The Huron Expositor, 1978-07-13, Page 5-11
, , I
Seaforth-Dashwood band, under the direction cif Charlie Toll -
at. Dublin's Centennial
77517.7columb.076: eo ,1e ;qt picnic
Mobile Steam Cleaning' Plo;nt
We clean with an in Truck Steam Cleaner
Call in London 452-3412
or in Seaforth,•Res. 527-1382 •
for free estimate
Repair & Cleaning
24 Hour. Service
345-2235 Dublin
I, wish to take this oppOrtunity to thank all
trio organizations and everyone that helped in
any way to Make our centennial such a
success and a hearty thanks to-all the visitors
who came honie to 'help U's celebrate.
Matt McCreight
Centennial Chairman
„A-basic guide to the Who, What, Where, When
_ and Why of Shopping Canadian.
They're going fa, s • • •
copies of
But there are still some
50c at the Expositor office.
This ad was made in Canada. Making this ad employed
(for a period of time) a writer, an art director, an
, account executive, a media buyer, a media planner,
Ntypesetter, an engraver, a platemaker, a traffic
operator, several switchboard operators, various
• mailmen, shippers and secretaries, publication
reps, publication make-up people, not to mention
all their various suppliers, • Shop Canadian Everyone of these people lives and works in
, Magasinont a Ea canadienne Canada.
P. ne man's impressioi'is
V. •
Of Dublin's CdritOritat
advised by the Editor that if I hadCoat es ne um an , any comments to make in the Soccer Teams us to when the first
future do not hesitate to do so. It team was organized. 'I advised
so ha h I
him it was 1920 and there were ppens t at attendedtwo
[by Vince Lane I . unexpected crowd'. • '
Tiotd everYthingt I am not First Team In 1920
I retired some months ago I was
trying to stage a come back, when When I was asked by one of the
Fran Malone W
345-2632 '
Mr: and Mrs. Francis Hicknell
and family attended' the Manley
reunion held in Stratford park on
Sister Julie MArie spent a
week with Mrs. Mary McIver
Mr. and Mrs. Jacik Kennedy- of
Saltford called on Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Malone:*
\ The court of revision on the
citinghlut ' Drain was opened' at
the July meeting of the, Huilett ., Conn( „ Reeve Jewitt. wasap-
point,. as chairman and Reeve
Vallahan 'from cast Wawanosh, '
Joe Gibson, Greg ,Brandon and
Tom Cunningham as members. '
II, affected. owners were present
t ith the 'exception of the ocunty , represent at Ives. .
The group referred the YOung- •
Out drain back to the engineer for,
closed work to be done in Keith
goods place. .
;Tile drain 'loans M Hulled
township were approved for Jack
Tarnblyn; Lot 18 and 20' Con.
12; Mark•S.mith, Lot 16, Con. 7;
.Mtu•ray Forbes, Lot 29 Con. 7;
these loans are subject to: all ,
. township by-laws:
Council issued permission for
Neil . Salverda to hook into the '
Londesboro drain at a benefit cost
of $268. A 6" tile is to be used.
• Council approved severances
on Con. II, lot 25 and'Con. 11 lot
16 and owners will' have written
'agreements on line fences and
subject to al township by-laws.
building permits were issued to
Rich Archambault. Herman Van
Baaren, George Powell, Walter
Cunningham, John Flynn, John
Dc Vries, • Jack .Tamblyil. K.
Dykstra, John Hoggart, Den
Plant, Albert Hummel, Neil
Salverda, Gordon Bell, Frank.
Konarski, Carman Gross, AIL
An Eicpositor- Classified will
pay you diyidends....Have-you tried •
one? Dial 527-0240.
pernitts are subject to 'township
by-laws and Huron County. Health
Unit where
Council approv.ed,H.R.P. loans
to Brut eBergsma, Robert Burns,
Ralph Datema, subject to
availability of funds, Eugene
McAdam is to inspect these.
Council accepted .the tender of
Nicholson on the Taylor Drain for
$974.00 and, Carson on the Medd
Drain 'for $3,000.00. • • •
There were fourtenders on the
Taylor drain. Bruce Carson with 'a
bid of $1.150.00. Gordon pale'
with, a bid on $1,800.00. Nichol-
son Construction Ltd. with A bid
of $974 an dRadford Construction
with a bid of $1.495. Tihere were
three tenders on the Medd Drain.
Bruce'•• Carson with a bid cir
$3,000.00, , Nicholson •Construc-
tion Ltd.. with a bid of $3,960.00 a
and Radford Construction Ltd.,
with a bid of $4,700.00.
The 'resolution from the town of
Walden .was r'ot endor sed. "Joe
Hunking and Grey Brandon were
named as voting delegates to the
A.M.O. convention on August 22
and 23.
A by-law to impose special
annual drainage rates upon lands
in respect of which money is
borrowed under the Tile and
Drainage Act 1971 was read
passed and numbered 1978-13.
Bylaw number 1978-14 was
read a third time and passed. The
report on the reassessment of the
Duizer Drain was accepted and
the court of Res/slot) was set for
August 7 'at 9
The reeve signed the Fire Area
Agreement with the Clinton Fire
but are not expected home 'for
sometime yet.
Miss Mary Malone of Essex is
visiting Mr * and Mrs.• Jack.
Malone: .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swart and
family • attended 016
Schoonderwoerd reunion,:5unday
held this year at the home of Mr.
Neil, . Schoonderwoerd in. •
Wartburg. About 60' relatives
gathered to enjoy themselves' at
this annual event.
Area Board. after changes being
niade over the Van astra Industrial
.The next meeing ws set for
August 7. ,
noV,ftio often you attend an
anniversary where two brothers
married two sisters and especially
in their country who. spent their
hdneymoon coming to Canada to
plan r their future lives.
After arrival in Canada they
spent the first year in. theyiestern .
tiro inceS working-and look.inglor—
.a suitable place to settle. and in
their own words say now, .how
fortunate or lucky they were to
have found two. Cams in two bf •-•
the best counties in Ontario at the
particular time they did,
Mr. and Mrs. Theo .live at Lot
10 Concession 1 McKillop. Mr.
and Mrs. Herman .at...,Lot 21
Concession 2 ••Hibbert. which
means the' are only less than 4
miles apart. Mr. and Mrs:
Herman now have a family ...of 7
boys. Mr:' and Mrs. Theo 3 boys
laid two girls. Their skills and
"successes at farming and With
livestock has been an inspiration
to everyone for years and I Would
have to say showed the way to
make a success of farming.
Mr. and Mrs., John Van
Schyndel a sister to the Mrs. VAn
Bak•els were present all the way.
Our soccer teams arc having
same interesting 'games--Squirts
tied Seaforth 0-0, Atoms won over
Clinton 2-I „Bantams tied 2-2 with
Sinicoe in a game played Sunday
in Seaforth. Pee Wees coach
reports that they fOubd out they
were human :after alt-they lost
4-3 in Gocterich. They hit the goal
-past '3 dines:at-1Th 'Put one in their
own net, but they do claim they
were the better team. Mosquitoes
were buzzing allover Clinton to
the tune of 9-0. Our Jr's took a
Joss of 4-2 against Flamboro, Dundas next time. Pee
Wees are playing Wednesday
night,.a•little late.for press time in
St. Columban. ,Crowd attendance,
at these games is still down but
interest is running higher' than.
Don't let on I said this now but
isn't it nice to have -you know
who" writing his thought in his
style in this column? '1 especially
welcome him back -this week.
from Hollancrto take part in the
celebrations, whin began with a
mass in Dublin at 4 p.m.
celebrated bythe, Fr. Gordon Dill
with Fr,- P. Qostveen assisting.
' Afterwards a social hour .was ..
'spent at the Mifehell Community„
Centre., when 120 invited guests.
--sat---down - to -- a•-rvery-extelle•nt
dinner prepared by Mrs. Costello
and her associates. ,
Joe Visser was M.C. for the
occasion. Most everyone 'knouts,,
give.Joe a torch, electric welder.
• and•some. materials he can make
you anything or fix it for you. But
the way he kept the crowd
entertained with his wit, jokes and
sing along, you would have to
wonder is he not in the wrong
Music' for the evening was
supplied by the Blue Water Play
Boys but most of us oldies. retired
to make room for the large crowd
that was now 'coming for the
evening. I conclude my comments
by. saying it was a first and no
doubt my last that I will witness
such as I have tried to describe in
my own awkward way. and we
were happy to take part of it all.
big celebrations in the past week.-
No. 1 the Dublin Centennial; No.
2 the 25th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Theo and Herman
Van Ea kel.
Re; the Dublin 'Centennial. I
had expected, some one, would
have personally commented" on
this in last week's local papers'
and while the Expositor gave a'
very good coverage, had several
pictures, and reports of pri'ze
winners, it could not be expected
their, coverage would' •nclude
personal observations an give
credit to the ones behr d , the
scenes that were responsib for
putting this together to make it
the big success that it turned out
to be. •
I am advised by emplOyers of
people that itis_beeorning more-
and more difficult to • obtain
personnel that will 'accept
• responsibility. You also hear ,it ;
said that there's _no_ ituity and-
co-operation like there used to be-
When we _ look around and
observe what's going on: all
around us, we are inclined to
believe this., but from my obser:
vaion on both celebrations, I
cannot buy this.
Living,as close to Dublin as we
are, l' was not aware and had, no
visions that a-small place, like it
could put together anything like
that, knowing that a few good
- promoters had passed on. But I
learned' afterwards from one of
the, organizers, that master
minds, like Alf Ross, Leo Hagan
and Frank Phillips from Seaforth;
were great assistance and I also
know the . supplement by the,
Expositor, 'contributed to the
only 3 of us living today. We were
happy to be part of that float.
Therefore riding, at sloW speed (01,0',
I 'might say floating) , as mostly
everyone of the, floats were, . we
observed more old acquaintances
than we would see otherwise.
I had to marvel at a number of
floats (120*ThiderStand) 'and the
'‘‘'ork and preparation that went
into them: also the valuable
horses. antique cars, traitors
One would have to say to
himself, ' unity and c6-
operation must be - still • alive.
While we didn't stay long after
• the parade ; I understand some
from a distance were
disappointed that they could not
get supper, not knowing of course
that they fed 1500 and had only
expected lopp.
.1 was there unday for awhile
and surprisingly enough, they
-Every week more and '.mot
people discover what mighty job
are aecoMplished by low cos
Huron Expositor Want-Ads. Dial
Known for High Quality
Peter Bakos
ComPlete 13iywall-Service.
Phtone - 527-1398
527-0606 •
were all tip and around, everyone
happy and I met several old
acquaintances. I .enjoyed it very
much and I think eVeryone did.
• Only one thing-the ,man that
perhaps deserves the most credit
is Father pa I was speaking with
a lady. in Dublin Friday .and all
weather reports predicted rain , for
Saturday and 'Sunday. She told
me it wasn't raining when Father
Dill prays for fine weather--he
doesn't fail. Well it rained tolhe
south ancle east of us so she was '
right. • So • concluding my
continents and say Fr. Dill! if you
happen to be going on' hOlidays in
. the near future, don't forget to
turn on the taps. The farmers
need rain,
Brother Joseph of St. John's
training school Uxbridge visited
Mr:- and Mrs. Vincent Lane
Mr. and Mrs. ,Lawrenee Ryan
of Walton visited Mrs. Mary
We are pleased to report, that
Mary Ann McIver of London and
„Mr. Lnuis McIver of Stratford
hospital are both progressing well
Sullett has'„.Ypongiaiot
drain courtrevision
Vince Lane reports
on Van Bakel party
Dublin -
On your 100th birthday aria` to
the Centennial Committee' for
, staging a very successful
Centennial Celebration
Whitney - Ribey Funeral Home
- 87 Gockrich St.
Why should you.Shop Canadian?
Every time you buy something made in
Canada, you help keep a Canadian working. .
You help keep Canadian money inside -
Canada. You help to expand and strengthen
Canada's economy,
When you think about it, you help yourself.
When sliiiolklyou Shop Canadian? ,
VVhenever v;tc're satisfied that the produc t
or service you need is .
cm made or grown in Canada a rid
(B) of equal or better value and quality.
That's not just good's good
as lOw as
9 /4%.
at competitive
and GREY
What is nude in Canada?
Just about everything you need to help
you live the life you want.
As the saying goes, we have no bana-
nas, but we do have Apples, Bandages,
Cranes, Drills, Elevators, Furniture,
Glassware, Holiday resorts, Insulation,
Jewellery, Kitchen appliances, Lumber,
Machinery, Newspapers, Office equip-
ment, Potatoes, Quilts, Rope, Steel, Tires,
Umbrellas, Vaccines, Wines, X-Ray
equipment, Yarn, and Zippers.
Everything, in other words,,from A to Z,
Government • Gouvernement
of Canada du Canada
Industry, Trade Industrie
and Comiherce et Commerce
Jack Homer, Jack Homer
Mitlitter ministre
Who should Shop Canadian?
Every day, most of us have the choice.
Whether we're buying groceries for the
home or supplies for'business, farm or
If each of us added only $10 a week to
Canadian made purchases, Canada
would be over 10 billion dollars better
off in just one year.
Who should Shop Canadian?
You should.
Where does it say Made in Canada?
Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a sign says
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"Fabrnque au Quebec " or -Made in Manitoba"'
or "New Brunswick Sardines" or "Grown by
Saskatchewan Farmers - or "A nrodtt( tor
Alberta"" or "Fresh from Newfoundland" or
-Manufactured in Ontario" or "Nova Scotia
The pointis, if you take the trouble to find
out, you c an usually tell.
And, if it's made anywhere in the ten
Provinces or the Territories, it is made in