The Huron Expositor, 1978-11-09, Page 35CHAMPION SPARK PLUG Company's Mobile Proving Ground (M.P.G.) is continuing
its 30 city, international test program to determine the effects of tune-up on gasoline'
mileage and emissions. In early findings, its tests have shown that late-model cars arc
up to 13 times less polluting than pre-1968 vehicles and are staying well within government
' standards for keeping the air clean,
Tuned up' car
In a nationwide fuel econo
my test program, cars ad-
judged to be in need of
tune-up were' tuned to mann-
, factorers' vecifications. The
average post tune-up im-
provement in fuel economy
was 11.36 percent.
On this basis a• car in need
of tune-up and travelling 200
miles per week will consume
$7.22 Worth of gas (based on
averaging 18 miles per gallon
andgasoline selling at 65c per ,
gallon). -
BEFORE tune-up usage:
11.1 gallons per week (based
on 1$ m.p.g.) - Weekly cost,
$7.22. '
AFTER •tune-up usage: 9.8
gallons per week (kased
20.5 m.p.g.) - Weekly cost,
$6.37 or an annual savings of
in terms of distance trav-
eled, a car with an engine in
gbod tune can drive 63 miles_
farther a week on the same.
amount of gasoline. (Based
using an HS gallon tankful of
gas per week.)' That's nearly
the, distance between Vic-
toria, B.C. and Miami, Fla.
goes lurOlur on less gas
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We'll check these trouble spots to ensure that you have
problem free winter driving,
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Cooling Syst
Ignition, Syst
New model cars found
considerably cleaner
They emit 70% less pollutants
in United States and' Canada
Get Your
The new-model automo-
biles are running consider-
ably cleaner than their
older counterparts, accord-
ing to results of the first
phase of a Champion
Spark Plug Company's
"survey at cars- in the
. United States and Canada..
David L. Walker; dirge-
' tor of Champion's AY uth-
motive Technical Services
Department, said a pre-
liminary comparison of
1,667 vehicles surveyed
during the company's Fuel
' Economy and ' Emissions
• Test indicated the new-
model cars are emitting
about 70' per cent fewer
pollutants than .pre-1968
• automobiles. •,
Emissions lowered
Emission levels of 1970-
74 cars are 'also lower,
averaging 30 to nearly ,50
per cent" beloW those of
cars produced prior to
Mr. Walker said, "The
1,25 per cent carbon mon-
oxide (CO) and • 162ppzn
hydrocarbon (HC) aver-.
ages of the 1975s we tested
are indicative of the prog-
ress that has been made
in emission control."
He also pointed out that
the test diagnosed one car
in 30 as being .a "gross
emitter" .—, exceeding 19
per cent CO and 2,000 ppni
11C;ur higher than test
instruments can measure
"While these cars repre-
sented only a small per-
centage of our survey,
each !gross polluter' emit-
ted more HC than 13 av-
erage 1975s," Mr. W-alker -
explained, adding "the in-
' cidence of gross polluting
among older cars is con-
siderably WOO, indicat-
ing that inadequate main-
tenance and vehicle age
are contributing —factors
to excessive emissions." •
Tune-ups instrumental
Champion's tests are
showing a marked de-
crease in emissions follow-
ing tune-up. Reductions
averaged 30 per cent less
CO at Idle after.-..tune-up
and an average 70 per cent
decrease in HC under sim-
ulated 55 mph road con-
' Tune-up was also instru-
mental in increasing fuel
economy. On the average;
the nearly 75 untilhed •cars
tested -realized nearly a
51/2 per cent fuel savings
after being tuned.
A wide -range of- other--
information is being an-
alyzed 'from test results.
"We found emission con-
kcrl system components
either inoperative or dis-
connected in approximate-
ly 10 per cent of the U.S.
cars we tested," Mr. Walk-
er, said. ,
"This indicates a
definite need for more
conscientious mainte-
nance on the part of the
car owner."
We'll check these trouble
spots to ensure that you
have problem free winter
Cooling System Carburefor
et \ Ignition System Battery •
Exhaust System Suipension
Charging System Steering
Tires • Mount Snow Tires
'Myth 5234501