The Wingham Times, 1898-09-16, Page 44 tAMPBEla'S HEADACHE WAFERS 11211 7. 4. THE WINUIIAM TIMES MARKET REPORTS. WIiioriase 1Viii;;haui, 3apt, 1.1,1808. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. k lour per 100 lbs 1 75 to 2 25 1,'all VI. heat r 1VhC Oats, Old SEPTEMBER 16, 1898. 005 to 007 005 to 007 0 35 to 090 029to0`22 INTERVIEWED BY THE PATRIOT'S Sprint, at SPECIAL CORRESP0NDENI. Oats, new , Barley.... , 0 30 to 0 35 t owat ORK BROUGHT ON NEURALGIA Peas 048 to 050 AND SI[ TTEAED HEALTH GENE- truaranteed to cure head- I ALLY -PASSED MANY SLEEPLESS NIritas. Prom the Cbatlottetown Patriot. The Patriots special correspondent "Mae being in the eastern section of the island on business, heard many eo .Willentary lemark , coneeriu; rCA,M1TtlaiDr. Williams' Pink Pills, which ap- aches. For sale only by DRUGGIST. TO ADVERT/ ISERS. 7iotice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise' ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Li.ill011111 ;..antes hear to be the favorite medicine in all parts of Canada. Among those who are veru emphatic in the praise of this medicine is Neil McPhee, J. P., of Gltncorrodale, and our corres- pondent determined to call upon him and ascertain from his own lips his views iu the matter, Mr. McPhee was found at home, and as he is a very entertaining and intelligent geutleman, our correspondent was soon "at home" too. When ques- tioned about the benefits he was re- ported to have received from the use of De. \'Villiams' Pink Pills, Mr. Mc- Phee said :-"About four years ago �,-- -- - I gut run down from overwork on , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1898. the farm, As there is considerable timber land on my property, I tboug ht EDITORIAL NOTES. I could go into making Limber in addition wily farm work. The Turkey, drawn Geese, Duoks, per pair 007 to 008 004 to 005 040 to 000 Butter..... ........ 0 19 to 0 13 Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10. \Vood per cord.... .... 1 00 to 1 25 450 to500 030to03.5 0 03?,to0 04 0 4 to 0 4 Hay per ton Potatoes, por bushel, Cherries Tallow ,per lb., . Driad Apples, per lb........ 0 3 to 0 4 Wool 10 to 21 Dressed hose 5 00 to 0 00 His opponent having been unseat- : ed fur bribery and corruption by agents, Hon. John Dryden will again be the Liberal candidate in South Ontario. The Buffalo New=s comments on •,the crowds of Americans who visit Canadian fairs, and suggests that Buffalo get up a show to draw Can- adians. As a preliminary our Buffa- lo friends would have to instruct De Barry not to deport Canadian visit- ors. DESTRONED BY FLA MES. NEW WESTMINSTER B. C., REDUCED TO A',HES. T,rve atocit Markets. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 13. -By 12 o'clock to -day the western cattle market was pretty well cleared of all kinds of stock. There were but 42 loads delivered altogether, com- prising about 800 sheep, 1,000 hogs and the rest cattle. The demand was so blisse that 50 more loads could have been disposed of, So eager were buyers to secure stock that some of thein were on the look- out at night for arrivals. The poor prices which have ruled of late are accounted for the present limited supply. Tbe scarcity, of course, sent up prices to -day. Prices were :- 13utchers' Cattle, $3.75 to $4 ; shipp- ers', $4 to $4.60 ; stoeta bulls, for feeding purposes, $2.50 to $2.75 ; re- gular stocker could not be found. In the sheep market there was a light run- -not equal to the demand. Prices were : - Lambs, 54.50 to $4.75 ; export sheep, $3.50 to $3.75 ; bucks, 52.75, calves, $4 to 51.50. Bogs, light, $4.50; best selection, $-1.75. There was a demand for !Mich eows, but only half a 'dozen were in the market. Prices varied from $25 to as bigh as 555. A Liverpool cattle cable says there are no special features in live stock trade. United States cattle are quoted at old ; Canadian, 50 ; ranchers, 4; Argentine, 5d; Argeutine, 5d ; Can- adian, 51d. East Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13,- Cattle -The market was quiet and four toads on sale, and no particular injury. Calves were in light °apply, fair demand and unchanged; the basis was $6.50. Sheep and lambs -There was 10 loads of fresh sale, including 8 loads of Canada lambs, which sold et. the basis of yesterday, $5.90 to $6.20 for Canadas ; western Don't Forget task however proved too heavy for my strength, and I soon began to break down. I contracted a severe cold, neuralgia followed, and I found myself in shattered health generally. I felt very much distressed and dis- couraged and spent many sleepless nights. I triers several very Uglily recommended medicines, but receiv- ed no permanent benefit from any of them. .As Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were so highly recommended through the press, I thought I would give them a fair trial. After using a few boxes I found they were having the desired effect and I began to find my wonted health and strength gradu" ally returning. I kept on using the pills until I bad regained my former vigor and had gained considerable in flesh as well. Now I consider myself a healtbier man and feel as well as ever I did in my life. I can conscientiously recommend Dr. Wil• liams' Pink Pills to any person suff- ering as I was. I have the utmost confidence in their curing properi- ties." Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia,, lambs, choice .to extra, $0.25 to partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, 1 56.50; good to choice, $5.75 to 56.'45 ; nervous headache, nervous prostra sheep, wethers, choice to extra, $4.75 tion, and diseases depending upon to $4.9.0 ; mixed, choice to extra, humors in the blood, such as scrofu- ! $4.40 to $4.60. Hogs were in light la, chronic erysipelas, etc., all disap• supply -only 4 loads, and the de• Vancouver, B. C., Sept. 11. -New 'Westminster, on the I+'rases :d.ivel, presents a fearful scene of desolation to -day, fire having wiped out the whole of the business portion. There is not a public building standing in the central portion of the city. Fann- ed by a tierce wind, almost a gale, the fire which was started on the water side by sparks from a passing steamer: spread with awful rapidity that ten streets were blazing in three hours and only snicking ashes mark the spot where scares of houses form. erly stood. Handsot e blocks, banks and churches went up in smoke. The cathedral of the diocese is no more Hundreds of people are helpless and relief is being rushed from this city. Two newspaper offices aregone, as well as the Canadian Pacific Railroad station, three river steamers, a railway bridge and a number of private houses. It is also feared that some lives have been lost. The telegraph office at slew Westminster has been burned. The burned city is twelve miles frau: here. The loss by fire at New Westmin- ster is roughly estimated at 52,500,- 000, with insurance of 51, 500, 000 The London Assurance Company is said to be the heaviest loser. The buildings on ten streets were destroy. ed. The vaults et' the bank build- ings % ithstood the tire. Mr Wm. Lockeridge, who ler 'Wingham early °u the spring, was residing in New v"estminster. In a telegram received from him on Mon- day morning, he states that he has lost alt of his beicn:'.ngs. IT PAYS .TO ✓Jy • SCM iTI1= F EIYOUFR o(2-/".:::72,' The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. 0 Ia still leads its contemporaries in plat. i �° b ing pupils. 1 134 of our pupils were placed in i choice positions in the ten months ending July the 1st, an average of nearly 4 per week. What do you think of it ? It Pays to Attend the Best. College reopens on Tuesday, Sept. 01 Gain 16th for the fall term. Write for catalogue of eiter de• partinent to D. McLACHLAN & CO. That we open in Mac- donald block with a stock. of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Crock- ery, China, Glass- ware, Stationery, School Supplies, Smallwares, &c., on pear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions. Sold by all dealers and post paid at 50e. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. ' BANK ORDER. CHARTERED BANKS ENTER THE ARENA FOR MONEY ODER BUSINESS -NEW DEPARTURE The chartered banks in Canada have at last entered into competition .vith the express companies in the matter of transmitting money by the order system. The banks claim that this system legitimately belongs to thein, but in the past it cost just as much to forward $1 through the ag- ency of the bank as it did for $1,000, while express companies have a scale of prices for various sums, and have, rsith the post -office money order department, monopolize this very lucrative branch of the country's financial business. The banks have now arrived at a mutual agreement by which money orders are sold on the following basis. Under $10, eight cents commission; from $10 to $ 20, ten cents; from $20 to $30, twelve cents; from $30 to $50, fourteen cents. For this purpose, a neatly litho- graphed order is issued resembling in general appearance the money orders issued by the express companies. These orders are negotiable at any chartered bank without any charge beyond the originalincl commission, fon , and will doubtless be a convenience to business men who desire to conduct all their business through one eon - Foresters, with whom, he carried a struction. policy of $1,000. Ile leaves a wi- dow and five srkatlii :children, who i ave the siheera 3ytrlpsitthy of the community in the:r irreparable loss. Fatal, lace dent. A terrible accider.a took place on the Gth inst. on tne farm of George C:ookman, near t =lenallan when ,Tames 1?. Grimm lierslost his life., Dlr.. Cookrnan was r;ireshing, and Dir. Chambers was gists to his work at the e,"id of the to acs ine. when he fell "tack over the `e v, hoard. One of .his legs was tang in the cylinder and terribly mat ;led. He expired n about fifteen. minutes, Dr. Mc- Naughton was li c- " u htonwash t r:edl5 sentter,r, but ;fife was extinct a. the arrival. Itis -remains were interred in Grlenallan aeenietry Wednesday by his brother wand being active, prices were ex- ited and higher, and naturally out of the normal ; Yorkers were (pot- able at $4'2.5 to $4.35 ; medium, $4.15 to $4.25 ; pigs, $3.70 to 53.85 ; roughs, $3.50 to $3.70 ; stags, $2.50 to $3.25 ; grassers, $4 to Wednesday, Sept.21,'98 The Oyster Season. Again are the months of the It's Gp.,n us and with theta the oyster days. During the summer months there is always, of course some trade, but this summer it has been unusu- ally small. The opening of the sea- son will give mach work to many men. In New York there are, on an average, 10,000 bushels of oysters sold each day :or 30 weeks in the year. The export trade is growing steadily, and now about 2,000 bush- els are shipped each week, the num- ber running Somewhat higher in the spring, when the heaviest shipments are made. Is is interesting to note that large quantities of seed oysters are sent to England, where they are planted and then dug up and sold as genuine British oysters. The out•of- town trade from New York is very heavy during the ntonth, but by Oct 1, this southern product that passes through Baltimore and Norfolk, which ripens later than does the Northern oyster, can be marketed more cheaply and, therefore, the hulk of the trade goes to the South• ern dealers. A variety known as the Buzzard's Bay oyster appears to be the favorite, The toothsome bi- valve, which was introduced three years ago,. does not get into the market before Sept, 13. It is dug h fres b washes from beds over which water that takes off the brackishness whieh marks oysters from other beds. I have between 50 and 6o, pairs of home-made Boots on hand. 40 pairs of French Kip,, the balance Veal Kip,"all made of the best material. The acove range in size from 6 to 12 and will be sold right down Iin price. ' Also a large stock of Ladies' House For Sap or to Bent, and Gentlemen's :rho s of all kinds just received. Repairing, etc. J. G. KA F''Ciil.3 ES. The undersigned offers for sale or to rent a good two storey frame house, con• taming seven rooms, pantry and fruit closet ; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty acres of land if required. Por particulars apply to GEO. McICENZIE, Wingbam. PUBLIC UOTAOE. Having moved to town to the resi- dente lately occupied by Geo P wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near • --~ the GTR, I am prepared to pay the 1 highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. MONEY TO LOAN Any amount or money to loan on good farm pronorty at 5 per cent per annum. Straight Loans -Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guar anteed. Charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. RE11.1.EIVIB e -■R ALSO One-seventh of the population of England are engaged in the building trader Mrs. Donald Chisolm of Teeswater was upset out of a buggy and killed. Eight Cnited Stales towns bear the name of Madrid. That up to that date we will sell goods at wholesale prices in order to reduce the stock as much as possible before mov- ing. Terms Spot Cash. All accounts must be paid at once. Please do not forget this very im- portant part. ABNER COSEIVS, Macdonald Block, Wiugh am. RETURNED ON T!ME.:,f l Carefully washed, properly ironed',.. correctly finished and fairly priced --- that's the history of yonr linen when brought here. Not a thing in our~ lwashing preparations to injure then fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. FARM FOR SALE Tbe undersigned offer for sale the farm property, being lot32 in the 12th conces- sion of the 'Township or East Wawanosh. containing 162 acres, more or less,140 a':res of which is cleared. There are upon the premises a good bank barn and frame hoose. The farm will be sold on reasonable terms Apply to THOS GREGORY, or BENJ. WILLSON. House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice Street for sale. The house is a nine roam frame one, with kitchen and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wingham. Jno.Kerr WINGRAM, ONT. BOAT FOR SALE The role boat with ears and cushions complete. owned by Mr. W. H. Wallace, can be purchased at a bargain. Ayply to R. VANSTONE STORES FOR SALE J. D. L; G Opp. Union Factory. e The administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for 1 sale the Two Stores in Wingham now occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar - soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same should be addressed to J A MORTON, Winghrim, Solicitor for the Estate. For a Suit that will lit comfortably, look well, wear well, and keep in good shape, you had better go to Webster's New Spring Uoocls and Samples of all the latest designs in Scotch And Canadian Tweeds, ods, Worsteds, , Sores and Overcoatings to choose from. Orders filled promptly at very low prices, Webster & Co., Queen's Block. • from no\v till Januar` ist, 1399. AAA i for the TIMES and Toronto WEEKLY CLOBE from now till end of the year. VVIV OUR NEW STORY " Railroad 1' orgcr," will commence shortly It w' be a good one. I f you are not a subscriber of tlyc 1 I1'IES, now is the time to become orie. 'fell your friends about our great offer.