The Huron Expositor, 1978-07-13, Page 17On walking shorts";' bathing suits,
hats and caps, Lshirts, short sleeVe
sport and dress shirts, summer jackets.
5•00 - only 3 .
only $ 1 -•95
We carry a full line of
men's work clothing and
work boots at low prices.
Bill O'Shea
Men's Wear
Seaforth 527-0995
John E. Longstaff
announces relocation ofis practice
to 87 _Main St., South, Seaforth.
effectiVe Monday July 17
Pick your own Sweet and Tart
Cherries at
Armitage Orchards
Ridge Road Bosanquet Twp.
• R.R. 1, FOREST
Pitting' machine on the farm for
your convenience
Closed Sunday Phone 873-5970
Town council briefs
At its regalir monthly meeting
Monday night, Seaforth council'
considered the following: $3,000
was granted to the Lions Club for
. its park and pool, down from
$3,400 last year.
The purchase of a used skate
sharpener for the arena at $500
from Bill Pinder was approved.
Thearenacommittee felt revenue
from the service could offset the
price in one season. Semeene
would ..hired. to operate the
machine part-time^, on commis-
Arena staff are replacing the
kitchen floor with linoleum and
the : downstairs stage is being
'remodeled to make it more
pOrtable, council hear.
' After a .30 minute session - in
committee-of-the-whole, council -
voted to no action on the police
chief's recommendation that
Charles Akey be . promoted to
third class constable effective .
July 3.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
in Seaforth there will be 24 hour
police coverage.
0 kay was given to a finance
committee recommendation that
three lots, in Seaforth's industrial
park, be sold to Leo Medd at a
total price of $4,500. He plans to
relocate a car repair shop. now at
-his home in Tuckersmith. Re-
trictions include the requirement
that a 1,500 square foot building
be put up within a year, that no
.derelict vehicleS be stored• on
the site and that a fence be built.
If these covenants in the deed
i.en't met, the purchaser could
be required to sell the lots back to
the town at the price he paid for,
s them. Seaforth will object by
,letter - to county council at he
reduction in CN express and
delivery within the county.
Mayor. Betty ' Carclno and
councillor Gerald Groothuis will
attend an Amo labour relations
seminar in Toronto, in, septem ber,
Attending the Amo annual con-
vention in Toronto in August will
be the mayor, Reeve John
Flannery as voting delegates and
deputy • reeve Bill. Dale and
councillor Wayne Ellis.
While council L.cpressed no
opinion on objections to flood
plain mapping lodged by Brus-
sles,•Howick, Minto, Morris and
Turnberry. it endorsed their
request to discuss the mapping
with the environment minister.
A request from the owner of
Beechwood Pottery in McKillop
to use the Seaforht dump was
"regretfully denied." "The
feeling was if we :allow one we
.might be deluged with requests."
commented enviroment commit-
tee chairman Jim Sills., .
Brewers Retail has given the
Town permission to place clean
fill on its land to raise its level on
main St., S.
Connell Construction was given
the go ahead to proceed as soon
as possbile with .tarring and
chipping on various town streets
at a cost of $7,206.
An applicant for extension of
services on James St. W. will be
notified that Sanitary sewers
must be engineered and approved
by the Ministry of the Environ-
ment, the roadway must be done
to M.T.C. standards and approval
must be obtained from the P. U.C.
for the extension of watcrwork's.
It is the present policy of the
Town regarding unserviced land
that these costs be borne by the
developer and recoverd by selling
The. clerk will ask the
Horticultural Society to consider
pruning and shaping shrubs at
the arena and Victoria Park.
The foreman of a CNR crew
working on the ,tracks at the Main
St. intersection has assured the
clerk that the rough crossing will
be, repaired before 'the crew
leaves Seaforth. There have been
several complaints about the
road's "-Condition arid clerk
Crocker will pursue the matter if
nothing had been done.
Seaforth„, Lions received permis-
sion to run a double decker bus in
town during its July 21-23
carnival providing it has the
necessary liability insurance.-',,,
Councillors suggested that
once fire extinguishers are instal-
led in -town buildings, fire chief
Harry Hak be invited 'to demon-
strate how they - work to town
employees and any interested
members of the public.
The draft plan' of subdivision
for the town owned land has been
submitted to the housing
ministry, clerk Jim Crocker
Approval was granted to keep
planning student Robert Maniago
working in the clerk's office until
August 18 at a cost over the
budgetted $950 of $740. Clerk
Crocker said the student is
working on a number of projects,
under the direction of county
planner Roman Dzus . "which
will eventually save us money."
Seaforth has received over
$150,000 in OHRP money to
•..renovate private homes since it
joined the program three years
ago, council learned. The OHRP
fund is revolving and some of the
rix}ney that was loaned home-.
owners is being paid back, and
honed out again. Seaforth got
about $60,000 last year and is
applyiwg for more funds, because
there arc more' applications on
Deputy reeve chair-
man • of council's finance com-
mittee asked that a run down of
each committee's expenditures as
of the end of July be prepared for,
council's August committee
meetings, so "we can. see where
`we're going."' Clerk Crocker told
reeve Flannery that the town had
borrowed money after paying
county and board of education
levies. The next installment of
taxes is due August 31.
Sales 'barn active
The .Hensall Sales Ba rn was
active again last week with steady
to lower prices. Supply consisted
mainly of heifers and steers. Fat
cattle! heifers. $59.50463.50. top
to $65.75; steers, $63.50-565.50,
top to $66.60; • .cows $35.00.
$42.00. Pigs. $35.00-$59.00.
For Cattle and Hog Barns, Workshops,
Homes. Attics. etc.. also Vans.
Blown in - Mineral fibreglass, cellulose.
R.R.#5, Mitchell Phone 348-9376
Lower Interest Rates
1st and 2nd Mortgages
anywhere in Ontario on
Interim financing on new construction
or land development ''
504 Tenth Street,Ilswover [5191364-3121
• Evenings Call Gar r' Page [519]881-0101
Head Office: 56 Welber Street East, Kitchener [5191744-6535
Branch Offices: 705 Goderich Street, Port Eigin[519]832-2044
. . • 6 • • • ' "
971 17
The remains rested at the
WhitneyNRibey Funeral home
Seaforth until Monday, July 3
when requiem mass was
conducted at St. Patricks Church
Dublin by Rev. Gordon Dill of
Dublin and Monseigneur J. A.
Feeney of London. Interment
followed in St. Patricks cemetery
Dublin when the pallbearers were.
Gus Johnston, Henry Ziler, Matt
Coyne, Hermon Van Bakel, John
Fitzpatrick and Michael Coyne. •
Hilda M. Payne
Bertha MacGregor
eanioni helci
ensall jaeoFile:
yisits from W. Germany
C.W.O.-R.A. MacKinnon RSM
'of 3rd Battalion RCR Baden West
Germany visited his Mother Mrs.
Janet MacKinnon along with his
brother Bill from Byron "on
Rev. John 'Wareham of Exeter
conducted the service at Hensall
United Church on Sunday and
preached on the subject. "Life
has sonic Mystery". Although
Science appears to have all the
answers for' today'S- world 'the
mystery of life remains. Scientific
curiosity led to the discovery of
steam, gravity and electricity:
artistic appreciation speaks to the
inmost so.ul. and 2.wareness of the M vs.
WS. Frank ,Kilgour, Mr.
Kenneth Waltz and friend and
daughters. Karen and Heather of
Big Rapids. Michigan. visited last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Shroeder and Ken. -
Thome after . holidaying with her
Anglican Church. Ar va. when
the latter's grandson, Stuart
Craig Mickle, son of Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Mickle, Cambridge was
Mr..and Mrs. jaswant Malik of
Delhi, India, are making a
prolonged visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Parkash Malik and family. „,They
report that they like Canada very
non material things like love. ' nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs.
Love cannot be seen but the . • Austin Wheeler in. Datroit.
result Of God's love touching the -MrS. Asa Deeves who was a•
hearts of people can be seen in plitient in South Huron HoSpiial,
their lives. This is a mystery -of Exeter returned to • her home.
life. • Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
Mts. Marianne McCaffrey, .returned home after visiting with
choir director. led the choir with her son and daughter-in-law Mr.
soloist, Mrs. • . Donna St. John and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi
singing, "Amazing Grace"; aid Brooke in Oakville.
Richard Fujarezuk officiated at, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and
the organ. The flower arrange- Mr. and Mrs. Al Corbett and
ment at the side of the pulpit was family spent a few days at Silver
in loving memory of Mrs. Lake.
,Catherine Monteith. placed there Mrs. Pearl Shad,dick returned
by her family: Next, Sunday the home after visiting with her son
service will again he conducted by v and daughter-in-law Mr. and
Rev. Wareham. Mrs. Bill Shaddick• and family at
Mr. and Mrs.' toobal Kitchener.
visited Mr. Anthony Gelderland Mr. a rd . Mrs. Gerrard
in Ridgetown last Thursday. O'Rourke of Ottawa, spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Pete H.00naardof ..weekend with the latter's parents
Blythtind Mrs. Clara Van Duyn ot Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munn.
Holland visited last week with ' .Mrs. Ralph MacArthur of
Mr. and. Mrs.. 'Sim r Roobal. ' Edmonton is. visiting with he
Mr. and Mrs. John • Skett and nother Mrs. .Hilda Beer.
David have returned horse after Mr. Doug Daley of London
spending .a week's, holiday visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold
• Parker recently." ' camping at Mattawa in Northern
Charles - Mickle, Hamilton.
spent a few days with hisenother,,
Mrs. Laird Mickle and on Sunday
they attended the church service
at the St. John . the Divine
Mrs. Mary Phyllis (Boyes)
Julian died in Vanderbilt Univer-
sity . kiospiAal, N.ashville,
Tennessee-On- June 29.---1-978-in —stip-eitiaturaTteldS-16 a sense of
her 47th year. Mrs. Julian is
survived by her husband, Dr.
Conrade G. Julian, one daughter
Anne and one son Michael of
Nashville. Other members of the
family surviving Mrs. Julian are
her mother, Mrs. Ethel Boyes of
Seaforth and two brothers,
William of Campbell River WC.
and John of Bayfield.
Mrs. Julian was a graduate of
Seaforth District High School and
the nursing program at Stratfored
Hospital. She: . took a post
graduate course in surgical
nursing at John Hopkins
Hospital,- Baltimore ' and was,
employed on the staff of that
hospital until hcr marriage to Dr.
Julian. The family, moved 'to
Nashville in 1976 when Dr. Julian
was named assistant chief of staff
in his specialty at Vanderbilt
University Hospital.
The depth occurred at his home
, Dublin pn Friday, July 7,
1978 'of Louis Patrick Feeney. He
was in his 78th year,
Born in Hibbert he was a son of
the,, late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
He is survived by brothers
Elmer of Dublin land Joseph of
Clinton. He was predeceased by
brothers • Tom, Albert, and
John Frederick Betittenmiller,
64, of 16 Birmingham St., Strat-
ford, died June 29 at Stratford
General Hospital.
He was born at Horton,
Kansasr-s-orort‘e late Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Beuttenmiller and
lived in Stratford most of life.
kle was a quality control
inspector at Standard Products
:and employed with the company
for 42 years. ,
He was a member of Zion
Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Stratford Lodge.N,o. 332 AF&AM
and a member of the Stratford
Stamp Club.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Dorothy Finch; two
daughters, Shirley, of Toronto,
and Lois, of Calgary, Alta., and:
two brothers, Harry of Ottawa,
and Gordon, of Seaforth. '
Friends were be received at the
Heinbuck funeral home, 156
Albert St., Stratford, where a
service was held at 11 a.m,
Saturday with Rev. Hebert .
Gastmeier officiating. Burial was
in Avondale cemetery.
A funeral service was held at
Bayfield Cemetery with. Rev.
Robert Roberts officiating. Pall-
bearers were William Boyes,
John Boyes, Robert Boyes, James
Boyes, Mike Eckart and Ken
A memorial service was held on
July 5 at 7 p.m. at the Church of
the Immaculate Conception in
6th Munn Reunion
The 6th Munn Reunion was
held at the Hensall Community
Park on Saturday July 8, 1978
with approximately 85' people in
attendance. The sports organized
by Lloyd and Vera Fletcher,
Kirkton who were unable to
attend , were well run by Bill and'
Helen Thum of Hensa112.
Facilities of the park were much
enjoyed by both children and
parents. Harold and Phyllis,
Kippen, are to be commended for'
the excellent organization of
tables and food. Gordon T. Munn,
Stoney Creek, Capably acted as
Chairman in the absence of Greg
Munn, London who was ill.
Barb Prang, Brantford was
Secretary-Treasurer. It was
decided to hold the next Munn
Reunion at the Hensall Park on
the second Saturday in July 1980.
Miss Lisa Avery of Deerfield,
Florida is holidaying with her
uncle and aunt Mr. and, Mrs.
Gerald Flynn, and daughters.
Miss Dale Gooding of Parkhill
is holidaying with her grand-
mother Mrs. Edgar Munn this
week. .
• MacArthur Reunion
The annual MacArthur reunion
was held at the home of,Mr: and
Mrs. Hilton Laing in Exeter with
over thirty attending. Mr. and
'Mrs. Evert Sligtenhorst of Zurich
were in charge of 'the sports.
Tables were arranged on the lawn:
and a delicious supper enjoyed by
all. Members 'attended from
Niagara Falls,' Blenheim, Zurich,
Hensall and Exeter.
The Desch-Pfaff Reunion was
held in Hensall Community Park
on 'Sunday July 9 with approxi-
mately 85 'guests attending.
Officers for next year are to be the
same as this year. Races and
contests were enjoyed with the
following results.. -IlaltthieWitie
contest ages five to ten--winner
Dwaine Maloney; ages 10-1'.
winner Scott Dinney. Wheel
barrow race ages 10-15 There .1
and Cathy Oesch, Balloon gam ,.
Robert Manson. Water buckt.r
game. team one with Raymond
Oesp as captain. Men's arm
wrestling, Pete De Wys. Lactic,
ads contest, Miss Doris Malones, .
Shell count, Russell Oesch
Guessing weight of watermelon.
Gary Flaxbard-LVewest married
couple. Mr. and Mrs. Gar
Flaxbard. Oldest married couple
Mt. and Mrs. Sam Desch
Youngest child, two months old
Jeffrey Flaxbard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Flaxbard.
The contests opened with
race for the under fives, won b.
Scott Hodgins and a ' cand'
scramble for the children of th
same age and closed with a bal
Next year's picnic will be at tin
same place.
Monday, July 17
The annual Taylor Reunion was
held recently at the summer
cottage of Bill and Joyce Boussey,
Bayfield. with a good attendance.
Games and sports were enjoyed
by all. Tim Proctor son of Lynn
and Clare Proctor, London was
the youngest baby present. Dana
Taylor, Stratford won the
'guessing Contest. Roo and Ina
Brown and family. Newtonville
came the farthest distance, and
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Ruth Taylor, Clinton.
Canners name
-` Ike Hensall 4-H Garden Club,
the "Can Canners" have had
three meetings so far and their
officers are as follows. Leader.
Betty Beer; Assistant Leader,
Lucille Beer; President. Jill
McLellan; Vice-President,
Marilyn Pepper; Treasurer,
Robin McLellan.
At the first meeting on May 1.
a discussion took place regarding
the requirements needed far the
various vegetables and flowers.
-On May 8 the preparation of the
ground and the sowing plan were
discussed and at the third
Meeting on June 26 the leaders
demonstrated transplanting and
setting plants, bug control,
staking of plants and how to
freeze • strawberries and peas.
Next Wednesday, July 12, Miss
Grace Bird is to visit the club.
Julie Mock, who has been a
patient in Toronto . General
Hospital since last 'March, has
been :able to return home.
Mrs. Larry McAuley who has
been a patient in Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital, is
hOme again,
87 Main 'St. South, Seaforth
Wishes to announce
the opening' of his optical dispensary.
Optometrists' and Optharnologists'
Prescriptions filled promptly.
On Display
- Christian Dior
- Elizabeth Arden
- Silhouette
- Dianne Von Furstenburg
Pierre Cardin