The Wingham Times, 1898-07-29, Page 5TU..;xli. WINUU,Ei-;11 'TIMES, JULY 29, 180$.
Every day a bargain day.
Mu. Shona when you neer', t'tert.
s1:0 eed iur wuititii;� nit a, " air."
flay to buy tltetn cit a fair priLe t. y'..0
wear ",Slater :shoes."
Altvays"—,..,wore price --proportion of
le tther, workl.tuusrili ai.d prof t, uni•.
forst year in, year out.
:o l,rentiutns to pay—no cut prices to
wait torr q:ily steady,
inoiicy'sworth, straiglitand nbcveboard,
guaranteed by the makers, Cod;; err
welted. Name and Spice, x`3.00, $
and l acy I>cr pair stamped on sole,
"The Slater Shoe."
For Sale Only by i OMUD, & BOWLES.
Plentons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts.
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brush€.s, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, 011, Harness Oil and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
For a Suit
that will fit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overeoatings to choose
from, Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
Luther J. Williams
(Thoroughly experienced and prac-
tical in all branches,)
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing -
ham and neighborhood that he has sue•
ceecled to the business formerly carried
on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Me
HA is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any • part of the
town with despatch,
Telephone No, 9.
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take
care of them for you. If you need.
buy theta from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to.
bargains! Bargains !
T. A. MILLS has just received a large shipment of
Plain and Spotted
Organdy, Lawns, Linens, Linenettes, Prints and Ginghams,
which I have bought at cut prices and will be sold at a bar-
gain. You should sec our special line of
Prints, usual 10c for Cie, in 30 different
Patterns to choose from.
A lege assortment of Ladies" Shirt Waists and \'Vrapf ers
which will be cleared out at a special low price.
Call and see these goods bef'orc they are picked over.
T. A.
The following shipments were
made frotn the Belgravc depot during
the past week :----Messrs. Clegg &
!)ante's, of Brussels, shipped a D. D,
car of togs also a car of cattle to
Torotrto ; Messrs. Watson & Geddes,
2 ears of lumber to Waterlao Ont.
and Mr, John Denham, 2 cars of
hay to London Ont,
Quite a few from here attended
the garden party at Wingham last
The Rev, McLean, of Blyth, occu-
pied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sun-
day last.
Owing to the absence of the Rev,
Mr. Hall on his vacation there will
be no service held in the Presbyter-
ian church next Sunday.
Quite a number from here took
in the 1'S'inghatn Races this Wednes-
day and 'Thursday.
Connell met according to adjourn-
ment on July Ilth. Members all
present, Reeve in chair. Minutes of
fast tweeting approved. Treasurer's
statement showed balance on band of
$548.50. The appropriation for roads
and bridges was fixed at $7.00. The
clerk was instructed to notify John
Woods to remove jams from river
bed so as not to back water on the
roadway, The following checks
were issued : —.T. Miller, work on E.
B., $79,38; cutting hill, eon, 4, $23.00.
Thos, Leddy, 107 yds. gravel, at 7c,
87.49; Jno, Clark, nails, 32e; Wtn.
Phillips, grate for dram, 25e; Wm.
Thompson; culvert: cur). 6, 81 ;
G. Tisdale. 54 yds. gravel and dam-
age, °x478; Miller & Agnew, grading,
gravelling, ere„ $91.72 ; A Johnston,
grading, con, 4, lots 10 and 12,
$35 35; d1. Fowler, 48 yds. gravel,
damage., 2 days tnihdrut, gap, $6,86 ;
P, Welsh, 31• days shovelling and
damage, $3.ri3 ; Herhei t Fowler, 2
days poinding gap for 11. Wilson, P.
M., 50e ; Moses Champion, 72 ds.
gravel and damage, x+6.04; James
Bryan, part printing acct , '$20.00;
J. (.x. 1t'ark, nails for P. M., 25c; 0,
Donnelly, culvert, straightening road,
and gravelling. cons. 10 and 12.
$35.51 ; J. II. Taylor, 31days' in-
specting and levelling gravel, $3.50;
li. O'Connor, 25 yds gravel, $1.75;
(x% horn, refund of statute labor for
Dungannon, $1.50; Win. Wilson,
coveting bridge, con. 6, $1.50; Angus
M. Dougal, grading and gravelling,
con, 5, $28.50; Jno. Clark, Drain
and 2 culverts, con. 6, $:1.50; Geo.
Reutledge, culvert eon 1, x,1.00; Jno.
Breen, drain, con 1,8.00 ; Jno. Ker•-
patrick, grading and gravelling, con.
4, lot 19, cutting hill, con. 2, grading
and gravelling, con. 4, let 21, repair-
ing road, eon. 4, $142 ; Thus, Lott,
building bridge and cleaning creek,
con. 9, $1.4.00. Council adjourned
to meet on Aug. 2nd at 10 o'clock.
'\VM. McCaost'is, '1'p. 'Jlerk.
Many of our readers wilt regret to
learn uf the death of Dir, Samuel
Alton, of lot 13 of the 10th Con,
which took place on Wednesday
evening. Deceased was one ot the
very earlist settlers in this part of
the country, and continuously resided
in the township for over fifty years.
He was weli known and greatly res
peeted and by his thrift and industry
acquired a large share of this world's
goods. Deceased was in the 76th
year, and leaves a widow and grown
up family of sons and daughters to
mourn the lots of a kind and indul-
gent husband and lather. About a
year ago be had a slight attack of
paralysis and sincethat time his
health has not been as good as form-
erly, but en Sunday last he was
taken with 'another stroke of para.
lysis, from which he never rallied,
and his spit it passed peacefully away
on Wednesday evening.
Scott's Emulsion is not a
"baby food," but is a most
excellent food for babies
who are not well nourished.
A part of a teaspoonful
mixed in milk ,and given
every three or four hours,
will give the most happy
The cod-liver oil with the
hypophosphites added, as in
this palatable emulsion, not
only to feeds 'thc. child, but
also regulates' its digestive
Ask your doctor about this.
sot:, and $,.00 : let drtmists,
SCOTT & DUW`ir, Ci,enti,ts, Toronto,
1313 SNAPS
Your choice of our Hard and Soft Felt Hats, including Best Blacks and Colored, and
ranging in price from $2.50, $?.00, $1.75, $1.5o and $1,25, at one price for the Jot- -90
Your choice of our Straw Hats, Panama, Swiss and other up-to-date kind, ;
prices $1,25, $1.00, 75c and ooc----now your choice for 45 CENTS.
BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST.—For one week you can purchase any ',:fir of
shoes in the store—Gents', Ladies', Boys', Girls', or Baby's, for actual w ilolesale pt;ice,.
Mr. Thos. Gilmour
days with friends in
we k.
lJohn Gilmour left
morning fur Woo ville,
gut a situation in the G.
as operator,'We wish
spent a few
Stanley last
last Friday
where he has
T. R. station
John success.
+ ltfr•. ltubt -nes Ion family i
moved to Brussels last week.V3ob's
genial countenance will be missed
from our midst.
Mr. Jas. Gilmour and Miss Annie
Gilmour visited at Mr, MoLauchlin's
in Grey last Saturday.
Mr, Bruce I<ergueson is engaged
with \1r. Christopher Jobb fur the
!hiss Maggie Aederson is still im-
proving and will soon be well again,
Mr. and Mrs. William Graham
have gone on a visit to friends in
Harvesting is being pushed ahead
in this vicinity. tt'heat is all in and
most of the harle', .
We congratol;t tr. John T. Strachan
on his success in the recent Entrance
Ex‘.m. Ile got a total of 722 marks
which is among the hightest in the
county. Some more of the James-
town pupils deserve congratulations
too. Good for Jamestown !
Our business corporation is en-
larging its firm. Our dry goods
company is now called Robt.Johuston
& "Son."
Miss Annie Strachan wheeled to
Blyth to spend a few dad s with her
uncle, Rev. A. McLean.
Mr. U. B. Stokes and wife were
visiting friends in Goderich last
D. Popo started out threshing this
ween. }'e means to get another big
season this year.
Jimmie Gibbs was making his
welcomed calls around here last
week. •
Mr. Alex. Bryan has purchased a
fine new, Bell piano from R, Leather.
dale, of Brussels, at a handsome
figure. Now we will have something
worth listening to in our midst.
On Sunday morning last, July-
24th, a very interesting children's
service was held in the 9th con Con-
gregational church. .The church,
which, since its renovation has a very
bright and much improved appear-
ance was glade additionally attrae•
Live on Sunday by a display of bunt-
ing, English and American national
flag, while a profusion of flowers
and plants adorned the platturm.
The children, who had been pre-
viously under the training; and pains-
taking care, of Mrs, (Rev,) Jackman,
daughter of Mr, Samuel Johnston,
did their part well. The program
might well be described as 'Anglo-
Alnerican. A considerable por-
tion of it consisting in American
as well as English patriotic songs.
The service was a novel one in some
respects, and perhaps appeared to
.some almost a desecration of the
Lord's day .and house. There are
many well meaning and narrow-
minded people whose eyes are se
morally bloodshot that the tinge of
red is often cast out upon objects
looked at. making thein appear like
&anger light,, while ttrey are still if
looked at a, ight w lite lights of
safety and truth. Is it wrong to
sing pati iutle songs on the Lut d's
day i Yes, because they are songs.
Then away with the pialms of David
because they ate songs. What-
hatChristian Englibl, would have
prick of conscience of er singing, "God
Save our. Gracious Queen" on Sun-
day ? or what lug al pinus Atuetiean
would suffer i emorse hecau:•e ho had
dated to know or even heartily to
shout, •• 11y ecaintry 'tis et thee," on
the first day of the week instead of
the seventh. The day is not far dis-
tant, surely, when the peculiar dis-
tiuetiun, a remnant of Roman Cathy
lie Pionasticisul between sawed and
secular A ill hecuu.e a thing uf the
past. Ti,e minister of the gospel is
not doing a sacred and the farmer
a secular work, The farmers and
the ministers tabors are alike sawed.
It is to be hoped that this renovati .n
upon the hues -drum of ehur•eh for-
mation may be tbtluwed by twiny
such bright occasions in widen the
cbildrens platy a>rd innuceut uttuis-
trations slay tench older ti lks to be-
come more eliil'liike. Of such is
the kingdom of heaven.
The Rev. W. Brown, of Minnesota,
takes the pastur's place on the first
Sunday in Aug. Morning in Flow -
ick 11 o'clock, evening in 'I'urnberry
7. 30 p. m.
Rev. J. W Gotlln preaches next
Sunday morning in Turuberry 11
o'clock, evening in H.uwiek 7.30.
Subject, "Is it worth while to pray i'"
Quite a number from here took in
the raees at Wingham this geek,
Miss Annie Allan and Mrs. Me-
' Intosh, of Cleveland, are visiting at
their home in town,.
A union picnic of the three Sunday
schools uf town was held in Dr.
Smale's grove on Tuesday afternoon.
Misses May and Ellie Elliott, of
Cheslev, were visiting their aunt,
Mrs. Ilen+'y Smith.
Mrs Van Every, of Chicago, is the
quest of Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Di :kson,
Mr. Albert Hobbs, of Toronto,
was visiting with his sister, 11 's. Ab.
Mr, and NIrs. John McIntosh, who
live just north of the villege, and
Mrs. Roht. ';ihs',r, of' Maitland Brae,
left lag week for Manitoba, where
they w .11 spe' d a ccuple of months
I visiting fri.nd,.
Mr. F. U. Dcckson is erecting a
new dwelling on bis property on
Howick stveet. 41,,r'k has been com-
menced on tine ;ound> tion.
Mr. Samuel Wilton attend the
11asunie Grand Lodge in Torunte
last week.
Many of the sports of town took in
the races at Wingham this weer.
East Huron Fall Fair will be held
here on October 6th and 7th.
Dr. Luna McCullough and Rohl,
Wynn, rt Detroit, are visiting under
the parental roof. •
Miss Pauline Johnston, the Indian
poetess and reciter, may give an en-
tertainment in Brunsrls in the year
11. E. Brewer, artist, has removed
the old fence from in front of hi,
residence and is nut going to put tip
another, we understand.
Instal lation or officers in connect ion 1
with St. John's Lodge, A 11'. & .l.
M., Brussels, touk place on '1'ue:7day
George•Edwards will convert Insl
eider press building, Mill street, into
a saw mill as soon as the apple sea.-
son is over next fall. He has put. -
chased an outfit for sawing.
The local foot ball tea", which
was recently re -organized, inti nd
playing a match with Listowel in
the near future.
The farmers of this vicinity have
about finished harvesting the fall
Mr, 1). Weir has returned bt »'
and is making ready for the coaling
season's threshing.
I Miss S, :Mulvey is visiting'` a. hr r
!twine here.
The death ot .Yips, John Lane on
Thursday, July 14th, removes oneof
the best known and must highly re-
spected citizens of this township. A
few months ago Mr. Lane was strick
en down with what was supposed to
be paralysis, but what; i,i.,verl to
he cancer of the stomach and during
the long weeks of'siekne-4s he suffer-
ed a great deal, and when death
came to his t elief he had wasted
away to a niere shadow of his for-
mer self. Mr. Lane was a man who
enjoyed the fullest confidence of all
who knPw ltiut, and as an agent for
the London Matti i Fire 1t ui'ance
Company was widely known. He
was a faithful and constant member
of the Kinlough Preshyteriatr church
and in his death the non iship loses
a gond resident and the whole com-
munity an honorable and upright
citizen. Deceased was 56 dears of
A Nervous Toronto Woman Welkstl
the Floor During the Night far Hours
at a Time—She Makes t Statement.
TORONTO, ONT. —"I was troubled
with nervousness. It was impossible for
me to keep still and if the spells cams
over me during the night I had to get up
end walk the :floor for hours at a time.
11ty blood was very poor and I was subject
to bilious attacks. My feet world swell
and I was not able to do my own house-
work. I treated with two of the best
physicians here but only received relief
for . time. I becatne discouraged. One
deny a friend railed and advised me to try
noodle Sarsaparilla. I laughed at the Md -
vice buttryas prevailed upon and pro-
cured one bottle. Before I used It all I
began to feel better. I took several bot-
tles and riso several boxes Of Hood's Pills.
*Tr 1 cart est and drink heartily, and
slc8p soundly. Hood's Sarsaparilla Aids
entirety Cured me awe also strengthettt44
Ism No that r now do all My own work.
1 oheerfally recommend hood`s Sarai sh-
tiks to all sufferers from nervousness,
w4alcne8s or general debility."' MX& 11.
,11:f"s si ,DiiiRtasat.Street.
1 yo;" 1�) M torsIkret 1, only o•
u $,i"1t1,S ea.rt5operate. ':b ttht«.