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The Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 3
xJNc LIAM 'i'L\IES, AUGUST 26, tS9S. ie THE BURDEN Of Sickness and the Shadow of Graver Things BEING LIFTED From Thousands of Homes in Canada. Mr. W. J. Offen, brakeman nn the Grand Trunk Rahway, residing at 211 Logan :we - ane. Toronto, Canada, says: "My experience with the i,iunyon treatment for. dyspepsia Alas been most satisfactory. I was in a 'terrible condition when I consulted Min - yon. I was so bad In fact with dyspep- siaand headache that I never expected to fast better. The pales in my head nearly drove me wild, and I was compelled to wall: the floor for hours. I had dyspensia so badly and' niy stontnch'. was swollen so frightfully after eating heartily that I sof- ifered the greatest agony. I had used all medicines in the effort to get relief, Int I 'l apt getting' worse. Since I began using innyon's. Dyspepsia Cure I have, never elt in better health. I can eat almost ' anything and feel no bad after results. I dam now In splendid health and attribute It al) to Munyon's treatment, and ani doily eeommending. these wonderful remedies." lennyon's Ilhetimattc Caro seldom fails to re -1 Slays in ono to three hours and cares hi a few. thus. Price 2tle. /Canyon's Dyapepala Cure posltivc:y cured all' form of ludlyeatlon and att.ntait.i. tronblee., 3'rlco 25e,',:,i fluuyon'a Cotd Cure prevents pneumonia gain,' breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25e. ddunyon'e Cough Cure stops coughs, night tawea:s, alinys soreness and speedily heals tbo tangs. Price 25c. 111unyon's Kidney Cure,apeedlly cures pains At the back, Iona or groins, and all forma ,aS i"l lney dlnease. Prine 25e; Idunyon's Nerve Cure stops aervousneta (MC' op the system. Price 25e. • Jinnyaa's Headache Cure stops headache tel 4bree t.ilnntea. Price 25e. ? tmynn'a •Pile Ointmeat positively Clues al forms of piles. ,Price 25e. llnnyon's Blend Cure collimates all trapttriti.ys Aar :ha Wort. Prim 2.1e. t_'vnyon•3 Female Itemedics area boon' to all ! rnten, :!unynn's Catarrh Remedies never fall. Tho seatr.rtli Cure—price 2:5e. :rad icates the dtirar, i trona the system, and thin Catarrh Tablets—?iric4. —3411. --:?same and heal the parts. hiunyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in tires. titttmtes and mire permanently. Price $i,. flunyon'aVitellxor,, a great tonic .lad re-. *Lomat vital, strength to weak people:' .A separate clue for each disease., At all drug-. gist; mostly 25 centa a vial. . Per.onal 1. ti ,8 to Prof, Dlun)'nn, 1505 Arch St.. Philndel, Ida t':. , 1T-S.A., answered with t ee medi- cal advice r..r any dit.cnse. Literary Notes. 3 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. in making your country more pros- I CIiI.ROSS. The Council met in the town ball, Teeswater, on August 8th, Members all present. The .Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read. Reid—Jarvis---That the minutes of last meeting of Council be amend- ed by appointing the Reeve instead of lir. Johnston to carry out motion No. 5 of last meeting—Carried. The minutes as amended were adoped, A communication was read from the Greenock council re surveying boundary of Greenock and Culross at lot 6 to 10 was read, stating that they were willing to have the sur- veying done and to pay half the expense incurred. Also communication from County Clerk, stating that the County levy for this year is $1881.60, Johnston—Jarvis—That the Cler k -be instructed to secure the legal permission of the owner of lot 12, concession 9, so that motion No. 5 of last meeting can be carried out— Carried. Johnston—Jarvis—That the Coun- nil grant the sum of $7 to the Markle family, they being in destitute cir- cumstances, the same to be handed to Mr, Standish, to be expended as he thinks best to their benefit_ Carried, Rep^rt of Mr. Jarvis re hill on 30th sideroad was read as follows : Ilaving examined the hill on the 30th sideroad, I find that the ap- propriation is tuu small fur the amount, of work required to be done. I thought it unadvisable to proceed with letting the contract. I would therefore recommend that the grant be supplemented by $1.5, so as to allow the money to be more properly spent.. W. II. JanvIS. Johnston—Scott—That the report I or W. 11. Jarvis re the hill un the 30th i 1cra:id he ac.i'pted and the supplement of kl5 ;,eked for he granted and that Messrs. Reid and Jarvis see it properly expended— Carried. Reid —Jnrvis--That as the culvert on the gravel road at Ireland's hill was washed out by the spring flood and ,temporarily repaired, that the Reeve inspect said culvert and report at next meeting of Council—Carried. Johnston — Reid — The, as the season is now favorable for continu• fug the ditching on the 15th con- cession at lots 23 and 24, that the Reeve and Mr. Jarvis be empowered to expend $100 to the beat advantage of the road—Carrit•d. Scott—MacKay—That as it is reported that the bridge at lot 8, concession 3; also culvert at lot 7, concession 3 is in need of repair, that Mr. Jarvis have the same done by public competition—Carried. Scott—MacKay—That as the hill perous and wealthy. Then we en; courage our Legislature to vote 1 CAA -DUCTED r3Y WI\GIIAbi BRANCH OF TRE lvaaiz Vii'$ 01111IfiTI.1N TEM- great sums of money fur immigration 1 I'ERA:�CE =ON. by ; that is, to have destroyed! by our stupidity. The liquor -traffic does not pay us. It plunder's us. It is worse than fully on our pant to tolerate it. It is political suicide to sanction and en: courage it by legislation, The September number of the De: Mneator is called the autumn an: slouncement number, and is always an important number on account of the opening of the Autumn business. The contents of the number are of such general interest that they will DOES IT PAY. 11Y REV. D. v. LUCAS, D, D, The liquor traffic contradicts every prineiple of political economy. When our politicians snake a study of this great question which is now being considered by many, they will find this traffic to be one of the great- est hindrances to national prosperity ; a clog to the wheels of the common- wealth ; an incubus ; a great wen or tumor on the neck of the bcdy poli- tic, No child grows because of a tumor, though if he be otherwise sound he may grow in spite of it, No thanks to the liquor traffic for national prosperity, or even for the smallest contribution towards it. What are the two great pillars on which the commonwealth rests? Muscle and money. These are twin sisters which should ever go hand in hand. The state suffers when they do not. Of these twin sisters, muscle is the elder born, because there was muscle before tbere was money. The fish swings his tail gracefully in the water. What is it worth ? Nothing—absolutely nothing, until you touch him with the power of human muscle. Coal, by millions of tons, lies be- neath yoar feet. What is it worth? Nothing, absolutely nettling, until you pour elbow grea-e of on it. lin Ontario Farmer Rescued by Paine's Celery Compound. Wells & Richardson Co., Gentlemen,—It is with very great pleasure that 1 testify to the value your great medicine, Paine's of Celery Compound. For nearly two years I suffered from indigestion and kidney and liver troubles. After trying several medicines that did not effect a cure, I decided to try your compound. Before using it I was so low in health that 1 could not eat or sleep. 1 could not lie in bed owing to pain in my back, and it was only by resting on my elbows and knees that I wee enabled to obtain a slight degree of ease, Before I had fully taken one bottle of your medieioe I be - 1 gan to improve. I have now taken in i all fourteen bottles with grand results I , am a fanner and ain now working every day I am a living witness to the worth or Prfne's Celery Compound. yours sincerely, G. J. Silt, Sheffield, Ont. k,'AST WAWANOSII. Council met Angust 6th pursuant to adjournment. Members all pre- sent. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Deputy -Reeve Scott refunded back $2.50 from Jacob Miller, being bal• once from debenture of $30 issued The tall pine bcurie viith perfect 23rd ,June last, for work undone on rhythm in the wind. What is it I eastern gravel road. worth ? Nothing—absolutely noth-1 Oomrnunication received from Win, ing; until the muscled exeman swings his edged implement against it. God has ordained that nature should, in crude form, confront our race, to be turned into usefulness i Accounts for printing, repairing and wealth only by the application culverts, gravel and graveling, etc., of human muscle to its crude con- on the public roads, received and dition. ordered to be paid. Paralyze that muscle under alto- Joseph McBurney, Si• lot 34, con. hol and what is it worth to the state? 10, was present claiming damages to Paralyze it again and again, until the amount of $13.2;5 for an accident finally you turn it into your -:tits. he met with some time ago, at night, and what is it worth to the State in a culvert left open by Geo. L. then ? Instead of being, as it should, If alker on sideline 33 and 34, con. a wealth producer—it becomes a 12. Laicl over in the nheautime. wealth destroyer. It becornesa bur- Resolved, that the sum of $.3170 den to the State, clogging the wheels for Tp improvements, ofears' salar- of the commonwealth, instead of fes, and special school rate in adcli he'ping to roll it on to higher and tion to the amount required for greater prosperity. county purposes, in all $4594 35, he What is that healthy young Man raised off the Township this year by taxation. A rate of 43 mills on the $ was struck. to raise this amount, and By-law No. 9, 1898, confirming the the same, was duly read and passed. Resolved, that the Reeve and Councillor Sutherland be authorized Lane, Co. Clerk, Goderich, stating that the amount required this year from the Township fur Cuunty pur- poses was $1424.35. attract all tastes. The article on worth as a wealth producer ? I look Tnsemina and its treatment by Dr. Grace Peckham Murray, is paiticu: iarly worthy of attention.. Sharlot M. hall continues her practical les: sons on Photography fur Auiateurs, and the information given under the head of Domestic SuhJ ets are timely and suggestive. A new department entitled the Dressmaker is added this month, which is of special value to everybody interested in olressmak: ing professional 1n• amateur, as ir, em: bodies the latest ideas in tr'iittrniIng and finishing of garments. Social Observances is :an attractive and useful department. There will also be found a variety of bright and in• meresting • miscellaneous a reading. Order from the local agent for But: terick patterns, or address the Delin: eator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Limited, 3.3 Richmond St. west, Toronto, Ont. Subscription price of The Delineator $1 per year, single copies 15e. 7 -se The true story of those 278 days Of suffering by Greely's heroic little band of explorers in the Aretie region has been told by General. Greely himself, f'sr the first time,. tor the Ladies' Home Journal. 1'or years General Greely has kept an unbroken silence about his fearful experience and that of his compare ions, as they dropped dead one by one at his side, and it was only after the greatest persuasion that the tam: ons explorer was induced to write the story. at my own father, who settled seven- ty five years ago on land worth three dollars per acrd When. we carried our venerahle father to his grave a half century later, that land was wroth one hundred dollars per acre. here was wealth• production' to look after Arthur Baines, et pre- on hit 4, concession 10 is in bad tun• from .the value of that land sent lying in Whitechurch at the clition, that Graham Scott have the from three to one bundled dollars? expense of the Municipality with a same attended to to the extent of My father's muscle, and teat of his • Sir Oliver Mowat has enlsentsd to formally open, the Industrial Ex hibi: tion on 'Tuesday, August 30. No case so slight you can afford to neglect. No case so deep-seated tilctt Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder not relieve instantly and cure perma- nently. It has made marvelous c;r. res, and enjoys the esteem and high en- dorsation of the medical profession. Through exposure I contracted t': -•t drand ease—Catarrh. My case became •:ir•onie-••'.. 1'e minutes after first application I lr .1 ''ePef, aii.i In •Y short while I was completely cu: • 1. W. LAVaLLY.G.T.R. Brakeman.Annr .._l3he.ri't, at Sold at Hamilton's Drug Stoic. 5 s "Three Three years ago I was troubled with boils, and tried several remedies recommended by friends, but they were of no avail. I bad FIFTY -TIT -0 BOILS in all, and found nothing to give me relief until I tried Burdock Blood hitters. The flrt;t bottle. I took inacle a com- Ip1et.: cure and proved so very satisfactory that I have recoms mended B.B.B. to ri:shy of my friends who have used it: with good results. A. 3. MUSTARD, Ily .kr, I1 Tan, Any ono troubled with Boils, Pimples, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, or any Chronic or Malignant Skin Disease, who wants a perfect cure, should use only {`} ; j1 {� ; BLOOD i1 d n. ti.,l BlMITERS. neighbors about him. What is such a young man worth to the St;ate? Well, I should say at least $5.000. Torn inch men into criminals by the thousand, as the traffic intoxi- cants does (and who dares to deny it?), and see how you wrong the State. Turn such men into corpses long before their time (and who dares to deny, that you do ?), and see how you rob and wrong the common- %ealth. A young. couple in Lower Canada, till Monday the 19th Sept. next, thirty years ago, married and went 1>, PORTI xFIELD, Clerk. into the hetes business. About fifteen years later the husband drank him- self to death. The wife secured a license renew'tl and went on as be- fore, marrying' again a year or two afterward. Some five years after her husband's ericau peoitle have no abiding confidence death, her two sons drank themselves in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments, confi- dent that it will do them good. When I was told of their death I Ftrlclri:�pfrii: c�ureYatt liver ill Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, waist's pillion, sour stomach, indigestion ars promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work O broken leg, and to see that his ex $20—Carried. penses for nursing and medical at Scott— Mackay — That as the tendon be kept at as low and 'rens- grant of $15 has been made to expend enable a rate as possible under the on the Greenock and Culross boun- circumstances, and•• that they be dai'y at lots 9 and 10 of Culross, autt.orized to have nim removed else- Greenock granting and equivalent, where as soon as they think fit to do that Joseph Johnston represent this so. Council in the matter—Carried. Orders on Treasurer to the amount The finance committee recon, - of .$296.74, principally for gravel Mended the payment of a number and repairing culverts, etc., on .the Of account, and on motion of' Messrs. public roads, were issued, when on Johnston and Jarvis, the ,report of motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded the finance committee was adopted by Mr. Scutt the Connell adjourned and cheques ordered to be issued in payment of the respective accounts. Scott—Jarvis—That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Sept. 12th, at 9 a. tn.— Carried Cites. BUTTON, Tp. Clerk An Explanation. The reason for the great popularity of hood's Sarsaparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively : ures. I, is Am erica's ldreatest Medicine and the Am - said, "Please doe's tell me they drank themselves to death if they died of typhoid fever or some other disease," "Oh," was the reply, "you can say that they literally drank themselves to death. There was no disease but drink." Some'three years later the second husbald killed himself with drink. We all expect to live to seventy years. Why? God has taught us; "The days of our years are three Mailed ,for2_io.by C. L Hood e; Co., Lowell, Mass. During the thunder storm on Thursday, Donald Lamnont's barn about Live miles from Tiverton was struck by lit;htni i r. The barn was rented by Jatuee Dowd who lost all his wheat, 600 bushels, GO tuns of hay and ten hogs The insurance on the oontents was $400. While this fire was ranging anotLer fire was seen which proved to be near Paisley. score and ten,," Look'. Those four men should have lived 280 years in all. 1 Sum up the years of their actual lives, deduct that sum from 280, and teeny add thoroughly. 1 you will find thilt the liquor Millie fest atter dimer pills. � I S has robbed you from underono root MS cents. All druggists. only of more than 100 years of inus- I -hi eh should have joined yours :Prepared by C. I. stood Co" Lowell, Mass. 'she unlit Pill to take with Ilona's Sarsaparilla. C Kidney -Bladder Trouble. There is no more serious menace to gond health itt the present sista than Kidney disorders, and ite an appalling fitct but a true oue that four- liths of the country's people have a taint of this ineiduous disease with tbem.J)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills cure all Kidney dia. ease. Mi1burn's Sterling Headache Powders cure Headaches quick,and leave no deprossmg after effects. Price 10c. and 25c. at all dealers, The St. Marys creamery paid out for June milk $10,600. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam bas no superior for Coughs, Colds, throat and lung troubles of young or old. Pleasant to take. Price 'Mu. Are 0 '0 11, Jne of those who, when business is dull, don't advertise ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are bound to get a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture•the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in THE TIMI::+. Why ? Because TIIE TIMES reaches all classes of people in the Town of Winghatn, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. THE "['tMi s goes into the .home in every section. Many advertisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? ••••••••.6.6.-="J"-- Stratford 6.6 - Stratford rate this year will be 21 mills on the dollar, half a mill less than it was last year. The testimonials on behalf of Hood's aarseparilla are written by honest peo- pie who want you to know what it has done for them. Returns compiled by .Me. George Johnston ;how that there are in Can: ado 559 creameries•, 2,55G eheese factorlee steel ) i faC tlit s redoei n g both butter and cheese. „, Aron Ory far �'..:� ATO I�I�1► . ©N GIVES RE! .117.r. Don't Spend Me for dicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-c::: t t'artons Ten Tabules for Five C VW sort to pot up cheaply to t:rottfy thr universal pri'aat demau:i ,•, ., prupw If you don't find this sort t'f Rjpans Tabu"T.s At the Druggist's c A!tY' 'N • 1; tcAr C lSt1' • O.t M , h arh5 to 'Nit I2 r n s t 't' Send Five CC t you ttia►��'y, Spruce St, New �`it�l.. 't:al they will be lens to } n bi re cartons will be uid+,c i tor 45 cent% Ti. chance! are the me that Ripaas Tabules ate the very meds. ins you nets„ .