The Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 6rfl]E WINUI AM TIMES, SEPTENIIIIM 32, 1698. .ti,` , E dollars. In a i(litiutl to this, there t 10101,11,*Adulteaatlon. ts tt C Cir ' was a another of heavy expenditures w1.4 1 There are few articles of food' proposed nut of tee c;ttpltttl account, �t '1 Instead however of that $11,i311U,- now--a-days that escape the attention I _ 237, the uetuttl expenditure for that of the unscrupulous merchant, who, ;ZD 1 SC. SEI T1 1ILT,TL :i, 7338. in his eagerness t(' recline tt little ex. .^'• same eea1 after the newGovernment n _.. ._., _ _.. . -• - _ ._..-- t often adulterates them ul' �. �..a-. eters'- tea Profit. -te`��° control (main and supple Pr a,- : ;LSbun1CQ CUrl t G ' OTTAWA � alentary) was but'438 ,135086• such at manner that hes trick is with #, Q idifliculty defeated. Rigid inspection • SOME HE.',VY 1 TRAS. laws. however, have done ]quell to f, • (Freer aur, own tus,iondem:t) ( I should be further borne in mind it, , } protect the public from these rascals, Ottawa, Sept. lath -There there leave I that the heavy expenditure in con- j, there remains still much to teen several partial and incomplete i neetion with the government of the although b- done. A favorite article of food ti s statements already published of the, Yukon which is ail Item hitherto un seal year which ended on June 30, i known in the accounts, is included ixstrbtu the complete returns have tin this total, and another item which only just been made pu )etc. tis destined to prove aa iuvaluable in - Y: indications were all fav vestment to Canada is the money i arable and there }vas ever promh.e I spent in deepening the St. Lawrence 1 of a satisfactory showing but the i Canals. It hats been pointed out re- peatedly in the Liberal press that expenditure aid extravagance under the present Government are not syn- onvrnous terms, though they are so ,'; 'most hopeful scarcely anticipated ar ti1at the Huai returns would show #1 •the splendid surplus of „t1,575,881. e. After the long series of lean years, e' with theiEsannually recurring deficits often used iaterehangeably by Op• and growing debt on the one side, pusitionists, and this very material and no hope of relief or sign of eco- fact cannot be be too closely borne in inertial elasticity on the other, this is mind in coneldering the report of the indeed an agreeable change, except, Finance Minister. • it may be, to the apostles of dose dis- aster and blue ruin, and to these 'who believed in their predictions. FIGURES WORTH GLANCING OVER. Figures are proverbially dry and uninteresting, but such figures as those contained in Canada s balance sheet for 1897-98 should surely ?rove good reading to everyone who has the best interests of his country honestly as heart. During the previ- ous four years the deficits had total- ''. led nearly $6,250,000 but when the ?' present ,Minister of Finance brougbt .dowii his first statement a year ago, showing• only a $500,000 deficit after STILL CROAKING OF FAILURE. The High Joint Commission will will resume its deliberations in Qae- bee next Tuesday and it is contident- ently hoped that the Commissioners will be prepared with definite pro- posals upon which action may be had. Tnough the Commission has been adjourned, its critics have not taken a holiday, and numerous lug- ubrious propuesies of failure have been given publicity. One section has persistently reiterated the asses• Iron that there is no possibility of any reciprocal trade arrangement, he had paid up hundreds of thous- another has declared that there is no • ands of dollars of arrears in nearly !hope of settling the Alaska Boundary • •every branch of the service, and in dispute while the sealing controversy, spite of Mr. Foster's prophesy that the new Government could not pos- :ntbly get through their first year without a deficit of at least $3,250,- 000 it was a furetaste of the improv- ed methods that bad been Intl educed; and this, the second year's round -up, more than justifies the hopeful condi- tion which was the beginning to ;nanifest itself. A SUCCESSFUL PROPHET. As a prophet .!Ur. Fielding is a the Inshore Fisheries trouble and other momentous issues are deelared to be hopelessly invoived, and impos- sible of settlement. It is very satis- factory to realize that the Commis- sioners are statesmen, who will go about their business and attend to the duties of their high offices with- out regard to these croakers. Patri- otic citizens whether of the Empire or the Republic are still firm in the belief that substantial and lasting 'bigger success than his predecessor benefit will result to all parties be - in the Fina rice Department, for while fore the Commission finally adjourns. Ir. Foster's predictions have all THE OTHER FELLOW • CLAMMED THAT. 'been falsified., every one of Mr. Field- ing's estimate¢"'have been more than realized. Six months ago in mak- ing his budget speech, the Minister of Finance anticipated a revenue of *39,000,000 the returns show that it is $40,275,701, an increase of nearly 2,500,000 over the previous year, The expenditure on the consolidated fund account was estimated by the minister at $38,750,000, but it is 650.000 less, and instead of $550,000 avLich he estimated as his surplus last April be has over $1,500.000. A POINT TO BE REMEMBERED. So much bas been said about the to adulterate is flour, and many have been the means adopted to so adul- l terated this necessary of life so as to i reap extra gain and at the same time avoid detection. The public is' familiar with the customary adulter- ants used, such as as alum, cornmeal, 1)R. A• etc., but a more dangerous adulter- ant than either has now been exposed inthe. undershathe of name of rounsoapstone,n"mineral. REV J. . VAN, l TES, OF ALBION whieh ine" is being offered to some millers w s WRITES A l ETT 13 OH ) ete W. CHASM SENDING FREE ADvioz TO 1'Ilbt SICin. for the purpose of enhancing their peoflts with no regard to public, health. This ground soapstone is inanufaetured at Greenboro', North Carolina, and is being openly offered; as will be seen by the following eir- cular recently issued by the makers trade : "Gentlemen, -We invite your at- tention to our minoraline, whieh is, without doubt, the greatest existing discovery. ""There is no flour mill man who i can afford not to use it, for several reasons. "Your flour will be much lighter and nicer ; it dues not require the flour in auy way, is not at all injuri- ous to the health, and by using min - era -line you realize a margin of from four hundred to sixteen hundred dollars on each carload you use. icn which covered the lower part of "To secure a low freight rate, we my face• mark it as 'ship stuff.' I For 25 years I suffered untold agony, "We can furnish you mineraline and was treated by the best medical f. o, b. cars your station, for high skill in the United States. I consider grade flour, at twenty dollars per Dr. Chase's Ointment worth its weight ton ; fur medium grades flour, mix. ; in held for piles and skin disease. teen dollars per ton ; for bread meal I Dr. Chase's large -size recipe book, twelve dollars per ton ; and for feed cloth -bound, sent to any address on eceipt of 50 cents, by addressing Dr. meal, at eight dollars per tun. I a:•tase'.n Company, Toronto or Buffalo, "1101 a high-grade flour use fifteen l ,t 1 DH. CHASE'S CINT;E IT. Eufi'erers are at Lib rty to Correspnad with the Above Address and will Obtain Full Partioulars ke- gard.ng the Great Oure. HERE IS'Y1i Ii T IIE ns AY$ : Gentlemen,—My wife was most terri- bly afflicted with protruding piles, and con•ton1J)late'1 a surgical opelr.tion. A friend of ours recommended the u+e of Dr, Chase's 'jintinent, and less than one box effected a complete cure. We were so pleased with the oin'trnpint that I tried it myself, as I have been trot:bled wit'' an unsightly skin afilic- per cent mineraline ; for medium N. Y. grade flour, use twelle per cent mineraline; and for feed meal use eighteen per cent mineraline. ' llirMielaIRMIPSNIMMOMMO One W ord Led to Another. "We furnish all our vuctomers The boy was crying bitterly. with a mixer free of charge -this "What's wrong, my son !,' the kind - Speaking of the splendid harvest, machine will distribute completely hearted pian asked. "1 d -didn't the marked itnprov(4nent in trade, any proportion desired, and costs m -mote the lawn when pa told me and the general condition of prosper- nothing to attach. to." "Ali ! And he punished you its which they are compelled to ad All you have to do is to bore a then, did he?" "N- no ; not just mit, the Mail and Empire editorial hole in your pipe, clamp on the ma- then. He said he wouid-wouldn't remarked the other day that "it is chine, attach a cord to run it, till up have any insurgents around the pea -place." "And you are weeping because he called you an insure:, ent." "N -no. I told him. they w -would always b -he insurgents when they w --was Spaniards around tryin' to rile them. That's when it ba.ppened." assumed that the electorate will the hopper, and set the feed to the attribute the blessings from above to proportion desired. the people at Ottawa." That is just "Enclosed find sample of minera- where the Mail and Empire falls into line for medium -grade flour. error. It is not the Liberal party "You cannot afford to let your that has shown a weakness in the competitor beat you in both quality past, or at any time. for appropriating and margin. We would be glad to to itself credit for the benefits confer• hear' from you." red by Previdenee. That is a recog- This ground soapstone is of abso • nized tenet of Conservative faith, lately no value as a food but may be inerease of expenditure since the ac but all that is claimed for the present positively injurious. Iu its. ground cession of the Liberals to power that administration is that they have hon- butte it is commonly known as it is wor<iite while to call attention estly done their best to supplement "French chalk," and is used for ren here to oi.1,e:other point which cannot nature's benefits rather than depreci- dering the insides of boots and gloves 'be too stiiingly emphasized while ate them by unnatural laws and re- more slippery in order that they Conservative speakers and writers victims • ne put on more easily. It is alto used for waxing floors for dancing, etc. Never bas it been regarded in Her Answer. food rodl.et and it bus �- lpersiet in their contention that the ;.lightly increased expenditure is in- s aiicative of extravagance. When 'the Liberals came into (,ffice they found that Mr. Foster bad prepared his estimates for the ensuing year and these estimates called for a total (main and supplementary) of $41. - General a banquet in the Russell :930,237, when it is remembered with what facility the extra supple - when as was so successfully done rllentaries ,vete always swelled by when Lord Lansdowne was leaving additional items in every department and the local Council of Women are it is not likely that that amount would have covered the total ex- penditure by two or three million. SPEED Tido PARTING GUESTS. Preparation:- are well under way for the farewell functions in connec- tion with the rapid approaching de- parture of the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen early in November. It is proposed to tender the Governor To Cure RInittilitiATESTO SMIS PA HLLt IT IS PROMPT RELiABLE ANI NEVER FAILS, IT t. MANE TT WELL y Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it MOUS SARSAPARILLA arranging a social at whieh the Countess will say good- bye. In other parts of thi; Province and in the East the public manifestations of esteem, and regret that the guberna- torial term is closing, will be as gen eral and widespread as will be grati• tying to their Excellencies. TRYING Ti) BRACE Tram t1. Conservative leaders have been actively engaged this warm weather with organization work in various parts of the Dominion, and the story continues to be industriously circu- lated • h" a general Federal election t d t .tt on ]ae l; is approaching. (3f course it is the unexpected that happens sometimes, but the politicians who can see un• mistakable indications that the Gov ernmcnt is preparing to Appeal to 1 the country has a, fine intuition or else a great imagination, Doan Cures a Manitoba Man. 1Jr. Alexandria L'rnser, Miami,Man. r w r. r writse : "1 cannot refrain from recom- mending 1)o:ltl's Kidney Pills to nay perm: troubtecl with aulney diaurder, for I believe if they eoui.l cure me they Could ,:ure any COM" SA}313ti.Tx SEEVIOLS. AI , THODIST-Itev. 1)r. I'aecue, pas ( or. Services at 11 n, m and 7 ll tl). 1?RI SPiYTTE1'uUI.N--Rev. D. Perrie pn ;tor. Services at 11 a ot and i p u'). linISCOPAi,, St. Paul's --Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector. Sorviees ut 11 u w and 7 p m. BAPTIST -Rev, Jas. Ramilton, pas- tor. Brrvices at 11 a m and 7 p m CONGlvL+ GATIONAL--Lose IT. E. t tlud 1 ) u 1 at 1 Services 1 Mason,pastor. l I pCHR,ISTIAN WORKERS ---• n'u'rses Outram and Lock in ct,tnnland, Services! at3p nanti 8pm. SAL•Vr.TIONARaMY-Acljlttantililes and wife in command. Services at 11 11, m,3prn and 8pm, In each of the above named churches Sabbath `School is held at ?.30 p rn, Martyr to Heart Trouble. Mrs. Sel inn E. Core. A,nherst, N. Y.. �a}s: -AI, ',)mos 1 suil'ered intensely from palpitation and Buttering ot my heart. 1 wee weaicnnd my nE+rvesshe tt- erect, llilllnrr,'3 11e.)rt and Nerve Pilis have regulated my heart. tined wy ner- ves and built up te) health." any sense a p remained for the unscrupulous neer chants referred to above to put it on the market as such. As to its not being injurious to health, the mere fact that it is absolutely worthless as a nutrient, indicates that its introdue tion into the stomach must be prcjn dicial. It is not likely however, that this feet will have any effect on the hardened consciences of those who deeire--in the words of the cir- cular -to make from four hundred to a thousand dollars per carload by adding it to their flour. To thein the all•pewertul dollar is of more. irn- portance than' the public health, and all they fear is the pttblie analyst. It is therefore incumbent on the,o officials to be more than usaally on the alert, as a substance like soap stone is easily discovered in flour when its presence is once suspected. Now that the warning bas been given, suspicion should be aroused and every dubious sample submitted to the usual tests for inineral adul- terants. Consumers would do well to deal only with those merchants whose goods they know to be rel°. able. In most cases it will be found that the honest merchants are those best known, they are not likely to be tempted b S any such inducement eat as that offered in the circular. Is it safe to say, then, that in buying well known and tried. brands of flour, the consumer will be safe. -St. Tholllas Journal. "You vele a lung time in the for corner of the conservatory with Mr. Willing, last evening," suggested the mother, "What was going on?" "Do you remember the ot:e0sion on w hich you be(iame engaged to papa?" inquired the daughter by way of reply, "Of course I do." "Then it might not to be necessary for you to ask any gnestione," Tins gently the news was broken that they were to have u. SOIh-in•law. -Chicago inlet. Before. lifter Wood's Phos "rodiao, The Great English Roncdt/. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able med'eino discovered. at packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package $1, six, $5. One will _Please, six will Tho WoodlCompany, Windsor, Ont. Children Ory for CA • Sold in wingham by Colin a Campbell, Druggist. .S certain Ilighlanrl doilies thus deliverer) himself to a cul grit: ',Wee!, Donal', it's) no proved; at lea et, it's no very weel proved; but Pm tellin' ye, my tion, next time \ 0011 tip here it will be seven days fur you whether's it proved or no," ,.+..,.,•......°..,..,..eve a ..r..,,..•••rpm . I onto.,. Otto. •fp tm ± (Cook's Cotton Root Compound. is Sneeessfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual • Ladies aslc your den oat for Clink's Cotton !tent' Coml- tagx. Take nd ntllter as all mixtures, pills and iinl�tationsarodangei'ous. P'rleo,N . 1., $1 per bexeato.0,10degreesstrnnget, $3po box, Uo. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt 01 price and ttwO s•cetit etanips Piot' (!,sok Cntopuuy tVinclsor brit. responsible Drs gists tn�Can a mended iiy alL b., �n lanai tie, u for sale by Colin A. Cr,upbell, 0,U W., 11.1 B 'O HAMILTON WINGIIAM. Capital, 01,250,000. Beat, °„770,000 President—Join STUART. Viae-President—A. O. RAMSAY. DITLEC•rOil• S JoaN PROCTOR. GEM. R)AOU, 1VS 01B805, tI P, A. T. Woos, A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings naxt;c--nours, 10to S- Saturday', 15 to Deposits of 91 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of ir.. stet. Drafts on Great Britain and tlio United State: bon,cht and sold 'r ,� Ypf Vii;/1'0 Q• cffi 4'1+;. iI1' ?