The Huron Expositor, 1978-11-02, Page 20O BARGAINS GALORE — These were some of the , people ,rummaging for bargains at St. Thomas Anglican's Church rummage sale on Saturday afternoon. (Expositor Photo) County agrees to kee hornemakets workin g • • SPECIALS -Ron TOOD-Blow Hair Dryers Capri Blow Hair Dryers ALL CURLING IRONS $11.95 Yes, we have The NEW Amazing Hot Brushes BRIM'S HAIRSTYLING Main St. 52-n7o0 Seaft5tth 105/8 ANNUALLY 0/1.0 OR COMPOUND 1 3 / 8 0/ msOENivnOTI;OUND RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Monkton Office Open Monday thru Saturday Phone 347-2241 Brussels Office Opens Tuesdays & Fridays Phone 887-6663 .mmons, UtiCer FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. SEAFORTH-CAMBRIDGE-MR-WOODSTOCK Rocks or heavy trash won't stop this one! 111 International 720 Serni-Mounted Moldboard PloWS Give Ken or Bruce a Call FOR SPECIAL DEALS THIS MONTH fit SEAFORTH 527-0120 "Tax savings were staggerting and if they were indicative of fact government should show more interest in this type of service rather than institutions that were so costly". Betty- Cardno advised council that con- sideration was being given homemaker agencies to expand them. She said govern- ments were concerned about possible abuse of the service on a provincial basis and wanted to tighten up administration of it before implementing any programs. • Mrs. Cardno explained that the home- making agency provides only 80 hours of service using government funds arid then the' client receiving the service must pay for any additional time. She said Ole of the concerns of governmetn was that doctors 'may recommend that a patient receive homemaker services. rather than have that patient placed in an institution. She said at prestat the doctors' recommendation may mean the service would he paid for by governindln and that type of possibility had to be removed USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 THE HI ROt EXPOSITOR NOV gMBER , 1978 t rtin lluron County Council agreed. Friday to pick up *A $5;100 tab to- keep a county homemaker service operating•for families in the county in need of dOmestic assistance because of illness. old age or handicaps. The service has been operating for almost a year under a. Canada WorkS grant but to continue operating. the service • must: be self sup- porting 'by January 1979 and needs county help to meelthat objective. ' Jean Young. administrator of the service, app ealed to council Friday explaining; that the. service is $5,099 away from being self supporting with the' clients it .now serves:. She said the budget for the homemaker service has been draWn up for 1979 and after expenses is that much. short of paying for • itself. She said The service needed assurance that the funds would be made available to , plan operation in the coming year adding that any fund raising held in 1979 would eran funds that could be used for clients that qualify for assistance by the homemakers but are being turned away because of a shortage of money. Mr. Young told council that the reaction to the, homethakers service when it began • °peat* proved tha there was a need for lite service in Huron County. She said :home- maker needs in the county were going unawnsered and that homemakers were UnemplOyed. The administrator said she. and Betty Cardno Nursing administrator forthe county • - • health unit, applied for start up funds from Canada -Works a year ago and began to organize a homemaker service. She said the service was designed co-ordinate a homemaking service for- the elderly,. chronically ill—disabled, handicapped and for single parent families With children proyidng fUll-time, part-time, overiiight and live in homemaking service. The Canada Works grant enabled the . homemaking service to establish itself and plans were made the agency self supporting selling its set-Vice on a fee for service basis and seeking support front community service clubs and municipal government in the county. Mrs. Young said the fee for service enables in the county its services to Children's Aid, the cancer society and . agency to sell individuals. She said the fees are established on an ability to pay basis 8.c>,--meaning that a client's income is determined and based on that income the Ice they will he charged is determined. She told council that the homemaking. service has been instrumental in allowing many people in the county to leave institutiOns and return to their homes to live with the assistance of a- homemaker. She said the cost to taxpayers,is dramatically less it' a service is offered in•the home rather than in an institution such as a hospital or senior. citizens home. She explained that clients.in the past year had purchased $71,135 worth. of services from 'the homemaker agency and that- if those people, had been in nursing homes the costs would have been $102.755 and if' they had been in hospital it wottld have totalled $564,487. '.'The difference. in tax dollars saved is 55%, 107," she said. "As ymi can 'see we tire not only' a vital employ nient. agency throughout Huron County but an economical • member of the whole health s service•team." ' Yining said the 'service has 71 people on staff.iind has sold I0,229*hours of service to 100 different private clients. She said the ratC charged -health and social out is $4.20 in a town and $4,69 for out of town clients. She added that live in and overnight rates differ according to qualifications of the worker and the mirk required by the client.' She told council that 14 percent of *the population of Huron County is over 65 and that very few of those people need to. be in institutions. She said governmetn and private concerns are strongly suggesting that home based services be• established to help peoPle of all economic backgrounds remain , in their, home and out of costly • facilities such as hospitals. She pointed out that some of the direct belie% fo the homemaker agency is that it permits single parent families to stay together freeing the parent to go out to work and enabling the children to continue their schooling. It eliminates the psychological problems of people about to 'enter institutions and frees needed hospital beds for the acutely ill and is a source of employment for thousands of educationally disadvantaged men and women. • Paul Steckle, Stanley towaship deputy- reeve. said he was surprised senior levels of government were not giving this type of service more consideration.. He said the You're starting Four own business. H inav lie a dream eettne true after many xc,u's of sating. n stay be something to do ill ior1; Calk to earn a few' extra dollar, P. rhoiss ..1), ails,. you just catr't. h o d. \\mi.. I Willis inn, tried it and they so, in it ,ill right. \ ll it takes is a lot of hard ntii' ,init •\ on's' used to that— not t I'' it ' \ not ' ton go to stall 'on !. 0., Iii soli talk 10'.' \vital do you need? 1.).0 volt ilt.11 I Litt \\.htf.rtibt ,tti 5" • I his, ,n, HM11110111 y ut 411.111)., h gist .1 ,1`•N‘tn. "01'1 nit ,Iii that star•Htg 11.1.11.,111 •,!,,ItIu il) ht. .111.ti east . 01),0, rt.'101 .11111s minister ,net it 110 ,, ttliltitstt. vc,/isters 11111,1 ,11101I hus i wes ,t ,h11);11;tritl, 01'its Pt r IA it it th, fir s t fit. 1114;011 ,t that Of I lit 111011() .11t:11 1)11 ,1M...011'S 1't...411ICIT(1 1 ,111011 h u,lnt sses must ref inter ;i6;ott it 01'51 in the 1105l 0111\ iihout 12 otto w ill still he operating in iii e:u'It totios. int .1 tailed busimss. can (flit n 1111.•;i11 51M:111011 )there the 0\k",!1, up ‘k 'Oh her. Ochis, I his t •\ 11.11'd 101' 011 tour \Viii (hi 1)115 '.11V551.'5 1 .,111? I here are ;1 111111(11'cl' l'ti;150115 \ lid dli .rt . dim) .1 I'll 011111, tth\ nett Can Is ,7 -.111j, 1•11'51 ill .111 toll N1111111(1 1.,111,1\\ 111t i'kt.1'1 i1 11Tk)'1 ..i ‘1 11 ;1 l In start a business iii Ootaiiu and use aiit name other titan your o \\ n. ytm bat is,. 60 s to register I hat name ttph the partnerships registration office of the minktr \ of consumer • and 'stilton's':jai relations Incited at 55' Yonge Street in Toronto. Anything added to \ our n a me Illk';1115 toil arc using a name other than ,v stir min, For ex:mit -fly, if .1olin Doe wants to start a 5111:111 l'01'1511'llelit111 business and call it John 11oe misiruction. he has added something to his name and must register. 1....\'en if you hist add the word 'company or the word " 'the'. it's different than y our nit it name and must he registered. Registering And it' forsome reason you are registering alter '60 clays. you 1.111N,l rill 17)1.1l and sign a lOrm that explains that this lute registratton is not for any inntroper purpose. Tht•se forms rnay he obtained front the partner- ships offiee. The easiest way oftperating a I) usmess ui Ontario is by starting tip 'a sole propritstor- ship. This means that the person t•egistc.ring . is the only owner and has total 1,C51:1011511111i1 for both, the debts .and (tperation of the business. If the business fails the tilt ner could lose the family home and all personal possessions to pay off' any debts. • . This applies. also to itartnerships. -it Itit•li are slightly more complicated. A partnership means two or more people gc) into business toget her. l'he partners agree to share 'costs., profits and rights of management and all partners sign a declaration giving then. 'names and •the business 'name of the partnership. 1This declaration is also , tiled with the partnershipg‘offic(j'of the consumer and commercial relations ministry. The registration; fee for both sole proprietorships and partnerships is $10. Why is this registration necessary '1.Thisre are tiio reasons. One is to keep track i t hont mi n husinesscs operate in Ontario, But the room rv,iison, stns Mr. Grossman, is to pni\ ide I hi pulilic with information. Any... Oft_ lit 5:1\5, hills lilt: right In isonie down to the it. gistra ion office and rind mit the names and addresses of the people running any business iu Ontario, 'I his, is to help protect the public. Suppose someone's truck hacks into gout' ear or runs \ our foot :old B r it es art ay . All you saw was the name of the busineoss On the side of the truck. It might he a brand new business and the name isn't in the telephone book. Who do nu contact to get money to pax for the damage? The partnerships registration office will ;tell s\ oil. All it costs is S2 for a name search. The registration forms to till out when starting a new business are very' simple to use. For a' sole proprietorship (single owner) all you hat e to prim on the front of a card is the name. of the business. the mailing utu is,. the date the business was or will be established and a description of what kind of business it is. Therek, also a box to check it' t nu -are renew big the registration. which must , he done exec\ 'live year,. or if ypo .,,a.i-c„ changing any information already filed like a change of address. The same card is used for partnerships and there is sspace on the back to list thy names of 'the partners, their addresses and signatures, Most partnerships are general 'partner- ships it here the partners equally share ,..osts, profits and management:. A more ..wmplicated partnership iti a limited one. *Ibis means you have decided to add one or. move partners who have. contributed a ...ertain sum ()I' moncv" into the business. These limited ,partners are .more like inicstors and should the business fail, they at, responsible only for the amount . of mon, 1 the \ invested.- In Other words, if a 611)114 d yortner puts $1,000 into the business. he or she is only 'responsible tOr ',Loon it any debt. Limited partners Must write in the amount of money invested on the Isict, of the registration cards . One extremely important Point to remem- her is thm a failed business should be recorded iN nh the registration office immc:d s, to i l\ 'I his is done by filling oil a dissolution card. Vitless this is done, the miners 'lithe failed business are not eligible unemployment insurance. or • w'elf'are • benefits. Until the business-is dissolved. the 'go\ ernmeni will think that you are still successfully earn ing on that shusiness. Own Business ItTe are some, important points. to consider before starting up your oWn .,1?tiSiness starts to grow you might find that business: ' • you need professional advice. If it gets too Know before you start what kind of complicated to work-out yOurself, then .you, citstopers you want to reach and have an sbetild consider a lawyer or an accountant. idea what kittdof goods or service they want. Night Schoisi Know your competition..lf you want to Could you attend night school? Many start a rooting business you should know ' community colleges and high schools in how many others in your area are doing the Ontario offer courses in accounting, small saing,thing,ting whether the service you offer business law or how to start a small business. liiforthation is also available throtigh the 'Consumer Inforpation Centre of the ministry of eVriSumer and commercial. relations: The.Ceiitre is located at 55S Yonge Street, Toronto, in the s e building where the partnerships registration • office is tocated. Booklets on starting, your own business as well as other information sheets and-booklets which might prove helpful are availablent,the centre, The number to call is *3-1111. A more comprehensive book on starting a small business is available free from the ministry of industry and tourism, small busineSs operations division, 990 say. Street, Hearst Block. Toronto, 'Ontario. hat is A own? A town is a group of people. It is schools. It is town government. It is churches. It is industry and jobs. It is retail businesses. They all have to work together. All must have the support of the people. Or there is no town. Give your local merchant a chance for your business. You shouldn't spend your hard earned money with him unless his selection is adequate and his price competitive. But -give him the first opportUnity to make the sale. For the local retailer pays the highest percentage of local taxes. He most often is the civic leader who dedicates his time and talents to his town. He is contacted first for contributions to charitable projects. He provides jobs. Without his store you have no town. Give the local merchant a fair shake This message courtesy of 'Olt ,xpositor Are you planning to advertise? Notices in • will lenrs;ctstteor, cheap,res eov or more convenient. co mmunity centres or latiodromats may be all. you need in the beginning. As your business grows you might consider other method's. • Do you • need ' special . licences? Your municipal 'offices (city or tovm hall) will tell you what you need to operate certain businesses. Truck licences are available from the Ministry of transportation and communications. Registration at the part- nerships office is not the same thing as a licence. Do you need a lawyer or an 'accountant? Probably not. because registration of small businesses is so simple. 'However, as the