The Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 10LTppL,ElEVJDENT TO
The Wingham Times
W1NGHAM, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 7.898.
Live btoOK Navigate.
Toronto, Sept. 20.—Receipts of
cattle at the Toronto market to day
were 63 loads. Business in all lines
was brisk. Cables reported an ac-
tive and steady market for Canadian
steers. Shippers were inclined to
give higher prices. In export line
there were several loads of choice
stock offered, prices ranging from
$4 to $4.50 per cwt. Export bulls
are quoted at from $3 to $3.75 per
cwt.; for butchers' cattle there was
good demand. The offerings were
of fair quality and prices were
steady; sales were reported at 4 e
per lb. The market for stokers was
active. 'I here was a wide range to
select from and prices ranged trom
$3 to $3.60 per cwt. There was a
fair run of sheep and lambs and
prices steady. Sheep are quoted at
from $2.50 to $3:50 per cwt.; lambs
at $3 50• to $4.25 per head, and
calves at from $4.50 to $G per head.
The receipts of hogs were heavy,
prices holding well, but the indica-
tions are for a weaker market. The
best selections were quoted at 44c
per lb.
East Buffalo, N.Y., Sept, 20.--Cat-
tle—Two loads on the market, with
a fairly active demand at steady
prices; there were no good calves
here, but with a moderate inquiry,
the feeling was easy on the basis of
$7.50 to $7.75 for choice to extra; $7
to $7.50 for good to choice. Sheep
and lambs —The supply of fresh sale
was light --fine loads, but the accum-
ulation of 28 loads made a heavy
market; orders were scarce and only
a few sales of good lambs were report-
ed, but prices were fairly steady, con-
sidering the day and the volume of
the sale; choice to extra native lambs
were quotable at $5.40 to $5.60; good
to choice, $5. to $5.40; common to fair,
$4.50 to $5; sheep mixed,' choice to
to extra, $4.25 to $1.50; good to
choice, $4 to $4 25; common to fair,
$3 to $3.50. Hogs—The market s as
about the same as yesterday as to
price, with a total of 22 loads of off -
erings the general basis of good hogs
was $4 10 to $4 20; heavy were quot-
able at $4.15 to $4.20; medium, U.
15 to $4.20; Yorkers, $4.10 to $4.20;
pigs, $3.95 to $1; roughs, $3.50 to
$3.70; stags, $2.75 to $3; grassers,
$3 90 to $4,i0; there was a fair
clearance, and the close was about
Albert E. Lyons, caretaker of the
Berlin,Post Office, was sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary for
stealing money letters.
Is It Right ?
Is it right to build churches to
save men, and license shops that de.
stroy them ?
Is it right to license a man to sell
that which will make a man .drunk,
and then punish the man for being
drunk ?
Is it right to license a man to
make paupers and then tax sober
men to take care of them?
Is it right to license a drink -shop
to teach vice, and then tax people
for schools to teach virtue ?
Is it right to derive a revenue out
of a traffic which no decent man de-
fends ?
Is it right to teach your boy not
to drink, and then vote to license. a
lace where he. may be taught to
drink ?
Is it right to teach your boy to be
honest, and then vote to license a
place where he may be taught to
gamble ?
Is it right to teach a boy to re-
strain his passions, and then vote to
license a place where his worst pas-
sions will be inflamed?
Is it right to take eare of your
own boy, and vote to license a place
which will ruin your neighbor's boy?
Is it right to preach justice and
charity, and then vote to license a
thing which robs the widows and
orphans of their bread ?
Is it right for you to go to the
polls and vote without having
studied this question seriously and
carefully ?
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take
care of them for you. If you need
buy them from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to.
cif. 3E .• AfIC ICJII
Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts.
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brush .s, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 011 and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
See the new line of Envelopes at
The TIMES Office.