The Wingham Times, 1898-07-08, Page 66
TUE WIN tU LAM '.LIMES, el lJ,LY 8, 1898«
adiugk'am two
before the convention. clause by
clause, and after a very spirited
discussion the: committees report was
-^-�-- --., '—-' -"• ' adopted and the pruuecedings were
eleID AY, JULY +, I8° 8. hroght to a close by appointing. R.
W. McKenzie who bad so ably tilled
PROHIBITIONISTS' WORK. the chair. delegate to the prohibition
convention to be field in Toronto,
3I:E l:t)NVENTIO:: .tT Ia.:Nn•ixx(1N. July 5th and title, and naming the
organization the West Huron Plebi-
A most entfusiastie gathering of seise l Heol;.
temperance workers met in Dun-
gannon on Tuesday, June `28th, to BABY i;litGEiTNES S
organize the west riding of Huron'
for t°le conning plebiscite campaign. So In fades when Diurrhu'a seizes on the
littla (aero, T)r. ho+tilers' Itistraut of
R. W. McKenzie, of Goderich, was vY fid Strawberry, has sitywi many fn -
appointed to the chair, and Win. fonts' as Is ell as,!dults'lives, Mrs. W.
Bailie, of the Nile, acted as secretary Walters, Richmond Street, Hamilton,
of the convention. It was moved c Out., Says : "I cured my baby of a bad
that the delegates adjourn to meet f attack of t hulerii, by using llr. 1''uwlers
E.etract of wild Strawberry. Nothing
agai^.7th 1.31) 0 clock, else did any good, but the baby unpruv-
At the opening of the afternoon I ed from the first dose of the Wild Straw -
session the Clinton delegation ar- ° berry."
rived, when 31r. Scott made and
earnest an stirring speech, explain -1 Cure For Dyspepsia.
hag that tete temperance people were I "I know of two little water cures
facing a foe; well organized, en- 9 which go far toward relieving a dys•
trenched be,hind strong fortifications, f peptic feeling and establish a healthy
and that the energies of the workers i condition of the digestive organs,"
would be needed to bring out the ? writes a physician. -The first con
cote, There was a feeling that pro Isists in—simply drinking plenty of
bibition could not be carried out as :cold water in the morning before
it should be. There was a financial I dressing or breakfasting. The water
phase of the question. It will be , should be boiled and filtered ((in fact
our duty, said the speakor, to answer :an water should be boiled and filter -
even our own friends and to show ed these days)—and it should not be
that if a people can afford to squand- I iced. It should be taken at least one
er w-10,000,000 in strong drink per I hour before the morning meal.
annum, it surely should not give our • Water taken with the meals is not
Finance Ministers very much trouble 1 mood advice for the llealthieet woman
to find $7,000,000 revenue, when ;and be the woman who is prone to
that money is spent in legitimate :dyspepsia it should be strictly ta-
'ways. Every one who wants to booed. This matutional glass of
help in this fight must be prepared' cold water prevents thirst at the
to count the cost. Once putting our , breakfast table by refreshing and
band to the plough let anyone be- cleansing the system before the meal
ware of turtling back. The workers !arrives.
in this movement must make the . "Another excellent cure results
liquor traffic feel, as it was said by 1 from hot water taken before a heavy
one of old when speaking of St. Pauli meal, One cup is the usual amount
and his workers, that "they are the; and should be hot enough to be pal -
nen who turn the world upside I arable, while not sufficiently hot to
down," that the temperance workers 1 scald. Lakewarn water produces
are those sti ho turn the liquor traffic 1 nausea. The water is not sweeten -
upside down. led or flavored in any way but is
The following gentlemen and I slowly sipped from a teaspoon.
ladies were nominated by the chair -1 "Twenty minuets or a half an
Tman to be a nominating committee: { h'lnr before each meal is the rule in
Mr. Scott, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Young, I this watei cure. Taken with the
Mr. Lewitt, Mr. Elford, Mr. Brothers, lineal, it would be una ble to set the
Mr. Duff, Mr. Hiles, Mrs. Acheson digestive organs to rights and pre -
and Mrs. McGillicudy, who, after pare them to receive the food—the
meeting in the library of the hall, i purpose for which it is taken.
nominated the following officers : 1 "A dyspeptic subject should. never
President, Mr. James Scott, Clin-- i indulge in water at the ice low point
ton ; vice president, 1?. Eif'ord, I of temperature. It should be cooled
11olmesvifle; sec.-treas., A. T. Coop - !to a reasonable point in order to be
er, Clinton. The officers and the; palatable and refreshing. But this
chairman of each municipality shall lean be arrived at by placing your
constitute the executive. Tile fel- I decanter close to the iec for a very
lowiegentlemen were selected as f few moments. In fact, the less
chairmen of each municipality : . liquid of any kind taken with food
fiodericli, R. W. McKenzie ; Clin- i the better. Even the cup which
ton, Geo. Swallow ; Dungannon, J. cheers but not inebriates is better
Etothers ; Goderich Tp., J. Yeo ; Au- relegated to the pretty tea table in
burn, J. Young ; Ashfield, II. M. the reception room. Every woman
Duff ; Colborne, Jos. Hetherington ; suffering from d.yspeptie troubles
E. Wawanosh, A. Carr ; W. Wawa- should try these two receipts for a
nosh, Jos. Washington. water cure. They are among the
The following recommendations sinlpiiest, cheapest and easiest
were submitted by the nominating known."
committee :
1. Resolved that in the event of a
political contest prior to the plebis
cite vote, the candidates be pledged
to support prohibition in the House
:.'. That the executive make an
estimate as to what suns shall be
requires arid apportion it to the diff
ferent mnnieipalities.
i. That the secretary receive some
a •enumeration for his services, said
amount to be fixed by the executive
and that all expenses incurred by
Jany officer of the association be paid
out, of the general fund.
4. That ton organizers be secured
for the riding.*.
The recommendation$ werebronght
isso�w`>�°ee I" ILLS
The Greatest of all Liver,
Stornach and Blood Medicines.
Rheumatism, Gout and
Chronic Complaints.
They Cleanse and Purify the
..All Dritggigts and
General I) eat I er .
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure
Anfnmia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Paipitatinn, Thruuning,Faint
Spells, Dizziness, or any condition ar-
rising frt.In Impoverished Blood, Dis-
ordered Nerves. ur Weak Heart.
Don't forget that education is the
gateway to all reform.
Don't stand around barefooted
waiting for dead men's shoes.
Don't think a bluff is a good sub.
stitute for an education.
Don't forget that smart men ean
learn many things from fools.
Don't believe that a woman be-
lieves all a man believes she believes.
Don't think a dog is a dentist be-
cause he occasionally inserts teeth.
Don't think for a minute that a
reran really wants but little here be-
Don't forget that you ought to be
thankful for a great many things
you haven't got.
Don't expect to make a gond re-
putation in spending your time in
contradicting lies.
Don't neglect to pay for your
paper until forced by a guilty con-
science and a lawyer's letter.
No cyclist's kit is complete without a
bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Can be
taken internally or used externelly.Cuts,
'Bites, Sore Threat. barns in the Chest,
Bruises. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs
fete., it is always effectual. Has no
equal as an all round remedy.
There is one little maxim
'1'hnt tem I will name,
Which may bring what is better
Than riches or fume,
heed it
Ail those who will
t,00d appetite and,
Strong nerves, rosy cheeks
And vigor of mind.
It will banish dyspepsia,
Rheumatics anti gout,
That Tired Feeling conquer,
Drive scrofula out.
And here is the minim -
Its wisdom Is sure. -
Take lluod'8 Sarsaparilla
And keep your blood pure.
(.tete Humor. SAIIISATEI SERVICES. I • • ,ti �i 4 1 l •t
,:r , c
I )��
' There feat well authenticated story 1I. llit)J)IM1 Rev. I r. T , I
of an epitaph which, after recording.
th() n hit's agtgl curl deaths of an old
Rhin on hire wife eoucludes with the
lacoriie words, 'their waifitlo is end-
ed' How a crusty old bechehn• or
an unhappy benediet would chuckle
over that suggestive inscription ! An-
other story Is toed of an epitaph over
a inurtlered missionary, which ran
somewhat sty follows : 'In memory
of - , missionary, who was
treacherously l e
l o s murdered r d 'his no -
l c b�
Drinking. tive servant, 'Well done thou good
, I ` ) fitiGsle tttS• +� Z �• •�
— faithful ecru' t '
When it ie. considered that the
body is made up largely of water, it
can readily be understood how lm.
portant to health is a constant sup-
plp of fluid. I11a.ny people have a
notion that the drinking of water in
any amount beyond that actually
necessary to quench thirst is injur•
ious and acting on this belief they
endeavor to drink as littl as pos.
siblo. The notion, however, is wide
of the truth. Drinking freely of pure
water is a most efficacious means of
restoring it when failing.
All the tissues of the body need
water, and water in abundance i:,
also necessary for the proper per-
formance of every function. Clean-
liness of the tissues within the body
is as necessary to health and com-
fort as cleanliness of the skin, and
water tends to insure one as truly as
it ds'es the other, It dissolves the
wa.,te material, which would other
wise collect on the body, and re
moves it in the various seerei,ions.
The waste materials are often actual
poisons, and many a headache, many
rheumatic pains and aches, many
sleepless nights and listless days and
many attacks of the "blues ' are due
solely to the circulation in the blood
or deposits in the tissues of these
waste materials, which cannot be
got rid of because of an insufficient
supply of water.
Water is is acused of making fat
and people with a tendency to cor-
pulence avoid it for that reason. But
this is not strictly true. It does me
duubtedl) increase the weight, but
it does so because it improves the
digestion and therefore more of the
food eaten is utilized and turned in
to fat and flesh. But excessive fat,
what we call corpulence is nota sign
of health but of faulty digestion and
assimilation, and systematic water
drinking is often employed as a
means of reducing the superflous fat,
whieh it sometimes does with aston-
ishing rapidity: --Truth.
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used fur over fifty years by mil•
lions of mothers fir their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
iemedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-five ants a
bottle. Its value is incalu..ble. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
Scotch Humor.
etery a widow has
tombstone of her
fool, this night thy
{ of thee,"
An old gentleman is recorded to
have emerged gloriously from the
difficulty propounded by a canny lit-
tle urchin in the Sunday school, who.
when "Jacob's Ladder" was under
consideration, wanted to know if "all
angels had wings ;" and when an-
swered in the affirmative, proceeded:
"Weel, what dict they want tae he
climhin' up an' doon a ladder for?"
A gleam came into the old Scotch -
man's eye as he resp' nded pawkily:
"Neel,. my laddie, it's gey like the
angels were on the pouffe (molting),
Raving missed one of his students
for several Sundays, he said to one of
her relatives - 'I haena seen yeer
ct'usin 13ell at the class for a lr,ng
while. Re ken it's her duty to at,
tendthe school. Whaur has .she
gaen?" "I canna very tell ye that,
meenister," was the coutious reply,
"but she's deed.
Scotehmen are sometimes vert
funny when they joke, but some or
those grim old sons of the Covenant
are even more humorous when they
pray. In an old volume published
in Edinburgh in 103, entitled
"Scottish Presbyterinn i,lrquence,' is
to be found the fallowing notice:
"Mr. Areskin prayed in the Iron
Kirk last year: "Lord have mercy
on all fools an' idiots, and particular
on the Magistrates of Edinburgh.”—
The Arena.
Mr. W. Franks, in charge of the Grand
Trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover. Ont.
shy :—"Four boxes ot f)oan's Kidney
Pills cured me of a very bad attnolt of
TCidaey Complaint and Lame Bank,
In a tn D 11 i
1'11 CLi l
inscribed on the
husband, `Thou
soul is rC(lllli•etl
t•:.otY 4. s� ii it "+ ,a
The Imperial Bank of Canada will
shortly open a branch of its bank in
Southeast liooteuay. It will be lo
cacti either at Wardner or Fort
The stomach, head and heart of
the bite John Boyd, wtio died i i the
Northwest, the result, it was alleged,
of a kick from a horse, have been
forwarded from Elora, where the
remains were in;el'recl, to Toronto
fur analysis. Poisoning is suspect-
lJu. A. W. Crust: SeNDIXO FREE ADvIL'yl
Snffere:•s are at I ib rty to ilorrespnd
v±h the Absve Address and will
Obtain Full. Particulars Re-
gard. ng the Great Ogre.
Centlemen,—My wife was most terri-
bly afflicted with protruding piles, and
contemplated a surg!cut opetr.ti'sn. A
friend of ours recommended the u<e cf
Dr, Chase's I/in ttr,0nt, and less (h'u'
one box effected a complete cure. We
trrre so pleased with the iintm.nt that
I tried it myself, as I have been
trot:bled wit': an unsightly skin atilic-
t[l.n which coveted the lower part of
my face. •
For 23 years I suffered untold agony,
and was treated by the best medical
shill in the United States. I consider
Dr. Chase's Ointment worth its weight
in gold for piles and skin disease. _
Dr. Chase's large -size recipe book,
cloth -bound, sent to any address on
,eceipt of 50 cents, by addressing Dr.
Yhase's Company, Toronto or Buffalo.
S. Y.
Made a well
Man of
IVDA 0 -'42N,
PnonVCee Tum ♦nOTn
Resorts (n 300 days. Carne
nil Nerroue Diseases, Failing Memory
Paresis. 8leepleesnes4, Nightly Ernie
sions.eto.,envied by past abuses, gives
visor *ad also to shrunken organ. and quickly but
sely restore,+ Lose Manhood to old or young.
kas/ir carried in rest pocket. Price:XJ.00 n package'
Bit for +)l6.I O wit* a wr iPta. U,w ran ter rn e,, re of
N*643#y re18001e0. ItowT nAIT Art IMITATION, bu.
boast on having INDAPO. it your drag.dsa hn, not
NO, it.
teenYCO ,Pe. Chic'n "' "• Jnr ' •'.
Chieholu s i;o,tier 1 rig Sto-o, %%Inghm,., Ont.
RCook's Cotton Root ,Compound
Ts successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
druggist for Cock's Cellos Rae: CeRl-
mitstions see dengcorons, I'rriset,No, pills
box, Ne.1,10 degrees Stronger, fe per box. No.
I or 3. ensiled en receipt ot price find two $-gent
etampe The (look Company Windsor, tint.
responsible Druggists ' n Caanadamended by all
No.1 and No, 3 for sate by Colin A. Crdr► hell,
o;. Services at 11, a in and i p in. - A
PItt $HS J'1;It.EAN --lieu. 1). Porrie I • 4,1 -is Pc0a811ED
in t r 'i('f vn'es •tt 11 Ir In fled 7 p M.
Lowe, rector. Sorvo'es at 11 a tit ilud t I 3'
1W[S(:01'•1L, St. Paul's---I1ev. Win. EW:l;ItY 1:'RII)AY M0RNIN(a
p In.
BAPTIST - Rev. Jas. Hamilton, pas-
tor. Services at 11 n fn and 7 p m
C:oNtxltl';c1ATIUNAIt 1t&,v, li. • E,
Masnn, pastor. Services at 11 il.'-rn and
Outrinll and Look in ta,tnwifnd, Services
at p as and 8 p m,
5t rVT[0N $1MY-Adjutant Miles
and wife in command. Eervtees fit 11 it.
Y1 li p ni,
' .
In ouraP the above nftrnnd churches
Sobb'th School is hula tit '2,30 a in.
1i'IN(iHAM, ONT&I1I0. :Sub,sortpttorspri,ce, $l per year, in advg foe
i` tijust 1 1 yr. t o in t J'u . j -1 wo•
One Column 80400 00 $40 00
hall 40 00 2 1 00
(toe o r, SO 00 12 00
I 00 00
1 Legal aid r Cher casual adtr rtise,ne,r1. S'• per ine
for first Lcstrtron.and 3c per Hoe toreacl,snt3equent
ilf'terte il. Sle cured by i oaparafi ssa►e.
t.oc ti ,rotleuN lar. PEC Ui,e for 11141 ineertfon, and
5". pot linef;,r:.,ahsubsequent ,ii crttrr.
i and Buainl es Chances %Vented, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, el for first month, and 50c, for each
tIlb'±equeilt ,;loath.
tluuaed and Forma for Sale, not exceeding 8 ane..
O. for list month, 50e. per subsequent month,
burger lulvertiaements in l,roportian.
These ft mot will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger adrertisca::a.ts, or or
longer periods.
' Advertisements and local notices without specific
directions, will lie inserted till forbid and charged
accordingly. Trat.s,tvr, advertisements must bo
peed 111 ancone(.
Chal:gesi for contract advertisements most be in
the oitiee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
that week
Psora,r.Tos. Aso Pasustian
Reim. Afer, Wood's Eioilphodin9,
The Great En!/tisk Remedy,
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reit.
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure al
forms of Sexual Wealcness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will "lease
rix wilt cure. Pamphlets free to nny address.
Who Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell
$ 00
e3 00
1 '0 00,
7 J0300
z 00 � 1 00
BAN K of H A
Capital, 5'1,250,000. Reit, 5775,000
President -•Jour 0iicic'r.
Vice -President -A. G. RA,tsAS.
DITtt.nCT. o,RS
Joys Paoeroa. Geo. ROACH, WM Glsso,, ti P, A. T.
Worm, A. B. Les (Toronto).
Cashier -J, TORNBULL.
Savings Bank-ITours,10 to 8; Saturdays 10 to
Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of it.:rest.
Drafts ct, Great Britain and the United State.
bought and sold
E. L. 1)IO ELN SUN, Solicitor.
Medley to Loan on Notes,
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pe, centwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
trod accounts colleted.
Seaver Block Winehaln, Ont
6 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m
3 30p m 10 25 p m
855•tm 305pm
6 53 a to 11 10 a m
3 3('p m 8 00p In
11 10a in G 50a m
3 30 p nl 3 30 p In
1025pm 830am
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London ane[ South
Li GE:1, Nu 1Ctt,ttl,k R.
S"cce.+9or to Dr, ti . Utah 10 hi1,t'6SELS ONT.
fat Class honor Uraduate of 'the Universities of
Trinity Iroro. t.,) Il ieerl s (liingt.t611). and of Trin-
ity Medical College ; Fellow el Trinity Medical
College and Sien.ber of the Collette t f Pilvsicianry
and Surgeons of Ontario. foot Graduates Course i"
Detroit 1111(1 (.hic.go 13915 astentv,,, paid
to diseasei. of Eye Etc Nose and Threa and
Diseases of Women. (:cn,utt„t,inu to t nglisn and
German 2o; Catarrh tiettvd suet:esti'uliy •in all
its forms.
Private snd Company funds to Ioau a1 lowest rate
interest. No commission chargee. Mortp.ages, town
and fare property bought and sled
iOFFICE-Beaver Block Waunts.t.
Office -Meyer Murk Sl Ingham
'1j..i • G. CAMERON,
Office -Corner Hamilton and M. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne hotel.
T1E' T1ST1iY.-J. 8.JtiRoMs, L. D. S„w aans4t
_„ le diatiutacdur dret•ela.s ..ens of
41m• teeth be wade
it the inion. as t Te th taextr ctc3
absolutely without pal:, by hos new
proems, guaranteed pette.tly. safe.
OFFICE: in the it ver Block, oyi o.ite the
Brunsuiuk House
Book bushes. is better th:.Lfor years past ; also .GENERAL (NM:RANCE AGENT
11a10l ntree uad taster selling books. Agentselear• N•,5uyax,
Mg trout SIO to •S40 weekly. .8 few lenders ((11 : 0\TAEIo.
queen 1'•etnria'• • ''Lite of Sir, Uadstube,” ••1fy "LL�"""'--- ,_••
flasher's alible Stories” `••Progre•site Speaker." D DEANS. Jk•%VirtOoAn,
•'Ithealike 11 old F•iehl," "Nome,," "Glia pees nt
the Unseen,' "Breakfast, Rinner, Supper." nooks
no time. LICENs51.1 AIJeI2.10,NEER
BRADLEY -OAR RETSON et/M1',1.\ , Lisi rku, OF 11O1tt1V.h
A GOfl1OAT Tarr
(laving purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel'Showers, I am now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron Force. and
Lift 1 antics, lliras% and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Sinks.
BflsthM,Kafue .Fitting. Well
Digging and everytbang in con-
nection with water supe;'es.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a spec'ialitz.
Repairing promptly attendee to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mall should :always state
depth of well.
All work guaranteed or no sa.e.
Bev 140 Wit .,arm Ont.
Moderate.Salesattended in any part of the Co. Chargcir
Sales of Farm Sto.:k and Farm In,prernects
All orders►M't at the Torsos office promt,tly adten,is
ed to. Terra reasonable.
tweetsS• O• S•titelt ndtrd:Monday In
esery month, 01 .tie Odd Fr Noss Ital.. Visiting'
bretii,wi weletu'• J. )furs+. Chief. D Stet.
art arv�-Ser
WANTED Yongy 111101111112aui„iae, oofr uonlddeorueO
1004 talkers, anlhitbtus and industrious,
CUL fold employ ;tient in ,111:1)0 t t'aOse. with we per
month uhd upealds avcordi,.0 to abi.ity,
g RRRV. T. 5, LIN50c)I' , ToaoSio-
Bac en order writers. Sala y or Ctinutissian to wit
ale.e t,l•rd0l,a.
+t.dtc(1 Building, Toronto.
Mci and SVmpen oho can work il.,rd talking and
aiding six bourn dally for ,ii t1..+s aa.1k and will
1.a smitten: bait ten dollars tleekl. ,
Address :
:'SW IDL`AS Cu , Te1101170,
WANTEDcTareoachtemeoarnird1rOitnhaneUrnrgtio,t 9o11let for
nada; .511 Line) e10i'ardia of the Coiu,trv, iu Ilse l
I.' a1 quarto °Mines. No delivering. Commission
d 0111.1,, l.L st8 T PCle,19111x0 Co
.. __... -. Tonono.
\c'LULINO nooks, Pamphlets, Porkers, B I
art stat moderato prices, eand on in h best
ao•tee Apply or address
11, 0. 1:LLIOTT,
T axe OI lee, Winghiim
^,idea lett i itii ue ttte rltBind ng, will hove our
prompt attention, Prices for Bindingit, any Os le
,s13 be sit en on applleatton o the Tom Office