The Wingham Times, 1898-07-29, Page 8\VINUH.AM T11'tl+.; , JULY 29, is98, ■ ■ ■ ; Tile next 1 ewe ettpcd for their fielding was not good the boys play it is to 1 be hoped they will "get in the game" before it Lae beam v'un in the first leouple of i.itt,iu s. In the first God: - I erich gut three runs Lifter the tide (should have retired. in the second ,',nems t truek out three men but not before two runs had been scored by wild throwing. The lit'dcrieh boys are %ere' "mouthy," that is some of them. The questioned Umpire Lieklater's decisions very often, :and some ot theist even exhibited the "child',” game. They were nut were oney Saving iance.lr Fancy brews Goods and ,91. ks new goods, :lid not an undesir- able pattern in the lot. 100 yds. Sill:, mieed, scarce pat- terns, also novelty twoeol,ed Silk, mixed cheeks, worth 60c 75c and 85c for 50c. Also 50 yds. Fancy Silk, reg. C7�5e for 50c. going to quit toe game, persuaded --by some of the mere sen - slice ones — to finish the game. Linklater was very s riot in his de- cisions on balls and strikes, and his deeistnns on bases were given with accuracy and promptness. The %tore : Goderieh— 3 2 0 0 0 6 2 0 1.11 Winghatu-0 0 2 0 3 2 0 3 3-13 aU prioee aha. ',iii surprise you. 75 pairs odd sizes, reg. $1.35 and $1,60, for 95c. CLOTIIING SPECIALS 75 Men's Suits just opened, Flue, Dark Goods, reg. $1000 and $1.2.00 lines, reduced to $7.00 and $9.00. G Men's Black Serge Suits, reg. $5.00 for „3.50. SPEC/AL all MONTH in Hosiery, Gloves, Muslins, Prints, Parasols, Laee Curtains, Carpets, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Gents' I•'nrnishings, in Bats, Collars, Cuffs and Ties. Special all month in Ordered Clothing, as our stock is most cont - CRICKET. • their Texas Mule, the Gregory Com. bination, and others to he supplied by Sie Hassan I3en Ali. who is now in Morocco selecting somethint. (1' a very high order. Each t•vening there will be the grandest pyrotech- nic display ever given in London, together with the realistic represen melon of the "Blowing up of the M ' " assisted by 911 of the ring r ooTf.1LL. Riversides of Toronto, vs. Wingham Team On friday evening August 5th, th• faro• one itivcrsldu Footman team, ellen Toronto, will play against onr the town park. The game w at ci.30, and will be a warm have lots of hot stat ' at p lowing is the prob ham resin. (ioal—Weele llenby. y Lacks right, Edward S ()unites left Cal Hawke right, C Henderson Half•baoks), centre, C McKinnon f left, Chas Stuart left wing S t1 1tcDonough l liugli liatuiltou Forwards •Icentre,--d Telford lr wing 3 Louis B Duff (Mac ➢:lesser Spare men—Art Stuart, A McLeod LACItOSSI., The interest taken in lacrosse in Sea• forth never reached such a state of excite• went as over the contest which took place there on Friday last between the Elms of Toronto and the Beavers of Seaforth. The game was fast and exciting throughout, although Seaforth had touch toe better of the play. The score was 9 to 1. attle, . ' and stage attractions. As special excursion trains leaving London each I eveniug after 10 o'clock are being arranged with the railway compan• les, it is expected that a large num- • ber will retnain for the fireworks. I TENDERS W ALTE Tettd•.rs mill ba received by t e under- stg ned, up t, �uturday, A , ti, for the laying of a cunu]Hte Gucn baseinent of Uwt a 5f3r No. 8`urn +rc;vand,1iorris, t'bM talxof lint inll; 'It x',3ti rt- It will reqre]esa,fgravel ilnd•linc'tu l'On( 1'Mte 1 to six. Finial] will gleed to bH't,t inches, i,r„portiun of plaster to sand regntred is 1 to 1.1. Ad– dress tent to Salting Hay. • does not seem to be This practice does as touch in vogue now as in former years. There are various opinions regarding the matter. But as yet good reason advanced why properly , made clover hay or any other good hay should have an,r sett at the tune i of storing. Ir is claimed by some that salt improves the keeping and Loos or I feeding qualities, but this is doubt- ekes on ful. Good bay is undoubtedly all I W. J. Ii1'aND ''fi,SON, 4Vinghatll P. C1. • BOAT FOR SALE • The row boat with ears and cushtous complete. owner] by Mr. W. 11. Wallace, can be purchased at a bargain. Ayply to R. VANSTONE there appears to be no sufficiently commence P as our boys sant. The fol - le • rsonel of the wing right without salt, which adds no additional feeding value to it. Some- times stock will be induced to eat inferior hay with greater apparent relish if salt has been applied ; natural craving of the animal for salt, and not to the added excellence or nutritive value of the hay, If stock are supplied with sufficient salt they will not show any particular eagerness for the hay because of the salt.—Farming. PUBLIC NOTICE. • 0 a Gor tar pays the highest prices for good Butter and Eggs; either cash or trade, One price only to all buyers, and that the lowest price at which goods can be sold, Now we have - made a . . . , T•REM.EN D O U ,, CUT in the prices of alltrs>�i�� �oass•To quote are so misleading,..un si ..ma�.c.llY,fo,e ou, '"--1T-Tar wwI1,not.subt�r., i fig fres, but we pledge our word lea .oto give yet forthe- N i:! ie; THIRTY111-IIDAYS the biggest '}''`bal.gl'ain `m,all 1pi s.ofi t`initiier goods ever offered in the. -.. ; ttow a,:oT • .ing lam.: ,. ••_: A,11 •tS.taple ' 9b'o ls; Bgbts• and Shoes, Ready-made ..:.("lp ,ttialg,; ;' 'gas,, -c c., &c.,.. rave all been subjected to a ,...heavy • reduction int.prices. ,:,Straw I-Iats, fine and common, '*111''be dldhrncl' Uut'at' cost. Some of them even below Having moved to town 11) the real ., CDsr,.• :. • deuce lately occupied by Gen. P. Wells, . . corner ()entre and Alfred streets. thitigs hGes. tTc.osRh., pIrica.ems ()5 ntehaer' t)'il•s- 1'CS ornQe'e altnl0i(• t.i n; ppdudo oe Tiage,•.. Rubbers, Copper. Horse Bair, \Voo1 ekek t0s C Ouf t'Maycele; Pickings, Iron and Metal of till kinds,: -material in the world.'. delivered at my residence, or if word be le.t, I. will call for same. C. GOODMAN. House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned ,,ffers his house- and lot on Alice street for sale, The house is a nine ronm frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wmgla,ain. MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount of money to loan on good I jfarm property at 5 per cent per annum. I Ii STRAIGHT LotNs—Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day i (Saturday. AI3NER COSENS, Macdonald Block, \Viugham. For Over Fifty Years. AN TOLD AND WELL -THIRD RISALITDY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers ft.r their ehlidreu while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best temedy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-tive ,tents a bottle. Its value is iuca.luable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syaup, and take no other kind FARM FOR SALE `The undersigned ober for sale the farm property, being lot 33 in the Tweeds in Black Worsteds and hue As will be seen by the following from tUe [Hweeds. Clinton News•Reeord the good old game of 12th concession of the Township of East Money saving on it hundred tl ings you can afford to invest in at our July money saving prices at plate n a Ertl®'■ Sk'OIITING NEWS, P.ASE1iALL. A junior baseball team came over from Blyth on Thursday afternoon last and played a game with the "Prairie Nine" of town. The score was 29 to 23 in favor of the home team. Goderieh rlr.,Q•'^`^ t T omerat^ttnn: Fri -1 wat, Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario .- day last uy a eau.", I . ,Ui lig air lliceiiliuoti the Governor - The boarders of the Llubley House are General and Lady Aberdeen will anxious to play a friendly game of ball give the Western a visit before re - ;with the boarders of any other hotel in town tiring from office. Such are the ex - and would like to play the same on Thurs- pectaeioLs at present, and will be day evening of next week or on any date fully made known on receipt of their that can be arranged. acceptance. The game of baseball played on Friday Applications for space are being afternoon between the gingham and For. made at such a, rate that several of mosa clubs was a fair one. The winghatn the departments are nearly full al - boys were two much for their opponents from the first innings. Every player on the home team piayed their position well and nobody could lind fault with any of them. The score was to 27 to 3 with an innings to spare for the Wingham boys. Cricket is fast dying out :—The cricketers find it almost impossible to get on a tnatch with any of the surrounding towns, u• vast- ly different state of affairs from a few years since when there was a live club in nearly all the towns and villages m Huron. • Canada's Oldest Exhibition. The Silver Jubilee of the Western Fair, London, September 8th to the 17th, is going to be the best in the Association's history, and will be formally opened by Sir Oliver Mo - We have not heard any more from the Brussels ball tossers. GOD 1tICH•WINGH,.JI M,1TCH. The game of ball at the park on Thursday morning was largely at- tended. The weather was fine but the exhibition of ball was not as good as was expected. Angus pitched a goad steady game up to the sixth, when be got weak and was touched ftp for six runs and then retired in favor of Stuart. The outlook for the agricultural , wawanosh, containing 162 acres, more t� I or less, 1.10 acres of which is cleared. year of 1898 in Nova 'Scotia is, on 1There are upon the premises a good the whole, satisfactory. I bank barn and frame house, The farrn 1 will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply Stratford will vote on a by- law ; to TIIOS. GREGORY, for the erection of a new city ha.11,at or I3ENJ. SVT.LLSON, Wingham, Ont. a cost of $28.000. John Parr, the Mitchell fire bug, was sentenced Monday to five years in Kingston Penitentiary. In some parts of Ontario hey is so plentiful s t th f are giving FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being north halves of Lets 1 and t ae farmers 2 in the gat Concession of Kinloss. e.un- i taining 100 aures more or less. There t away, being unable to house it. are upon the premises a basement bars, 50 feet square ; good dwelling house ; Farmers in some sections of Huron50 line orchard and garden, and abundance and Bruce say that their wheat has of good sprint; water. There is a good been more or less seriously frozen. Twenty-six pounds of under- weight butter were confiscated by the police in the Guelph market on Saturday. Rev, James C. Smith, of Guelph, one of the most protninent ministers of the Presbyterian Church in On- tario, died Monday. rof. fine • our `stock and be satisfied that Soap. The finest and cheapest coloring • OR'Dn9 Direct Importer e Ci 1 China Cups, Saucers and goods, and you can buy te Plates, are very pretty, one or a dozen at A VERY: SPECIAL PRICE ready, and the general impression Sohn F. Wight, son of Richard throughout Western Ontario is that Wight, of Densail, has secured the with the good crops now being har- vested, the farmers and their famil- of the Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann les will tutu out en mass to get a Arbor electric railway. much needed rest and support the Fair, which they have been largely George McCullough, aged 66 the means of bringing to the proud. years, in teaming a heavy load of position it now holds of beim; the wood up a steep grade, in Stratford most successful in the Dominion to- on Monday, fell underneath the day. wagon, and both wheels passed over Its immense growth has caused 1 his body, crushing him to death. the directors no end of trouble in Philip Hunt, of Toronto, was land: the past, providing .proper accom- ed at the county jail by Chief modation for the Live Stock, and Wheatley, of Clinton, on a commit: Agricultural implements in particu- lar, meat of 30 days for stealing a ride and every other department in on the air brake of a G -rand Trunk general. The additional box stalls, car. Hunt had stolen a ride from He was hit quite often but was not bit the extention to the carriage build. Goderieh and got on, or under, the very wife. Pennington dune the bus- ing and the annex to the Alain ,sible, and secure the eloioo Positions that her hands were fearfully Imre- Write the Secretary, Mr, Thos. A. ted. The two first fingers of cheBrowne, for information, prize lists, right hand were Itorn off at the but the train hands espied the in: truder and had him arrested. While Miclittel Little, of Ellma,was engaged unloading hay with a, fork, his little three year old daughter, Hannah, who was playing on the barn floor, got caught in the rope bitors to make them as soon as pos.idrawn by the horses, with the result mess for Goderieh and showed that Building for Arts, will assist them he could pitch ball. He had speed in supplying the numerous wants of to burn until tee ninth, when he was the exhibitors, and give them build- bit hard and retired in favor of Me- ings equal to the best. Hardy, When the Wingham boys The entries close Sept. 7th, but as went t:, bar. in the ninth they had the space and stabling will be allot - ...three rens to snake to tie the score, ed in the order the entries are re- and by }.;,,ori. batting and a wild eeived, it behooves intending cxhi- throw by "ihuttr,in they -were sus•• eessful The excitement by this time had rt,atsll'd fever heat, and it was thou;illt that we were going to see a ten inning game. But when the county town boys came to bat, Snell went up and bit to Hunt, but he threw wild and Snell reached second. Mellardy then calve to bat and hit tc lett {'_eld scoring Snell, bitions of fancy drill, swot d combats griping do violence to the system, Laza• This g•a ve the game to Goderieh by ete. Prince U'I Jibe's .Taps (10 in ;Liver Pills are nature's own medicine one ran and the game ended. Wing. number) have been secured, The' for all disorders of the Storuaeb, Liver barn should have wn«r the gator, I Watson Sister's' 'Triangular Eleetrie-i and Bowels. Cure CoastillatkI1 by Webb and Hassan, the toning the bowel wall and atitanlating their fi 1.= :'." tit:race. at I Trepeze;, , the secretions. Leave no bad after times. (e+ ut, :cit li, l.o •,it d lS C8. 1'iar inns, Burk and Andrews, with' effects, programmes, etc. The attractions, which have al- ways been entertaining, are to be even more so this year, The Royal Canadian Dragnnns will give' exhi- train leaving Clin non for Stratford, MilIMIMPIMOMMISk nother ...rto of that "Old Reliable" line of Brown Semi -Porcelain Cup s and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetable Bowls, &c., for every -day use, and selling As Cheap as Common White Goods. crop in. which will be sold with the farm. For terms and particulars apply to W Vit. REN D A LL, at Wingham Foundry. Order your- —ANllt —,fig, �"Tkri - -FROM THE— HOLSTEIN DAIRY. second joint, and the left band sera.ped to the bone. CONSTIPATION CVRLD. It's important you should have natur- al action of the bowels. Purging and (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). f.'f miora• OFTEN T ;. f ��•f� r .'}. .`! art-�,�on ,i The China House," Wingham. SPECIAL Tee - COMMENCING SATURDAY, JULY 2nd. S. GRACEY is offering his present stock of ICCUNES, LOUNGES UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, ETC. When the husband or son joins a Court in a Society because it takes up one or two nights a month, but when they are bereaved of their helpmeet and re- ceivc the Insurance so long worked and planned for by the loved one who has been called hence, opinion changes quickly. There are no stronger friends of the Canadhkn Ordor of Foroetors than the 3,500 widows and orphans who have been kept from possible want and poverty by the Insur- ance and Sick Benefit moneys paid by the Society. This is not a charity, the money is fairly earned, and not the least part of the consideration is the self-sacrificing work of the Brethren who attend lodge and conduct the business of the society with- out fcc or price for their services. It is for the benefit of wives, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, that the C.O.F. carries on its great work, and its noble principles have been amply sustained by Canadian womanhood. Lacs Court may provide for Benefits. Sick and Funeral Benefits and the attendance of a skilled physician during illness. The High Court gives a weekly allowance of from $3 to $5 during iilness or disability as pro- vided in the Sick and Funeral Benefit Law, and on the death of a member contributes $3o towards his funeral menses. After satisfactory proof of the death of a mem- ber in good standing, the wife, children, or desig- nated payees of deceased, receive from the Order the amount of insurance provided for, as nand in their Insurance Certificate or Certificates, which may be $loo, $1,000, $r,3oe or $2,000. For further particulars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order, or address 12. ELLIOTT,. TIIOS. WHITE, r3 C.R., Ingersoll. N1'gh Seo'y, Baron/ord. or ERNST GARTUJNO,Bran(otd'. at clearing sale prices. We intend to clear out our goods within the next 3o days, and we offer them at prices away below anything ever offered by any retail dealer in Wingham. Now is your opportunity if you want Bargains. We have a big stock. First to come will have best choice. We will also give you the best prices on Bedroom Suites, and Extension Tables ever- offered here, and would especially ask you to examine the quality of these articles. They are made here in Wingham by the Union Furniture Co., who are noted for making the best goods in their line in Canada. Note a few of our July Prices : $18.00 Bed Room Suites for $15.5o. $IG.Oo "c4 .t" $13.50. $14.00 " (( $11.50. And a Suite for $7.00 that will knock out anything that can be put up against it. $g.00 Sideboards (with best German Mirror) tor $7.50. $7.00 for $5.75. . See our line of Rocking Chairs at 5o cents. just bear in mind that we take no back seat from any one on prices at any time, and now for July we will quote you pricesthat will be below all others at G RACEY'E- Furniture Wareroom, Wingham. E wis Slot rid col: x301 .a v ha, goc she art enc sea got ma poi fir: Ge see WO yo yt 01' .ap th`• se] yc Is tog re Fi +moi •C s •o t J