The Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 66 2i1112, `111M1*.11,.1, JULY 15, L.696, rr ; lug in crowning tillages, $9 ; George le t1iujaniLit stn ! Maley, gravel, x'2.40; P. Cantelon, Z9 ei ;jgravelling and repelling culvert, ell; x---...� --- ' - -• rt - "-II c.. Clo ike•y, gravel, $9.45 ; E. Little: VRID&Y, JULY ifi, 3.996. I fair, gravel, 0.51 ; T'hos.g1aunders, ....e...,..�._. I gravel, $5.67 ; Wm. Maunders, gray: -MOR1tIS. jelling on east boundary, $,.U.Oti; Johlt Wightman 1 n,vel, G ,1.50 ; The Court ot Revision met par- ' George Peacock, gravel, ;14•.i8; J. Breckenridge, gravel, .0.40. On motion ot Code, seconded by Kirkby, the council then adjourned to meet again on the first of August HONG. W 31. CLARK, Clerk. • slant to acijt.urnment on June 27tH. Members all present, the Peeve in tate chair. Minutes of last sleeting read and passed. Arthur Jackson was entered F. S., A. '; foe 1.3, eon. 9; Wm. Brown en- tered owner, lots 11 and 12, con. 10; Robert Holmes entered tenant, N. W. ?; 14. con. 8; Wm. N. Knowl en- tered tenant, N. 5, eon. 7. On motion of I;bister, seeon led by Cardiff, the Court of Revision was then elosed and the asseeement roll confirmed. Council business was then pro- ceeded with. '!loved by Code, seconded. by Kirk- by, that Mr. Isbister be instructed to have the hill west of Peigrave station put in a proper state of repair not to exceed $ •10,—Carried. Moved by Cardiff, seconded by Ili irkby, that Mr. Isbister be in- structed to have roadway brushed Mat on sideline between lots 5 and 6. con. 3. --Carried. Moved by Kirkby,. seconded by Cardiff, that Mr. Isbister be instruct- ed to expend a sum not exceeding. $30 in gravelling on centre sideline, eon. 2.---arried. A petition was presented by Fran - ds Garniss and other's asking to have certain imprt.vemonts made on Gar - cies' creek, on cons. 2 and 3. under the provisions of the Drainage Aet. Moved by Isbister, seconded by Code, that the prayer of the petition- ers be granted, and that Jas, A. Bell be appointed engineer for the pur- pose of catrying out the said work. —Carried. Moved by Cardiff, seconded by Isbister, that the reeve and treasurer be instructed to borrow $.1000 to meet current expenses.—Carried. On motion of Cardiff', seconded by Kirkby, the following accounts were ordered to be paid, viz.:—John Mc- Caughey, repairing bridges, $25.50; Wm. Jackson, drain and culvert, CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important you should haye natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and, griping du violence to the system. Lax" Liver Pills are natur'e's own medicine for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cure Constipation by toning the bowel wall and stimulating the secretions. Leave nu bad after effects. SILVER JUBILEE -••-O3;' TInl --- WESTERN FAR, LONDON. This great Live Stuck and Agri- cultural Show is, perhaps, the most successful et any in Canada to -day, The inet'enee in the number of ex - titbits bas been Sim ply marvelens. Each year the directors are (sidled upon to extend the buildings to ae- comntodate the additioua,1 demand for space. There has been 79 box stalls added tor the horses this year. The carr) age building has been increased by over 5,000 square feet. The main building, having been too small for S01110 years past, is to have a much needed extension to the south, of 5U x 60 feet, which will be used as an '•art annex," being specially pre pared and arranged for the display of oil paintings and decorative art. EAST WAWANOSU. This will enable the management to On Wednesday, 20th ult., Mr. J. rearrange the spaces in the main Ferguson and Miss Mary Daley of building proper, to aeedmmodate the the gravel road were united in the demand of the mallufaeturers and bonds of matrimony. The ceremony inventors. The original intention was performed by Rev. Mr. Oaten, of was to increase the machinery hall Belgrave, in the presence of the stn- also, but the directors find it imp )ss - mediate relatives and friends of the ible to aecumplish this, and have laid contracting parties. ,The bride it over for next year. They feel looked very pretty in a dress of satisfied that when this done the cream lusiro and was supported by Western Fair will be equipped equal her sister, Miss Louie, while the to, if nut better, than any other asso- groom was sustained by his brother, elation en the continent for exhibition 1Iatthe\v. The young.couple have purposes. The half -mile speeding the best wishes of a very large circle track h acknowledged to be the best offriends. • in Canada ( and now holds the Cance A very joyous and pleasant time dian record), and the necessary con - was spent at the residence of Mr. veniences for exhibitor and the pub - James Bell„ sr;;on Wednesday, June lic generall Y cannot be surpassed. 29th, when' hie' \ youngest daughter, Several important additions have Letitia, was united in the holy bonds been made in the live stock classes, of matrimony to Mr. David Ramsay, and a number of handsome specials of Westfield. The ceremony was offered by Breeders' Associations. performed by Rev. A. McLean, of London, the home of the "Western Blyth, assisted by the Rev. Hender- Fair," being situated in the heart of son, of Auburn, in the/presence of an agricultural and stock raising about 150 invited guestsThe bride distriet, has always been favored by was attended by Miss M. Wilson and a large attendance of yeomen of the groom was supported by Mr. S. Ontario, as well as their friends from Morton. The bride and bridesmaid Ear and near. This year, owing to were beautifully attired in cream the present agricultural prospects, lustre trimmed with ribbon and lace. it is expected to be a record breaker The wedding march was played by and a decided financial suczcess. the neice of the bride, Miss Christie The prize list to hand proclaims this to be their SILVER J17!~iILT E. It is thirty years sinee the first Western Fair was held, but on five occasions the Provincial Association demanded the right to hold their show in Lon- don, so this is actually the twenty- fifth consecutive exhibition of the Western Fair Association. Tile dates are September .8th to 17th, and a general invitation is extended to all. The Secretary has been notified by the railway companies that ex- hibitors must have a certiflcate from him to get the advantages of the special return freight rates allowed, l and at the time of reshipping later I would not be of any use. Exhibitors will therefore require to'bear this in mind. The special features will be adver- tised in this paper later, but it goes without saying they will be good. McClinton, while the bridal party ,16.15; James Bolger, ditch and ,marched to the. lawn under a beauti- c,ulvert, $2.50 ; Albert Ashton, brush- fel floral bell swaying under an lug and gravelling, el8,50. Robert liF'Ie0utcheon, repairing bridge, $11 ; Wm. Gray, inspecting wprk ou 7th line, .$3 ; Municipality of Hullett, boundary expenditure, , $4.15; A. Button, culvert, $2 ; Dr. Ferguson, .iinedical certificate, .$5 ; Dr. Mc- Naughton, do,, $5 ; Wm. Brecken- ridge, gravelling on north boundary, $88 ; do., repairing Ruttan's bridge, 51,75; John Bell, repairing culvert 81.95, John Millet., repairing culvert ful, useful and very valuable, among em north boundary, 75c; Wm. Ellis, which was a very beautiful side digging drain, $10.80; D. Agar, board, presented by the Westfield drain across road, $2.50; Jaines choir, of which the bride was a Golley, repairing two culverts on member, a very beautiful extension invest boundary, $12,49 ; D. McLean, table and stand, presented by the •?F.edar, $1 ; Wm. Hopper, lumber and Auburn Presbyterian choir, of which gravel, )~3,50 ; J. D. McEwan, the bridegroom was a member, ex - :scraper, $1; A. Proctor, gravel, pressing the very high esteem in $1.20; 0. Maxwell, gravel, and which the contracting parties were removing tree, $1 55; 0 Campbell, held. The guests separated one by gravel, $6.75; A. Bridges, repairing one,wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay r..ulvert, $2.50: J. IL Brandon, lure- liflong happiness. The happy • v vel ger, $1; George liirit,b gra couple took the morning train from °s.f)0; Wm. Denbow,,job a.t Smith's Blyth to visit friends in Michigan for Fzill, $43.50; J. Smith, inspecting a short time, then to settle down in work, :"5.50; do., digging ditch, their home.. in Westfield. We wish $5.50 ; Wm. Smith, fencing and re- pairing road, $11 ; Aaron Lindsay, them health and prosperity in their arch of evergreen handsomely deeor- atecf with flowers and jubilee paper. The ceremony being ended, very hearty congratulations were entered into, after which the large company sat down to tables well laden with the good things of this life. After supper the evening was s=pent play- ing Vie game of croquet, vocal and instrumental music and social chat. The presents were numerous, beauti- Da• A. W. Cuesa rR> corn ON His LAST DOCTORS FML WHEN THE PIYSiCIAt1 CURES. THREE YEARS Pi BED GREAT From Kidney Disease -Although Man of Three -Score and Ten, Dr, Chase's Kidney . Liv r Pills Gave Him Back Perfeot Health. a (S,et.Bl3ATH SERVICES, M LeTR0DIS`t` or. Sol vices at 11 a ni and 7 p in. E11NeSi3YT1.1I1AN--lieu. 1). Perrie pallor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p m, I,JL''dSGUPAL, St. 1.)/111 Wm. Wm. Lowe, rector. Services ah 11 a in awl 7 f pen, UAPTIST- Rev, JOB. Hamilton, pas- tor. Ser\ices tet 11 a In and i p m CONGREGATIONAL -Rev. H. E.'.Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a in and 7prn. CHRISTIAN WORKEIIS -- Misseii 1 Outram and Look in ceimeand, Services! at 3 p no and ii pp in. SALVt.T1ON ARMY—Adjutant Miles and wife in command. Services at 11 a, w,3pni and 8pm, In each of the above named churches, Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p in. 4P After, ooa► s P�1os�O'hodine, I --. ev. 1)r. PO 13000, ptls i ',•' )1 4 )•113 if lU tries This is to certify that I was sick in bed the most of the time for three years with kidney disease. I took several boxes of pills -»different kinds —and a great many other kinds of patent medicines; 1)asides that. I was under treatment by four different doc- tors during the time and not able to Work. I began to take Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and since that time het:v.a been working every day although a man nearly 70 years of age. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have cur- ed me. JAMES SIMI'SON, Newcomb Mills, Ont. If the Kidneys are not In a perfectly clean and healthy condition, the blood becomes impregnated with impurities and a decay of the Kidneys, soon takes place. Bright's Disease:, Dia- lates, (Travel, Stone in the Bladder, Inflammation. of the .Bladder, and a long list of Kidney diseases become seated, and sooner or later in so many instances end fatally Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pi115 cure all Kidney troubles. Sold by all dealers, price 25 cents per box. .ditch and culvert, $16.65 ; Duff & estewart, crowning bridges, $18 ; xeorge Sommerville, work on hill, 41t1 ; P, Healy, work on sideline, $15; }, Laidlaw, repairing culvert,, $3.50 ; `Vint Kelly culvert til• L Nethery filling culvert, $2.50 ; Wm. Shedden, gravel, $2.90 ; M. M. Cardiff, assist: 11. .237;111 183N3D GN' SEIlliN3d `S1310611an 11V '}l1V l 110 13110.1 '331HO1i3NaNifil liOyl SIWf7dil,Wd 3O 04t11:1t'15i1 CIN(► Vi.:tt(,": ,►:13I1 ,LSi51"1 `L!IY110YN1 .LSO16 x3e1J31IMS 313.E '1L.VM VQI'iO1t 1f new relationship and hope that their lives may long be spared to bless the neighborhood of which they form a part, and that it may be full of love, joy, peace and prosperity. Receipts For Good Times. Don't kick. Cheer up. Keep cool. Joke as often as possible, Put your best foot forward. Think of the sunshine of life, not its clouds. —15 14.101.1131:11' EVERFRIDAYFRIDAYM0l:tNING, --AT TUB— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE SrRET, WINGHt1M, ON'T'ARIO. 73fore. Subscription i rico, $i per ye^.r,in advcuoe ADiri'.11TI 0i) RA'11•.S The Orme English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered S£z, packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. Ons will :Sean, stxwill cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Tito "Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist. Now to Cure Sick Headache. It has often been remarked that the distressing complaint of sick hearleche is the result of eating too much and exercising too little. In the majority of cases its cause lies in that the food last taken is'se rich in quality or so excessive in quantity that the stomach cannot digest it. A simple diet on grains arid ripe fruit• with sufficient exereiee in the open air to keep up a gentle perspire tion, would speedily effect a cure. Kirsch seine persons this headache .coules on at regular intervals and is 1 the stomach's eignal of distress at baying been imposed upon. To take, two teaspoonfuls of powdered char- coal in a glass half full of water will sometimes give relief, of 0 tablespoon- ful of lemon juice 15 minutes before each meal and the same et bedtime. Many an attaeh has been warded off by freely drinking hot water, but better than all. these is the "ounce of prevention" found in abstaining from tea and coffee, rich g, avies, pastry and cakes—in short, in living as every rational being ought to live. Think, after'ali, how short life is, and make the best of it. . help some other poor devil, and some angel of mercy' may help you. Pay your bilis promptly, and that will help Some other struggler in the battle of life. • • Find one more unfortunate than yourseif and content will find the plaee of 'complaint. MIK HAMILTOli WINGHANI. Capital, D1,250,000. Rost, $775,000 President—Joan d.Til;RT. \'ioe•Preaident—A. U. amain. 41.aoe j 1 y r. i 0 1310. i mo, 1 1. II; One Column 800 00 ;40 00 :10 00 1 tS 00, Halt} '- 40 0'J 20 12 00 j 0 00' Quarter" 20 00 11 00 7 00 ( 3 00' one,ltch 5 00 3 00 3 00 100' Legal and (Wier Castle, antrrt;s0:uuut, M:' per ine for ih•s3 ir;sertlinl,u'id 3e per line torcaul:subsequent ihserti, n. Jie cured by nonpareil scalp. noel.I notices 100. per line for first iintrtion, and. 6, per line for each subaequeltt tuvertict . Ad ver tiaements of Lout, Fonnd, Strayed, Situations and Business Ohanres wanted, net axeeedinr 13 line nonpareil, 31 for first month, and 500, for each subsequent Month, Houses J nd farina for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. L1 for that month, 000. per subsequent month arxer advertisements in proportion. These Urine will be'trictly adhered to • Sper,e1 rate,. for larger advertisements, or or longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific. directions, will Lu inserted till forbid end charged aceoriliagly. Transiturr advertisements meet be paid in std elates Cheeks for contract advertisements roust he in the othr.0 by Wednesday noon, u; order to appear that week DIRECTORS JouN PROO'roS, Gso, aoaou, Wet GIBSON, AI N, A. T. moon, A. B. LER (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savinga Bank—Hours. into 8; Saturdays, 10 to allowDeepdosits of S1 and upwards received and interest SpCoial Iniposits also received at current rates of. ir.-:cost. Drafts on .)rest Britain And the United Stater bought and sold Expert Lady Dyers. Mrs, William Warder, Spry, On t.,says: "Your Diamond Dyes are excellent, and nothing could tempt me to use any oth- er make of dyes. Diamond Dyes alma) s give me entire satisfaction." Mrs. McNeill, Stanley Bridge P. E. I. says : "1 have used the Diamond Dyes with great success. I recommend them to all ladies who wish to do their own dye- ing. For coloring dress goods they are just perfect" M rs. L, Reid. Newcastle. Out., says : "We have used your Diamond Dyes for the past ten years and Find them to be the est dyes made." Spanish Woman Proverbs. No season is as brief as Woman's love. A girl's hair draws more than a, ship's cable. W. CORBOULD, Aovn a. L. s)ICKINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Nates. Women and weather are not to be trusted. Choose neither a wife not' linen by candlelight. A woman may be loyal to love, but never to lovers, 1Vonlan is a curious creature with long hair and short ideas. Woman is a guitar, the sweetness if wllosc tone depends upon the Dress neatly ----some men foolishly playel'. suppose the harder up they look the, ITe who has a handsome wife or more sympathy they will receive. It a castle on the fonder is never with. is just the reverse. out fear, A silent plan is never interesting, . i ig Al net er attractive, :net er Copular, `3.nc� i shopkeeper who does not advertise Usually shares elle same tette, Impure blood is an enetny so health and may loadito serious disease.. Iheel a Sarsaparilla 'conquers (hie enemy and averts Bangor. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE hATE Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet cent with privilege Ot paying et the end of any vest.. Not. and accounts collected. R.on.T. PdeINDOO. Boaver Block Wiutrham, Ont Wm. Doherty, of Stratford, dropp: ed dead while consulting a doctor in Wood bridge About One half of the population of Greece are agriculturists and shepherds. mill agi ED da "t gg 'f; Made a well ,`1' ���Man of w 5 dsDAP° Tux BnBAT HiNDOO REMEDY rnonuofa TIIE AL09n Hestrftedr, HO/tatts. Cores all Nervous Diseases. 2'ailturrMen^o,y Paresis Sieeplassnosa, Ni,htls Emis- sions, etc„ cause1 by Peet abuses, given: vigor and size to nhrnnken organs and quickly Ion.enrelq restores .t.oet Mar..�r nod ie. old or mono. !Leeds carried in vest hoikot.Pek e$1.Orin):'ubart. Six for te.00settla a, o-1ftea O,rarane,r• t,, e..,', pt ,honey •reftincted. DD.:* ,c tics bu Insist no having TNDAPO. if roar tiro .. he. nes cot it, wo wlll Relict ft rrrpald. nid000 fl[ 51r:� . ` rr+r,, Chir • . '.. ChI i,ol,n's Corner r'riv Sto'•e, \Vi);ghan„ Out. 00, GRAND 1RUNIi RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed Londou and South Kincardine iB1AVT ARRIVE 6 50 a. m 3 05 p. in 3 30 m 10 3; p rn 855 •9m 305pm 6 53 a rn 1110 it ni 38('pm 800pIn 11 l0a rn 6 50a m 330pn1 330pm 1025pm 83.0am AGENTS: II. B. ELLIOTT, PROrnnt'rOR AND PUBLISHER. yR F. IL RAT,BPLEISCir, PHYSICL;N, SUR - 1), GEL N, AND IeeUl;t;tIBUR. Snrreseoi to 14, W. 0; oh it nit S:NL' ONT. 1st Clays Ilruor Graduate of the Universities of Ttiiity (rote to) Queen s (liirngston). and of Trin- ity Medical College ; fallow of Trinity Medical Cullegea„a Men bur of the Coilegeef'Physicians. and Surgeons of Ontario. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and 013)03•;;0 1400 Special attention paid to diseases of Lye Ear Nose and Throat and Diseases of tl'onion. Connulta+ion 1u Plugiisn and Gerona 4'( t atart•It ttuatnd Sacco: sr 'thy in alk its turns. • VANSTONE, BAEOLOTER, isuLIOITOR, Etc.. Private c.nd Company funds to loan at low est rate. interest. No commission charged, Mortgages, town and farm property bou¢rit and boli OFFICE—Boavor Black %LNoli's. J. A. NORTON n 111&ISTEIt, stc., \tIngluen•, (int. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTE1t, ETC. a0LIOITOlt'1'O BANE OF' HAMILTON. tionaV 10. LOAN. 011ice-11 over Block. \6ing)iatri ,1 • G. OAMMERON, BAR SISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e,' Unice—Corher Iianrilton and et. Andtew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. Gamma, ONTARIO. • ENT1STHY.—J. S. J Fitual L, L. 0. 51.01 IsomAllt ]s dianutaetur fleet -clubs sets Of teeth as uncap as they eau be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pair,, by his new process, guaranteed l,urte,tly safe. OJ!'FICE: In ,the Beaver Block, olepo.ito the Briniswiok Douse. J UHN HATCH -IS - -- Boole busbies-. is Let Ler 1hau for 'Serra pest ; also L INSURANCE ACi✓NT have better a, d faster ectliug hooks. Aueutsciear- ing iron 1310 to ;90 weekly, A tote lenders are : .. __... -_,._ . . _ TARIOI . • Queue V•ntoriu” ; "Lite of Mr. 'Gadsto,e," "3iy Mother's Bible Stories" '•lh'osressho Speaker," f")DEANS, .11t., tttNin:tat, •'Illnudike Gold Field," "woman,' "01111 pyre nt 3 . tim ['newel," "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper." Books on time Lln>,SEL A!J0TIUNNUL, . • GENERAL \i•rN1BAae, ON BR:iULLY•OAIII(ETSO\ CO3rPANY Llama!), A:) R Toronto, I+loderato. OF 1' 00UN. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges WINGII AM -ti:: (JOUST! STEAM PUMP ORKS porre. 7 sac nv v imitations are dange'rons. 1Priee, No,. 1, $1 per box, Nos m,10 degrees Stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two ••el'nt stamps The Cook Company Windsor Ont. responsible Druggistid 3 3. Gsnada. recommended �y all 116,1 and No. 2 for Nate by (:,)lin .1. l:reiple.11, brnug:9t Cook's Cotton Root Compound. mow successfully used monthly by over 000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your dru ist for Coke Cotten Rot Cele- tyaxfler ns al! Mi;tures pilld and Haven;!' purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am how prepared : to supply the public with Wood %xuul Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Troia Cylinders, Galrraniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns. W ter Tronglis, Siilekzs. B ILs,Fipe Fitting, 1Ve11 Di ging and everything in ami - neo ton with water supplies. Galvaulized Steel Windmills for power and pumping in water. ut g P p Deep \ Well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parte writing for information or ordering by mad should always state depth of $moll. All w0rle guaranteed or no sale. C.. MORNI'l'T'GSTAR Il."v 140 Winghum, Ont' J 011N CUR1tI.h, ii'iOunau, car., LICENSE!) AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farrar Stocic and Patin Iulplenueota specialty. All orders left at the Tusks( ollfee protubt1t mitosis ed to: Terre reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S 0 Camp Calcdorda, No. 41, meets G.—the filet vst iil)rtevu•Sminim, 0 i llowsnal,Visiingbreraron %velerm. J. Murray, Chief.' 1) Stew. art itee,.-See . WANTED Yount; mon 3311 0011100, Or ardor once ` It sties y uung in spirit, of undoabted char.:etur, good talkers, ambitious and industrious, cult find tulploy neem in a good cause with 840 pet month ,unl upwards according t0 abi.lty. RLP. T. S, LINtSCUTT, TOao\TC, VI ANTED. Seton 00ierwriters. hslaty or eoannissirn, to Sill able pt:rsens. A1,V'ERTISiat, tiulical BuiW[rg, Toretito: WANTED. Men and Woman who run work hard talking and writing six hours daily torah: days rt w.ek and mill be c nutent hwit ton dollars weekly. Add revs : NEW 11)E.ts Co , Tonoaro, WANTED Taacbrrs cud othrr lits flit )nen fo: tn'•atiiu, or p';rinanently to 3011011 for '•U 1,131.0 An RIle') rlo,'sud a Of the ("penury, )o Five Royal quarto volumes, No delitetine. Cnntnrissi011 paid weekly, i,lsarovr P(sttau[atl Co, JOB PRINTING, INObUDLNG Rooks, Pamphlets, restore, 1111 Heads, Oircuinre. Ore., kc., executed in the beet style et the art, at moderatonidal and en abed notice. Apply or address P ' n, n. ELLIOTT. T use elllee, Wiughat>tl BOOKBINDING. We are pleased 10 announce that any hook! DI iilagazlues tuts with us toe Binding, it'nl have otic 1.ronptattention.. Prides for Binding in any ety'1e will be given on aoulicatlon o the Taus 0itloa -