The Wingham Times, 1898-07-29, Page 3MUNYON'S TUE WING HAM TIMES, JULY 29, I b9cia The Birkbeck Building (society, )Mien and The 47th annual meeting of the '' Torn ell. Birkbeck Building Society was ,,epaired. on the 7th inst., at the ot'iices, 29 and : of equally good capacity should. rank 3U, Southampton Buildings, Chan- ce amy workA. machine irng needsat is. repairsp t ue - q Y p' 0 1 W. C. The re p so unevenly in their studies eery Lane, London, taro lntervrda. held -. Keep Oti;'the S reets at Night. An interesting investigation has been made recently in one of our cities as to the reasons why children Has Won the Gratitude and Con- fidence of all Canada. NO MORE DOUBTING The Postive Evidence' of Cure Too Conclusive to Permit of it 10011 FIEIGKBORS TESTIFY . port adopted states that during the, 'L`he human Pratue, worn by mental financial year just closed the total and pbystcial toil and su,hje� tend 1 to the f all sources, taken with 1 worries and cares of our macer • receipts from a sou , need of iepaire and building up. In the disbureem mss discloses the fact , the hot summer weather nervous energy in the schools, Pains were i taken to learn from enc class of fifty- 1 five pupils enough about their habits out of the school to enable judgments Ithat the annual turnover has am- I is at a low ebb,and as a aonsequenoeuer- to be made, The investigation 1 mounted to £37,488,73G, being a ; ous debility, terrible headaches, dyepep- showed that thirteen boys were per- Fia and a r•un-down condition make life, mitred to be on the streets at night! dairy average of upwards of• 120,: ! n burden Pot• thousands half past nine o, aloes. Not OOU for every business day that psins s + Celery Compound is the greath the office as late as a 6 r has been opened repairer and builder when weakness and one of them ranked as iii}, as he 'ear'. sickness prevail. ibis great medicine thirteenth In the class. Another • rt Lhlrougnout y has the power of rapidly repairing the The investments now exceed ten I tissues and purifying the blood, It be- ' millions -,£10,778,(75 --and the to- tal liabilities oil subscriptions and I weakened tissues, bringing strength and deposits also exceed ten millions ;1 true vigor, thus averting breakdown and grade class of fifty five were tried in' the salve manner, eight boys were ' tried in the same manner, eight boys were habitually on the street in the N of them ranked 1hilst the balance of assets in excess collapse. evenings, of one If You aro Sick Ask Your Nearest whilst 'Thousands of lives are now fast wear- as fortieth in the class. Another Druggist for a 35- X131,984. cont VIM of of liabilities amounts to ing out that can be prolonged and made nnyon o Remediosi ve fur su seri happythe use o Paine's Celery ` . class f shirt '• five investigated u and The smooth f sect d f b p by h t P C l y Gom c o s o y tions during the year has nese bed j pound. rte use to -day wrll save months showed that six were allowed the DOCTORYOURSELF , the sum of ,£z'G6,511. After allow• I of sickness, misery and sutFeriug, '(aka freedom of the streets rtt night, rand ing fur withdrawals, the amount ]lir. C. D. Nettleton, :41 Stuart street, standing to the credit of investing Toronto, Canada, says: My son hada very bad attack of the Croup and we used members at the close of the year is Eiunyon's Croup Cure with the best of re- sults IIe was troubled with a severe ;1188,893, and the balance of depos- h and feeling badly Indeed so itstoX. 417 94 aniuMun in 1 Y ' "' the no substitute ; set only " ague s e kind that cures, d every one of them had spent two or three years passing the _fourthan fifth grades. One boy of fifteen Sore Feet in Sot Weather, years of age bac, spent nine years in xou ee ng very , ,7c , t' ;; to When the summer heat begins to getting four and a half years school• badly that lie could scarcely speak, when ing;investigation also showed that in Zia began using Munyon's Remedies. One wither to X10,346,691, an increase affect us one of the first unpleasant g vial of the group Cure improved him at over the past year ef' 1 233,'28G. results is sore feet Originally man these classes examined, eighty five • • was completely broken •t ded to wear shoes as per cent. of' the „iris remain at home once ana we u1Fe.t sip In two or three dais. The medicines I The investments in convertible certainly have woadorful curative Dowers.' 1 securities and the cash in hand have alanyoa'ri Rheumatic Cure seldom falls to re." ' beer, augmented to the extent of 1, lien1 t three hours and cures bi a sew was not in en and read books and about one third the construction of his pedal extre buil only of the boys ever read at all.- mit.ies shows. human feet are built n one q ' ant to £9,213, on the architcctnre of oilier animals' Youth's Companion. gn f 1 it tf uad atowu�u troubles, 1 785, of which L1,542,652 is invested feet and they are constructed so as • uyu. Price 25c, 212,079 and now amo Alunyon'a Dyspepsia getloa Curo perleivety mires ell' . rms o uc. Sea ou , . Mn yoa's 1g to aid in walkinggby The Three Mllllyeti 9 Coal Cure prevents pneumonia cad, � In consols and other government v or tannic the , :breaks up a rout 1n a few hours. Price 25Cuse of the nails CO give a firm. �agSed en's Cough Cure stops coughs, night' seuritie5, and upwards of :+w0 and'an foot- i soreness and speedily heals the — � 2 652 X183 —ore In Price 25c. Blacks en's Rainey cure.speedtty cures pumas scribed in the beet=s of the govern- The most natural and best relief ikldney disease. Price 25e; ' or and company of the Bank of Eng- for sore feet in hot weather would be i • Mnnvon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness one 1 land, d X619,206 Cash at balls;tl'S. contact with mother earth But that .u.,aupe , aauiyan s eu nc e ninnies Prfce 25c lungs.. allays r Half millions -X2,652,483 hold. Songs. Many in the hack, loins or groins, and all forma �, I+l ' the system. Prfee "Sr ori an II d h cure stops beadne a 101 1 The number of members who have is impossible under existing condi-1 nee r Munyon's •Mlle orntwetit pdstttvely cures al, jollied the birkbeck during the past tions of civilization and soniety. trmiTof piles. ,Price t,e. , year is 2,9Banking 'Tannate of glycerine or fotmalde- 9tnnyen's RiQnd Cure eradicates all itnparltle9• ) c •2. In the De- �nf rhe »loos. pt•tee 2Gr. outs and r chafed and 8 C � +' 's Catarrh 7lemedfes never fail. The' 7377 deposit accounts have been blistered feet. inc tannate of gly• Munyou' l? male Remedies are a boon to all par tment 2116 current accounts, hyde affords relief fu :n•amas. ]tfuuynn 'Catarrh Cure -price 25e. -eradicates the diseaseq from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets -price opened, in all 12,417 new accounts -'6Munyaonand's Amarsthemaandalpermn3the s temneutledieys'relievePriceCto],. three' been; at the rate of 1,034 per month.month.►ni ,te m Utunyon's Vitalizer, , a great tonic �7nd r�•, The Register of Shareholders now starer vitaL strength to weak people, $1. contains the names of 13,1301 tut:m- A separate cure for each diseases At all drae:, liens and besides toss's are 111,660 v viol , A1tli-a,-n,�s tl._es _centsa - .-...�.- Personal letters to Prof, Illunyon, 1605 Ai eh St., Cul rent accounts, and 52 333 deposit Philadelnhtn, Pa , 11:S.A., answered with f,ee meds• accounts ; thus making the total of sal advice ter a"y droi.nse. members and depositors, 85,094- ~""'"'—" ----------- 1the highest number ever attained. .A. Bargain. ! The number of shares in existence at the close of the year was 69,611, 'Do you wish me to give up smok• which is also the highest number yet ing, dearest ?' reached. They were just engaged - and he Since its establishment the sooiety Belt himself equal to heroic sacci fives. has returned to its searellolders and 'Oh no,' she said 'You mustn't depositorsnlore than one hundred and think of such a thing darling.. I'm ninety four millions (X1.94,672,808) ,only concerned about your health. the whole amount having been re - 'You know you smoke an enormous paid upon demand. The amount ad- . . wanted to borrowers has been X3, - lot, • ' - 5' the amount of interest paid 'That's just what troubles me:I've to investors and depositors is upward 'Only cigarettes, dear. 5a9,2 b, been reading an articie in one of the three millions sterling, the exact fig - Paper's about smoking which says ures being X3,322,147 and the lives of all hos sterling -.;310,778,075, 'Well, if you would like me to i take to a pipe; I don't mind. 'Don't you really ? They're hor:I i'idly dirty and bad for the curtains; but the article said if a man must . smoke, a pipe was the best thing, . Only you must remember one thing,' darling." . 'What's that ?' `Ilow many cigarettes do you effeetb. smoke in a day ?' `Oh, perhaps thirty." i How To Care Catarrh. . 'Well, dear, you must promise me ! ,cigarette, are the mostinJurious forth i ted sunk now exceed ten mil cerine is oily and should be used as an ointment. A 2 per cent. solution of the formaldehyde should be used as a footbath. 0f course cleanliness suggests it• -1 self into everybody. The matter of i shoes, if regarded more, would save mush trouble with the. feet. Tan shoes of the lighter shades are more porous and cooler than the black. Patent leathers are the most harmful of footwear. A popular error is made in the be- lief that light soles •are comfortable in hot weather, Soles should be of sufficient thickness to keep the heat of the pavements from penetrating them. Keep the feet di y and cool ar.d there will be little trouble. CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important you should have natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and griping do virlonce to the systew. Latta Liver Pills are nature's own medicine for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver 1 and Bowels. Cure Coustipatlon by toning the bowel wall and stimulating ' the secretions. Leave no bad after Of the World are Diamond D) a Fast Black for Wool, Diamond I)ye Fast Blautl for Cotton and Mixed Goods and Diamond Dye Hast Black for Silk and Feathers. The results that each of these Blacks produce are marrellonaand pleasing. Your faded and dingy dresses jackets, capes, coats, piwts, vests, hose, eta., that are now so useless and repul- sive looping, eau 1,e trade like new gar- ments with the Diamond Dye Blacks. Your laded. tut-ty anti dead It•ok!u'g silks and feathers are made nc•w creations by using Diamond Dye Peat is -auk for Si:s and Feathers. Do not be deceived by bulky package dyes adulterated with grease and other foreign substances ; insist upon your dealer giving you the Diamond Dyes, one packet of which will dye as much as three packets of any other make. never to smoke more than thirty . A New York gentleman who read pipes a day. You'lL be quite safe that a Paris physician considered then !' lemon juice a speeitic for nasal cat- • arrh and who was a sufferer frrlln BABY BRIGHTNESS ' this disease has this to say about it : Soon fades when Dinrnccka seizes on the I quartered a lemon and squeezed little form, Dr. Fowlers' Extract of the juice of one of the pieces through Wild Strawberry, has. saveImlay in- a coffee strainer to keep out the seeds tants' as well as adults' huesd , Mrs, W. and tions, and added as much salt as Walters, Richmond Street, Hamilton. Ont., Says : "I cured my baby of a bad could be piled on a silver quarter, attack of Cholera, by nsinl; Dr. Howlers tilling the goblet with warm water, Extract of wild Strawberry, Nothing; As it is a popular belief that if a tits- else is elselsedi did any good, but the baby unprov- ed from the first dose of the Wild Straw -system is reappears in another, 1 berry'„ 1 gargled and swallowed half a dozen "What were the Dark Ages ?” mouthfuls to keep the throat and stotuach free from infection, and asked the governess at the morning snuffed the remainder vigorously up lessons, "That trust have been the nostrils, pressing a finger against bet' ire spectacles were ' guessed Mary. .,Oh, no ! inter t uot- .operation. This was in tie morning fruit" than he bargained tor, a'nrl:lhe red Cedric.:t"i know wily taut' ,fere just before my regular daily bath in � doeMuent turns out to be an order.' called the Dark Ages: Because there i • epid water. Atter the bath I now I lam Mr. Dinney's ease he refused to make it a rule to rub my.che:'t ab- i' accept the trees,and the firth is trying dotnen, throat and head with a , to force payment. The amotnit iS course towel snllieiently to get up an } $7,OU, hilt ,nay 111e110 ten tildes that active outside circulation. It is now i before settled, This should serve 85 Causes fully half the sickness in the world. Ti , months since 1 have seen the slight- I a warning to farmers to be careful retains the digested food too long in the bowels 1 est s1'mptonis of nt1Sal Csttal•1.11, nos' with whom they deal -Hensel! biliousness,and produees ._,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,• 1 1 has the dreadful disease reappeared Observer. • in the stotuach, the throat or any i other part of the system. THE CYCLISTS' FRIEND. No oycfiet's ,tit ie complete without a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Can be taken internally or used exterually.Cuts Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest Bruises. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs etas, i n equal as an all round remedy. I �11D tol-Itly. think he bad better be • Another Fraud. sent for. I Patient (badly frightened) -Oh, Farmers should be on the lookout doctor, do you really think I'm for slick -tongued fruit tree agent going to die? who is "doing" many farmers in this ! Doctor -No, I don't. There's no: section of the country with a most thiha•• at all the matter with you, bare faced fraud. air. Chas. Dinney,' hut I hate to be the ot:ly man who lot 14, concession 10, Stephen, is one , has been made a fool of te-night. of the victims, and will doubtless :ay dear for his experience 'I'he No Cocaine in Dr. A. W. Chase's Catarrh Cure, RELIEVES IN 30 Mllsllfb l:f?. A MAQlt)Al• LlFiw-&ttVeit: Tho most pronoviwed symptoms of heart disease ate pelt -Illation or fluttering of the heart. shortness of breath: vveak or Irregular pulse, smol1I ring such, ar night, pp'ties in region oC heart rive 1u I t •any br congested, cau�ln;; lWu1Wl„s, dixil- ness or vertigo. In short, wh+ nc ver tine benrt flutters, rehr. n•• m,'.plt t, •:. it is diseased, and if 11f. valuer trentmont must be token. Dr.:1•cr•ew's ('ore for the 'resit Is the only reel, dv yet ,ltaenver.,1 which will always 'iv° relief In 80 twin. rtes, and cure absolutely. --2R. Sold at Hamilton's Drug Store. Willing to Share`the Honor. IPatient -No, 'doctor, there isn't any particular pain, but somehow I • feel as if -I were going to die. • Doctor (who has been called out of bed at two o'clock in the morning) -Let me feel your puLe. (After a moment.) Have you !Wade your will ? Patient (alarmed) -No, but— Doctor- -Who ut—Doctor--Who is your lawyer? Patient - Squire Studds. Why, doctor, do you think-- , Doctor -Then you had better send for hint. Who is your minister? ' Patient (still more alarmed) -Rev, Osi'1ll.:irePl Cry 'jog Orp- 3 0:11Iy little boy, aged ^, veau•s and 15 months, was a vlcu,n o awrofula on the face, which all the doctors said was incurable. To tall the truth he was so bad that I could not bear to look at him. At last I tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before it was half used he was gaining, and by the time he had three bottles used he was completely cured. I cannot say too nosh in recorn^ mendation of B.B.B. to all :who suffer as be did," JOSEPI-I P. L BELLE, Mani.,. wake P.O., Que. There can he no question about it. Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal for the cure of Sores and Ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature. Through its powerf.11 blood purifying proper- ties, it gets at the source of dis �Q ease and completely BURDOCK ethedicates systemit from LOCI;kTTEiS. t is always 1:tFectual, Has u Invented, „ • the nostrils alternately during the ,node of his procedure is as follows : He calls at a farm house, gets off the usual harangue of trying to sell fruit trees. Not being able to effect a sale and !always (?) being hungry, asks the fartner if he can accomodate hint with a meal, in return for which be will give him two or three choice trees. Of course the farmer is usually tickled and to show his gratitude gives his guest the best in the house. Prot. Hews, On t, School of Chemsitry and Pharmacy, Faye :-"I have :,lade an examination of Dr,Chase's Catarrh Cure for Cocaine and in all its compounds, from samples purchased in the open market and tied none present." We ot- ter a reward of 81,000, to bo dev,,ted to soy charitable institution if any drug- gist or doctor can find any trace of that deadly drug, Cocaine contained in Dr. Chase's Catari h Cure." Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, recommended by all deal- ers at "_b cents box, blower indluded Before leaving, however, the farmer' floe. is asked to sign a 'document to st.ow that said agent took dinner at such a a place, and an of der for two choice trees. The agent departs, and 1n a short time -a large consignment of fruit.trees comes to the address of the farmer, and it is then that he finds out that he has more "choice were chore kui;;,itS Hien. ti a Co sti pat o tonu, bad urate, coated le II I dmlgue, Sisk 1ie:tdurhe, !n •omnia .t0. flood's i.'ilis •cure Constipation and sill its resuIts. easily and thoroughly. :MC. All drag ;ist.l, Prepared by C. I. ,loud & Co., Lowell, dlaas, The only fills to tike wall Ilood's Snrsapar ii1.i. A RAXIAW AYMAN'S STORY. Mr. W. Franks, in charge tit the Grand "trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover. Ont., say :---"Four boxes of 1)oan's Kidney I Pills curets me of a very bad attach of Kidney Complaint and Larne ]Tack. Watch for Them. A gang of swindlers are travelling through the rural districts elaiming authority trom the state to examine wells. They examine t.ihe water through t. micleseope and find all kinds of bacteria, eholeria and typh- oid germs rend permits the farmer and his wife to look through the microscope where, of tour. e, they see the menaget'ia that will always bo found in a drop of water. The frightened farmer is advised to apply eortain remedies which the fakers sell at a high price, is Hieb proves to i be a plain soda. SORES GONE, SKIN CLEAR ChiIdYen Cry for , Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., �' I aged was a Privnte adviei�+ Prom the Klondike says :-"My little boy g 10, 1 R I A 1 complete mass of sores, caused by bud blood. We could find nothing to cute , ck 'vat.e advices (roto K londike i him, i mussy 1 apt !t bott`ell2l B erdi t- 1'1 tBlood Bitters, and before i say that the gold r field from the i tiff was (tone ho beAltn to improve, and 1 spring clean•11p in the Yukon will' by the time the bottle was finished he exceed twenty millions of dollars, had not a sore on him." • Are '' .•ne of those who, when business is dull,idon't advertise ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business'is brisk you are bound to get a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong with your advertising, if you don't suct'eed. The best business Hien of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize_the local newspaper in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in THE TIMES. Why ? Because THE TIMES reaches all classes of people in the Town of W ingham, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. TIM TIMES goes into the home in every section. Many adv<Artisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? 1 a ONE GIVES RELIEF pend [) j .r for Med Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-c'' arsons Ten Tabules for Five sf►1a Part is put up cheaply to gratify the uniTaraer praenwt dam -I • • •n prlew If you don't find this sort t• Ripans Tabut At the DruggSt'S Send Ifive Cents t:t TI:E ^ t ANi Ctflt\ttt>. l 0 iiPANY, Die. xs ;;pre.00 St., Now York, and they v'i:1 'ease: 1 , \Su by mail; or in cartons will 1,e ';iit for 48 cents. "1',. c.. atrcca are ten.1'r tat that liipans 't''r!atics arc the very tie' int: you need.