of the Presbytery
of Inaitl.utd will a held at Whitechurch
on Wert•tesday ne t,
hers Crossley and Bunter will tom-
meuce a series ,of apecial meetings at
Clinton, on Octor;•r 8th.
Rev Wm
Thanksgiving a
Sunday that. le
erten, Rural D
St Paul's chive
Next Sunda
giving day let
The annual t
up. Special
the pastor. '
disosmrse will
we conducted Harvest
vices in Walkerton out
v Mr Robertson, of Walk
n of Bruce, preached in
will be Tlarvetk Thanks-
o Congregational ehurnhs
mil( offering will be takett
rmons will be prtaohed by
le evil jest of tl.e evening
be "God's way of making
on Sunday ext Bev 1:' ?1 Baldwin will
preach Her est Thankagivir g sermons,
both ;tnorni r and evening in St Paul's
church, wilewill 136 taltefu)ly deeoratea
for the or sion with grain. fruit and
flowers. T ere will ba special music b
the choir.
WIngha Lodge. Nn $(i, A Ie and A lid.
13.13 0, w attend diving service in lit
Patlt'a ctrl :ell, 011 Su iday afternoon next.
let 4 o' to . There will be a number of
brethren resent fro u neighboring iadgett.
RAN/ P 11 3n,idwln, 01 Aylmer will preach
the ser