The Wingham Times, 1898-07-29, Page 22 Jacob Howard 1111 WINUJLAM. TIMES, JULY 29, 18148 Profit an Poultry. of Zurich was PRESDYri'E1iY OF .MAITLANID NEARLY UISCQURAGED. drowned while bathing in the lake. Arthur Harris, a yttnng' loan, tea played in the plongii works at Iireetfz1rd wee dissweed in we (a rand Rive Mat at Winghaln, July 13th. Ilei. R. McLeod moderator pro tem. The Meeting was eomparitively small as some of the members wore absent from homes enjoying their holidays• also known as a proeperonS >h;,rien1 • 1 . �cia1 meetin s were read and t1►u• iastie in his line • The minutes of last regular and twk spe g tui lst and an c n ndc'lttecl. Rea. S, M. i\'haley was Now stalwart and rugged, weighing appuintetl by rotation, moderator of hitt pounds, he scam) would be eta;; 1'resllytere for the ensuing term but nixed as a man who Six months ago bei. g absent, lir. McLeod occupied was the picture of one sufit'rin;, the Lite cll:;it•. An extract minute of terrible symptoms of general debility. A aeinbly was read stating that the eo;'l;teget ions cf McIntosh and Boa mere 3 1- mcre had been Vander red to this .1'i eehytery. These congregation and their narrater, Rev. A. C. Ste- wart. and reprtentative elder. Mr. Willi:im Mundell, were cordially re- ceivetl. The ltev. James Skene, of Hills - 1 It oter breed. `Choy TEE EXPERIENCE 010 MR. RALPH tuli - c SUFFERED 1.12Ea'i'I.1 I:It�UN, WHO L 1'ROAt GENERA], DIsOII.ITY. Ralph fxiberscln, l ostmaater at Moiltquart, Carleton Co , N . 13. is 'Positively carred I y these Little I.?iIlS. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bal Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Reg...ate the Toon els. Purely Vegetable. Small PM. �*mall Dose. Pace. r:,)stitution the fraud of the .:lap See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver :Bilis. To my mind there are few depart- ments . l ca� farm which el U' the f ti # y better. return in proportion to_the I amount or money invested than the poultry yard. I wig give a few figures from our 1 own experience which seem quite • satisfactory. Last winter we had fifty hens and pullets, many of hatter quite late hatched. From December 1st to .lune 30th, we sold 8.27?; dezen of eggs for $.11,132, 13esiciss no I fluent was taken of eggs Saeed for 1 He was run down in health, suffered i table use in the family or for setting. I much from dizziness, alnu,t;t blind I The price received waselsu unusually low, the hightest being only 22 cents, white some, were sold as low as 11 cents per dozen. The hens were Plymouth R,eks, which I consider the fleet breed adapted to Northern winters, and possess snore c'ood quart ness, general dullness and depression of spirits. lie had a poor appetite and such food as lie ate g'ic>e hitt great distress, Ele was ineaapacitated for the work that fell titans hila and was well nigh utterly ciiscuuril ed. The symptoms bordered on to tl'.use batt', brine' present', was invited to by\�'hichhypochondria ismanifesterl tleS than , ly sit ea corresponding member, An Through reading the Advertiser he ai'e gond winter rat ens, make good l'xtl'al l•t Iiilt!ttte of Synod of Hamiltonhasitters, mature early and are of fair learned of the particular benefit and London wee read stating that several of his friends in this vicini ize fur market. the congacgs tien (.f Charmer'sehnreh, had received by the use of Dr Kincardine tuwnship,was transferred Hams' Pink Pills, and by tl to Presbytery of Bruce. There was held out by r ei thtestimo read alio a leiter float Bruce Pres—leured.asupptleiand took bytcry re transference of said eon•ing to ctio direns.'r ' gre:.>ation. On motion of Mr. Ross almost magical; etio i and Mr. McLennan, it was .i reed that t he tra,n..fei'erlce of Cha (flier's 'ehnrt•h to the care and overnight of the L'1 dee Presbytery take effect on tete first day of August next. I Con nlissiuners to the Assembly 1 present reported their diligence. i The els rk was instructed to request all ce::sitms that failed to produce their records far examinetiOn at the meeting to present them at the next mceth3g. The comtmittee on revision of regu liltiens of order of business presentedine can only be bought in boxes, the There are few farmers but who i hope could with a little additional effort, 1 Is he se. keep double the number of fowls. em accord•' The expense of a new poultry house result was I would be the only cash outlay, and diatei,y Ids symthe returns of a single winter would toms began to b we less disagree- able, and he steadily gained until he is now perfectly free from his old troubles. Ile gladly and freely gives this testimonial, that all who may read it may know the remedy if ever they are troubled with general de bility. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the rout of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, andstrengthen the nerves, tbu, driving disease front the system. The genu• their , eport which on motion was T ti eceived and adopted and the clerkI \�>ra►pner around which bears the full trade maria, "Dr. Williams' Pink Bil I'`� l "' s instructed to get three hundred copies !Pills for Pale People," of the regulations as revised and ,ca,.- _,.. r Av1; you adopted printed. Standing eofnmit- ?i-�s~i teen c iluk tees for the year were e appointed as mg a geed deal late N ai.1 feel follows : tir'� an occasional : - 1. Finance —Messrs. McLennan, c 7� twine of pain McKay and J. McNabb. �` roundyourllearf 2. Home mission —Dr. Murray, r, Arc you short of . " breath, nerves Messrs. McLeod and Maxwell, it unhinged, sense, 1 S. :3 Sabbath Scicols — Messrs. 'tioh:of 1. jgoing yedles • t arm and finge'ra? tiinelali'. ll. i Better take a box ortwo of I 4. Church life and work—Messrr,. -;ef Milburn'sHea�rtardNerve Malcolm, Ross and McFarlane. -)it + • �,.vPills and ,e erred Lefore • r7 Examination of student—Messrs "';'; Hiner become too serious. Here's what Mr. John ; McRae, Stewart, Perm and A. ?llc througlneyour Miller, Whaley, Fairbairn and through rvur , James, of Caledonia, Ont., Nona, Yr: I u. Y. P. S.—Messrs. West, Hall I and Forrest. i 7, Statistics—Messrs. Ballantyne hag to say eboni , and Anderson. had serious heart � The representative elders are ap- ' trouble for four years`? , pointed members of the committees ;; Caused b' "' t- :•• c' ixrbmco. .' an which their ministers are respec— times my is. ,:+•- •;vc'� ,•1 1,a' auuunI reports Of W. and then seemed u. , ' ' to • commence againWitll unnatural rapidity. i 1?. M. S. and minutes of Synod were "This unhealthy action of my heart 1 distrinuted. caused shortness of breath, weakness and 1 Next meeting will be held at debility. I tried many' medicines and. ; Wingham on Tuesday, September spent n great deal et' money but could I.70th at 10 a, m. not gat any help. Last i\Cvembor, however, I read ata 1 This meeting was closed with the more than pay this. Besides the labor of caring for 100 fowls would be little more than tendint, half that number. It requires no great skill to make a clear profit of $1 50 on each hen, and with a flock of 100 means a welcome addition to the family income. The results obtained by us were only ordinary, and only what any one can do ; but they show a large margin of profit after connt- ing the feed bill and labor of tending them. When we consider that the fowls only represented an investment of say $15.00, the revenue . derived from Name is, indeed, gratifying, and should convince anyone that there is money in poultry raising if conduct. ed properly.—Practical Farmer. For. Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WEILL-TRIAD REMEDY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fcr their children while teething, with perfeet success. It soothes the child, softens the guars, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-tive cents a bottle. Its value is inealuuble. Be sure and oak for Mrs. Winslew's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Without a "Character," The captain of a vessel plying be- tween Liverpool and Capetown found himself short—handed when he came to leave the African port. Sev- -441 ter ., 0Mi MEIEIN !1 aaaaaal mwinnm,w Mannnnno.mi , .0..,.•.,. S � C-- JI.v.I2TE,,i.1.1. �i.' Health and Hygiene. 11'inscular effort carries blood to the brain and favors its nutrition. Rheumatics should wear woolen or silk underwear all the year round. Garments of tightly woven fabric 1 should be worn where there is danger of contagion from disease germs. I;Manual training and physical exercise are valuable aids in the dev.loprnent of the weaklninded and those who suffer from mental troubles. No hard and fast hygienic rules eral of hismendeserted him for the 1 can •be deviled. Every man is a gold fields. So when an Trishman personal equation by hinlsei?. What came along and wanted to work his is good for cne may not be good for way back to Liverpool, said : "Go another. . ahead and get a recommendation and I'lltake vou." Mike came back with the neces— sary document. 'That'll will doge aboard and go to work.' Next day was sailing day, and as man, ahlic'ed like a ir's '.(, bciog cured by benediction. 1 they were preparing to cast off, a Milb:.r:r'e ;'..t:+:rt and ive ry Pills. I went JOHN MACH ABB, Clerk. I Dutchman came puffing to the side to flop-r's thug store and bought a box. I When I had finished °akin; it I was so , �, boxand Smother 1 better I bo U "tL, .....P t e. 1 bEt( gnu this completed ' e i cure. My heart has ` A� SIX) �# >. not hetherea ,no since, and I strongly ��g i El recolrirriend all sni:'erers from heart and nerve trouble, caused by exees4ive urs of i • 1 I For InfanEfl and Children. art•an' tobacco, to give !ilii!)urn's rte Ncrvo Pills a lair and i::,itiifttl trial," Price 51c. a lea or 3 bo as for $1.25, all i simile drnngists. T. Milburn Clo., Toronto. Ont. 1st;;nature LAXA-LI','En PILLS cure CConstipation, a o Eiiliou�i:es3 and Dyspepsia. and wanted to come aboard a work for his passage. "Jump aboard and be quick abrut it said the cap- tain,"d badly. P ban I twin for be needed ed th The first day out lie set the men to swabbing the deck. The Datch— T'ho fat.„ . i man braced himself up againgt the We guarantee that them Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 250, tin boxes and $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. Every family should have one ready or an enter- gainCy. DAVM & LAWiIEIG+i GO., LIOiTEtl, flOHTRE,".L Beware of imitations CURE. ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain -Killer '1 with bu icet dipped into trail a c and nto cart pper' the top of the waves passing it along to the Irishman who slashed it over 1 ONE farmer who seems to be coin- t the deck. Pretty soon a high wave !bag money out of a • combination of I hit the Dutchman, he lost his bal— 1, hogs and butter, is Joseph Gould, of 1 ance and tumbled over the side.The i North Ontario. Mr. Gould milks 17 cows of the Jersey breed, and four— , teen of those gave him an average Mast year of 303 pound of butter. He uses a separator, sending' his cream AVege tablePrcp aration for As - lila the Stomachs els anood dBo veislof E TH �r THE FAC --SIMILE SIGNATURE --- O F Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest _Contains neither oplllntMorphlne •norlrTineral. NOT isTARC OTIC. .zropectrold.72rSABVIZPITUIER Fun:Ain Seal- it :Jeri,¢ Rada & salts - .4nire Seca • ,F'ppermn- PAIian'oriat-�JaJs • 741ma shad - H7i+ Iran Fe' - Aperfect remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worm3,Ccnvuistons,Feveri511- n.css and LO SS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of 'NEW YORK. OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Castoria is put rip in ono -size bottles only. It Is one c,o sell on anythingo ld g oleo koa hen lcaallow or promise that it is "juas eed" and "will answer every pur- pose " girlie() that yon get O -A -e -T -O -B, -I -A. The tat - simile rl EXACT -CORY OS \v5A,Pi'LR. III '; ailenaturo trr of WEAK APED WEARY WOiMEN FDD a REAL trl,Y.11lt.ib IN SOUTH AMERICAN L' CiiV1MM ERIIAPS ho was a cynic, brit some one has said that in this age there are no healthy woolen. The age has many wo• Hien. strong and noble physically, as they are mentally and morally: but it is true nevertheless, that a large per- centage of the wo- men of the country tti suffer from nervous- ness and general de- bility. They drag out a weary existence, and each day is a day of pain and suffc ring. This was the case with Miss Annie Patterson. of Sackville. N. 13. She suffered terribly from indigestion a11(1 n(•rvr.'sness. She was influenced by soulsone, somehow, to try 1 - South American Nervine. Of cnurKe, It 'MIS Iiepall'i17g promptly attended to. medicine.iI But she hadhope—another ta 1 enaonlvionepbottle when her system began to take on the SnoP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's ELTO O N'S ,UPS Will stand wear and tear for t ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. - health of earliest years, and after using three bottles she was completely cured. No wonder she is strong in her conviction that there is no remedy like South Ameri- can Nervine. ---25. Proper bodily exercise causes the Sold 1G, l:alnilton's Drug Store. ' skin to throw off large amounts of Kms, waste matter, whieh otherwise would I accumulate, irritate and cause bad complexions. Sufferers from indigestion should wear a wool bandage about the abdomen. Many persons woald be 1 much improved in general health if they took this precaution. Irishman took one look. Nota trace was to be seen of the unlucky Dutch man. Ile harried over to the cap— tain's cabin and called him out. "What do you want" demanded Wool or silk underwear should be worn by all subject to sudden tem- perature changes, especially by the gouty and rheumatic and sufferers from catarrh and throat and lung affections. To maintain the health a man oft 150 pounds needs exercise equivalent raising 300 tons one foot per day or walking nine miles per day. Do not walk the nine miles in addition tc other work ii to the factory and feeding the warm 1 the boss. I skim milk. This furnishes no less "Well captain, whin I came to get than CO per cent. of the food for his; me job ye made me git a rieommend' hogs, o w1 ' f which he sells about "5 a' didn't ye. II R Medicine Chest In itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NIEURALGIA. 25 end 50 Cont Bottles. ki a wAtte 0t IMITATIONS. } CU'/ f.. -.541.v Tt4% GENulNr. ? PI:Rinf DAVszi t,i wda•�e'+atr'x.il�. �Si: 1 :i "2i;:°t:i•v'.'l'a"••ti.!'.'".. "Yes you're all right, I guess. year. Among his breeders is one, Iv11at's the matt I sow which gave 57 pigs in three lit- ye didn't ask th' Dutchman tar's. lien average output amounts;fur a rieotneud did ye ?" I to $200 a year. It is such reports' Why ?"as this which should encourage On -1 "No* Why D the Well, captain, the tario farmers to improve their meth.I off with ythe D !flats of extracting;a living from the : go ne et. soil. 1 I I .` "— ' L.xase's Catarrh Cure-taxves A Quebecer's Confidence in Dr. Followed Husband's Advice. "I was troubled for n long time with I 1ttelief at Once Ile Says. sick headaches. At last my husband Danville, P. Q., April Jth, "J8, bought me two bottles at Mood's Sar- Danville, Bates P. prOt saparilla telling me this medicine would bear Sirs,Bates i0Sed find 1 for s� had d h' f Salt 1 C Please son em Ing it say "It is an excellent cure, gives bridge farmer who bought young el• ?" MEW Political economy .has been defined I as running for office and letting your' friends bear the expenses of the i n. catnpa g tobe veryangry — eem t S . of Ie Y I with my friend from the West; but you mustn't mind what he says.He's a rough diamond you know. She— then I shall assist in cutting him.— Puck. You will not know how much good Hocd's Sarsaparilla will do you nntil yon try it. Buy a bottle to -day and be- gin to to take it, JAMES MUSTARD, a farmer living near Uxbridge, is putting otit from ten to a dozen hogs every month.Ilis 1ii cash receipts will run $1,000 for the i year. Another breeder bas put out 52 hogs at One shipment. One more cure me, as it a care lm o instance of the extraordinary profits dozen boxes Dr. Chase's Catarrh oro, of hog feeding is afforded by an Ux- rheum, I began takinir m and it made 4 d x17 at once Eterypatientus toe feel jute n tasty won,;m " t :•�•. rano- LET 1 CArf'xN. Wadi met, Mullah,. + relief atonce."J AS. ltilAssoN,Clen'1 March- hogs and. subaegnedtly made a clean HOOD'S PILLS l urea all liver Ells.: ant, Danville, I'. tl. profit of $1.20 on every dollar's Easy to take,"easy to partite ; reliable, surf. 27e. A new system of fire protection is The prospects for a large harvest being installed in the Dominion Par - in Manitoba are excellent. litttient buildings. worth of food which he put into them A business which makes a return of 120 per cent. is one to be proud of and one to be cultivated. LES AS Book for Young and Old. RECORD E; Estes 1x713 256,000 DISEASED 11x1 E[v( CURED VIE CARE NERvoI BL0O ip1V'ATIa piSEASES 15c%00o cur r YOUNGO U (t G l t- [t Have you nature E 9 fF F198 against nataro when ignorant of tho terrible crime you were committing. Did you only consider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to :. our peril? Did you Inlet on in roan- hood an- disease? Were you cured? Do you now' and then see some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in ur rosont con- dition? Youknow,'yoLIKE FATHER, LIKE SON." If married. aro yon con- stantly living in dread? Is marriage a failure with you on account of anyweak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? IIavo you been drugged with mercury? Thisbookietw.illpoint,outto you the results of these crimes endpoint out how our NEW METHOD 'TREAT., MEET will positively cure you. It showehowthousandshavoboon savedby our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and aura—EMISSIONS, VA1RICO0NLE, SYPHILIS, GLEET, i'., STRICTURE.IMPOT IN1INCY, SE- CRET RAS _UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont, q CURES GUARANTEED "Tho Wages of Sin" sunt free by enclosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If 'unable to call write for (SUES ION BLANK for IIOIE TREATMENT, K KENNEDY KERGAN Cori Michigan Ave, and Shelby St, K bETROET, MICH. tlC K&i'C KSr'i • Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. MY office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOftce and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wit:1; description and statement as to advantages clattned_ Na chrome is made for an opinion as to patentabiliilI and goy fee for prosecuting the nail et'l not be called for until Ma patent iallowed. "Ittve.'roas' Gutns„' con- taining lull information scat free. All Oommunt. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. F I NN El. HOUGH Aon li' Sir coats Tfii 7d fltI1EGTi ON. ;Le. fav, Y.•i " is TRAM: MARKS it G Ss �a CCPYR1GS UEaWrTsR &C. Anyone snarling a sketch and description mar tauickly Ascertain one opinion free whether en. invention is probably patentable. Communica• tions strictly confidential. Ilandbook on Patent$. sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents talon through Munn is Co. receive spectatatotice, without charge, in the Sc entiiak Jimerican0 A handsomely illnetrated weekly. Largest cir. eulatton of any sciontifie Journal. Terms, $3 a year g: four months, $1. Sold by Al, nowsdealcrs. MIJNN & Co S6lBroadway, Nen York Branch 01000. 625 P St.. Washington. D. U. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES.. e