The Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 8fl t'. 11'V UTAM TI -, AUGUST 26, 18`d8,
M. it NM DDO.
---uT'--- -
w rw '' ri ,a 'ODS
nese trip to Montreal and other eastern1 Itsur:l;s Tt' �a lint cit #ul; 13th 1>tire who has turned Queen's evi-
points. gill,;. Ra[:—1Raleli re. ,•f a situ nG depth, llulden, Mackie and I nnton
veltt.outa:sos •- Jr:.alorrii, on August 10, have beet) commited to stand their
,,Ir M. tI !tii,Iudoo has been spending tt
couple o: weeks liolidi ys in Toroutu stud
Peterte re.
Mrs Win Peasant and Miss Fissant are
spending a few days with friends in Clinton
and BOAtield
Black -".,Pf .,)s. -i L:7 l;. cds.
The c'.pier•:;'' of Loudon and Paris
Favre! it( - in lieattt.tiful Rich S s'alt's.
Many t'xelusive patterns shown fur
the fire': tittle.
004. 12:::111 Dress Goods
Sit:.: awe Mixture and a ma,':
nificent array of costume cloth in
every new shade.
Rich, Black, Brocade Silk Dresses,
Black i!'1Xnn Silk. Grind assort—
ment ,1t' ^='-t_s f •t• Blouse and Shirt
Waists, Pitti,k, `epic' end Brocades.
tl',tit''nr;tofe in lIeptonette with
(let;)it. ,i t,le Capes, from $5.00 to
1. OW Kid loves
In all the new Fall Shades from
$1.00 to $1.50.
New cit' TO a
6 cases of New Fall Shoes just
New Suits
"We h:ive,jnst passed into stock 50
Men's fine Suits, extra quality, also
Boys' New Suits, very special.
Saturday for Bwrgains
50 ltenlnants of Prints and Mus—
llns, reg. 121e, tor Te.
50 pieces of Lace and Embroidery,
reg. 1t)e and 12e fur 5c.
20 doz. child's last Black Cotton
}Thee, re;,''. 10e, Saturday for 2 c.
10 duz, Ladies' Silk Gloves, new
Shades, reg. -10e and 45c for 25c.
. 50 pairs odd Slzei in Fine Shoes,
reg. 1.55; and ;^1.75 for $1.00.
Shop early Saturday at
the wed' ot'1. 0. I -ugerelr u. of dough- trial in eonntleti,'n with the Napanee
el ter. bank robbery. Dunton was allowed
A A'( l'U--fn Iaait. Wniyii, *h,on Aug,
tllh. t,.t+ti'ft+ut :Frn,uur of a out on $10,0110 bail.
Ilttl'.l-a-- In Culrcas, on .lu;;, :3t1t1i, the - - FI\I:I? to our customers, thousands of dollars worth of the
?• a r rl
This week marks a new period in the conduct and progress
g __., of this store; We purpose from this day forward to give away
Mr Alex Gordon, of Listowel visited 1• MARRIlat]. �, newest designs in useful and beautiful
with It y brother, Ur D M Gordon during -- -- -
the week,
Miss I, Varney has returned to town,
after visitiu_; with friends in Essex for
some time.
Mrs Jas 5 Earl left on Saturday for
Hamilton, where she will visit with Mends
for a Limo.
Mrs John Nicholson, of Chic,•go, was
visiting at Mr «'m Niehohou's for a ft.w
days recently.
Miss Lel Rhoderns is at present visiting
wit'> Ler friend, Miss Amy 1': Lttuudy iu
Mullett township.
1Flisa 92 Smith, of Petrolbt and Mies
Kent, of Forest were the guests of sii. s the bride's parents, on August lath, by
Hattie Reid. Rtiv. D, Rogers, Joseph M. Hanley, of
l)raytt:n, Mies Elizabeth R. King, of
Rev .Jae Hamilton returned home this hot,
week from his trip through Manitoba and 1 y.Bsr Nuut;TON—JAMES—At the resid
the Northwest. ante of the bride's parents, I�xst Wewe
Mrs R Coed and Fuss Ali•'ne Coad f nosh, on August 17th, by thN Rev. Dr,
wife ut Mr. 1, ,►io- t.litet n , of a daughter.
We shall be clad t•' h,n•e contributions to this
column f' ',to ^)v. ,^r ,"., ,, +.,.t• JP trail h1v t'lsi•
torso, l,:.t; .t•,,p 1" nr•l
rt • _ .. ... ..
Mr Jas A (Mee sloe i.. tU.VLt+> 1: bt week
11 business.
llMivs Edith Hell is visiting with friends
in Flefihsi ton.
Miss Grace Wade has been visiting with
Goderich friends.
`Miss M Gow, of slit Forest is visiting
1Ffrs.Jr,e 13radwin.
Mr Seattle Kent spent a few days in
Toronto this week. -
Rev Dr Pascoe si. nt a few days in
Hamilton this week.
Miss Arlie Hill, of Walkerton is visiting
with ft ieu'is in town.
Mrs Itobt Maxwell is visiting with friends
in Detroit and Milan.
The Misses Cline are visiting with friends
in Toronto this week.
Mr W J Chapman was in London on
business during the week.
Miss Smith wile visiting with Listowel
friends aurin, the past week.
Mr CJvsley Lawrence, of Detroit spent a
few days et his home in town.
Miss Hattie Rhoderus is visiting with
Toronto and Oshawa friends.
Miss Bertha Shore, of Stratford has been
visiting with Win;l>am friends.
Miss Fanny Christian, cf Port EIgin is
visiting at the home of Mr Alderson.
Miss Monis Martin, of Port Elgin is at
present a guest at Mr J H Gordon's.
Mr Peter Linitlater was visiting with
friends at Brautfnre during the week.
Mrs C M Walker leaves to -day for Am-
hestburg, where she will visit with friends.
Mr Kirby Cifford, of Essex Centre has
been visiting with Hingham friends this
Mr Jan Lennox, of Glenfarrow has
taken a situation in Mr D M Gordon's
Mr Wm ntton has returned from Bras -
eels, where had been relieving the G T B
Mr Frank Bill has gone to northern
Michigan, where he s ettects to reside in
7lelrs T }tell and Misr. l;rhel are spending
*aspic of n ..rias with' fl 1.444 in Owen
MeV ti 13•„ t e: .•* • ,n i hut
155th, Ft lier,t'1'ennant to laliss Bandy
iclAi hath of Ct'Irrham, WANT
lFlnnitN--k'r:rlatn;v---fn Wiarton on
Wednetente, Aug. 17th. Robert Martin of
of Winghate, to Mtht Lily Pettmau, of;
FFy� ierten.e)
el -KENNEDY —13r.Aalitt•iLr— At the resi-
tnee of the britte'e patents, Wiuhhulu,
no Auguet 23rd, by the Ite, Mr. 1! reed,
Mr. W. J. Kennelly, to Miss Emily re,is,
daughter o id r. txeo. I3lapkwe1i, teeth of
+Pore—Ma lwtaN-- I t the manse, Wing -
ham. on Wednesday. August 17th, by
the Rev. J. Perris, Mr. Donald C. Pope,
of Grey to Nile e Kate Mt•Fltven, of Mertes.
4• IIAaf.rY---E:ING—At the residence of
' " Parcoe, Wingham, Mr. W. 13enn.nlrton.
of Clevelitnd,Ohlo, to Mies Annie,•inugh•
ter of Mr. R James. tin
HI:NArRso11.-1n Cleveland, Ohio, on
August lith. John Henderson, on of
Charles Henderson, Binevale road, ag id
41 years, 9 months and 23 days.
McKee—In Culross, on Aug, title
Jeesie, daughter of Mr. Lauchlin
Kay, aged 2G years.
WELLWOOD- In Wingha n en August
19th, .1 Weiwood, age 145 years 6
months and 11 days.
WALLACE - In West 1t'awrnnsh, on
Aug. lath, Thos, Wallace, nerd (30 dears.
PETHtOK -At St. Jose ill's hospital,
London, on Aug. 13th, Ge en nee Pathiok
of Wioghiun, in his 99th year,
Glencoe, were gnests at St. Paul's rectory
during the week.
M=s Rich etd Clegg has been spending a
couple of weeks with Ler parents and
friends in Ingersoll.
Miss Penfound has returned home from
Csiutel), where she had been visiting her
sister, Mrs Jae Aitken.
Mr and Mrs C P Smith, of Listowel,
spent Sunday with the forrie.'3 parents„
Mr and Mrs J 5 Smith.
Mrs Wm Hele was in Clinton last week,
whore she had been attending the funeral
of the late Wm Cooper.
Mr and Mrs John Allenby have returned
front Rochester, N Y, where they had been
residing for sorne time.
Geu Wood, Frank Angus and Thos Mc-
Gaw, of Wingham, spent Sunday in town
---Kincardine Reporter.
'Mr and Mrs Alex Ross spent last Friday
and Saturday with friends in Hamilton,
Wiiioitia. and other points.
Miss of Philadelphia has return -
e(1 home after visiting with her sister, Mrs
Alex Ross for a short time.
Mis. T. Piper, of Mansfield, ()hie, is
visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs G
P Wells, Lower Wiugham, .
Mr itobt Dallas spent a couple of weeks
at his borne here. He had been relieving I
Mr Mark Gray at the G T R.
Mr. and Mrs Thos Haines, from neer
Guelph are visiting with the former's
brother, Mr. Edward Haines.
Mr Ace McIntosh, a former well-kneen
Winghamite was visiting with his old
friends in town during the week.
Mr 0 Day. of the upholstering factory is
at present off duty with a sore finger and
is spending a few days at his borne in 1
Mr .John McIntyre, of Lucknow is taking
t t e :If Mr .1 -1 .1,-ronie's dental business,
:I:e• .niter not yet fully regained
hie health.
Mr and Mrs John Sullivan and children
returned on Tuesday from a pleasant visit
with friends in Walkerton, Chesley and
Miss K Fisher, Mrs Alex Ross'and Mrs
1 0 Gillespie are in Goderich this week,
attending the Connty Convention of the
Mrs Bean and Mrs Harrison have retro
ed to their home in Toronto, after spender g .
some time with their parents, Mr and Mra `.
Thos Moore.
Dien: G Meeoesy, of Cincannatti, Ohio,
who fm nearly resided with Ilia parents near f
IBelgrave, is visiting with old friends' in
(this vicinity.
Miss Lizzie Cummings hes gone to
1 Poplar, Manitoulin, where she has secured
1 a school. Her father accompanied her and
I spent a few days with his daughter.
itre Fells and Miss Mason, of Clinton
1 and Mies Mabel McKenzie and Mr W i
Bechannan, of Goderich, were the guests 1
1 of Mrs R S McGee for a few days last
Miss Deemer, of Wingham, is visiting at ,
the borne of Mr Alex Gowdy.. Mies 142 L
Cosford left fur Hamhury and Wingham to
visit her sister, Mts M H Barber—Guelph
1 Daily Herald.
Mr A E Galbraith, wife and child, of
Chatham, have been visiting with the for-
; mar's parents in town for some time. Mr 1
Galbraith is one of the teachers in the
Canada Business College at Chatham.
Mr and Mrs .John Leslie and fatnily, of
Winnipeg, were visiting with the former's
parents, Mr and Mrs Thos Leslie Mr. 1
1 Leslie made his usual large purchase of
1 furniture from the factories here during'
Ibis stay in town.
The Three Stages.
For the early btage, Scott's Emulsion is
a euro. For the second stage, it cures
many. And for the last stages of eon. it r,ontlies the cough and pro.!
Imes the
Winghatt Sept. 27.28,
" trouto Aug. 29 to Sept.10,1
i„ anion Sept. 8 to 17. 1
Belgrave Sept. 29.30.
What does your mirror say?
Does it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Arc you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fails. It is just as sure as
that heat melts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and nour-
ishes the bulbs of the hair
making them produce a luxu-
riant growth. It stops the
hair from falling out and gives
a fine soft finials to the hair
as well.
Wo have u book on the Mir and
Scalp which you may obtain iron
upon request.
If you do not obtain all the benefits
you expected from the use of the
Vigor, write the Doctor about it.
Address, DR. J, C. AY.ER.
Lowell, Mass.
or a Suit
that Will lit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
On and after A igust ; nth, e -o will be
prepared to buy ny uanttty or apples
debvered at our 'Jv >orating F,iutory on
Alfred Street, gharn. Parties having
apples to sell ill do well to see us be-
fore selling as we contract. the whole
orat'a'•d—shaken off—suitable for d ing
35 girls and 5 boys wanted to peal
apples. 0311 at the f tctory.
New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
And Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's 731ock.
Every piece is accompanied with a genuine guarantee of merit.
Call and see the goods and get full particulars about this great
'proposal -
Owing to my ret ov from town, all
my household fu ire is now offered
for sale, includia good parlor suite,
almost new ; bedroom suites, carpets,
pictures, crockery, tables, chairs, lawn
mower, a " Happy 'i'hou,tht" Cooking
Range, nearly new, and other articles.
The articles will be sold cheap, any
of which can be bargained for privately
at my residence up till Saturday, Sept.
Perh.ips ladies ' Will think that it is too early to look at
Mantlaes.. - We,received a few days ago --direct from Berlin,
Germany Manufacturers, a shipment of handsome, stylish
Mantles, showing the best value we have ever offered in our
long experience. If you intend to net a Mantle this season,
we urge you to see this lot . at once and select what you want.
If you do not wish to take it now, we will lay it away for you.
They are bargains, everyone.
Our stock is very complete and values were never better. Remember
that you get Silverware with every Bargain that we offer.
Executors Malice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given pure/nut to It. S. n 897,
Chep. 1'I9, See. 38, that all persons haviie claims
against tee asttie of Joseph Armstrong, 1 ,o of the
Township of last tt•awanosh, in the minty of
Iht'rnn, Teacher deceased, wh, died on r about the
4nd day of August, A. I), 18118, are re ired to send
by post prepaid or to deliver to it. ' (stone. of the
Town of %Ineham, in said 0, utty oliettor far the:
Executor of the state of th . s. deceased, on or
before the Teeny-seentet d v September, A. D.
1893 the'( names, ad Irease d descriptions and a
fill statement of pxtioulnr, of their elaiuts, std ass
nature of the security, !f any, held by them, duly
certified, a••d that aft.:r the said d .y the Executor
wilt proceed to distrih•ttc the assets of. the deceased
among the patties entitled thereto. having roved
my to the claims of which he shall thou have
cd this 24th -day of Auenst, A. O. 1393,
li. VANSTONE,',Vipehatn P• 0.,
Solicitor tor the Executor.
Tinder and by virtue of the powers contained in a
certain mortgat•e which will 1)3 produced at the time
of bale, there will be offered for tilde by Public
Auctionat the
in the Town of wingham, on
Tuesday, the 6th of September
A I> 1898. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by Peter
Leans, Auctio.,eer, the following property, viz :
Lots numbers 483 and 464, on the east side of Leo-
pold St.eet, Government Survey, in the town of
%Ingham, in the county of llnron, containing one
acre of laud more or less.
On the property I. situited a frame dwelling, 12x
23 with addition lr,x15 in a ;;cod state of repair,
This is an exeeliont oppoel unity for any one e Iah-
ing to purchase a cheap residence on a good build.
Ing lot,
Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of
sale and the 1.11aitee within du days thereafter. Ar•
raugentents can bo matte, howcyer,to allow a portion
of the purchase money, to remain on mortgage at rem.
Boilable interest. The eroperty will be sold subject to
a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions
will be made known at time of sale, or may be had
on application to the Auctioneer or to the Vendor's
Dated this llth day of Auguet 1898.
Auctioneer. Vende.'s Solicitor.
3Ic1t.,E& SON, Props.
All kinds of' rough and dressed
lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
Also a largo quantity of dry bard
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone orders promptly at-
tended to.
► ' l; r'
Direct Inlporter-
Comae and Take Us Wi You.
Our Names
Tack Tar.
Great St. Bernard.
British Canadians.
Great 500 Page.
We are in
Rea.dera, Arithmetics,
your school supplies.
The Miner.
Moss Rose.
all colors and prices.
Grammars, etc. Can and see us for,
S S. Popular Book Store.
We have just put into stock a crate of the
directly imported from one of the best makers in England,
which means the best
. IN THE l'ftORD
We have a full assortment of this line, such as Pitchers, Bowls, Vege-
table Dishes, Plates, Caps and Saucers ; Cups (only); Toilet Sets, &e., &e,,
which we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it. These goods are
strictly first selection. No seconds or antis among them.
Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling so
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
ars:« A ` ... rson
" The China House," Wingham.
7 hat is what everybody says when
they see our stock.
We make any style of Gold Rings to
�- REPAIRING�"`� 7
We think we know as much about
watch work as any other roan in Canada,
and will give
for a watch we can't fix.